Green Tips for Houses

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  • 7/31/2019 Green Tips for Houses



    1. Reduce purchases (buy only what you need)

    2. Share with friends

    3. Borrow from friends

    4. Replace disposables5. Buy used and not new

    6. Tree product free home (reduce all tree based products)

    7. Buy in bulk where possible (especially if packaged)

    8. Avoid creating trash (choose products which are biodegradable or recyclable)

    9. Avoid shopping bags (bring your own)

    10. Reduce junk mail (unsubscribe, return to sender/refused)

    11. Keep a mug with you for beverages

    12. Have Waste free packed lunches

    13. Donate time/ money/ goods to charities

    14. Hold Garage sales

    15. Recycle everything you can

    16. Use recycled products

    17. Plant trees

    18. Try to buy local food

    19. Save energy wherever you can

    20. Conserve water

    21. Use Non toxic products

    22. Use low flow water devices

    23. Reuse your water (in the garden)24. Use a microwave instead of oven to reheat

    25. Make your own household cleaners

    26. Adjust geysers, not hotter than 55 C

    27. Use cold water instead of hot water whenever possible

    28. Switch to CFL lightbulbs (energy efficient)

    29. Unplug any device when it is not in use

    30. Set up a compost bin

    31. Turn your oven off 10-15 minutes before then cooking time as the oven will keep

    its temperature

    32. Dont use over sized pots on your burners

    33. Filter your water to avoid buying bottle water

    34. Turn the tap off when you brush your teeth

    35. Clean the lint from your tumble dryer to ensure it runs efficiently

    36. Use a carwash that recycles its water

  • 7/31/2019 Green Tips for Houses


    37. Ensure filters are clean to run more efficiently (i.e. air conditioners)

    38. Know when to replace applicances (newer products are more energy/ cost


    39. Freecycle (instead of throwing an item away give it to someone who will use it)

    40. Insulate your house to keep cooler in summer and warmer in winter therefore

    using heaters and aircons less (cavity walls when building and ceilings)

    41. Cover your pool when its not in use (reduce water loss due to evaporation)42. Use solar lighting outside

    43. When renovating or building, use green products/ materials wherever possible

    44. Repair any leaky faucets to conserve water

    45. Install toilets to ones which use less water per flush or have two different options

    46. Start lift clubs/ car pools (for work and fetching children)

    47. Stop eating out (bring your own lunch and cook dinners at home buying the

    ingredients yourself)

    48. Start a vegetable garden

    49. Buy an affordable and fuel efficient car

    50. Fix cracks, leaks etc in your house to avoid heat loss (do a home energy audit)51. Use the library instead of buying books

    52. Install timers for products (eg. Lighting, geyser)

    53. Make use of a long multi plug, so that when you switch off or unplug its only one

    switch/ plug

    54. Dry your clothes on a washing line instead of tumble drying whenever possible

    55. Frontloader washing machines use less water and energy than toploaders

    56. Maximize the use of natural lighting before switching lights/ lamps on

    57. Only do full loads of washing (dishwasher and washing machine)

    58. Geysers placed vertically are more efficient than those placed horizontally

    59. Insulate your geyser

    60. Make use of a gas hob instead of an electric hob wherever possible

    61. Check that the rubber seals on your oven are not warn out, if they are the oven

    will lose heat and be less efficient

    62. Soak beans/ lentils etc. overnight instead of cooking them for hours

    63. Only boil as much water as you need in the kettle

    64. It is more efficient to boil the water required, in a kettle than on an electric stove

    65. A full fridge uses less energy than an empty one due to the contents inside

    retaining the temperature. i.e. keep bottles of water in the fridge as they will

    retain the cold temperature66. Make sure the rubber seal on the fridge is in good conditions so that the cool air

    does not escape

    67. CFL bulbs are most efficient when they are left on for 2-3 hours. In a room where

    the light will be switched on and off regularly they will not yield a great saving

    68. Use a gas heater where possible (remember to ventilate the room)

    69. Service your car as per the recommended intervals to keep it efficient

    70. Avoid stop-start driving

    71. Avoid speeding, a car travelling at 110km/h uses 25% more fuel than a car

    travelling at 90km/h

  • 7/31/2019 Green Tips for Houses


    72. Aircondtioning in a car causes it to use 10% more fuel

    73. Plant an indigenous garden to use less water maintaining it

    74. Collect rain water, use it to water your garden

    75. Recycle your old toothbrushes76. Try to buy products which are in season locally (to avoid the transport of goods)

    77. Eat more vegetables than meat (vegetables have less of an environmental

    impact than livestock)

    78. Only buy what you eat to avoid wastage

    79. If you have got uncooked wasted food, start a compost heap.

    80. Dont buy products which cannot be recycled

    81. If choosing between a laptop and desktop computer, opt for a laptop as they are

    far more energy efficient

    82. Replace your old large computer screens with flat screens as they are more

    energy efficient