
Grasslands By : Andy


This is about Grassland animals

Transcript of Grasslands

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By : Andy

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Grassland Animals

You will see pictures of them on the next 15 pictures (Info added).




•Prairie Dog




•African Elephant


•Black Rhinoceros

•Black-footed Ferret

•Brown Hyena



•Greater Prairie Chicken

These are the Animals

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First of all the African elephant

An African Elephant is the largest land Animal and a male is 3.2–4.0 m (10–13 ft) tallat the shoulder and weigh 4,700–6,048 kg, while females stand 2.2–2.6 m (7–9 ft) talland weigh 2,160–3,232 kg. Its ears act as a shade from the heat and the trunk is an sound amplifier and it acts as a fifth limb. The African elephant has have a similar complicated neocortex like Humans, Apes and a few species of dolphin. They have a lotof behaviors, those behaviors are playing, communicating, using tools, and possibly to have there own language and etc.

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A Bison lives in river valleys, prairies and plains. They weight about 318 to 1000 kilograms and the heaviest Bison record was 1270 kilos. Both males and females have horns and they both use as a defense system and there hind leg is powerful and deadly , they are usually peaceful and unconcerned but they can attack anything without any reason. They can run up to 56 kph and cover up long distances.

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Black Rhinoceros

A Black Rhinoceros is 52 to 71 inches tall at he shoulders and the female is smaller than the male. The Black Rhinoceros has poor eye sight so the use their nose and ear to help them survive. They have thick skin to help them protect them from thorns and sharp grass, not only that but parasites too. They have no mating season their gestation last 15 to 16 month and they normally give birth to one calve.

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Black footed Ferret

A Black footed Ferret weight 650-1400 grams and the y are endangered due tohuman activities. They mate around February till March and about 1 to 5 kits are born in June or May. They hunt prairie dogs for food and you will see what they are soon.

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Brown Hyena

An average weight for a male Brown Hyena is around 40.2 to 43.7 kg and the average weight for the female is 37.7 to 40.2 and a oversize hyena will be 67.6 to 72.6 kg. They have long shaggy coats that are dark brown like in the picture, they are scavengers and poor hunters. They have 1 to 5 cubs and have strong jaws.

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A Cheetah is a large feline that can run quickly run from o kph to 100 kph in about 3 seconds. They are the fastest land animal and they can run about 112 to 120 kph, they live in Africa and some parts of the middle east. The name Cheetah came from the word citrakāyaḥ which means variegated which means varied in appearance or color marked with patches or spots of different colors. There is a Cheetah named King Cheetah and is a mutated cheetah. A normal cheetah will have about 3 to 5 cubs and a cub will weight about 150 to 300 gram at birth.

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The average height is 5 to 6 meters high and they use that height to eat the high leafs of the Acacia leafs. They are eaten by lions and the calves were eaten by leopards, Spotted hyena and wild dogs. The spots on them, they use that as camouflage, especially calves. The giraffe gestation last at least 400 to 460 day and they normally have one baby.

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Greater Prairie Chicken

The Greater Prairie Chicken eats seeds and fruits and during the summer they eat insects and plants. They are endangered due to human activities and those are hunting and habitat loss. They don’t migrate and they lay 5 to 7 eggs and they hatch within 23 to 24 days.

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Meerkats are insectivore which means they eat insects, but they don’t only eat insects but they also eat lizards, snakes, scorpions, spiders, eggs, plants and small birds but rarely. A Meerkat stands guard while others look for food. They are very social and they have 1 to 5 pups, their gestation last 11 weeks.

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A male lion weights 150 to 250 kg and the female weights 120 to 182 kg. An average male will weight 181 kg and the average female is 126 kg. They live up to 10 to 14 years, they lioness which is the female hunt for the lion which is the male. The lioness sneaks up at least 30 meters to the prey and catch it by surprise. There is a lion called White lion and they have morph and a genetic problem called leucism which make them look white, they are not albinos.

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An ostrich is the fastest land bird and it can run at top speed of 70 kph. Their weigh is around 63 to 145 kg, they are the largest bird and they lay the largest eggs. Their height is 2.1 to 2.8 meters high and one stride is 3 to 5 meters long, a male is black and a female is brown like the picture shown above.

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Prairie Dog

A Prairie Dog is a type of a ground squirrel, they are highly social and they live in colonies which has about 15 to 17 Prairie Dogs. When there is a predator they alert the group with a high pitch noise. They eat a bit of insects , grass, roots, seeds, fruits and buds. When the female is pregnant in the winter, the eat the snow for extra water.

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Pronghorns run really fast and at top speed is 70 to 112 kph. The horn of the Pronghorn is really special because they are not the same as the res. Their horns are a flatten blade of bone and on the bone they shed and grow hair on it. The male horns are well developed and the females have smaller horns.

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A Warthog will identifiable by the two tusk sticking out, they have two pairs of tusks and the lower one is sharper because they are being sharpen every time they open and close there mouth. They eat grass, roots, berries and other fruits, bark, fungi, insects, eggs and carrion. There gestation will last5 to 6 month and 2 to 8 piglets are born.

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A Zebra is highly social and they walk, trot, canter and gallop like a normal horse accept slower. They eat grass and when they are cornered by a predator they bite or kick. Like normal horses they sleep standing up.

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Thank you for watching


