GSEF Chairman's 2012 Dinner with the Ambassador of Finland

GSEF Chairman’s Dinner 2012 with His Excellency Mr. Pekka Huhtaniemi (Ambassador of Finland to the United Kingdom) The Global Student Education Forum (GSEF), in collaboration with the Cambridge University Scandinavian Society (ScanSoc), is hosting its annual Chairman’s Dinner on Monday, 27 th February 2012 at the Small Hall, Old Court, Clare College, University of Cambridge. The guest of honour will be His Excellency Mr. Pekka Huhtaniemi, the Ambassador of Finland to the United Kingdom. The dinner will begin at 19:30 and finish at 20:45. Prior to the dinner, His Excellency Mr. Huhtaniemi will be delivering a talk, titled ‘Secrets behind Finland's PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) Success’ at the Bennett Room, Memorial Court, Clare College, University of Cambridge from 18:15 to 19:15. The invitation is extended to all, including those who are not members of Cambridge University. Should you wish to attend the dinner, kindly send a cheque, made payable to ‘Global Student Education Forum’, to Natthapoj Vincent T. (Founder and Chairman of the Global Student Education Forum) at Global Student Education Forum, 119 Parkway, Regent’s Park, London NW1 7PS. Along with the cheque, please give your name and those of any guests you would like to bring, contact details, as well as specifying your choice for each course from our menu (see Page 3). Places are extremely limited, and thus are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. Dress code is black tie. The deadline for your reservation and payment is Friday, 17 th February 2012, and they will be £36 each. For more information, please direct your enquiries to Natthapoj Vincent T. ([email protected]). E vent Programme 18:15 – 19:15 Talk, titled ‘Secrets behind Finland's PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) Success’ by His Excellency Mr. Pekka Huhtaniemi (Ambassador of Finland to the United Kingdom) (Bennett Room, Memorial Court, Library Building, Clare College, University of Cambridge) 19:30 – 20:45 GSEF Chairman’s Dinner (Small Hall, Old Court, Clare College, University of Cambridge) Old Court, Clare College, University of Cambridge


GSEF Chairman's 2012 Dinner with the Ambassador of Finland

Transcript of GSEF Chairman's 2012 Dinner with the Ambassador of Finland

Page 1: GSEF Chairman's 2012 Dinner with the Ambassador of Finland

GSEF Chairman’s Dinner 2012 with

His Excellency Mr. Pekka Huhtaniemi

(Ambassador o f Finland to the United Kingdom)

The Global Student Education Forum (GSEF), in collaboration with the Cambridge University Scandinavian

Society (ScanSoc), is hosting its annual Chairman’s Dinner on Monday, 27th February 2012 at the Small Hall, Old

Court, Clare College, University of Cambridge. The guest of honour will be His Excellency Mr. Pekka Huhtaniemi,

the Ambassador of Finland to the United Kingdom.

The dinner will begin at 19:30 and finish at 20:45. Prior to the dinner, His Excellency Mr. Huhtaniemi will be

delivering a talk, titled ‘Secrets behind Finland's PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) Success’ at the Bennett

Room, Memorial Court, Clare College, University of Cambridge from 18:15 to 19:15. The invitation is extended to

all, including those who are not members of Cambridge University. Should you wish to attend the dinner,

kindly send a cheque, made payable to ‘Global Student Education Forum’, to Natthapoj Vincent T. (Founder and

Chairman of the Global Student Education Forum) at Global Student Education Forum, 119 Parkway, Regent’s

Park, London NW1 7PS. Along with the cheque, please give your name and those of any guests you would like to

bring, contact details, as well as specifying your choice for each course from our menu (see Page 3). Places are

extremely limited, and thus are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. Dress code is black tie.

The deadline for your reservation and payment is Friday, 17th February 2012, and they will be £36 each. For more

information, please direct your enquiries to Natthapoj Vincent T. ([email protected]).

E v en t Programme

18:15 – 19:15 Talk, titled ‘Secrets behind Finland's PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment)

Success’ by His Excellency Mr. Pekka Huhtaniemi (Ambassador of Finland to the United

Kingdom) (Bennett Room, Memorial Court, Library Building, Clare College, University of Cambridge)

19:30 – 20:45 GSEF Chairman’s Dinner (Small Hall, Old Court, Clare College, University of Cambridge)

Old Court, Clare College, University of Cambridge

Page 2: GSEF Chairman's 2012 Dinner with the Ambassador of Finland

Established in 2008, the Global Student Education Forum (formerly known as the ‘Oxford –

Cambridge Education Forum’) is a student-led non-profit initiative, based at the University of

Cambridge. Its ultimate goal is to reduce global education inequality at the higher education

level by making videos of lectures and talks, as given by high-profile speakers, available on

its website ( to interested students world wide free of charge. Almost 30

ambassadors, ministers, deans, CEOs, directors, founders, researchers and headteachers, among other distinguished speakers, have already participated in our project.

A b o u t th e G l o b a l S tu d en t E d u ca t i o n Fo ru m (GSE F)

His Excellency Mr. Pekka Huhtaniemi has served as the Ambassador of Finland to the

United Kingdom since June 2010. His Excellency started his career at the Ministry for

Foreign Affairs in 1972. His previous positions included Finland’s Under-Secretary of State

(External Economic Relations) (2006-2010); Ambassador to Norway (2003-2005),

Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Finland, Geneva (1998-2003), Director General

at the Department for External Economic Relations (1994), Special Adviser to the Prime

Minister on economic and international affairs (1993-1994), Deputy Director General for

multilateral trade and economic issues at the Department for External Economic Relations

(1991-1993), Minister Counsellor and Deputy Permanent Representative to the GATT ,

Permanent Mission of Finland, Geneva (1986-1991), and various roles involving economic

and social affairs at the Permanent Mission of Finland to the United Nations (1983-1986).

Huhtaniemi served as the Head of Cabinet for the first Finnish member of the European

Commission, Mr. Erkki Liikanen, in Brussels between 1995 and 1998. He holds a Master

of Political Science, University of Helsinki, 1971.

A b o u t th e S p ea k er

The Cambridge University Scandinavian Society (Scan Soc) connects hundreds of members

of the university community who share a common interest or in the Nordic countries. The

society provides a meeting place for the many ambitious Scandinavian students who are

studying at Cambridge, but any one is welcome who wishes to learn more about

Scandinavian language and culture. Run entirely by students, the regular social events help

create a strong network among Scan Soc's members.

A b o u t th e C a mb r i d ge U n i v e r s i t y S ca n d i n a v i a n S o c i e ty ( S ca n S o c )

Page 3: GSEF Chairman's 2012 Dinner with the Ambassador of Finland


S t a r t e r s

Pan Seared North Atlantic Scallops with Cauliflower Purée & Beignet, Smoked Bacon and Curry Oil

Irish Goats Cheese Pearls, Tea Poached Pear & Baby Beetroot with Walnuts, Rocket, Vino Cotto Syrup, Toasted Brioche (Vegetarian)

M a i n C o u r s e s

Spiced Pork Fillet, Brawn from Roast Belly & Deep Fried Black Pudding Bon Bon with Anna Potatoes, Carrot Purée, Glazed Apples, Cider Jus

Open Ravioli of Wild Mushrooms

with White Wine and Dill Reduction (Vegetarian)

D e s s e r t s

Chocolate Fondant & Glazed Bananas with Cornish Vanilla Ice Cream, and Chocolate and Hazelnut Crumble

D r i n k s

Sauvignon Blanc Norte Chico 2010

Merlot Norte Chico 2010

Page 4: GSEF Chairman's 2012 Dinner with the Ambassador of Finland

Talk (18:15 – 19:15) Bennet t Room

Memoria l Court Library Bui ld ing

Clare Col l eg e Queen 's Road

Cambridge CB3 9AJ

(Free / No dress code)

Dinner (19:30 – 20:45) Smal l Hal l Old Court

Clare Col l eg e Tr in i ty Lane

Cambridge CB2 1TL

(£36 / Black- t i e )

Car Parking Space A small number of parking spaces at Memorial Court

Page 5: GSEF Chairman's 2012 Dinner with the Ambassador of Finland

GSEF Chairman's Dinner 2010 with Professor Kathleen McCartney (Dean, Harvard Graduate

School of Education) as the special guest speaker. Dinner guests included Deans of British

universities’ Schools of Education.

GSEF Chairman's Dinner 2009 with Tony Little (Head Master, Eton College) as the special

guest speaker. Dinner guests included Heads and Deputy Heads of British schools.

Page 6: GSEF Chairman's 2012 Dinner with the Ambassador of Finland

Professor Kathleen McCartney (Dean, Harvard Graduate

School of Education)

Professor Deborah Stipek (Dean, Stanford University

School of Education)

Professor Susan Fuhrman (President, Columbia University

Teachers College)

Dr. Alan Gillespie (Chair, Economic and

Social Research Council)

His Royal Highness Prince Seeiso (High Commissioner of

Lesotho to the UK)

Tõnis Lukas (Estonian Minister of Education)

Professor Christopher Colclough (founding Director, UNESCO’s Global Monitoring Report on Education for All)

Professor Pamela Munn (President, British Educational

Research Association)

Tony Little (Head Master, Eton College)

Barnaby Lenon (Head Master, Harrow School)

Gill Goodswen (President,

National Union of Teachers)

Brett Wigdortz (Founder and CEO,

Teach First)

Jeffrey Beard (Director-General,

International Baccalaureate Organisation)

Simon Lebus (Chief Executive,

Cambridge Assessment)

Professor Mick Waters (former Director of Curriculum,

Qualifications and Curriculum Authority)

Tony Smith (Director for Education,

Cambridge Education Consultancy)

Steve Beswick (Director of Education,

Microsoft UK)

Charles Kane (President,

One Laptop Per Child)

Phil Baty (Deputy Director,

Times Higher Education)

Ann Cotton (Founder and Executive Director, Campaign for Female Education)