Group 2 Culture


Transcript of Group 2 Culture










Let’s praise and thanks to God, because without His blessing, the writers would

never been able to finished this paper. This paper is entitled “What is Culture” has been

written to fulfill the assignment of CCU at University of Muhammadiyah Sorong.

In line with the writing of this paper, the writers would like to grateful to :

1. Mrs. Siti Rojiyah, S.Pd., M.Hum as the lecturer of CCU

2. All the friends in class H, English Department 2010.

Seeing that this paper is far from being perfect, the writers hope this paper will be

useful for the writers and for those who are interested in English. Critic and suggestion is

acceptable by the writers.

The Writers

(Group 2)



Some needs are common to all people—at all times and in all

places. They are need to make a living, need for social organization, need

for knowledge and learning, need for normative and metaphysical

expression, and the need for aesthetic manifestation.

A society’s culture is not just an instrument of development

cooperation: it is its basis. The relationship between culture and

development should be clarified and deepened in ways that are authentic,

indigenous, self-reliant, sovereign, civilized, and creative.

Culture is one of the central topics in Cross Culture Understanding

(CCU). This is very interesting topic to study. The purpose of writing this

article is to compare one culture with the others culture and to gain a clear

and thorough understanding of the different culture, custom and tradition

of culture society in this worlds not to know what is the better than the


A. Definition of Culture

Culture is derived from the Latin word Colere mean process or work.

Culture is very closely connected with the society. Malville J. Bronislaw

Mlinowski Herkovits, suggested that everything contained in the society is

determined by the culture of the society itself.

Culture is things that related to the mind and human reason. Culture is the result of the creativity and thinking of each member in language community. Culture that born from the individual and the community reflects the attitude and thinking of the society itself.

Culture learning is the process of acquiring the culture-specific and

culture-general knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for effective

communication and interaction with individuals from other cultures. It is a

dynamic, developmental, and ongoing process which engages the learner

cognitively, behaviorally, and affectively.

According the various definitions, we can make conclusion. Culture is the result of the creativity and thinking of each member in language community. (Kujana Rahadi, 2001: 162). The manifestation of culture is such as behavior and real things, example language is human life equipment to communicate with other human beings or other living creatures.

B. The Function Of Culture In The Society

Culture makes human as human being. At birth the child is just like an animal. He does not process speech, identity, gender and age roles. No self is formed. Because process of acculturation and personality getting influence by culture than began to develop thereby the individual become humane.

Cultures provide traditional interpretation to certain situations. The customs followed in certain societies are different with some other societies and are not acceptable to others but cultural values of their society are upheld by it. For ex: The infanticide which is practiced by an society is not practiced by the other society and is also prohibited. But custom of infanticide is upheld by their culture. Also, an individual behavior depends upon the cultural practices of their society. Individuals behavior towards certain bad and good omens is depending upon the society's culture.

C. The Characteristic of Culture

1. Culture Is Not Innate; It Is LearnedThe power and influence of these behaviors and perceptions can be seen in the ways in which we acquire culture. Our culture learning proceeds through interaction, observation, and imitationAll of this learning occurs as conscious or unconscious conditioning that leads one toward competence in a particular culture. This activity is frequently called enculturation, denoting the total activity of learning one's culture.

2. Culture Is TransmissibleThe symbols of a culture like mind, books, picture, language, things, and sort of kind, enable us to show we are pride identity about something that we are believed and to preserve what it deems to be important and worthy to transmissible. Example tradition tattoo in moi tribe.

3. Culture Is DynamicCulture is never static. Culture is dynamic and adapts to the dynamics of the society and environment.

4. Culture Is SelectiveEvery culture represents a limited choice of behavior patterns from the infinite patterns of human experience. Because each individual has only these limited cultural experiences, what we know is but an abstraction of what there is to know. In other words, culture also defines the boundaries of different groups. Example, peoples in they are life just select one or some culture to used in they are custom. Is impossible when they want to used all culture in this worlds.

5. Facets of Culture Are InterrelatedThis characteristic serves to inform us that culture is like a complex system. You touch a culture in one place and everything else is affected. Example, The women's movement in the United States may serve as an example of this. "Women's movement" may be but two simple words, but the movement has brought about changes in gender roles, sexual practices, educational opportunities, the legal system, career opportunities, and even female-male interaction.

6. Culture is ethnocentricEthnocentric is the tendency to see the world only through own culture. Keesing notes that ethnocentrism is a "universal tendency for any people to put its own culture and society in a central position of priority and worth". Example when we disturbing some culture in some place, people that live in that place will give counterattack because they believe, they own culture and society is ethnocentric.



History of America

Some historians believe. The first settler of what is now a United States came from Asia around 15,000 years ago as we know Indian tribe. They crossed the Bering land bridge into Alaska. Furthermore, Native Americans (Indian tribe) lived in the area for thousands of years. In 1492, Christopher Columbus reaching America. British people then settled in Jamestown, Virginia in 1607. This was considered the first settlements in the United States. Furthermore, the United States continues approached by the British people. The French, Spanish, and Dutch also settled in most of the United States.

Cherokee lived in Blue rich North Carolina east Coast America. But Cherokees were displaced from their ancestral lands in northern Georgia and the Carolinas in a period of rapidly expanding white population. Some of the rapid expansion was due to a gold rush around Dahlonega, Georgia in the 1830s. President Andrew Jackson said removal policy was an effort to prevent the Cherokee from facing the fate. the majority of Cherokees were forcibly relocated westward to Indian Territory (Oklahoma) in 1838–1839, a migration known as the Trail of Tears or in Cherokee orᏅᎾ ᏓᎤᎳ ᏨᏱ  Nvna Daula Tsvyi (Cherokee: The Trail Where They Cried). This took place during the Indian Removal Act of 1830.

A. Cherokee the Native People of America

Cherokee comes from the word "Chelokee" meaning "people of a different speech." They are the second largest Indian tribe in the United States. Today many live in homes in the Cherokee community. They used to travel around the country, living in tepees made of sticks and animal

skins. Tepees they range from 10-18 feet in height. They will build their fire in the middle of the tepee. Smoke from the fire was let out of a small hole at the top of the tepee. The Cherokee Indian tribe has many rituals that they do which may seem strange to us.

Cherokee Indians and nearly all offer thanks to nature, usually in a ritual dance is sometimes called the Sun Dance. In the Sun Dance, elders take young men in the tribe, paint their bodies and teach them a simple dance. The dancers will go into a trance and has Dream Vision, to help them determine their names and meet with the spirits of their elders. Some use the painted buffalo skulls as ceremonial artifacts when giving thanks to nature for providing food and clothing.

Tribes also have sweat ceremony to cleanse themselves of evil spirits. First, they will build an enclosed cabin. Then they would put hot stones, which had been sitting in a fire during a full day, in a small hole dug in one corner of the hut. They would then pour water on the rocks, producing steam. They take off their clothes and sat in the lodge for hours sweating and provoke spiritual vision. When they finally came out of the hut, they poured cold water on themselves, bringing them back to nature.

Tobacco is a special and sacred plants Cherokee and other tribes. They ceremonies for seedlings planted and harvest the leaves. Their ceremonial pipes made of bone or wood. Sacred smoke and it was offered to nature, friends and the universe.

Indian tribes, like the Cherokee, has been assigned roles for men and women. The men were hunters and protectors, and the women cook, build a shelter, make a fire, and care for the children. When people would capture the animal, she would immediately cook the liver and heart and other parts of the animal is to eat right away, celebrating their good fortune and thank the spirits for a successful hunt. The rest of the meat is cut into thin slices and dried. Dried strips like food that most people eat today is still called Jerky.

Because of their belief that you are not going to hurt anything unless it is necessary to survive, they have a strict legal obligation for every murder human, natural, or animal. They do not waste anything. They believe that death is no need to create the necessary imbalance revenge or sacrifice to restore harmony. Klan killer is to acknowledge and accept responsibility for the killing of one by someone in their tribe. Then the clans are expected to pay a fee, sometimes human sacrifices.

Cherokee way of life is an interesting topic to learn about. Although it seems incredible lifestyle for many readers, this is a way of life for Indigenous peoples of North America. Although the people and their numbers are dwindling, their traditions should be taught and practiced.

Tradition to be AliveTo survive, Cherokee people is Hunting, farming, and breed.

Cherokee Traditional Clothing

Cherokee men once wore only a breechcloth and moccasins in warm weather. In colder weather they added leggings and a fringed hunting jacket. Chiefs and priest wore long, full cloaks made of feather caps (not the traditional and popular plains Indian headdress ) or cloth turbans. The men shaved their heads, leaving a topknot (sometimes called a scalplock), which they allowed to grow long, and faces were tattooed.

Cherokee Traditional Beliefs

Religion of Cherokee is Animisme. Cherokee Indians and nearly all offer thanks to nature.

Cherokee GovernmentCherokee oral traditional tells of a time when the Cherokees were

ruled over by a powerful priesthood called the ani-kutani. When the priest took away a young man’s wife, he organized a revolt and all the priests were killed. Since then, according to the tale, the Cherokees have had a democratic government.

Cherokee Language

Cherokee has been written language at last since 1821. then Sequoyah (1770-1843) produce a syllabary of Cherokee language. The form of Cherokee word is like alphabet but have 85 characters not 26 like alphabet.

The Cherokee language belongs to the Iroquoian family of language and is related to Mohawk, Seneca, Onondaga, Oneida, Cayuga, and tuscarura among others. According to scholar, the Cherokee language became a separate, distinct language at least thirty-five hundred years ago.

The Cherokee language is still in wide use today. Many children still grow up with Cherokee as their first language, learning English when they go to school . bilingual education programs in the public schools also encourage continued use of the language.

Cherokee Greetings

Osiyo or ‘siyo is usually translated as “hello” and it maybe be followed by Tohiju?-How are you ? or are you well ?. one reponse is Tohigwu-I am well. Wado is “thank you”. Howa means all right, or okay. “Man” is asgaya, “Boy” is achuja. “Woman” is agehyuh and “Girl” is agehyuja. “Cherokee Nation” is translated as Chalagihi Ayehli (or Jalagihi Ayehli), using the “Cheroikezeed” version of the word Cherokee (with the place ending “hi”) and the versatile word Ayehli, which can mean “center”,”soul”,or “nation”.

Sacred Animals

The cougar owl, and eagle hold special significance to the Cherokee people. It is said they were the only animals who stayed awake during the seven nights of creation, so to this day they are nocturnal.

Sacred Places

The Cherokee considered all rivers and streams to be scared places. Every day began with the going-to-water ceremony, when everyone entered a stream near their village, faced east, and prayed to the seven direction: the four cardinal points, the sky, the earth, and the center-the spirit. They gave thanks for a new day, and new washed away any feelings that might separate them from their neighbors or from the creator, emerging cleansed physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Sacred Plants

Cedar, pine spruce, laurel and holly tress among the most important plants in cherokee medicine and ceremonies.

B. Amish Community

The Amish ( sometimes called Amish Mennonites) are member of an Anabaptist Christian denomination who are especially known for their separation from society, for living in isolated Amish communities , for the rejection of most modern technology , and their distinctly conservation dress. In the United States, Amish communities are mostly found in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indian.

History of the Amish

The Amish are one of several denominations that developed out of the Radical Reformation in 16th –century Europe. The Anabaptist , as the radical reformers came to be called , differed from mainstream protestants in their rejection of all church authority , belief that a church consist only of baptized believers and rejection of infant baptism. Anabaptist denominations include the Mennonites, Hutterites and the Amish.

The Amish arose from a schism among Swiss Mennonites in 1693. Mennonite leader Jacob Amman (1656-1730) and his followers applied the Mennonite practice of shunning very strictly and condemned other Mennonites for not doing so.

Amish communities sprang up in Switzerland , Alsace , Germany , Rusia and Holland , but there are no Amish remaining in Europe today. Many emigrated to North America in the 19th and 20th centuries and those who stayed behind gradually assimilated with Mennonite groups.

Amish began emigrating to North America early in the 18 th

century, in large part to avoid religious persecution and compulsory

military service. They first settled in eastern Pennsylvania, where a large settlement remains today.

In 1850, there was a schism between the “ New Order “ Amish, who accept social change and technological innovation but retain most other Amish practices.

There are now about 200,000 Old Oder Amish living in more than 200 settlements in the United States and Canada; the largest communities are in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Lowa, Illionis, and Kansas, and other exist in Wisconsin, Missouri, and Minnesota.

Tradition to be Alive

To survive, Amish people is farming, and breed. According they are believe, they just used manual tools without technology to farming n to do the daily activity.

Amish House

Amish Traditional house

Amish LanguageThe Amish speak English, German, and a dialect known as

Pennsylvania German or Pennsylvania Dutch.

Amish TextAs conservative Protestants, the Amish value the Bible alone as the

source of religious authority. But in most Amish homes a special place is reserved alongside the Bible for the Martyr’s Mirror, a book chronicling the many Amish, Mennonites, and Anabaptists who died for their faith.

The Budget, established in 1980, is the national newspaper serving the many Amish and Mennonite communities; it is published in Sugarcreek, Ohio.

Amish Beliefs Amish religion beliefs are virtually the same as that of the

Mennonites and other religious reformers. Their roots reach back to the Anabaptist movement in 1525 at the time of the Protestant Reformation in 1693 They believe in the importance of individual Bible study and the necessity of living a life free of sin after adult Baptism. The Amish are primarily set apart from other Mennonites in their great emphasis on the values of humility, family, community, and separation from the world.

Amish Practices Amish Religion Services

As in Mennonite communities, the Amish celebrate Holy Communion twice each year and practice foot washing. Persons are baptized when they are admitted to formal membership in the church, about the age of 17 to 20 years.

Amish religion services are conducted in High German. Pennsylvania Dutch (which is not Dutch a mixture of High German , various German dialect and English ) is spoken at home and in daily discourse. Children learn English at school.

Amish Education Amish children attend one-room schools run by the community

and they attend school only through the eighth grade (this was deemed acceptable by a 1972 U.S. supreme Court ruling). School classes are in English and focus on the basics of reading, writing, and math, along with Amish history, farming techniques and homemaking skills.

Amish RumsprigaThis Pennsylvania German word which means "running around"

describes the transition from adolescence to adulthood. It begins at about

age 16 when youth socialize with their friends, and it ends with marriage, which occurs on average at age 21 and 22 for women and men respectively. The vast majority of teens in Rumspringa do not leave for urban life but live at home.

Prime activities include dating, socializing with peers, testing traditional Amish boundaries (for some youth), and deciding if they will join the church or leave the community. Because most youth are not baptized during Rumspringa they are in a liminal position -- betwixt and between the authority of their parents and the rules of the church.

Clothing , Dress , and Personal Appearance of the Amish

The Amish are especially known for their distinctive self-made clothing, which is essentially that of 17th-century European peasants, the distinctive attire reflects Amish resistance to change , respect for tradition and interpretation of biblical instructions against conforming to the ways of the world ( e.g. Romans 12:2). Its plainness also reflects the great importance of humility in Amish communities.

Men and boys wear broad- brimmed black hats , dark-colored suits , straight-cut coats without lapels , broadfall pants , suspenders , solid-colored shirt and black socks and shoes. Their shirt may fasten with conventional buttons , but their coats and vest fasten with books and eyes. Men must grow beards after they marry but are forbidden to have mustaches.

Amish women and girl wear bonnets, long full dresses with capes over the shoulders , shawls , and black shoes and stocking ; their capes and aprons are fastened with straight pains or snaps. Amish women never cut their hair , which is worm in a burn , and they are not allowed to wear jewelry of any kind.

C. Real Contemporary the Modern American Peoples

Real contemporary is the dominant society in America. America is

ultimately nation of immigrants and as result a cultural mish-mash in

every sense of the world. Not only is the country populated by people from

foreign countries but all Americans is one way or another trace their

ancestry back to another culture, whether Irish, German, Italian, or

Scottish. Looking around any major city one will notice the ‘melting-pot’

that it is and can be new place from new culture, custom and religion.

Tradition to be AliveTo survive, modern America people is working in office, company,


Real Contemporary HouseThe modern America peoples live in modern house like now.

Real Contemporary Clothing

The modern America used a casual dress and formal dress to worked, so they are style is good looking.

Real Contemporary Religion

The religion of modern America peoples is plural. Because in

America society have many religions. But the major religion that people

believe is Protestant.

Real Contemporary LanguageThe America does not have an official language, but English is

spoken by about 82% of population as a native language. The variety of English that spoken in United states is known as American English. Together with Canadian English it makes up the group of dialects known as North American English. Spanish is the second most common language in the country, spoken by almost 30 million people or 12% of the population.

D. The Native people of Sorong West Papua

Papua is a forgotten history. Not many know exactly how the real

history of Papua. The history evidence is not widely supported. This is

evident in efforts to omission the history of Papua, when undertaken by

the previous invaders, such as the Netherlands. Indeed, most of the Papua

region is still a plain wilderness. However, behind it all a lot of hidden

things that not many people know about Papua.

The Moi or Malamoi tribe is native people of head bird of Papua

Islands or we are called as Sorong West Papua. In Moi Tribe is have some

Clan name such as: Mubalen, osok, ulim, malakmini,etc. To chose name

clan for genetic relationship is follow patrilinear role from they are Father


Tradition to be AliveTo survive. Moi Tribe Life with Hunting, farming, and breed.

Moi Traditional Beliefs.Religion of Moi is Animisme. Cherokee Indians and nearly all

offer thanks to nature.

Tradition of Moi tribeSome historians believe, that the tradition of Moi tribe in papua

firstly came from Austronesia Southeast Asia in neolitic period.


Tattoo tradition is famous custom for male in Moi Tribe. The Motif

is geometrical, line, circle, and dotted make triangle shape. To make tattoo

they plunging the sagu palm spike or fish bone in ‘yak kibi’ (coal dust)

and ‘loum’ (resin of langsat tree, then press and prick them gentility in

body like chest, cheek, calf, back, eyelid, etc

Traditional Weapon


Traditional Dance

Cendrawasih dances

Selamat datang dances

Traditional Food


Papeda is traditional food of Papua and Maluku made from Sagu

Sagu Palm Tree

Moi Traditional House


Moi traditional Clothing

When the major native peoples Papua is using koteka, rumbai, and

awur. The Moi peoples is precisely using own woven cloth the name is

‘Kain Timor’ (Sarong Timur). The design and model is same with ‘tenun

ikat’ from NTT because it perhaps the weaving tradition is enter in West

Papua in 1700 C. It is bring by missionary from NTT.




Culture is the result of the creativity and thinking of each member in group society. Culture will be optimal to progress and developed when the custom in society is organized. Custom of society can organized if the people in society is also qualified.


http//, date 15 April 2013, jam 19.41 WIT.

Siti, Rojiyah, S.pd., M.Hum, A Set of Cross-Cultural Understanding

Materials, Sorong;UMS,2013.