Greenleaf Thanksgiving Issue part 2 2015

Thanksgiving.indd 9 4/22/2015 7:19:00 AM


Publication of the Greenbelt Chapel, Makati

Transcript of Greenleaf Thanksgiving Issue part 2 2015

  • Thanksgiving.indd 9 4/22/2015 7:19:00 AM

  • I have been part of the Greenbelt Chapel community for three years now. If you ask me today if I have been transformed by this, my answer would probably be I dont know.Now, before you pass on judgment to me, allow me to explain my idea of transformation. Transformation in a way is like death. It is such a big and scary word yet one of the most natural things in this world. Most of us do not want to die and somehow do not want to change. This is because we do not know what lies ahead. It is basic human instinct to want some assurance we will be loved and accepted. When we finally come to our senses to look beyond the loss and focus on what we can gain, we open doors to greater things. Death for us, Christians, means progressing to the afterlife with Christ (hopefully because salvation is Gods grace). When we change for the better, we are led to a better, happier life. Both death and changing for the better will certainly happen at a time we probably least

    expect. Both can happen anywhere and be triggered by anything. More importantly, it is the people around us who can better tell the changes in us. Dead people do not confirm their deaths, do they? The beauty in all these, we can always feel the fruits of transformation. Even without the confirmation of others, we know we have done the right thing if the ripple effects leave us inspired and peaceful. So, again, if you ask me today if I have been transformed by Greenbelt Chapel, my honest answer is really I hope so. The Greenbelt Chapel has given me lots of opportunities for service and reflection. Each time I say yes, I was rewarded with blessings both tangible and spiritual. I am growing in the spirit of gratitude and slowly but steadily building my faith. I am grateful for the inspiration to change but more so for the support to make it happen. Every day I thank God for being with me through my family, my friends and a wonderful community. (Lorie Sambile)

    A Transformation?

    Thanksgiving.indd 10 4/22/2015 7:19:06 AM

  • From being a normal bank employee in the province and after a failed attempt to work abroad, I decided to work in the city in 2010 to find myself and hopefully regain some sense. Things did not come easy. During my first few months in Makati, I was forced to adjust to a tighter means of living with no relatives or friends to rely on and my earnings barely enough to sustain my daily needs. Still hurting from previous setbacks, these challenges made me restless and unapproachable. I turned my back to the world and created a gloomy version of my own. It was as if I was enclosed in an empty sealed box waiting and hoping for someone to open it and make life better again. I was in that box for two years. During this time, my faith dwindled dangerously until one fateful day. While waiting for my movie schedule, I attended a 6:00pm mass in Greenbelt. I

    chanced upon this priest giving his homily. I cannot explain but something in his words caught my attention. It seemed he knew every struggle and pain I was going through, and would want to explain the reason why such things were happening to me. His words were an antidote to my stone cold heart. My once all-dried up eyes swelled with tears as I was moved by every word he shared to the crowd. From then on, I continued attending every mass he presides and slowly my perspective in life changed and answers to some hard questions came. I started acknowledging my emotions, accepted every mistake I made and soon began to restore trust with myself, with other people and especially with God. I embraced my independence and appreciated everything life has to offer whether good or bad. I have definitely changed a lot. March 2013, I officially joined

    Out of the Boxthe LMM as member of the One Voice Choir and as layout artist for the Communications Ministry. My life was totally renewed. I may have stumbled many times from long walks carrying too many burdens but I realized once you decided to stand up from the fall, God is already on your side reaching out. By the time you are fully back on your feet, you are a different person. You are transformed into someone you did nott expect you can become someone better, a faithful son of God. Thank you Fr. Jun Sescon for being an instrument of Gods grace in transforming an old, weary soul into a humble servant of God! To my One Voice and Education Commission Family, thank you for giving me the confidence to use my talent in serving God in a simple way. Thank you for destroying my box and helping me see again that life is and will always be good. (Jorge San Juan)

    Thanksgiving.indd 11 4/22/2015 7:19:10 AM

  • Greenbelt Chapel is a haven of peace and quiet for me. I like the serenity of the mid-morning hours in the chapel. It is my favorite time for reflecting, going to confession, doing my penance, and contemplating on the mysteries of life. As I silently sit or kneel in the chapel, the quiet surroundings always give me the chance to listen to God. It is also during these moments that I share with God my happy moments and my lifes challenges. It is always a miracle that these quiet moments give me enlightenment and provided me with ways on how I can cope with the challenges. As I look at Sto. Nino de Paz, I am always reminded of Gods gift of life and the many blessings that has come my way, many of which I did not ask for but

    soon realized are far more valuable than the things I have prayed for but never got. I thank God for allowing me to serve at Greenbelt Chapel. It has paved the way towards deepening my faith. Being a servant has brought me many happy moments. More importantly, it has given me a chance to learn the virtues of patience and helpfulness, both of which I must admit are still works in progress. As a servant, I have gained many new friends and I treasure the moments that I work with them. Without their knowing it, they give me much needed support in my efforts to develop myself into a more spiritual being. These moments of transformation are indeed blessings for which I am grateful and my service is an act of thanksgiving. (Heddie Micor)

    Listening to God

    Thanksgiving.indd 12 4/22/2015 7:19:17 AM

  • Thanksgiving.indd 13 4/22/2015 7:19:23 AM

  • Thankfulness leads to transformation because it shifts our focus off me and onto Him, the One who is the Truth and the One who provides all that we need. Serving the Lord through the Greenbelt Chapel is one of my life-changing moments. From a simple morning mass-goer, I decided to take the challenge the Lord presented to me last year. I consider it a challenge because I have my self-imposed restrictions in joining any after-office, non-work-related activities. Shy as I am, I have hesitations in mingling with people, and would often prefer my own quiet corner and go straight home after work hours are done. When there was the invitation to serve as part of the Communications

    Ministry, I prayed for His Guidance, asked for His Inspiration to enable me to slowly move out of my shell and let Him direct my path. The Lord gave me the opportunity to write again, collaborate with other servants and at the same time, grow spiritually through the ongoing formation (OGF) sessions. He gently breaks the walls I built around in futile attempt to hide my insecurities, exposing me to the familiar situations to test my character and slowly help me to build my confidence through stronger faith in Christ. I am a work-in-progress and am grateful that the Lord gives me the opportunity to share His gifts and be molded into a better being through serving the Church. (Marjory Sy)

    Work in Progress: Thankfulness and Transformation

    Thanksgiving.indd 14 4/22/2015 7:19:27 AM

  • Being a servant of Greenbelt Chapel has been a life changing experience for me. I remember the time I was invited to join Greeters and Collectors Ministry. I was reluctant at first, where I cannot imagine myself ushering, greeting and collecting during Masses. It was far from the norms I was used to in corporate life. Even weekends were full of activities and I cannot seem to squeeze in service in my hectic schedules. God made a way and soon I found myself serving. My downtime after work is dropping by the Chapel simply savoring in the Chapels serenity and its warm welcoming environment, feeling renewed and refreshed after. The Chapel is a spiritual oasis and sanctuary primarily for the harried, weary and hardened Makati workers. In my spiritual journey, a bigger blessing came. I was tapped by our Chaplain to be Assistant Coordinator and then Coordinator of the Information Ministry for

    three years. It was a daunting task since previously my assignments with the group were merely as photographer for Chapel events and occasionally a writer for Greenleaf the Chapels publication. Communications is a powerful tool in the Chapels advocacy to evangelize Makatis central business district. Pastoral council meetings and deadlines for a number of tasks were major challenges I hope I had done well within my capacity by Gods grace during my time. I met a lot of creative people, prolific writers, lay out artists and even a printer publisher who became my friends along the way, broadening my horizon immensely. For these, I am forever grateful to the Chapel and the Chaplain for the trust and opportunities to truly serve and deepen my relationship with God, family and the bigger community. The recollections, servants retreats, monthly ongoing formation talks and even Pastoral meetings honed and sharpened

    not only my people skills but provided spiritual growth as well. A work in progress we all are and as we journey, let us support and be a brother and sister in this soul trip together. (Net Oriondo)

    Transformed and Forever Grateful

    Thanksgiving.indd 15 4/22/2015 7:19:30 AM

  • Thanksgiving.indd 16 4/22/2015 7:19:33 AM

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