Green Building Awareness HVAC


Transcript of Green Building Awareness HVAC

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Mechanical Engineering

Submitted By: Submitted To:

Akshay Sharma(10EIMME006) Rakesh Bhandari

Narendra Singh Ranawat (10EIMME035) Rahul Sharma

Naveen Kumar Vishnoi (10EIMME036)

Pushpendra Pandey (10EIMME043)

Vijay Verma (10EIMME057)




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BHILWARA – 311001


This is to certify that a Practical Project report entitled “GREEN BUILDING AWARNESS FOR

HVAC” which is being submitted to the Rajasthan Technical University, Kota by Akshay Sharma,

Narendra Singh Ranawat, Naveen Kumar Vishnoi, Pushpendra Pandey, Vijay Verma Final year

B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of

Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering, has been found to be satisfactory and is hereby

approved for submission.

Date: Head of Department Place: Bhilwara Department of Mech. Engg.

Institute of Technology and

Management, Bhilwara

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1.1 INTRODUCTIONEnergy simulation is a computer-based analytical process that helps building owner and designers to

evaluate the energy performance of a building and make it more energy efficient by making necessary

modifications in the design before the building is constructed. Use of energy simulation software is

necessary to show compliance with Indian eQuest sofwer via “Whole Building Performance Method.” This

Tip Sheet helps in understanding the basic concepts and process involved in carrying out building energy


1.2 Introduction to the area of work (general discussion)In the last few years commercial buildings have emerged as one of the fastest growing sectors in India. This

phenomenon, combined with the expectations to create more comfortable indoor environmental conditions,

is placing increasing energy demand on the already stretched supply side infrastructure. The energy

performance of a building depends on how a building has been designed from an energy efficiency

perspective and how well the system integration issues have been addressed. The way a building behaves

and how well the system integration issues have been addressed. The way a building behaves and perform is

governed by envelope design (walls, windows, roofs, etc.) selection of building material, and design and

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selection of building system (lighting, cooling, ventilation, etc.) to meet the visual comfort of occupants and

other functional requirements.

A building interacts with its external as well as internal environment. A good building designer

needs to account for the external factors such as air temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, etc.,

which may vary significantly throughout the year, and balance it with visual comfort requirements.

These computer-based energy simulation programs model the visual, ventilation and other energy

consuming process taking place within the building to predict its energy performance. A simulation

program takes into account the building geometry and orientation, building materials being used, building

façade design and characteristics, climatic parameter, indoor environmental conditions, occupant activities

and schedules, HVAC and lighting system and other parameters to analyze and predict the energy

performance of a building (See Table 1).

Certain energy simulation programs are designed to work for individual building components

such as wall, roof, building form and fenestration. Some tools are specifically used for modeling one or more

parameters such as lighting, heat transfer across building envelope, natural ventilation, and shading

elements. Whole building simulation tools are widely used and are applied to the entire building as an

integrated system to capture the interactive effects of building components and systems.

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Energy performance simulation tools allow designer to :

Consider the building as a single integrated system..

Predict thermal behavior of buildings in relation to its outdoor environment.

Predict the impact of daylight and artificial light inside the building .

Model the impact of wind pattern and ventilation and assess its effect on energy use .

Estimate the size/ capacity of equipment required for thermal and visual comfort

Calculate the effect of various building components on each other and predict resulting conditions

and impact energy use.

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Assess the Changes in energy consumption through sensitivity analysis with respect to design

changes affecting building geometry and materials, components, systems, etc.

Figure 1.1 Classification of Building Energy Consumption


Buildings Owner is to be suggested which type of air-conditioning design system & selection equipment is

useful for building to energy minimized with simulation or analysis cooling load for summer and heating

load for winter. So we also suggest which type of Air-Conditioning system is used, with how much load and

exactly where is to be placed.

A primary concern in the field of energy efficiency is to use limited resources to create the maximum benefit

and achieve the greatest reduction in energy consumption by applying the most suitable energy-saving

technologies. The purpose of this suggestion is to establish a prototypical public building model based on

different climate features and building data in India, to analyze the suitability and economic benefits of some

typical retrofit methods used in (Bhilwara) any one region, and to provide analysis results and suitability for

those technologies.

Table 1.1 Research planning stage

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PROCEDURES SPECIFIC TASKTask 1 •  Sort out common energy-saving technologies

•  Provide engineering examples of common energy-saving technologies

Task 2•  Select retrofit methods and analyze the features of different kinds of energy simulation software.•  Select energy simulation software and introduce modeling method

Task 3•  Sort out and analyze real energy consumption data of Bhilwara, in Rajasthan (India).•  Establish typical building model•  Calibrate model on the basis of real data, establish base model, analyze causes of error

Task 4•  Establish modules of energy-saving technologies, simulate the efficiency of energy-saving technologies•  Analyze the energy efficiency ratio of retrofit methods applied in any one type of buildings and regions

Task 5 •  Investigate the cost of common energy-saving technologies•  Analyze the payback period of energy-saving technologies

Task 6 •  Research conclusion•  Outlook and opportunities for further research

1.4 Key ElementsConstruction and Layers: For buildingsimulation, each type of building sectionis termed as one

construction. Forexample, a single brick wall with plasterand without plaster are two differenttypes of

constructions. Each construction,similar to the architectural drawingrepresentation, is a built-up section

usingdifferent materials, termed as “layers” insimulation. Therefore, when describing aconstruction, layers

must be specified intheir order of appearance (always fromoutside to inside in most of the

simulationprograms). The sequence of layers has a significant impact on the heat andmoisture transfer across

that section.

Equipment Sizing:Besides calculatingthe heat load, simulation programs arealso equipped with the

capability tocalculate the size of HVAC equipment. Todo this, they need basic information suchas

equipment efficiency. Standard sizeswhich are available can also be suppliedby the user and the software

will calculatethe number of such systems requiredfor the building. An energy simulationprogram’s ability to

distinguish, and useto advantage, the concept of “coincident”versus “non-coincident” peak loadcalculations

can lead to more accurateplant sizing.

Hourly Simulation: Energy use issimulated in a building for every hour ofthe year. For this purpose, hourly

weatherdata is required and the simulationengine has to be capable of handlingheating/cooling load

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calculations on anhourly basis, and account for the effectof heat storage in thermal mass. It maybe noted that

simplified simulationprograms generate approximate hourlysimulation results only, which aresometimes

considerably off from the moredetailed hourly results generated by otherprograms.

InputFile:Itcontainsthedescriptionofthebuilding in a form that can be understoodby the simulation program.

This containsbuilding geometry, construction details(walls, roof, windows etc.), building usageschedule, and

information about HVAC and lighting systems.This file acts as theinterface between the weather file, the

simulation engine, and the output filemanager of simulation program. Mostsimulation programs can make

use ofcommon formats of 2-D drawing files e.g.“dxf ” files, by using them as backgroundimages for quicker

creation of building


Output File: A simulation run maygenerate more than one output files. Twoof the most important files are

the mainoutput file that contains hourly resultsand the error file that carries informationabout possible errors,

including warnings.In some cases, there is no fatal error thatwill stop the program from running butwarnings

will highlight probable logicalmistakes.

Parametric/Sensitivity Analysis:The process of optimizing the energyperformance of a building by


different scenarios for efficient buildingsystem and construction types.

Schedule: It specifies the hourly usagepattern of any zone or its equipment.Separate schedules can be

specifiedfor different types of days, such as anoccupancy schedule set up for 0800hrsto 1700 hrs on

weekdays, 0900 hrs to1300 hrs on Saturdays, and no usage onSundays and public holidays. Differentzones

may have different schedules andwithin each zone, different equipment,lighting, plug loads may have

differentschedules. However, to keep the tasksimple, it is recommended to group zoneshaving similar loads

and schedules.

Simulation Engine: The simulationengine is the heart of any simulationprogram. These engines are based


different algorithms for calculatingthe energy consumption in themodeled building. The engine works

incoordination with the weather file and theinput file to produce desired outputs. Asa rule of thumb, if the

engine is capableof using hourly equations, the modeller should try to create a building modelwith

significant detail. In situations withsimplified engines, where calculations areapproximated, spending time

and effortson providing minor details is not needed.Such engines are useful only for a broadcomparison of

major energy conservationoptions and should not be used forgenerating energy performance numbers.

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Thermal Zone: It is a term used inenergy simulation to represent a space(volume) within the building,


to by one air conditioning unit. Withthe help of “zoning” building plans aresimplified to reduce the

modeler’s work.Normally, within one thermal zone usagepattern, set point temperature and other

conditions are identical. Building spacesthat would experience similar heating and

cooling loads are generally grouped underone zone.

Visualization: Some simulationprograms have in-built capability tocreate 2-D and 3-D models of a

buildingbased on the description provided.Others, such as Energy Plus, requiredescriptions of building

geometry in the

form of coordinates. These programs alsooffer the ability to visualize the buildingby coupling with a drafting

software.Separate add-on type programs areavailable to facilitate easy creation andvisualization of building

geometry usinga visual interface.

Weather File: This file contains hourlyinformation about weather at the locationunder consideration.

Different simulationprograms use weather files in differentformats but consist of nearly the samedata such as

solar radiation, temperature,humidity, wind speed, wind direction,rainfall, atmospheric pressure, cloudcover,





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In the rapidly growing economy of India, the energy requirements are increasing at a fast pace. The

Government of India, at the highest level, is giving top priority to the attainment of nation’s long-term

energy security. India currently ranks sixth in the world in terms of primary energy demand. As per the

Planning Commission’s Integrated Energy Policy Report (Planning Commission 2006), if India perseveres

with sustained economic growth rate of 8% of GDP per annum through 2031-32, its primary energy supply

will need to grow by 3 to 4 times, and electricity generation capacity by 5 to 6 times compared to 2003-04. It

is estimated that by 2031-32, the country’s power generation capacity would be 800,000 MW from a current

level of 160,000 MW. Central Electricity Authority (CEA) has estimated that the country is currently facing

electricity shortage of 9.9% and peak demand shortage of 16.6% (CEA 2009).

While it is essential to add new power generation capacity to meet the nation’s growing energy

requirements, it is equally important to look out for options that will help in reducing energy demand for

various end-use sectors. Since buildings account for approximately 33% of electricity consumption and is

the fastest growing sector, it is critical that policy interventions are put in place to improve energy efficiency

in both new construction as well as existing buildings. Buildings are complex physical objects. They interact with their immediate surroundings while trying to

provide a comfortable living and working environment to the occupants. The way a building behaves and

performs is affected by the choices made in selecting building materials and components while designing the

building envelope (walls, windows, roofs), and different systems (lighting, HVAC, etc.). Buildings provide

comfortable indoor environment conditions like thermal, visual, and acoustical by consuming energy.

2.2Literature review

2.2.1 Energy Conservation Act, 2001

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To give impetus to energy conservation in the country, Government of India enacted the Energy

Conservation Act (EC Act), which came into force on 1st March 2002. Under the Act, Government of India

established the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) in March 2002, a statutory body under the Ministry of

Power (MoP), Government of India. The EC Act directs BEE to spearhead improvement in energy

efficiency through various regulatory and promotional measures and implements the provisions of the act

(MoP 2001).

The EC Act has empowered the Government both at the Central as well as at the State level to put in place a

legal framework that could help in creating an institutional set-up that promotes energy conservation in the

country, and also helps in monitoring the efforts to meet the energy saving targets and energy intensity of the


2.2.2 Overview of the Indian Commercial Buildings Sector

According to Energy Information Administration, any building that is not used for residential, manufacturing

and agricultural purposes is termed as a ‘Commercial Building’. However in India, CEA classifies electricity

end use sectors broadly into several categories (e.g. industrial, residential, agricultural, commercial, etc.),

primarily based on the tariff charged by the Distribution Companies that is approved by the state Electricity

Regulatory Commissions. Figure 1 shows the electricity consumption in various sectors in India.

The Commercial building sector includes office buildings, hotels, hospitals, educational institutes, retail

malls, etc. According to CEA, electricity consumption in the commercial sector in India at present accounts

for about 9% of the total electricity consumption in the country. The electricity consumption in this sector

has experienced an average growth of 13.5% over last four years (Fig. 2). This growth is attributed to the

ever increasing energy consumption in existing buildings as well as increasing energy intensity of newly

constructed commercial buildings such as multi specialty hospitals, luxury hotels, retail malls, data centers,

etc. which are being built all over the country.

A demand for Information Technology sector and related services has been mainly driving rapid growth of

commercial buildings in major cities in India. In the absence of non-availability of data on commercial

buildings, several organizations have been currently making attempts to estimate the floor-space of existing

commercial building stock in India. Recent study by McKinsey (McKinsey 2009) has estimated built up area

of one billion m2 of commercial buildings that is expected to grow to four billion m2 in 2030. Estimates

based on the building sector data analyzed by the ECO-III team also predicts that 70% of building stock that

will be there in 2030 is yet to come up in the country – a situation that is fundamentally different from

developed countries – requiring a carefully crafted set of policy interventions to encourage energy efficiency

through a combination of regulatory and market mechanisms.

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BEE launched its first energy efficiency program for existing government buildings in 2002, shortly after its

creation. Under the first phase of the program, nine prestigious Government Buildings in New Delhi were

covered. Energy assessment studies identified, on an average, energy/electricity savings potential of

approximately 30%.

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In order to accelerate the energy efficiency activities in the commercial buildings, BEE has recently

developed a Star Rating Program for office buildings, which is based on actual energy performance of the

building, in terms of Energy Performance Index (EPI) measured in terms of annual electricity usage per unit

of built up area (in kWh/m2/year). Under the program, office buildings having a connected load of 500 kW

or greater are being rated on a 1-5 star scale taking into account building type, climate and percentage of

building area that is air-conditioned, with a 5-star rating being the most energy-efficient.

2.2.3 Energy Conservation Building Code

The EC Act empowers the Central Government to prescribe Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) in

the country. BEE with technical assistance from USAID supported Energy Conservation and

Commercialization Project (ECO-II Project), a Committee of Experts finalized ECBC in consultation with

various stakeholders. In May 2007, MoP formally launched ECBC for its implementation in commercial

buildings on a voluntary basis.

ECBC sets minimum energy performance standards for commercial buildings that have an electrical

connected load of 500 kW or greater or a contract demand of 600 kVA or more. The Code focuses on

building envelope, mechanical systems and equipment including heating, ventilating, and air conditioning

(HVAC) system, interior and exterior lighting systems, service hot water systems, electrical power and

motors, and takes into account five climates zones present in India (BEE 2008). Several members of the

ASHRAE 90.1 committee participated in the development of the ECBC. The structure of the ECBC is

patterned after the ASHRAE Standard (ASHRAE 2004), and offers two compliance approaches: Prescriptive

or Whole Building Performance Method. A Trade-Off Option allows greater flexibility to designers while

designing the building envelope. The EC Act specifies that through ECBC compliance, the overall aim is to

develop energy norms and standards for eligible commercial buildings, expressed in terms of energy

consumption per m2 of area.

Per the EC Act, the Central Government can prescribe ECBC for adoption in all the states of India, the State

Governments have the power to amend ECBC to suit regional and local climatic conditions and direct the

building owners and occupiers to comply with ECBC.

2.2.4 BEE and ECO-III Partnership

Since 2007, BEE has been actively involved in promoting ECBC awareness through nation-wide workshops

and capacity building programs for stakeholders. ECBC Program Committee (EPC) constituted by BEE in

2008, addresses all issues related to ECBC. BEE, on the recommendation of the EPC and with support from

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USAID ECO-III Project, brought out a revised version of ECBC in May 2008 to make the document

consistent across various sections and rectify typographical errors (BEE 2008).

Considering the growing need for developing better understanding of ECBC in the country, ECO-III, in

association with BEE, developed ECBC User Guide (USAID ECO-III Project 2009a), which aims to assist

the building designers, architects and all others involved in the building construction industry to facilitate

implementation of ECBC in real situations. In addition, ECBC Tip Sheets on Building Envelope, HVAC

Systems, Lighting Design and Energy Simulation have been developed by the ECO-III project and

disseminated widely in the country to create awareness about the Code and the major building systems that

will be affected by it.

In India, the first national level initiative to collect and analyze standardized building energy use data

(currently for 760 commercial buildings) has been carried out by BEE in partnership with the USAID ECO-

III Project. This is especially relevant in the context of linking performance of ECBC-compliant buildings

with an area-weighted normalized electricity index as specified in the EC Act. The average benchmarking

indices for different building types (along with sub-classifications) are shown in Table 1 below (Kumar et.

al. 2010).

The USAID ECO-III project, with assistance from US Department of Energy (Pacific Northwest National

Laboratory) is developing the first generation ECBC Compliance Check (ECONirman) tool and a standard

ECBC training program to assist BEE with the mandatory implementation of ECBC.

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2.2.5 Institutional Set Up for Code Implementation

Implementation of ECBC involves various stakeholders at national as well as at the state level. The

responsibility for the implementation of codes pertaining to buildings lies with the State level Urban Local

Bodies (ULBs).

In India, Standards and Codes are developed at the Central Government level. Subsequently the Central

Government advises all the State Governments and the stakeholders for their voluntary or mandatory

adoption at the State level. This is applicable for implementation of ECBC as well.

Under the Prime Minister’s National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC), the Ministry of Urban

Development (MoUD) at the Centre owns the overall responsibility of implementing ECBC under the

National Mission of Sustainable Habitat, which is under development currently by MoUD. Keeping Climate

Change issues in perspective, the mission envisages several mitigation measures including enhancement of

energy efficiency in buildings.

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MoUD has the responsibility of broad policy formulation and monitoring of programs in the areas of urban

development, urban water supply and sanitation. These are essentially State subjects but the MoUD plays a

coordinating and monitoring role and also supports these programs through schemes funded by the Central

Government. MoUD addresses various issues of urban sector through policy guidelines, legislative guidance

and sector-specific programs. The Town and Country Planning Organization is a technical advisory and

consultancy organization of the MoUD on matters concerning urban and regional planning and development

strategies, research, monitoring and appraisal of Central Government schemes and development policies.

This organization provides its technical and policy inputs to the concerned state level Urban Development

Department(s), the apex body overseeing the activities of ULBs (ULBs include Municipal Corporations,

Municipalities and Nagar Panchayats). In 2001, there were about 3,636 ULBs in the country.

ULBs regulate urban development and are responsible for town planning, regulation of land-use and

construction of buildings, roads, bridges, etc. Each ULB in a state governs these developments at the

town/city level through its General Development Control Regulation (GDCR) - a document which lays

down the framework for individual plot level building regulations called building bye laws. GDCR covers

all aspects of building construction including structural integrity, fire safety, seismic design, lighting,

electrical, plumbing, sanitary facilities, ventilation, etc. GDCR generally incorporates broader issues of

development and construction, whereas finer details get finalized by ULB’s in building bye laws depending

upon context and situation. For each ULB, the formulation process of GDCR and contents of GDCR may

vary although they all tend to follow a model template or language. The State Legislative Assembly

approves GDCR on the recommendation of ULB’s Committee constituted for the purpose. Once any code or

standard gets incorporated in GDCR document and is approved by the State Legislature, concerned ULB

directs its Town Development Office to incorporate the provisions of the code or standard judiciously in the

existing building bye laws and enforces its mandatory implementation in real situations.

In the context of ECBC implementation, general institutional arrangement discussed above is also likely to

be adopted by the States, though variations from one state to another can be expected.

2.2.6 Other Building Codes and Rating Programs

Apart from ECBC, there are a few other building codes and building rating systems currently in use in India.

These have been developed by different organizations for promoting energy efficiency and environmentally

sustainable systems in buildings. These are as under:

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2.2.8 National Building Code (NBC)

Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) develops the National Building Code of India (BIS 2005). It is a

comprehensive building Code, that provides guidelines for all building construction activities across the

country. NBC serves only as a Model Code and not a mandatory Code for adoption by all organizations and

agencies involved in building construction works. It covers limited guidelines on energy conservation in

building systems. However a few provisions of the NBC have been incorporated in the ECBC.

2.2.9 Environment Clearance of Large Construction Projects

Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF) undertakes the Environment Impact Assessment and Clearance

(EIA) for large building and construction projects (MoEF 2007). Builders and developers need to obtain an

EIA clearance before construction. Per the stipulations, any building and construction project with built up

area between 20,000 to 150,000 m2, require EIA clearance from MoEF. While all township and area

development projects covering more than 50 hectare (500,000 m2) and built up area more than 150,000 m2 in

the states are required to get environment clearance from the State Environment Impact Assessment


After the introduction of ECBC by the Government, MoEF has started asking for ECBC compliance while

undertaking EIA for all projects falling under their purview. At present, there are around 300 such projects,

which have been given clearance by MoEF, and are under various stages of development.

2.2.10 Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, LEED-India

Similar to the LEED rating system, developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), LEED-India

promotes a whole-building approach to sustainability by addressing performance in the following five areas:

(1) sustainable site development, (2) water savings, (3) energy efficiency, (4) materials selection and (5)

indoor environmental quality.

The LEED India rating system is managed by Indian Green Building Council (IGBC), promoted by

Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) Godrej Green Business Centre. IGBC is comprised of key

stakeholders in the construction industry, including government, companies, architects, product

manufacturers, and research institutions. At present, 73 buildings in India are LEED certified


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2.2.11 Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment

Having recognized that the LEED rating system largely focuses on air-conditioned buildings, while most

Indian buildings are not air-conditioned, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), developed Green

Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA) — a rating system for new commercial, institutional and

residential buildings (

GRIHA rating system has incorporated the provisions of the NBC 2005, ECBC, and other Indian Standard

codes. In 2008, GRIHA has been launched by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, the Government

of India, The rating criteria includes extent of commercial energy use, renewable energy use, water use and

recycling, waste management, etc. Presently two buildings have been rated under GRIHA.

In summary, ECBC has been developed as India’s first building energy code that focuses specifically on the

compliance of minimum energy efficiency standards for commercial buildings. The National Building Code

of India (2005) had been previously put in place as a comprehensive document to provide guidelines for

regulating building construction activities across the country. However, the content says little about energy

efficiency and focuses mainly on building design to prevent failure in the wake of a natural calamity. It is

expected that both GRIHA and LEED-India voluntary rating systems will incorporate ECBC once it is made

mandatory by the Government of India.

2.2.12 Major Barriers to and Recommendations for Implementing ECBC

Implementation of ECBC is currently in a voluntary compliance phase since May 2007. No specific study so

far has been carried out by BEE or any other organization to establish barriers towards its implementation.

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However while interacting with various stakeholders at various forums, following barriers and challenges

(Table 3) have been identified by the authors of this paper, and corresponding recommendations have been

developed as under:

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2.2.14 ECBC Implementation Strategy

Development of a most suitable implementation strategy by the Government relies on several perceptions

and the prevailing scenario. A few strategic options and focus areas, in the opinion of authors, which need to

be considered by the Government in the development of an implementation strategy are discussed here:

2.2.15 Strengthen Administrative and Institutional Set-Up

The Prime Minister’s National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) assigns the implementation of

ECBC to the Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD) under the National Mission of Sustainable Habitat,

which is under development presently. Figure 3 and Figure 4 illustrate the ECBC institutional set up and

compliance process that may be needed at the state level, using state of Gujarat as an example. These have

been developed keeping in mind the existing process for bye laws approval and how ECBC can be integrated

with that process. Following steps are being proposed to implement ECBC at the State Level:

Ministry of Power or BEE notifies MoUD to initiate the process of ECBC implementation in the states

through a Government Notification;

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2. MoUD issues directives to the State Government’s Urban Development Department (UDD, the apex

body for all the ULBs in the state) to adopt ECBC in the existing bye laws of various ULBs in the


3. UDD refers the matter to a state level committee to review and integrate ECBC provisions in existing

General Development Control Regulation (GDCR), which governs the bye laws of ULBs;

4. A Technical Sub-committee provides technical and administrative inputs pertaining to the integration

of the ECBC clauses into GDCR;

5. UDD produces the revised “Model GDCR document” including ECBC integration clauses and

submits the document to the State Legislative Assembly for approval;

6. The approved Model GDCR is circulated to ULBs for appropriate action and modification of bye

laws, if needed.

7. The modified bye laws are kept at the Town Development Office (TDO) which is responsible for

enforcement and compliance of the bye laws;

8. TDO can set up an in-house ECBC Cell with adequate number of specialists and build their capacity

to deal with all issues associated with ECBC compliance;

9. TDO identifies, appoints and authorizes special institutions (as third-parties) within the state to

facilitate periodic inspection and certification of ECBC compliance;

10. UDD monitors the compliance programs at the state level and reports to MoUD, MoP and BEE on a

periodic basis.

2.3 Role of Government and other Stakeholders

Long-term success of the ECBC will depend heavily on the collaborative roles various stakeholders would

play towards the development, adoption, implementation, and updating process of building code. These are

briefly as under;

• BEE: The proposed role for BEE is as a continued facilitator and hub of supporting activities both at

the Central and State Level. BEE may have to review its coordination role once the Ministry of

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Urban Development develops the ‘National Mission on Sustainable Habitat’ and the Mission

becomes operational for implementation.

• States: Without adoption by the states, the ECBC will continue to be implemented in the government

buildings only, and in a small number of additional private buildings through voluntary participation.

Extensive state adoption is crucial for spreading wider acceptance of the ECBC in commercial

buildings in the private sector.

• Design Professionals: Architects and engineers will need to be directly involved in efforts to expand

knowledge and understanding of ECBC and energy-efficient buildings. They will also need to be

consulted on the type of technical assistance that must be developed for them. Documenting and

sharing best practices on ECBC implementation in real situations could be beneficial.

• Academic Institutions: Once architects get involved in professional practice, the time to learn and

develop new skills is scarce, clients dictate project costs and time schedules, and integrating new

approaches becomes difficult. Therefore integrating concepts of energy-efficient design and

technology into architecture and engineering curriculum in professional colleges becomes essential.

If this is taught at university level, along with other basic skills, upcoming professionals can use the

skills as a guiding principle in designing all buildings.

• Technical Consultants: Substantial expertise exists in the international energy efficiency field,

related to building design, technical requirements, education, policy and program

delivery. Drawing on international experience through a collaborative framework can lead to capacity

building and knowledge transfer to Indian energy efficiency professionals leading to a more sustainable

approach where more buildings can benefit from the guidance of building energy efficiency

consultants/experts. Technical consultants can develop specific resources needed for supporting ECBC

implementation, drawing from their international experiences.

• Industry: Manufacturers of building materials, lighting, and MEP systems have the technology that

can facilitate in designing and constructing energy-efficient buildings. It is in their business interest

to provide accurate, reliable, and easy to use information so that their products are operated and

maintained correctly to achieve maximum energy efficiency. Industry can also become a major

player in Public Private Partnerships to develop the infrastructure and R&D facilities (e.g. Building

Energy Performance Laboratory at CEPT University, Ahmedabad) that can benefit the entire sector.

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2.3.1 Introduce Standard & Labeling Program for Building Materials and Systems

After meeting the mandatory requirements of the Code, there are mainly two approaches for complying with

ECBC – one is a Prescriptive Approach that specifies performance requirements while selecting and

installing building materials and equipment (insulation, windows, lighting, HVAC systems, etc.); the other is

the Whole Building Performance Approach that allows flexibility in design but requires specialized energy

simulation expertise. The primary benefit of the prescriptive path is its simplicity. Unfortunately, at present

government or third-party laboratories cannot certify all the products and equipment necessary to comply

with the ECBC. Therefore for the prescriptive path to be effective, a Standards and Labeling program for

building materials and systems, similar to what has been initiated by BEE for home appliances, will be

critical in promoting ECBC compliance.

2.3.2 Provide Technical Support

Energy codes may appear to be complex and difficult to decipher, particularly when these are being adopted

for the first time. However, whether these are existing Code requirements or an update to existing Code,

building professionals and consultants require assistance to ensure that buildings be built in accordance with

the Code. Useful resources can include in-person training, how-to manuals/guides, and case studies, as well

as enforcement checklists and compliance forms. In this context, BEE has organized several awareness

programs nationwide for building professions. ECO-III has supported these initiatives and has developed a

number of ECBC Tip Sheets and ECBC User Guide in association with BEE. Computer based ECBC

Compliance tool is under development to assist designers and enforcement authorities in promoting ECBC


2.3.3 Build Capacity of Academic Institutions

Current academic training on energy-efficient design and construction techniques in India appears to be

insufficient to support widespread implementation of ECBC requirements.

A survey on architecture educational curriculum conducted by the ECO-III Project brought forth many

inadequacies of the education structure vis-à-vis the issues of energy efficiency, environment and

sustainability (USAID ECO-III Project 2009b). Most institutes have indicated the lack of professional

expertise to teach such courses as one of the major barriers. Lack of good quality reference material in terms

of books and research publications is also a major hindrance towards generating interest in building science

subjects among students and teachers. It is also observed that adequate infrastructure in the form of

diagnostic equipment, simulation labs and software is not available in most of the institutes.

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It is essential to incorporate the fundamentals of building science, related to energy use, into typical

architecture-related curriculum to build understanding and expertise.

2.3.4 Develop ECBC Network

To ensure a positive impact of ECBC at the national level, it is necessary for each state to adopt it as early as

possible. Determining the best local administrative process for adoption and the most effective infrastructure

for enforcement may not be an easy task, but it is one that can be supported through good networking of

institutions and dissemination of useful information to the stakeholders. In going through the process, states

will uncover effective strategies to support ECBC implementation and be in a position to share their best

practices and lessons learned amongst various States and stakeholders. An ECBC Best Practices Network

can be a web-based resource, but care should be taken to also support the distribution of the information in-

person to assure widespread dissemination and include those who are without internet access. A Best

Practices Network should be specific to the needs and circumstances of the state.

2.3.5 Move the Market towards High Performance Buildings

In a developing economy with improved energy efficiency as a primary goal, the ECBC needs to be

implemented gradually and made increasingly stringent with time. Experience shows that design and

construction techniques, as well as new products, are first implemented in a small handful of buildings as

progressive efficiency measures. As understanding of the process and awareness increases, the cost of

related products falls due to rising demand, and these practices become more widespread. Many measures

become more cost-effective and can be used for improving the stringency of the code. Without programs to

push new developments in building energy efficiency, the code enhancement would progress at a very slow

pace, leading to limited improvement in energy efficiency of the buildings. Therefore it is important that

ECBC implementation plan should encourage and support newer developments, which promote higher

performance in the buildings.

2.3.6 Encourage Partial Compliance as an Intermediate Implementation Strategy

On this note, it may also be worthwhile to consider carrying out Code implementation in a phased manner.

Instead of trying to drive Code implementation in its entirety, which can be daunting, technical support may

be provided in a step-by-step manner. Under this approach, easy-to-understand guidance and training can be

provided for specific systems and components, one at a time. For example, early efforts may focus on

building capacity for professionals, vendors and compliance authorities solely on bringing current building

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practices up to the envelope requirements stated in the ECBC. This may even be broken down into smaller

efforts such as insulation, glazing, etc., that may be carried out either sequentially or concurrently.

Subsequently, the focus can then be shift to, say, lighting systems, HVAC system, etc.


Ministry of Power, Government of India and BEE under EC Act has taken major initiatives to improve

energy efficiency in new commercial buildings through the development of ECBC and announcing its

adoption on voluntary basis in the country. Though the adoption and implementation of ECBC lies with the

State Governments, BEE has been promoting awareness on ECBC amongst the building designers and the

concerned state level authorities through nationwide awareness workshops and training programs. Since

2007, USAID supported ECO-III Project has been assisting BEE in this national task and has developed

ECBC User Guide and number of ECBC Tip Sheets to raise capacity of professionals in the building

construction Industry. However implementation of ECBC at the State level and incorporation of ECBC

provisions in real building designs continue to pose several challenges. Though no in-depth study has been

undertaken so far by BEE or any other organization to analyze and document problems associated with the

implementation process, several barriers have been identified through interactions with the stakeholders.

These include the following:

• Lack of clarity in the institutional and administrative set up and compliance mechanism at the state

levels to enforce ECBC;

• Inadequate in-depth knowledge and expertise amongst majority of practicing architects, engineers

and consultants, to incorporate ECBC provisions in the building design;

• High cost of energy efficient building equipment and building materials in the market as a result of

low demand;

• Inadequate products and material testing labs to meet mandatory provisions of ECBC;

• Absence of market forces and lack of awareness among building owners/users on the long term

financial benefits of Energy Efficient/ECBC compliance buildings;

• Inadequacy of faculty and trainers with specialized knowledge and expertise in existing academic

architectural/engineering and professional institutions to educate/train students and professionals on

energy efficiency aspects in buildings.

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Considering that the construction sector will experience rapid growth over the next twenty years, BEE with

support from Ministry of Power and Ministry of Urban Development, need to take the lead in developing an

ECBC Implementation Roadmap, which should include the following components:

• Strengthening of institutional/administrative set up and creation of in-house ECBC compliance cells

in municipal authorities in states;

• Identification and authorization of institutions and organizations to function as third party

certification agencies for ECBC compliance in buildings;

• Selection of institutions to enhance capacity of building designers, consultants, educators, etc.

through nationwide training programs on ECBC and building energy efficiency;

• Enhancement of educational curriculum for upcoming architects and engineers in selected academic

institutions to meet growing needs of energy efficiency in buildings;

• Identification and strengthening of existing labs to meet building products’ testing and certification

requirements of ECBC;

• Creation of forums to interact with building materials and equipment manufacturers to create market

pull for efficient products;

• Introduction of a scheme that promotes compliance of a few specific easy to implement

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METHODOLOGY3.1 INTRODUCTIONThe purpose of the research is to perform energy simulation of a fully functional building for identifying the

degree of closeness with which simulation results generated by two different simulation tools match with

actual heat and energy flows. The case of a medium sized office building, in INDIA, Rajasthan, Bhilwara,

(I.T.M. University Lab). has been used for this purpose. Further the analysis has been extended to study the

energy savings for a set of ECMs.

The methodology used in the project has the following steps:

• Explore eQUEST programs.

• Data collection about the Computer/ English Language Lab building

• Preparation of schedules for occupancy, lighting and computers using actual data

• Understand the inputs parameters in the tools

• Develop a detailed building energy simulation model of the case using eQUEST .

• Modification of weather data for KOTA near Bhilwara file required for simulation using on-site


• Comparison of results derived from both the simulation programs with the utility data of the building.


Building Description

The case building is located in INDIA, Rajasthan, Bhilwara, (I.T.M. University Lab). It is a North facing

one storied Computer/ English Language Lab building with a total floor area of 1200 sft. Bhilwara is in

Climate Zone 2 and it is in a Hot & Dry (B) location.

Materials and Construction

The walls are concrete, Plaster, Bricks spaced on 24-inch centers 1 ½” polystyrene 1” stucco

construction and roof is 3/8” built up roof and 1in Stone. The floor height is 12’ with a floor to ceiling

clear space of 9’, 3’ for the plenum that comprises air conditioning ducts and false ceiling.

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Figure :-3.1 -2 D Diagram Of I.T.M., Bhilwara Computer/ Language Lab

Figure :-3.2 -3 D Diagram Of I.T.M., Bhilwara Computer/ Language Lab for North Side

Building schedules and operations

The schedules and operating hours for the models are very comprehensive. The building has different

schedules for Monday to Thursday and one for Friday and different schedule for weekends and holidays.

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Figure :-3.2 -3 D Diagram Of I.T.M., Bhilwara Computer/ Language Lab for South Side

Energy modeling in eQUEST

The eQUEST model of the office building used in this study was previously developed by a group for

studying the performance of the building. It was calibrated against the utility data for a period of one year

i.e. August 1st 2013 to July 31st 2014. A custom weather file was created by collecting the onsite weather

data for that period of time.

Zoning and HVAC

This Collage/University basically has Computer/Language room,. The building has several small zones

including the Plenum spaces. The building is conditioned with a rooftop packaged VAV system.

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4.1 Simulation Program Outputs

All the major programs offer the following output includes:

The input data: The report usually repeats the input data for ease of review. This includes data drawn from the program’s data libraries. For example, the output may indicate the outside air temperature and humidity that were assumed for each hour.Building loads: Loads are divided into heating, cooling, lighting, process, etc. Some programs may report the components of these loads. For example, cooling load may be divided into solar gain, conduction load, internal heat gain, and latent load. The loads for individual hours may be displayed.Equipment Sizing data: Normally equipment capacities are selected by using the calculations of peak equipment load. For example, the program may report the peak air flow of air handling units, the peak steam flow from boilers, the peak energy input to individual chillers, etc.


eQUEST is an easy to use building energy analysis tool which provides high quality results by combining a building creation wizard, an energy efficiency measure wizard and a graphical results display module with an enhanced DOE-2.2 derived building energy simulation program. The building creation wizard walks a user through the process of creating a building model. Within eQUEST, DOE-2.2 performs an hourly simulationof the building based on walls, windows, glass, people, plug loads, and ventilation. DOE-2.2 also simulates the performance of fans, pumps, chillers, boilers, and other energy-consuming devices. eQUEST allows users to create multiple simulations and view the alternative results in side-by side graphics. It offers energy cost estimating, daylighting and lighting system control, and automatic implementation of energy efficiency measures (eQUEST, 2008).

Integrated Energy Design

While DOE-2 has long been available for designers to evaluate the energy performance of their building designs, it has been too difficult and expensive to use for most projects. eQUEST is a building energy simulation tool so comprehensive that it would be useful to all design team members, yet so intuitive any design team member could use it, in any or all design phases, including schematic design. eQUEST is well named because it provides something the buildings industry has been looking for, but has been unable to find a sophisticated, yet easy-to-use building energy analysis tool powerful enough to address every design team member's domain (e.g., architectural, lighting, mechanical) but simple enough to permit a collaborative effort by all design team members in all design phases. eQUEST was designed to allow to perform detailed analysis of today’s state-of-the-art building technologies using today’s most sophisticated building energy use simulation techniques without requiring extensive experience in the "art" of building performance modeling. This is possible because eQUEST's DOE-2-derived engine is combined with a building creation

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wizard, an energy efficiency measure wizard, industry standard input defaults, and a graphical results display module. eQUEST will step through the creation of a detailed building model, allow to automatically perform parametric simulations of design alternatives and provide with intuitive graphics that compare the performance of design alternatives. Reliable detailed simulation was made easier by eQUEST.

Engine in eQUEST

DOE-2 is the most widely recognized and respected building energy analysis program. Although DOE-2 was first released in the late 1970's, it used as starting points earlier simulation tools and methods developed and funded by ASHRAE, NASA, the U.S. Postal Service, and the electric and gas utility industries. During the first half of the 1980's, it continued under DOE support, but decreasing national concern about energy created the need for industry support, which became its principal source of support through much of the 1990's. Through this long and collaborative history, DOE-2 has been widely reviewed and validated in the public domain. The simulation "engine" within eQUEST is derived from the latest official version of DOE-2, however, eQUEST's engine extends and expands DOE-2's capabilities in several important ways, including: interactive operation, dynamic/intelligent defaults, and improvements to numerous long-standing shortcomings in DOE-2 that have limited its use by mainstream designers.

Overview of the Process

eQUEST calculates hour-by-hour building energy consumption over an entire year (8760 hours) using hourly weather data for the location under consideration. Input to the program consists of a detailed description of the building being analyzed, including hourly scheduling of occupants, lighting, equipment, and thermostat settings. eQUEST provides very accurate simulation of such building features as shading, fenestration, interior building mass, envelope building mass, and the dynamic response of differing heating and air conditioning system types and controls. eQUEST also contains a dynamic daylighting model to assess the effect of natural lighting on thermal and lighting demands. The simulation process begins by developing a "model" of the building based on building plans and specifications. A base line building model that assumes a minimum level of efficiency (e.g., ASHRAE 90.1) is then developed to provide the base from which energy savings are estimated. Alternative analyses are made by making changes to the model that correspond to efficiency measures that could be implemented in the building. These alternative analyses result in annual utility consumption and cost savings for the efficiency measure that can then be used to determine simple payback, life-cycle cost, etc. for the measure and, ultimately, to determine the best combination of alternatives.

Building Blocks of Simulation

Building simulation requires that a model of the proposed building be created not a physical model but a virtual model capable of simulating the important thermodynamics of the proposed building. Toward that end, the following list summarizes essential components, steps, or building blocks, in a how-to description of

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the process of simulation modeling. Before "building" anything, including simulation model, first considers and collects the following

Analysis Objectives

Approach for simulation model with a clear understanding of the design questions wish to answer must be clear. It has to focus on the important issues and at the same time, limit the questions with use of model to answer. Experience will teach how best to strike this important balance for each new project.Building Site Information and Weather Data

Important building site characteristics include latitude, longitude and elevation, plus information about adjacent structure or landscape capable of casting significant shadows on proposed(or existing) building.

Building Shell, Structure, Materials, and Shades

eQUEST is interested in the walls, roof, and floor of proposed building only in so far as they transfer or store heat. Geometry (dimensions) and construction materials of each of the heat transfer surfaces of proposed building. This will include glass properties of windows and the dimensions of any window shades(e.g., overhangs and fins). eQUEST provides users with simple, user-friendly, choices for each of these.

Building Operations and Scheduling

This includes information about when building occupancy begins and ends (times, days of the week, and seasonal variations such as for schools), occupied indoor thermostat set points, andHVAC and internal equipment operations schedules. eQUEST defaults operations schedule information based on building type.

Internal Loads

Heat gain from internal loads (e.g., people, lights, and equipment) can constitute a significant portion of the utility requirements in large buildings, both from their direct power requirements and the indirect effect they have on cooling and heating requirements. In fact, internal loads can frequently make large buildings relatively insensitive to weather. More importantly, the performance of almost all energy-efficient design alternatives will be impacted either directly or indirectly by the amount of internal load within a building.

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HVAC Zoning

HVAC zoning recognizes that load profiles seen by different spaces in a building differ. Identifying those areas with similar load profiles and grouping them under the same thermostat control improves comfort and may reduce energy. For example, imagine measuring indoor air temperatures at many locations throughout a building during hours when the HVAC fans are turned off. Internal gains, solar gains, and envelope gains/losses would cause the temperatures to vary with time. If, after some number of hours or days, carefully examined the temperature histories, grouping together those that shared similar profiles, have effectively grouped together those areas of the building that share similar load characteristics. Each such area or "zone" could, therefore, be adequately controlled by a single thermostat. In other words, HVAC thermal zoning seeks to group together those areas (rooms) in a building that share similar load and usage characteristics, for purposes of control. Of course, this imagined procedure is not how HVAC engineers actually zone any building.Rather, the rules listed below are followed.

• The same rules apply when zoning a simulation model when modeling existing buildings, refer to the actual zoning indicated by the HVAC plans

• magnitude and schedule of internal loads

• magnitude and schedule of solar gains

• schedule of fan system operations

• outside air requirements

• intended efficiency measures

• location of thermostats called out on the HVAC plans

Currently, eQUEST provides the user with two automatic

zoning schemes, one zone per- floor, and simple core-vs.-perimeter zoning. Based on this user selection, eQUEST will automatically zone model for us.

Computational Steps in eQUEST

To better understand the results and limitations of eQUEST DOE-2-derived engine; it is helpful to be familiar with the generic computational steps DOE-2 has always gone through in its simulation. Understanding this sequence is important to understanding the detailed reports produced by eQUEST DOE-2-derived engine. See the Detailed Reports section of this tutorial fo a brief overview of the available

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detailed reports eQUEST produces intuitive graphical summary results reports. See the Graphical Reports section for more information about eQUEST's summary reports.

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As different simulation programs may have different software architecture, different algorithms to model

building and energy systems, and require different user inputs even to describe the same building envelope

or HVAC system component; it is an enigmatic task to develop an identical energy model with two

simulation programs. To get as close as possible for an apple-to-apple comparison of both the simulation

programs, they will be run on a common basis with:

The same building and energy systems and their control strategies

Studied for the same simulation run period

The same or as close as possible simulation settings: time step, calculation algorithm.

The same computer with same hardware and software configurations Evaluation of the two programs

in question will be based on the following:

Usability - Import/export capabilities; the user interface; how much time is spent for learning and training;

effort required in updating model / conducting parametric studies and the simulation run time.

Functionality - The detail of comprehensiveness of geometric and system modeling;

Reliability - Consistency and accuracy of results

Prevalence - Available documentation, user support and pricing and licensing

The analysis in this project is limited to the study of the results. In depth analysis of the reasons for deviation

based on the structure/algorithms of the programs are not done in this project.The degree of instrumentation

in this project is also limited.

Computer configuration

The simulation runs are done on a personal laptop computer with Intel Core 2 Duo processor of 3 GHZ and

2 GB of RAM on Microsoft Windows 7 operating system with SP2.

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Comparison of electricity consumption with the utility data.

MonthActual kWh





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Construction Layers

Ins FilmMaterial1

Thkne Material 2

thknMaterial 3


Material 4thkne

Layer name Resis ss1 ess2 ss3 ss 4

Clg Tile0.76

AcousTile 3/4in

0.063 - n/a - n/a - n/aLayer (AC03)

EWall Cons0.68

Stucco 1in (SC01) 0.083

EIFS R-Value


EWall Cavity


GypBd 1/2in

0.042Layers Mat R-value (GP01)

IFlr Cons0.68

Conc HW 140lb 2in


Carpet & No

n/a n/a - n/aLayers (HF-C12) Pad

IWall Cons0.68

GypBd 1/2in (GP01) 0.042

IWall Cons Mat

n/aGypBd 1/2in0.0

42 - n/aLayers 2 (5.5) (GP01)

Roof Cons0.68

Blt-Up Roof 3/8in


Roof R-Value

n/aPlywd 5/8in 0.0

52 - n/aLayers (BR01) (R30) (PW04)

Glass propertiesGlass Type Name Spec Library Selection Shading Glass Visible Outside

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AFG Gray+Low- GlassAFG Gray+LoweClr-

n/a 1.47 0.9 0.84eClr2inAlFrmNoBrk Library NoBrkAFG Gray+Low-eClr2inAlFrm Glass

AFG Gray+LoweClr-

n/a 1.47 0.9 0.84wBrk Library wBrk

Non-North Glass TypeSimplified n/a 0.44 0.36 0.45 0.84

North Glass TypeSimplified n/a 0.44 0.36 0.45 0.84

2Dome Acrylc White, Alum no Brk

Simplified n/a 0.54 1.27 0.5 0.84

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Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC)

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, LEED-India

National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC)

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHARE)

National Building Code of India (BIS 2005)

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