Group Discussion Tips



tip for discussion

Transcript of Group Discussion Tips

Remember, assertiveness does not mean being bull-headed or being arrogant.

And most importantly, you have to make your chances. Many group discussion participants often complain that they did not get a chance to speak. The fact is that in no group discussion will you get a chance to speak. There is nothing more unacceptable in a GD than keeping one's mouth shut or just murmuring things which are inaudible.

Participate in as many practice GDs as possible before you attend the actual GD. There is nothing like practice to help you overcome the fear of talking in a GD.

2. The second important implication is that making just any sort of contribution is not enough. Your contribution has to be meaningful. A meaningful contribution suggests that

You have a good knowledge base You are able to put forth your arguments logically and are

a good communicator. The quality of what you said is more valuable than the

quantity There is this myth amongst many group discussion

participants that the way to succeed in a group discussion is by speaking loudly and at great length. One could not be more wrong. You must have meat in your arguments.

Therefore, Think Things through carefully.

Always enter the room with a piece of paper and a pen. In the first two minutes jot down as many ideas as you can.

When you jot down points, keep these pointers in mind.If it is a topic where you are expected to take a stand, say for example, "Should India sign the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty?" note down points for both sides of the argument. It will be useful on two counts

One, if you do not start the GD and are not amongst the first five speakers and find that everyone in the group is talking for the topic, then it makes sense to take the alternate approach and oppose the topic even if you initially intended to talk for the topic.

Second, it helps to have a knowledge of how group members who take a stand diametrically opposite to yours will put forth their argument and to be prepared with counter arguments.

3. Everybody else will state the obvious. So highlight some points that are not obvious. The different perspective that you bring to the group will be highly appreciated by the panel. Some pointers on being relevant while having a different perspective are:

Be careful that the "something different" you state is still relevant to the topic being debated.

Can you take the group ahead if it is stuck at one point? Can you take it in a fresh and more relevant direction?

4. The last implication is that you must be clearly seen to be attempting to build a consensus.

Gaining support or influencing colleagues is the mantra adopted by many a successful Business Leaders.

Nobody expects a group of ten intelligent, assertive people, all with different points of view on a controversial subject to actually achieve a consensus. But what matters is "Did you make attempts to build a consensus?"

The reason why an attempt to build a consensus is important is because in most work situations you will have to work with people in a team, accept joint responsibilities and take decisions as a group. You

must demonstrate the fact that you are capable and inclined to work as part of a team.

Group Discussion (GD) - Dos and Donts

The Ascent team shares with you some GD-tips to give you the edge. The tips given below are appicable in any GD. The only difference between most other GDs and the GDs conducted by the IIMs after CAT or other top B Schools is the intensity of the competition.

Be as natural as possible. Do not try and be someone you are not. Be yourself.

A group discussion is your chance to be more vocal. The evaluator wants to hear you speak.

Take time to organize your thoughts. Think of what you are going to say.

Seek clarification if you have any doubts regarding the subject. Don't start speaking until you have clearly understood and

analyzed the subject. Work out various strategies to help you make an entry: initiate

the discussion or agree with someone else's point and then move onto express your views.

Opening the discussion is not the only way of gaining attention and recognition. If you do not give valuable insights during the discussion, all your efforts of initiating the discussion will be in vain.

Your body language says a lot about you - your gestures and mannerisms are more likely to reflect your attitude than what you say.

Language skills are important only to the effect as to how you get your points across clearly and fluently.

Be assertive not dominating; try to maintain a balanced tone in your discussion and analysis.

Don't lose your cool if anyone says anything you object to. The key is to stay objective: Don't take the discussion personally.

Always be polite: Try to avoid using extreme phrases like: `I strongly object' or `I disagree'. Instead try phrases like: `I would like to share my views on…' or `One difference between your point and mine…' or "I beg to differ with you"

Brush up on your leadership skills; motivate the other members of the team to speak (this surely does not mean that the only thing that you do in the GD is to say "let us hear what the young lady with the blue scarf has to say," or "Raghu, let us hear your views" - Essentially be subtle), and listen to their views. Be receptive to others' opinions and do not be abrasive or aggressive.

If you have a group of like-minded friends, you can have a mock group discussion where you can learn from each other through giving and receiving feedback.

Apart from the above points, the panel will also judge team members for their alertness and presence of mind, problem-solving abilities, ability to work as a team without alienating certain members, and creativity.

  Group Discussion

  Parameters used to assess speeches and group discussions  I) Speech Assessment

o Ideas & their Logical Coherence o Opening Statement o Effective Conclusion o Posture o Gesture o Eye-contact o Audibility o Clarity o Pronunciation o Modulation o Personalized presentation o Conviction o Time

II) Group Discussion

o Body Language with cordiality and confidence o Avoiding argument and debates o Speaking loudly o Speaking clearly o Speaking to all o Listening fully o Listening attentively o Contributing new facts o Following systematic procedure o Giving chance to all the members o Point of Order o Raising questions for clarifications

Effective Summing up

Evaluation of Group Discussion       Select one number in each rating scale below to indicate how you would characterize the discussion as a whole with reference to the dimensions noted: 

Purpose of Discussion

Unachieved   1   2 3 4 5 Achieved

Emotional Climate

Listless 1 2 3 4 5 Animated

Tense, Hostile 1 2 3 4 5 Friendly atmosphere

Dogmatic, Uncooperative 1 2 3 4 5 Very Cooperative


Little use of information 1 2 3 4 5 Adequate information

Frequently off the subject 1 2 3 4 5 Relevant

Superficial 1 2 3 4 5 Thought, deep

Aimless, Confused 1 2 3 4 5 Methodical; group has sense of direction


Often interrupt each other 1 2 3 4 5 Orderly, attentive

Long contributions 1 2 3 4 5 Brief contributions

G.D 10  x  5  =

50 marks

Report 20 marks

Total 70 marks

Individual Marks:  

 30 (Out of 100)

(5 x 3 = 15)    1                       2                         3                       4                     5                     4                   3                       2                       1 Passive                                             Active                                    Domineering

(5 x 3 = 15)                   1                             2                               3                             4                           5                   Unclear                                                        Very Clear