Green fire p pt.pdf 1

Fire Extinguishers Green Fire Safety Services No:16,Old Bye Pass Road ,Vellore, E-Mail: [email protected] . Web: Green Fire Safety Services

Transcript of Green fire p pt.pdf 1

Page 2: Green fire p pt.pdf 1

What you will learn…

Types of Fires

Types of Extinguishers

How to Use an Extinguisher

Green Fire Safety Services

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What you will learn…

Using the wrong type of fire

extinguisher on a fire may make

matters worse.

The Three different fire (fuel)


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Types of Fires

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Class A

Class A Extinguishers will put

out fires in ordinary

combustibles, such as wood and

paper. The numerical rating for

this class of fire extinguisher

refers to the amount of water the

fire extinguisher holds and the

amount of fire it will extinguish

Used on Wood, Paper, Plastic

Class A Fires

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Class B

Class B Extinguishers should

be used on fires involving

flammable liquids, such as

grease, gasoline, oil, etc. The

numerical rating for this class of

fire extinguisher states the

approximate number of square

feet of a flammable liquid fire

that a non-expert person can

expect to extinguish Used on

Flammable Liquid Fires

Green Fire Safety Services

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Class C

Class C Extinguishers are

suitable for use on

electrically energized fires.

This class of fire

extinguishers does not have

a numerical rating. The

presence of the letter “C”

indicates that the

extinguishing agent is non-

conductive. Used on

Electrical Fires

Green Fire Safety Services

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Types of Extinguishers

Water Co2 Extinguishers,

Mechanical Foam,

Dry Chemical Powder,

Co2 Type Extinguishers,

ABC Type Extinguishers,

Clean Agent Extinguishers..

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Water Co2 Type Fire

Extinguisher(A Class)Water Fire Extinguishers are good for

tackling fires involving burning paper, wood and soft

furnishing (Class A fires), as the water soaks into the

materials and cools them, while extinguishing the fire.

This type of extinguisher does not contain harmful

chemicals but has a low fire fighting rating. Due to this

water fire extinguishers are usually large and heavy to

overcome their lack in fire fighting power. It is also

important to remember that water is an electrolyte and

conducts electricity. Care must therefore be taken with

regards to accidental use on exposed power cables.

However, both the weight and the conductivity problems

can be overcome by using water extinguishers with

environmentally friendly additives. Water extinguishers

with additives have a higher fire fighting rating which,

therefore, allows the use of smaller and lighter

extinguishers. Neither do they conduct electricity. As

they are mostly free of harmful substances, water fire

extinguishers are especially suitable in households where

children have access to the extinguishers and an

accidental discharge is possible.

Green Fire Safety Services

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Mechanical Foam Type Fire

Extinguisher(A&B.Class)Mechanical Foam

Fire Extinguishers, also called AFFF

FOAM (Aqueous Film Forming Foam)

create a smothering film of foam over the

fire, which starves the fire of oxygen. The

foam also penetrates porous materials and

cools the fire through evaporation of the

water content in the foam. As the foam

creates a foam carpet on burning liquids

like petrol, foam extinguishers are also

suitable for flammable liquids and areas

where man-made fibres in soft furnishings

and carpets might liquidise under the

influence of heat. Foam extinguishers are

safe for use with electrical equipment,

although the electrical equipment will be

seriously damaged by the liquid. MAke

sure to select a foam extinguisher that has

been conductivity tested. Green Fire Safety Services

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DCP Type Fire Extingusher


Dry Chemical (Class B & C Fires)




GUIDELINES Use for Class B and C

Fires What types of fires can be

extinguished with multi-purpose, dry

chemical extinguishers

Green Fire Safety Services

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CO2 Type Fire Extinguisher

(B&C. Class Gas)

CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) Fire Extinguishers contain only pressurised CO2

gas and therefore leave no residue. This type of

extinguisher is suitable for use on fires involving burning

liquids (Class B fires), but is also a good solution for

quenching fires involving computer equipment and other

electrical appliances, as it does not cause damage to the

electrical items and does not cause the system to short

circuit. It is important to remember that when using CO2

extinguishers there is a possibility that once the

smothering CO2 gas has floated away the fire may re-

ignite if the source of the fire is not removed (eg

switching off the power supply) or if the materials are

still very hot. Please be aware that CO2 extinguishers that

are not fitted with double-lined swivel horns may cause

your fingers to freeze to the horn during the deployment

of the extinguisher. Always select CO2 extinguishers

with frost-free horns. CO2 extinguishers are NOT

suitable for deep fat fryers, as the strong jet from the

extinguisher carries the burning fat out of the fryer and

into the room!

Green Fire Safety Services

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ABC Type Fire Extinguisher

(AB&C.Class)What do the A B C ratings mean

on Fire Extinguishers? FE Rating - A“A” TRASH–WOOD–PAPER Fire

extinguishers with a Class A rating are effective against

fires involving paper, wood, textiles, and plastics. FE

rating - B“B” LIQUIDS Fire extinguishers with a Class B

rating are effective against flammable liquid fires. These

can be fires where cooking liquids, oil, gasoline,

kerosene, or paint have become ignited. FE rating - C“C”

ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Fire extinguishers with a

Class C rating are suitable for fires in “live” electrical

equipment. Fire Extinguisher Ratings Fire extinguishers

are classified by fire type. The A, B, C rating system

defines the kinds of burning materials each fire

extinguisher is designed to fight. The number in front of

the A, B, or C indicates the rating size of fire the unit can

extinguish. To achieve a Class “A” rating, the

extinguisher must be capable of putting out the wood

crib, wood panel and excelsior (shredded paper) tests.

Ratings are based on the size of the material that can be

repeatedly exiting….

Green Fire Safety Services

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Clean Agent Type Fire

ExtinguisherMultipurpose Clean Agent Fire Extinguishers

Clean Agents - an overview "Clean

Agents" are Hydro Chloro Fluoro Carbons

discharged as a rapidly evaporating liquid,

which leaves no residue. It effectively

extinguishes Class A, B, C Electrical fires

by cooling and smothering and does not

conduct electricity back to the operator.

The clean agent is pressurized with

nitrogen gas and is an EPA and FAA

approved HCFC blend B agent approved

for use on Class A, B and C fires. CLEAN

AGENTS are intended for use in areas

formerly protected by Halon 1211 hand

portable extinguishers such as computer

rooms, telecommunications facilities, lean

rooms, data storage areas, offices (for

protection of sensitive electronic

equipment), boats and vehicles. Green Fire Safety Services

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Aim at the base of

the fire. If you aim at the

flames, the

extinguishing agent

will fly right through

and do no good. You

want to hit the fuel.

Green Fire Safety Services

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Presentation by

Green Fire Safety Services

Green Fire Safety Services