Ground hog day Effect

10 presents: The Ground Hog's Day Effect © 2009



Transcript of Ground hog day Effect

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Imagine waking up and feeling absolutely wonderful knowing that everything in your day was going to be exactly how you wanted it to. Imagine knowing while your eyes are still closed, that you're going to have the greatest view out your bedroom window and that you're going to get up and just have an amazing day and that it's not any special day in your life but this is your every day. It's the day that you live over and over again, just like the 1993 Bill Murray movie “Ground Hog Day”

It's knowing that everything is going to be amazing in your life that day and it's not any odd one-time thing, it's not what could possibly the best day of your life, it's what is your perfect everyday day that you could just have one day and you live the rest of your life that way.

This is what is the basis of “The Ground Hog's Day Effect”.

The Ground Hog's Day Effect is something really, truly amazing because it helps you to understand what it is that you really want. It helps give you clarity and it helps you to focus and build passion.

You might be asking how it is exactly that designing your perfect day using the Ground Hog's Day Effect does all this and how using the Ground Hog's Day Effect can help you achieve your perfect everyday. The very first thing that it does is to help you understand what you want, that by itself is just enormous, because that helps to keep you from going after things that you really don't care about.

Maybe that could be a raise for the job that you hate, a relationship with a person that you don't want, any number of things that are out there that you feel the need from either your peers or society in general that you need to pursue, but when it comes down to it, they're not congruent with you, they're not part of your spirit, they're not what's truly in your heart.

So when you get an understanding of what you truly want and you know that to your core and you know that living that way every day, that you'll never get sick of it, that you'll never get bored, this then leads us to step two, which is clarity.

It's having clarity of purpose, having a clarity of your goal and where you're trying to get to that clears all that fog in your mind. It clears everything. All those little distractions, everything that can come up on the side, you can know that it's presents: The Ground Hog's Day Effect © 2009

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not something that is part of that perfect day because you know exactly what you want thanks to the Ground Hog's Day Effect.

You're creating that clarity, because you're going to make this very, very detailed and you're going to know exactly what it is that you're going for, and you're going to know if that fits in to your perfect day.

And so then with that clarity, it leads us to the third piece of focus. Your focus of mind, because you have your clarity, because you have exactly what you want.

That allows you to go like a laser right on it and even though things may come up that would act as distractions, act as tangents for you to go on, maybe those shiny objects out there, that constantly try to pull you away, that focus, that laser focus, gives you just enormous speed when you take action because you're working on one specific thing or towards one specific aim and you can get all these different things lined up with that and it just brings an amazing speed and an incredible amount of things that can be done at once with it.

And because you have this speed, you're starting to see things as they happen, because of the focus, because of the clarity that you have, and because you know exactly what you want, you also have a fourth part of this, the passion.

Because you have all of this surrounding your perfect day, it creates a passion within you, a burning desire to get that, to reach that. And all of this together is the magic of the Ground Hog's Day Effect.

Because this isn't just some odd thing like I want to have a lot of money or even, more specifically, like if you said you wanted to make $1M, you may not necessarily think that we can get that. But the detail that you go into in creating your perfect day and everything around it, again knowing that's what you want, the clarity of it, the focus of it, builds your passion.

And as you go along and you take the steps that are needed to be taken with this, it becomes a passion that won't be denied. And you hear about this all the presents: The Ground Hog's Day Effect © 2009

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time in any sort of goal setting or achievement courses, you need to have passion. That you can overcome anything with that passion.

It's true.

The Ground Hog's Day Effect helps to build that unstoppable passion.

So with that, I hope that that gives you a little better understanding of what it gives you and why it's a good reason to use the Ground Hog's Day Effect to develop and achieve your perfect day.

I think most people out there just from that description would look at this and say “Yeah! This is a great idea! How do I do it?”

The good news is, all you really need to do this is a notebook and a pen or a pencil.

Now, it is going to take a little bit of time to do and that's because it is so detailed. But there are certain things that you need to look for.

First of all you're going to be breaking up your day.

This is your perfect everyday and that's really important that it's an everyday. These are things that you can do everyday for the rest of your life.

But your perfect everyday you break up into morning, noon-time, afternoon, evening, night. And what you're looking for in these areas is as detailed as you can possibly get.

What you're seeing, what you're feeling, how things feel to your touch, smells, what your thoughts are, what people are you with, how are they reacting to you, what foods are you eating. presents: The Ground Hog's Day Effect © 2009

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You go through and you create this very, very detailed day. And detail really is the key here, and this might take you a half a day or a full day, so you want to set aside some time to do this. Especially the first time through.

You don't want to do this piecemeal.

You want to be able to just work through the whole thing for the very first time. So, make sure that you have a good chunk of time set aside to do this, and again, go through every detail possible.

Even what you are thinking and feeling -- if you have kids, what do you feel when you look at them? How your breakfast tastes, what you are having for breakfast. Are you going out to lunch? Who are you going with? What are you having? Where are you going? How are you getting there? How are the roads on the way there? What are you thinking? What music are you listening to on the radio? Are you even listening to music on the radio?

There are all these little details that we ignore in every day life, but that are so important in using the Ground Hog's Day Effect to create our perfect day. You need to use each of these details to create it so that in your mind it is crystal clear, and you know exactly what it is, and you will be able to read through it and have everything set presents: The Ground Hog's Day Effect © 2009

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perfectly, just as if you are reading a story in a book. But, you will paint that clear of a picture that anyone reading this will know exactly how you were feeling, what you were seeing.

So, again, when you use the Ground Hog's Day Effect create your perfect day, morning, noon, afternoon, night/evening, and detail everything.

Thoughts, sights, people, feelings, tastes.

Any possible senses that you can get, and put it all down, and you are probably going to use quite a few pages in your notebook if you do this properly. So, don't be afraid to write front and back and don't be afraid to have a couple pens with you, just in case one runs out of ink.

And once your done, all you have to do is review it regularly and feel all the detail there. (Note: this is best done a part at a time and rotating the parts)

Now, what should you expect when you are doing this?

There are a couple of things.

First of all, again, it is going to take a while, and you are going to be doing a lot of writing. Secondly, it is going to help you create all the things we talked about. It will help you find out what it is that you really truly want, and give you that clarity to know that that is exactly what it is. That using the Ground Hog's Day Effect gives you the focus to laser in on that perfect day, and because you know that it's what you really want, it gives you that passion that you won't be denied, that this perfect day will be your every day.

A couple of questions people might have:

Q: When I go through all this and use the Ground Hog's Day Effect, what if I decide later that there is something I don't like, that there's something I want to change in my perfect day?

A: That's fine, change that section. If you're married to somebody now and you have them in your perfect day, and you end up getting divorced, that's fine, you can take them out. You can put somebody new in there. presents: The Ground Hog's Day Effect © 2009

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One thing that I actually encourage is for people, to do characteristics, because it's something that people can change in their lives, and you want to do the characteristics of the person, and maybe that's going to be the person that you're with.

Maybe that's the current friend that you have that you want to go out to lunch with. A person that is a good empathetic listener, and that's what your friend is now. So you just use that characteristic of them, and you describe them, and again we want to go into as much detail as possible, but it also might be something that changes, and that's fine.

Change is a part of life, so don't worry about that. If something changes with your perfect day, or you change your mind about part of it, that's fine. Go ahead, change that part of your perfect day. That part of the wonderfulness of the Ground Hog's Day Effect. It just like the movie, you can change it to suit you exactly.

You'll find though that even though you may change part of your perfect day, the great majority of it is going to stay the same, and might always do so.

It will be rare that you will see a perfect day created with Ground Hog's Day Effect change significantly, because if you do this properly, and you pull out what you really want, that doesn't change a lot, even as we get older. There are certain things in our lives that we know that we want. The main thing that I've seen with the Ground Hog's Day Effect is that things get better over time. That people realize that they can have more than they thought they could, and what their perfect day was, was not as perfect as they thought.

So you are going to be having things that change and things that get better.

That's the beauty of the Ground Hog's Day Effect, as you realize what you can truly get in life, you can use it to make your perfect day better.

I know, myself, personally, what I would have thought would have been a perfect everyday years ago, would not be anywhere near as good as it would be today for me. presents: The Ground Hog's Day Effect © 2009

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Now, one thing to definitely remember with this whole thing is, this is a perfect everyday. One day to live over and over again for the rest of you life, maybe some little variations here and there, but essentially the same.

Some people might ask, well, what if I decide that just for the sake of it, that they want to go to Vegas and live like rock stars and booze it up and do any number of other things that I will refrain from specifying for the sake of the audience here.

One thing that I found with human nature is that you can't do that all the time. That might be something that people can do for a while, but true achievers need to have some form of productivity. They need to be producing something.

It doesn't necessarily need to be a product or something that makes them money. It could be doing charity work. It just has to be something productive.

That's just a basic human need. The people who want their every day to be that are usually the people who don't know of anything better. That's one reason why I like the Ground Hog's Day Effect is because it's something that, even if you start there, that as you get closer to it, you could realize there is something better, you can make your life better and you can be happier.

So even though you might start out with a perfect day you think you're going to be very happy with, using the Ground Hog's Day Effect is flexible and it's something that you can re-do.

I'd actually recommend re-doing your perfect day with the Ground Hog's Day Effect, probably about once a year. Just because there are going to be things that you learn about on your road to achievement and things that you do that will tell you whether or not you like certain things.

If you start your perfect day as something that is fairly base, like a rock star in Vegas, you're going to learn using the Ground Hog's Day Effect along the way presents: The Ground Hog's Day Effect © 2009

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that there are other things out there; more fulfilling things out there. That's just something that comes with time.

Not to discourage anybody who wants to do the rockstar life. If that's what makes you happy, go for it.

Maybe instead your perfect would be becoming a nun or a priest or a rabbi or a minister of some sort in whatever religion that you ascribe to and living that way every day, that you think that that would be bliss, then follow that.

The Ground Hog's Day Effect is going to work differently for everyone.

Don't be afraid if you're different from your friends or your family, because this is all about finding out exactly what you want.

There are going to be some things that can stand in your way with this, such as fear and doubt. But you will start to realize, along the way using the Ground Hog's Day Effect, what those fears are, what those doubts are. Just recognizing them will help you to overcome them, and help you to get past them.

The Ground Hog's Day Effect is an amazing thing, and it's something that I don't think I could recommend any higher to anyone.

So, get out there. Create your perfect day. Find out what you want. Get that clarity. Get that focus. Get that passion. Be detailed. presents: The Ground Hog's Day Effect © 2009

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Know exactly what it is that you're going to be thinking, that you're going to be feeling, that you're going to be tasting, that you're going to be hearing. Know all those little details. It's amazing what those details can do for you. Build that perfect day with the Ground Hog's Day Effect. Create it, and then live it.

Upwards and onwards

Nick Schultz

ps. If you liked this and would like to learn more, please visit us right now at for a free ebook, tips, and more! presents: The Ground Hog's Day Effect © 2009