GREEN SHIPPING SUMMIT 2016 BWTS - EGCS Andrea COGLIOLO Deputy General Manager Marine



Andrea COGLIOLO Deputy General Manager Marine


Ballast Water Management Convention

Marpol - Annex VI Reg.14 DIR.EU 2012/33/EU

BWMC – Entry into force

- 0.13 %

BWMC - Timeline

According to the requirements of IMO Res. A.1088(28)

1. Renewal Survey is the Renewal Survey of the IOPP Certificate

2. Ships constructed on or after the date of entry into force of the Convention,

irrespective of their ballast water capacity, will be required to comply with Standard

D-2 by the completion date of the construction

According to the requirements of IMO Res. A.1088(28)

Mandatory D-2 Compliance (Treatment):

First Renewal Survey (1) after the entry into force date of the Convention

Ships constructed on or after the date of entry into force of the Convention,

irrespective of their ballast water capacity, will be required to comply with

Standard D-2 by the completion date of the construction

(1) Renewal Survey is the Renewal Survey of the IOPP Certificate

BWMC - Timeline

Ballast Water Management Plan

Ballast Water Record Book

Ballast Water Management

Certificate and surveys to verify


BWMC – ... to do ...

BWMC – ... to do ...

IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim reiterated his request to countries

that have not already done so, to ratify the BWM Convention as soon

as possible in order to establish a certain date for entry into force,

which will facilitate the work to make any necessary amendments

to the BWM convention

RINA’s activities

Rules Update

Marine Information Notices:

• ISSUE NO.102 – NOVEMBER 2015: US Ballast Water

Rules: revised guidance to owners and operators

seeking to extend compliance dates

• ISSUE NO. 82 - MAY 2014: US Ballast Water Rules:

extension request clarifications provided by USCG –


• ISSUE NO. 74 - DECEMBER 2013: US Ballast Water

Rules: extension request clarifications provided by


RINA’s activities

Rules Update

Marine Information Notices:

• ISSUE NO. 65 - JUNE 2013: Ballast Water

Management: Revised Implementation Scheme of the

IMO Convention, Ships < 400GT – Compliance with the

IMO Convention, Certification of Mobile Offshore

Units, Use of Drinking Water as Ballast Water and

Update on Alternate Management System (AMS)

Accepted by the USCG

• ISSUE NO. 55 - NOVEMBER 2012: Ballast Water

Management (BWM) Convention – Issuance of BWM

certificates prior to its entry into force and validity of

ballast water management plans previously approved

according to resolution A.868(20)

• ISSUE NO. 48 - APRIL 2012: New US regulations on

ballast water management

RINA’s activities

Assistance to clients

Technical bulletin on IMO Convention

Regulatory background

Overview on treatment processes

Compliance with the convention

RINA authorizations

Ballast water treatment system: procurement

Steps to selecting a treatment system

Procurement specifications

Engineering checks

Documentation to be submitted for approval

System related and installation criteria

Considerations for oil and chemical carriers

Operational management

USCG regulation on ballast water management


Ballast Water Management Convention

Marpol - Annex VI Reg.14 DIR.EU 2012/33/EU

Up to 31-12-2014




After 1-1-2020


ECA Global ECA Global ECA Global

1.0 3.5 0.1 3.5 0.1 [0.5]


for EU


General 1.0 3.5 0.1 3.5 0.1 0.5


ships on



1.5 1.5 0.5

“at berth” 0.1 0.1 0.1

SOx emission limits

EGCS - Certification

MEPC.259(68) - 2015 Guidelines for exhhaust gas cleaning systems

Scheme A: is a Type Approval

Requires the EGCS to grant the Certified Value of abatement

in the whole allowable range of operating parameters:

• % Sulphur in fuel

• Ehaust gas mass flow rate

• Power of the connected oil combustion unit

• Washwater flow rate

• Exhaust temperature

• Exhaust gas pressure

• Washwater salinity

Requires daily spot checks of SO2/CO2 ratio

Scheme B: continuos measurement &


Requires continuos SO2 / CO2 ratio measure-ment & recording in the

exhaust gas at the Scrubber outlet.

The certification mainly concerns

• Analyzers

• Data recording and processing

The scrubber itself is seen as a «black box»

Requires daily spot checks of ECGS operational parameters

EGCS - Certification

Water discharged into the sea following the scrubbing process is to be

monitored and recorded.

Sensor for monitoring:

• turbidity,

• pH (acidity),

• Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) and

• nitrate concentration

Residual sludge generated by the cleaning process needs to be delivered

ashore to adequate reception facilities, not discharged to the sea nor

incinerated on board.

EGCS Discharge water pH

pH > 6.5 at 4m from the discharge

point, with the ship stationary

EGCS – EU Sulphur Dir

Article 3a

Maximum sulphur content in marine fuel

Member States shall ensure that marine fuels are not used within their territory if

their sulphur content exceeds 3,50 % by mass, except for fuels supplied to ships

using emission abatement methods subject to Article 4c operating in closed mode.

EGCS – DL 112/2014

Marine fuel

S >3,5 %

Exception for closed type SCRUBBERs

Ship using not closed type


Marine fuel S up to 3,5 %

EGCS – DL 112/2014

6-bis. Fermi restando i limiti di tenore di zolfo previsti ai commi 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 e 8, e'

vietato, nelle aree soggette alla giurisdizione nazionale, l'utilizzo di combustibili

per uso marittimo con un tenore di zolfo superiore al 3,50%.

Tali limiti non si applicano ai combustibili destinati alle navi che utilizzano metodi

di riduzione delle emissioni basati su sistemi a circuito chiuso.

Per sistema a circuito chiuso si intende un sistema operante mediante ricircolo

della soluzione utilizzata senza che vi sia rilascio all'esterno della stessa o di

eventuali solidi ivi contenuti, salvo nelle fasi di manutenzione o di raccolta e

smaltimento a terra dei residui costituiti da fanghi.

... Omississ ...

Per i combustibili per uso marittimo destinati alle navi che utilizzano metodi di

riduzione delle emissioni non basati su sistemi a circuito chiuso si applica, nelle

aree soggette alla giurisdizione nazionale, un limite relativo al tenore di zolfo pari

al 3,50%.


Via Corsica, 12

16128 Genoa - Italy

Ph. +39 010 53851

Fax +39 010 5351000

[email protected]

Thank you for your attention