Grimoire K-Anglais 2014

ANGLAIS Kéno English



Transcript of Grimoire K-Anglais 2014

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I don't want anything to do with: Le Panthéon des dieux

One day I will have : Un aide-animateur

Who could have dreamt of a best head counsellor for the english camp at K-Si than

Babouche (important to pronounce it with an English accent) ! We wished for so

long to work together and now, let’s be honest: close enough. Babz can deal with an

entire camp but don’t ask her to play the color game or to stay calm in the office with

Styrofoam balls. I’m so happy to have worked with you (specially you) this summer :

thank you for your help and support. You will always be my hummus eating, legging princess, diva of the crafting Baboushka.

PS : Stop flirting. Ariel

P.s. Stop flirting

Babouche Coordonnatrice

Life philosophy : … you know, girlfriends.

Summer record : … you know, girlfriends.

Dub, we’ve known each other for years and we’ve been working together for three

years now. It’s always great to work with you and it makes a bad day (or even a bad

week) bearable. With our stupid inside jokes that only we find funny and our even

stupider one-liners, it really is a pleasure to work with you. Well listen up Smith,

I’ve got your cat ! There’s no reason for me to say goodbye or « see you next

summer » because I’ll probably see you soon enough.

Your buddy, your lunatic duo, Snoopy

Dub Animateur

Summer record: Starting to work at the Pères Maristes… on week 8!

Life philosophy: Bring your coffee “mut”!

Crème Brulée is mostly known as the pro-environmental person, so you are better to

put your paper in the recycle bin or she will tell you! Even 2 km away from her you

will always recognize her voice. She is studying to become a lawyer, so believe me

if you want to start arguing with her you are better to have strong arguments or she

will win!

She is not just a counsellor but she is a lifeguard and if you don't follow the rules she

will remind you the rules with pleasure. She loves to travel and to learn new things!

Sweetie Crème Brûlée


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Someday, I’ll be : In the fast lane from L.A. to Tokyo

Summer record : Making the coordos of Keno Sillery barely puke my Satan


Fiascolicious / Democratic Fries CEO / Obscura the Witch / Dr. Beat / French Tag

Hat Master (beware of his numerous split personalities) has blended into Keno

English as easily as if he’d been one of us all along. Actually, nobody could ever

tell this summer was his first as a counsellor: his magical sense of decorum, his ease

in the spotlight and his infinite imagination have certainly fooled more than one!

Famous last words: YOU’RE SO FANCY! Babs

Fiasco Animateur

Someday I’ll be : « … not a nice guy ».

Summer record : Daily chicken massacres

Snoopy always was a camp counsellor that was full of energy and popular with the

kids. Of all the people I know, never had I seen someone take his job this mucha t

heart. Snoopy gives lots of his free time to make the camp perfect for the kids all

summer. Along with « Snoopy’s Canadian Kid Cooler », his fun activities and his

good mood, Snoopy makes camp so much fun! It has been an awesome summer

(mostly our duo week) keep being one of the best counsellors out there!


Snoopy Chef de groupe

Life philosophy : When you stick your elbow in glue… wash it.

Summer record : Making the 4-6s sing louder than Keno English and Keno Sillery


Without Sweetie to handle every situation with patience and poise, the 4-6s of

Keno English would definitely rule the world as tiny mischievous dictators by

now. Thanks to her creativity, her Incredibles’ superpowers of vulgarization of

the thématique and her arbitrary phone invitations to the Kids Show, she has

mastered the Art of Taming the Little Ones.

Thank you Sweetie for your dedication and your contagious smile : you have made

Keno English a really superfantastimagical (!) place to be this summer.


Sweetie Animatrice


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And a special thank you to Anémone, Asathor and

Sépia, who have all contributed to this terrific summer

at Keno English but had to leave us to continue

spreading Keno love on other sites!

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Liste téléphonique

DALLAIRE MARIE CRÈME BRÛLÉE (418) 871-8371 [email protected]

GAUVIN AUDREY SWEETIE (581) 741-4987 [email protected]

HUTT ERIC ASATOR (902) 435-3701 [email protected]

MARCEAU AUDRÉE BABOUCHE (418) 650-0889 [email protected]

NOLAN MAXIME SNOOPY (418) 657-5666 [email protected]

PEARSON SAMUEL DUB (418) 836-9781 [email protected]