Growth and physiology of aspen supplied with different ... · Miao 1993, Coleman et al. 1993)....

PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 103: 513-526. 1998 Copyright 0 Physiologio Planrarum 1998 Primed in Ireland--a/l rrghts reserved ISSN 0031-9317 Growth and physiology of aspen supplied with different fertilizer addition rates Mark D. Coleman, Richard E. Dickson and J. G. Isehrands Coleman, M. D., Dickson, R. E. and Isebrands, J. G. 1998. Growth and physiology of aspen supplied with different fertilizer addition rates. - Physiol. Plant. 103: 513-526. Variable internal plant nutrient content may confound plant response to environmen- tal stress. Plant nutrient content may be controlled with relative addition rate techniques in solution culture. However, because raising large numbers of plants in flowing solution culture is difficult. we investieated the feasibihtv of raisine slants in soil rnk using relative fertilizer additions. Asp& (Populus tremubides Michi.) clones (216, 259 and 271) planted in pots containing a peat, sand and vermiculite (2:1:1, v/v/v) soil mix were grown with exponentially increasing fertilizer concentrations and harvested periodically to assess growth. Addition rate treatments ranged from 0.01 to 0.05 day-‘. The lag phase of growth, in which plants adjusted to the fertilizer regime, lasted 40 days after-which piants entered the-experimental period characterized by constant relative growth rates equivalent to applied fertilizer addition rates. Total plant nutrient concentration was (1) unique for each addition rate, (2) linearly related to addition rate and growth rate, and (3) tended to increase at the highest, and decrease at the lowest addition rates. Regardless, the plants appeared to have attained steady-state conditions. Allocation of carbon to roots increased with lower addition rate treatments and was not denendent unon ontoeenv. There were no treatment differences in growth response among aspen clones. Yet there were treatment differences in leaf chlorophyll and photosynthesis within the clones. For the 0.05 dav-’ addition rate treatment. chloronhvll. leaf N concentration and photosynthefic rate were strongly correlated with ohe’another, were at a maximum in recently mature leaves, and rapidly declined with leaf age. The rate of decline in these leaf characteristics was slowest in clone 271, consistent with the leaf longevity stress response reported elsewhere. Plant responses from these relative fertilizer addition trials in soil mix agree closely with those run in hydroponics, indicating that steady-state nutrition can be achieved with a technically simple experimental assem- blage. Key words - Allometry, aspen, chlorophyll, nitrogen, photosynthesis, plant growth analysis, Populus tremuloides, steady-state nutrition. M. D. Coleman (corresponding author, e-mail [email protected]) et al., USDA Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station, 5985 Highway K, Rhinelander, WI 54.501, USA. Introduction gases such as elevated CO, and ozone show that plant nutritional status is an important interacting factor; yet, Examining the response of plants to interacting envi- many such experiments use traditional nutrient applica- ronmental factors is often complicated in greenhouse or tion regimes where plant growth rate and/or internal controlled environment studies by changes in plant nutrient concentration are not constant over the experi- growth rates and tissue nutrient concentrations. For mental period (Pell et al. 1990, 1995, Brown 1991, instance, experiments assessing plant response to trace Tjoelker and Luxmoore 1991, Sinclair 1992, Bazzaz and Received 11 July, 1997; revised 4 May, 1998 Physic4 Plant. 103, 1998 513

Transcript of Growth and physiology of aspen supplied with different ... · Miao 1993, Coleman et al. 1993)....

Page 1: Growth and physiology of aspen supplied with different ... · Miao 1993, Coleman et al. 1993). Steady-state plant growth and nutrition can be maintained with relative nutrient addition

PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 103: 513-526 . 1998 Copyright 0 Physiologio Planrarum 1998Primed in Ireland--a/l rrghts reserved ISSN 0031-9317

Growth and physiology of aspen supplied with different fertilizeraddition rates

Mark D. Coleman, Richard E. Dickson and J. G. Isehrands

Coleman, M. D., Dickson, R. E. and Isebrands, J. G. 1998. Growth and physiologyof aspen supplied with different fertilizer addition rates. - Physiol. Plant. 103:513-526.

Variable internal plant nutrient content may confound plant response to environmen-tal stress. Plant nutrient content may be controlled with relative addition ratetechniques in solution culture. However, because raising large numbers of plants inflowing solution culture is difficult. we investieated the feasibihtv of raisine slants insoil rnk using relative fertilizer additions. Asp& (Populus tremubides Michi.) clones(216, 259 and 271) planted in pots containing a peat, sand and vermiculite (2:1:1,v/v/v) soil mix were grown with exponentially increasing fertilizer concentrations andharvested periodically to assess growth. Addition rate treatments ranged from 0.01 to0.05 day-‘. The lag phase of growth, in which plants adjusted to the fertilizer regime,lasted 40 days after-which piants entered the-experimental period characterized byconstant relative growth rates equivalent to applied fertilizer addition rates. Totalplant nutrient concentration was (1) unique for each addition rate, (2) linearly relatedto addition rate and growth rate, and (3) tended to increase at the highest, anddecrease at the lowest addition rates. Regardless, the plants appeared to haveattained steady-state conditions. Allocation of carbon to roots increased with loweraddition rate treatments and was not denendent unon ontoeenv. There were notreatment differences in growth response among aspen clones. Yet there weretreatment differences in leaf chlorophyll and photosynthesis within the clones. Forthe 0.05 dav-’ addition rate treatment. chloronhvll. leaf N concentration andphotosynthefic rate were strongly correlated with ohe’another, were at a maximum inrecently mature leaves, and rapidly declined with leaf age. The rate of decline in theseleaf characteristics was slowest in clone 271, consistent with the leaf longevity stressresponse reported elsewhere. Plant responses from these relative fertilizer additiontrials in soil mix agree closely with those run in hydroponics, indicating thatsteady-state nutrition can be achieved with a technically simple experimental assem-blage.Key words - Allometry, aspen, chlorophyll, nitrogen, photosynthesis, plant growthanalysis, Populus tremuloides, steady-state nutrition.

M. D. Coleman (corresponding author, e-mail [email protected]) et al., USDAForest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station, 5985 Highway K,Rhinelander, WI 54.501, USA.

Introduction gases such as elevated CO, and ozone show that plantnutritional status is an important interacting factor; yet,

Examining the response of plants to interacting envi- many such experiments use traditional nutrient applica-ronmental factors is often complicated in greenhouse or tion regimes where plant growth rate and/or internalcontrolled environment studies by changes in plant nutrient concentration are not constant over the experi-growth rates and tissue nutrient concentrations. For mental period (Pell et al. 1990, 1995, Brown 1991,instance, experiments assessing plant response to trace Tjoelker and Luxmoore 1991, Sinclair 1992, Bazzaz and

Received 11 July, 1997; revised 4 May, 1998

Physic4 Plant. 103, 1998 513

Page 2: Growth and physiology of aspen supplied with different ... · Miao 1993, Coleman et al. 1993). Steady-state plant growth and nutrition can be maintained with relative nutrient addition

Miao 1993, Coleman et al. 1993). Steady-state plantgrowth and nutrition can be maintained with relativenutrient addition rates (Ingestad and Lund 1979,1986, Ingestad 1982, Jia and Ingestad 1984, Agren1985, Ingestad and KPhr 1985). With relative additiontechniques, changes in relative growth rate or internalnutrient concentration during an experiment are mini-mized, making it possible to examine directly the ef-fects of other environmental factors on plantmorphology and physiology (cf. Ingestad and Mc-Donald 1989, Pettersson et al. 1993).

Relative nutrient addition rate techniques typicallyinvolve technically complex hydroponic systems. Nu-trient solutions are circulated past the root systemand through automatic monitoring and replenishmentdevices that maintain relative addition rate while tab-ulating nutrient usage (Ingestad and Lund 1979, 1986,Freijsen and Otten 1987, MacDuff et al. 1993). Suchsystems are not easily assembled without specializedknowledge, and do not readily accommodate largenumbers of replicate plants required to test simulta-neously multiple interacting stress factors. Relativeaddition rate techniques have not be& widelyadopted because of these requirements. Furthermore,root systems grown in hydroponics are not represen-tative of soil-grown roots because of differences insoil resistance encountered and the availability of nu-trients at the root surface (cf. Taylor 1974, Nye andTinker 1977). Although there have been relative addi-tion rate experiments with solid media (Granhall etal. 1983, Burgess 1990, 1991, Timmer et al. 1991, Imoand Timmer 1992, Stewart and Lieffers 1993, Wait etal. 1996), there is a need to develop less complexrelative addition rate techniques that apply appropri-ate fertilizer treatments to soil-grown plants.

The present paper reports the successful applicationof relative fertilizer additions to potted plants using asimple trickle irrigation technique. Because these ex-periments were designed to establish treatment proto-col for subsequent experiments with atmospheric tracegases, plant growth and physiological responses wereanalyzed to establish plant response to steady-statenutrition.

When relative fertilizer addition rates were appliedto potted plants, steady-state growth and nutritionwere obtained, as well as strong linear relationshipsbetween nutrient addition, plant nutrient content andplant growth rate. The growth and nutrition re-sponses observed were equivalent to those found inthe more complex hydroponic systems, although re-sponse variability was greater in this potting-soil-based system.

Abbreviations - K, allometric constant; LPI, leaf plastochronindex; R,, relative addition rate; RG, relative growth rate; Ru,relative uptake rate; s, start day; t, application day.

Materials and methods

Plant material

Greenwood cuttings (approximately 10 cm long) ofthree trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.)clones (216, Bayfield Co., WI, USA; 259, Porter Co.,IN, USA; 271, Porter Co., IN, USA) were rooted undermist in 40 x 20 x 8 cm trays containing perlite and peat(3:1, v:v) (Karnosky et al. 1996). Following rooting andhardening, individual cuttings were transplanted into6-l pots (15 cm diameter) containing peat, sand andvermiculite (2: l:l, v:v:v), and established with a singleapplication of full-strength, complete nutrient solutioncontaining 16 mM nitrogen (modified from Johnson etal. 1957). Concentrations for each chemical used in ourfull-strength experimental fertilizer solution were:Ca(NO,),, 2.5 mM; KNO,, 3 mM; CO(NH,),, 4 mM;KH,PO,, 3 mM; MgSO,, 3 mM; KCI, 3 mM; Se-questrene 330 (10% Fe, Ciba-Geigy Corporation,Greensboro, NC, USA), 50 g 1-l; H,BO,, 0.075 mM;MnSO,, 0.015 mM; ZnSO,, 0.006 mM; CuSO,, 0.0015mM; H,MoO,, 0.00026 mM.

Plants were established and grown in a greenhousewith a maximum photosynthetic photon flux density of400 to 600 pmol me2 s-’ and a 16-h photoperiod,temperature 24 f 3°C day/20 + 2°C night and relativehumidity 40 to 80%.

Fertilizer application

Once the cuttings were established (10 days after plant-ing), complete nutrient solution was applied daily atconcentrations that increased exponentially accordingto the following formula (Ingestad and Lund 1979):

N, - N, = N,(eRU(t-S) - 1)

where e is the base of the natural logarithm and N, isthe total amount of nitrogen (mg) in the seedling on theapplication date (t) and N, is total seedling N the daythe experiment started (s). For the two replicate experi-ments conducted, N, was based on estimated dryweights and the assumption that the average N concen-tration of cuttings was 30 mg N g-’ dry weight. InExperiment 1, N, was estimated to be 20 mg N for allplants, and in Experiment 2, N, was estimated to be 44mg N. The rate of N increase in the seedling (R,,day-‘) was presumed to be equivalent to the relativeaddition rate (Ingestad and Lund 1979).

Five relative addition rates were used in Experiment1 (0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04 and 0.05 day-‘) and three wereused in Experiment 2 (0.03, 0.04 and 0.05 day-‘).Enough complete Johnson’s nutrient solution wastaken from concentrated stock to provide the dailyincrement of N (i.e. N, - N,). Each pot received thisincrement in 600 ml of water because this was equiva-

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lent to the minimum volume required to saturate the ative addition rates (0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04 and 0.05soil on a daily basis. Nutrient solutions were dispensed day-‘), three clones (216, 259 and 271) and five har-through trickle irrigation plumbing (Stuppy, Inc.,North Kansas City, MO, USA). Each plumbing assem-blage had one manifold line (19 mm inside diameter)supplying 60 trickle tubes (1.5 mm inside diameter); onefor each pot in the treatment. The total volume re-quired for all the pots in each treatment was dispensedthrough the manifold supply line by using a siphonmixer (A. H. Hummert Seed Co., St Louis, MO, USA).Solution stocks were diluted to the desired daily con-centration, taking into account the dilution rate of thesiphon injector and the total volume required for allpots in the treatment. Because flow rate of each emitteron the assemblage was not the same, each pot waswatered with enough solution to drain through. It wasassumed that upon draining, the required 600 ml ofsolution was retained in the soil column. Thus each potwas flushed daily and, following drainage, all potsreceived equivalent amounts of solution.

Growth measurements

Non-destructive measurements of height and basal di-ameter were taken each week. Destructive harvestsoccurred every 2 to 3 weeks within 1 day of non-destructive measurements. Each of the five destructiveharvests in Experiment 1 included four trees per treat-ment. Each of the four harvests in Experiment 2 in-cluded five trees per treatment. Leaf, stem and roottissues were separated, dried (70°C for 72 h), weighedand analyzed for N content (Carlo Erba NA 1500 NC,Fisons Instruments, Danvers, MA, USA).

Chlorophyll and photosynthesis

Chlorophyll concentration and photosynthetic rateswere measured on the 11-week-old plants of Experi-ment 2. Chlorophyll content was determined at eightevenly spaced leaf positions (every five to seven leaves)using a portable chlorophyll meter (SPAD-502, MinoltaCamera Co., Osaka, Japan). Because it is necessary tocalibrate SPAD meter values to actual chlorophyll con-tent (Campbell et al. 1990) punches were taken from asubsample of leaves, chlorophyll was extracted withN,N-dimethylformamide and absorbance was measuredwith a spectrophotometer (Model 690, Turner Corp.,Mountain View, CA, USA) (Inskeep and Bloom 1985).Light-saturated, ambient-CO, photosynthetic rateswere measured (LI-6200, Li-Cor, Lincoln, NE, USA)on a single representative leaf from the recently mature,mature and overmature age classes on each tree.


Plants were arranged in completely random three-way factorial designs. Experiment 1 included five rel-

vests. Experiment 2 included three addition rates(0.03, 0.04 and 0.05 day-‘), three clones and fourharvests. However, the first harvest was not includedin statistical analyses because the plants had notequilibrated to the fertilizer treatments. There werefour replicate plants in Experiment 1 and five in Ex-periment 2 for each treatment by clone by harvestcombination. Plant morphology and tissue N wereanalyzed with a three-factor analysis of variance us-ing SAS (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC, USA).

The effect of treatments and clones on relativegrowth rate was evaluated with analysis of varianceusing natural log-transformed total dry weight as thedependent variable (Cain and Ormrod 1984, Poorterand Lewis 1986). Due to loss of trees and the result-ing design imbalance, clone 216 was not included inExperiment 1 for this analysis. The main effect oftime was tested for linearity using orthogonal poly-nomials. A significant linear effect indicates that thedata are adequately explained by a straight line andrelative growth rate is constant. Significant higher or-der polynomials indicate that the data are curvilinearand relative growth is not constant with time. Theeffect of either treatment or clone on relative growthrate was tested using two-way interactions with time.The three-way interaction term tested if the effect ofaddition rate on relative growth rate differed amongclones. The time by treatment effect was partitionedwith orthogonal polynomials. A significant linear ef-fect indicates constant relative growth rate during theexperimental period while a significant higher ordereffect indicates variable relative growth rate (Cainand Ormrod 1984, Poorter and Lewis 1986). Relativegrowth rate was calculated for each treatment byclone combination from the slope of log-transformedplant dry weight vs time using least-squares linearregression. Relative uptake rate was similarly calcu-lated from log-transformed plant N content. The lin-ear correlations among relative growth rate, relativeuptake rate and relative addition rate were comparedbetween Experiments 1 and 2 using tests for paral-lelism and coincidence (Kleinbaum and Kupper1978). SAS was used for analysis of variance andorthogonal polynomial contrasts for relative growthrate and relative uptake rate, and SYSTAT (SYS-TAT, Inc., Evanston, IL, USA) was used for regres-sion analysis.

A repeated-measures analysis of variance was usedfor the chlorophyll, photosynthesis and leaf N dataof Experiment 2. Chlorophyll data were from eightleaf positions. Photosynthesis and leaf N data werefrom three leaf positions. The design compared theresponse of these variables to three relative additionrates and three clones. SYSTAT was used for theanalysis.

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Initial trees

The initial N content of rooted cuttings differed fromestimates based on preliminary experiments of similarsized material where dry weights and N concentrationswere determined. The total N content of plants inExperiment 1 was 58% less than the estimated 20 mgplant-’ and N content for plants in Experiment 2 was16% greater than the estimated 44 mg plant-’ (Tab. 1).The discrepancy between predicted and actual N con-tent resulted from a lower than estimated 30 mg N gg ’dry weight and underestimates of initial dry weight inExperiment 1 and a greater plant N concentration inExperiment 2. These discrepancies likely extended theequilibration period prior to reaching steady-state.

Growth response

Non-destructive measurements of stem volume wereobtained by multiplying the square of basal diameter byheight. Stem volume reached constant growth ratesafter the 40th day of relative addition rate treatments asindicated by linear growth response in semi-log plots(Fig. 1). The period of adjustment before 40 days istermed the lag phase and the period after 40 days is theexperimental period (Ingestad and Lund 1986). Duringthe experimental period, plant diameter and heightgrowth, thus stem volume, increased with increasingrelative addition rates to a maximum growth rate of0.021 day-’ in the 0.05 day-’ treatment of Experiment1. To define fully whole plant response to fertilityregime and confirm non-destructive measurements, itwas necessary periodically to harvest replicate plantsfor dry weight evaluation.

Dry weights collected from destructive harvestsshowed that the non-destructive measurements wereaccurate predictors of plant dry weight (r2= 0.962,P < 0.001). The transition between lag and experimen-tal phases of growth was also evident in the dry weightdata after 40 days (Fig. 2). During the experimentalperiod, relative growth rate was constant for eachrelative addition rate and increased with increasingaddition rate. Relative growth rate linearity and differ-ences among treatments and clones were evaluated withanalysis of variance on natural log-transformed dryweights collected during the experimental growth phase

(Cain and Ormrod 1984, Poorter and Lewis 1986). Forthe time main effect, more than 99% of the variation inlog-transformed weight was explained by a linear re-sponse; therefore, relative growth rate was constantduring the experimental period (Tab. 2). The interac-tions with time indicate differences in relative growthrate for the factor involved. Relative growth rate wassignificantly affected by treatment (significant Time xTreatment interaction). Relative growth rate differencesamong treatments were constant during the experimen-tal period because virtually all of the variation amongtreatments (91% in Experiment 1; 99% in Experiment 2)was explained by a linear response. Relative growthrates did not differ among clones, as shown by thenon-significant Time x Clone interaction, even thoughthere were significant clonal differences in weight (Ex-periment 2). Furthermore, there were no differencesamong clones in the relative growth rate response toaddition rate treatments (non-significant Time x Treat-ment x Clone interaction). Analysis of variance usingnatural log-transformed total N content gave very simi-lar results (Tab. 2), indicating that relative uptake ratewas highly dependent on addition rate treatment andindependent of clonal differences.

Relative growth rate was calculated from the slope ofthe lines shown in Fig. 2, and relative uptake rate wassimilarly calculated from the slope of log-transformedplant N content plotted as a function of time. Closelinear correlations were found for relative growth rateand relative uptake rate vs relative addition rate (Fig.3). Relative growth rate data for both experiments fellon statistically the same line (Fig. 3A), the slope wasnear 1, and the intercept was close to zero (compare theregression lines to the 1:l line). Relative uptake ratedata for the two experiments fell on statistically differ-ent lines (Fig. 3B). Experiment 1 uptake rates lay nearthe 1:l line, but Experiment 2 data were offset (P <0.001). The slopes were not significantly different(0.1 > P > 0.05).

Nitrogen content

Nitrogen concentration of harvested plants from bothexperiments also showed distinct treatment effects (Fig.4). During the experimental period, N concentrationvaried with harvest time, treatment and clone (P < 0.01for each factor in both experiments). For Experiment 1,

Tab. 1. Initial dry weight and nitrogen content for a subsample of rooted cuttings used in relative addition rate experiments.

Clone Total DW N concentration(w3) (mg N gg’ DW)

Total N content(mg plant ‘)

Exp. 1 216 594+ 113 19& 1 11.2k2.2259 344 f 103 19+ 1 6.3 k 1.72 7 1 464 & 167 17*2 7.1* 3.0

Average 467 + 127 185 1 8.4 + 2.3

Exp. 2 259 1454*415 36+ 1 51.0 + 14.0

516 Physiol. Plant. 103, 1998

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Fig. I. Stem volumegroa th during relativeaddition rateexperiments. StemLolume was obtained bymultiplying height by thesquare of basal diameter.Three clones of aspen(216. 259 and 271) werecompared for theirresponse to fi\e additionrates (0.01. 0.02, and 0.05 da) ‘) inExperiment 1 and threeaddition rates inExperiment 2 (0.03. 0.04and 0.05 day-‘).Regressions were for theexperimental period only.Each point represents themean + SE of four treesin Experiment 1 and fivetrees in Experiment 3.


- -2"E=5-ii? 4

5 ;5 1>E -y2g -2

s 543210-1-2

Experiment 1 Experiment 2F 0.01 day-’n 0.02

216 --*+-


0 20 40 60 80 100

Days from Start

O-5 259



2 I !MI t




F@@I I I

0 20 40 60 80

Days from Start

N concentration increased with time at higher relativeaddition rates and decreased at lower rates (Time x

Treatment interaction. P < 0.001). For Experiment titne interaction occurred. The effect of clone on Nconcentration was not consistent. In Experiment 1. Nconcentration of clone 216 was equal to that of clone259 and significantly higher than that found in clone271. However. in Experiment 2. N concentration ofboth clones 216 and 259 was significantly lower thanthat of clone 27 1. There were no significant interactionsinvolving clones.

Relative growth rate was linearly dependent on aver-age plant N content. and for a given N concentration.relative growth rates were higher in Experiment 2 thanin Experiment 1 (Fig. 5). The slope of this relationship.termed N productivity, is the rate of dry weight pro-duced per unit of N in the plant when the line passesthrough the origin (Ingestad 1981). The slope for bothexperiments was statistically the same, averaging 2.2 gdry weight g-’ N day-‘. However. since the line forExperiment 1 did not pass through the origin. it is nota true measure of the growth rate per unit N. Alterna-tively. N productivity (P,) can be calculated as P, =(eRCx - 1) n where n is nitrogen concentration in g N

E -’ dry weight (Ingestad 1981). N productivity calcu-lated in this manner increased with increasing additionrates. and was consistently higher in Experiment 2compared with common treatments in Experiment 1(Tab. 3).

The absolute rate of N uptake per unit of root weightsimilarly depended on the rate of N addition (Fig. 6) orplant N concentration (not shown). As addition rate(and plant N concentration) increased, net uptake ratealso increased. Uptake of N. either on an absolute (Fig.6) or a relative (Fig. 3B) basis, was greater in Experi-ment 1 than in Experiment 2 for a given addition rate.

Allocation patterns

The proportion of root weight to total plant weight(root weight ratio) was affected by relative addition ratetreatment and harvest time, but there was no clonaleffect. After 42 days of treatment, root weight ratiodecreased with increasing addition rates (P < 0.001)(Fig. 7A). These treatment differences became greaterwith time. because at higher addition rates (0.03 to 0.05day-‘). root weight ratio decreased with harvest time,and at lower addition rates it increased with time. As a


Page 6: Growth and physiology of aspen supplied with different ... · Miao 1993, Coleman et al. 1993). Steady-state plant growth and nutrition can be maintained with relative nutrient addition

result of the temporal shifts in root weight ratio in ments (0.01 day-‘, K=0.65; 0.02 day-‘, K=0.80;response to relative addition rate, there was a signifi- 0.03 day-‘, K=0.93; 0.04 day-‘, K= 1.08; 0.05 day-‘,cant Time x Treatment interaction in Experiment 1 K = 1.90). The large differences in allocation patterns(P < 0.001). This interaction was not significant in Ex- between addition rates (Fig. 7B and K values) showperiment 2 because only the higher addition rate treat- that patterns observed through time (Fig. 7A) could notments were included. be explained by developmental differences.

Developmental shifts in dry weight allocation areimportant to note, but it is possible that observedtreatment differences may simply be due to allocationshifts with plant size (Coleman and McConnaughay1995). To check for this possibility, root weight ratiowas plotted against log of total dry weight (Fig. 7B). Atlow nutrient addition rates, root weight ratio increasedwith total dry weight, whereas at high nutrient additionrates, root weight ratio decreased with increasing totaldry weight. The allometric constant (K) can be calcu-lated from the slope of a double log plot for two tissuetypes and is a concise way to express differential growthbetween the two components (Hunt 1978). Any valueother than unity shows that the growth of one tissue isdifferent relative to the other. In this case, the allomet-ric constant between root weight and total plant weightwas less than one for the lower addition rate treatmentsand greater than one for the higher addition rate treat-


To assess the effect of fertility and clone on chlorophyllconcentration, leaf N and photosynthesis in different-aged leaves, detailed information was collected on ll-week-old plants (70 to 80 days) grown in Experiment 2.Measurements made with the SPAD meter were corre-lated with total chlorophyll measured by extraction(total chlorophyll = 12 x SPAD - 141, r2 = 0.78, P <0.001). With this correlation, it was possible to useSPAD measurements to define patterns of treatmentand clonal response along a leaf age series. The chloro-phyll content significantly increased (P < 0.001) withhigher relative addition rate (Fig. 8) but there were nosignificant clonal effects. Chlorophyll concentrationsalso increased with leaf expansion (LPI 0 to lo), theneither decreased or remained constant in older leaves.

Experiment 1

0.01 day"

271A i

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Days from Start

Experiment 2

4I 32 f

/’ 271

l- I I I I I

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Days from Start

Fig. 2. Total dry weightaccumulation duringrelative addition rateexperiments. Experimentand clone descriptions asin Fig. 1. Regressionswere for the experimentalperiod only. Each pointrepresents the mean & SEof four trees inExperiment 1 and fivetrees in Experiment 2.

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Tab. 2. Analysis of variance results for natural log-transformed total dry weight and natural log-transformed total N content inresponse to time of harvest, relative addition rate treatment, and clonal origin. The analysis for Experiment 1 included two aspenclones (259, 271) and five relative addition rate treatments (0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04 and 0.05 day-‘) with harvests 2-5 included inthe experimental phase. Clone 216 was excluded from the analysis for Experiment 1 because of the imbalance created by lackof trees in the 0.03 day-’ treatment at the fifth harvest. Experiment 2 included three clones (216, 259, 271) and three treatments(0.03, 0.04 and 0.05 day-‘) with harvests 2-4 included in the experimental phase. Level of F-test significance: ***, P < 0.001;**, 0.001 <P < 0.01; *, 0.01 <P < 0.05; NS, non-significant, 0.05 i P.


d f

Experiment 1 Experiment 2

D W N content d f D W N content

ss F-test ss F-test ss F-test ss F-test


TreatmentCloneTi x Tr


Ti x CTr x CTi x Tr x CError

3 41.661 41.55i 33.15 0.11

1 0.011 2 12.22

5 11.117 1.113 0.074 0.44


*** 48.07 * * * 2 28.05* * * 47.56 * * * 1 27.96N S 0.51 * 1 0.09* * * 99.39 * * * 2.54NS 0.13 N S


* * * 20.63 * * * 4 2.55* * * 19.63 * * * 3 2.53N S 1.00 N S 1 0.02N S 0.08 N S 4 0.07N S 0.81 * 4 0.19N S 1.63 N S 8 1.74

9.63 9 7 23.59




15.86 * * *15.75 * * *0.11 N S

15.95 * * *0.87 *5.84 * * *5.82 ***0.02 NS0.11 NS0.06 N S1.08 N S


The leaves containing maximum chlorophyll concen-tration varied with treatment and clone. At the 0.05day-’ addition rate, chlorophyll concentration peakedin younger leaves (lower LPI) than at other additionrates (Treatment x Position interaction, P < 0.01). Thechlorophyll concentration peaked in older leaves inclone 271 and remained high as the leaves aged com-pared with the other clones (Clone x Position interac-tion, P < 0.01). The second and third orderinteractions involving both treatment and clone werenot significant.

Chlorophyll was linearly correlated with both pho-tosynthesis and leaf N concentration (photosynthesisvs total chlorophyll, ? = 0.64, P < 0.001; photosyn-thesis vs leaf N, 3 = 0.70, P < 0.001; total chlorophyllvs leaf N, 1-2 = 0.81, PC 0.001). As a consequence ofthese linear correlations, treatment, clone and posi-tional responses of leaf N concentration and photo-synthesis were quite similar to those of chlorophyll(Fig. 8). Both leaf N concentration and photosyn-thetic rate increased with relative addition rates anddecreased with leaf age (PC 0.001). In addition, dif-ferences in leaf N and photosynthetic rate associatedwith different addition rates decreased with leaf age(significant Treatment x Position interaction, P <0.05). Leaf N was greater in clone 271 than in theother clones (P < O.OOl), and leaf N and photosynthe-sis did not decrease as much with leaf age in clone271 as in the other clones (Clone x Position interac-tion, P < 0.01). Treatment differences were consistentamong leaf positions for each clone as indicated bynon-significant two- and three-way interactions in-volving treatment and clone.


Experimental approach

Experiments examining the effects of multiple stresses ontree growth require large numbers of potted plants. Plantgrowth may be influenced by internal nutrient concen-tration as well as by the experimental variables. There-fore, it is necessary to control internal plant nutrientconcentration to evaluate the influence of other vari-ables. Standard nutrient regimes involving periodic ap-plications of fixed fertilizer amounts will result indeclining growth rates and uncontrolled N concentra-tions. However, growth rate and internal nutrient con-centration may be controlled with relative addition ratetechniques. It was technically simple to apply mineralnutrients to large numbers of potted plants in exponen-tially increasing daily amounts with trickle irrigation.Although control over plant growth was not as preciseas found for circulating solution culture, the plants didreach constant growth rates in accordance with relativeaddition rate theory (cf. Ingestad and Lund 1979, 1986,Ingestad 1982, Jia and Ingestad 1984, Agren 1985,Ingestad and K%hr 1985). Evidence for steady-statenutrition includes constant relative growth rate that isequivalent to nutrient supply rate and to nutrient uptakerate (i.e. R, r R, g R,), as well as stable internalnutrient concentration. Indeed, during the experimentalperiod, growth rate remained constant in both experi-ments for each addition rate (Fig. 2), and relative growthrate was comparable to the applied relative addition ratetreatment (Fig. 3A), indicating that nutrient supply wasappropriate to maintain exponential growth. Addition-ally, relative uptake rate was equivalent to the addition

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rate, especially in Experiment 1, although uptake rate waslower than addition rate in Experiment 2.

Plant N concentrations varied over time and plants ineach treatment had a unique pattern of change (Fig. 4).Concentrations generally increased with higher additionrates and decreased with lower addition rates. These shiftsin concentration result from relative growth rate beingless than relative uptake rate for higher treatments andgrowth rate being greater than uptake rate for lowertreatments. Although plant N concentration changedduring the experimental period, mean standard errors forthe experimental period only ranged from 0.3 to 0.6 mgN gg ’ dry weight in Experiment 1 and from 0.6 to 0.7mg N gg ’ dry weight in Experiment 2 for the individualrelative addition rates. Standard errors less than or equalto 0.7 mg N gg ’ dry weight in relative addition rateexperiments are considered adequate evidence of stableinternal nutrient concentration (Jia and Ingestad 1984,Ingestad and Kahr 1985). Although plant N concentra-



-7 0.04

27E 0.03

2 0.02




-7 0.04

$2. 0.03

2 0.02

0 .01


0 Experiment 1m Experiment 2

8 .:.;. . ..I:::’

,:� l,:�

: l_:�s/f,:.

.:� 0,:�




. f.:‘i0 .k:’,..’,:’


,:’_:’ :.’ .




0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06

R, (day“)Fig. 3. Relative growth rate (R,) and relative uptake rate(R,) plotted as a function of relative addition rate (R,).Relative growth rates (A) are taken from the slope of semi-logulots of drv weight vs time shown in Fig. 2. The R, line is theleast-squares regression for both experiments comb&ed (R, =1.00 x R, - 0.59, rZ = 0.86, P < 0.001). Relative uptake rate(B) is similarly obtained from plots of total N content as afunction of time. Two lines were necessary to describe the R,vs R, data for Experiment 1 (R, = 1.26 x R, - 1.16, r* =0.92, P < 0.001) and Experiment 2 (R, = 1.75 x R, - 4.56,r*=0.88, P<O.OOl). Three clones (216, 259 and 271) wereexamined with up to five relative addition rate treatments.

tion was not constant, the deviation from steady-statenutrition was small compared with shifts in concentra-tions observed in other nutrition experiments applyingconstant fertilizer amounts to potted plants (Pell et al.1990, 1995, Brown 1991, Tjoelker and Luxmoore 1991,Sinclair 1992, Bazzaz and Miao 1993, Coleman et al.1993) or in other tests of relative addition rate in solidpotting media (Burgess 1990, 1991, Wait et al. 1996).

The supply of nutrients for root uptake differs betweensoil and nutrient solutions. In soil, nutrient supply isprovided through root growth, diffusion and mass flow.Root growth and extension into unexploited soil are mostimportant for supply of highly immobile nutrients, suchas phosphorus; diffusion and mass flow are important formore relatively mobile nutrients such as nitrate andammonium (Clarkson 1985). For the more mobile Ncompounds, depletion zones develop quite a distancefrom roots because N uptake is greater than supply atthe root surface and the established gradient encouragesdiffusion further from the root. Overlap of depletionzones and root competition occur at high rooting density(Nye and Tinker 1977). Yet, young plants growingexponentially in the field have sufficient unexploited soilvolume to avoid root competition. It is expected thatexponential growth into unexploited soil volumes willmeet exponential nutrient uptake required to achievesteady state nutrition (Ingestad 1982). In solution culture,roots are completely immersed in a liquid medium thatis mixed rapidly to avoid all but a small boundary layerof lower concentration at the root surface (Nye andTinker 1977). To achieve steady-state nutrition, exponen-tially increasing nutrient demand is supplied by exponen-tial increases in solution concentration (Ingestad 1982).Our experimental system with potting soil mix hadelements of both field-grown soil and solution culture.The roots had some limited new soil volume to explore,but depletion zones most likely developed between fertil-izer applications. Depletion zones were replenished dailywith exponentially increasing fertilizer solution concen-trations. Our study shows that steady-state nutrition canbe achieved for potted plants grown in artificial soil mediawith a significant cation exchange capacity.

Nitrogen productivity

Nitrogen productivity in our study was calculated fromrelative growth rate and plant N concentration (Tab. 3,Fig. 5). The N productivity range of 0.65 to 2.39 g dryweight gg ’ N day-’ obtained here for aspen is lowcompared to reported values ranging from 2.4 to 6.7 forother tree species including poplar and willow grown insolution culture experiments (Ericsson 198 1, Ingestad1981, Jia and Ingestad 1984, Ingestad and Ktihr 1985).Although the N concentrations found in our aspenoverlapped that of the other species grown in solutionculture (cf. Agren and Ingestad 1987) the growth rateswere much lower. However, solution culture experi-

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Fig. 4. Total plantnitrogen concentrationsfor two relative additionrate experiments.Experiment and clonedescriptions as in Fig. 1.Symbols connected bylines indicate theexperimental period.Each point represents themean * SE of four treesin Experiment 1 and fivetrees in Experiment 2.

Experiment 1

T 216 1

40 Experiment 20 0.01 day-'n 216


0.02 v 0.04

- A 0.03 + 0.05

010 20 40 60 80 100 120

Days from Start

0' I I I I I I

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Days from Start

ments reporting higher growth rates and thus higher Nproductivity were all carried out with 24-h photoperi-ods, so they would be expected to have higher growthrates. The total daily irradiance used in our experimentswas not sufficient to saturate the N productivity vs lightresponse curve for birch (Betula pendula Roth.) (Inges-tad and McDonald 1989, McDonald et al. 1991) or pea(Pisum satiuum L.) (MacDuff et al. 1993). Therefore,low N productivity found here for aspen may be at-tributed to low daily cumulative light levels relative tosolution culture experiments. Our plants were alsomuch larger than those growing in solution culture,therefore more physiologically inactive N was bound instructural components.

Despite the low N productivity found for aspen, it isimportant to note that this parameter indicates thatsmall changes in internal N content will result in largegains in production. A change in plant N concentrationfrom 20 to 25 mg N gg’ dry weight (leaf N concentra-tion from 30 to 40 mg N gg ’ dry weight) results in overa 0.01 day-’ increase in relative growth rate (Fig. 5). Ifthese data can be extrapolated to field conditions, a0.01 day-’ change in growth could double the annualproductivity over a loo-day growing season. Therefore,one practical objective of a forest fertilization regime

should be to increase the internal N concentration torealize these significant increases in productivity. Opti-mal nutrition trials designed to match increasing de-mand for N during the growing cycle by regularfertilizer additions have increased internal N concentra-tion and demonstrated dramatic increases in growth(Linder 1989, Pereira et al. 1989). Similar experimentshave not been described for poplars. Based on theresults presented here, increased productivity in short-rotation intensive culture poplar plantations will mostlikely be obtained by adopting such fertilizationregimes.

Allocation patterns

Allocation of carbon within the plant is strongly con-trolled by nutrient availability (Robinson 1986, Hilbert1990, Mooney and Winner 1991). The relative weight ofroots increases and that of leaves decreases as Navailability decreases. Our results agreed with this gen-eral response (Fig. 7). In addition, root weight ratiodifferences among relative addition rate treatments gotlarger with time. Other experiments have shown thatplants grown at steady-state nutrition in solution cul-ture have constant allocation patterns over time (Inges-

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0.06 , 1







n I



d00I I

1 0 2 0

Plant Nitrogen (mg N g-’ DW)Fig. 5. The dependence of relative growth rate (R,) on thewhole plant nitrogen concentration. Relative growth rates aretaken from the slope of semi-log plots of dry weight vs timeshown in Fig. 2. Nitrogen concentrations are the average of allharvest dates during the experimental period for each clone bytreatment combination. Three clones (216, 259 and 271) wereexamined with up to five relative addition rate treatments. Thelines are the least-squares linear regression for Experiment 1(r’ = 0.72, P < 0.001, 0) and Experiment 2 (r* = 0.65, P <0.001, n ). They are parallel but not coincident (P < 0.001).

tad and Agren 1995). The temporal shifts in allocationobserved in our experiments may be associated with thedrift of internal nutrient concentration (Fig. 4) resultingfrom imperfect steady-state conditions. These allocationchanges occurred even though plants were growing at aconstant rate. Changing allocation in response to otherenvironmental variables has been attributed to differ-ences in plant size among treatments (Coleman andMcConnaughay 1995). However, our allometric con-stant data and graphical analysis (Fig. 7B) do notsupport such a conclusion for the various relative addi-tion rate treatments applied. Although allocationchanges may be associated with imperfect steady-stateconditions, changing allometric relationships have beenreported in other relative addition rate experimentsconducted with solution culture where whole plantrelative growth rate and internal nutrient concentra-tions are constant (Freijsen and Otten 1984, MacDuffet al. 1993). Therefore, a closer look at allocationchanges in relative addition rate experiments is calledfor.

Tab. 3. Nitrogen productivity for each relative addition ratetreatment used in Experiments I and 2. Values are the mean +SE for the three clones examined.

Relative addition rate Nitrogen productivityWY-‘) (g DW g-’ N day-‘)

Experiment 1 Experiment 2

0.01 0 . 6 5 k 0.170.02 I .20 & 0.040 . 0 3 1.13 k 0.24 1 . 9 2 f 0 . 1 30.04 I .86 f 0.33 2 . 3 8 + 0.220.05 1.75 +0.13 2.39 i: 0.32

0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06

RA (day-l)Fig. 6. The net nitrogen uptake rate per unit root weightexpressed as a function of relative addition rate (R,).

Leaf nitrogen, chlorophyll and photosynthesis

Leaf chlorophyll content, leaf N content and photosyn-thetic rates are positively correlated and are highlyinterdependent (Wong et al. 1985, Field and Mooney1986, Evans 1989, Green and Mitchell 1992, Reich etal. 1994). Thus, the measurement of one component haspredictive value for the others. The SPAD meter takesadvantage of this interdependence, not only for estimat-ing chlorophyll content, but also for rapidly estimatingleaf N and photosynthetic capacity. The patterns ofchlorophyll response to various leaf positions that weregenerated from SPAD measurements are, therefore,good predictors of leaf N and photosynthetic capacity.Our data show that changes in these three parameterswere closely related with one another, and each wasdependent upon addition rate treatment as well as leafposition (Fig. 8).

Changes in these physiological responses related tonutrient availability may have important impacts oncarbon fixation and plant growth. In our study withaspen, the changes in leaf N and photosynthesis withleaf position were much greater at the 0.05 day-’addition rate treatment than with lower treatment rates.Nitrogen concentration usually decreases from upper tolower leaves of terminal shoots and from upper tolower leaves in the crown. The changes in leaf Nconcentration are related to leaf age, light environmentduring leaf formation, leaf weight per unit area, Navailability, changes in allocation between leaf N poolsand retransport of N within the plant (Evans 1989,Chen et al. 1993, Aerts and deCaluwe 1994, Hikosakaet al. 1994, Hollinger 1996). When light exposure dur-ing leaf formation is similar (current terminals or singlestem seedlings), leaf N concentration is related to Navailability or supply rate. With low N availability, Nconcentration commonly decreases along a gradientfrom young leaves to older leaves. With high Navailability, this gradient is decreased or absent(Hikosaka et al. 1994). In contrast to this pattern, N

5 2 2 Physiol. Plant. 103, 1998

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Fig. 7. Root wright ratio -7(root wcight,total plantweight) for five relative ln 0.5

22. 0.01 day-’

addi t ion rate tmziltments . 0.02in Experiment I. The .e 0.4 . 0.03data are presented as a E 0.3 . 0.04f u n c t i o n o f (Ii) a n dagep l a n t size (Et). NO donal 5 + 0.05

dirrerenccs were observed 0.2

fi2,z!i2,z!~~~~;~sd arc 2 0.1


0.02 1 4 2 6 3 8 4 1 0 2 1 2 3 4

Days from Start /n(Total DW) (g)

concentration decreased in our aspen clones with leaf Even though decreases in N concentration and pho-age only at the higher relative addition rates (Fig. 8). tosynthetic rate were greakr from young to old leavesSimilarly N concentration decreased from upper to in the highest relative addition rate treatment (0.05lower leaves of terminal shoots of hybrid poplar with day-‘), final leaf N concentration and photosynthetichigh N fertility levels (35 to 28 mg N g-’ dry weight rates were getter in all leaf age classes (Fig. 8) thusfrom upper to lower leaves), but not with low N increasing carbon fixation and productivity. Plants allo-fertility levels (18 mg N g-’ dry weight for all leaves) cate carbon and nitrogen to maximize resource gain(E. A. Hansen and D. N. To&ad, unpublished data (Bloom et al. 1985). Therefore, there may be an advan-from field and greenhouse fertility trials) tage in maintaining some minimal N concentration in

IW y

00 10 2 0 3 0 40 5 0


5 0


3 0

2 0

g ‘0

- 0

2 0



Leaf Age Class

Page 12: Growth and physiology of aspen supplied with different ... · Miao 1993, Coleman et al. 1993). Steady-state plant growth and nutrition can be maintained with relative nutrient addition

leaves throughout the canopy. In addition, disturbance-adapted early successional species such as aspen andother poplars have greater increases in photosyntheticrates with increasing N concentration compared to latesuccessional species (Reich et al. 1994) leading to rapidgrowth on fertile sites. Thus allocation of surplus N toupper high-light leaves would be an advantage.

Clonal differences in nutrient use efficiency, carbonallocation to roots or leaves, nutrient uptake capacity,and growth rates are well documented (Heilman 1985,Heilman and Stettler 1986, Coleman et al. 1995a,Stettler et al. 1996, Scarascia-Mugnozza et al. 1997).Steady-state nutritional experiments have the potentialto greatly improve clonal comparisons because variablenutrient regimes often complicate comparisons. Clonaldifferences in nutrient uptake and in physiological gra-dients with leaf age may also be important not only inproductivity but in response to environmental stresses.Clone 271 was able to maintain greater function inolder leaves compared to the other clones. For example,with the 0.05 day-’ addition rate, photosynthetic ratefor the overmature leaf class in clone 271 was 88% ofthe recently mature leaf class compared with 62% aver-aged for the other clones (Fig. 8). Chlorophyll contentof older leaves did not decline in any of the additionrate treatments for clone 271, but for the other clonesthere was a distinct decline with age especially in the0.05 day-’ treatment. Maintenance of greater physio-logical activity in older leaves is consistent with clone271’s greater ability to retain older leaves and minimizeaccelerated senescence due to ozone stress in compari-son to the other clones (Coleman et al. 1995b,Karnosky et al. 1996). Conversely, the decreases in leafN concentration and photosynthetic rate in older leavesof clone 259 even with high fertility may be related toits high sensitivity to ozone stress.


The close correspondence between these relative addi-

plant nutrient concentrations that were unique and

tion rate experiments conducted in soil compared tothose previously conducted in solution culture (Ingestad

linearly related to the growth rate.

1982) is supportive of steady-state nutrition theory andthe applicability of the described techniques for such

Results from this technically simple experimental

work. Plant relative growth rate was constant duringthe experimental period, and equivalent to applied fer-tilizer addition rates. Each addition rate resulted in

content and root weight ratios with time. Such differ-ences may result from the longer experimental time andlarger plants in our experiments. Despite these differ-ences, morphological and physiological responses ofplants were consistent with steady-state nutritiontheory .

Acknowledgments - Technical assistance was provided by BillGerrish and Gary Garton. Karl Kleiner made helpful dataanalysis suggestions. Support for this work was provided bythe USDA Forest Service, Northern Global Change Program.

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Edited by E. Van Volkenburgh

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