Greta Photo Book /// Issue 1



The Greta Photobook is showcasing the work of upcoming Western Australian photographers.

Transcript of Greta Photo Book /// Issue 1

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AboutThe Greta Photo Book is a new initiative from the Perth-based C olosoul G roup I nc, a y outh based media and a rts t raining centre and c reative incubator.

The project will see the online publication of a new monthly magazine entitled the Greta Photo Book. The B ook i nvites y oung people aged 1 7 to 26 residing in Australia to submit their own creative and artistic photography for publication.

The G reta t eam c onsists of a dedicated group o f young v olunteers, guided b y Colosoul G roup I nc CEO Tricia Ray. The group works on a volunteer basis and each week dedicates days of their time to creating and furthering the Greta project.

The G reta p roject a ims to e ncourage y outh participation in t he a rts t hrough t he a ccessible, versatile and h ighly expressive m edium o f photography. The Book also serves as a platform for emerging talent to receive both community and industry recognition and accolade.

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Tricia is the founder o f the Colosoul G roup I nc. Previously, she has w orked closely with s everal community-based organisation’s and charities. She now devotes her time to r unning t he C olosoul Group's various v entures. T rish l ikes r abbits, the colour red, and vegetarian quiche.


Alex is the new Editor (and also a photographer) of the Greta Photo Book. She got i nvolved with t he Colosoul Group at the end of 2010. Alex is currently studying photography a t ECU and w ould love t o make photo books f or a living one d ay. She l ikes flowers, the colour pink, and crepes.


Michelle has just boarded the Greta team and now acts a s the project's p ersonal j ournalist and pr/marketing girl. Michelle has just graduated from Curtin w ith a degree in P R and Journalism. She likes her bed, the colour coral, and pasta.


Oskar i s our g raphic designer f or t he G reta Photobook. Oskar comes all the way from Colombia and i s lending h is t alent t o us f or a f ew m onths. Oskar would love to travel the rest of Australia if he can. H e likes synthesizers, the colour b lue, and sushi.



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Since beginning photography, Alex’s camera has upgraded. “A Canon SLR 400D i s my m ain weapon o f choice,” s he m uses. Her photos are very real and her editing is m inimal; she hates Photoshop. “I’m pretty good with street photography, I think that’s what I do best as a photographer – just s eeing s omething a t the right time or having an e ye f or things t hat t he o rdinary p erson wouldn’t see,” she says. It’s clear that A lex’s view o f the world is captured through her shots.

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Alexandria Bates is sitting next to me with a love-heart ring on one hand that stretches across two fingers and the word Amour delicately sprawled across the nape of her neck in the form of a tattoo. Not that this display of all things love-related should come as a surprise. Love is a big part of Alex’s life. And aside from people, her main love in life is photography.

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Alex has one very pertinent problem with

being a photographer – she also wants to be

the model in the shot. “I would like to think

that if I hadn’t found photography I would be

modeling,” explains Alex. Sometimes,

rather than directing a model, Alex would

rather just do it herself.

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Alex has one very pertinent problem with

being a photographer – she also wants to be

the model in the shot. “I would like to think

that if I hadn’t found photography I would be

modeling,” explains Alex. Sometimes,

rather than directing a model, Alex would

rather just do it herself.

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Bon Marché


on C


Shafto Ln

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As with all great budding photographers, they have had inspiration and help along the way. For Alex, this has come in the form of her tutors; Emma-Kate Dowdell, Kevin Ballantine and “one of the most amazing people I think I’ll ever meet – Max Pam”. Inspiration also comes in the form of art, fashion, friends and anything that takes Alex’s interest, including winter. “My favourite time to shoot is when the sky is completely overcast and there is that almost surreal lighting effect,” she claims.

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* Alex, on her favourite photographer – Elliott ErwittHe was the first photographer that really caught my eye with his photos. I find him fascinating and hilarious. I think his work is ingenious; the way he can capture the natural every day comedy of life, of people, that is all around us all the time. This is what I aim to achieve one day in my street photos. He is a man who really knows what interests him in life.

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Alex has been in love with photography long before receiving her first digital camera at 13. She studied photography at high school and progressed through practice and experimentation. Over the past three years Alex has been studying Photo Media at Edith Cowen University to learn, as she explains, “about the theories and technical side of photography.”

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The main thing one takes away from Alex when she’s discussing her photography, is her intense passion and love of what she’s doing combined with her ability not to get too caught up in the technicalities and implied meanings of photo-taking. Alex’s photos are taken for no other reason than because the subject interests her. She describes photography as “personal and private; a way you can express yourself or say something greater than with words and not one person can take it away from you”. And that’s one thing Alex will never let any one do with her photos.


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FOR MORE [email protected]/USA +61 8 9335 9985 NEW ZEALAND +64 9 376 9117 UK/EU/AFRICA +33 (0)6 70 09 46 15 ASIA PACIFIC +86 769 23158184 WWW.ODYSSEY2020.COM


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772A Hay Street

Perth (next to Burberry)


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772A Hay Street

Perth (next to Burberry)


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Facebook-Pulse Clothing

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Cover photo by Alex Bates, Design by Oskar Guevara

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