Great Words to Describe Your Skills


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It's a great sheet of describing words. you can use them to describe your traits.

Transcript of Great Words to Describe Your Skills

Page 1: Great Words to Describe Your Skills



accurate precise, exact دقيق درست ، Active energetic, busy, constantly

moving, lively; functioning ، داير، تنزل ، حاضر بخدمت ، فعال ، ساعي آاري

ور، ، آنش، مولد ، متعدي معلوم.) د(، بردار،با ربحگر آنش

Adaptable able to be modified; adjusting quickly

جور ، مناسب ، سازگار ،وفق پذير

Adept proficient, skilled, expert ماهر، استاد، مرد زبردست زبر دست ، Broad-minded open-minded, having knowledge

of many subjects فكر ، روشن فكر وسيع داراي

Competent capable, fit, suitably skilled, well qualified

سر رشته ، داراي ، شايسته صالحيت ، ذي اليق

Conscientious wanting to do what is right; careful

شناس ، وظيفه باوجدان

Creative artistic; full of creativity; innovative, inventive

ده، افرينن خالق

Dependable can be depended upon, reliable, trustworthy

)trustworthy ، مورد اعتماد اطمينان قابل=)

Determined decided, resolved, settled; concluded; affected by; resolute, firm

، تعيين دادن ، حكم شدن ، مصمم گرفتن تصميم آردن

Diplomatic tactful, experienced in diplomacy ديپلماتيك خارجه سياسي ماموران به وابسته ، Discreet careful in one's speech,

respectful of other's privacy, circumspect; unobtrusive, modest

، باخرد تميز و بصيرت با احتياط، داراي

Efficient effective, done without waste (of time, resources, etc.)

آارا ، موثر

Energetic vigorous, full of energy داراي ، فعال ، آاري ، جدي اي پرتكاپو، آارمايه ، انرژي

Enterprising energetic, venturesome, resourceful, inventive

مانند (، مهم تهوراميز، امرخطير، اقدام عمل ، تشكيالت گذاري سرمايه، ) وغيره آارخانه تاسيس آردن ، اقدام آردن بكاري ،مبادرت اقتصادي

Enthusiastic excited, zealous, intensely interested

مند ، عالقه مشتاق

Experienced practiced, seasoned, having had much experience in a particular field or in life

، با تجربه ورزيده

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Fair festival, market, bazaar; exhibition, show just, equitable; reasonable; average; handsome; light colored; comfortable; clean, clear

ابر، ، متوسط، بور، بدون ، نسبتا خوب زيبا، لطيف طرفانه ، بي ، بازار مكاره ، نمايشگاه منصف

Firm strong, solid; stable; hard; fixed, immovable; determined, set; assertive company, commercial business, corporation

، بازرگاني ، موسسه ، آارخانه ، تجارتخانه شرآت، آردن ، سفت ، پابرجا، راسخ ، ثابت استوار،محكم استوار آردن

Genuine original; real, true; natural; honest, sincere

، درست ، حقيقي ، واقعي ، اصلي ، اصل خالص

Honest truthful, frank, candid بيغل ، جالل آار، امين راستكار، راد، درست ، ، عفيف ، صادق وغش

Innovative new, inventive, pertaining to innovation

ابتكاري ، بدعت آميز ، ابداعي

Logical based on logic; reasonable; simulated, looks and acts like the real thing but is not genuine (Computers)

، استداللي منطقي

Loyal faithful, true to one's obligations صادقانه شناس ، وظيفه باوفا، وفادار، صادق ، ، ، مشروع ،پا برجاي ثابت

Mature ripe; full-grown, adult; fully developed; based on careful consideration; completely planned

شده ، سررسيده ، آامل ، رشد آردن بالغ

Methodical performed in a systematic way; orderly; conducted according to a set procedure or plan of action; thorough, fundamental

اسلوب دار،منظم

Motivated having motivation, inspired, driven; stirred to action

شده انگيزه ، داراي آردن ، تهييج آردن حريك

Objective impartial, unbiased; existing outside of the mind; relating to or characteristic of a direct object (Grammar); expressing or dealing with facts aim, purpose, goal; objective case

مقصد ، هدف ، آرمان

Outgoing departing; sociable; sailing away صادره ،هزينه ،بيرون رونده ،صادر شوندهPersonable pleasant, likable; attractive,


، شخصي ، با شخصيت سيما، جذاب خوش

Page 3: Great Words to Describe Your Skills

Pleasant genial, nice, agreeable; kind,

amiable, friendly ، ، پسنديده ، مطبوع ايند، دلپذير، خرم خوش مشرب خوش

Positive not negative; favorable, beneficially; explicit, clear; practical, not based on theory

، ، مطلق ، معين ، يقين ، محقق ، قطعي مثبت ساده

Practical feasible, workable, applicable; useful, efficacious, can be put to use

عمل ، بكار خور، اهل ، عملي آابردي

Productive prolific, fruitful; generative, creative; worthwhile, profitable, advantageous

، مولد، پر حاصل ، توليد آننده فراور، مولد ثروت

Reliable credible, trustworthy, dependable

اتكا ، معتبر، قابل ، موثق اطمينان قابل

Resourceful enterprising, able to deal effectively with various situations

و مبتكر ، پر مايه آاردان

Self disciplined ability to apply oneself to complete a task

، تاديب ، انضباط نفس نفس تاديب

Sense of humor feeling for jokes and humor شوخ طبعىSensitive able to perceive sensation,

having the capacity for feeling; susceptible to external influences or agents; responsive, reactive; delicate

حساسيت ، نفوذ پذير، داراي حساس

Sincere honest, truthful, frank, straightforward, genuine, earnest

، صميمي ، صادق نما، مخلص ريا، راست بي

Successful having achieved success; having a positive outcome; prosperous, affluent, famous, having wealth and renown

کامياب ،موفق ،پيروز،نيک انجام ،عاقبت بخير

Tactful possessing tact, exhibiting tact, showing skill in dealing with people

مبادى اداب ،بانزاکت ،موقع شناس ،دنيا دار

Trustworthy dependable, reliable قابل اعتماد،معتمد،موثق ،درست ،امين