Growing in Prayer - Foundations for Freedom€¦ · my need and 0ind God’s help by regularly...

Fostering Spiritual Growth in the Church Paul J. Bucknell Ephesians 6:18 17 Growing in Prayer

Transcript of Growing in Prayer - Foundations for Freedom€¦ · my need and 0ind God’s help by regularly...

Page 1: Growing in Prayer - Foundations for Freedom€¦ · my need and 0ind God’s help by regularly seeking the Lord in prayer! Doubt about my need and God’s ability to help cripples

Fostering Spiritual Growth in the ChurchPaul J. Bucknell

Ephesians 6:18


Growing in Prayer

Page 2: Growing in Prayer - Foundations for Freedom€¦ · my need and 0ind God’s help by regularly seeking the Lord in prayer! Doubt about my need and God’s ability to help cripples

Growing in Prayer

Discovering Love

1Strong security from His love

Little Children Great confidence in His word



Young men



Deep intimacy with God


Page 3: Growing in Prayer - Foundations for Freedom€¦ · my need and 0ind God’s help by regularly seeking the Lord in prayer! Doubt about my need and God’s ability to help cripples

Growing in Prayer

Every rela)onship is founded ongoodbackandforthcommunica(on,and so prayer becomes the keymeanstheChris)andevelopshis/herrela)onship with God. Our spiritualconversa)on(i.e.prayer)developsaswegrowinourspirituallives.

“With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints” (Ephesians 6:18).

Growing in Prayer

Page 4: Growing in Prayer - Foundations for Freedom€¦ · my need and 0ind God’s help by regularly seeking the Lord in prayer! Doubt about my need and God’s ability to help cripples

Growing in Prayer

Level 1 - New Believers Don’twe all love to see howbabies learn to talk despitetheir incorrectly formedwords. If they ask amiss, wesmile and offer themwhat isgoodandsafe(Mat7:10).

Think what happens when anew believer comes to knowtheLordandbeginstalkingtoGod. The Father is so excitedatHischild’sfirstwords.

Page 5: Growing in Prayer - Foundations for Freedom€¦ · my need and 0ind God’s help by regularly seeking the Lord in prayer! Doubt about my need and God’s ability to help cripples

Growing in Prayer

Level 1 - New Believers



AffirmFaith• Newbelieversbeginto_______toGod.EverywordspokentoGod(i.e.prayer)isanaffirma)onoftheirfaith.

ConfessSin• Thewaybelieversprayerfullyhandletheirsingreatlyaffectstheirspirituallives.




Page 6: Growing in Prayer - Foundations for Freedom€¦ · my need and 0ind God’s help by regularly seeking the Lord in prayer! Doubt about my need and God’s ability to help cripples

Growing in Prayer

Level 1 - New Believers =>Doyouques)on



• TheSpiritofGodbeginstoprodustoandnottodocertainthings.


• “Ineverythinggivethanks;forthisisGod’swillforyouinChristJesus”(1Thessalonians5:18).




• ThebelieverislearningtoliveinGod’spresence,evenrecognizingHispresence.

Page 7: Growing in Prayer - Foundations for Freedom€¦ · my need and 0ind God’s help by regularly seeking the Lord in prayer! Doubt about my need and God’s ability to help cripples

Growing in Prayer

Level 2 - The Young Believer



Page 8: Growing in Prayer - Foundations for Freedom€¦ · my need and 0ind God’s help by regularly seeking the Lord in prayer! Doubt about my need and God’s ability to help cripples

Growing in Prayer

Level 2 - The Young Believer

BeinganOvercomer• PrayerbringsustoGod,star)ngwithahumbleprayer

• ThenproclaimingHistruth,andbuildingupourfaith.

• Duringprayer,weexerciseourshieldoffaithtobringclaritytoourconfusedminds,“Takinguptheshieldoffaithwithwhichyouwillbeabletoex)nguishalltheflamingmissilesoftheevilone”(Eph6:16).

Page 9: Growing in Prayer - Foundations for Freedom€¦ · my need and 0ind God’s help by regularly seeking the Lord in prayer! Doubt about my need and God’s ability to help cripples

Growing in Prayer

PowerofGod’sWord• “BecausetheWordofGodabidesinyou”–1John2:14• Power:God’sWordisthedrivingforceinprayerprovidingfaithaswebringourrequestsandpraisetoGod.

• Promises(2Peter1:4):“HehasgrantedtousHispreciousandmagnificentpromises.”

• Abraham(Gen15:8):“Andhesaid,‘OLordGOD,howmayIknowthatIshallpossessit?’”

• Exposeslies(Eph5:13):“Butallthingsbecomevisiblewhentheyareexposedbythelight,foreverythingthatbecomesvisibleislight.”

Level 2 - The Young Believer

Page 10: Growing in Prayer - Foundations for Freedom€¦ · my need and 0ind God’s help by regularly seeking the Lord in prayer! Doubt about my need and God’s ability to help cripples

Growing in Prayer

Level 2 - The Young Believer

Faith enables me to sensemyneedand0indGod’shelpby regularly seeking theLordinprayer!

Doubt about my need andGod’sability tohelpcripplesmy spiritual life by a lack ofconsistentprayer.

No, I don’t think prayer helps me gain the wisdom that I need for each day.

Yes, I really need God’s help to live out each day and so I

pray to gain His strength.

Page 11: Growing in Prayer - Foundations for Freedom€¦ · my need and 0ind God’s help by regularly seeking the Lord in prayer! Doubt about my need and God’s ability to help cripples

Growing in Prayer

By my growing faith, I can know God andtrusthimevenindifficult)mes.HetakesmedeeperandclosertoHimsothatHecanbearmorefruitthroughmylifetoglorifyHim.

Level 3 - The Mature Believer

• Thetwopreviousstagesaretemporarywhilethisstagedoesnoteverendonearth.

Page 12: Growing in Prayer - Foundations for Freedom€¦ · my need and 0ind God’s help by regularly seeking the Lord in prayer! Doubt about my need and God’s ability to help cripples

Growing in Prayer

AbidinginChrist(John15:4)• “AbideinMe,andIinyou.Asthebranchcannotbearfruitofitself,unlessitabidesinthevine,soneithercanyou,unlessyouabideinMe”.

• Abidingprayer• SearchingtopleasetheLord• Prayerisanin)macythatbearsfruitFruitcomesfromin)macywiththeLord

Level 3 - The Mature Believer

Admire&Adore• Adora)onoccursatallstagesbutconstantlymatures.• e.g.,Psalms:“BlessedbetheLORD,myrock,whotrainsmyhandsforwar…”(Psalms144:1).

Page 13: Growing in Prayer - Foundations for Freedom€¦ · my need and 0ind God’s help by regularly seeking the Lord in prayer! Doubt about my need and God’s ability to help cripples

Growing in Prayer

Devoteddespitetrials• “Theenemyhaspersecutedmysoul;Hehascrushedmylifetotheground;Hehasmademedwellindarkplaces,likethosewhohavelongbeendead.Thereforemyspiritisoverwhelmedwithinme”(Ps143:3-4).

• Weshareourdifficul)eswithGod.“ItrustinThee,TeachmethewayinwhichIshouldwalk”(Ps143:8).

• Wearenotallowedtowallowinself-pitybutarecommandedtogrowinourfaith.

Level 3 - The Mature Believer

Page 14: Growing in Prayer - Foundations for Freedom€¦ · my need and 0ind God’s help by regularly seeking the Lord in prayer! Doubt about my need and God’s ability to help cripples

Growing in Prayer

PrayforOthers• “Andprayonmybehalf,thatuQerancemaybegiventomeintheopeningofmymouth,tomakeknownwithboldnessthemysteryofthegospel”(Eph6:19).

• Weneedprayersupportfromothers.• Testsofourfaith:Whatisitthatwereallywant?Howmuchdowewantit?

Level 3 - The Mature Believer

Summary• OurprayerlivesgrowaswegrowintheLord.• Ourprayersarenaturallyaffectedbyourgrowingfaith.• GoddesiresforustocommunewithHimandforHimtoworkthroughourlives.

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Discussion Questions

1.What is your biggest struggle or greatest delight in prayer?

2.What is an area of prayer than you want to learn more about or grow in?

Page 16: Growing in Prayer - Foundations for Freedom€¦ · my need and 0ind God’s help by regularly seeking the Lord in prayer! Doubt about my need and God’s ability to help cripples

Fostering Spiritual Growth in the ChurchPaul J. Bucknell

Ephesians 6:18


Growing in Prayer