Green tecnlogy patents




Transcript of Green tecnlogy patents

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  • Environmental technology(abbreviated asenvirotech ) or green technology (abbreviated asgreentech ) or clean technology (abbreviated ascleantech ) is the application of the environmental science to conserve the natural environment and resources, and to curb the negative impacts of human involvement. Sustainable development is the core ofenvironmental technologies . When applyingsustainable developmentas a solution forenvironmental issues , the solutions need to be socially equitable, economically viable, and environmentally sound.


  • Recycling
  • Water Purification
  • Sewage Treatment
  • Environmental Remediation
  • Solid Waste
  • Management
  • Renewable Energy

4. This time, Dubai turning to nature to inspire a whole new type of architecture: Dynamic Towers. The structure will mimic that of a tree. The building's stable core resembles a thick trunk that runs from the ground up, with the floors acting like branches and leaves that shadow the rhythms of nature.The most exciting facet of the new building in motion is its environmental friendliness. the Dynamic Tower is the first building designed to be self-powered, with the ability to generate electricity for itself, as well as for nearby buildings. It achieves this feat with 79 wind turbines, making it a true green power plant. .. Contd 5. Contd Micro Algaegrows prolifically in areas not suitable for traditional crops and can store massive amounts of oils and starches necessary to make biodiesel or ethanol. Micro-algae has garnered considerable attention lately, since it can produce 30-100 times the oil yield of soybeans on the same acreage, while it's biomass remnants can be reused as cattle feed supplement or fermented into ethanol.Solazyme, a San Francisco-based startup, has been working for the past five years on deriving biofuel from algae without sunlight. They are using sugar. Algae are not entirely dependent on sunlight for growth, in fact, they are 1000 times more efficient at producing oils from sugar compared to growth by sunlight. Although the process is still in development, Solazymes claim may prove to have revolutionary merit. 6.

  • A Patent sharing scheme employed to make business cleaner.
  • Founded by some of the worlds biggest companies IBM, Nokia, Sony and Pitney Bowes
  • Provides a means of sharing knowledge for mutual and wider social benefit
  • The idea is that patents that may have environmental benefits for other manufacturers are contributed to a pool, from which other contributors and businesses and individuals outside the pool can draw, free of charge
  • The commons is run by the Geneva-based World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), was born of an idea coming from IBM, the company with the largest number of patents in the world.


  • The commons came to fruition initially with 31 patents pledged in January 2008
  • The patents pledged now number almost 100, some examples of which are technology for removing liquid contaminants from ground water, and a method for recycling optical disks.
  • Long-term results from the program rather than a sudden manufacturing revolution


  • The U.S. Commerce Departments Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will pilot a program to accelerate the examination of green technology patent applications.
  • Pending patent applications in green technologies will be eligible to be accorded special status and given expedited examination, which will have the effect of reducing the time it takes to patent these technologies by an average of one year
  • Patent applications are normally taken up for examination in the order that they are filed. The average pendency time for applications in green technology areas is approximately 30 months to a first office action and 40 months to a final decision. Under the pilot program, for the first 3,000 applications related to green technologies in which a proper petition is filed, the agency will examine the applications on an accelerated basis.
  • Motive of the Pilot program is to see a significant savings in pendency, which will help bring green innovations to market more quickly.


  • The European Patent Office (EPO)has embarked on a detailed study to map the growth in eco-innovation since the introduction of the Kyoto Protocol onclimate change.
  • In April, 2010 next year when theEPOpublishes early results of a major project looking at the growth in new patents for environmentally sound technologies.
  • The study will also look at how the green patent landscape has evolved since the 1997 Kyoto Protocol.
  • By April 2010 EPO topublish early results of a major project looking at the growth in new patents for environmentally sound technologies.


  • Green patent applications are now eligible for "super speed" examination at the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) that will provide examination results in just one month.
  • The special examination procedure is applicable to patent applications aimed to several categories of technologies relating to the environment or "low-carbon green growth." The green patent applicants must however, request for a prior art search, to be conducted by one of the three officially sanctioned search agencies by KIPO, to qualify for the super speedy examination procedure.
  • The super speed system which was supposed to start on October 1 2009 will supersede the quick Korean timeline "from application to acquire a patent" from an average of 18 months to a striking short period of one month.


  • India have floated the idea of making new green technology subject to compulsory licensing
  • Group of 77 developing nations, led de facto by China, want to apply the 'compulsory licensing to the climate crisis.
  • China and India have repeatedly noted that developed countries bear primary responsibility for climate change and are pushing the EU and US to support poorer nations by providing them with clean technologies


  • Initial results of study conducted by the European Patent Office showed that over the last few years patent activity in clean energy technologies has significantly increased, compared with the fossil fuel sector.
  • The most activity was in the fields of wind power, solar photovoltaic and carbon dioxide storage. Patent activity in these green technologies has jumped particularly in the US, Japan, Germany, Korea, the UK and France during the ten years following the 1997 Kyoto Protocol
  • Technology transfer and licensing was found to be most active in developed countries. However, growing economies such as Brazil, Russia, India and particularly China have also been experiencing a surge in patent transfer and licensing


  • There will be a further jump in green technology patenting.
  • Boom in clean energy patenting will be assisted by the accelerated examination available for green patent applications.
  • Awareness on Clean Technology created more widely due to the summit.

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  • Technology is seen as a system rather than a specific physical tool
  • Requires the exploitation of the environment through the creation and extraction of resources, and the exploitation of people through labor, specialization and the division of labor
  • Green technology is rejected as an attempt to reform this exploitative system, merely changing it on the surface to make it seem environmentally friendly .
