
Group 1 Final Project Written and presented by…. Noemi Espinal Ruth Estrada Silvia Sanchez TVRA 2420: Sight, Sound, Motion Prof. Wendy Goodman Fall 2014

Transcript of !GROUP1_TVRA2420_AntiViolence

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Group 1 Final Project

Written and presented by….

Noemi Espinal

Ruth Estrada

Silvia Sanchez

TVRA 2420: Sight, Sound, MotionProf. Wendy Goodman

Fall 2014

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Youth Against Violence

A Public Service Announcement by…

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Monologue(Voice of God):Kat: WHERE IS HE?! We have finals next week. He promised

me we would study this time!!!

SETTING:Alex and Katrina(Kat) are both college student who are dating. They promised to meet at the library to study together for finals to better their chances at getting good grades but…

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Dialogue:Kat: What the hell Alex! The library is almost

closed! Did you get any of my messages?

Alex: Relax babe it’s just a stupid test. I’ll just take the class over again if I don’t pass.


Alex strolls in late as if it’s no big deal. Just then the PA calls out that the library will be closing in

15 mins. Kat is a good student with a promising future and she gets mad when she hears the

apathy in his voice…

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Dialogue:Kat: Don’t you care about your future?

Alex: I care about playing ball and if you don’t watch your tone with me you’re the one that’s gonna be out Friday!

SETTING:Kat is concerned since Alex is on academic probation because he thinks hanging out with his buddies and playing baseball is more important getting good grades. Alex checks her implying he will hurt her if she continues to speak to him with disrespect…

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Dialogue:Kat: Look, I just want us to do well so we have a chance at a

good life together someday.

Alex: I don’t need you telling me what’s good for me. Got it!?

SETTING:Alex is generally a nice guy but he’s very macho and immediately gets agitated when someone tells him what to do, especially when it’s his girlfriend. Still, Kat loves him very much and only wants what’s best for him.

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Dialogue:Kat: You know babe, if you put as much effort into school as you did into playing ball maybe

you would’ve graduated by now…

Alex: What did you just say to me!?

Kat: Ow! STOP IT! You’re hurting me!

SETTING:On their way out Kat tries to lighten the mood and makes a joke at Alex’s expense but he doesn’t think it’s funny. He angrily grabs her wrist and she protests. He lets her go only because other people are staring at him…

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Dialogue:Kat: You’re going out with the guys again?

Alex: What’s your problem? Why you always hounding me about hanging with my friends?

Kat: I’m not, I just thought tonight was our night to chill? Remember you said…

SETTING:Later that evening Alex changes up his plans to hang out with Kat at home. Kat, still bothered by his disregard for their earlier plans, gets annoyed. The situations suddenly escalates as Alex interprets this as Kat trying to boss him around again…

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Dialogue:Kat: ALEX PLEASE NO… DON’T!!!

SETTING:Out of no where Alex punches Kat in the face to teach her a lesson. She screams but no one’s there to hear her. He leaves her to cry alone and continues with his plans to meet up with his friends.

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Monologue:Kat: (crying) This isn’t

love. I need help.

SETTING:Her face is bruised. As she sits there crying over what just went down she begins to realize the desperate nature of her situation.

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Monologue(Voice of God):Female VO: Domestic violence doesn’t only happen in married homes. Last year

1.5 million young couple were affected by dating abuse. One in ten were high school students. Seven in ten were college students.

SETTING:Music plays as we look down at a garden through a window. Voice over(VO) begins. As the VO progresses the camera slowly zooms in from an extreme wide shot to close up using a rack focus shot and reveals that Kat is sitting alone on a bench in the garden. VO ends as Kat comes into focus.

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Dialogue:Alex: Babe you were

right. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. I..I

don’t know what got into me. I…

Kat: NO! Look at me. Look what YOU did to me. I deserve better

than this.

Alex: You know what forget you!

SETTING:Alex flunked his final. He comes back to ask Kat for forgiveness but she’s not having it. She forces him to see what he did to her and proclaims her self worth. He gets mad and walks away.

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Monologue(Voice of God):Female VO: Violent

behavior in young couples can have serious

consequences. Half of youth who are in abusive

relationships attempt suicide because they

don’t know where to turn to for help. Don’t be a

victim. You don’t have to take it anymore, just walk

away. Treasure yourself because you’re worth it.

SETTING:As Alex walks away, Kat seems sadder than ever but she doesn’t look back. It’s Friday, she continues to her final. As she starts up the stairs she begins to cry so she puts on her shades to hide her pain.

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Dialogue:Tracy: Hi. I don’t

mean to be rude but I heard everything.

Are you ok?

Kat: (crying slightly) Oh, no…I mean yes… I mean…

I’m ok.

SETTING:As Kat walks up the stairs she bumps into a kind stranger. Tracy is a counselor at the Youth Against Violence Center on campus and she happens to overhear Kat & Alex’s argument. She’s concerned for Kat’s well-being and stops her to offer some help.

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Dialogue:Tracy: Oh my god what did he do to


Kat: Oh, he didn’t…I…I

mean…I…I love him but I don’t

know what to do anymore. (crying

more intensely)

SETTING:Tracy can see Kat’s bruised face and becomes increasingly concerned. Kat tries to deny that Alex hurt her but it’s no use.

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Monologue(Voice of God):Female VO: 81% of adults over 30 believe premarital

abuse is not a major issue. Maybe this is because only 33% of young people who

experience dating abuse ever report it. Currently

eight states in the country fail to consider dating

relationships in their legal definition of domestic

violence and only one court in the US focuses

exclusively on it. As a result, young victims of dating

abuse can’t get restraining orders against their abusers.

This has to change.

SETTING:As the VO progresses, the camera zooms in to get an extreme close up of Kat’s face.

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Dialogue:Tracy: Listen, it’s

ok. There’s people out there who can help you. Call this number. Don’t be scared. You’re not


Kat: Thank you very much.

(stops crying)

Tracy: You do deserve better. You’re worth so

much more.

SETTING:Kat takes the flyer and goes to class. After her final she decides to meet up with Tracy…

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Monologue(Voice of God):Female VO: If you know someone who’s caught up in a violent relationship don’t

be afraid to reach out to them. Breaking the silence and getting them to seek help is the most important step in stopping the cycle of abuse. If you’re a victim of relationship violence find someone to talk to even if it is a stranger. Treasure

yourself and you’ll see that other will treasure you.

Kat: Hello? I’d like to make an appointment…

SETTING:As VO ends we see Kat call to make an appointment to get help.

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Monologue(Voice of God):Female VO: It’s important to understand that you have options but if you don’t speak up you’ll never see what those options are. Services are confidential and

some centers can help you find temporary housing to escape your abuser. Don’t wait. Get help now. Treasure yourself, you deserve more…

SETTING:As Kat sits and waits to be called in the lobby of the Youth Against Violence help center she read some testimonials from other women who got out of their abusive relationships and is moved to tears.

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Dialogue:VO Kat: It’s over. I’m leaving you.

VO Alex: Can we please talk about this?

VO Kat: There’s nothing left to say…

SETTING:VO of dialogue is heard over soft music as if we’re listening in on Kat & Alex’s conversation. After the VOs ends we fade out fast to white flash to exaggerate the transition of the old Kat to new Kat and make it seem like time has passed…

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Monologue(Voice of God):Female VO: By working

together we can help prevent relationship

violence in our lives and the lives of others.

Treasure yourself and give a helping hand.

SETTING:As VO ends we see Kat enjoying herself with her new friends. The screen fades to black. Slogan and logo of Youth Against Violence appears on the screen with the phone number of their domestic violence hotline. The end.

TREASURE YOURSELF…and let others treasure you

Youth Against Violence.

This has been a message by…

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Q & A:Questions?

Comments? Concerns?

Tissue break?

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