Green infrastructure and climate change: adaptation and …

1 Green infrastructure and climate change: adaptation and mitigation for future land use Elisabeth M Hamin (University of Massachusetts, Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning, USA) Presented in: Climate Change in Context Friday June 13 at 3:20 pm - 5:00 pm, Room: University Heights South 027 Abstract The science of climate change by now is well enough established to be able to predict certain likely weather-related changes that will impact human and non-human life, such as increased storm events, rising sea level, more extreme heat events, increased extinction risks to species, etc. (IPCC 2007). It is also clear that these changes have significant implications for urban areas, and that the open space in metropolitan regions will need to address some of the challenges that climate change will bring to both human and non- human life. Open space will need to serve even more as green infrastructure, providing not just recreation but significant mitigation for changes in climate, and potentially as sites for adaptive response to the likely conditions of metropolitan regions over the longer term future. Life in future communities become even more complicated if we begin to acknowledge the likely passing of peak oil, and consider ways that much higher per- barrel fuel prices will affect daily life, metropolitan form, and the role of open spaces. Policy responses must be undertaken both as adaptation to and mitigation in prevention of climate change, as well as in planning for post-peak oil communities. In some cases mitigation and adaptation are co-constructive, as in providing forested river buffers to adapt to and mitigate for storm events while providing carbon storage; in other cases adaptation and mitigation may conflict (IPCC 2007), as in using open space to provide for local agriculture to adapt to high transportation costs, rather than as urban forest cover, to mitigate climate change and maximize species habitat. This research focuses on land use and green infrastructure. It presents a matrix of likely land-use based outcomes from global climate change and from post peak-oil concerns based on existing science, and then develops a preliminary description of ways that open spaces in metropolitan regions can function to meet the needs of these future conditions. We then present the results of a studio applying these criteria to a specific area the exurban ring surrounding Boston, which is currently largely unbuilt or lightly built with analysis of what would constitute a fairly traditional greenway system for the area, and what a revised climate-change addressing green infrastructure would need to be. This analysis demonstrates what sorts of goals a fully developed green infrastructure system would achieve to address the forecastable needs of future communities.

Transcript of Green infrastructure and climate change: adaptation and …

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Green infrastructure and climate change: adaptation and mitigation for future land


Elisabeth M Hamin (University of Massachusetts, Landscape Architecture and Regional

Planning, USA)

Presented in:

Climate Change in Context

Friday June 13 at 3:20 pm - 5:00 pm, Room: University Heights South 027


The science of climate change by now is well enough established to be able to predict

certain likely weather-related changes that will impact human and non-human life, such

as increased storm events, rising sea level, more extreme heat events, increased extinction

risks to species, etc. (IPCC 2007). It is also clear that these changes have significant

implications for urban areas, and that the open space in metropolitan regions will need to

address some of the challenges that climate change will bring to both human and non-

human life. Open space will need to serve even more as green infrastructure, providing

not just recreation but significant mitigation for changes in climate, and potentially as

sites for adaptive response to the likely conditions of metropolitan regions over the longer

term future. Life in future communities become even more complicated if we begin to

acknowledge the likely passing of peak oil, and consider ways that much higher per-

barrel fuel prices will affect daily life, metropolitan form, and the role of open spaces.

Policy responses must be undertaken both as adaptation to and mitigation in prevention

of climate change, as well as in planning for post-peak oil communities. In some cases

mitigation and adaptation are co-constructive, as in providing forested river buffers to

adapt to and mitigate for storm events while providing carbon storage; in other cases

adaptation and mitigation may conflict (IPCC 2007), as in using open space to provide

for local agriculture to adapt to high transportation costs, rather than as urban forest cover,

to mitigate climate change and maximize species habitat.

This research focuses on land use and green infrastructure. It presents a matrix of likely

land-use based outcomes from global climate change and from post peak-oil concerns

based on existing science, and then develops a preliminary description of ways that open

spaces in metropolitan regions can function to meet the needs of these future conditions.

We then present the results of a studio applying these criteria to a specific area–the

exurban ring surrounding Boston, which is currently largely unbuilt or lightly built—with

analysis of what would constitute a fairly traditional greenway system for the area, and

what a revised climate-change addressing green infrastructure would need to be. This

analysis demonstrates what sorts of goals a fully developed green infrastructure system

would achieve to address the forecastable needs of future communities.

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1. thesis/introduction

2. terms:

a. mitigation

b. adaptation

c. post-peak oil

d. green infrastructure

3. revised goals of green infrastructure: open spaces and natural forms that enable

human communities to provide sufficient resiliency for mitigating and adapting to

foreseeable environmental and social changes

4. matrix: some key challenges from climate change and peak oil and GI responses

5. conclusion: planning for long term resiliency through GI.

A major challenge of city and natural resource planning is that we tend to plan based on

past performance, while the future may be very different. It is therefore quite easy to end

up with plans that would be quite good for the previous time, but do not address new

needs very well at all. In this era of climate change and increasing energy costs, the

problem of planning for the future instead of the past is particularly poignant. In this

paper I would like to connect the challenges of responding to climate change adaptation,

in particular, but also mitigation, and energy transitions to a broader conception of green

infrastructure. My argument is that a broadened conception of green infrastructure

provides a systems-based approach to regional land use planning which can assist in

planning for adaptation to climate change and energy transition, and a venue for working

out the ways that these support and oppose the necessary efforts to mitigate the

production of new greenhouse gases. I use the Northeast of the United States as a general

example of the challenges that adaptation to climate change will bring, and show ways

the green infrastructure could address those needs. Each region will necessarily be

different in its climate change challenges, so the intent is not to lay out the answers to

which elements of green infrastructure we need to adopt; rather the goal is to provide a

preliminary conceptual framework that planners in each region can work within.

Climate change is an issue that is front and center internationally, and is becoming widely

recognized as the key challenge for the coming century. The publishing of the Fourth

Assessment Report from the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR4), and the

bestowal of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize on the IPCC and Al Gore, marked the effective

end of informed debate on whether climate change was human induced and real – both

are true to a very high level of certainty. In most countries, as the signatures on the

Kyoto Protocol attests, it was hardly a debate for the last 10 years. With that long, drawn

out debate (one might even say pseudo-debate) finally retired, attention has moved to

what we will do about climate change. At the national and international levels,

particularly, while strong conflicts remain, there is a general outline of what steps must

be taken, what reductions level must be sought. Even at the local level, with the

widespread acceptance of Local Agenda 21 and the positive influence of ICLEI in

encouraging municipalities to first inventory and then plan to reduce and mitigate their

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greenhouse gases, some consensus on appropriate actions is clear, although certainly

there is not enough actual action out there (locally, nationally, or internationally) to meet

the needed emissions reductions. What has become increasingly apparent in the last 2 or

3 years is that because we have not acted fast enough on reducing emissions, the

accumulation of green house gases in the atmosphere to date means that significant

changes in climate are already entrained, and are unavoidable no matter how radically we

reduced our emissions in the future. Thus, the issue of adaptation to coming climate

change is beginning to emerge as, alongside mitigation, one of the most pressing policy

issues nations and cities face. While mitigation planning works to reduce current and

future greenhouse gas emissions, adaptation seeks to adjust the built and social

environment to minimize the negative outcomes of now-unavoidable climate change.

Mitigation and adaptation must be treated as twin issues. As noted by the IPCC in their

AR4 (2007, p. 65):

There is high confidence that neither adaptation nor mitigation alone can

avoid all climate change impacts. Adaptation is necessary both in the short

term and longer term to address impacts resulting from the warming that

would occur even for the lowest stabilisation scenarios assessed. . . .

(However) Unmitigated climate change would, in the long term, be likely

to exceed the capacity of natural, managed and human systems to adapt.

Reliance on adaptation alone could eventually lead to a magnitude of

climate change to which effective adaptation is not possible, or will only

be available at very high social, environmental and economic costs.

While there is now widespread (albeit not unanimous) agreement that climate change is

real and matters, there is much less agreement on another issue that seems likely to

significantly impact the world‘s future: the increasing cost of fossil fuel energies. This

paper is not the place for a full defense of the premise that oil and gas will become

relatively more and more expensive over the next twenty years and along through the end

of the century. But one (among many) notable supports for this idea is the gas

supercorporation, Shell, whose ‗scenarios‘ for the next fifty years are based on the

premise that the first twenty will be an ‗era of revolutionary transitions in the energy

field‘, and that it will be difficult for energy providers to keep up with demand.1 Almost

without doubt, over time the market will respond to the price signals and bring forward

new technologies that are far more efficient or use alternative energies, but this could

take quite a few years to first reach the market, and then even longer for widespread

adoption/purchase. Thus we are likely to face a decade or two of difficulty in

transportation costs. Because transportation is so essential to the operations of cities and

regions, for this paper I will assume that the current trends toward rapidly increasing fuel

costs continues for the foreseeable future.

1 See the Shell scenarios video at:

020408.html. Readers may be interested to recall that the initial Shell scenarios from the 1960s predicted

the energy crisis of the 1970s, and formed the basis for scenario planning as done today. See Hopkins and

Zapata, 2007.

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There are a wide variety of potential outcomes from high energy prices that can be

identified, but two are of primary interest here. The one that had the most obvious

connection to urban form is the likely movement away from highly decentralized land

use patterns that virtually require constant use of the car to reach work, school, errands

and activities. Instead, we can anticipate a recentering of development where there is a

very high premium on infill and access to public transportation, and much less sprawl.

This is likely to also be true for manufacturing, where there will be a new emphasis on

access to water or rail lines for long distance shipping rather than the current focus on

highway access. A related issue that forms part of the later discussion in this essay is

access to agricultural products. Higher energy prices mean higher transportation costs,

particularly for bulky items, and will likely tend to encourage more (albeit far from only)

consumption of local products, and especially local produce. Thus we can anticipate that

urban agriculture, whose importance is already growing in both scholarly and practice,

will continue to increase in importance when it comes to encouraging a good quality of

life among residents.

A helpful way of conceptualizing the risks implicit in the trends identified above is

contained in the ‗risk triangle.‘ The amount of risk an individual or group experiences is

a function of the interplay of hazard, vulnerability, and exposure. Hazards are the size

and frequency of negative events; exposure in this instance is the location of the people

or buildings vis a vis climate change problems; and vulnerability is the limit of possible

behaviors that people have—when the range is not enough to allow a solid response to

the risk, they are vulnerable (Roaf 2005 p. 63). At a conceptual level, we can understand

the overall possible impact of a climate-change related event as:

(possible) hazard X exposure X vulnerability = possible impact of event.

At the local level, it is difficult to

change the hazard—the rain will come down

(or not), lightning will strike the dry forest or

not. This of course oversimplifies; as Bill

McKibben argued back in 1997, there is little

that is not influenced by humans now.

Instead, the argument is one of scale – at the

municipal level at any one moment in time, a

hazard is just what it is. Municipalities have

more control over exposure—the location of

the homes and buildings in their town. The

issues here are fairly well understood; we

need new maps that show likely flooding

with climate change rather than just

historically, and then homes should not be

placed in those floodplains, or should be built

to be unharmed by regular flooding (Pew

report). The county or the Forest Service can put in fire breaks, systems of wetlands can

be left in tact to handle floodwater before it hits homes. This, admittedly, is easier said

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than done given the strength of private property rights in the U.S., Australia, and other

such countries, but the concept, at least, is clear. That said, clearly reducing exposure

will be an important policy goal for the next decades. What is potentially more powerful

but not yet well described is the ability to influence vulnerability. Vulnerability is the

range of possible responses to an event that are available to a particular group; a wider

range of possible responses reduces the vulnerability of the group to the event. For

instance, the rich had more options for removing themselves from New Orleans during

the Katrina hurricane, while the poor had fewer evacuation options – the poor were more

vulnerable, even given the same hazard and exposure, and thus the impact on them was


My argument here starts with an assumption of modesty. Rather like the

precautionary principle, which argues that as a society, we must keep all the pieces (of

the ecosystem) since we do not understand everything about it and so do not know what

can be lost without harm, the vulnerability principle argues that given that we cannot

know what will be the essential social and environmental conditions of the coming

decades, our job is to design communities that maximize the range of possible responses

that residents can undertake in response to changing conditions. In this way, their

vulnerability is reduced, as the built form enables them in deciding amongst a variety of

actions and choices. Put simply, the vulnerability principle argues that we must regulate

and design for flexibility in the built form, as well as in the social conditions that function

to organize the opportunities for different groups to respond to extreme events.

This is an eminently useful policy objective. As an example, this argues that

cluster zoning should be preferred over suburban or large lot zoning in developing areas,

because cluster zoning preserves a contiguous parcel of land that can, as conditions

change, function as open space to support non-human species, as agricultural or

manufacturing land if there is a crisis in global transportation, as space on which to put

solar arrays or wind turbines if needed, etc. Large lots by virtue of their fragmented

character serve these potentialities much more ineffectively. To take another case,

medium height buildings should be preferred over high rise towers. In a building of 4 – 8

stories people can quickly evacuate, can use stairs if power for elevators is more

expensive, can open windows for ventilation if heating and cooling systems become more

irregular or more limited—these structures are simply more flexible.

As a decision rule, the simplicity of this will yield much discussion. Are big box

store buildings flexible or not? Their large roofs can be home to solar arrays; their

interiors can be redivided as needed, which argues for flexibility; their lack of internal

lighting and generally cheap construction along with low density single floor construction

argue against judging them to be flexible. The point here is not to resolve these debates,

but to argue that this is the essential line of debate that we need to consider as we seek to

design cities for the changed century. The importance becomes clear as we consider that

built-in preferences that get created through the built form. For example, it seems

apparent that combined heat and power (CHP), community-scale power plants that yield

both electricity and heat, is more efficient than the current electricity-only models. But

making CHP effective requires that thought go in to the design of the community and its

infrastructure in advance; it is very difficult to retrofit for CHP, but not so difficult to

build in the potential so that if energy prices get high enough, CHP can be implemented.

To say it again, given the scale of uncertainty that we face as an overall society, it is

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planners‘ jobs to be sure that future has as many options as possible to respond to those

conditions. Key guiding principles for municipal land use and related decision making

should be to choose actions that reduce exposure to hazards, and reduce vulnerability by

providing maximum alternatives and flexibility. All of this assumes, of course, that

choices are made that do not increase the hazard itself, and in fact contribute to

minimizing it – such as greenhouse gas mitigation.

A related but different frame for the goals of human-natural systems that has been

gaining currency lately is that of resilience. Defined, for instance, by the Stockholm-

based Resilience Alliance: Resilience is... the ability to absorb disturbances, to be changed and then to re-organise

and still have the same identity (retain the same basic structure and ways

of functioning). It includes the ability to learn from the disturbance. A

resilient system is forgiving of external shocks. As resilience declines the

magnitude of a shock from which it cannot recover gets smaller and

smaller. Resilience shifts attention from purely growth and efficiency to

needed recovery and flexibility.2

Resiliency as a metaphor and policy goal obviously is borrowed from evaluations of the

health of ecosystems, and then extended to human systems. The relationship between

adaptation, vulnerability and resilience as policy goals is captured by the International

Institute for Sustainable Development, along with the IUCN in this statement:

Communities who are vulnerable to today‘s climate stresses will only become

more vulnerable as global temperatures rise. It follows then, that adaptation must

start with actions that target current vulnerabilities, allowing communities to

build more resilient and secure livelihoods that can confront the impacts of

climate change.3

Thus, resilient communities is the overarching goal, adaptation is the method to achieve

the intermediate goal of reducing vulnerability and thus overall risk associated with

climate and social change. While it is important to address potential long-term changes,

these cannot overcome the need to address current vulnerabilities, since communities that

are vulnerable now are likely to be the most vulnerable given climate and energy choice


As noted above, however, it would be simply foolish for us to only adapt to coming

climate change. We must also mitigate – reduce new emissions where possible, and

sequester necessary emissions, of greenhouse gases. For the regional land use or

landscape planner, there are several key steps or policy goals that this suggests are


2 This groups links academics and resource managers to encourage a more sustainable approach to

management of social-environmental systems. See: 3

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Up to this point, I have argued generally about the main decision principles

municipalities should use in light of the coming changes to our environment and key

social conditions. For the rest of this essay, I would like to focus on the systems of open

spaces and ecosystem functions that make human life in cities and regions possible—the

green infrastructure of the region. The idea of green infrastructure arose primarily as a

way to argue that open space, particularly connected open space forming greenways, was

an important part of the urban structure, and not just a pleasant amenity that could be an

afterthought (see greenways books). Benedict and McMahon (2006), for instance, define

green infrastructure as a holistic approach to natural and human resource use that

seeks to conserve natural ecosystems and functions in a manner that acknowledges and

complements development (Benedict and McMahon 2006). A review of multiple current

definitions of green infrastructure yielded the following:

Of the many definitions of green infrastructure currently in use, nearly all

incorporate concepts of natural resource multi-functionality; adopt a

holistic perspective; and place high value on physical interconnections

among different types of greenspace. . . . Interconnectedness and resource

networks are common to every definition. Other emerging categories

include natural areas and features, ecosystem services, economic, cultural,

and quality-of-life benefits. . . A key principle of green infrastructure

noted in these definitions is the utilization of the existing character of the

landscape to enhance the sense of place.

The report synthesizes the eight definitions review as: Green infrastructure is an interconnected network of natural areas and features that preserve or restore ecological functioning and facilitate healthy maintenance of ecosystem services that provide economic,

cultural and other quality-of-life benefits to humans and wildlife.4

For the most part, the practices identified for GI in these main texts are the provision and

protection of open space, sometimes with limited development on less sensitive parcels to

provide appropriate financial incentives for the preservation. One could argue, then, that

this is just greenway planning (valuable as that is) dressed up with a new name. And, the

policy goals that the GI definitions suggest, e.g. quality of life and other economic and

cultural benefits, are so broad as to be fairly meaningless. In the definition that follows, I

hope to rectify both of these problems.

In the last few years the term has transformed in its use by some authors and agencies to

be more directly parallel to traditional infrastructure, and thus to include not just

connected pathways, but also stormwater treatment and management (EPA cite), and

other functions. (add here). This newer, broader definition thus encourages more

equivalent consideration with more traditional methods of infrastructure provision, which

the EPA and others call ‗grey infrastructure‘ to differentiate it from the newer, green kind. An obvious example is the difference between treating stormwater by piping it to a

4 The source for this is (Calcina, Elvin et al. 2007), a University of Massachusetts Landscape Planning

studio lead by professors Robert Ryan and Richard Taupier.

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treatment plant, or by filtering it through constructed swales so that cleansed water

permeates down directly into the aquifer. Thus, a follow-on studio to the one noted

above developed a broader, more infrastructure-oriented definition of green infrastructure:

Green infrastructure is the preservation, restoration or creation of facilities

that utilize natural processes to recycle stormwater, conserve energy and

purify air, in a way that encourages connectivity, supports development

and is environmentally and economically sustainable.5

The report goes on to highlight the differences between conventional or ‗gray‘

infrastructure systems and the elements of green infrastructure, as follows:

Conventional (Gray) Infrastructure Green Infrastructure

Uni-functional – just carry waste and water; built for cars only; electricity from fossil fuels

Multi-functional - store and treat stormwater; aesthetically pleasing; provide wildlife habitat; electricity from wind, solar; multi-modality, etc.

Manufactured materials Manufactured and natural materials

Transports stormwater away from site Manages stormwater on site

Concentrates stormwater and pollutants Naturally treats and disperses stormwater and pollutants

Roads built for cars only Roads that accommodate bicycles and pedestrians, and often, have natural elements too.

Electricity from fossil fuels Electricity from multiple renewable energy sources

Cookie-cutter approach, no room for creativity or complementariness

Work well in tandem with and are complimentary to other types of infrastructure

(Janak, Germond et al. 2008) p. 11.

I argue here for an even broader definition which has an explicit goal of adapting to and

mitigating climate change, and includes two usually unconsidered items: one, the

provision of produce-oriented agriculture as essential infrastructure for metropolitan and

rural regions, and two, space for local provision of appropriate alternative energy,

whether that be solar arrays, wind turbines, or hydro power. Framed in this way, a

definition of green infrastructure with a clear and important policy goal for a region is:

Green infrastructure is the preservation, restoration or creation of

ecosystems and facilities that utilize natural processes to recycle

stormwater, conserve and produce energy, provide local agriculture, and

mitigate greenhouse gas emissions with a goal of reducing both human

and other species‘ vulnerability and ultimate resiliency to climate change.

I hope by now the connections are apparent. Given the significant climate changes that

are already entrained by our vast additions to global greenhouse gases, it is essential that

municipalities (and other governmental organizations) both mitigate and adapt to the

likely future climate conditions. A key goal of this, and an appropriate decision rule to

use when considering new regulatory and infrastructural investments, is whether the

5 The source for this is (Janak, Germond et al. 2008) p. 11, a University of Massachusetts Regional

Planning studio lead by professor Elisabeth Hamin.

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proposed project reduces exposure and vulnerability of populations to climate hazards.

An important route to achieving this goal is the provision of strong green infrastructure in

regions and cities, where green infrastructure is broadly defined. Green infrastructure as

it has recently been developing is an excellent vehicle for this goal, for several reasons:

1. GI tends to be based on systems thinking, and by nature is interconnected – both

of which will be necessary to address CC.

2. GI tends to seek to achieve multiple goals with particular venues, which will also

be necessary to sufficiently address CC within an urban perspective, where

unbuilt land is quite limited.

3. GI tends to be regional, and regional solutions will be much more effective for

CC than local ones, as water, energy, food, and emissions are at a minimum

regional scale issues.

But, you might ask, how does green infrastructure with a concern for climate change,

energy transition, and risk vary from the current perspectives on green infrastructure?

It is much easier to answer this with a regional example and then to draw the

generalizations than the other way around, so for this section of the paper I draw on the

example of area of Massachusetts known as the I-495 region. What I present in this

section should be understood as conceptual; a thorough analysis for a particular place

would follow this general process, but with public participation and stronger science.

I-495 is a second bypass highway around the Boston metro area, running at about 25

miles from Boston proper, and is the emerging high-technology corridor, although it also

contains quite a few towns that are only lightly developed currently. There is a mixture

of densely built old mill towns, very low density high income suburbs, and moderate to

low density business park style areas. The map suggests the relationship between the

corridor and the Boston metropolitan region.

The first task is to understand what the likely changes are that climate change will bring

to this region, and also to identify some standard steps that are important to mitigation of

greenhouse gases. A recent report by Tufts University and the Union of Concerned

Scientists (Northeast Climate Impacts Assessment Group (NECIA) 2006) p. 1-2

identified the following as among the most likely climate changes for the Northeast

region for the next century under the current emissions trend, which is considered the

high emissions scenario:

More severe rains: ―Increases in the likelihood and severity of heavy rainfall events, including more than a 10 percent increase in the number of annual

extreme rainfall events and a 20 percent increase in the maximum amount of rain

that falls in a five-day period each year.‖

Overall more precipitation, especially in winter: ―Increases in winter precipitation on the order of 20 to 30 percent, with slightly greater increases under

the higher-emissions scenario.‖

More winter rain, less snow: ―By the end of the century, the length of the winter

snow season could be cut in half.‖

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More short term droughts: ―The frequency of late summer and fall droughts is projected to increase significantly, with short term droughts (lasting one to three

months) becoming as frequent as once per year over much of the Northeast by the

end of the century.‖

Less streamflow: ―A combination of higher temperatures, increased evaporation,

expanded growing season, and other factors that will cause summer and fall to

become drier, with extended periods of low streamflow. This will reduce the

availability of water from northeastern rivers to natural ecosystems, agriculture,

and other needs.‖

Overall warmer winters and summers: ―winters could warm by 8 to 12°F and summers by 6 to 14°F.‖

Earlier spring, shorter winters: ―The character of the seasons will change significantly, with spring arriving three weeks earlier by the end of the century,

summer lengthening by about three weeks at both its beginning and end, fall

becoming warmer and drier, and winter becoming shorter and milder.‖

More peak-heat days: ―Historically, major cities in the Northeast experience 10 to 15 days per year when temperatures exceed 90oF. By mid-century, cities such

as Philadelphia, New York City, and Boston could experience 30 to 60 days of

temperatures over 90°F each summer. By late in the century, most cities in the

region are likely to experience more than 60 days with temperatures over 90oF,

including 14 to 28 days with temperatures over 100°F (compared with one or two

days per year historically).‖ Note that other studies find that for the northeast,

days over 90°F pose significant health threats (Kirshen, Ruth et al. 2004).

We can add several items that address the expanded list of key GI goals. The metrowest

region has a significant future problem in that it is entirely automobile oriented, as it is

built on a sprawling design. There remains a good bit of high quality soils and farmland,

although much of this is effectively ‗ground cover‘ owned by developers or non-farming

families waiting for the right market to break ground; some of this land is as woodland or

orchards. The area also already has water provision limitations, and this is likely to get

worse under the scenarios above. There is some initial provision of wind and solar

energy, but there is much room for improvement on this front.

This paper calls for green infrastructure to be visionary, so that is the goal I will seek here.

What sort of green infrastructure would be relevant to this area for the year 2100, or even

2050? Here is what we can picture:

Floodplains: Floodplains are mapped for the (current) 500 year level, or climate

science is used to determine realistic 100 year floodplains under conditions

relevant to 2100. No new development is permitted in these areas; instead, to the

extent they coincide with good soils, they are zoned for agriculture. Growing

high-value produce rather than commodity grain and using new methods of

distribution such as community supported agriculture makes this less of an

economical hardship. Where not appropriate for agriculture, these areas are

forested for carbon sequestration, along with recreation and habitat. Existing

structures which will remain are hardened to withstand frequent flooding; flood

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insurance is gradually removed from these areas. These form a green spine to the

region, and allow for frequent flooding with little human cost other than lost crops.

Note that because the region we are discussing does not include coastal land, I do not

report on the anticipated sea level rises, which could be quite substantial.

The goal of the green spaces in the city must be, under the above definition, to provide

for adaptation to these conditions, as well as mitigation as described further below. It is

clear that to do so, the first step is to change


and mitigation

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Some fairly obvious responses to each of these that fall under the rubric of green

infrastructure would be:

Climate condition Example sector impacted Design responses

More severe rains Stormwater management Change design

specifications; provide more

storage square footage

More winter rain, less snow Bicycle transportation May need to provide more

roofing to encourage

bicycling in winter

More short term droughts Food security Will likely need more

access to irrigation, more

cushion for failure of

specific crops in specific


Less streamflow Biodiversity

More peak-heat days Health Plan for urban greening to

reduce heat-island effects

In addition, there are the concerns of mitigation of greenhouse gases to be addressed

Example sector impacted Design responses

Stormwater management Change design

specifications; provide more

storage square footage

Bicycle transportation May need to provide more

roofing to encourage

bicycling in winter

Food security Will likely need more

access to irrigation, more

cushion for failure of

specific crops in specific



Health Plan for urban greening to

reduce heat-island effects

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explication of a process of investigation, as well as examples of possible technologies.

Thus, for a community that wanted to begin to address these anticipated future conditions,

the first step is an examination of forecasts for climate change in their particular region.

This is critical because climate change stands to make very different impacts in very

different places – more rain in the US Northeast, less in the Southwest; coastal flooding

in some regions, river flooding in others, etc. Currently most forecasts are for fairly large,

often multi-state, regions; without doubt, in a few years there will be finer-scale forecasts

that will be more useful to particular areas. With this in hand, communities will find the

process laid out by ICLEI for adaptation planning to be quite useful, as it suggests the

appropriate steps for community-based action. These include: (insert from ICLEI if


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Examples of impacts associated with global average temperature change (Impacts will vary by extent of adaptation, rate of temperature change, and socio-economic pathway) Figure

source: (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2007b) p 9

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(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2007a) p 12 Adaptation is necessary in the

short and longer term to address impacts resulting from the warming that would occur even for the lowest stabilisation scenarios assessed. There are barriers, limits and costs, but these are not fully understood. Unmitigated climate change would, in the long term, be likely to exceed the capacity of natural, managed and human systems to adapt. The time at which such limits could be reached will vary between sectors and regions. Early

mitigation actions would avoid further locking in carbon intensive infrastructure and reduce climate change and associated adaptation needs. P. 20

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