Growth River Executive Breakfast Series

Growth River Executive Breakfast Series © 2012 Growth River LLC, All Rights Reserved Can Your Team Take the Heat? November 2, 2012 – Johannesburg (SA) We all like to think our team is fully optimized and ready for action. Yet how do we know? Learn to take the pulse of your team. Identify the one investment to go to the next level. We have found four key conditions that make a highly effective team inevitable. At any given time, one of these conditions constrains performance. Resolving it is the key to higher sustainable performance. Learn more. QUESTION: Where is your team’s primary constraint? Choose one (IIV). I. Vertical WaysofThinking and Acting The vertical impulse (↑) is the impulse to increase strategic possibilities. The horizontal impulse (→) is to manage risk. For sustained success, the vertical impulse should dominate over time. A successful team culture requires both horizontal and vertical impulses. The right mix is critical as it profoundly affects innovation and the kinds of business models that are sustainable. II. Complete SystemofRoles In a complete systemofroles every key issue and relationship has a dedicated owner with sufficient authority to play their role. Success requires champions who have the authority to innovate and drive performance, and do so interdependently as a team. III. Aligned Strategies Strategies are aligned to the extent that they create competitive advantage across an organization. Competitive advantage is measured by four factors: market potential, scalability, sustainability and return. Any strategy can be evaluated by its contribution to one or more of these factors. In this way, disparate strategies across an enterprise can be compared and integrated. IV. Optimized Workflows A business is a systemofworkflows designed to develop, sell and deliver products and services to customers with the help of partners in order to create competitive advantage. Businesses grow at the speed at which primary constraints are resolved in this workflow. A team that shares this approach – and structures metrics, communication and innovation around it – is capable of acceleration. You are invited to join business leaders in this breakfast session to learn distinctions that will enable you to quickly identify the primary constraint to your team’s effectiveness.

Transcript of Growth River Executive Breakfast Series

Page 1: Growth River Executive Breakfast Series

 Growth  River  Executive  Breakfast  Series  

  ©  2012  Growth  River  LLC,  All  Rights  Reserved      

Can Your Team Take the Heat? November 2, 2012 – Johannesburg (SA)

 We  all  like  to  think  our  team  is  fully  optimized  and    

ready  for  action.  Yet  how  do  we  know?    

Learn  to  take  the  pulse  of  your  team.  Identify  the  one  investment  to  go  to  the  next  level.  

 We  have  found  four  key  conditions  that  make  a  highly  effective  team  inevitable.  At  any  given  time,  one  of  these  conditions  constrains  performance.  Resolving  it  is  the  key  to  higher  sustainable  performance.  Learn  more.    QUESTION:  Where  is  your  team’s  primary  constraint?  Choose  one  (I-­‐IV).      

I.    Vertical  Ways-­‐of-­‐Thinking  and  Acting  The  vertical  impulse  (↑)  is  the  impulse  to  increase  strategic  possibilities.  The  horizontal  impulse  (→)  is  to  manage  risk.  For  sustained  success,  the  vertical  impulse  should  dominate  over  time.  


A  successful  team  culture  requires  both  horizontal  and  vertical  impulses.  The  right  mix  is  critical  as  it  profoundly  affects  innovation  and  the  kinds  of  business  models  that  are  sustainable.    

 II.    Complete  System-­‐of-­‐Roles  In  a  complete  system-­‐of-­‐roles  every  key  issue  and  relationship  has  a  dedicated  owner  with  sufficient  authority  to  play  their  role.    


Success  requires  champions  who  have  the  authority  to  innovate  and  drive  performance,  and  do  so  interdependently  as  a  team.  

 III.    Aligned  Strategies  Strategies  are  aligned  to  the  extent  that  they  create  competitive  advantage  across  an  organization.      

Competitive  advantage  is  measured  by  four  factors:  market  potential,  scalability,  sustainability  and  return.  Any  strategy  can  be  evaluated  by  its  contribution  to  one  or  more  of  these  factors.  In  this  way,  disparate  strategies  across  an  enterprise  can  be  compared  and  integrated.      IV.    Optimized  Workflows  A  business  is  a  system-­‐of-­‐workflows  designed  to  develop,  sell  and  deliver  products  and  services  to  customers  with  the  help  of  partners  in  order  to  create  competitive  advantage.    

Businesses  grow  at  the  speed  at  which  primary  constraints  are  resolved  in  this  workflow.  A  team  that  shares  this  approach  –  and  structures  metrics,  communication  and  innovation  around  it  –  is  capable  of  acceleration.      

You  are  invited  to  join  business  leaders  in  this  breakfast  session  to  learn  distinctions  that  will  enable  you  to  quickly  identify  the  primary  constraint  to  your  team’s  effectiveness.