State of Arizona Bureau of Geology and Minera l Technology INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT Those pl anning for land-use should consider the availability and utlll:r atJOn of bo th surface water anu ground waler, rncludlng the quairty and quantltyof those walel resources, when making declsrom. to best meot thfilu t ulO uomastlc and rndustllal needs In the Tempe Quadr.mglll Large quantities of good quahty ground wete r are avallebkl Within a few hundred feet of the surface However, at lhe presant rate of grouoo water usage, more water IS beillg wlthdr<Jwn than IS berng naturally recharged in the Salt River Valley, causing Ihe water table 10 decline in most of the quadrangle. Surface water is presendy available for use through arrangements wrth agencies whi ch administrate and phySically control any surface water into thiS area by permln lng canal flow to fOCl ll tl 1!S here Surface water IS al so available sporachcally dUring floo dflows along the Salt Rl\ler chennel, or reoorvOir r(llilases made to provida storage fo r potential floOOfiows from forecast storms Ground water is a maj or resource th roughout Arr:lona, In 1983, about 66% of the water utrll:led was ground water (USGS, 1985) Therefore, an understanding of the ground water conul lions IS essentIal for the planning of futu re water supplies Depth to the water table. ground water ava ilability, and the probable quality of the water must be kn own These factors ere influenced by the geologic conditions of the a rea. SUBSURFACE GEOLOGY Tile Tempe Quadrangle is underlain by three elluvlal units· the upper all uvium. tho middle allUVi um, and lhe lowar allUVIum (Arteaga and others, 1968; Laney, 1986), AllUVium is present In most areas of the Tempe Quadrangle and In the adjacent quadrangl es of the east er n Salt River Volley Alluvluln IS thinly ullposlted or IS abiOent In areas underlain by the bedrock highlands and pediment ( see Map GI·2-A, GeoIOlJY) n le matonal becomes finer With mcreaslng dIStance f rom the hlghland9 The al lUVium IS less t han 2O(l teet \64 6 m) Ihlck ar the westOfn ooge of the quadrangle Some of the all uvium may contain gypsum, Of other soluble minerals ;:r t depths of about 1000 feet (300 ml. which reduce the qualn.,. of water obtained from those ueposlts However, degrauatlcn of quality does not always Increase With depth, because along Sconsdale 11 Road, ncrth of the rrver, the quality of water below about 500 feet (1 50 mJ IS ge nera lly better than 1 that above (K ISter, 1974). Robertson and others (1985) have shown areas cultivat9o' for many YOllrs contain !lroundwater haVing concent rat ions of nitrate, han:!ness and total dISsolv9o' solids that de<: rease with uepth, wh i ch Infers inlluenGe from Irngatlon racharge The upper alluvium unft ranges from 50 to 200 t eet (1 5 tn 60 mlthick, <rnd wells drrlled Into thiS unit have generall y Yie lded from 75 gallons per minute (gpm) to 2000 gpm (4 7 liters per second Ups) to 126 Ip s) One wel l south of Tempe yielded more than 4000 gpm (252 Ipsl, but the date of that test was oot rndlcated. The upper allUVium IS composed of silt, sand, gravel, end boulders It gttflerally thlckuns toward the nearby sub basin centers, nortl1east and southeast The upper unit is unconsollu;:rted, except whure calichrfMKI neilr l he Eurface (see Map GI-2·G, Caliche) and is structurally undelormoo and fI<r t lying. It IS conSIdered Ou<lnernary In age, probably l ess than 2 m il lion vcars ukt (Laney, 19861 The mi ddle olli.lvl um IS from 100 to 600 feet {30 to 100 101 thick, and Increases to Its greatest thickness In the northllast part of the quadrangle It ll pproachos 200 feet (00 m) thick in the western part of tha quadrangle and IS from 300 to 350 f l,lct (go to 106 m) thICk In thto! southeastern part (Laney. 1986). The middle unit of the alluvium also consists of Sil t, sand, gravol, arn:i boulden;, but it may be sll9htly more consolidated than the upper alluvium The indiVidual glllrns are pilcked more closely together In the midd le unit. and a cu bic foot of middle alluvium could store l ess water t han cubiC foot of saturated upper all UViu m However, beceuse the midflle unit is gen erall y thicker than thl! upper one, a greater volume of wa ter may be available from the middle all uvium. The middlo unit IS fl3y·IYlng and has unflergone li ttls if any deformation structurally. It IS considered ea rly Quat cmary or later Tertiary In age (Laney, 1986) The 100000r allUVium unrt is several hundred foot thi ck, being thICker toward tho northoast and southeast The lower Unit consIsts chiefly of weakly to moderately cementml sand and gravel Wi th beds of clay and silt, and may have been sli ghtly deformed during faulting and tilting of this area uUrlng Tertiary time, probably late Miocene (see Map G(·2-A, Gaology). The lower unit yields consillo.a!)1c WlIter to wells penetratrng It (Laney, 19861. Tho bedroc k highlands are cryst al line rocks which hays a general granrtlc compoSfilon and contain little water. Small qU<lnlltle5 of a genera ll y poor qUillrty Willer may be ob t<llned from localized, highly fractu red zones {Leney et ai, 1978], The Clmel's Head Formation, also known as the red unit (Arteaga, 1968), underllas the all uvium In the IlOrthern P6rt of the Quadrangle (see Map GI ·2·H, Depth to River Gravel ). red unit IS known to yield watar to walls penetrating it. DISTRI BUTION ' The 1980 water table benoath th e Tempe Quaurangle formed a ridge below the Salt River The depth to the water table in creases north or south away from the river channel The 1960 dif- fe rence in elevation between the top 01 the water ridge and the l owest portion of the water table, occurrrng in the north cantral part of the quadrangle, was about 350 feet 1105 mi . Because glound w ater Will sl owly move from Its higher towan:! ItS l ower surfaces, regardless of the overlying topography, the grounu water of the ridge below the Salt River mo ... es er ther north or south mto the aUJilcent w ate< tat>lt:llows F'1lures 1 th rough 7 on the reve'1;O Side are contour maps 01 t he water t..ble, and show tilO flow (hroctlons of tho ground water for the years IndICated North 01 the Salt River. the steadily drawdown of the water table has produced a l ar ge irregular depression In the water tabie, or a large, complel( cone of dew8tered material which IS 2 to 3 mil es (3.2 10 4.B km) In di ameter, center ed north of the quadrangle The water table IS more than 400 feet U20 ml deep at the center of thaI depre&61 0n . South of the river, a mrnbr depression has d9\oeloped, wrth the watar table In It6 center being about 200 feet (60 ml below the sllrface TIlorn are two typos of wah>r tablll In thl" amil' reg iona l afld porched. Tho regional water tabla occurs at the 1000ei below which all metellal IS saturaled It IS a continuous body of water within the vokis of the a ll uvium. The perched water tabte IS an Isolated. smaller body of water whICh IS retained, or perched et soma distance above the regional wal er table. The perched table IS caused by a tess permeable lens of material that slom the downward percolation of water in ItS descent towaru the regional water table. The dammrng or slOWing of the water's descent results 10 a mound of water berng temporanly ,etarnlKl 10 or above the lass permsable sediments. A wel l dli lled to ponetrate only the perched water table Will generally Yield considerably lowcr quantl tlCS of w eIer than It Ufilioo rnto lhe re{Jlonal table i)(!Iow, bocause Illere IS less sa tuwl OO thickness of material associated With the perched water table A lso. such a we ll Will probably be a less: depend· ebla source 01 water chmng dry years We ll s into which water cascades from some area above melr water level have penetrated a perched water table 1980 GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT ACT Recognrtion of tha sevellty of t he gr(llJndwater overdraft ilnd related problems (primanly land subSidence and earth fissures) anu th err potentially severe IlnanCla1 consequr;mees pr ompted tha Arizona legislature to pass the 1980 Groundwater Management Act. ThiS leg islation estab· Iished four "Act i ve Management Areas" {AMA's l or where gr oundwater overdraft has alreildy raa c htJd a C ri t ICa l state The Tempe Quadrangle lies entirely within the Phoenll( AMA, an area of more than 5500 square ml (14,250 square kml encompassing the greater metropolitan Phoenix area Under the 1980 Act. the "rOO1l111 of w ater w luch call be Withdrawn IS rc"tfle ted, and the development of new wells f or anything but domestiC use (wells haVing a discharge olle5$ than 35 gpm) IS strlcly regulatoo. For example, land Within an AMA cannot be tilled commerC i ally lilt was not cu ltivated between 1975 to 1980 During the projected lifespan of the Act (45 years l, all groundwater Withdrawn from all but domestic wells wil l be subject to a pump tax, wit h the re ... enue mmd to purchase and perman8f1 tly retira from cultivatIon lands current ly being Irngat ed Other mC<JSl.Iro:; 10 be Instituted rnciuue hnlng of Irrlga llo n canals With concrete, laser leveli ng 01 Irrrgated form lands, IIIstaliatlun 01 sprrnklel rrrlgatlon, conversIOn to c rops requrrlng less water, and recycling of sewage effluent QUALITY Re<:on:!s of groundwater quality In the S(lit Ri ve r Valloy havo hoen kepI Slnr .o the 1920 s These records indicate a decrease in water quality accompanied the water table 01 tile past several decades Groundwater quality 1$ affected primarily by the subsurface geology, by the quality 01 the waters recharged. and by pumping. Anyone, or a combination of these parameters may be rElsponslble fo r "non'polnt" sources of pollution. Poor water quality resulting from con· tamrnated recharg8 may be due to landfill leachate, drywells Into which contaminants have been dISPOSOO, chemical s pi lls, agricult ural act NilleS such as II lIgatron arid apprlCatlon of pa&t rcides and fcr1l l1:rer. Pumpage may lend to POOI' Cf quali ty water becauSil it may alter the flow UlfOctlOns of groundwater, allOWing poorer quali ty water to 'flvarlo piltts of tile aqUifer whICh lorrncrlv YIelded higher Quality watar The quality 01 the ground water In the Tempe QulKlrangle i9 good !Klster, 1974, and Osterkamp, 1974). Certain areas in the north central and southeast have concentrations of nitrate 10 the ground water which exceed the U. S. EnVIronmental Protection Agency standards for drink· Ing walel 0 1 10 mgl l as nitrogen tCorps of EngrnQBrs and others, 1 979J However, dll utr on of the high nltriltc wa ters with botter quali ty water from other sources has been found to reduce the nitrate concentration to an level for drrnk lng The high nit rate wateru ore acceptable for irrigation without further treat ment or dilution !U S EPA, 19n1 ChlOride coocentratlons usually exceed limits propos8d in II U.S EPA secondary drinking water regulati on, but the only reponed det ri mental effact 01 chlOflde at t he levels found In the Tempe Quadrangle applies to cenain crops ""gated Wi th that wa ter Chromium, fluoride, and arsenic are constituents found to be heal th hazarus In adJilcent Salt River Valley areas, 001 III the Tempe Quadrangle there IS no evidence ground wilter containS CUf1CCJ!t ratI OI1S 01 thOSlleluments which apil roactr hazardOus levels Hard· ness and salinity ara two constituents In ground wa ter of the Tempe Quad ran!lle which are relatively high for most wells listed In Table 1, below. However, there ;:rre no rocommcnd ed U.S. EPA standarus for t hose twO constituents The haldness Is Indicated as ca lcium carbonate ICaCOJJ in milligrams per rrter of water, but repreiOents the content of both calcium and magnesi· urn. The salinity IS shown In milligrams of total dissolved soli ds per liter of water RECHARGE The Idw ot replacing water underground rs not a new one, people have been dOIng rt succl;IS5fully for hundreds of yoaru, and fo r a vanety 01 reasons In 1956, more than 2000 acre feel per day (245 hectare meters per d;:ry) were bern g rocharged rn the Unrted States, wi th Callf orm;:r ,taring more than half (MacKII::han, 1957). By the tate 1950's PhoenlK had numerous recharge weUs operating for temperature exchange. Becau se the water table has been lowered more than 350 feet{1 05 m) In areas of concen· trated groundwa ter pumping , IlIcharge might be utl ll:red In the Tempe Quadrangle for filli ng the partially uepleted aquifer Many aquifers In the southwest , elsewhere rn tha Unltad States, anu world wide, are rou tinely belny ntcharged, but there are numerous problems which must be carefully monrtored to 6f1sure a sl.lCce ssful long tllne recharge operatIOn. Some constraints that must be conSldmo,j for lechargo Includo air blnd rn g of the oq uiler, unfavorable Ionic reactions bet>"ieen the rechargoo water end the sediments and groundwater where recharge will occur, the quality of the recharge water , and some malor legal problems unique to Arizona. A ll binding of recharg8d water is the blocking of pore spaces and capillary passages through which recharge water passes Into the aquifer, and may occur under several different con· dltion s. Air hubbies can be cr eat ed by rac::harfll! water free-failing Irlside the well casing to the water level Rcctlarge wa lol shoi.lld be piped to bolow tha well wat or Illvol, then rcro.'1sed If tho recharge water IS colder than the temperature uf the 6mbrent groundwater comblnr ng the two may cauiOe all In solution, If any, to be released <IS bubbles Rechllrging Into aqUifer zones whrch have been dewatered for e sufficiently 1 01lg period to have become comp lately dried may induce " 'l8 8 70 FEET GROUND WATER TEMPE QUADRANGLE, MARICOPA COUNTY, ARIZONA 68112-76 34/4':59 68/12 -76 128159 James T. Bales Cathy S. Wellendorf Troy L. Pewe Department of Geology Arizona State University 1986 Prepared In cooperation with the cities of Tempe, Scottsdale, and Phoenix, and the Arizona State Land Department " 3 Gts l //I SW (PARADI S E. j Geologic Investigation Series Map GI -2-F , ",.., Phoenl:IC /''-. ... P .... -- T._ 10 Miles , 000 111 0 52 '3 0" 8 z o 237/12 -66 " 237/12-661F 27611 -66 600158 10511 300/48 135516 -59 1551!h"72 2361- 18 . , - .. w. T 2 N TIN 27' 30 " "" ,lIr bmdlng. The uneven filling of underground pore spaces from the advancing water front may 33 · 2 2'30 " 8f1t rap all which may disperse and bind the aquifer. The comp lete drying 01 matenal in an aqUifer 11 entails the removal of the thin f il m of water wh i ch normally clrrtgs 10 the SlJ rf ace of indiVidua l grains, such ns sn l1d eft er tim rrlatorral has been draliled by gra ... lty Completa urymg of uewa tflred aqU ifer m6 terial may al so occur if severalunooak:d wells have GilSIn!Js perfo ra ted at the levels of the dewatered matenal UnfallOrable Ionic reactions may cause deflocculation 01 clays, separating them into extremely small pani cles which may clog the recharge passages Ionic reactions may also cause cenain minerals t o dissolve, wh i ch can lsad to the precipitation of some ions contained in diS' solved mrr1era ls, blocking the recharge passages. Tho quality of the recharge water must be such that the eXlStmg quality of groundwater Will not be de!l ra ded The A.lzol1<l Department of Health SeMces and the Wa ter Quality Control Council both h;:rve influence over w ator quality dBcl sro ns A II :lona s unique weter laws probably ha ... e th e most prOfOlmd I nflueoca on the attempt to recharge groundwater The legal questions wh i ch must be enswered are comp li cated and invol ve el(ceptlonally fine PO ints of law FalliS (1985) gave insight Into the Implications and Importance of these legal matters. The qlj65tl ons Included. 11 where can the recharge water be obtained, 21 who may attempt recharge, 31 where may recharge be attempted, 4) IS t hera legal storage space fo r recharged walfu, 5J mOly Ihe person(s) recharging wat er withdraw that recharged water , and 6) how may the recharged wattJr be protecteg from bemg Wi thdr awn by others? The authors appreclatoo the review of II,e 1980 version of thiS plate b .. R L Lane,' of the U.S GeologICal Survey, PhOOIllX, Herman Bouwer of t he US Oepanment of Agriculture, Phoenl:IC H E Sklblt zke 01 Hy<lrooala, Inc , Tempe, and T. M. Turner and G S Small of the Salt River Project, Phoenll( SELECTED REFERENCES Aldridge, B. N., 1978, Summary panel diSCUSSion, Iff Salt Rlvcr Protect, GrourKlwaler recharge symposium: P:. 13·14 Arteaga, f. E., White, N D. , Coolay, M. E ,and Suthelmer, A. F , 1968, Groundwater III Paradise Va II By, Mancopa County, Arizona. A ri zona State Land Department, Water-Resources Repor t Number 35, 76 p. Bouwer, H , 1978, Groundwater hydrology McGrnw HIli, Naw York., 480 p. Cooley, M E. 1973, Map shOWing diStribut ion and 69timated thlckneS9 of allUV ial depOS its In the PhoeniX areB, Arizona: United States Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Geological In· vestlgatlons Map 1·84S-C, one sheet. Cordy, G E. , Holway, J. V ,and T L, 1977, Environmental geolo gy of t he Paradise Valley Quadmngle, Marlcop.'I County, ArI:lona, Plilte 8, Ground Wa ter I City of Scottsdale Report, I sheat. 1 24.000 FarriS, K , , 985, The present legal f ramework for artificial recharge In Arizona Sacond Symposium on artifiCial recharge In Arizona, Proceedings, Wa ter RasourcBS Research C6f1ter, Tucson, Arizona, p 123-128 Kister, L. R., 1974, Drssolved· soll ds content of ground water In the Phoenix area, Arizona: United States Gool og lca l Survey. Mlsce llaneuus Geologi ca l Map I B45-G on e sheet. Laney, R. L. , Ross, P. p , and Ullm, G. E , 1978, Maps shOWing gr ound-water conditions in the eastem part of the Salt River Valley area , Maricopa anu Pinal Count IeS, Aruona - 1976' Untted States Geologi ca l SulVily, Water Resources Invesllgations 78-61 ,2 sheets LernlY. R. L 1986, Hy<lrogeolo9V of the oastern part of Salt River Vol ley, Marr OOJJ<1 and Pina l COUnt ies, Arrzon e: United Stat es Geological Survey, Wilter Resources IrIVes llgatloflS Report MacKlchan, K. A., 1957, Estimated use of water m the Untted States Journal of Ame rican W ater Works ASSOC iation. v 49, p 369·391. Ostorcamp, W R , 1974, Chemical quality of groundwatar f or pub li C supply In t he Phoenrx area, Allzonil U ni ted Stales Geological Sur ... ey, M iseell an80UE Geological InvestlgatlOn& Map 1..s45-F, one shoet Ostercamp, W . R. and Ross:, P P, 1976, Map shOWing distrrbution of recoverable groundwater In the Phoenix area, Arizona United States Geological Survey. Miscell aneous Geological Investigations Map 1-845·K Robertson, J , Hoyos. Patlno, F , and pti wli, T L. , 1985, En"'lronmental Geology of t h8 Chandler Quadrangle, Marlcop<t County , Arizona, Depth to Groundwater and GrOl.lndwater Qua lity, Plates 5 & 6: Report for the City of Chandler, 2 she ets, 1 24.000 Ross, P P" 1978, Maps showing ground·water condit i ons In the western part of the Sa lt River Valley area, Maricopa County, - 1976, United States Geologi ca l SUrvey, Water RI:l6Ollr c es InvestlgatlO nE 78-40, 2 sheets, 1 24,OCO Salt A.vtlr Pro) ... ct , 1903 to 1960, Ground wa ter contour maps of Salt River area {annuall. 40 sheets. ____ , 1978, Groundwater rec harge sympOSium PhoeniX, Aruona, 411 p BASE MAP FROM U.S GEOLOGI CAL SURVEY TOPOGRAPH IC MAP , I 24,000 SERIES TEMPE QUADRANGLE (1952. PHOTOREVIS ED 1967) Additional reVISions L'Omplled by tho Geological SUrlley from aetlal photographs taken 1978 and other sourccs This Information not field checked. Map edited 1962. * L TM GRID ANO 1 ge2 \lAGNETIC NOiH H DECLINATION AT CENTER OF SH €ET Skibitzke HE., 1978 DISCUSSion panel Number l ' /fI, Salt River Project, Groundwater recharge symposium. p. 18 Un ited States Ar my Corps of Eng in eers, Ma rICopa County, Marrcop,a ASSOCI ation of Govern· ment:;, and K. D. Schmidt, 1979, Groundwater quality rn HMl malor ba Si ns of Marrcopa County, AII:rona' 66 p Uni ted States Envlronmetltal Protactlve Agency (EPA ), 1976, (19781. Quality critBfla fo r water. Un lt8d States EnVironmental Protecti on AgellCY, 256 p. __ -:-:_' 1977, National secondary urlnkrng watl'lr regulatIOns Fedalal Register, .... 42, no 62, March 31, 1977, P 1714317 147 \ United States Geological SUrlley, 1985, Annua l summary of ground water condition, In AfI:lone. spring 1983 to spring 1964: Open-File Report 85410. 2 Sheets Well Numbering Data A· ' · 4!5bcc The upper c;:rse letter 100lC1ltes the quadrant 01 t ho State. w r th 'A" being the northeast quadrant and " D' being the southe1l'lt quadrant The next twO numbers Indicate tha township and ranga of that quadrant, and the number fo llowing the slash mark In ' dlcates the section Within the townshIp The last three lower case leners Spec ify the arN of the we ll lOC8t lon, see Illustration be l ow. (Two adjacent we lls a re differentiated by adding a number subscfl pt at the end, I e 5bcc 2 .) 5bcc I b, II ! I 0 I I 1- 1- T -L-i I --t .. ___ ! I I C I I I d Well Numbe, A A 1· 3/1ddd B A.'. 4/ 1aba 2 C A·I ·4/ 2dbb 2 D A·I ·4/11 aoo E A·l ·4 /11 cda F A·I·4/20ddd G A I 4/ 24bbb 2 H A.1.4J25dud 2 I A. 15/18dud 2 J A 24/19ddc K A·2·4 / 22dcc L M D·l ·4l3bbb, 31M" IV SW SCALE 1.2 4000 CONTOUR INT ERVAL 10 F EET OO\TU M 13 MEAN SEA LEVEL Tab le 1 Ch em l CQI analyses of water from se lected wells In the Tempe Quadrangle Date 01 a nalYS IS 67 471 7·65 11 -78 2·6 1 10·56 669 11 · 78 3·71 1254 71 '·66 7·69 Tml1p "C 22 7 /54 29.4 22 '56 22 2 JO / 66 30 pH unrts 77 8 1/ 130 84 79 7.4 7.6 7.7 76 83 / 69 76 81 166 B1 8 1/65 Hardness, In Ca & Mg, mg/ 1 123 Z73 '72 311) 488 373 4 51 382 256 NT 830 170 451 Tolal DlSSolvud so lids sum of constnts 1330 675 651 B32 1230 1270 1110 957 7 14 1130 1380 435' 1130 Sul1atc, dlslvd S04 mg/ 1 262,45 101 116 IlO 147 119146 58 58 58 278/ 45 462 32 111 Nitrate as N0 3 mg/ 1 17 9 5 13' NT 16 31 18 11 31 93 12 11 Flourrd e mg ll NT NT NT 05 NT NT NT 02 NT NT NT OJ NT Sources. Salt River Project well records & water level records U S.G.S. water level records Arizona State La nd Department well & water level data Chlorrde mg/1 340/45 278 255 30 1 418 432/45 397 348 255 224 145 309 1 70 479 Dept h to bottom of Interval smpld 155' 493 610 545 58' 13 1 525 520 704 1 45 630 1200 "5 US EPA Crrtella, t9 76 ( 1978 ) 5- ' Consumer prefel Bllce 2SO 14' 2SO N/ A 17 H .. --100-- Well location and number If componen t analyzed at drffer6nt time date IS given after value obtelned Notes: A - Also may be erqlressed at Nltrate-mtrogen (N), haVing a limit of 1Q mgJl. B - For areas havrrr9 annual ilveragtl max dally temperature be tween 80 to 91 0 F (26 7 to 328° C, Tempa Quadrangle) NT - Water not tested for thIS componllf'lt. - Resluu e at 180°C. Sources ChemIcal data f rom U S.G.S , City of PhoeniX, and City of Tempo EXPLANATION Well Data Top line. The latest water l 8'./al in feEt that has been recorded for thiS well (55), fo llowed by the month and year that measurement was maua (779) Locallon and letter for we ll wrth chemi ca l analySIS of water included In Table 1 5517-79 19/3-66 78/7-65 285/57 785/4-78 2nd line' The shallowest watar klvel racorded (19), end the date fo r tha t measu r ement (3·66) Contour shOWing tha approxlmete depth to water In feet below the Jand surface, 1979·1980 (t>as9o' on water l eve ls from 60 wells or morel BlKlrock conta in ing little or no wa ter. Possrbly smalt amounts of water In highly fractured :lones 3rd tine Tho deepest water level recorded !lSI. and the date 01 that measurement !7-65) 4th line' The depth rn feet the well was drrlled 1285) , and tile year It was dnlled { 571 Bottom line' Well yield In gallons per minute (7851 during a pump test made on th iS well on the Indlcatad month aoo year (4·781 W 79 Indicate s the da te of measur(lment w as made du rll1 !] the wint er of 197879 Das htolS Indicate data not available 1- - -) QuerlCd ,If valua of data was contradicted, latest dat<l 57 (7)


State of Arizona Bureau of Geology and Mineral Technology


Those planning for land-use should consider the availability and utlll:ratJOn of both surface

water anu ground waler, rncludlng the quairty and quantltyof those walel resources, when making dec lsrom. to best meot thfilu tulO uomastlc and rndustllal needs In the Tempe Quadr.mglll Large quantities of good quahty ground wete r are avallebkl Within a few hundred feet of the surface However, at lhe presant rate of grouoo water usage, more water IS beillg wlthdr<Jwn than IS berng naturally recha rged in the Salt River Valley, causing Ihe water table 10 decline in most of the quadrangle. Surface water is presendy available for use through arrangements wrth agencies whic h administrate and phySically control any surface water into thiS area by permln lng canal flow

to fOCl lltl1!S here Surface water IS also available sporachcally dUring floo dflows along the Salt Rl\ler chennel, or reoorvOir r(llilases made to provida storage for potential floOOfiows f rom forecast

storms Ground water is a major resource th roughout Arr:lona, In 1983, about 66% of the water

utrll:led was ground water (USGS, 1985) Therefore, an understanding of the ground water conul lions IS essentIal for the planning of futu re water supplies Depth to the water table. ground water ava ilability, and the probable quality of the water must be known These factors ere influenced by the geologic conditions of the area.


Tile Tempe Quadrangle is underlain by three elluvlal units· the upper alluvium. tho middle allUVium, and lhe lowar allUVIum (Arteaga and others, 1968; Laney, 1986), AllUVium is present In most areas of the Tempe Quadrangle and In the adjacent quadrangles of the eastern Salt River Volley Alluv luln IS thin ly ullposlted or IS abiOent In areas underlain by the bedrock highlands and pediment (see Map GI·2-A, GeoIOlJY) n le matonal becomes finer With mcreaslng dIStance f rom

the hlghland9 The allUVium IS less t han 2O(l teet \64 6 m) Ihlck ar the westOfn ooge of the quadrangle Some of the alluvium may contain gypsum, Of other soluble minerals ;:r t depths of about 1000 feet (300 ml. which reduce the qualn.,. of water obtained from those ueposlts However, degrauatlcn of quality does not always Increase With depth, because along Sconsdale


Road, ncrth of the rrver, the quality of water below about 500 feet (150 mJ IS genera lly better than 1 t hat above (K ISter, 1974). Robertson and others (1985) have shown areas cultivat9o' for many YOllrs contain !lroundwater haVing concentrat ions of nitrate, han:!ness and total dISsolv9o' solids

that de<:rease with uepth, which Infers inlluenGe from Irngatlon racharge The upper alluvium unft ranges from 50 to 200 teet (1 5 tn 60 mlthick, <rnd wells drrlled Into

thiS unit have generally Yielded from 75 gallons per minute (gpm) to 2000 gpm (4 7 liters per second Ups) to 126 Ips) One well south of Tempe yielded more than 4000 gpm (252 Ipsl, but the date of that test was oot rndlcated. The upper allUVium IS composed of silt, sand, gravel, end boulders It gttflerally thlckuns toward the nearby sub basin centers, nortl1east and southeast The upper unit is unconsollu;:rted, except whure calichrfMKI neilr l he Eurface (see Map GI-2·G, Caliche) and is structurally undelormoo and fI<r t lying . It IS conSIdered Ou<lnernary In age, probably less than 2 million vcars ukt (Laney, 19861

The middle olli.lvlum IS from 100 to 600 feet {30 to 100 101 thick, and Increases to Its greatest thickness In the northllast part of the quadrang le It llpproachos 200 feet (00 m) thick in the

western part of tha quadrangle and IS from 300 to 350 fl,lct (go to 106 m) thICk In thto! southeastern part (Laney. 1986). The middle unit of the alluvium also consists of Silt , sand, gravol, arn:i boulden;, but it may be sll9htly more consolidated than the upper alluvium The indiVidual glllrns are pilcked more closely together In the midd le unit. and a cubic foot of m iddle alluvium cou ld store less water t han cubiC foot of saturated upper allUVium However, beceuse the midflle unit is generall y thicker than thl! upper one, a greater volume of water may be available from the midd le alluvium. The middlo unit IS fl3y·IYlng and has unflergone littls if any deformation st ructurally. It IS considered early Quatcmary or later Tertiary In age (Laney, 1986)

The 100000r allUVium unrt is several hundred foot thick, being thICker toward tho northoast

and southeast The lower Unit consIsts chiefly of weakly to moderately cementml sand and gravel With beds of clay and silt, and may have been slightly deformed during faulting and tilting of this area uUrlng Tertiary time, probably late Miocene (see Map G(·2-A, Gaology). The lower unit yields consillo.a!)1c WlIter to wells penetrat rng It (Laney, 19861.

Tho bedrock highlands are crystalline rocks which hays a general granrtlc compoSfilon and contain little water. Small qU<lnlltle5 of a genera lly poor qUillrty Willer may be ob t<llned f rom

localized, highly fractu red zones {Leney et ai, 1978], The Clmel's Head Formation, also known as the red unit (Arteaga, 1968), underllas the al luvium In the IlOrthern P6rt of the Quadrangle (see Map GI ·2·H, Depth to River Gravel). T~e red unit IS known to yield wata r to walls penetrating it.


The 1980 water table benoath the Tempe Quaurang le formed a ridge below the Salt River The depth to the water table in creases north or south away from the rive r channel The 1960 dif­fe rence in elevation between the top 01 the water ridge and the lowest portion of the water table, occurrrng in the north cantral part of the quadrangle, was about 350 feet 1105 mi. Because glound water Will slowly move f rom Its higher towan:! ItS lower surfaces, regardless of t he overlying topography, the grounu water of the ridge below the Salt River mo ... es er ther north or sou th mto the aUJilcent wate< tat>lt:llows F'1lures 1 th rough 7 on the reve'1;O Side are contour maps 01 the water t .. ble, and show tilO flow (hroctlons of tho ground wate r for the years IndICated

North 01 the Salt River. the steadily rnc re6~rng drawdown of the water table has produced a large irregular depression In the water tabie, or a large, complel( cone of dew8tered material which IS 2 to 3 miles (3.2 10 4.B km) In diameter, centered north of the quadrangle The water table IS more than 400 feet U20 ml deep at the center of thaI depre&610n. South of the river, a mrnbr depression has d9\oeloped, wrth the watar table In It6 center being abou t 200 feet (60 m l below the sllrface

TIlorn are two typos of wah>r tablll In thl" amil' reg iona l afld porched. Tho regiona l wate r tabla occurs at t he 1000ei below which all metellal IS saturaled It IS a continuous body of water

within the vokis of the alluvium. The perched water tabte IS an Isolated. smaller body of water whICh IS retained, or perched et soma distance above the regional waler table. The perched table IS caused by a tess permeable lens of material that slom the downward percolation of water in ItS

descent towaru the regional water table. The dammrng or slOWing of the water's descent resu lts 10

a mound of water berng temporanly ,etarnlKl 10 or above the lass permsable sediments. A wel l dli lled to ponetra te only the perched wa ter table Will generally Yield considerab ly lowcr quantltlCS of w eIer than It Ufilioo rnto lhe re{Jlonal table i)(!Iow, bocause Illere IS less satuwl OO thickness of

material associated With the perched water table A lso. such a well Will probably be a less: depend· ebla source 01 w ater chmng dry years We lls into which water cascades from some area above melr water level have penetrated a perched water table


Recognrtion of tha sevell ty of the gr(llJndwater overdraft ilnd related problems (primanly land subSidence and earth fissures) anu therr potentially severe IlnanCla1 consequr;mees prompted

tha Arizona legislature t o pass the 1980 Groundwater Management Act. Th iS leg islation estab· Iished four "Active Management Areas" {AMA's l or ~ones w here groundwater overdraft has alreildy raachtJd a Cri t ICa l state The Tempe Quadrangle lies entirely within the Phoenll( AMA, an area of more than 5500 square ml (14,250 square kml encompassing the greater metropolitan Phoenix area Under the 1980 Act. the "rOO1l111 of w ater w luch call be Withdrawn IS rc"tfle ted, and the development of new wells for anything but domestiC use (wells haVing a discharge olle5$ than

35 gpm) IS strlcly regulatoo. For example, land Within an AMA cannot be tilled commerCially lilt was not cu lt ivated between 1975 to 1980 During the projected li fespan of the Act (45 years l, all groundwater Withdrawn from all but domestic wel ls wil l be subject to a pump tax, with the re ... enue mmd to purchase and perman8f1t ly retira from cultivatIon lands currently being Irngated Other mC<JSl.Iro:; 10 be Instituted rnciuue hnlng of Irrlgallon canals With concrete, laser leveling 01 Irrrgated form lands, IIIstaliatlun 01 sprrnklel rrrlgatlon, conversIOn to c rops requrrlng less water, and recycling of sewage effluent


Re<:on:!s of groundwater quality In t he S(lit Rive r Valloy havo hoen kepI Slnr.o the 1920 s

These records indicate a decrease in water quality accompanied the wa ter table dec~ ne 01 tile past several decades Groundwater quality 1$ affected primarily by the subsurface geology, by the quality 01 the waters recha rged. and by pumping. Anyone, or a com bination of these parameters may be rElspons lble fo r "non'polnt" sources of pollution. Poor water quali ty resulting from con· tamrnated recharg8 may be due to landfill leachate, drywells Into which contaminants have been dISPOSOO, chemical spills, agricultural actNilleS such as II lIgatron arid apprlCatlon of pa&trcides and fcr1l l1:rer. Pumpage may lend to POOI'Cf quality water becauSil it may alter the flow UlfOctlOns of groundwater, allOWing poorer quality w ater to 'flvarlo piltts of tile aqUifer whICh lorrncrlv YIelded

higher Quality watar The quality 01 the ground water In the Tempe QulKlrangle i9 good !Klster, 1974, and

Osterkamp, 1974). Certa in areas in the north central and southeast have concentrations of nitrate 10 the ground water which exceed the U. S. EnVIronmenta l Protection Agency standards for drink· Ing walel 0 1 10 mgl l as nitrogen tCorps of EngrnQBrs and others, 1979J However, dllutron of the high nl tril tc wa ters with botter quality water f rom other sources has been found to reduce the nitrate concentration to an ~cept6ble level for drrnklng The high nitrate wateru ore acceptable for irrigation without further treatment or dilution !U S EPA, 19n1 ChlOride coocentratlons usually exceed limits propos8d in II U. S EPA secondary drinking water regulation, but the only reponed

detrimental effact 01 chlOflde at t he levels found In the Tempe Quadrangle applies to cenain crops ""gated With that wa ter Chromium, fluoride, and arsenic are constituents found to be health hazarus In adJilcent Salt River Valley areas, 001 III the Tempe Quadrangle there IS no evidence ground wilter containS CUf1CCJ!t rat IOI1S 01 thOSlle luments which apilroactr hazardOus levels Hard· ness and salinity ara two constituents In ground water of the Tempe Quadran!lle which are relatively high for most wells listed In Table 1, below. However, there ;:rre no rocommcnded U.S. EPA standarus for t hose twO constituents The haldness Is Indicated as calcium carbonate

ICaCOJJ in milligrams per rrter of water, but repreiOents the content of both calcium and magnesi· urn. The salinity IS shown In milligrams of total dissolved solids per liter of w ater


The Idw ot replacing water underground rs not a new one, people have been dOIng rt succl;IS5fully for hundreds of yoaru, and for a vanety 01 reasons In 1956, more than 2000 acre feel per day (245 hectare meters per d;:ry) were bern g rocharged rn the Unrted States, w ith Callform;:r ,taring more than half (MacKII::han, 1957). By the tate 1950's PhoenlK had numerous recharge weUs operating for temperature exchange.

Because the water table has been lowered more than 350 feet{105 m) In areas of concen·

t rated groundwa ter pumping, IlIcharge might be utlll:red In the Tempe Quadrangle f or f illing the partially uepleted aquifer Many aquifers In the southwest, elsewhere rn tha Unltad States, anu world wide, are rou tinely belny ntcharged, but there are numerous problems which must be carefully monrtored to 6f1sure a sl.lCcessful long tllne recharge operatIOn.

Some constrain ts tha t must be conSldmo,j for lechargo Includo air blnd rn g of the oqui ler, unfavorable Ionic reactions bet>"ieen the rechargoo water end the sediments and groundwater where recharge will occur, the quality of the recharge water, and some malor legal problems

unique to Arizona. All binding of recharg8d water is the blocking of pore spaces and capillary passages

through which recharge water passes Into the aquifer, and may occur under several different con· dltions. A ir hubbies can be created by rac::harfll! water free-fa iling Irlside the well casing to the wa ter level Rcctlarge wa lol shoi.lld be piped to bolow t ha well wator Illvol, then rcro.'1sed If tho recharge water IS colder than the temperature uf the 6mbrent groundwater comblnrng the two may cauiOe all In solution, If any, to be released <IS bubbles Rechllrging Into aqUifer zones whrch

have been dewatered for e sufficiently 101lg period to have become complately dried may induce

" 'l8

8 70



68112-76 34/4':59 68/12-76 128159

James T. Bales Cathy S. Wellendorf Troy L. Pewe Department of Geology Arizona State University

1986 Prepared In cooperation with the cities of Tempe, Scottsdale, and Phoenix, and the

Arizona State Land Department

" 3 Gts l //I SW



Geologic Investigation Series Map GI-2-F

, ",..,

Phoenl:IC /''-. ... ~ /=·_~_+--o-''i'.i''c'~-ro P .... --T._

10 Miles ,

000 11 1 0 52 '30 "

8 •

z o

237/12-66 " -~~-=i 237/12-661F 27611 -66 600158


300/48 135516-59

1551!h"72 2361-


. ,

- .. w. ~ .

T 2 N


27' 30"


,lIr bmdlng. The uneven filling of underground pore spaces from the advancing water f ront may 33 · 22'30" 8f1trap all which may disperse and bind the aquifer. The complete drying 01 matenal in an aqUifer 11 entail s the removal of the thin f ilm of water which normally clrrtgs 10 the SlJ rface of indiVidual grains, such ns snl1d efter tim rrlatorral has been draliled by gra ... lty Completa urymg of uewatflred aqUifer m6 terial may also occur if severalunooak:d wells have GilSIn!Js perforated at the levels of the dewatered matenal

UnfallOrable Ionic reactions may cause deflocculation 01 clays, separating them into extremely small panicles which may clog the recharge passages Ionic reactions may also cause

cena in minerals t o dissolve, wh ich can lsad to the precipitation of some ions contained in diS' solved mrr1era ls, blocking the recharge passages.

Tho quality of the recharge water must be such that the eXlStmg quality of groundwater Will not be de!l raded The A.lzol1<l Department of Health SeMces and the Wa ter Quality Control Council both h;:rve influence over w ator quality dBclsrons

A II:lona s unique weter laws probab ly ha ... e the most prOfOlmd Influeoca on the attempt to recharge groundwater The legal questions wh ich must be enswered are complicated and involve el(ceptlonally f ine POints of law FalliS (1985) gave insight Into the Implications and Importance of

these legal matters. The qlj65tlons Included. 11 where can the recharge water be obtained, 21 who may attempt recharge, 31 where may recharge be attempted, 4) IS t hera legal storage space for

recharged walfu, 5J mOly Ihe person(s) recharging water withdraw that recharged water, and 6) how may the recharged wattJr be protecteg from bemg Wi thdrawn by others?

The authors appreclatoo the review of II,e 1980 version of thiS plate b .. R L Lane,' of the U.S GeologICal Survey, PhOOIllX, Herman Bouwer of t he US Oepanment of Agriculture , Phoenl:IC H E Sklblt zke 0 1 Hy<lrooal a, Inc , Tempe, and T. M . Turner and G S Small of the Salt

River Project, Phoenll(


Aldridge, B. N., 1978, Summary panel diSCUSSion, Iff Salt Rlvcr Protect, GrourKlwaler recharge

symposium: P:. 13·14

Arteaga, f. E., White, N D. , Coolay, M. E ,and Suthelmer, A. F , 1968, Groundwater III Paradise Va IIBy, Mancopa County, Arizona. A ri zona State Land Department, Water-Resources

Repor t Number 35, 76 p.

Bouwer, H , 1978, Groundwater hydrology McGrnw HIli , Naw York., 480 p.

Cooley, M E. 1973, Map shOWing diStribution and 69timated thlckneS9 of allUVial depOSits In the PhoeniX areB, Arizona: United States Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Geological In·

vestlgatlons Map 1·84S-C, one sheet.

Cordy, G E., Holway, J . V ,and P~wti, T L , 1977, Environmental geology of t he Paradise Valley Quadmngle, Marlcop.'I County, ArI:lona , Plil te 8, Ground Wa ter I City of Scottsdale

Report, I sheat. 1 24.000

FarriS, K , , 985, The present legal f ramework for artificial recharge In Arizona Sacond Symposium on artifiCial recharge In Arizona, Proceedings, Water RasourcBS Research C6f1ter, Tucson,

Arizona, p 123-128

Kister, L. R., 1974, Drssolved·sollds content of ground water In the Phoenix area, Arizona: United States Goolog lca l Survey. M lscellaneuus Geologica l I nv()~I I ( lilt IOnS Map I B45-G one


Laney, R. L. , Ross, P. p , and Ullm, G. E , 1978, Maps shOWing ground-water conditions in the eastem part of the Salt River Valley area , Maricopa anu Pinal Count IeS, Aruona - 1976' Untted States Geological SulVily, Water Resources Invesllgations 78-61,2 sheets

LernlY. R. L 1986, Hy<lrogeolo9V of the oastern part of Salt River Vol ley, MarrOOJJ<1 and Pina l COUnt ies, Arrzon e: United States Geological Survey, Wilter Resources IrIVesllgatloflS Report

MacKlchan, K. A., 1957, Estimated use of water m the Untted States Journal of American W ater Works ASSOC iation. v 49, p 369·391.

Ostorcamp, W R , 1974, Chemica l quality of groundwatar for pub liC supply In the Phoenrx area, Allzonil United Stales Geological Sur ... ey, M iseellan80UE Geological Invest lgatlOn& Map

1..s45-F, one shoet

Ostercamp, W . R. and Ross:, P P, 1976, Map shOWing distrrbution of recoverable groundwater In the Phoenix area, Arizona United Sta tes Geological Survey. Miscellaneous Geologica l

Investigations Map 1-845·K

Robertson, J , Hoyos.Patlno, F , and ptiwli, T L. , 1985, En"'lronmental Geology of th8 Chandler

Quadrangle, Marlcop<t County, Arizona , Depth to Groundwater and GrOl.lndwater Qua lity, Plates 5 & 6: Report for the City of Chandler, 2 sheets, 1 24.000

Ross, P P" 1978, Maps showing ground·water condit ions In the western part of the Sa lt River Valley area, Maricopa County, AII~ona - 1976, United States Geological SUrvey, Water RI:l6Ollr ces InvestlgatlOnE 78-40, 2 sheets, 1 24,OCO

Salt A.vtlr Pro) ... ct , 1903 to 1960, Ground wa ter contour maps of Salt River area {annuall. 40 sheets.

____ , 1978, Groundwater recharge sympOSium PhoeniX, Aruona, 411 p



Additional reVISions L'Omplled by tho Geological

SUrlley from aetla l photographs taken 1978 and

other sourccs This Information not field checked.

Map edited 1962.



Skibitzke HE., 1978 DISCUSSion panel Number l ' /fI, Salt River Project, Groundwater recharge symposium. p. 18

Un ited States Army Corps of Engineers, MarICopa County, Marrcop,a ASSOCIation of Govern· ment:;, and K. D. Schmidt , 1979, Groundwater quali ty rn HMl malor ba Sins of Marrcopa County, AII:rona' 66 p

United States Envlronmetltal Protactlve Agency (EPA ), 1976, (19781. Quality critBfla for water. Unlt8d States EnVironmental Pro tection AgellCY, 256 p.

__ -:-:_' 1977, National secondary urlnkrng watl'lr regulatIOns Feda lal Register, .... 42, no 62, March 31, 1977, P 1714317147 \

United States Geological SUrlley, 1985, Annual summary of ground water condition, In AfI:lone. spring 1983 to spring 1964: Open-File Report 85410. 2 Sheets

Well Numbering Data

A· ' ·4!5bcc

The upper c;:rse letter 100lC1ltes the quadran t 01 tho State. w rth 'A" being the northeast quadrant and " D' being the southe1l'lt quadrant The next twO numbers Indicate tha township and ranga of t hat quadrant, and the number follow ing the slash mark In '

dlcates the section With in the townshIp The last three lower case leners Spec ify the arN of the well lOC8tlon, see Illustration be low. (Two adjacent wells are differentiated by adding a number subscflpt at the end, I e 5bcc2.)


I b, II ! I_~_J I 0 I • I

1-1- T -L-i

r--~-! I --t .. L~ ___ !




Well Numbe,

A A 1·3/1ddd B A. ' .4/ 1aba2 C A·I ·4/2dbb2 D A·I ·4/11 aoo

E A· l ·4 /11 cda F A· I ·4/20ddd G A I 4/24bbb 2 H A.1.4J25dud 2

I A . 15/18dud2 J A 24/19ddc K A·2·4 / 22dcc L A·2· 4/23ddd~

M D·l ·4l3bbb,

31M" I V S W

SCALE 1.24000


Table 1 C hem lCQI analyses of water from selected wells In the Tempe Quadrangle

Date 01 analYSIS


471 7·65

11 -78

2·6 1 10·56 669

11 ·78 3·71

1254 2·71

'·66 7·69



22 7/54



'56 22 2 JO /66 30



77 8 1/ 130 84 79 7.4 7.6 7.7 76 83/ 69 76 81 166 B1 8 1/65

Hardness, In Ca &

Mg, mg/ 1

123 Z73

'72 311)

488 373 451 382 256 NT 830 170 451

Tolal DlSSolvud

so lids sum of constnt s

1330 675 651 B32

1230 1270 1110 957 714

1130 1380 435'


Sul1atc , dlslvd S04

mg/ 1


101 116 IlO

147 119146

58 58 58

278/ 45 462

32 111

Nitra te as N03 mg/ 1


9 5

13' NT


31 18 11 31 93 12 11




Sources. Salt River Project well records & water level records U S.G.S. water level records Arizona State Land Department well & water level data

Chlorrde mg/1

340/45 278 255 301 418 432/45 397 348 255 224145 309 170 479

Depth to

bottom of Interva l smpld

155' 493 610 545

58' 131 525 520 704 145 630


"5 US EPA Crrtella , t976 (1978) 5- ' Consumer prefel Bllce 2SO 14' 2SO N/ A

17 • H ..


Well location and number

If component analyzed at drffer6nt time date IS given after value obtelned

Notes: A - Also may be erqlressed at Nltrate-mtrogen (N), haVing a limit of 1Q mgJl.

B - For areas havrrr9 annual ilveragtl max dally temperature between 80 to 91 0 F (26 7 to 328°C, Tempa Quadrangle)

NT - Water not tested for thIS componllf'lt .

- Resluue at 180°C.

Sources ChemIcal analys,~ data f rom U S.G.S , City of PhoeniX, and City of Tempo


Well Data

Top line. The latest w ater l8'./al in feEt t hat has been recorded for th iS well (55) , fo llowed by the month and year that measurement was maua (779)

Local lon and letter for we ll wrth chemica l analySIS of water included In Tab le 1

5517-79 19/3-66 78/7-65 285/57 785/4-78

2nd line' The shallowest watar klvel racorded (19), end the date fo r tha t measu rement (3·66)

Contour shOWing tha approxlmete depth to water In feet below the Jand surface, 1979·1980 (t>as9o' on water leve ls f rom 60 wells or morel

BlKlrock conta in ing little or no water. Possrbly smalt amounts of water

In highly fractured :lones

3rd tine Tho deepest water level recorded !lSI. and the date 01 that measurement !7-65)

4th line ' The depth rn feet the well was drrlled 1285) , and tile year It was dnlled {571

Bottom line' Well yield In gallons per minute (7851 during a pump test made on th iS well on the Indlcatad month aoo year (4·781

W 79 Indicates the da te of measur(lment w as made du rll1 !] the winter of 197879 DashtolS Indicate data not available 1- - -)

QuerlCd ,If valua of data was contradicted, latest dat<l ~sted 57 (7)