Greenday 'When I Come Around' Music Video Analysis

Greenday When I Come Around’

Transcript of Greenday 'When I Come Around' Music Video Analysis

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‘When I Come Around’

Page 2: Greenday 'When I Come Around' Music Video Analysis

I really like this Greenday video, even though it only includes a narrative style. The video consists of an on-going chain of people spying and watching each other, whilst between this happening the band Greenday walk around the dark lit city. The lighting of the video used goes with the overall feel of the song perfectly. Andrew Goodwin states that the music follows the visuals. This statement makes perfect sense with this video, as throughout there is a mellow city glow, illuminating them as they walk round. This suits the video/music perfectly, and it goes with the calm rocky tempo.

This camera angle called ‘ ‘ is used throughout the whole video while Greenday walk around the empty street lit city.

The boys are dressed in rebellious punk clothing, sporting chains, piercings, coloured jeans, skater style etc. This makes them stand out to the audience. Mainly as the audience will be able to relate to them. As this is speaking out to the youth.

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As you can see this is the first person who is glancing on someone through a window, this shot is taken as a medium shot, allowing us to see what there wearing, there facial expressions etc.

As you can see he is glancing down at this lady, it looks like he is looing in lust, almost as if he's spying on something he cannot have. They use a long shot with every person being watched/spied on. This women is well off, well dressed and in a smart apartment. This narration is so clever, making it a personal favourite of mine. Mainly due to the fact that the story is on going, a chain of people watching each other.

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