Grounded in Faith, Growing to Serve · 29/05/2016  · roots of our Mass, I’d recommend: Jesus...

1100 Santa Cruz Avenue Menlo Park, CA 94025 Tel: 650-323-1755 Fax: 650-561-3755 Email: [email protected] Website: CLERGY AND STAFF Pastor Fr. Christopher Fadok, O.P. [email protected] Parochial Vicar Fr. Augustine Hilander , O.P. [email protected] In Residence Fr. Nathan Castle, O.P., Fr. Xavier Lavagetto, O.P., Fr. Patrick O’Neil, O.P., Fr. Eugene Sousa, O.P., Fr. Allen Duston, O.P., Fr. Emmanuel Taylor, O.P. Permanent Deacon Deacon Tom Kelly Permanent Deacon Deacon Charles Seagren, O.C.D.S. School Principal Dr. Tara Rolle Religious Ed. Coordinator Stephanie Virag Confirmation, Youth Minister and Pastoral Assistant for Development Christine Augulis Director of Music John Iosefa Office Manager Ronnica Hagy Facilities Supervisor Pedro Hernandez Groundskeeper Javier Hernandez MINISTRY COORDINATORS Liturgical Altar Servers Bonnie Morey Altar Society Elizabeth Haynes Extraordinary Ministers Charles Seagren Lectors Charles Seagren Prayer & Faith Formation Adult Faith Formation Christine Galvez Bible Study Charles Seagren Children's Liturgy Debbie Pinkston Confirmation/Youth Minister Christine Augulis Couples Bible Study Camilo Colorado Legion of Mary Bobbie Seagren RCIA Fr. Christopher Fadok, O.P. Religious Ed Stephanie Virag Social Outreach Homebound & Sick Bobbie Seagren Homeless Family Fund Sally Cesario St. Vincent de Paul Bob Caletti Parish Community Donuts & Coffee Doug Farel Seniors Together Lisa Casentini, Karyn Leahy, Ginny Tendrup, & Jill Latham Clubs Dads’ Club J.T. Sison Moms’ Club Mary Coyle Finance Council James Precobb, Cat Westover, Maureen Hamer and David Mount Pastoral Council Lori Mirek [email protected] Barbara Murphy [email protected] Mike Brown [email protected] Chris Terndrup [email protected] Christine Augulis [email protected] Karyn Leahy [email protected] Tim Connors [email protected] The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) May 29, 2016 Vision Statement St. Raymond Parish is a family. As disciples of Jesus, we are “children of God” and “brothers and sisters in Christ.” Jesus himself says, “Whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother, and sister, and mother” (Matthew 12:50). We welcome all to belong to our Catholic family and to inherit with us in Christ the mission to preach the Gospel! SCHEDULE Weekend Masses Saturday Vigil: 5:15 pm Sundays: 8:00 am, 10:00 am and 6 :00 pm Weekday Masses Monday thru Saturday: 8:15 am Holy Days: 6:00 pm Vigil, 8:15 am, 12:10 pm & 6:00 pm Confessions Saturday: 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm Sunday: 30 minutes before Mass or by appointment Anointing of the Sick First Thursday of every month following the 8:15 am Mass or by appointment Eucharistic Adoration Saturday: following the 8:15 am Mass Grounded in Faith, Growing to Serve

Transcript of Grounded in Faith, Growing to Serve · 29/05/2016  · roots of our Mass, I’d recommend: Jesus...

Page 1: Grounded in Faith, Growing to Serve · 29/05/2016  · roots of our Mass, I’d recommend: Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist: Unlocking the Secrets of the Last Supper by

1100 Santa Cruz Avenue Menlo Park, CA 94025 Tel: 650-323-1755 Fax: 650-561-3755 Email: [email protected] Website:

CLERGY AND STAFF Pastor Fr. Christopher Fadok, O.P. [email protected] Parochial Vicar Fr. Augustine Hilander , O.P. [email protected] In Residence Fr. Nathan Castle, O.P., Fr. Xavier Lavagetto, O.P., Fr. Patrick O’Neil, O.P., Fr. Eugene Sousa, O.P., Fr. Allen Duston, O.P., Fr. Emmanuel Taylor, O.P. Permanent Deacon Deacon Tom Kelly Permanent Deacon Deacon Charles Seagren, O.C.D.S. School Principal Dr. Tara Rolle Religious Ed. Coordinator Stephanie Virag Confirmation, Youth Minister and Pastoral Assistant for Development Christine Augulis Director of Music John Iosefa Office Manager Ronnica Hagy Facilities Supervisor Pedro Hernandez Groundskeeper Javier Hernandez

MINISTRY COORDINATORS Liturgical Altar Servers Bonnie Morey Altar Society Elizabeth Haynes Extraordinary Ministers Charles Seagren Lectors Charles Seagren Prayer & Faith Formation Adult Faith Formation Christine Galvez Bible Study Charles Seagren Children's Liturgy Debbie Pinkston Confirmation/Youth Minister Christine Augulis Couples Bible Study Camilo Colorado Legion of Mary Bobbie Seagren RCIA Fr. Christopher Fadok, O.P. Religious Ed Stephanie Virag Social Outreach Homebound & Sick Bobbie Seagren Homeless Family Fund Sally Cesario St. Vincent de Paul Bob Caletti Parish Community Donuts & Coffee Doug Farel Seniors Together Lisa Casentini, Karyn Leahy, Ginny Tendrup, & Jill Latham Clubs Dads’ Club J.T. Sison Moms’ Club Mary Coyle Finance Council James Precobb, Cat Westover, Maureen Hamer and David Mount Pastoral Council Lori Mirek [email protected] Barbara Murphy [email protected] Mike Brown [email protected] Chris Terndrup [email protected] Christine Augulis [email protected] Karyn Leahy [email protected] Tim Connors [email protected]

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) May 29, 2016

Vision Statement St. Raymond Parish is a family. As disciples of Jesus, we are “children of God” and “brothers and sisters in Christ.” Jesus himself says, “Whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother, and sister, and mother” (Matthew 12:50). We welcome all to belong to our Catholic family and to inherit with us in Christ the mission to preach the Gospel!

SCHEDULE Weekend Masses

Saturday Vigil: 5:15 pm Sundays: 8:00 am, 10:00 am and 6 :00 pm

Weekday Masses Monday thru Saturday: 8:15 am

Holy Days: 6:00 pm Vigil, 8:15 am, 12:10 pm & 6:00 pm Confessions

Saturday: 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm Sunday: 30 minutes before Mass or by appointment

Anointing of the Sick First Thursday of every month following the 8:15 am Mass

or by appointment Eucharistic Adoration

Saturday: following the 8:15 am Mass

Grounded in Faith, Growing to Serve

Page 2: Grounded in Faith, Growing to Serve · 29/05/2016  · roots of our Mass, I’d recommend: Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist: Unlocking the Secrets of the Last Supper by


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Grace to you and peace. From ancient times, blood and life have been equated in the human mind. Numerous passages in Old Testament books like Genesis, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy readily identify blood and life. “Blood is life” says Deuteronomy; “the life of the flesh is in the blood” says Leviticus; and Genesis speaks of this vital fluid with one word, calling it “lifeblood.” The Jewish celebration of Passover recalls that night of great destiny for our elder brothers and sisters, and indeed all of humanity, when lifeblood sprinkled on the doorposts of the Hebrew’s homes would grant them the Lord’s protection from “the destroyer,” the one who was to bring death to the firstborn of the Egyptians. We call our Eucharist a celebration of the Paschal Mystery. The word “paschal” started out as the Hebrew word “pesach,” meaning “pass over,” and referring to Israel’s experience in Egypt when the angel of death passed over their homes, sprinkled with the blood of a slain lamb, thus preserving their lives (Exodus 12:21-24). When the Hebrew scripture was translated into Greek, “pesach” became “pascha,” and the meal at which the slain lamb was eaten came to be called the paschal meal. Jewish people annually celebrate the paschal meal—Passover—and by it mark the relationship—the covenant—with God that promises passage from slavery to freedom, from darkness to light, from death to life. For Christians, Easter, the Feast of the Resurrection, is our annual festival of this passage. But we celebrate the Paschal Mystery at every Mass. Daily we recall that Jesus is the Paschal Lamb whose blood is our passage from death to eternal life. The mystery of bloodshed that leads to life is the Passion, Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus. The Paschal Mystery remains sacramentally present for us today and every day when the Eucharist is celebrated. In the Eucharist, the sacrifice of the cross is perpetuated as a memorial to the death and resurrection of the Lord who said, “Do this in memory of me,” and as a sacred banquet through which we share the benefits of the Paschal Mystery and renew the new covenant of life which God has made through the blood of Christ (Cf. Eucharisticum Mysterium 3). The Eucharist doesn’t simply recall the Paschal Mystery as a reminder of things past; the Eucharist makes it truly present. Jesus’ real presence in the Eucharist is his greatest gift to the Church. “I am the living bread that came down from heaven; if anyone eats if this bread, he will live forever . . . He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and . . . abides in me, and I in him” (John 6:51, 54, 56). (If you are interested in the Jewish roots of our Mass, I’d recommend: Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist: Unlocking the Secrets of the Last Supper by Brant Pitre.) The blessings of the Paschal Mystery cannot be kept inside our church doors. In a letter to priests in 2004, Saint John Paul the Second recalled the many ways in which we might share the

Join the Team for

Our Annual Fall Family

Picnic This year, we’re looking for a new chairperson for our annual Fall Family Picnic team, as Christine Augulis is retiring from the post after 3 years. She has detailed notes & contacts to guide & assist in planning the event; we just need an energetic group to make this great get-together happen next September. But we’ve got to start organizing & recruiting now before everyone leaves for vacation! Grab some friends & leave your contact info with Ronnica in the parish office at 650-323-1755 or [email protected] if you’re interested in organizing this super fun event for our parish. Thanks!

life God gives us by the blood of his Son. He said, “I think . . . of the tragedy of hunger which plagues hundreds of millions of human beings, the diseases which afflict developing countries, the loneliness of the elderly, the hardships faced by the unemployed, the struggles of immigrants. We cannot delude ourselves: by our mutual love and, in particular, by our concern for those in need we will be recognized as true followers of Christ (cf. Jn 13:35; Mt 25:31-46). This will be the criterion by which the authenticity of our Eucharistic celebrations is judged.” As we celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi, let’s commit ourselves to authentic Eucharist. Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord! Fr. Christopher, O.P.

Memorial Day Mass

at Holy Cross Cemetery

(Santa Cruz & Avy, Menlo Park)

will be held at 11:00 am.

Come early, as

seating is limited.

Page 3: Grounded in Faith, Growing to Serve · 29/05/2016  · roots of our Mass, I’d recommend: Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist: Unlocking the Secrets of the Last Supper by

Mass Intentions & Event Calendar

Saturday, May 28, 2016 5:15 p.m. Bruno Fatica †

Sunday, May 29, 2016

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi)

8:00 a.m. Aloisio Mateo † 10:00 a.m. The Imperial & Bantug Families,

Both Living & Deceased 6:00 p.m. St. Raymond Parish

Monday, May 30, 2016

8:15 a.m. Mary Routson † and Carlo Besio † 7:25 a.m.-Morning Prayer-Chapel

7:40 a.m.-Office of Readings-Chapel Before 8:15 a.m. Mass -Rosary-Chapel

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8:15 a.m. Bernard Michaels †

7:25 a.m.-Morning Prayer-Chapel 7:40 a.m.-Office of Readings-Chapel

Before 8:15 a.m. Mass -Rosary-Chapel 9:15 a.m.-Legion of Mary-Parish Center

11:00 a.m.-Bible Class-Parish Center

Wednesday, June 1, 2016 St. Justin, Martyr

8:15 a.m. Mary Kelly Basso † 7:25 a.m.-Morning Prayer-Chapel

7:40 a.m.-Office of Readings-Chapel Before 8:15 a.m. Mass -Rosary-Chapel

7:00 p.m.-Choir Practice

Thursday June 2, 2016 Saints Marcellinus and Peter, Martyrs

8:15 a.m. Edna Cunningham † 7:25 a.m.-Morning Prayer-Chapel

7:40 a.m.-Office of Readings-Chapel Before 8:15 a.m. Mass -Rosary-Chapel

Friday, June 3, 2016

The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus 8:15 a.m. Larry Johnston †

7:25 a.m.-Morning Prayer-Chapel 7:40 a.m.-Office of Readings-Chapel

Before 8:15 a.m. Mass -Rosary-Chapel

Saturday, June 4, 2016 The Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary

8:15 a.m. Rod Garcia † and Kathi Donovan 7:25 a.m.-Morning Prayer-Chapel

7:40 a.m.-Office of Readings-Chapel Before 8:15 a.m. Mass -Rosary-Chapel

After 8:15 a.m. Mass-Eucharistic Adoration-Chapel


This Week’s Readings Genesis 14:18-20 Psalm 110:1-4 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 Luke 9:11b-17

Mass Intentions are available through 2017 at the Parish office Monday-Thursday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., and Sunday from 9 a.m. to noon. You can also

schedule a Mass over the phone by calling (650) 323-1755.

The Confraternity of the Holy Rosary is a group of men and women throughout the Catholic Church who are devoted to the prayer of the Rosary. Whether individually or in groups, they pray the rosary three times a week, contemplating the life of Christ. United with

Mary, they unite their prayers to members of the Confraternity past and present, and are granted a number of indulgences and benefits for their membership.

A family, who lost everything when they were displaced because the house they were renting was destroyed by fire, was referred to us for assistance by a Case Manager from First Step for Families. They lived in a motel for a week and then moved to the shelter when space became available. They had been there for almost three months. The mother is a 37-year old single mom with two sons aged 14 and 11. She finally found a room to rent for $800 per month and needed $1,800 for last month's rent and security deposit which we were able to provide. She works two part-time jobs, one in a grocery store and one doing house cleaning. She averages $2,400 per month and has no other source of income nor assistance. Her main concern was to find housing, purchase beds and clothing for her sons, and try to increase her income. Her Case Manager helped her create a budget which will allow her to save some money so she will have a "cushion" in the future. They were most appreciative of our help. Thank you for your generosity, St. Raymond parishioners, and thank you for following the model given to us by our Lord. "I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do." -John 13:1-15 Please make your donations payable to St. Raymond Homeless Family Fund. They may be placed in the collection basket, sent to the parish office or through the St. Raymond website (e-contributions).

Next Week’s Readings 1 Kings 17:17-24 Psalm 30:2, 4-6, 11-13 Galatians 1:11-19 Luke 7:11-17

Give the Gift of Music St. Raymond School is seeking a donation for a Spinet or Studio-Type Piano for our music program. Please contact the school office at (650) 322-212 for more information. Thank you.

Page 4: Grounded in Faith, Growing to Serve · 29/05/2016  · roots of our Mass, I’d recommend: Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist: Unlocking the Secrets of the Last Supper by

As a parish community we pray for the sick among us: Lynn Bacon, Roger Barth, Kayte Roach, James Roach, Bernice D’Arcy, Joan Briggson, Eleanor Jekot, Margaret McSweeney, Javier Ramos, Juan Esteban Gonzalez Marin, Karen Lundberg, Catherine Matsakis, & Rufina Villalobos.

Meditation on Today’s Readings

We have received from the Lord what he handed on to us. Abram gives a tenth of what he has to Melchizedek, king and priest. But Jesus holds nothing back. He gives not a tenth of what he has but everything -- and he gives it to us. It is not something owed to us, nothing we deserve. We are no Melchizedek, just ordinary people doing our best, and sometimes falling. But Jesus holds nothing back. He gives us his all, even his Body and Blood, as often as we receive him in Holy Communion. There is no limit to his free and total gift; he is the God of always-more. But we do not receive him passively. Jesus asks us to do this in remembrance of him. Just as he gave himself in love for each of us, we are also to give ourselves in love for God and for one another. The bread of life is blessed, broken and given. And we are all satisfied.

Donut and Coffee Servers: Volunteers needed to serve after the 10 AM Mass! Please contact Doug Farel at 650-245-4149 or by email at dfarel@

Fun Fact

The Dad’s Club raised $100,000.00 at the 2016 Howard Daschbach Golf Tourament.

For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs.

Sacristan Needed “There prepare for us" (Mark 14:15). Jesus called his disciples to prepare a room for the Last Supper--the first celebration of Mass. Our parish St. Raymond needs a leader for Mass preparation. Called "Sacristan," this is a part-time, paid

position at the heart of our community, making the celebration of Mass possible. Training is of course available. The Sacristan leads set-up and clean-up for the 8:15 am daily Mass (with days off); for the Saturday 5:15 pm Vigil Mass; for Sunday Masses at 8 am, 10 am, and 6 pm (in short, all weekend Masses); and for all Masses on Holy Days of Obligation, Ash Wednesday, and the Triduum. Additional duties include: set-up and clean-up for funerals, baptisms, weddings, and Masses for special occasions; training volunteers for sacristy-related tasks, such as Mass set-up for weekdays when absent, polishing brass, and tidying pews; maintaining an adequate supply of sacristy-related items such as altar bread, wine, candles, charcoal, incense, etc., timely ordering of seasonal items such as palms, ashes, and the Paschal candle; and maintaining, polishing and cleaning all liturgical items. If you or someone you know may be interested, please contact Fr. Christopher at 650-323-1755 or [email protected]. Thank you!

Women's Summer Faith Sharing

Calling young women ages 25-40 to participate! All are welcome: Single/Married/Divorced/Kids/NoKids/WorkingProfessionals/GradStudents. If you are going to be around this June and early July, this group could be for you! We will be meeting for 6 consecutive Saturday Mornings (June July 2 & 9) from 9:30am to 11:30am. Our small group will be focused on deepening our understanding of Sunday Scripture and sharing faith/life connections in a supportive and confidential environment. Contact Rosemary Pesko at [email protected] or 505-660-9396 to learn more and/or sign-up.

Donations Requested for Our Lady’s Grotto

The current irrigation system at the grotto has been eaten by squirrels. The cost to replace the system and add new plants is between $600-$700. Any contribution is welcome and can be left at the parish office. Thank you.

St. Vincent de Paul Fifth Sunday Collection

Vincentians will be at the doors this weekend asking for your donations to help the poor. There will be a matching anonymous donor who will match up to $2500. So your donations will be doubled!

Page 5: Grounded in Faith, Growing to Serve · 29/05/2016  · roots of our Mass, I’d recommend: Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist: Unlocking the Secrets of the Last Supper by


St. Raymond Parish is a community united by our Catholic Faith as disciples of Jesus Christ. We seek communion with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit through ongoing personal and communal conversion to Christ and a deeper commitment to the mission Jesus gives each of us to preach the Gospel. The Sacred Scriptures and sacraments of the Church sustain us. We dedicate ourselves to Truth and strive to grow in love of God and neighbor through community, prayer, study, and service, as we work by grace to build up in one another and share freely with others the abundance of magnificent gifts God has given us.

Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend To attend a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend, call David & Karen at 650-350-1469 or go to

The Dominican


On Monday, May 30, we celebrate Bl. James Salomoni. “Blessed James Salomoni (1231–1314) was born in Venice into a noble family. Bl. James was brought up by his mother after his father died. His mother later became a Cistercian nun and he was then raised by his grandmother. He became a Dominican friar at the age of seventeen, and became prior of various places, including Forlì, Faenza, San Severino, and Ravenna. But Forlì was finally where he settled for the

rest of his life. He gained fame for healing paralytics and for his prophetic abilities, obtained through a state of religious ecstasy. He lived for 45 years at a convent in Forlì, which considers him a patron and was called there the “father of the poor” (padre dei poveri). He also earned fame for being the person who received the confession of Carino of Balsamo, the murderer of St. Peter of Verona, and became his spiritual father. Salomoni suffered from cancer for four years, but he was cured some time before his death. He died in Forlì in 1314. In 1315, a brotherhood was founded to promote veneration for Bl. James. In 1526, his cult was approved for Forlì, and around 1568 for Venice; Pope Gregory XV approved his cult for the Dominicans in 1622. Bl. James Salomoni’s remains were conserved in a funereal urn at Forlì, but in 1939, his relics were translated to Venice, in the basilica of Santi Giovanni e Paolo, to the Chapel of Blessed James Salomoni. A shrine was built to Salomoni at Saint Catherine of Siena Church (which is run by the Dominican Order) in Manhattan." -From wikipedia. Bl. James is considered a patron for those with cancer. Please ask for his intercession for loved ones. If there are any miracles attributed to his cause, it could mean that he be raised to be venerated as a saint.

TRY…...E-Contributions Sign up online via our website not only for your Sunday offerings , but also St. Vincent de Paul , Religious Education registration fees, Confirmation registration fees, the Homeless Family Fund and the Fall Drive. Go to click on the “contributing” tab at the top right of the website, and then click “click here to contribute” under the “Online Giving” section. There, you’ll see very easy donation instructions. THERE IS NO COST TO YOU FOR THIS SERVICE! Your generosity is greatly appreciated!

Sunday Collections $3,870.00

E-contributions $1440.00

TOTAL $5,310.00

Contributions for May 22, 2016

Final Book Group Join Father Augustine as our book group continues to read and discuss good literature together. Anyone is welcome whether you have read the book or not! The next meeting will be Thursday,

June 2nd at 7pm or the following Friday, June 3rd at 1pm. The repeated session on Friday will end by 1:55pm to accommodate those with children at St. Raymond School. Our theme this year is Catholic/Christian Literature around the World (Northern Hemisphere). In honor of the 800th Jubilee, this week we will cover: Spain: Bede Jarrett - Life of St. Dominic, June 2 & 3

Catholic Charities CYO Athletics Basketball League

For adults 18 years or older (must be out of high school), minimum 7 players (June 5—July 24, 2016)

Please join us at CYO Serramonte Gym in San Mateo County: 699 Serramonte Boulevard, Daly City, CA 94015 Sunday nights from 5 to 9 p.m. Fee: $85 per person

Father Augustine’s Goodbye Reception ———— Sunday, May 22, 2016