Great 1L Store - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home

l" V "1 M 8K ii - i ? 1 ll i1jjj mire ;ct- -. PtaOTTaarrauimromJittT:BigjrireTgB Vol. 111.- - TSTo. (JUS. HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1SS-I- . GO CENT8 8UU8QRIPTION PER MONTH THE DAILY BULLETIN STEAM PniNTING OFFICE. Tub Daily Bui.t.ktix !s printed ami piiblishcd every morning ami circulated throughout the town by carriers, and forwarded to the other Islands bv every opportunity. Subscription, - 50 cents por Month. OiiAs. R llurui.ANi), Kditor. All business communications to he Manager Dally Bulletin, Post Office Bov No. 14. Telephone 250. Oillcc, .... queen Ntreol, Opim-dl- Wctl'x Cnrrlngo 1'nclijry. J. G. CMirion, Manager W. E PA&E, HONOLULU CARNAGE MANUFACTORY, N03. 123 and WO. FORT STREET (opposite Pantheon Stables) HONOLULU, II. I. Carriage Manufacturer, Wheelwright and General Blacksmith. The Manufactory contains a complete Carriage Shop, Blacksmith Shop, Paint Shop, and Trimming Shop. FAMILY pABRIAGES, EXPRESSES, BOGQIES, PHAETONS, OMNIBU8SES, DRAYS AND TRUCKS, BREAKING CART8, PLANTATION WAGONS, HAND CARTS, SsO., &C. Made to Order on most favorable terms ,nnd till work guaranteed. Tin- - CIiiHPHt Attention siVfii to re- pair ivorU of all Uumim. Having been in business on the Uln nil for a number of years employing none but the most Skillful of Mechanics, and using only At Material, I can sti icily guarantee all woric leaving my Manu- factory. Give mo a call before purchasing elsewhere. Don't forget the place. 128 and WO FORT STREET. opposite noun's staiit.ks. j 591 Gin PROPRIETOR. City Storing Shop. S& . 110 Pout Stukkt, ' Opposite Dotld's Stable. IP YOU WANT your horse shod, and have no time to bring him to the City SloGii Sloi, Ring Up- - No. 34. And your horse will bo sent for shod, and returned on short notice. Messrs. ,Me. Donald and Ryan who superintend 'the work are practical mechanics of years of experience, and can be recom- mended as reliable men, as well as First class Workmen at the trade. Wo mean business. All work guaran-toe- d and done with promptness. S. I. Shaw, r,10 ly Piioi'Uiinoii FOR SALE, a No. 2 Warehouse Feed Mill Grinds from 5 to 10 tons per day. Also, pulleys, belts, etc., all in good order; can be run by steam or' horso power, just the nrticlo for a plantation. ALSO, HAY, OATS, CORN, Wheat, Bran, Barley, Whole, und Ground, Mixed Feed, etc. AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST 59 LAINE Co., 34 Fort at. Tourists Retreat. Honuapo, Kau, Hawaii. NOW OPEN for Travelers, where IS First class accomodation can lie had at all Times. The climate of Honuapo is recommended for invalids. HORSES AND GUIDES Provided for the Volcano. Of-F- or Terms, etc., See CARDS m Hotcls-iin- Streets. J. W. SMITHIES, r,78 y Proprietor. ltnll ProKi'iuiinit'H ! DESICJNB, just received from NEW Francisco, at Tub Daily Uui.. lutin Oillce B. F. EHLERS fe Co., DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, All tho Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Roceived by ovory Btoamer WORT STREET A CHOICE COLLEC1ION OF NEW GOODS, CONSISTING OP Laces, Embroideries, Satchels, Fans', Tidies, Children's Drossos, and a Splendid Stock of " Flowers, Feathers, Beaver Hats, Etc., He., just received per Mariposa, and now open Tor inspection, at A. M. MELLIS, ::::: 104 Fort Street. Store open till 8 p. m. during the holidays. AG. Smith, to take Acknowledgments with Smith mid Thurston, Attorneys at Law, No. 38 Merchant street. W2 ly WILLIAM AULD, to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor for the' District of Kona, Island of Oahu, at the ofllce of the Honolulu Water Works, foot of Nuu-am- i street. 18! .f JOHN A. HASSINGER, Agout to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor. Interior 'Jfllce, Honolulu. WC. AKANA, and Hawaiian Translator and Interpreter, No. 48 King stiect, Honolulu Translations of cither of the nbovi languages made witli accuiacy and dia patch, and on reasonable terms. 209 HS. TKEGLOAN & TAILORS, ATWATER, 204 FORT ST. GHR. GERTZ, L. No. 80 Port street, Honolul, Importer and Healer in Gent's, Ladies and Children's boots, shoes and slippers 7MTAX EOKART, Watchmaker and Jeweler, 035 No. CO Foil Sticet. J7RITZ WILHELM, CARPENTER & BUILDER, Shop on King btrcct, in rear of New Odd Fellow's nail King street. Telephone 112. 52'J 0m HMEAD, & BUILDER, No. 12 King St., near tho Bridge. All kinds of Ice Chests, Refrigerators, Bath Tubs, &c, &c, made and repaired at moderate charges. 305 ly Telephone No. 323. ED. C. BOWE, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, Pai'Ck HANaim, etc., No. 107 Kino Stkkut, - Honolulu. 525 Telephone, 114. ly BROWN & PHILLIPS, Plumbeis, Gnu Fitters and Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St., Honolulu. XST House and Ship Job Work promptly executed. t 17 IIOLLISTER & CO. Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 59 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, and Cor., 507 Fort and Merchant 8trccts. tf b WILLIAM MILLER Cabinetmaker TJm wuFsiii Anil Vpliolntorer, No. U3 Hotel slieet, Opposite International Hotel, Canos and "Walking Sticks, Made of every kind of NATIVE WOODS Brackets, Cornices, Curtain Poles, A-- inado ot tho latest designs. n.KORGE LUCAS, lfi.'. i fj. v Contractor 2i SjYffiKA and Bulldciy SSSe'' r!j Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Kspla-nad- Honolulu. Manufactures all klftls of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work Mulsh. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan, nig, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders front tho other is solicited XllNE LOT OF Matting of all Grades BOTH WHITE AND COLORED For Sulo at 182 A. S. CLEGHORN & CO &s FREETH, LAWRENCE CONTRACTORS. Plans and Estimates furnished for works of construction, Civil Engineering & Surveying Olllcc, cor. Halekiiuwilu and Kilauea sts., next door to Wideuiniiii's brick warehouse. 80(1 P. O. Box, 101. ly 200 AT $8.00' -- AT 1 Corner Nuuanu 535 6m A. r svianposa SCOTCH TWEED L Store Great 1 BENSON, SMITH & CO.. Practical Druggists, 113 & 115 FORT STREET HONOLULU, Depot for Boericke Sa chreck's lliiiioiiiillin: Mimes, RicKseeker's Perfumes AND THE COMMON SENSE NURSING BOTTLES. 532 HAMILTON JOIINHOX. Honolulu. J. H. CONGrDON & CO., Boavor Block, Queen Street, Honolulu Importers, Slipping and General Commission Merchant THE and Queen Sis. GrAKTJENBERG, Proprietor. .J. C'()XGJ)ON ifc Co.. Han lTiuvnolHuo. HONOLULU. ii.vvii jiiht IjAXi:i a liAKiJi: :oxhin.iii:'v Barley, Bran, Oats, Onions, Beans, Wheat, elo. Choioe tablo &. dried Fruits. K-- c " Mariposa " Large Stock of CHOICE POTATOES, which we oiler to the tiade nt imhcks. PARAGON AXLE GREASE, which give mil. 585 vcrsal wtUfnetion. t2r"Oorrespoiulenco !Jin Btn unwauvnniNM ou m ji UNION FEED COMPANY finrnor of Ounnn and Edinhun? Streets. Tclcplionc 3No. I ft to inform their friends and the public) generally that they arc continti. BEG business at the above stand, and have made complete iirraiigciucntH for u continuous supply of Fresh Goods of the veryBest Quality which we will offer tsulo AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE iItIOES. We hopep, by giving our best attention to please the public, to merit a part of their patronage. A large Htocof Wheat and Oat, Hay, Wholo .d ground Barley, Jifornia and Oregon Oats, Bran, Middlings, &c., now on hand, Oidorb holici tid siitisfuctlon guiiiantcfil, 01 no pay asked. li.5 11. of for EVERY iSofi Til OF JOB PR1TI& EXECUTED WITH NEATNK9S AND DISPATCH AT THE DAILY BULLETIN STEAM PRINTING OFFICE, QUEEN STRE ET, o. mcnrcix. ELL & TO THE XItOTVT. General Gommission k Pnrcliasini Ageuts, NO. 101 EOU'I" STREET, We present ourselves befoie the public with the motto of "Live niul let livf" Wc call the attention of Honolulu Busliie1 Men and Iiiterdtdand Hesldeuts to the fact that we are doing a General Collection and Purchasing Easiness, and pro- pose to moke our services useful to tho citizens oT this and neighboring islands. Wc arc roady to nil all Orders at Lowost Cash Price on reasonable Commissions. We include all Classes of Goods, Hay, Grain, and General Merchandise, Or any artiolc of Household Furniture. Residents of the Other Islands who limy belli need of any Article however small, or desiiu information as to prices of any class of Goods by addressing us, will be piomptly furnished with the necessaiy information. We solicit till "Gen- eral Husincss, and by strict attention hope to sccuie the patronage of the public. 1ST GIVE US A TRIAL; you will llnd us Prompt and Keatonable. Address all Orders to G. Kictlcll & Co., P. 0. Box 303. 010 Urn Honolulu. Commission Merchants. 0. Brewer (Limited) 6c company, Gkxkhati Mj:iicantii,k anu Commission Auknts. i.isr ok oKKier.ns: P. C. Jonks, .Ir President & Manager J. O. Caktkr. .. ..Ticasurer & Secretary mnr.CTOHs: Hon. O.R. Uishop. Hon. II. A. P. Caktku 338 ly Geo. W. jracfarlane. 11. R. Jlacfarlane. Q. W. MACPAELANE & Co. IMPORTERS.. COMMISSION MEH-CHANT- S and Sugai' Factors, Eire-Pro- Building, - 52 Queen sticet, Honolulu. II. I. AOUNT8 for The Wnikapu Sugar Plantation, Maui, The Suencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, Thellvcia Sugar Plantation, Onhu, IIuclo Sugar Mill, Maui, Iluelo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii, J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Poit- - able Tianiway Works, Leeds, Mirrlecs, Watson & Co's Sugar Mnchiii cry, Glasgow, Glasgow timl Honolulu Line of Packets. 185 J. LYONS, 1,. J. I.EVKV. LYONS & LEVEY, Auctioneers and General Commission Merchants, HeaWBfcJilock, Queen St., - - - Honolulu. Sales of furniture, Slock, Real Estate and General Merchandlse'promptly at- tended to. Sole Agents for American nud Euro-pca- n merchandise. 318 MS. GRINBAUM & CO., Importera of General Mer chandise niid Commission Merchants, Honolulu. l MS. GRINBAUM & Co., Commission Merchants, 121 Callfoiniu Htreet, 1 San Francisco, Cul. Claus HprccKcls. Win. O. Irwlu. X7" G. IRWIN As COMPANY, TT Sugar Eaciors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 AS. CLEGHORN & CO. Importers and Commission Merchants, dealers in General Merchan- dise, Queen und Kaaliumanii sis., Hono- lulu. 78 M. A. GONSALVES & CO., iNo. o7 Hotel blicet, Honolulu, Impoitcrsand Dealers in Dry and Fancy Goods. Inlaid Work, Embrolderv. SJ80 , &c. &e &c. JOHN T. "WATERHOUSE, Inijiorter and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1 BROWN li CO., Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchants, No. 14 Merchant st., Honolulu. 330 Ijl T. LENEHAN & CO., . Importers nml Commission Merchants, Nuuanu st., Honolulu. 1 H. N, Castle. J. B. AtbcrtoD. CASTLE Si COOKE, ' J Shipping and Conunission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Mci'dinndlso, No, 80 King t., Honolulu, l WING WO TAI & CO., and General Deulers in English, American and Chiuoso Pro- visions. Plantation Teas and General Supplies. Also, White AsColoied Con. tract .Matting, all qualities and prices. No. 21 Nuuuiiii street, opposite Mr. t. Afong's. . C23 Qui Wma wo cuan & Co., Importers and General Dealers lu English, American and Chinese Pro- visions, Plantation Tea and General Supplier. Albo, while and colored con tract matting, all (iialitles ami prices. CSyNo. 22 Nuuanu Street, opposite Mr. Afong's. 81 W.1I. 3IuUANlIK.SS, No. fl Queen stiect, Fish Market, jjcaicr in choicest (tver, Veal, Million, riMh, & Av. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live stock furnished to vessels at thort notice, and Vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 11 10 ly O WOOtl. COMPANY, Professionals. DR. M. HAGAN, OFFICE 13'J FORT STREET, 3m 552 Telephone No. 331. DR. THAOHER, DENTIST, Still stands at the head of his professou. Restoration and Contour work a speciality. Using colored gold or any other materia known to the profession as the case requires. From this datejpriccs reduced 25 to 50 per cent, guaranteeing satisfaction and doing first-clas- s work 25 per cent lower ban anyothcr dentist in Honolulu. 508 "AT GROSSMAN, 1TJL. DENTIST, Has opened Ids office in Hotel st., next to tho Y. M. O. A. building, where he ia prepared to perform- - all operations In dentistry. 3m ooi. Dr. Emerson, Residence and consultation rooms at No. 2 Kukul St., corner of Fort. Telephone No. 140. 59 2m I Thompson, 111. ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor in Chancery, Office over Lederer's O. P. M. Bazaar, S. W. corner Merchant and Fort sticets, entrance on Meiclinnt stiect. Honolulu, II-- 030 3m b ALFRED S. HARTWELL, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Olllce-.ov- er the Bank of Bishop & Co. S33 3m b Honolulu. JM. Davidson, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 604 No. 18 ICaahtimanu street. A Rosa, ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Notary Public, Office with the Attorney General, Allio luni Hale, Honolulu. 342 ly AUSTIN WHITINO, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Agent to take acknowledgments of instruments. , Kaahumanu St., Honolulu. 20!i JOHN RUSSELL ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, on Merchant street, (next door to Dr. Staugcnwald.) 495 ly Q B. DOLE, k3 Lawyer and Notary Public, 11 No. 15 Kaahumanu T7rancis M. hatch Attorney nt Law, 23 15 Kaahumanu st EICHARD P. BICKERTON, and Counsellor at Law. Money to lend on Mortgages of Free, holds. Office, No. 41 Merchant st. 1 CECIL BROWN, Counsellor at Law. Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac knowledgmcnts of Instruments for the Island of Onhu. No. 8 Kaahumanu st Honolulu. i T M. MONSARRAT, ' O . ATTORNEY AT LAAV and Notary Public. Ileal Estate in any nurt of tho Kingdom bought, sold und leased, on commission. Loans ted, Legal Documents Dnivt, . No. 27 Merchant nt. (Gazette BlooV;, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 100 r O. BERQER, KAAHUMANU BTHKKT. General Agent for The N. Y. Life Insuranco Company, The City of Loudon Fire In. Co(llmitM Maeneale & Urban Safes, The Celebrated Springfield Gas Machine (las Futures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. 238 ltobcrt Lew orn, o. M. Cooke, Si COOKE, (successors to Lowers &. Dickson,) Importers and Dealers hi Lumber and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 WILDER Si CO., Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt ami Building Materials of every kind, cor, Fort and Queen sti., Honolulu. 1 Pl ortTffeA G. II. ROBERTSON, Drayman best teams u town. Telephone No. CS. 10 if ,? J: i f i 'A r $ 4 J ' ' i j

Transcript of Great 1L Store - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home

Page 1: Great 1L Store - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home





8Kii- i

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i1jjj mire ;ct- -. PtaOTTaarrauimromJittT:BigjrireTgB

Vol. 111.- - TSTo. (JUS. HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1SS-I- .




Tub Daily Bui.t.ktix !s printed amipiiblishcd every morning ami circulatedthroughout the town by carriers, andforwarded to the other Islands bv everyopportunity.Subscription, - 50 cents por Month.

OiiAs. R llurui.ANi), Kditor.All business communications to he

Manager Dally Bulletin, PostOffice Bov No. 14. Telephone 250.

Oillcc, .... queen Ntreol,Opim-dl- Wctl'x Cnrrlngo 1'nclijry.

J. G. CMirion, Manager

W. E PA&E,


N03. 123 and WO. FORT STREET

(opposite Pantheon Stables)


Carriage Manufacturer,Wheelwright and

General Blacksmith.The Manufactory contains a complete

Carriage Shop, Blacksmith Shop, PaintShop, and Trimming Shop.








Made to Order on most favorable terms,nnd till work guaranteed.

Tin- - CIiiHPHt Attention siVfii to re-

pair ivorU of all Uumim.Having been in business on the Uln nil

for a number of years employing nonebut the most Skillful of Mechanics, andusing only At Material, I can sti icilyguarantee all woric leaving my Manu-factory.

Give mo a call before purchasingelsewhere.

Don't forget the place.128 and WO FORT STREET.

opposite noun's staiit.ks. j


City Storing Shop.

S&. 110 Pout Stukkt, '

Opposite Dotld's Stable.

IP YOU WANT your horse shod, andhave no time to bring him to the

City SloGii Sloi,Ring Up- - No. 34.

And your horse will bo sent for shod,and returned on short notice. Messrs.

,Me. Donald and Ryan who superintend'the work are practical mechanics ofyears of experience, and can be recom-mended as reliable men, as well as Firstclass Workmen at the trade.

Wo mean business. All work guaran-toe- d

and done with promptness.

S. I. Shaw,r,10 ly Piioi'Uiinoii

FOR SALE, a No. 2

Warehouse Feed MillGrinds from 5 to 10 tons per day.

Also, pulleys, belts, etc., all in goodorder; can be run by steam or' horsopower, just the nrticlo for a plantation.


HAY, OATS, CORN,Wheat, Bran, Barley, Whole, und

Ground, Mixed Feed, etc.


Tourists Retreat.Honuapo, Kau, Hawaii.

NOW OPEN for Travelers, whereIS First class accomodation can lie hadat all Times. The climate of Honuapois recommended for invalids.

HORSES AND GUIDESProvided for the Volcano.

Of-F-or Terms, etc., See CARDS m

Hotcls-iin- Streets.J. W. SMITHIES,

r,78 y Proprietor.

ltnll ProKi'iuiinit'H !

DESICJNB, just received fromNEW Francisco, at Tub Daily Uui..

lutin Oillce

B. F. EHLERS fe Co.,

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,All tho Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Roceived by ovory Btoamer WORT STREET


Laces, Embroideries, Satchels, Fans', Tidies,

Children's Drossos, and a Splendid Stock of

" Flowers, Feathers, Beaver Hats,Etc., He., just received per Mariposa, and now open Tor inspection, at

A. M. MELLIS, ::::: 104 Fort Street.Store open till 8 p. m. during the holidays.

AG. Smith,to take Acknowledgments

with Smith mid Thurston, Attorneys atLaw, No. 38 Merchant street. W2 ly

WILLIAM AULD,to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor for the' Districtof Kona, Island of Oahu, at the ofllce ofthe Honolulu Water Works, foot of Nuu-am- i

street. 18! .f

JOHN A. HASSINGER,Agout to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor. Interior 'Jfllce,Honolulu.

WC. AKANA,and Hawaiian Translator

and Interpreter,No. 48 King stiect, Honolulu

Translations of cither of the nbovilanguages made witli accuiacy and diapatch, and on reasonable terms. 209


204 FORT ST.

GHR. GERTZ, L.No. 80 Port street, Honolul,Importer and Healer in Gent's, Ladiesand Children's boots, shoes and slippers


Watchmaker and Jeweler,035 No. CO Foil Sticet.


Shop on King btrcct, in rear of NewOdd Fellow's nail King street.

Telephone 112. 52'J 0m

HMEAD, & BUILDER,No. 12 King St., near tho Bridge.

All kinds of Ice Chests, Refrigerators,Bath Tubs, &c, &c, made and repairedat moderate charges. 305 ly

Telephone No. 323.


Pai'Ck HANaim, etc.,No. 107 Kino Stkkut, - Honolulu.

525 Telephone, 114. ly

BROWN & PHILLIPS,Plumbeis, Gnu Fitters

and Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St.,Honolulu. XST House and Ship JobWork promptly executed. t 17


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

59 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, and Cor.,507 Fort and Merchant 8trccts. tf b


CabinetmakerTJm wuFsiii

Anil Vpliolntorer,No. U3 Hotel slieet,

Opposite International Hotel,

Canos and "Walking Sticks,Made of every kind of

NATIVE WOODSBrackets, Cornices, Curtain Poles, A--

inado ot tho latest designs.

n.KORGE LUCAS, lfi.'.i fj.v Contractor 2iSjYffiKA

and Bulldciy SSSe'' r!j

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Kspla-nad-

Honolulu.Manufactures all klftls of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work Mulsh. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan,nig, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders front tho other is

solicitedXllNE LOT OF

Matting of all GradesBOTH WHITE AND COLORED

For Sulo at182 A. S. CLEGHORN & CO

&s FREETH,LAWRENCE CONTRACTORS.Plans and Estimates furnished for worksof construction, Civil Engineering &Surveying Olllcc, cor. Halekiiuwilu andKilauea sts., next door to Wideuiniiii'sbrick warehouse.80(1 P. O. Box, 101. ly


AT $8.00'-- AT

1Corner Nuuanu

535 6m A.

r svianposa


L StoreGreat 1

BENSON, SMITH & CO..Practical Druggists,


Depot for Boericke Sa chreck's

lliiiioiiiillin: Mimes, RicKseeker's PerfumesAND THE



J. H. CONGrDON & CO.,Boavor Block, Queen Street, Honolulu

Importers, Slipping and General Commission Merchant


and Queen Sis.

GrAKTJENBERG, Proprietor.

.J. C'()XGJ)ON ifc Co..Han lTiuvnolHuo.


ii.vvii jiiht IjAXi:i a liAKiJi: :oxhin.iii:'vBarley, Bran, Oats, Onions, Beans, Wheat, elo. Choioe tablo &. dried Fruits.

K-- c " Mariposa " Large Stock of CHOICE POTATOES, which we oiler to thetiade nt imhcks. PARAGON AXLE GREASE, which give mil.

585 vcrsal wtUfnetion. t2r"Oorrespoiulenco !Jin

Btn unwauvnniNM ou m ji

UNION FEED COMPANYfinrnor of Ounnn and Edinhun? Streets.

Tclcplionc 3No. I ftto inform their friends and the public) generally that they arc continti.BEG business at the above stand, and have made complete iirraiigciucntH for

u continuous supply of

Fresh Goods of the veryBest Qualitywhich we will offer tsulo

AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE iItIOES.We hopep, by giving our best attention to please the public, to merit a part oftheir patronage. A large HtocofWheat and Oat, Hay, Wholo .d ground Barley,

Jifornia and Oregon Oats, Bran, Middlings, &c.,now on hand, Oidorb holici tid siitisfuctlon guiiiantcfil, 01 no pay asked.








o. mcnrcix.


General Gommission k Pnrcliasini Ageuts,NO. 101 EOU'I" STREET,

We present ourselves befoie the public with the motto of

"Live niul let livf"Wc call the attention of Honolulu Busliie1 Men and Iiiterdtdand Hesldeuts to

the fact that we are doing a General Collection and Purchasing Easiness, and pro-pose to moke our services useful to tho citizens oT this and neighboring islands.

Wc arc roady to nil all Orders at Lowost Cash Price on reasonable Commissions.

We include all Classes of Goods,

Hay, Grain, and General Merchandise,Or any artiolc of Household Furniture.

Residents of the Other Islands who limy belli need of any Article howeversmall, or desiiu information as to prices of any class of Goods by addressing us,will be piomptly furnished with the necessaiy information. We solicit till "Gen-eral Husincss, and by strict attention hope to sccuie the patronage of the public.

1ST GIVE US A TRIAL; you will llnd us Prompt and Keatonable. Addressall Orders to

G. Kictlcll & Co.,P. 0. Box 303. 010 Urn Honolulu.

Commission Merchants.

0. Brewer(Limited)

6c company,

Gkxkhati Mj:iicantii,k anuCommission Auknts.

i.isr ok oKKier.ns:P. C. Jonks, .Ir President & ManagerJ. O. Caktkr. . . ..Ticasurer & Secretary


Hon. O.R. Uishop. Hon. II. A. P. Caktku338 ly

Geo. W. jracfarlane. 11. R. Jlacfarlane.



andSugai' Factors,

Eire-Pro- Building, - 52 Queen sticet,Honolulu. II. I.

AOUNT8 forThe Wnikapu Sugar Plantation, Maui,The Suencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,Thellvcia Sugar Plantation, Onhu,IIuclo Sugar Mill, Maui,Iluelo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Poit- -

able Tianiway Works, Leeds,Mirrlecs, Watson & Co's Sugar Mnchiii

cry, Glasgow,Glasgow timl Honolulu Line of Packets.


J. LYONS, 1,. J. I.EVKV.

LYONS & LEVEY,Auctioneers and General

Commission Merchants,HeaWBfcJilock, Queen St., - - - Honolulu.

Sales of furniture, Slock, Real Estateand General Merchandlse'promptly at-tended to.

Sole Agents for American nud Euro-pca- n

merchandise. 318

MS. GRINBAUM & CO.,Importera of General Mer

chandise niid Commission Merchants,Honolulu. l

MS. GRINBAUM & Co.,Commission Merchants,

121 Callfoiniu Htreet,1 San Francisco, Cul.

Claus HprccKcls. Win. O. Irwlu.X7" G. IRWIN As COMPANY,TT Sugar Eaciors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

AS. CLEGHORN & CO.Importers and Commission

Merchants, dealers in General Merchan-dise, Queen und Kaaliumanii sis., Hono-lulu. 78

M. A. GONSALVES & CO.,iNo. o7 Hotel blicet, Honolulu,

Impoitcrsand Dealers in Dry and FancyGoods. Inlaid Work, Embrolderv.

SJ80 , &c. &e &c.

JOHN T. "WATERHOUSE,Inijiorter and Dealer in General

Merchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1

BROWN li CO.,Wholesale Wine and Spirit

Merchants, No. 14 Merchant st.,Honolulu. 330

Ijl T. LENEHAN & CO.,. Importers nml CommissionMerchants, Nuuanu st., Honolulu. 1

H. N, Castle. J. B. AtbcrtoD.CASTLE Si COOKE, 'J Shipping and Conunission

Merchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Mci'dinndlso, No, 80 King t.,Honolulu, l

WING WO TAI & CO.,and General Deulers

in English, American and Chiuoso Pro-visions. Plantation Teas and GeneralSupplies. Also, White AsColoied Con.tract .Matting, all qualities and prices.

No. 21 Nuuuiiii street, opposite Mr. t.Afong's. . C23 Qui

Wma wo cuan & Co.,Importers and General Dealers

lu English, American and Chinese Pro-visions, Plantation Tea and GeneralSupplier. Albo, while and colored contract matting, all (iialitles ami prices.

CSyNo. 22 Nuuanu Street, oppositeMr. Afong's. 81

W.1I. 3IuUANlIK.SS,No. fl Queen stiect, Fish Market,

jjcaicr in choicest(tver, Veal, Million, riMh, & Av.

Family and Shipping Orders carefullyattended to. Live stock furnished tovessels at thort notice, and Vegetablesof all kinds supplied to order. 11 10 ly

O WOOtl.




3m 552 Telephone No. 331.


Still stands at the head of his professou.Restoration and Contour

work a speciality. Using coloredgold or any other materia known tothe profession as the case requires.From this datejpriccs reduced 25 to 50per cent, guaranteeing satisfaction anddoing first-clas- s work 25 per cent lowerban anyothcr dentist in Honolulu.



Has opened Ids office in Hotel st., nextto tho Y. M. O. A. building, where he iaprepared to perform- - all operations Indentistry. 3m ooi.

Dr. Emerson,Residence and consultation rooms

at No. 2 Kukul St., corner of Fort.Telephone No. 140. 59 2m

I Thompson,111. ATTORNEY AT LAW

and Solicitor in Chancery,Office over Lederer's O. P. M. Bazaar,S. W. corner Merchant and Fort sticets,entrance on Meiclinnt stiect. Honolulu,II-- 030 3m b


Olllce-.ov- er the Bank of Bishop & Co.S33 3m b Honolulu.


604 No. 18 ICaahtimanu street.


And Notary Public,Office with the Attorney General, Allioluni Hale, Honolulu. 342 ly

AUSTIN WHITINO,Attorney and Counsellor at Law.

Agent to take acknowledgments ofinstruments. ,

Kaahumanu St., Honolulu. 20!i


Office, on Merchant street, (next doorto Dr. Staugcnwald.) 495 ly

Q B. DOLE,k3 Lawyer and Notary Public,11 No. 15 Kaahumanu

T7rancis M. hatchAttorney nt Law,

23 15 Kaahumanu st

EICHARD P. BICKERTON,and Counsellor at Law.

Money to lend on Mortgages of Free,holds. Office, No. 41 Merchant st. 1

CECIL BROWN,Counsellor at Law.

Notary Public, and Agent for taking Acknowledgmcnts of Instruments for theIsland of Onhu. No. 8 Kaahumanu stHonolulu. i

T M. MONSARRAT, 'O . ATTORNEY AT LAAVand Notary Public. Ileal Estate in anynurt of tho Kingdom bought, sold undleased, on commission. Loansted, Legal Documents Dnivt, . No. 27Merchant nt. (Gazette BlooV;, Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 100



General Agent forThe N. Y. Life Insuranco Company,The City of Loudon Fire In. Co(llmitMMaeneale & Urban Safes,

The Celebrated Springfield Gas Machine(las Futures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.


ltobcrt Lew orn, o. M. Cooke,Si COOKE,

(successors to Lowers &. Dickson,)Importers and Dealers hi Lumber and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1

WILDER Si CO.,Dealers in Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Salt ami Building Materialsof every kind, cor, Fort and Queen sti.,Honolulu. 1

Pl ortTffeA G. II. ROBERTSON,Drayman best teams

u town. Telephone No. CS. 10









' 'i j

Page 2: Great 1L Store - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home





Will be received lit tin- - Office ol Hie

MtiiWur of tlie Interior until Sntuidaythe 29th, da (if March, Inst, :it 12o'clock noon, for the erection of build-in-

for Police Uomt nml Station llou-c- ,on Merchant Mnvt, opposite llic SailorsHome, Honolulu.

Flans nml KpecilloaliuiH of the (noposed building will lie ready for inspeclion on ThuiMlny the 20th, Inst.

A suitable bond, based upon the iiinouutof Contract, will be required upon ex-

ecution of the same, conditioned for itsfaithful fulfilment.

All tenders must bo distinctly endorsed"Tenders for building Police Couit iimIStation House."

The Minister of the Interior does notbind himself to accept the lowest or anybid.

CHAS. T. UULIUK,Minister of the Inleilor.

Inlurloi Olllee,March 18, 1884. 005 td

rpiIE UNDEKSIGXED have formedJL u copartnership under the lliui

name of ' SPUKCKKL.S & Co." lor thepurpose of carrying on a general bank-In- g

and exchange business at Honolulu,and such other places in the HawaiianKingdom as may be deemed advisable.


Honolulu, .Ian. 14th, 1881.

Ilcferring to the above we be:: to in-

form the business public thai wo areprepared to make loan, discount approv-ed notes, and pin chase exchange at thebest current late. Our arrangementsfor selling exchange on the principalpoints in the I'nited State;-- , Europe,China, Japan and Austialia aie heiugmade, and when .perfected, due noticewill be given. Wo skull alho be preparedto receive deposits on open account,make collections, and conduct a generalbanking and excliaime business.010 3mb (signed) Sl'KEOKELS & Co.

Jw nil a gaUkrni,Pledged to neither Sect nor Party.Bat established for the benefit of all.



MOrtNINO.Gymnasium Exercises for Ladies

nnd Children from !) to II.Regular Cash Sale, at Sales Hwom

of Lyons & Levey at 10 o'clock.Mr. Adams will sell at 12, at his

sales room, lot at Kapiolani Park.Also, at No. '! Adams Lane, house-hold furniture, etc.

AFTERNOONMatinee, Circus, at 2.Concert, German Club, :.


Sherman's Circus, 7:00.Hall, German Club.Drawing Class. V. M. C. A. 7:il0Gospel Temperance Meetina: at

Bethel, at 7 :0.Casino at the Park, open all day.Bethel Sunday School, at U:45.Fort St. Church S. S. at !i:4.r.St. Andrew's Cathedral S. S. 10.

Bethel, Service, at It.St. Andrews' Cathedral, Rev. Mr.

Wallace, morning and evening.Fort St. Church, Rev. J. A. Crti-za- n,

morning and evening.Prayer Meeting V. M. C. A.,

:i:!10 p.m.Bible Class at Fort St. Church

Vestry, at 0 ; 15

Meeting Trustees Sailors' Home,at 11.


This is the eighty-sevent- h anni-

versary of the birthday of His Ma-

jesty Willielm I, Emperor of Ger-

many and King of Prussia. Thefollowing, taken from the States-

man's Year Book, will to-da- y be readwith interest by all our German citizens,, whom we congratulate upon

'tlic-rtii- y they celebrate and to whomwe wli good hick and prosperity:

Tpnstitiition of the GermanEmpire VeVfassung des DeutsclienReichs bears date April Hi, 1871.

By its terms, :fl the states of Ger-

many 'form an eternal union for theprotection of the Confederation andthe care of the welfare of the Ger-

man people.' KchlicBsen eiuenewigen Bund .iiuiSchntzc des Bund-esgebiet- s,

mid zur Pflcge tier Wohl-fah- rt

des Deutsclien Volkcs."The Imperial throne of Germany

has always been lilled by election,though with a tendency towards thehereditary principle of succession.Originally the Emperor was chosenby the vote of till the Princes andPeers of the Reich, but the modecame to be changed in the fourteenthcentury, when a limited number ofPrinces, lixcd at noveii Cora time,and afterwards enlarged to nine, as-

sumed the privilege of disposing ofthe Crown, and, their right beingacknowledged, weie called Electors.The election of the present Emperor

ovas by vote of the Reichstag of theConfederation, on the initiative of


nil the reigning Princes of Gcnnitnj."Since the creation of the Im-

perial dignity Ijy Cliarlcuingnc,crowned 'lvuiser' at Koine, onChristinas Day in the year 800, therehtivc been the following Emperors ofGermany: House of Charlemagne,0; House of Kraneonia, f ; Houseof Saxony, (!; of llohcn-Rtnufc- n.

7; House of llabsliurg, 17;House of Luxemburg, 7 ; House ofHabsbiirg-Lorrain- e, l ; House ofIlolien.olloin, 1 Wilhclin I.

"The average duration of reign ofthe llfty-si- Kmpcrors of Germanyin the preceding list was upwards ofsixteen years.

"Willielm I, Emperor of Germnnyand King of Prussia, (whose birth-

day is celebrated to-da- was bornon March 22, 1797, and is the second

bon of King Fricdrich Willielm IIIof Prussia, and of Princess Louiseof Mecklenburg-Strclit- z ; educatedfor the military career, he took partin the campaigns of 18111 and 1814

against France j he was Governor ofthe province of I'omcrania, 1840;Military Governor of the Rhineprovinces, 18I0--5- appointed Re-

gent of Prussia during the illness ofhis brother. Oct. 0, 1808 ; ascendedthe throne of Prussia at the death ofhis brother, Jan. 2. 18G1 ; Comma-

nder-in-Chief of the German ar-

mies in the war against France,July. 1870, to March, 1871 : unani-

mously proclaimed Emperor of Ger-

many at Versailles, January 18,

1871. Married June 11, 182!). toAugusta, Empress of Germany andQueen of Prussia, born Sept. :i()l

1811, the daughter of the late Grand-Duk- e

Karl Friedrich of Saxc-We- i-

mar.lloch Lcbc Dcr Kaiser !


FitiDAV, March 21th, 1884.Saniuela, drunk, fined $f and

costs SI.Milinicli and Mary Ann, disturb-

ing the quiet of the night, lined 85each and costs SI.

Mrs. Lulling, drunkenness. Mr.J. M. Davidson appeared' for theprosecution. Dr. I lagan and Kama-m- o

testified and defendant was sen-tenced to ten days imprisonment athard labor; costs SI. 20.

Mary Howard, common nuisance.Mr. W. O. Smith for defendant.The following witnesses were calledfor the prosecution : J. D. Arnold,Win. Jarrcll, Mr. Beaumastcr, Al-

bert Smith. Frank Darling, AiitoncFernandez, Kauhani and CaptainFehlbehr. They testified to hearingnoises and disturbances at defen-dant's house in the small hours ofthe night and that carriages oftenremained outside for some time.Mr. Chas. Molteno was called forthe defence. Defendant was foundguilty in the second degree, andlined Sl.r and costs $1.70.

Auction Sale3 by Lyons & Levey.

Regular Cash SaleSaturday, March 22nd,

nt 10 a.m. at Sales Room, will besold

Dry G-ood- s, Clothing,XUIMlillU'C,

AND A I INK 01' I'lUISIl nltOCKUIES,Sacks Extra No. 1 Sugar,

rotntoc-- , and Bran,

IWCanilla Oig'aijPrime Ited Salmon,

A choice lot of Law Hooks,


One Top Buggy,AND

One Urey Saddle Marc, !1 years old, soundand kind and can he used by a Lady.

bvoxs& LmT.v, Auctioneers.

TlioroilM Horse

Hy older of II..I, Agnew Enti., we willsell at Public Auction, in from of ourSales Hoom at 12 noon on Monday, Maich31th, 1884. If not sold at private salepreviously, even (7) head of tho llnesthorses ever imported to this Kingdom.

15ml by

Governor Stanfordat Palo Alto Santa Olara Co., Cal., and(elected by II. J. Agnew.

The nbovo Colts and fillies sue the getol such noted hor.-c-s as

Will) Idlo, Monday, Shannon,Flood and Hubbard.

The nUended pedigree of each animallimy be iotini! in the IlinvnUuii Gazetteor March Will, 1834.

Thcu animals may he beep at any limepioviou to tho silo, on the picmucsofII, .1. Agnew, corner of IVnuicnla streets.

fifiyPiiicliaser.s cm hnvo 11 writtenguarantee as to Pedigree etc , and willgive 0 'iij to make any enquiries, andagree to forfeit $1000 if tho Colts arc notat represented.COS Lyons a Levey, Auctioneers.


Lot at Kapiolani Park.

On Saturday, March 2!inu,at 12 noon, at Salesroom, 1 will oiler ataiicllou that lot of L'uid on KaualiiaAu'iiue, known as lot No, !t, ICalahiilit,adjoining Kapiolani Park, and rontuln-in- g

an area of 4 111.100 acres, having afrontage of ,100 feci on said nvcuuc, anda depth of COO feet. This desirable pieceof propel ty lies directly opposite the lotsbelonging to Mr. Cecil Hrown nndT. Mcyinan.

The Trustees of the I.unalilo Estatehave laid out another avenue, back ofthis lot, so that It will have a frontage ontwo streets. Water can be obtainedfrom that adjacent Artesian Well, be-

longing to .lames Campbell, Esq Titleperfect. Terms Cash. Deeds at expenseof purchaser.007 E. P. Adams, Auctioneer.

Fumituse Sale!At the Residence of Mr. Aug. Dcllcx,

Xo. 3 Adain3 Lane, on

Saturday, March 22iu,at 12 o'clock a.m., wlllbe sold the


HoiiSuliolit FurnitureSofa, Chairs,

Center TableBedsteads, Mattresses, Pillows, Misipiilo

Nets, Pictures, Mirrors, Bureaus,Washstands,

KITCHEN FURNITURE &c.E. P. Adams, Auctioneer.


ALVIN II. BASEMAN'Wishes to notify the public that he

Has Opened a Book Bindery

In the GAZETTE JiULDING, and isnow prepared to do all kinds of

Book-Bindin- g


Paper-Rulin- g.

Magazines, Pamphlets, Catalogues,Reports Etc., Etc., Etc..

Hound to order in Sheep, Calfskin, Mo.rocco, Leather or Boards.

E3T"15y strict attention to business,and moderate charge, J trust to merit afairshaie of the pationnge heretoforeso liberally bestowed upon J. YV. Kobert.son ifc Co. 0(17 lm

NOTICE.AT the Annual Meeting of the share-

holders of the Ooka'la Sugar Plan-tation Company (limited) held in Hono-lulu, March ltlth, 1884. the followingolllcers were elected for the comingyear:

President Y. L. GieenVicc-pieside- J. X. WrightTi easurer Alex. McKibbinSecretary Cap. II. "V. MistAuditor U. F. Uickertoii

007 Xw II. W. MIST, Secretary.


SEffijT' The Pine Clipper linrktiuvAmelia,

Mewhall Master,Will he dispatched for Poit Townscnd,on or about 25th, inst. For freight orpassage, apply to the Captain on board or007 ALLEN & KOUINSOX. Agent.

'or. --tBUES 1881.

All Friends of the German Residents

Are res eitfully invited to a

Garden PartyOn the premises of the


'SATURDAY AFTERNOON.March 22nd, given in Honor of

thu Anniversary of the

German Emperor's Birthday,From !) toll p. ni.

f II. A. WIDEMANX,ine i.ommiuee J ' '' GLADE,

n w y0mllr)T,(F.A. SClIAEFEIt.

Honolulu, March 17, 1881. 000 tit

Horses Clippedf! IN the llest BLvle, and

ut iiiu nuuiiuni llilliuu.Apply


For Sale.ONE Top Break In good older.One single skeleton IJuggy, bbnilar to

a sulkey and one large heavy new ' wagon.

One Sorrel Draft Horso six yean old,draws single or double, warranted.

Apply to J. E. WISEMAN,000 Iw General Euslness Agent.

TO LET.THE upper floor HI x 10 nt No. 53

King street opposite S.tation House.Apply to .1. E. WISEMAN,

OOBlw Ileal Estate llroker.

ITOK SALE.17MNE Saddle Horse broke iiIk) toJL, wurrautcd. Light onenIJuggy nearly new for sale.

Apply (6 J. E. WISEMAN,CCO lw .General Business Agent.

Bankrupt Sale--OF

The Stock of Goodsof .1. w. iionrcnTsoN,

koo(Ih Spiling llclmv Cost,

at the old Stand Open for a few Days,

To Close Out the Stock!

The stock comprises all kinds ofStationery, '

Periodicals,Note Paper,

Envelopes,Pens, Pencils,

Inks, Mucilnge,

BOOKS!Jewel y,

Gold Pons and l'cnceN,iVc, &e,

Assorted Blank of various kinds;Letter Pieces Letter Files, Ac

PHOTO. ALBUMS,Photo. Views,

Children's Gramma of vaiious kinds,Programme Cards, Dance Cards. Menu

Cards, fcc., &v.Al-- o, several "copies of

Andrews' Hawaiian Grammar,

.larvis' HKtory of the

Hawaiian Island,Miss Bird'

Hawaiian Archipelago,Scenes In the Hawaiian Islands, &c, Ac.


002 lw.

MATTING!Just Received from Canton via

Hongkong per Bark Helena,

WHITE MATTINGlu live Qualities.

In ten different Pattern0


I lllllflll I I 1.U

For Sale at Lowest Market Rates by


Sand and Cartage.Bing up

Telephone 258f you want

O A. 3R, rJ? --A. GJ- - DEOf any description done, or if you want


In Quantities to Suit.

AMERICAN EXPltESS Co.,000 lm b 81 KlngStieet.


A gentleman just arrived in Honoluluwishes to get employment as an ac-

countant or honkeeper, lias had severalyears experience and can produce goodreferences. Please address Box !);). P. O.

GOO lw

KO'JTIUETV YOUll HOUSE IS SICK or LAME,X or any way out of order, call on AT. BAKEl, at Capt. J. C. Cluney's stables, corner of Queen & Punchbowl sts.

ESTBreaking horses to saddle or carrlagc n specialty. .f20 lyBREWEBT&'Co's. boston packets,

SHIPPERS will please takem nonce inai, me line narKfr JUHN U. BHtWfcH,

will leave Boston Juno 1st, for tillsport. Orders for goods should he sentforward as early ns April 10th, to insureshipment. For further Informationapply to O, BllEWEH & Co,

OOP lm Queen Street.

D'vvolliiitf House For Sale.rpHE HOUSE and LOT on the Kuliio--

kaliua plains, situate on the inaknisldu of licrctania f trect, nnd now occu-pied by Judge McCtilly, Is for sale.

Inciuiro of S. B DOLE,m tf

Notice.DURING my nneneo Mr. J. Ilyinan

net, for mo under power ofattorney in all matters of husiness; allbills against me will be paid bv hlin,ami uu acrounts tine mo are lo lie palitto himfl:m !)w E, PECK.

XoUce.Govkhnoh'h Ol'FICK, IIoxo-- )

i.ui.0, Sept. 21, l8a. f"VfOTIOlUs hereby given that iiodehtHi.1 contracted on behalf of the Ha-waiian band will bu recognized or paidunless ordered by the undersigned,

Jno. O. Dominis,Governor of Oahtt.

G, HUSTACE,King Street, - - Honolulu.

Hni Just received per Mariposa,

California PotatoesWhittakcr's Star Hams,Breakfast Bacon,Falruank'sLard,

American Cranberry, Sauco.Pickles, Young American Cheese,Anncar Table Sauce,Salad Dressing,

Table and Pie Fruits,Boned Chicken aud Tin key,Broiled Chicken,Curried Fowl,

Atmore's Mluee jImU,Jams and Jellies, . .

Ox Tongues,Buckwheat Flour & Maple Syiup,

OvuNliec! IiuliimOat, Meal, Corn Meal,Graham Flour,Wheal, Com, Crackers, etc.. etc.

Leave your orders or ring up No. lit).Goods dell voted to nnv part of the oltv.'

001 2v C. HUSTACE."


Per Zealandia,

ew ZealanPOTATOES.

001 lw HENRY MAY & Co.

Notice of Removal.





TO- -

1. 58 Queen Street,

Next door to W. G. Irwin & Co.

ON- -

Thanklng the Public for their liberal

pationage during tho past seventeen

3'cars, they will do their best to rclnin,

the same at their new store.

1157 ilm

French Lessons.MRS MORIAKTY Is prepared tp

give Lessons in French nt privateresidences. Terms, if! per month, in advance two lesms per weekof one hrnir each lesson. Address, Mrs.Moriarty, care Mrs While, White House,Nuuanu street 051 2 w

Notice.DURING my absence from the King,

Mr. LC. Abies will act forme uiidtr full Power of Attorney; allbills against me will be paid by him,nnd all accounts duo mo are to he paidto him. S.I. SHAW.Honolulu, Mar. Ut, 1831. 053 2w

NOTICE.nPHE Undersigned begs to inform hisJL friends nnd tho publlo generally

that ho 1ms rented the shop and blockfrom Mr. L. Way, and will continuetho business ns Carpenter and Uuilder,and hopes by paying strict nttcntion tothe biislnens to merit a share of publicpatronage.


Having rented my premises on KlnyStreet, to Mr. Fritz Willielm, who hasacted us my Foreman for a number ofyears, to the satisfaction of mysolf andcustomer?, and who is thoroughly capo,bio of carrying on the business, I hopemy old ciibtomerH will accord him thesame patronage as they gave me.038 lni L. WAY.

ataaammwem MtriitfilnttB

'TM1E Undesigned Ptoprletor of the



deslies tolnl'oiui hispations trad the publie ueneiallv that notwithstanding thereceiit DISA'STROUS FIRE, 1ms erertcd


On a much more Extensive Scale, whichIs now' in Fuu. OnntATio.v, and whichwill bo in complete working older by anEarly Arrival of new Machinery andTools; and Is now again prepaid! to



nnd will always have on hand his dell,clous Ficsh Made





CREAM CANDIES of great vailcty son- -


Gum Drops, and Gum FruitBon Bons

Of nil ili'Qni tntfnnc. All Ilins HiiiiipMade Fresh and Pure Confections, I fellat no cents PEK POUND.

RICH WEDDING CAKEOf the Finest Flavor, in all sizes alwayi,

on hand and ornamented in themost artistic style.

always fresh, as also

Home Made'Mince Meatfor sule at CO cents per pound.

Will receive per Consuelo the balanceof my new machinery pf the newest dc.signs for manufacturing all descriptionsof plain'Caiidics; thanking the publicfor previous liberal patronage and

a continuance of same.

Yerv respectfully,F. HOKX,

Practical Confectioner and Pastry Cook.

thu old stand. 71 Hotel streetP. O. Box No. 75; Telephone No. 7--

572 ly i


Ring up Telephone No. 202.

IF YOU WANT a Cheap Job done toany part of the City or Suburbs.

P. Smitb,Next to Hammer's Harness Shop.

(102 3m b

Uo.96, King Street,

Telephone No. 130

HAVING ROUGnT out the businessH. Wilkinson, tho under

signed is prepared to carry on u generalExpress Business; anddiopes by .prompt-ncs- s

and dispatch lo merit a fair shareof the public patronage.

H. Emmerson.G18 3m


l'OR SALE CHEAP manufactured

by the


Manufacturing Co.,No. 70, Queen Street.

020 2m

Wolfe & EdwardsGrocery and Feed Store,

Corner King and Nuuanu streets.Fresh Groceries nnd Provisions received

by every Steamer.P. 0. Box 130, Telophono 349.

noi Om


Columbia River Salmon !

051 lm b A. S, CLEGH0RN & Co.


Columbia Salmon2f A. S. OLEQHORN & CO.

H. M. CAllTKll. B. F. anAlrA

S. M. CARTER & 00.Rktaii. Dkai.khs in

Fire Wood,Coal and Feed.

Jlay- - and Oats,to all parts of tlio city.

Romemboi', 82 Kin? street,678 KFAnd Telephone No.' 187.

$&k&&Sh&Jbr A.4'Si fcfct-- 1 jfesiJitafftgte r. fe A"Litoi' ,V. t'k, "J'A Jzfi 'JM-Af- fc AtuJ



Page 3: Great 1L Store - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home



""SATURDAY, MAR. 22, 1881.



Australia OuMnipliSSudKOUjSAN 1'IIANCISCO.

Stun CUyorSdno.' Apt 11 ltt



Alameda. . .Leaves Honolulu. Apr. 1st.Mariposa. . .Leaves HmiioIuIu, Apr. intli

ITELEPHOHIC.Diamond Hend, Mar. l!J. ii.m.

Light N. E. wind.Tern off Dlinninl Hcml.Stun Iwnlntn off port.


Stinr Mokolli from KoolnuStinr "Wnitntuuilo from "WaimnnnloSohr Kiutikcttoiilj front Ilonoknii

Mnrch 22Sinn-- Kiliutcn IIou from Knlntlui

DEPARTURES.Mni-e- 21-S- lmr

Jns Makcc for KntiniScltr Rainbow for Koolnu

PASSENGERS.From Windwards Poits per

Plnntcr Mnrch 21 E F Coutolenc,Mrs II N Grccuwcll & daughter,Mrs Thco Smith & child, F L Stot.J K Farley & 74 deck.

For Waianac and Kauai pur .Tas

Makcc March 21 W J Bramhall, GB Pnlohmi, J L Richardson, RCatto.n, W Blaisilcll & 25 deck.

From Maui per Lcluta, March 21,J McUiakcn, "W G Farrcll, Ah

Sing and j'J deck.


The Discovery brought 02 head ofstock, 0000 r.W. posts, lii.j bbls of lime,300,000 shingles, 5500 bricks, 110 casesofbtenil, 2210 sks of Hour, 2!10 sks ofbran, 573 sks of barley, 512 bales ofhay, etc. She Is consigned to Hackfeld&Co.

Tbc W. G. Irwin llnislied dischargingyesterday. She will probably sail nextweek.

Schr KniikenotiU brought 2255 bags ofsugar.

The whaler Mars came alongside theO. S.-S- . wharf jchtcrday and dischargedher oil.

Stinr Mokolli brought :t24 bags of t Ice,251 bags of sugar, 51 bbls of molassesand 5 hogs.

Stmr Planter brought 15060 bags ofsugar, 97 bags of Coffee, 147 bags awa,155 hides, 13 bdls goat skin.

Stmr I,ehui! bro't 1)79 bgs sugar


A Strange Experience and A New

Girl, on the fourth page.

Mr. E. P. Adams, sells to-da- y

four acres of land at Kapiolani

Park. .. . -

Lycax & Co. have just received afull line of Chinese Verandah andSteamer Chairs. CG8 3t

"Invisible food" will be Mr.Cruzan's morning theme on Sunday,and " "What first?" in the evening.

Newspapers, periodicals and mag-

azines will be gratefully received atthe Y..M. C. A. for use in the read-

ing room.

The Mutual Telephone Co. is preparing for work at their new build-

ing, the bricks being carted to theground.

A sale of household furniture will

he held to-da- y by Mr. E. P. Adams,

at No. 3 Adams Lane, the residence

of Mr. Aug. Dcllcx.

Trcglonn & Atwntcr have justopened up a fine line of Gent's Fur-

nishing Goods and latest style Hats.CG7 3t.

Mr. Frank Hustace, drayman, is

propared to supply salt, firewood,

white and black sand, and deliver

the same anywhere in Honolulu.

Messrs. Lyons & Levey hold theirregular cash sale to-da- y. Besides

the regular assortment of dry goods

and grocorics, some Manilas, a drayand a saddle mare will be offered.

o .- . .1... - HI f A

iu uur report oj- wu . ' w

regular monthly meeting is unavoid-

ably held over. Some impoitantbusiness was transacted and it was

decided to hold the annual meeting

on Thursday, April 17th.. . hi i

An accident occurred yesterdayat the Ice "Works, which completely

"destroyed the ammonia pump. Thedelay in repairing it will necessitatethe non-delive- of ice, except to thehospitals and sick, for a fortnight.A sudden fever scare is imminent.

Mr. J. I. Dowsell lecelved, bythe Discovery, 35 mules, 21 horses,2 lulls and 1 cow. They were all

landed in good condition, thebovines,which have been bellowing nil dny inthe next yard, arc especially lively.

in in in mmi ii in mumiummmaumrai

Messrs. Trcglonn & Atwntcr hnvojltst tccohcd a fine lot of Children'sand Boys Suits. Call and see them.

(G7 St.

When Captain Mclirtcns and Tellwere seat filing the Chinese gunnersyesterday, for a. i unnway Celestial,they canto unexpectedly upouanuin-bd- r

or opium smokers who werogntlictcd together in a small room offNniianti street.

Messrs. Win. G. Irwin &Co., theagents of the Oceanic S. S. Co.,have issuod some very neat cardsshowing their stately steamers glid-

ing over the deep green sea. Thereverse side of the card contains allnecessary information as to thecabins, rates of passage, baggage al-

lowance, time of sailing and all thedetails that ensure a quick and com-fortable passage in the Mariposaand Alameda.


Theie have been rumors for somedays past that the hotel had changedhands, but nothing definite was set-

tled until yesterday when Messrs. G.W. Mncfarlane & Co. arranged fora transfer of the Government leasefrom Dr. McGrcw. The transferwill take effect from to-da- y or theend of the present month, butthe formal deeds have not yet beensigned. The community may ex-

pect, under the new ownership, thatthe hotel will fully sustain itsicpttta-tio- n

for respectability and tone, andthat it will be conducted in a firstclass manner. Messrs. Macfarlano& Co. have ample facilities for im-

porting, which gives them an obviousadvantage over a private individual.They will endeavor to satisfy thepublic and make profit for them-

selves. Mr. George Fassctt willcontinue in the management of thehotel, and Mr. Dexter, laic chiefsteward of the Alameda, will assistin catering and lake charge of thebar room. An ellicient staff of as-

sistants is promised with a table thatwill satisfy the most captious epi-

cure, who will make allowancesfor the difficulty in procuring sup-

plies from a limited maiket likeHonolulu. In time better arrange-ments will be made for obtaining thenecessaries and luxuries of life.


Thursday evening's performanceat the circus was moie successfulthan some of the proceeding onesand attracted a large audience.Among the novelties introduced worethe two Shetland ponies which werewell ridden by little Harry Morosco,who, though mounted bareback andhaving as much as he could do tomanage them, successfully controlcdhis fiery young steeds. Miss St.Claire, mounted on one of the latelyarrived horses, Danger, showed her-

self to be a much better horse womanthan formeily. Alcjo Hudson per-

formed his comic clown act, andcaused roars of laughter. His balanc-ing of a peacock's feather was deci-

dedly clever, and the manner inwhich he fooled two boys in a racefor a dollar provoked much merri-

ment. Alcjo is a decided acquisitionto the circus and we hopo to see himin his riding and tumbling acts.There will' be an afternoon perfor-mance to-da- commencing at two

o'clock, a promenade of, the com-

pany through town this morning,and a performance, at the usunl

hour, this evening when an entirechange of programme will be presen-

ted, commencing with the GrandStar and "Waltz Entree, lite lastperformance was concluded at teno'clock, which wns considered an im-

provement by pleasure seekers.


The Band will play this afternoon,nt the German Club at 3 o'clock.Tho following is the programme:

l'AHT I.Mnrch Enmoror William BurgerOverture Festival. . . , BachSelection Strndclla FlotowPolka First Kiss NeumnuQiuulrille Beggar Student. . . MlllockcrMedloy German Melodies Kuliito

l'AHTMartha Flotow

Quartet Huntsman's FarewellMendelssohn

Waltz Laura MlllockcrMarch Tannhauser. , WagnerQnadtllle Gormnti Songs Welekcr

( Fearless Truo....Uuruth2 Quicksteps Emperors Review. ...,.,.

I GlndninnThe Watch on tho Rhine.

Hawaii 1'onol.

A Bargain.AND FIXTURES, und o liveSTOCK lense of a centrally situated

Groccrv Btoro for sale very low. AimlyI at once Mo. (ill Hotel hi. 038 III



M. Michiels, on arrival yesterdayI.morning at his place of business,

of Brussels, found that some-

body had been before ltitn and thathis slock had pctceptibly diminished.The building, which is situated onthe corner of Alakea and Kingsticets, is almost unprotected. No-

body slept on the premises on Thurs-day night so that the burglar had n

clcai field for his operations, liehad evidently entered the yard by agato on Alnkca street, cut nway n

portion of the window sash and re-

moved the glass sufficiently to ennblohiiu to unfasten the catch, push upthe window and have free access tothe well filled store. The value ofthe stolen ptopctty was aboutS 1,500 as it includes over 100 largesilk handkerchiefs, 18 gold platedrings set with stones, a handsomodiamond locket, thico ladies' opencased goUl watches, two valuablerings set with pearls and n handsomegold necklace. In addition therewere missing some good suits ofclothes and a number of minor arti-

cles which it was impossible to ascer-

tain at a cursory glance. Some ofthe jewelry was kept in a show casewhich was unlocked, the "remainderbeing in a trunk; the burglar hadevidently inspected the interior ar-

rangement of the stotc during thedaytime. Subsequent to his success-

ful raid he appears to have adjournedto a shed in the yard and there care-

fully packed up the portable pro-

perty, as remnants of matches anil aknife were found there. A police-

man generally leases the front win-

dow sill of the building as a restingplace at night ; it is probable that,on Thursday night, he had foundmore comfortable quarters for hismidnight dreams. This is the lastof a scries of burglaries that haveoccurred in Honolulu within the pastfew months, and, as the modus ope-

randi has been similar in each case,it is reasonable to suppose that thesame artist has been everywhere atwork. It is no longer safe to leavedoors and windows open, or inse-

curely fastened, at night. Honoluluis becoming civilized.


HEducated. Horses


European CircusWill perform at the foot of Richard st.,

This Afternoon and Evening,kiust timu or 'run

Grand Star and Waltz EntreeLed by Miss St. Clair and Mr. Morosco

I'ltOF. JOI1.V KIIKItMAXAnd his World-fnmc- d Horses,

TOMMY, IlAItXr.Y AXJ JACK,Together with the Brightest Array of

Riders, Acrobnts and Gymnasts.wn.Mi: o'or.Lij,

The Premier of Somersault Riders. ,

311 SK MAIU'.r. KT. Cr.AIIt,In her Grand Manage Act.M'AT.TEIl MOHOKCO UllOM.". IIAUIft

The Russian Acrobats.i:iiaiUji:m mouokco.

On his Slack Wire.WCOTT AXI IiA. moxiuji:.

In their Double Trapeze Act.JIAItltY MOKOHCO

and his two poniesInlc: uinl Jiic)1ioh

in his gicat bare-bac- k hurdle race.Comic Faiee, entitled

A FRENCH BIDING SCHOOL.Riding Mnstcr W. MoroscoMono. Dinic G. ThompsonMine. Dlnic W. O'DellJoe (sen ant) C. Moroteo

Admiss'on $1 .00 Children 50Reserved chairs 25 cents extra. To

.bo had inside tho lout.C. & J. SHERMAN & Co..

Proprietors.15. M. .Ikw!:m., Gen. Hushics Agent.


ICE.rpiJE Hqnolulu loo Works Co., regretX to notify that they will not deliver

Ice after Saturday Morning, Murch 22nduntil further notice. An accident utterlydestroying tho unuuonla pump, thuscausing a delay of at least two weeks.

An effort will bo inado by runningtho binall machine to supply the Hos-pitals and the Sick.fiG3 3t .A, McWANK. Secretary.


(Successor to C. P. Ward.)All oiders for cartane promptly at

tended to, at the lowest rates. AUo forsale;

KnhuuUo Nult,I'lr Wood,

White ami Illm-I- i HumlIn quantities to suit, nt lowoit prices.

008 Cm

Wanted,BY a young man (Gorman) a situation

In (own cr country, as bookkeeperor cluik; undtritiinds horses, and candrive a business or private wrgon. Ad-

dress M. 11. this ofllcc. 007 lw

Ocoanic Steamship Oomp'y.

. & Til MAl.NlFKLNTS&feS&ihu .lint Klrffinl Stenui1iip.

MARIPOSA & ALAMEDA,Will leave Honolulu mid San

Fraud o on the1st mid 15th. of Each Month.

I'assumjlhh may have their nanushooked In advance by applying at theoillee of the agents.

Passengers by this line arc hereby no-

tified thai they will ho allowed !200 lbsof baggage free by tho Overland Ball-wa-

when troweling East.Excursion Tickets (or Round Trip, $125,

good to return by any of tho Company'sSteamers within ninety days.

Mkiichanuibr intended for shipmentby this lino will bo lecelved free ofcliurge in tho Company's Now Waie-hous- e

and lecelpts Issued for same.Insuhanck on merchandise, whilst In

the wai chouse, will bo at owner's risk.Wm. G. Inwijf & Co.,

Agents, O. S. S. Co.

Steam Navigation Company'slilXK OF STKAMJBKW.


Tho Planter,UATics, - . . Commander,

Will run regularly for. Kona and Knit

Lkavks Honolulu at 4 p.m. oxFriday, Jan. 11 Friday, Fob. 22Tuesday, Jan. 22 Tuesday, Mar. 4Friday, Feb. 1 Friday, Mar. 14Tuesday, Feb. VJ Tuesday, Mar. 23

AlJlMVITC AT TTrtTnTTTTTT At 5 I'.ir.Friday, Jan. 18 Friday, Fob. 2'JTuesday, Jan. 2!) Tuesday, Mar. ItFriday, Feb. 8 Friday, Mar. 21Tuesday, Pel). 1!)

The Iwalani,caxikuon, - - Commander,

Leaves Honolulu cvory Tuesdayat fi p.m., for Nawili will, Koloa, Elccle,and Wnimci, Kauai. Returning, leavesKnwiiiwili every Saturday evening.

The James Makee,kkkkman, - Commander

Leaves Honolulu ovcry Thursdayat :j p.m. for Kapna and Kllauea.

leaves Kauai every Tuesday at4 p'ln., and touching at Wainae, bothways.

The C. R. Bishop,mvts, - - - Commander.

Leaves Honolulu every Tuesdaynt 4 p.m. for Kukuihaele, Ilonokaa andI'aauhuu. Boturniug at rives at Honoluluevery Sunday morning.

fesfeSt earner Kinau,King, Commander,

.Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday at4 p.m., touching at Labaina, Maa-lae- a

Bay, Mnkena, Mahukona, e,

.Laupahoehoc and liilo.Returning, will touch at all the

alove ports, arriving at Honolulueach Satuiday afternoon.


The favorite liktno

W. G. IrwinTumor, - Master,

Will have quick dispatch for the aboveport. For freight or passage apply to

W. G. Ikwin i!e Co., Agents.


The Clipper Schooner

JENNIE WALKER,Moisson-- , Matter,- - -

Will run regularly between Honolulu,and Hilo. For freight or passage applytp the Uaptntn on no.ini, or to the

Pacific Navigation Co.,011 Dm Cor. Nuuanu & Queen slV


Schooner Ehukaiwill run tcgularly

TO WAIALUA EVERY MONDAY,Returning on Thursday, weathei

permitting.For freight or passage apply to the

Captaiii'on board, or toI'Acinc Navihation Co.,

181 Agents.


Best Manila Cigars051 lm b A. S. CLEGllORN ic Co.

A Goodpasture for Horses,A"'J NEAR TOWN.

Inquire toIDCX A. A. MONTANO.

.777 0m

To Let,A LA11GK HALL, ovar P. A. Dias

Store, Klne strict. Apply ou thoStoro to051 lw P. A, DIAS.

To Lot.SIDE of that beautiful OlllioONE fftw occupied entire by J. 12,

Wiseman In the Campbell Block, Mer.chant street, with select olllco Furniture,

Apply to .1 . E. WISEMAN.Oil tf General Uulncs Agent.

A Delightful Residence ForSale.

ON Ueietnula Street, betweenM Pllknl and Vlutoiia Mreeli,tninkiu hide.) This Dwelling

House contains 0 Rooms with nil modernimprovements, bath and borvanlh' roomsCarriage House, Stitblo nnd lliiinessRoom, wiro Fcrccns throughout thohomo on doors and windows. Artesianwell wutor supplied from Well of Mr. P.Milton, AUo Furniture throughout forMile including Garden Utensils, etc.

Lot SOxiiOO Grounds neatly laid out.For u comfortable und central Hometheio promises excel. Tho placo is beingtold in consequence of the Owner leav-ing Kingdom. Terms icasoiiable.

Apply to ' J, E. WISEMAN,C19 2w General Business Agent.



Hardware, Agricultural Jniplouieuts,Dillingham Sieul 1'Iua Fyin.e Wire, staples,

Kerosene Oil, House Furnishing; Goods, LampGoods,

SILVER PLATED WARE, Ac, .c., Ac. 052


Parlor Sets,Bedroom Sots,

Odd Chairs,Dining Tables,

Contro Tablos,Mattresses,


LJ Malting.

Lambrequins, Cornices' or kvuuv dkbcuiition

105 & L07 Fort Street,tST" Islnud Orders will receive Prompt

Pioneer Carriage

75, 77 und Sig fjr yj tSif- mIMKing St,

m ' " Ti i7iv efeiSWs5aS

WHITMAN & WRIGHT,(LiUtti 3t. .I?ltOSJ3.)

All oiders for Wheel-vehicle- s of every description tilled with promptness nnddispatch. s Mechanics employed all the year round.

DSr FINE CAIlItlAGrE WORK A SPECIALTY, -- aNothing loo hot or too heavy for us. TRAM CARS, OMNIBUSSES, FLANTA-TIO-

WAGONS. MULE & OX CARTS, made to order, altered or repaired.

Oui Horse Shoeing DepartmentIs under the supervision of u practical man a mechanic second to none. Wehave no use for soaking scalds or rot tulis. All work guaranteed.

modeiate. WHITMAN & WRIGHT,103 ly 75. 77 and 81 King Street.

P.O. l5n2'J7.



No. Hotel Street

Produce Dealer?.


Salmon,Kepi Prime California

Barrels Vinegar,Cheese, California Mackerel,

Ciihoh Lard, and 101b. Fails.Murma'e Herrings, Soused Pig's Feed,

Casts all provision Goods.

Orlivereil nilFamily oiders promptness guaranteed.


Tailors Clothiers,

Four Hotiii. 030 m


A Full!



)im MiAMim mm051 lm b CLEGllORN & Co.


of Oakland, Californiap.ircd instriietion in music andto pupils for the Piano. At.

DudoitV, ofBerclanlalm h LYCAN Co.

Water Notice.Ofllco Sup't Water Works,

Honolulu, July 3,

A LL perilous Water Privilegesaro Water Rates

uvo payable advance,tho of the of

Water Works, of Nuuanu fatreet,the 1st of January July of

OH AS. 11. WILSON,Sup't

8. K. Km, Minister of Interior. 304





Picture Frames

Honolulu, I.and Careful Attention. COO 3m b



King St. .


Telepl one No. 240.


13 a Cord.Apply ut tho Olllco of the


Comer Nuuanu and Queen

028 lm


Wholesale and Retail Grocers,Provision and


ilFVesli Good Elvevy Arrival.Barrels Redl barrels Red

Butter,C.i'ks Ham',Cases

of Fail-bank'- s :;, 5,Keg 1 Itcgs

kinds ot in Canned

;ooiIm Hold Low. ami I'roc of Chnrgr to pnrlH or olty.Island and solicited and



Tregloai) & Atwator,and

& Sm

ItKCKIVKWrx " MAitirosA "


American Groceries2 l.--i S. & CO.



A. S.

THE1 pre.

to giverecelvu

drcas "I Mis. corner AlakVuand htieets, or with0.1 &


havingXX nolilled that tholr

Innt olllco Superintendent

footupon dav andeach vear.

"M ator Works


maui; to oudeii.


, 77 81



English. Groceries215 A. S. OLEQMORN & CO.


MAX KOHMBeg to intimate to his friends and the

public generally, that he is now pre. '

pared to execute orders for

Plain and DeeorativePainting & Paporliiinging'

in tho best nnd newest styles,1 S.--5 JTOKI? BX11EK1

Opposite Gymnasium.P. O Box, No. 411. 401 ly

JUST RECEIVEDA now and full Lino of Australian

Baddies & Bridles,(Til lm b A.3. OLEGHORN&Co.


No. 43 ICinu Stiikkt,Trees and Saddles of all kinds made toorder and repairing Harness, etc., donein snort notice, ah orders promptly at.tended to. 693 ly









Page 4: Great 1L Store - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home




l!i gnUg ttUc:tuw

SATl'KUAY, ISIAli. 1884

A NEW GIRL.From Ilie New )'mt 'J'imet )

NovoltU's in lyirls suv natu-rally lnoKcrt upon with.suspicion. The present styleof girl has been thoroughlytested and found to be per-fectly satisfactory, and whenany one claims to have deviseda new and improved style ofgirl, the claim usually proves,upon examination, to be aridiculous failure.

From the West there comesthe story of a ncAvly invented

P girl of startling originality.bhe diiters from previous girlsm the tact (U-i- l...... In...... - li.f'f.v.. V

lr.tois attatched to hev ric-h- l

shoulder, while her right amioccupies the. place usuallyoccupied by a left leg. Clirlswith extra limbs or with nolimbs at all have frequentlybeOn exhibited to an

public, but thedistribution of the new girl'slimbs is something absolutelynew, and as such deserves

'serious attention.The claims made in behalf

of the new girl are many, andsome of them at least appearto be justifiable. For example,it is asserted that a womanwho has a hand where theleft foot is usually found canpick up pins and other smallobjects from carpets withoutstooping. She can also holda rug in place while sweepingit, and can drag a cat outfrom under a sofa and turnher out of the room with thegreatest ease. 'When shedrops her prayer-boo- k inchurch she can pick it up andplace it on the scat beside herwithout attracting theslighest attention, and shecan climb into a carriage withthe aid of her hand-fo- ot ifit nniy be. so called with anease and grace of which theordinary woman is quite in-

capable.Having a foot where other

- women have a right hand, thenew style of girl would makean admirable family disciplin-arian, since she could admin-ister 'punishment to childrenwithout the trouble ol'rcmov- -injer her slipper. She wouldhave an immense advantageover othei o'M'lc,....; ,,..v.. wimi'ino'....... ...Deautitui and costly Hosiery,since she could display 1 liestocking on her right upperlimb with no more improprietythan is involved in displayinga neatly fitting glove. So, too,her advantages for displayinga neat and artistic boot wouldbe quite, unequalled, and shewould be able to button bothher own boots with less troublethan ordinary women find inputting on their gloves.

These are claims which, itmust be admitted, are wellfounded. We may, however,concede everything that isclaimed in behalf of the newgirl and still disapprove ofhe,4 What is this girl to dowheiNni receiving an accep-table ofir of marriage shewishes to ( clasp her armsaround her lover's neck?AVill he be likely to feelflattered when the soft touchof a Western feminine bootcaresses his left ear? AYhcnthe marriage ceremony is inprogress, how will lie obeythe clergy-man- 's order totake the bride's right handin his? And then, how willthe new girl be able to makethe simplest article of foodwithout literally putting herfoot in it?

The Avorst feature of thenew girl, however, is herinability to walk. Nothinghas been said by her advocateson this subject, which is asuflicient reason for assumm"'- -

that they have nothingfavorable t o say. Is the girlexpected to walk on bothfeet? If so, it is fiflfo Ao say

i.' ii

that she cannot do it, and ifshe could, her appearancewould be so grotesque thatshe would never ventureoutside of her own room.Undoubtedly she is expectedto walk on one foot and onehand. "Need anything morebe said to prove that she is a

painful failure?This attempt to make the

modern girl a compromise be-

tween the binutna and the futi- -

iinoiHiiiK is cenamry ingeniousbut it is doomed to the fate ofall previous attempts at im-

proving girls. Our girls needno improvements, and it willtake a greater intellect thanthat of Cuvier to devise anypossible change in them whichwould not be for the worse.

A Strange Experience.


(From the Aiistmlmian.')

I am about to relate theone extraordinary and inex-plicable experience of my life.I shall not attempt to accountfor it. T shall simply nar-rate what occurred and leavemy readers to choose theirown explanation, if they canfind any. 1 may state thatat the time J was in the en-

joyment of my usual health,having, in fact, returned totown only a few days beforefrom a three weeks'1 holidayin the country. As far as Iknow 1 have never had anyhallucination or illusion ofthe senses. 1 have alwaysbeen a confirmed disbelieverin the supernatural and mi-

raculous, whether in the old--fashioned form of ghosts,dreams, and haunted houses,or in tne more modern mani-festations of spiritualism,clairvoyance, and "thoughtreading." Most of my friends,indeed, regard me as an un-usually prosaic and matter-of-fa- ct

person, one undulysceptical in demanding thatstatements of an exceptionalcharacter shall be supportedby the clearest possible evi-

dence.With these few preliminary

remarks I proceed to relatewhat was I will not say seenby, but made known to me,on a certain autumnal after-noon, in one of the busiestand most crowded thorough-fares of this city of Mel-

bourne.Tt was a dull calm day, in

the month of May, and hav-

ing nothing particular to do,T found myself walking aloneup JiiiizaiH'tn-stre- et on tneright-han- d side, with the in-

tention of turning up Lons--dale-stre- et, round by Swan- -ston-stree- t, and so back toCollins-slre- t, from where Ihad started. Why ? chosethis particular walk I amunable to say. It is notspecially attractive to me,and I had no reason thai 1

know of for taking it. 1 wasimpelled by a seeminglycasual and purposelesshnpulseto turn my face in that direc-tion. M he day had beenunusually warm for the timeof year, and now, towardsfive o'clock in the afternoon,it was extremely close, notthe faintest breath of air beingperceptible. I strolled leisure-ly along, had passed thepost-oflic-e, crossed Littleliourkc-stree- t, and was abouthalf-wa- y towards Lonsdale-street,whe- n

it struck me thatX would stop for an instantand compare my watch withthe post-offi- ce clock. ' T

turned round, drew out. mywatch, glanced at it, andthen looked at the clock. Itwas exactly five minutes tofive. My own timekeeperwas two or three minutesfast. As I put the watchback into my pocket J noticeda small terrier dog trotting



Offer for Sale tho Cargo of tho


mr. lot.i.nwiMi


Ox Carls-- ,

LighlJE.sprcss Wagon-- ,

U Top Carriage1-- .

STEAtyi COAL.Ciimhoihind Coal,

Com. Wooil Chairs,


Flue Molucca Shooks,Ho--iii- , Soap,

I en Chests, Nos, 2.J.1, and fi,

lloe Handles,Lobsteis, llbtns; Beans, Jllbtns

Sprurc Plank.

Hay Cutters, Nos. 1. 2, & 3.

Ale Grease,Fnlrbank's Scales Nos. 7,3,1(hfc 11J4

I.e.ithcr Belting,Centrifugal Lining, 14 inch;

Comp. Nail's, ljtf, M4 Inch.

MAMMOTH ROCKERS,B.ilcs Excelsior,

Manila Coidngc, Assoitcd'Excelsior Mattresses, Fence Staples,


Sisil Hope, Assorted,Ash Plank,

Hump Banow,Ames' Shovels

r. jSEETAL sheathing10, 18, 'JO, 2, 24 and 20 oz.;

Hair Mattresses T

Grindstone, Rubber Hose,Hide Poison, Barbed

Wire, Relln"d Iron,

ANNEALED FENCE Screws and Washers--.

M2 b

COAL and IRON.T ATE would beir to notify our Ous- -

TT loincrs and the public generallythat we will sell

Cumberland Coal and IronAS LOW Ab

Any House in the City, hoping for acontinuance of the iimiiiI Share of c.

We arc Yours,HAW'N CARRIAGE M'F'G Co.

C5T 2w

Mi:-;-. Oi-fch- ,

1'23 Foi t Sticel near Hotel St., Honolulu,

rpEACIIER m the Spanish Language;JL Embioidery and Fancy Work ofall kinds done in the most aitistic style.

Mrs. Ortli (formerly Mis. Marinda)will be happy to visit ladies' houses toteacli them tho Spanish Language, andgive lemons in Embroideiy and FancyWork. All works left sit her lcsidenre,will be done at short notice on verylcaonable tciius. (Si lm


Tin & MM Workers

PLUMBERS,Hoofers and Gas Fitters.

All kinds of Tiu-wn- ie leudy madeor made to order.

No. 54 : : King Street,'tf Opposite- Police C35

Tne Host Brands in the Maikct.


XobleM',VKH le Oro,

Iimis 'nlV,Ncrrrto,

(.'tlHHIUlllril,KHpniioIu, '

Ijone i'lHlierinmi,Venn o Oro KleUiitH.

For Sale at KijAWN.vm.r, Hvit.w, by

II. Nolto,(MUlnili Uca or Block.


3Plioto-isxplievs- ,

Unvo ireeuied the Seivics of


One of the Best ArtistsFiom San Francisco, His Coloring is

Unefiualled.Views of the Volcano,

Also on Hand, Come and See Them.5.U tf

I,. AIHjHK1st1 begs to lufoim tho publlothat lie has ju6t received per

" Mariposa" a large tipsoitmeut of

Ladies', Misses' and Children's

SHOES ANI SLIPPEItS,Also, Men'6 Boots and Shoes nil of

which are of tho finest quality, and willbe sold

At tlie l.oweHt iiommHiIc iirlecH.

ta 033 lmj


wTl) HAVE Just torched a very fineassortment or



Direct from Belfast, Ireland,

coNsitn ino: or

TABLE CLOTHSOF ALL sizes to suit,

All Sizes ol" Dinner Tableswith


These Linens are the FinestEver imported to this Maikct, and wo

itenv! din Friend to inspect them.

G. W. Macfarlane & Co

012 tf b

Beaver L Saloon

The Best Lunch in Town,

Tea and Coffee at All HoursThe llnest Brands of Cigais and

Tobacco, alway-- - on hand.


IS OPEN EVERY DAY.EgfThe only sci-Mil- e leoit in the

Kingdom. If. .1. NOLTE,Proprietor.

THE OLD CORNEREstablished, 185?.

Hakt Bros., : : Proprietors.

MEALSSened up in first-cla- ss style at all hours

Open from 2 a. m. to 10 p. m.

Always on hand

Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes&c. Also,


JOHN NOTT,Tin, Copner and Sheet lyon Worker

Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c.

Stoves and Bangesof all kinds.

Plumbers' stock and metals, '

House Furnishing Goods,

7? Chandeliers, Lamps, &c.


ib in oui employ, 1ms hadseveral ycais experience in Piano

Factories in Germany and America ; heis a sober, reliable inaii, and we

Guarantee all of his work.

All kinds of Musical Instiuincntsand put in perfect order.

537 1mui & l'o.


I'oirr HTTitinyr. '

Hiimi on hand Now Foieigu andlloniu Made Jewelry,

Watches, Bracelets, Neoklets,Pins, Lockets, Clocks.

And OrnainenlH of all kinds

Silver and Gold PlateElegant Tea Sets-- in Solid Silver

Suitable lor I'letcutntinii.


Repairing and mending in allIts branches.



TO BUTCHERS, GRAZIEEfc,mid all whom It may concern.

Ifrjf:r The undesigned having(fjiJ!'?JjS?Biinttrto alteratloiif., additiont),SnWSjund iUoveiiiem In hist?wtel SOAP FACI'OIEY,is now prepared to give

The Highest Cash Valuefor any quantity of

Antl will fuinish containers for Hie samefiec of cost to any one who may desiie.

TIIOS. W. ItAWLINS,Honolulu Soap Works.

Olllco in Brick Building,King street, Jidco. 483 ly


CROWLEY & CO.78 King Streot.





Elegant Coverings and Trimmings

1 1 Ilv


SPRING BED,Not to he suipasscd in

Durability, Comfort, and Price.

Several PAL OK SETS fiom$C0 upwards

Any sized House furnished

On the installment Plan, EASY TEIMB.

Ladles Needle woik mounted and up-

holstered, icstuflcd and covered in bestStyle AT LOWEST KATES.

New Store, .

Remember : 78 King Street501 Om

J. BRYSON,WILLIAM UOlIXIt MAKER,And Sheet Iron Worker. Tanksand Coolers made to order. Particularattention paid to Repair Woik. Ordersleft nl 11. Mooie's Machine Shop, Kingsheet, will be promptly attended to.






BEVERAGE,Accoiding to the highest and best medi-

cal testimony.Manufactory, : : : No. 13 Liliha St:

P. O. Box, 370. Telephone, 284.ESyAU orders leceive prompt attention.

2 .


ROPE MARKET!Yes, and we sell

vVm Ijrv" a.w Hie LowcnI !

and don't anybody forget it.

We sell New Bedfoid Rope, and anyretailer knows how it will hold out innet weight.

We also have the mot varied assort-ment of

SHIP CHANDLERYkept by any house tills side of the RockyMountains, such as

Herap and Manila Cordage, all sizes, .Artesian Well Boring Ropes,Manila Hawscw, Wire Rope,Cotton and Hemp Duck and Twine,Galvanized Marine Hardware,

PAINTS AND OILS,Pure Copper Sheathing, 14, 10 & 18 ozYellow Metal nnd Nails, 14 to 28 oz.Copper Paint (Tarr & Wonsin's)Whale Boats, Boat Stocks,Gal. Boat Nails, ail kinds nnd sizes,And 1001 other things too numerous

to mention Also, agents for

IVrry avis' 1ubi Killer,Brand &, Pierce's Bomb Guns and

Bomb Lances, &(:., &c,All of which wo will sell at the

Lowest Eates.300 ly A. W. Feirce & Co.

Wilson Brothers,I ft ill

GENERAL BLACKSMITHS.Horse Shoeing a specialty

A first-clas- s, man being specially engagedfor that work.

Ship and Wagon work faithfullyattended to.

Shop on the Esplanade, op. Hoppei's.204

California Redwood Oomp'y(I.IMI1XD,)

Offices, J2:i George Street, Edinburgh.

California Redwood' Co.,400 California Stieel, . . San Francisco,

Eureka, Trinidad, Humboldt Co., Cal.rpjIIS Company is prepared to contractX for cargoes of California Redwood

to bo shipped dhect from their mllUntcurrent market pi Ices.

The Company w ill load ships, sent toSan Francisco or Huriiboldt Bay, or willfurnish cargoes, cost, freight and Insur.ancc.

FALKNER BELL & CO., Agents.C74 3m San Francisco,


Business DirectoryAHOlloiU't'VH.

E. 1. Adams, Quei'iiLyons &.l.cvey, Ojim-i- i si

- lllmlCf.V.Alvlti II. Rnsemaiin....Ga-ctl- e Biilldltig

Itaiiliers.Sprcekcls & Co., Fort A Queen nl

llutricr.W. McCnndlcss Fish Maikct

oot nnrt Mhoe.Chr. Gcrt, Fort Ml

L.Adler, Nttuanu siX L Store Nuuiinu st

Clothing.Gatlenhcrg I N, L. Store,.... Nuiinnu l

Onlilnel .llnUei-H- .

AV. Miller, Hotel atCrowley & Co., KlngftLyeau k Co., Fort si

CurrluRO ainlterM.Whilinan & Wright, King st

W. II. Page,---- - Foil atHawaiian Carriage Co., Queen Rt

Clears mut Tobacco.Hart, Bro3. Old Coi ncr Queen stNoltes Beaver Saloon Foit st

Ciitcr.Fisher's Champagno Older Liliha M

tlnmly Fnetory nnrt Ilnltery.F. Horn, .Hotel st

Oni-prutrr- nmt WnllilcrH.F. Wilhelm, King stII. Mchd, KingstG. Lucas Foit st

Dry nml Vmiry Jio1h.I X L. Storo, Nnuanu stB. F. Ehlcrs & Co Fori stA.M. Mollis Foil stM. A. Gonsalves & Co., Hotel st

IlrilBKiHtH.Hollistcr & Co Nuuanu si

u Foi t si 'Benson, Smith & Co., Foit st

DOIltlHtH.Dr. Timelier, .' . Foi t stM. Grossman, Hotel st

Irnya(n anil Cartage.Frank Hustace Queen stAmerican Express Co King siG.Robinson, Queen stP. Smith, King stE. Emmcrsou, King st

roccrIo,H nml Provisions.A. S. Cleghorn&Co Queen stKennedy & Co.,

"i Hotel st

WolfcfcEdwards,...Foit & Nuuanu stsC. Hustace King st

Horse Klioclnjj MliopH.S. 1. Shaw, Fort stWilson Bros., Fort st

liny nml Feci! Stores.Union Feed Co. Queen stLaine & Co, Foit M.

Congdou & Co Queen siHardware. ,

Dillingham & Co., Foi t ttJ. T. Watcrhousc, Queen st

Importers A Com. Merchants.G. W. Macfarlane & Co., Fort stRiedcll & Co., Fort stC. Bicwcr&Co., Queen stLyons & Levey Queen stM. S. Grinbaum & Co., Queen stW. G. Irwin & Co Fort siA. S. Cleghoru & Co., Queen stJ. T. Watcrhouse, Queen stF. T. Lenehan & Co., Nuuanu stCastle & Cooke, King stWing Wo Tai & Co Nuuanu stWing Wo Chan &. Co., Nuuanu stC. O. Beiser, Merchants!Hymnn Bros.,., Merchant siCongdon & Co., Queen st

Iabor Agents.A. C. Smith Merchant stW. Auld, Water Works OfllcoJ. A. Ilasslnger, Interior OfficeAV. C . Akan a Id n g st

Ijiiiiilier Dealers.Lowers & Cooke, Fort stWilder & Co Fort st

Millinery and Dress lakiiiff.Mrs. A. M. Mollis, Fort s

Machinist.W. J Bryson, King st

Medical. .Dr. Hagan, , Fort stDr. Emerson Kukui st

Plumbers anil Painters. ,E. C. Rowc, ....- - .'King siBrown & Phillips, King stJ. Nott, Kaiihumanu stMax Kolnn, Fort st .

Photographers."Williams & Co., FortstA. A. Montano, Fort st

Tuning & Musical Instruments.Lycan & Co., Fortst


Hart, Bios. Old Corner, Queen htNoltes Beaver Saloon Fori stWindsor Restaurant, King; stCasino, Knplolani ParkTourist's Retreat,. Honuapo.Kau, Hawaii

ICcai I'.statc Agents.J. E. Wiseman Mciclutnt stRiedell & Co Fort M.

Solicitors.M. Thompson, FoilstA. S. Ilartwell over BankJ. M. Davidson Kauhumanu stA. Rosa Gov't BuildingW. A. Whiting Kaahumauu ttJ. Russell Merchant stS. B. Dole, .....Kuahumntm stF. M. Hatch, Kaahumaun stR. F. Bickerlon Mcrclinn' stCecil Brown, ... .Merchant stJ. M. Monsarrnt, Meichaul si

Soap I'uctory.T. V. Rawlins, King st, Leleo

Nlilp Chandlery.Pierce & Co., , .. ..Queen st

Tinsmiths.J. Nott Kuaiiuiminu stEngllng & Smith King st

Tailors.Tregloan is Atwatcr, , , . . Fort t

Travel.Inter-Islan-d S. N. Co., EsplanadeWilder' B. S. Co. Fort is Quecu stsO. S. 8. Co Foit & Queen M.

Pacific Navigation Co ,.. Queen tttVatch Makers,

Max Eckart Fprt RtWenner & Co.,. . . . , ,Forl st

IVood and Coal Dealers,Frank Hustace, Queen itS. M. Carter it Co King stA. F, Cooke, Queen evHawaiian Carriage Co Queen ft

Wlnso and Spirits,G. W. Macfarlane & Co... Kaahumauu stF. T. Lcnehuu & Go.,. Nuuanu siBrown iv Co,,.,., .Merchant tt

NOTICE."ATONEY TO LOAN in sunn to suit.irl. For particulars, apply to

GEO. OAYENAGII,087 lm Windsor Restaurant





