GSM101116 EDGE Evolution

> Providing mobile internet everywhere with EDGE Evolution

Transcript of GSM101116 EDGE Evolution

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> Providing mobile internet everywhere with EDGE Evolution
© Ericsson AB 2009 | Ericsson Internal | X (X) | Date
Welcome to this tutorial on EDGE Evolution. My name is David Bladsjö and I am a strategic product manager for GSM RAN responsible for GPRS/EDGE related functionality.
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> Introduction
Why learn about EDGE Evolution
Ericsson has a unique position
Large installed base of GSM
Most of it is EDGE Evolution prepared
You have a large sales value if we succeed with EDGE Evolution
© Ericsson AB 2009 | Ericsson Internal | X (X) | Date
Why do you need to learn about EDGE Evolution?
Ericsson has a unique position when it comes to the future proofness of GSM. We have a huge installed base of GSM, and most of it is EDGE Evolution prepared. If we succeed in selling EDGE Evolution, you have a large sales value to capture. Not only in the direct sales of EDGE, but also from keeping market share and reduce risk of swap out situations.
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Scope and objectives
Know the benefits of EDGE Evolution
What does EDGE Evolution bring to the customer
Terminals for EDGE Evolution
© Ericsson AB 2009 | Ericsson Internal | X (X) | Date
The objectives with this module is to learn why your customer needs EDGE Evolution and for you to know the benefits of EDGE Evolution.
The scope of the module covers
- Why is EDGE Evolution needed
- What does it bring to the customer, and finally the very important part of
- terminals for EDGE Evolution
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> Overview
Providing mobile internet everywhere with EDGE Evolution
Why is EDGE Evolution needed
What does EDGE Evolution bring
Terminals for EDGE Evolution
© Ericsson AB 2009 | Ericsson Internal | X (X) | Date
The module has been divided into three parts, Why is EDGE Evolution needed, what does EDGE Evolution bring and Terminals for EDGE Evolution.
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> Why is EDGE Evolution needed?
© Ericsson AB 2009 | Ericsson Internal | X (X) | Date
Why is EDGE Evolution needed
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GSM & EDGE a global success
+700 networks in +200 countries
GSM grow with >40 M/month
More than 4 billion subscribers
+500 EDGE networks
© Ericsson AB 2009 | Ericsson Internal | X (X) | Date
To understand why EDGE Evolution is needed, we must start with looking at the global success of GSM and EDGE today.
(1)On a global basis, there are today more than 700 networks in over 200 countries running GSM service. It is by far the largest mobile standard and is deployed in almost every country. (2)There are over four billion subscribers in GSM, corresponding to approximately 80% of all mobile subscribers
(3)Although 3G networks are expanding there is still a tremendous growth in GSM, adding more than 40 million subscribers every month on a global basis.(4)EDGE has been enabled in more than 500 GSM networks globally and is today more or less a standard capability of any GSM network.
(5)Thanks to the enormous size of the GSM network and the large amount of subscribers, GSM will live side by side of WCDMA and LTE for many years to come. Today it is acknowledged by most operators that GSM will live beyond 2020, which is currently driving modernization of old GSM equipment.
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Mobile access coverage
2G-3G coverage gap
Large 3G investment needed to reach 2G geographical coverage and today GSM covers 5 times more area than WCDMA
© Ericsson AB 2009 | Ericsson Internal | X (X) | Date
The coverage aspect is another factor for keeping a modern GSM network capable of EDGE and in the future
enhanced with EDGE Evolution.
This graph show an example of coverage for an European operator. The light blue curves show GSM coverage, solid line is the population coverage and the dashed line is the geographical coverage. The dark blue lines is the corresponding coverage for the WCDMA network. As you can see, the GSM network has full population coverage since long time back, it is in the order of 98%. However, just covering where people lives is not sufficient, so the geographical coverage for GSM are constantly being improved and are today in the order of 85%.
WCDMA coverage has been built out the last 8-10 years or so. In this case it was relatively quick to cover 75% of the population, which took some 5-7 years. Today the population coverage is good, in the order of 85%. However, the geographical coverage is only in the order of 35%. (1)It is obviously a large coverage gap between GSM and WCDMA, which is a large driver for keeping a modern GSM network capable of EDGE to get best possible fall back from WCDMA.
(2)To build out WCDMA to equal geographical coverage is in many cases not possible to motivate economically since the network load in these sparsly populated areas are low. A large 3G investment is needed to reach the same geographical coverage, and on a global scale, GSM today covers 5 times larger area than WCDMA. This relation will not change for many years.
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EDGE enables mobile Internet – everywhere
Nationwide Mobile Internet enabled by cost-efficient software upgrade
© Ericsson AB 2009 | Ericsson Internal | X (X) | Date
So where does EDGE and EDGE Evolution provide an added value in relation to LTE and WCDMA/HSPA?
(1)LTE will initially be deployed in metropolitan areas and dense urban areas where the capacity demand is large. (2) WCDMA has in many countries been built out for several years and typically cover urban and suburban areas.
(3)Since GSM already has a very large coverage in most countries, adding EDGE to this network instantly give a nation wide coverage. This has been done already by most GSM operators. From our experience an EDGE operator has in average activated EDGE in 85% of its GSM cells. Enhancing this EDGE network with EDGE Evolution is only a matter of software upgrade since all EDGE capable base stations are also capable of EDGE Evolution. This mean that nation wide Mobile Broadband coverage is possible with a BSS release upgrade and feature activation.
(4)There are also advantages in the areas covered by WCDMA and LTE already. In the dense urban areas the indoor coverage is improved by having EDGE and EDGE Evolution as a fall back. The spectrum utilization within GSM is improved, meaning that more data users can be served with existing equipment and spectrum. Same thing is valid in the suburban areas, where in addition the good coverage of EDGE Evolution mean that 3G/LTE can be flexibly rolled out where there is a capacity demand.
(5)EDGE Evolution therefore provide nationwide Mobile Broadband complement by a very cost efficient software upgrade.
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legacy HW are prepared for EDGE Evolution
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
RBS 200
RBS 2x02
RBS 2x16
RBS 2x06
EDGE and EDGE Evolution capability on all cabinets since 1995
RBS 6000
© Ericsson AB 2009 | Ericsson Internal | X (X) | Date
EDGE Evolution is about utilizing equipment already rolled-out more efficiently. Ericsson has a unique position since EDGE Evolution is supported on any EDGE capable basestation. The oldest base station supporting EDGE Evolution is the RBS 2x02, meaning that cabinets as old as 1995 can be enhanced with just a software upgrade. This leads to that EDGE Evolution is a very cost efficient complement to the WCDMA/HSPA network.
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EDGE Evolution for cost efficient coverage
Cost 100
EDGE Evolution at low capacity sites reduce total cost to 60%
© Ericsson AB 2009 | Ericsson Internal | X (X) | Date
To get a feeling for the value of the hardware readiness, lets take this simple example:
Compare the option of building a nation wide WCDMA network to offer mobile broadband and Smartphone capacity with the option of complementing WCDMA with EDGE Evolution.
In the WCDMA only case, lets assume that 100 sites are needed, each having a total cost of one for the RBS, site acquisition, transmission, RNC etc. This give a total cost of 100 to cover the area.
(1)If instead only half of the sites are expanded with 3G, corresponding to a population coverage of 80%, this will of course only cost 50. The remaining sites are then upgraded with EDGE Evolution since the load in these sites are relatively low. Assuming that the total 3G cost per site is 10 times more than an EDGE Evolution upgrade to an existing EDGE network, the remaining sites will cost 5. The total cost is therefore 55 in the combined case. (2)Therefore the total cost can be reduced to approximately 60% of a 3G only investment thanks to EDGE Evolution.
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> What does EDGE Evolution bring?
© Ericsson AB 2009 | Ericsson Internal | X (X) | Date
What does EDGE Evolution bring?
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Significantly enhanced bitrates over GSM
Enhanced end-user data performance for both 2G and 3G subscribers
Increased capacity on existing HW
All with SW upgrades of network
**EFTA: Enhanced Flexible Timeslot Assignment
© Ericsson AB 2009 | Ericsson Internal | X (X) | Date
Let's look at the benefits with EDGE Evolution. As we already mentioned, it enhances performance for both 2G only subscribers and as a fall back to 3G subscribers. It also increase capacity on existing installed EDGE hardware. All with a SW upgrade only to the network.
EDGE Evolution is released in several steps from Ericsson and the first phase give approximately 600 kbps to the end-users. The second step in the order of 1 Mbps, and finally with all enhancements in place up to 1.5 Mbps will be possible.
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Capacity is doubled
Relative spectrum efficiency
© Ericsson AB 2009 | Ericsson Internal | X (X) | Date
The network capacity is doubled with EDGE Evolution compared to EDGE. This graph show the relative spectrum efficiency from each technology. GPRS has a reference capacity of one. EDGE is three times as efficient as GPRS. If “dual antenna terminals” are available in the phones, meaning that the phone is capable of receive diversity and interference cancellation, capacity is increased by 70% from EDGE. Finally, when also 32QAM is added, capacity is more than doubled compared to EDGE. Increased spectrum efficiency lead to that more data can be transmitted in a given spectrum, or that less spectrum can be used which is useful when introducing LTE in the GSM frequency band.
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EDGE Evolution feature Roadmap
*Enhanced Flexible Timeslot Assignment
© Ericsson AB 2009 | Ericsson Internal | X (X) | Date
(1)Let’s look into the feature roadmap. As I already mentioned, EDGE Evolution is released in several steps. Step 1 is already available and contains Dual-Carrier Downlink from BSS G10A and Reduced Latency from 09A. Dual Carrier Downlink enable a single user to have up to 10 timeslots, leading to 592 kbps peak bitrate. The latency is reduced to below 80 ms thanks to the Reduced Latency feature.
(2)In Step 2, two more features are added when BSS G11B is available in May 2011. 16/32 QAM increase bitrate per timeslot to 98.4 kbps, leading to a peak bitrate of 984 kbps if combined with Dual Carrier. In addition, a feature called Enhanced Flexible Timeslot Assignment is introduced which increase efficiency and utilization of the resources with approximately 20%.
(3)Finally in BSS G12A, EFTA is enhanced with support for higher multislot classes, enabling up to 1,5 Mbps.
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Live network performance proven
Up to 150% increased throughput with no additions in capacity
© Ericsson AB 2009 | Ericsson Internal | X (X) | Date
First step of EDGE Evolution which include Reduced Latency and Dual Carrier has been evaluated in several live trials with good results. The graph shown here comes from a customer trial performed mid 2010 in Mumbai, India.
The goal of the trial was to evaluate benefit of EDGE Evolution on existing capacity, so no TRX capacity has been added to the sites. The only modification was to ensure that all sites had 10 EDGE timeslots enabled per cell. The number of dedicated EDGE timeslots was kept the same in order not to reduce available voice capacity.
Three cell sizes are shown here, 3, 4 and 9 TRX. They were evaluated at high and medium voice load. High load correspond to the voice busy hour. An EDGE user typically gets 190-200 kbps in all cell sizes and loads. When EDGE Evolution devices were used, the end-user throughput was approximately 350 kbps during high load, and close to 500 kbps in medium load. (1) It therefore show that EDGE Evolution can deliver much higher end-user bitrates than EDGE without the need to add transceivers to the cells.
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> Terminals for EDGE Evolution
What does EDGE Evolution bring?
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Blackberry Curve 8980
© Ericsson AB 2009 | Ericsson Internal | X (X) | Date
The terminal aspect is very important for EDGE Evolution. So far Ericsson has been working with Research In Motion for early interoperability tests and customer trials. Therefore the Blackberry will be the first commercial phone launched. This Smartphone can be used to launch EDGE Evolution with your customer already now.
However, for a broader launch more than the Blackberry Smartphone is needed. Other mid- and high end devices are needed, as well as USB dongles for Mobile Broadband launch.
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CHIPSET vendors EDGE EVO support
COMMERCIAL availability
Reduced Latency
© Ericsson AB 2009 | Ericsson Internal | X (X) | Date
This is the chipset vendor roadmap. Since the information received from these vendors are under NDA, it is not possible to state any company names here. However, several major players do have EDGE Evolution in their roadmap.
Of the five EDGE Evolution features, each color represent one vendor and when availability is planned. If the circle is dashed, that feature is still a tentative candidate in the roadmap. As we can see it will take until 2012 until there are several vendors with support for EDGE Evolution in the chipset. These chipset can then be used by any phone vendor to build for example a USB modem or similar.
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Terminals key to success
Market interest is large
Secure that your customer talk to terminal vendors today
© Ericsson AB 2009 | Ericsson Internal | X (X) | Date
As has been presented here, the EDGE Evolution technology as such are well proven both in lab and live networks. The technology give good benefits in a real-life situation at a very limited deployment cost for the operator.
The market interest is also very large, with operators in many markets that would like to launch EDGE Evolution now. For some specific markets it will be launched with the Blackberry to start with, however for most markets more device types are needed. Therefore a broader base of terminals are the key to success and at the moment the only show stopper.
In order to secure the EDGE Evolution business for Ericsson, it is very important that your customer approach their terminal suppliers already today and ensure that they get support for EDGE Evolution. Therefore you need to bring this aspect up with your customer when discussing EDGE Evolution.
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> SUmmary
EDGE Evolution – Summary
Improved end-user data performance – up to 1,5 Mbps
Cost efficient coverage - enabled by SW upgrade
Enable Mobile Internet everywhere
Ensure that your customer bring EDGE Evolution demand towards terminal suppliers today
© Ericsson AB 2009 | Ericsson Internal | X (X) | Date
To summarize this module of EDGE Evolution, we have learned that EDGE Evolution can
Double the network capacity and spectrum efficiency
Increase end-user bitrates up to 1.5 Mbps
This is enabled with software upgrade to the EDGE network, no new hardware need to be added to the sites
In all, this enable mobile broadband complement to 3G on a nation wide scale, and improve mobile internet performance for Smartphones
To ensure success of EDGE Evolution, make sure to get your customer to talk to their respective mobile supplier and put EDGE Evolution as a requirement.
Thank you very much for listening to this module, good bye.