Graph Theory Glossary

Graph Theory Glossary | # | a | b | c-cn | co | cp-cz | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m-mh | mi | mj-mz | | n | o | p | q | r | s-so | sp-sz | t | u | v | w | xyz | | 2 | 3 | (-1, 1, 0)-adjacency matrix The adjacency matrix of the signed complete graph of which the simple graph is the negative subgraph. [TZ98] 1-chromatic number of the surface The maximum chromatic number over all graphs 1-embeddable in that surface. [DA00] 1-embeddable graph A graph is 1-embeddable in a surface it it embeds so that every edge crosses at most one other edge. [DA00] 1-factor = perfect matching 1-factorization A partition of the edges into 1-factors. [DA00] 2-3 tree A balanced tree in which internal nodes have two or three children. [PEB00] 2-3-4 tree A variant of a B-tree with two, three, or four children for each internal node. [PEB00] 2-ary tree = binary tree 2-connected component

Transcript of Graph Theory Glossary

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Graph Theory Glossary | # | a | b | c-cn | co | cp-cz | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m-mh | mi | mj-mz | | n | o | p | q | r | s-so | sp-sz | t | u | v | w | xyz |

      | 2 | 3 |  

(-1, 1, 0)-adjacency matrix  The adjacency matrix of the signed complete graph of which the simple graph is the negative subgraph. [TZ98]

1-chromatic number of the surface The maximum chromatic number over all graphs  1-embeddable in that surface. [DA00]

1-embeddable graph A graph is 1-embeddable in a surface it it embeds so that every edge crosses at most one other edge. [DA00]

1-factor = perfect matching

1-factorization  A partition of the edges into 1-factors. [DA00]

2-3 tree A balanced tree in which internal nodes have two or three children. [PEB00]

2-3-4 tree A variant of a B-tree with two, three, or four children for each internal node. [PEB00]

2-ary tree = binary tree

2-connected component The subgraph on elementary separators. [HN97]

2-isomorphic graphs Graphs G1 and G2 are 2-isomorphic if there exists a bijection : E(G1) E(G2) through which an edge in G1 can be identified with an edge in G2 so that  V(G1) = V(G2) . [HN97]

Two graphs G and G' are 2-isomorphic to each other if there exists an one-to-one correspondence between the edges of G and G' such that the circuit relationships will be preserved. [WM72]

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2-tree A 2-tree t2(p, j) of a connected graph G is a subgraph which satisfies the following conditions:

t2(p, j) consists of nv – 2 edges, containing all vertices of G, and contains no circuits; t2(p, j) consists of two connected parts including the case when a part consists of one isolated

vertex; One of two parts contains vertex p and the other contains vertex j . 


3-ary tree = ternary tree

-perfect (H) = (H) for every induced subgraph H . [DW96]

-permutation graph  For a permutation in the symmetric group Sp , the  -permutation graph of a labeled graph G is the graph union of two disjoint copies of G (say, G1 and G2), together with the edges joining vertex viof Gi with v (i)of G2 . [EW00]

-chain A path alternating between colors and . [DW96] FIGURE

-perfect (H) (H) n(H) for every induced subgraph H . [DW96]

-perfect (H) = (H) for every induced subgraph H . [DW96]

-graph A graph is called a -graph if there exist no circuits and no isolated vertices. [WM72] FIGURE

| # | a | b | c-cn | co | cp-cz | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m-mh | mi | mj-mz | | n | o | p | q | r | s-so | sp-sz | t | u | v | w | xyz |

     | acyclic | adjacent | ant | arc | AVL |  

a, b-tree A search tree with the restrictions that all leaves are at the same depth and all internal nodes

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have between a and b children. More formally a and b are integers such that 2 a (b + 1) / 2 . If µ is an internal node with d children, the root has d 2 , otherwise ad b .[PEB00]

Abelian group  A group whose binary operation is commutative; i.e., for all elements a and b in the group, ab = ba . (From Niels Henrik Abel, a pioneer in group theory.) [HC00]

achromatic number problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and a positive integer  K | V | , does G have achromatic number K or greater? [GJ79]

acnode = isolated point = hermit point

ACO = ant colony optimization

A-cordial graph Let A be an abelian group. For a A let vf (a) , ef (a) denote the number of vertices and edges, respectively, which are labelled a . f is a vertex labeling of graph G which induces an edge labeling defined by f(v, u) = f(v) + f(u) for an edge (v, u) of G . Then G is called A-cordial if there is a labeling f: V A such that for all a, b A we have 1 | vf (a) - vf (b) | and 1 | ef (a) - ef (b) | .[IC00]

activity network diagram = PERT chart

acyclic Without cycles. Arises in graphs and networks, as well as in the context of algorithms (e.g., not cycling back to some previous solution). [HG99] FIGURE

acyclic digraph = directed acyclic graph = DAG An acyclic digraph is a directed graph containing no directed cycles. Every acyclic digraph has at least one node of outdegree 0. [EW00]  FIGURE

acyclic graph = forest = forest graph

acyclic partitioning problem Given a digraph G = (V, A) , weight w(v) Z+for each v V , cost c(a) Z+ for each a A , positive integersB and K , is there a partition of V into disjoint sets V1 , V2 , … , Vm such that the digraph G ' = (V ', A ') , where V ' = { V1 , V2 , … , Vm } , and (Vi , Vj ) A ' if and only if (vi , vj) Afor some viVi and some vjVj , is acyclic, such that the sum of the weights of the vertices in each Vi does not exceed B , and such that the sum of the costs of all those arcs having their endpoints in different sets does not exceed K ? [GJ79]

adaptive k-d tree A tree for multidimensional points where successive levels may be split along different

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dimensions. [PEB00]

additively biased graph = sign-biased graph A biased graph in which every theta subgraph contains an odd number of balanced polygons. [TZ98]

A biased graph whose bias arises from a signing of the underlying graph. Equivalent to being additively biased. [TZ98]

adjacency list The adjacency list representation of a graph G consists of n lists one for each vertex vi , 1 i n , which gives the vertices to which vi is adjacent. [EW00] 

adjacency matrix Let G = (V, E) be a graph whose vertices have been (arbitrarily) ordered V = {v1, v2 , … , vn}. The adjacency matrix M = [mij] of G is an n n matrix with entries mij = 0 if vi vjE and mij = 1 if  vi vj E . [MG80]

The n by n binary matrix, say A, to represent node adjacency in a simple graph: A(i, j) = 1 if node i is adjacent to node j . In the undirected case, A is symmetric. In the directed case, the adjacency means there is an arc from i to j . In the case of a multigraph, A(i, j) = number of edges whose endpoints are nodes i and j . [HG99]


adjacency relation The set E of edges of a graph (V, E) , being a set of unordered pairs of elements of V , constitutes a relation on V. Formally, an adjacency relation is any relation which is irreflexive and symmetric. [EW00] 

adjacency set The set of vertices adjacent to vertex v . [DW96]  


adjacency structure A representation of a graph or digraph which lists, for each vertex, all the vertices that are adjacent to the given vertex. [WC00]

A characterization of a graph by listing all vertices adjacent to each particular vertex. One format is the adjacency matrix of the graph.[HC00]

adjacent arcs Two arcs which have at least one common endpoint. [BC79]

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adjacent edges Edges having at least one vertex in common. [CGM79] FIGURE

adjacent nodes = adjacent vertices

adjacent to identity If T is a triangulation of a closed 2-manifold, and f is an automorphism of T , then we say that f is adjacent to the identity if v is adjacent to f(v) for every vertex v of T . [DA00]

adjacent vertices = adjacent nodes Two vertices are adjacent if they are connected by an edge. We often call these two vertices neighbors. [WC00]  FIGURE

admittance matrix = Laplacian matrix A n n matrix L = Dn – A , where Dn is n n diagonal matrix whose ith diagonal entry is the degree di of the vertex vi , and A is the adjacency matrix. [BW97]

The Laplacian matrix L(G) of a graph G, where  G = (V, E) is an undirected, unweighted graph without self-loop or multiple edges from one node to another, is an | V | | V | symmetric matrix with one row and column for each node. It is defined as follows:  Lij(G) = degree of node i if i = j ,  Lij(G) = 1 if ij and edge (i, j) ,  Lij(G) = 0 otherwise.  [EW00]

algebraic combinatorics The use of techniques from algebra, topology, and geometry in the solution of combinatorial problems, or the use of combinatorial methods to attack problems in these areas. [EW00] 

algebraic connectivity The second smallest eigenvalue of the Laplacian matrix of a graph G. This eigenvalue is greater than 0 iff G is a connected graph. [EW00] 

algorithm A step-by-step method for solving all problems of a given type. [ISEM00]

A systematic procedure guaranteed to produce a result after a finite number of steps. [CERN97]

1) Any formalized, step-by-step procedure for solving a problem, as in medical diagnosis. (From the Arab mathematical pioneer al-Khwarizmi.) 

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2) A set of well-defined directions to perform mathematical operations that lead to the solution or approximate solution of a given problem. If a potentially infinite number of steps is required, the process can still qualify as an algorithm if a stopping rule based on solution accuracy can be given.  3) An abstract procedure to carry out an operation by following a series of precise, unambiguous steps; often the term algorithm connotes a procedure that is guaranteed to produce a correct result in an efficient manner.[HC00]

A specific set of instructions for carrying out a procedure or solving a problem, usually with the requirement that the procedure terminate at some point. Specific algorithms sometimes also go by the name method, procedure, or technique. The word "algorithm" is a distortion of al-Khwarizmi, an Arab mathematician who wrote an influential treatise about algebraic methods. [EW00] 

algorithmic complexity A measure of the complexity of a problem. Typically defined as the size of the smallest program that computes the given problem or that generates a complete description of it. [CNA96]

all pairs shortest path The shortest distance between any pair of vertices in the shortest-path spanning tree, as long as the path giving the shortest path does not pass through the root of the spanning tree. [EW00] 

all pairs shortest path problem  Find the weight (or length) of the shortest paths between all pairs of vertices in a weighted, directed graph. [PEB00]

alternate maximum weighted matching problem Given a graph G = (V, E) , a weight w(e) Z+for each e E and bound B Z+ , does player 1 have a forced win in the following game played on G ? Players alternate choosing a new edge from E , subject to constraint that no edge can share an endpoint with any of the already chosen edges. If the sum of the weights of the edges chosen ever exceeds B , player 1 wins. [GJ79]

alternating path A path with alternating free and matched edges. [PEB00]

alternating sequence A sequence in which 

vertices and edges of G alternate; the first and the last elements are vertices; whenever a vertex and an edge occur as adjacent elements they are incident on each

other in the graph.


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anarboricity Given a graph G, the anarboricity is the maximum number of line-disjoint nonacyclic subgraphs whose union is G . [EW00] 

ancestor In a rooted tree, a vertex along the path to the root. [DW96]

If there is a path from vertex x to vertex y in a directed spanning tree, we say that x is an ancestor of y . [RND77]

annihilation problem Given acyclic digraph G = (V, A) , collection  {Ai : 1 ir} of (not necessarily disjoint) subsets of A , function f0 mapping V into {0, 1, 2, … , r} , where f0(v) = i > 0 means that a token of type i is on vertex v and f0(v) = 0 means that v is unoccupied. Does player 1 have a forced win in the following game played on G ? A position is a function f : V {0, 1, 2, … , r} with f0 being the initial position and players alternating moves. A player moves by selecting a vertex vV with f(v)> 0 and an arc (v, w) Af(v) , and the move corresponds to moving the token on vertex v to vertex w . The new position f ' is the same as f except that f ' (v) = 0 and f ' (w) is either 0 or f(v) , depending respectively, on wether f(w)> 0 or f(w)= 0 . Player 1 wins if and only if player 2 is the first player unable to move. [GJ79]

ant colony optimization = ACO A heuristic search approach to combinatorial optimization based on the behavior of ant colonies, particularly their ability to determine shortest paths collectively. [HG99]

antibalanced The negative of a balanced signed graph. [TZ98] 

antichain Family of pairwise incomparable items (under an order relation). [DW96]

anticlique Stable set. [DW96]

anticycling rule A rule that prevents cycling, such as Bland's rule for linear programming.[HG99]

antidirected semipath = antipath

antihamiltonian connected digraph A digraph D is antihamiltonian-connected if for every pair u, v of vertices, D contains a Hamiltonian u-v antipath. [CL96]

antihamiltonian digraph

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A digraph D that contains a Hamiltonian anticycle. [CL96]

antihole Induced subgraph isomorphic to the complement of a cycle. [DW96]

antimagic graph A graph with n edges labeled with distinct elements {1, 2, … , n} so that the sum of the edge labels at each vertex differ. [EW00] 

antiparallel edges Directed edges with the same endpoints but in opposite direction. [SE79] FIGURE

antipath = antidirected semipath A u-v semipath that contains no subpath of length 2. [CL96]

antisymmetric signed digraph Symmetric digraph signed so that every digon is negative. [TZ98]

approximation algorithm Polynomial-time algorithm with bounded performance ratio. [DW96]

approximation scheme Let A be an NPO problem. An algorithm T is said to be an approximation scheme for A if, for any instance x of A and for any rational 1 , T(x, ) returns a feasible solution of x whose performance ratio is at most . [CK00]

Family of approximation algorithms with arbitrarily good performance ratio. [DW96]

arbitrated digraph A digraph in which for every two vertices v1 and v2 there is a vertex v (called an arbiter) such that there are directed paths from v to v1 and from v to v2 . [SE79]

arborescence = rooted tree

arboricity = edge arboricity Given a graph G , the arboricity is the minimum number of line-disjoint acyclic subgraphs whose union is G . [EW00]

The minimum number of forests whose union is G . [BW97]  

arc = directed edge = directed line = directed link A directed edge of a digraph. Some authors use it as a synonim for an edge of a graph. [WC00]

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Edge to which a direction has been assigned. [TZ98]

Ordered pair of vertices of a graph.

Directed edge (a, b) of a graph from vertex a into vertex b . FIGURE

arc capacity The non-negative integer ci associated with each arc ui of a graph G which may be regarded as the maximum permissible value of the flow in the arc ui . [BC79]

arc list A representation of a digraph using the arcs of the digraph. Can be an unordered listing of the ordered pairs, or a pair of ordered lists with the starting vertex in one list and the ending vertex in the corresponding position of the second list. [WC00]

arc weight A weight assigned to the arc of a digraph.

articulation point = cut vertex = hinge

articulation vertex = cut vertex = hinge

artificial neural network = neural network

assembly line balancing problem This is a combinatorial optimization problem. An assembly line consists of m work stations, connected by a conveyor belt. Each station performs a set of tasks that takes a cycle time, c. Each task must be assigned to exactly one station such that precedence constraints are satisfied. One model is to minimize the total cycle time, given the number of stations. Another is to minimize the number of stations, given the maximum allowable cycle time. There are variants of this simple form.[HG99]

assignment problem Choose an assignment of people to jobs so as to minimize total cost. The ordinary model is that of a matching problem. Although the usual assignment problem is solvable in polynomial time (as a linear program), important extensions are the following NP-complete problems: Quadratic assignment (QAP), Multi-dimensional assignment. [HG99]

The problem of finding a maximum (or minimum) weight matching in a weighted, bipartite graph. [PEB00]  

associated undirected graph A graph which results from ignoring the direction of the arcs in the digraph. [SW87]

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asteroidal triple A collection of three vertices, each pair of which is connected by a path that does not meet the third vertex or any of its neighbors. [BW97] FIGURE

asymmetric digraph A directed graph having no symmetric pair of directed edges. [EW00] FIGURE

asymptotic time complexity The order of the running time of the complete algorithm as a function of the problem size. [BC79]

augmented adjacency matrix A matrix obtained from the adjacency matrix by adding 1's along the main diagonal. [MG80] FIGURE

augmenting path A path with alternating free and matched edges which begins and ends with free vertices. Used to augment (improve or increase) a matching or flow.[PEB00]

A simple path from source s to sink t , which is not necessarily directed, but it can be used to advance flow from s to t . [SE79]

automorphism group A group of automorphisms of G . [BW97]

The group of isomorphisms from a graph G to itself. [SL99] 

automorphism A one-to-one mapping of V(G) onto itself with the property that (v) and (w) are adjacent if and only if v and w are. [BW97]

An isomorphism between a graph G and itself. [CL96] 

A permutation of the vertices that preserves the adjacency relation. [DW96]

AVL tree A balanced binary tree where the height of the two subtrees (children) of a node differs by at most one. [PEB00]

| # | a | b | c-cn | co | cp-cz | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m-mh | mi | mj-mz |

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| n | o | p | q | r | s-so | sp-sz | t | u | v | w | xyz |

| balance | base | bicentered | binary | bipartite | branch | bridge | BSP |

B-tree A balanced search tree in which every node has between t-1 and 2t-1 children, where t is an arbitrary constant. This is a good structure if much of the tree is in slow memory (disk), since the height, and hence the number of accesses, can be kept small, say one or two, by picking a large t . [PEB00]

B*-tree A B-tree in which nodes are kept 2/3 full by redistributing keys to fill two child nodes, then splitting them into three nodes. [PEB00]

B+-tree A B-tree in which keys are stored in the leaves. [PEB00]

back edge An edge of a digraph not in the DFS-tree. [RND77]

backtracking = depth-first search = DFS

balance = satisfaction  The property of a subgraph or edge set that it contains no half edge and every polygon is positive (in a signed graph), has gain equal to the identity (in a gain graph), or belongs to the balanced-polygon class B(in a biased graph). [TZ98]

balanced = satisfied  Having the property of balance. Balance is an undirected concept. Applied to a signed or gain digraph it means balance of the underlying undirected graph. [TZ98]

balanced binary search tree A binary search tree in which at most one node has one child. All other nodes have two or zero children. [PEB00]

balanced binary tree A binary tree where no leaf is more than a certain amount farther from the root than any other. After inserting or deleting a node, the tree may rebalanced with "rotations". [PEB00]

balanced chord  A chord whose union with the polygon is balanced. [TZ98]

balanced complete bipartite subgraph problem Given a bipartite graph G = (V, E) and positive integer K | V | , are there two disjoint subsets  V1 , V2 Vsuch that | V 1 | = | V 2 | = K and such that uV1 , vV2 implies that {u, v} E ? [GJ79]

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balanced graph Average vertex degree in a subgraph of G is maximized by G itself. [DW96]

balanced k-partite Having part-sizes differing by at most one. [DW96]

balanced polygon  In a signed or gain graph, a polygon whose sign/gain is the group identity. [TZ98]

balanced tree A tree where no leaf is much farther away from the root than any other leaf. Different balancing schemes allow different definitions of "much farther" and different amounts of work to keep them balanced. [PEB00]

balancing edge  Edge of an unbalanced graph whose deletion leaves a balanced graph. [TZ98]

balancing edge set = balancing set

balancing set = balancing edge set A set of edges whose deletion leaves a balanced graph. [TZ98]

balancing vertex = blocknode  Vertex of an unbalanced graph whose deletion leaves a balanced graph. [TZ98]  

balancing vertex set  A set of vertices whose deletion leaves a balanced graph. [TZ98]

bandwidth The bandwidth of a graph G is the minimum bandwidth among adjacency matrices of graphs isomorphic to G . The bandwidth of a matrix  M = (mij) is the maximum value of | i – j | such that mij is nonzero. [EW00]

The minimum, over vertex numberings by distinct integers, of the maximum difference between labels of adjacent vertices. [DW96] 

bandwidth problem Given a digraph G = (V, A) and positive integer  K | V | , is there a linear ordering of V with bandwidth K or less? [GJ79]

bar  The term in rigidity theory for the edges of a graph. [EW00]  

bar-visibility graph One-dimensional analogue of a rectangle-visibility graph. [DA00]

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barycenter Vertex minimizing the sum of distances to other vertices. [DW96]

base = base of a matroid

base of a matroid = base Maximal independent set of a matroid. [DW96]

batch net Extended hybrid Petri net with a new kind of batch places and batch transitions. [PM99]

BD-tree A binary tree which organizes multidimensional points by splitting off regular subintervals. [PEB00]

Bellman-Ford algorithm An efficient algorithm to find the shortest paths from a single source vertex to all other vertices in a weighted, directed graph. The time complexity is O(VE) , where E is the number of edges. [PEB00]

Berge graph A graph with no induced subgraph isomorphic to an odd cycle or to the complement of an odd cycle. [BW97] FIGURE

Berge's theorem A matching is maximal iff it contains no augmenting path. [EW00] 

best first search A search algorithm which considers the estimated best partial solution next. This is typically implemented with a priority queue. [PEB00]

best possible Fails to be true when some condition (usually on a parameter) is loosened.[DW96]

bias circuit  A balanced polygon, contrabalanced handcuff or theta graph, or a loose edge; here a half edge is treated like an unbalanced loop, so (for instance) a graph consisting of two half edges and a simple connecting path is a bias circuit. [TZ98]

bias matroid  Matroid whose circuits are the balanced polygons and contrabalanced bicycles. [TZ98]

biased graph  Graph together with a linear subclass B = B( p ) of its polygons; these are called the "balanced'' polygons. (That is, the number of balanced polygons in a theta subgraph is never exactly 2.) The "bias'' is the unbalanced polygons, so more balanced is less biased. [TZ98]

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biased signed graph = signed and biased graph 

bicentered tree = bicentral tree A tree with two centers. [DW96]

A tree with a center K2 . [CL96] FIGURE

bicentral tree = bicentered tree

bichromatic graph A graph with edges of two possible colors, usually identified as red and blue. [EW00]  

bicircular matroid  Matroid whose circuits are the bicycles of the graph. A half edge acts like a loop. [TZ98]

biclique = complete bipartite graph

biconnected 2-connected. [DW96]

biconnected component = block = nonseparable graph = biconnected graph A maximal subset of edges of a connected graph such that the corresponding induced subgraph cannot be disconnected by deleting any vertex. [PEB00]

A maximal subgraph of an undirected graph such that any two edges in the subgraph lie on a common simple cycle. [EW00]

A maximal nonseparable subgraph of G . [CL96]

A maximal biconnected subgraph of a given graph G. [EW00]

A maximal subgraph with no cut-vertex. [DW96] FIGURE

biconnected graph = biconnected component = block = nonseparable graph

biconnectivity augmentation problem Given a graph G = (V, E) , weight w(e) Z+for each unordered pair {u, v} of vertices from V and positive integer B , is there a set E ' of unordered pairs of vertices from V such that e E ' w(e) Band such that the graph G ' = (V, E E ' ) is biconnected? [GJ79]

bicubic graph Bipartite cubic graph. [HC00]


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bicycle = handcuff = theta graph

Bidiakis cube The 12-vertex graph consisting of a cube in which two opposite faces (say, top and bottom) have edges drawn across them which connect the centers of opposite sides of the faces in such a way that the orientation of the edges added on top and bottom are perpendicular to each other. [EW00] FIGURE

bidirected edge  Edge such that each end has been independently oriented. Bidirection can be represented by signing the edge ends as follows: + represents an end entering its vertex while - represents an exiting end. [TZ98] FIGURE

bigraph = bipartite graph 

bigraphical sequences Two finite sequences s1 and s2 of nonnegative integers are called bigraphical if there exists a bipartite graph G with partite sets V1 and V2 such that s1 and s2 are the degrees in G of the vertices in V1 and V2 , respectively. [CL96] 

bin packing Suppose the numbers S = { a1 , … , an} are drawn uniformly and independently from the interval [0, 1] . The numbers must be placed in bins, each having capacity 1. [DW96]

binary heap A complete binary tree where every node has a key more extreme (greater or less) than or equal to the key of its parent. [PEB00]

binary Hopfield network A complete graph where each edge has an integer weight w(vi , vj ) and each vertex has an integer threshold value t(vi ) . At each time step t each vertex vi has a state x(t, vi ) . x(0, vi ) is given by u and x(t +1, vi ) = sgn (j=1

nw(vi , vj ) - ti ) where sgn is the sign function. An initial vector of states is stable if x(t, vi ) eventually converges for all i . [CK00]

binary matrix Having all entries 0 or 1. [DW96]   FIGURE

binary matroid Representable over the two-element field. [DW96]

binary search tree A binary tree that has been labelled with numbers so that the right offspring and all of its descendants have labels smaller than the label of the vertex, and the left offspring and all its

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descendants have labels larger than that of the vertex. [WC00]  

binary space partitioning tree = BSP -tree  

binary tree = 2-ary tree A tree with at most two children for each node. [PEB00]

Rooted tree in which every non-leaf vertex has at most two children. [DW96]

A tree in which each of its vertices has outdegree 2 or less. [SW87] FIGURE

binding number The binding number of a graph G is defined by  bind(G) = minimum |N(S)| / | S | , where the minimum is over non-empty, proper subsets S of V(G) , with N(S) not all of V(G) . [SL99]

binomial coefficient The number of ways to choose a subset of size k from an n-element set, equal to n! / [ k! (n - k)! ] .[DW96]

binomial heap A priority queue made of a forest of binomial trees with the heap property numbered k = 0, 1, 2, ..., n , each containing either 0 or 2k nodes. Each tree is formed by linking two of its predecessors, by joining one at the root of the other. [PEB00]

binomial tree An ordered tree of order k 0 , that is Bk , has a root with k children where the ith child is binomial tree of order k – i . [PEB00]

bintree A regular decomposition k-d tree for region data. [PEB00]

biparticity Number of bipartite subgraphs needed to partition the edges. [DW96]

bipartite graph = bigraph A graph G(V, E) is bipartite if its vertices can be partitioned into two sets V1 and V2 such that every edge in E has exactly one end in V1 and the other in V2 . [CGM79]

A set of vertices decomposed into two disjoint sets such that no two vertices within the same set are adjacent. A bigraph is a special case of a k-partite graph with k = 2. Bipartite graphs are equivalent to two-colorable graphs. [EW00]

A graph whose vertices can be covered by two independent sets. [DW96]  FIGURE

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bipartite matching 1) A perfect matching between vertices of a bipartite graph, that is, a subgraph which pairs every vertex with exactly one other vertex.  2) The problem of finding such a matching. [PEB00]

bipartite Ramsey number For a bipartite graph G, the minimum n such that 2-coloring the edges of Kn,n forces a monochromatic G . [DW96]

bipartite subgraph problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and positive integer  K | E | , is there a subset E ' Ewith | E ' | K such that G ' = (V, E ' ) is bipartite? [GJ79]

bipartition A partition of the vertex set into two independent sets. [DW96]

Birkhoff diamond A particular reducible configuration for the Four Color Problem. [DW96] FIGURE

Bislit cube The 8-vertex graph consisting of a cube in which two opposite faces have diagonals oriented perpendicular to each other.[EW00] FIGURE

bit complexity The number of single operations (of addition, subtraction, and multiplication) required to complete an algorithm. [EW00] 

Bk tree A binomial tree of order (height) k . [PEB00]

block = biconnected component = nonseparable graph = biconnected graph

block graph Intersection graph of blocks.[DW96]

blocking flow A flow function in which any directed path from the source to the sink contains a saturated edge. [PEB00]

blocknode = balancing vertex

blossom An odd length cycle which appears during a matching algorithm on general graphs. [PEB00] FIGURE

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blue-empty graph An extremal graph in which the forced triangles are all the same color. [EW00] 

b-matching Given a constraint vector b, a subgraph H with  dH(v) b(v) for all v . [DW96]

bond A connection between components in a bond graph. [KMR90] FIGURE

bond = cutset

bond graph A mechanism for studying dynamic systems consisting of subsystems linked together by lines representing power bonds. [KMR90] FIGURE

bond matroid Dual of the cycle matroid of a graph. [DW96]

bond space = cocycle space = cutset space

book A collection of pages identified along the boundary of the half-planes. Books provide another topological space in which to graphs. Every graph embeds in a book with three pages, so it is common to put some restrictions on how the graph is drawn. [DA00]

book embedding A decomposition of G into outerplanar graphs with consistent ordering of the vertices (as on the spine of a book). [DW96]

book thickness = pagenumber

bottleneck traveling salesman problem  Given a set C of m cities, distance d(ci , cj) Z

+for each pair of cities ci , cjC and positive integer B , is there a tour of C whose longest edge is no longer than B ? [GJ79]

Find a tour where no edge is more costly than some (bottleneck) amount. [PEB00] 

bounded component spanning forest problem Given a graph G = (V, E) , weight w(e) Z0

+for each v V , positive integers K | V | and B , can the vertices in V be partitioned into kK disjoint sets V1 , V2 , … , Vk such that, for 1 i k , the subgraph of G induced by Vi is connected and the sum of the weights of the vertices in Vi does not exceed B ? [GJ79]

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bounded degree spanning tree problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and a positive integer  K |V| – 1 , is there a spanning tree for G in which no vertex has degree exceeding K ? [GJ79]

bounded diameter spanning tree problem Given a graph G = (V, E) , weight w(e) Z+ for each e E , positive integer D | V | and positive integer B , is there a spanning tree T for G such that the sum of the weights of the edges in T does not exceed B and such that T contains no simple path with more than D edges? [GJ79]

bouquet A graph consisting of one vertex and some number of loops. [DW96] FIGURE

box A rectilinear parallelopiped with sides parallel to the coordinate axes. [DW96]

boxicity Minimum dimension in which G is the intersection graph of boxes. [DW96]

branch = tree branch An edge in a (spanning) tree. [HC00] FIGURE

branch vertex A vertex of degree at least 3. [DW96]

branching A directed graph in which each vertex has indegree one except for a single vertex (root) with indegree 0. [DW96] FIGURE

breadth first algorithm

A breadth-first algorithm will first search the area closest to the starting point, moving farther away only when everything close has already been looked at. [ISEM00]

breadth first search Search procedure exploring vertices of a component in order by distance from root. [DW96]  

breadth first tree Tree generated by a breadth-first search from a root. [DW96]

breadth first traversal A search algorithm of a graph which explores all nodes adjacent to the current node before moving on. [EW00] 

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Brelaz's heuristic algorithm An algorithm which can be used to find a good, but not necessarily minimal, edge or vertex coloring for a graph. However, the algorithm does minimally color complete k-partite graph. [EW00]  

bridge = cut edge = isthmus An edge of a connected graph whose removal would make the graph unconnected. [PEB00]

An edge of a graph G such that k(G – e) > k(G) . [CL96]

A cutset with only one edge. [HC00]

An edge e is a bridge if the graph G is connected and the graph G – e is disconnected. [BW97]

An edge whose deletion increases the number of components. [DW96] FIGURE

Brooks’ theorem x(G) d(G)  for connected graphs, except for cliques and odd cycles. [DW96]

brute-force algorithm = exhaustive algorithm

B-tree A special m-ary balanced tree used in databases because their structure allows records to be inserted, deleted, and retrieved with guaranteed worst-case performance. [PEB00]  

BSP-tree = binary space partitioning tree A binary space partitioning (BSP) tree is a binary tree for multidimensional points where successive levels are split by arbitrary hyperplanes. [PEB00]

BV-tree A conceptual idea which generalizes B-trees to multiple dimensions. BV-trees are not balanced, and searching may require backtracking. [PEB00]

| # | a | b | c-cn | co | cp-cz | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m-mh | mi | mj-mz | | n | o | p | q | r | s-so | sp-sz | t | u | v | w | xyz |

    | caterpillar | central | chromatic | circumference | clique | closure |  

cactus A graph in which every edge appears in at most one cycle. [DW96] FIGURE

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cage = cage graph The r -regular graph of order f(r, g) with girth g , where f(r, g) is the the smallest positive integer n for which there exists a r-regular graph of girth g having order n. [CL96]

A regular graph of given degree and girth having minimal number of vertices. [DW96] FIGURE

cage graph = cage

capacitated spanning tree problem Given a graph G = (V, E) , specified vertex v0V , capacity c(e) Z0

+ , length l(e) Z0+for each e

E , requirement r(v) Z0+for each vV – {v0} and a bound B Z0

+ , is there a spanning tree T for G such that the sum of the lengths of the edges in T does not exceed B and such that for each edge e in T , if U(e) is the set of vertices whose path to v0 in T contains e , then u U(e) r(u) c(e) ? [GJ79]

capacity The maximum flow that may be sent through an edge or a vertex. [PEB00]  

capacity constraint The property that the flow on every edge of a flow network is no more than the edge's capacity. More formally, for all edges e, f(e) u(e) , where f(e) is the flow on e and u(e) is its capacity. [PEB00]

cardinality The number of elements in a finite set. [BC79]

Cartan integer For the ith and jth roots in a given root system, the quantity 2(ai aj )/(aj aj ) , where ( · ) denotes the usual (Euclidean) dot product. By theorem, these numbers are integers. [HC00]

Cartan matrix  For a given root system, the matrix whose (i, j)th entry is the Cartan integer relating the ith and jth roots. [HC00]

Cartesian product = direct product The graph with vertex set V(G1) V(G2) and edges given by (u1 , u2) (v1 , v2) if  1) u1 = v1 and u2v2 in G2 or  2) u2 = v2 and u1 v1 in G1. [DW96]

Cartesian product X Y is the collection of all ordered pairs (x, y) where x X  and y Y .[HN97] FIGURE

Catalan number The Catalan numbers are an integer sequence {Cn} which appears in tree enumeration problems of

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the type "In how many ways can a regular n-gon be divided into n – 2 triangles if different orientations are counted separately?'' [EW00]

The Catalan number, C(n), is the number of ways a polygon with n sides can be triangulated with no additional vertices. [DA00]

caterpillar = caterpillar graph A tree T with a property that the removal of the end-vertices of T results in a path. [CL96]

A tree with a single path (the spine) that includes or is incident to every edge. [DW96] FIGURE

caterpillar graph = caterpillar

causal stroke A short perpendicular line in a bond graph made at one end of a bond or port line. It indicates the direction in which the effort signal is directed.[KMR90] FIGURE

Cayley graph The representation of a group as a network of directed segments, where the vertices correspond to elements and the segments to multiplication by group generators and their inverses. [EW00]

A Cayley graph has vertex set the elements of a group G and edge set determined by a balanced generating set X . [DA00] FIGURE

Cayley map A Cayley map M is an embedding of a Cayley graph in an oriented surface such that the local rotation at each vertex is described by the same permutation p of X . [DA00]

Cayley tree A tree in which each non-leaf node has a constant number of branches. [EW00] FIGURE

Cayley’s formula = Cayley's theorem There are nn-2 labeled trees on n vertices. [DW96]

The number of spanning trees for n distinct vertices is nn-2 . [SE79]

Cayley's theorem = Cayley’s formula

CBT = complete binary tree

center = graph center The center of a graph is the collection of vertices (called the central vertices) whose eccentricity is

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least. [ISEM00]

The center of a graph G is the set of vertices of graph with eccentricity equal to the graph radius (i.e., the set of central points). [EW00] FIGURE

centered tree = central tree

central point = central vertex

central tree = centered tree A tree with a center K1 . [CL96]

A tree with one center. [DW96] FIGURE

central vertex = central point A vertex v is a central vertex if the eccentricity  e(v) = rad (G) . [CL96]

centroid point A point in a weighted tree that has minimum weight for the tree. The set of all centroid points is called a tree centroid. [EW00] FIGURE

certificate For any graph property P and graph G, a certificate for G is a graph G' such that G has property P if and only if G' has the property. [PEB00]

chain = path

characteristic polynomial Characteristic polynomial of the adjacency matrix of the graph (whose roots are the eigenvalues). [DW96]

child A child of a vertex (called the parent) is an adjacent vertex one level lower on the tree. [DMP00]

A node which is one edge further away from a given node in a rooted tree. [EW00]

Neighbor of a rooted tree vertex not on the path to the root. [DW96] FIGURE

Chinese postman for mixed graphs problem Given a mixed graph G = (V, A, E) , where A is a set of directed edges and E is a set of undirected edges on V , length l(e) Z0

+ for each e AEand bound B Z+ , is there a cycle in G that

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includes each directed and undirected edge at least once, traversing directed edges only in the specified direction, and that has total length no more than B ? [GJ79]

Chinese postman problem To find the shortest travelling distance for the postman. It is necessary for the postman to traverse each street in his route at least once. [CGM79]

In a graph G with weights w(ei) on the edges ei , find a closed walk that includes every edge and minimizes the sum of the weights of the edges in the walk, an edge weight being included in the sum every time the edge is encountered in the walk. [HC00]  

choice number = choosability Minimum k such that G is k-choosable. [DW96]

choosability = choice number

chord = link If T is a tree of a graph, then an edge not included in T is called a chord relative to T. [CGM79]

Edge joining two nonconsecutive vertices of a path or cycle . [DW96] FIGURE

chordal bipartite graph A bipartite graph in which every cycle of length strictly greater than 4 has a chord. [MG80]

chordal graph = triangulated graph A graph G is called chordal if every cycle of G of length greater than 3 has a chord. [CL96]

A graph G = (V, E) where for every simple cycle of more than 3 vertices in G , there is some edge in E that is not involved in the cycle but that joins two vertices in the cycle. [CK00]

Having no chordless cycle. [DW96] FIGURE

chordal graph completion problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and positive integer K , is there a superset E ' containing E of unordered pairs of vertices from V that satisfies | E ' – E | K and such that G ' = (V, E ' ) is chordal? [GJ79] 

chordless cycle  An induced cycle of length at least 4. [DW96]

chromatic index = chromatic number = edge chromatic number = gamma of a graph = vertex chromatic number The smallest number of colors needed to color the edges of G so that adjacent edges are colored differently. [BW97]

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The fewest number of colors necessary to color the vertices of graph or regions of a surface. [EW00]

Minimum number of colors in a proper coloring. [DW96]

The minimum integer k for which a graph G is k-colorable. [CL96] FIGURE

chromatic index problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and positive integer K , does G have chromatic index K or less? [GJ79]

chromatic number = chromatic index

chromatic number of a surface The maximum chromatic number among all graphs that can be embedded on that surface. [CL96]

chromatic number problem = graph k-colorability problem Given a graph and an integer k, is it possible to paint the nodes of the graph with k colors in such a way that no two adjacent nodes are of the same color? [BC79]

Given a graph G = (V, E) and a positive integer  K | V | , is Gk-colorable? [GJ79]

chromatic polynomial A monic polynomial in k of degree n, in which the coefficients alternate in sign, the constant coefficient is 0, and the coefficient of kn-1 is –m . [BW97]

A function p(G, ) whose value is the number of ways the vertices of a graph G with n vertices can be properly colored with or fewer distinct colors (or, analogously, the number of ways a map with n regions can be properly colored with or fewer distinct colors). [HC00]

A polynomial of a graph G(z) which counts the number of ways to color g with exactly z colors. [EW00] 

chromatic reccurence Reccurence relation for chromatic polynomial. [DW96]

circle graph An undirected graph which is isomorphic to the intersection graph of a finite collection of chords of a circle.[MG80] 

circuit = cycle

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circuit graph = polygon graph

circuit in oriented graph A circuit in the corresponding nonoriented graph with an orientation assigned to it by a cyclic ordering of vertices. [WM72] FIGURE

circuit matrix  Let G be a finite directed graph with n enumerated edges and m enumerated circuits, with assigned orientations around the circuits. The circuit matrix Bc associated with G is an m × n matrix whose (i,j)-th entry is:  (i) +1, if the j-th edge is in the i-th circuit and its orientation agrees with the circuit orientation;  (ii) -1, if the j-th edge is in the i-th circuit and its orientation does not agree with the circuit orientation;  (iii) 0, if the j-th edge is not in the i-th circuit.  If G is an undirected graph, the (i,j)-th entry of Bc is 1 if the j-th edge is in the i-th circuit and is 0 otherwise. [HC00]  

A matrix B of order (ne – nv + ) ne which is formed by taking ne – nv + rows of a n exhaustive circuit matrix Be so that the rank of B is ne – nv + . [WM72]

circuit of a matroid A circuit of a matroid M = (S, r) is a subset of Ssuch that r(X) < | X | , but r(Y) = | Y | for every subset Y of X . [SL99]

circuit rank = cyclomatic number

circuit subspace  The subspace of the vector space associated with a graph G which consists of all circuits and edge-disjoint unions of circuits of G .[HC00]

circuit vector A vector f on E(G) corresponding to a circuit of G with a specified orientation:  f(ei) = +1 ( 1) if ei is in the circuit and agrees with (opposes) the orientation of the circuit, and  f(ei) = 0 if ei is not in the circuit. [HN97]

circuit-free graph A graph which has no simple circuits. [SE79] FIGURE

circulant graph A graph of n vertices in which the i-th vertex is adjacent to the (i + j)-th and (i – j)-th vertices for each j in a list l . [EW00]

Having an adjacency matrix with constant diagonals, constructed as equally-spaced vertices on a

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circle with adjacency depending only on distance. [DW96] FIGURE

circular-arc graph An intersection graph of arcs of a circle. [DW96] 

circulation A flow in a network such that the net flow at each vertex is 0. [DW96]

circumference = graph circumference The length of the longest cycle. [DW96]

class The word "class" has many specialized meanings in mathematics in which it refers to a group of objects with some common property. [EW00] 

class APX An NPO problemA belongs to the class APX if it is approximable within , for some constant 1 . Clearly, the following inclusions hold:  FPTAS PTAS APX NPO . [CK00]

class FPTAS An NPO problemA belongs to the class FPTAS if it admits a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme, that is, an approximation scheme whose time complexity is bounded by q( | x | , 1 / ( - 1)) where q is a polynomial. Clearly, the following inclusions hold: FPTAS PTAS APX NPO . [CK00]

class NP  The class of all problems that can be solved in by nondeterministic algorithms that run in polynomial time. [RND77]

class NPO The class NPO is the set of all NP optimization problems. [CK00]

class P  The class of all problems that can be solved by a polynomial-time algorithm. [RND77]

class PTAS An NPO problem A belongs to the class PTAS if it admits a polynomial-time approximation scheme, that is, an approximation scheme whose time complexity is bounded by q( | x | ) where q is a polynomial. Clearly, the following inclusions hold:  FPTAS PTAS APX NPO . [CK00]

classifiable digraph A completely connected digraph G(V, E) in which the vertex set V can be partitioned into two nonempty classes, A and B , such that all the edges connecting between them are directed from A

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to B . [SE79] FIGURE

claw The graph K1, 3 . [DW96] FIGURE

claw-free graph Having no induced K1, 3 . [DW96]

clique = complete graph

clique cover A set of cliques covering the vertices  (minimum size = d(G) ). [DW96]

clique cover number The fewest number of complete subgraphs needed to cover the vertices of G . [MG80]

clique decomposition A partition of the edges into cliques. [DW96] FIGURE

clique edge cover A set of cliques covering the edges (see intersection number). [DW96] FIGURE

clique graph The clique graph of a given graph G is the graph intersection of the family of cliques of G. A graph G is a clique graph iff it contains a family F of complete subgraphs whose graph union is G , such that whenever every pair of such complete graphs in some subfamily F' has a nonempty graph intersection, the intersection of all members of F' is not empty. [EW00]  FIGURE

clique identification A perfection-preserving operation. [DW96]

clique number The order of a maximum clique. [BW97]

The size of the largest complete subgraph of G . [MG80]

The number of vertices in the largest clique of G . [EW00] 

clique partition number Minimum number of cliques to partition E(G). [DW96]

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clique problem Find the largest clique in an undirected graph. [PEB00]

Given a graph G = (V, E) and positive integer  K | V | , does G contain a clique of size K or more? [GJ79]

clique tree An intersection representation of a chordal graph, consisting of a host tree with a bijection between its vertices and the maximal cliques of G such that the cliques containing each vertex form a subtree of the host. [DW96]

clique-vertex incidence matrix 0,1-matrix in which entry (i, j) is 1 if and only if vertex j belongs to maximal clique i . [DW96]

closed chain = cycle

closed directed edge train A directed edge train that has the same initial vertex and final vertex. [WM72]

closed ear A path between two (possibly equal) old vertices through new vertices. [DW96]

closed ear decomposition Construction of a graph from a cycle by successive addition of closed ears. [DW96]

closed edge sequence An edge sequence in which v0 is equal to vn . [CGM79]

closed neighborhood A vertex and all its neighbors. [DW96] FIGURE

closed path = cycle 

closed set = flat

closed trail A trail where v0 = vr . [BW97]

closed walk A walk where v0 = vr . [BW97]

A walk is closed if the initial vertex is also the terminal vertex. [SL99] 

closure The closure of a graph G with n vertices, denoted by c(G) , is the graph obtained from G by

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repeatedly adding edges between non-adjacent vertices whose degrees sum to at least n, until this can no longer be done. [WC00]

closure of a matroid  A subset A of S is closed or a flat or a subspace of M if for all elements x of S \ A , r(A {x}) = 1 + r(A) . If x is an element of S and A is a subset of S and r(A {x}) = r(A) we say that x depends on A and write x ~ A . For a subset A of S , let s(A) = {x : x ~ A} . We call s(A) the closure of A . [SL99]

closure operator An operator that is expansive, order-preserving, and idempotent. [DW96]

clusterability  The property of being clusterable. [TZ98]

c-net = polyhedral graph

| # | a | b | c-cn | co | cp-cz | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m-mh | mi | mj-mz | | n | o | p | q | r | s-so | sp-sz | t | u | v | w | xyz |

    | cocycle | common | component | connectivity | contraction | cover |  

cobase A base of the dual matroid. [DW96]

cobase of a matroid Compliment of a base relative to S . [HN97]

cocircuit A circuit of the dual matroid. [DW96]

cocktail party graph A graph consisting of two rows of paired nodes in which all nodes but the paired ones are connected with an edge. It is the complement of the ladder graph. [EW00] FIGURE

cocritical pair A non-edge whose addition increases the clique number. [DW96]

cocycle space = cut set space = bond space  The cocyle space or bond space of G (over F) is the row space of M(G) . [SL99]

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Orthogonal complement to the cycle space; linear combinations of bonds (over GF(2)). [DW96] 

cocycle matroid The dual of a cycle matroid. [DW96]

code generation on a one-register machine problem Given acyclic digraph G = (V, A) , in which no vertex has out-degree larger than 2 , and a positive integer K , is there a program with K or fewer instructions for computing all the root vertices of G on a one-register machine, starting with all the leaves of G in memory and using only LOAD, STORE and OP instructions? [GJ79]

code generation with unlimited registers problem Given acyclic digraph G = (V, A) , in which no vertex has out-degree larger than 2 , partition of A into disjoint sets L and R such that two arcs leaving the same vertex always belong to different sets, and a positive integer K , is there a program with K or fewer instructions for computing all the root vertices of G , starting with all the leaves of G stored in registers and using only instructions of the form  " ri rj " or " ri rj op rj " , i, j Z+ , where a vertex v with out-degree 2 and outgoing arcs  (v, u) L and (v, w) Rcan be computed only by an instruction " rirj op rj " when ri contains u and rjcontains w ? [GJ79]

coforest The complement relative to the edge set of a forest. [HN97] FIGURE

co-graph = complement reducible graph

cographic matroid A cographic matroid is the dual of a graphic matroid. [SL99]

collaboration graph One can also look at mathematical collaborations as a graph – an array of points connected by lines. Every mathematician is represented as a point, with the Erdos point somewhere near the center. Any two mathematicians who have collaborated on a paper are joined by a line. The result is monstrous tangle that snares nearly all mathematicians, with tentacles reaching into computer science, the physical and biological sciences, economics, and even the social sciences. [IP00] FIGURE

collapsed graph A graph is "collapsed" in two ways:  by removing each vertex of degree one and the edge to that vertex  by replacing with a single edge each vertex of degree 2 and its two incident edges. [ISEM00]

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collection = set

coloop A single edged cutset. [HN97] FIGURE

color class In a given coloring of a graph G, a set consisting of all those vertices assigned the same color. [CL96] 

color-critical graph A graph such that every proper subgraph has smaller chromatic number. [DW96]

coloring = graph coloring

color pair A color pair of a triangulation T is a pair of vertices that have the same color for every 4-coloring of T . [DA00]

column matroid Matroid whose independent sets are the linearly independent subsets of the matrix A. [DW96]

combination A situation in which the order of selecting various items does not matter. [DMP00]

combinatorial algorithms Algorithms for performing computations on discrete finite mathematical structures. [RND77]

combinatorial computing The field of discrete mathematics dealing with the problem of how to carry out computations on discrete mathematical structures. [RND77]

combinatorial dual graph Let m(G) be the cycle rank of a graph G, m*(G) be the cocycle rank, and the relative complement G – H of a subgraph H of G be defined as that subgraph obtained by deleting the edges of H . Then a graph G* is a combinatorial dual of G if there is a one-to-one correspondence between their sets of edges such that for any choice Y and Y* of corresponding subsets of edges, M*(G – Y) = m*(G) – m( Y* ) , where Y* is the subgraph of G* with the edge set Y*. [EW00]

combinatorial optimization  Let N = {1, ..., n} and consider a finite collection of subsets, say {S1 , S2 , ..., Sm}. For each subset there is an objective function value, f(Sk) , and the problem is to optimize f(Sk) . Typically, the feasible subsets are represented by inclusion or exclusion of members such

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that they satisfy certain conditions. This then becomes a special class of integer programs whose decision variables are binary valued: x(i, k) = 1 if the i-th element is in Sk ; otherwise, x(i, k) = 0 . Here are some examples: 

assignment  covering, cutting stock  knapsack  matching  packing, partitioning  routing  sequencing, scheduling (jobs), shortest path, spanning tree 

[ HG99]

combinatorics The branch of mathematics studying the enumeration, combination, and permutation of sets of elements and the mathematical relations which characterize these properties.[EW00]

comma-free code No code word is a prefix of another. [DW96]

common system of distinctive representatives  = CSDR For set systems A and B, a set of elements that is an SDR of A and is an SDR of B . [DW96]

compact directed acyclic word graph  A directed acyclic word graph (DAWG) representing the suffixes of a given string in which each edge is labeled with the longest possible string. The strings along a path from the root to a node are the substring which the node represents. [PEB00]

comparability graph = transitively orientable graph = partially orderable graph An undirected graph G = (V, E) in which there exists an orientation (V, F) of G satisfying F F-1 = 0 , F + F-1 = E , F2 F , where  F2 = {ac|ab, bc F for some vertex b} . [MG80]

The comparability graph of a poset P = ( X, ) is the graph with vertex set X for which vertices x and y are adjacent iff either x y or y x in P . [EW00]

Graph having a transitive orientation. [DW96]

competition graph Graph obtained from a directed graph D by u v if u , v have a common out-neighbor in D . [DW96]

complement = complement graph = complementary graph = graph complement Simple graph or digraph with the same vertex set as 

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G , and uv E(Gc) if and only if uv E(G) . [DW96]

A graph with the same vertex set as G , but where two vertices are adjacent whenever they are not adjacent in G . [BW97]

The complement of X relative to S is the set S – X . [HN97] FIGURE

complement graph = complement

complement reducible graph = co-graph Reducible to the trivial graph by iteratively complementing components. [DW96]

P4-free graph. [DW96]

complementary graph = complement

complete binary tree = CBT A binary tree in which all leaf nodes are at level n or n – 1 , and all leaves at level n are towards the left.[PEB00] FIGURE

complete bipartite graph = biclique A bipartite graph in which each vertex in the first set is adjacent to every vertex in the second set. [BW97]

A simple bipartite graph G with bipartition V1 , V2 such that if u V1 and w V2 , then uw is in E(G) . If  | V1 | = m and | V2 | = n , the graph is denoted by Km,n or by Kn,mequivalently.[HC00] 

Complete bipartite graph. [DW96] FIGURE

complete digraph A digraph D is called complete if for every two distinct vertices u and v at least one of the arcs (u, v) and (v, u) is present in D . [CL96] FIGURE

complete graph = clique A graph is complete, or a clique, if every pair of vertices are adjacent. We write Km for the complete graph on m vertices. [SL99]

A fully connected subgraph of a graph. [ODC00]

A graph where every vertex pair is connected by an edge. A complete graph with n vertices has 

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½ n (n – 1) edges. [EW00] FIGURE

complete k-partite graph A k -partite graph (i.e., a set of vertices decomposed into k disjoint sets such that no two vertices within the same set are adjacent) such that every pair of vertices in the k sets are adjacent. If there are p, q, ... , r vertices in the k sets, the complete k-partite graph is denoted Kp, q, … , r .[EW00] FIGURE

complete symmetric digraph  A digraph that has both arcs (u, v) and (v, u) for every two distinct vertices u and v . [CL96] FIGURE

completely labeled cell Simplicial region with distinct labels on corners. [DW96]

complexity  A measure of computer time or space to solve a problem by an algorithm as a function of the problem's dimensions. Suppose T(n) is the time it takes to solve an instance of the problem with dimension n. Then, the algorithm has (worst-case) time complexity K(n) , if the greatest time it could take to solve an instance of the problem is O(K(n))  . When K(n) is a polynomial, we say the algorithm has polynomial time complexity. The Klee-Minty polytope shows that the elementary simplex method does not have polynomial time complexity.  The average time complexity is the average (rather than worst) time of an algorithm (or class of algorithms) over some class of problems, for which some probability distribution is assumed. Absent a modifier, the complexity of an algorithm is taken to mean its worst-case time complexity.  Whereas complexity refers to the performance of an algorithm, see the notion of NP-completeness for the related meaning of problem complexity. The standard notation to describe complexity in terms of problem dimensions, say n, is O(K(n)) . This "big-O" notation means the following: a function, f:Z+ R , is O(K(n)) if there exists a constant, c , and N in Z+, such that f(n) cK(n) for all n N . For example, if an algorithm requires 5n3 + 2n + 10 fundamental operations on a problem of size n, its time complexity is O(n3) . [HG99]

complexity class Any of a set of computational problems with the same bounds ( ) on time and space, for deterministic and nondeterministic machines. [PEB00]

complexity class NP The class of languages that can be accepted by a nondeterministic Turing machine in polynomial time. [PEB00]

complexity class P

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The class of languages that can be accepted by a deterministic Turing machine in polynomial time. [PEB00]

complexity class PSPACE The class of languages that can be accepted by a Turing machine in polynomial space. [PEB00]

complexity theory The theory of classifying problems based on how difficult they are to solve. A problem is assigned to the P-problem (polynomial time) class if the number of steps needed to solve it is bounded by some power of the problem's size. A problem is assigned to the NP-problem (nondeterministic polynomial time) class if it permits a nondeterministic solution and the number of steps of the solution is bounded by some power of the problem's size. [EW00] 

component = connected component = graph component = component graph A maximal connected subgraph. A loose edge is a connected component, as is an isolated vertex. [TZ98]

A connected subgraph of a graph G that is not properly contained in any connected subgraph of G except possibly G itself. [HC00] FIGURE

component graph = component

component rank = cutset rank

composition = graph composition A graph product whose vertex set is the Cartesian product of the vertices of the factors, in which  (u1, u2) (v1, v2) if and only if u1 v1 in G1 , or  u1 = v1 and u2 v2 in G2 .[DW96]

The composition G(H) is formed by replacing each vertex of G with a copy of H and each edge of G with a regular complete bipartite graph connecting the corresponding new vertices. [DA00]

The composition G = G1 [G2 ] of graphs G1 and G2 with disjoint vertex sets V1 and V2 and edge sets E1 and E2 is the graph with vertex set V1V2 and  u = (u1 , u2) adjacent with v = (v1 , v2) whenever  [ u1 adj v1 ] or [u1 = v1 and u1 adj v1 ] . [EW00]


computational complexity  Computational complexity measures the time and memory resources that a computer requires in order to solve a problem. A somewhat more robust measure may be defined by invoking the Universal Turing Machine. The computational complexity of a problem is then

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defined as the time it takes for the fastest program running on a universal computer (as measured in number of computing steps) to compute the solution to the problem. [CNA96]

concurrent flow A multi-commodity flow in which the same fraction of the demand of each commodity is satisfied. [PEB00]

condensation = condensed graph A condensation S of a graph G is obtained from G by coalescing the nodes of each member of S and then removing any loops. [BC79]

The digraph obtained by contracting each strong component of D to a vertex. [DW96]

Given a graph G, if two vertices of G are identified and any loops or multiple edges created by this identification removed, the resulting graph is called the condensed graph. [WC00] 

condensed graph = condensation

cone graph A graph Cn + K'm , where Cn is a cyclic graph and Km is a complete graph. [EW00] 

conflict graph Graph whose vertices are the bridges of a cycle (bridges conflict if they have three common endpoints or four alternating endpoints on the cycle). [DW96]

conflicting chords Two chords whose endpoints alternate on a specified cycle. [DW96]

conjecture = hypothesis

conjugate partition Two partitions of n such that one gives the row sizes and the other the column sizes of a Ferrers diagram. [DW96]

connected at a vertex = incident at a vertex

connected component = component

connected digraph  A digraph is connected if its underlying graph is connected. [BW97]

A digraph in which there are no isolated nodes (i.e., nodes of indegree 0 or outdegree 0). [EW00]

A directed graph is connected if for every pair of vertices in the graph there is an undirected

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path joining the vertices. [SW87] FIGURE

connected graph  A graph is connected if there is a path connecting every pair of vertices. A graph that is not connected can be divided into connected components (disjoint connected subgraphs). [CC99]

A graph thast is not separated. [WM72] FIGURE

connected network  In the undirected case, a graph is connected if, for any pair of nodes, there is a path that contains both of them. In a directed graph, or network, the path may be required to be directed (i.e., follow the orientations of the arcs), in which case the network is strongly connected; or, the path may be allowed to ignore the arc orientations, in which case the network is weakly connected. [HG99]

connected vertices Two vertices are said to be connected when a path between them exists. [ISEM00]

connection relation Relation on the vertex set of a graph satisfied by any two vertices that are connected by a path. [DW96]

connectivity = vertex connectivity = point connectivity The minimum number of nodes whose deletion from a graph disconnects it. Vertex connectivity is sometimes called simply connectivity. [EW00]

The largest value of k for which G is k-connected.[BW97]

connectivity matrix A matrix A* = [aij*] where aij* = 1 if there is a path in a digraph G = (V, E) from i to j and aij* = 0 if not. [RND77]

connectivity pair An ordered pair (a, b) of nonnegative integers such that there is some set of a points and b edges whose removal disconnects the graph and there is no set of a 1 nodes and b edges or a nodes and b 1 edges with this property. [EW00]

conservation constraint For a flow, the condition of the net flow = 0 at a vertex . [DW96]

consistent graph = harmonious graph

constrained triangulation problem

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Given a graph G = (V, E) and coordinates  x(v), y(v) Z for each v V , is there a subset E ' E such that the set of line segments  {[(x(u), y(u)), (x(v), y(v))] : {u, v} E ' } is a triangulation of the set of points  {(x(v), y(v)) : v V } in the plane? [GJ79]

construction procedure A procedure for iteratively building members of a class of graphs from a small base graph or graphs. [DW96]

contrabalanced  Having no balanced polygons (and no loose edges). [TZ98] 

contracted vertex The new vertex resulting from the contraction of an edge. [DW96]

contractible graph The graph H that can be obtained from a graph G by a succession of edge contractions. [BW97]

contraction = graph contraction The graph G formed by replacing distinct nodes x and y with a single new node z which is connected to any nodes that were connected to either x or y . [ODC00]

A contraction of G is any graph that results from G after a series of edge-contractions. [HC00]

The contraction of an edge { vi , vj} of a graph is the graph obtained by replacing the two nodes vi and vj with a single node v such that v is adjacent to the union of the nodes to which vi and vj were originally adjacent. [EW00]


contractions and deletions Let G = (V, E, I) be a graph and e be an edge of G. We write G – e for the subgraph of G with vertex set V(G) and edge set E(G) – {e} . Then, G – e is the subgraph that results from deleting edge e from G . We write G.e for the graph which results from contracting the edge e. Note that G.e will not usually be a subgraph of G. If G is a simple graph (no loops, no multiple edges), then G –e must be simple, but G.e may have loops or multiple edges. For some applications of graph minors, it may be possible to avoid using loops and multiple edges, for others loops and multiple edges will be necessary. [SL99]

converse For a digraph D , the converse orients each edge in the opposite direction as in D . [DW96] FIGURE

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convex embedding A plane graph in which every bounded face is a convex set and the outer boundary is a convex polygon. [DW96]

convex function Satisfies the inequality  f(qa + (1-q) b) qf(a) + (1-q) f(b) for all a, b and  0 q 1 . [DW96]

convex quadrilateral Does not have one point in the triangle formed by the other three. [DW96]

convex sequence A sequence of points in the plane such that the segments joining consecutive points yield the graph of a convex function. [DW96]

Conway's thrackle conjecture Every planar straight line graph thrackle has at most as many edges as vertices even for curved thrackles.[DW96] 

corank If a graph G has n vertices, m edges and c components, then the rank of G is the rank of M(G) and this is n – c . The corank of G ism – n + c .[SL99]

cordial graph A graph is called cordial if it is possible to label its vertices with 1's and 0's such that the induced edge labels computed as the difference of vertex labels at the end-points satisfy the global conditions on the graph that the number of vertices (edges) labeled with ones and zeros are balanced, i.e., differ at most by one. Cordial labelings were introduced by I. Cahit as a weakened version of graceful and harmonious labelings. [IC00]

cordial labeling A labeling is called cordial if it is possible to label the vertices of a graph with 1's and 0's such that the induced edge labels computed as the difference of vertex labels at the end-points satisfy the global conditions on the graph that the number of vertices (edges) labeled with ones and zeros are balanced, i.e., differ at most by one. Cordial labelings were introduced by I. Cahit as a weakened version of graceful and harmonious labelings. [IC00]

correct algorithm An algorithm that will give the required output and no other output. [BC79]

corresponding nonoriented graph A nonoriented graph obtained from an oriented graph by replacing every oriented edge by a nonoriented edge. [WM72] FIGURE

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cospanning tree 

The (spanning) subgraph of G having all the vertices of G and exactly those edges of G not in a spanning tree T . [HC00]


cost Name of the objective function for many weighted minimization problems. [DW96]

cotree The complement relative to the edge set of a tree. [HN97]

The cotree T* of a spanning tree T in a connected graph G is the spacing subgraph of G containing exactly those edges of G which are not in T . [EW00] FIGURE

countable graph A graph in which vertex set V(G) and edge set E(G) are finite or countably infinite. [BW97]

coupled colorings Coupled colorings of graphs on surfaces: simultaneous colorings of the vertices and faces of a graph so that incident or adjacent elements receive different colors. [DA00] FIGURE

cover A family of subsets of whose union contains the given set (and which contains no duplicated subsets). [EW00] 

covering by cliques problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and positive integer  K | E | , are there k K subsets V1 , V2 , … , Vkof V such that each Vi induces a complete subgraph of G and such that for each edge {u, v} E there is some Vi that contains both u and v ? [GJ79]

covering by complete bipartite subgraphs problem Given a bipartite graph G = (V, E) and positive integer K | E | , are there k K subsets  V1 , V2 , … , Vkof V such that each Vi induces a complete bipartite subgraph of G and such that for each edge {u, v} E there is some Vi that contains both u and v ? [GJ79]

Coxeter graph A graph with one vertex for each of the roots in a root system (as for a Lie algebra), such that the number of edges joining the i-th and j-th vertices equals the Cartan integer relating the i-th and j-th roots. [HC00]


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Coxeter-Dynkin diagram A labeled graph whose nodes are indexed by the generators of a Coxeter group having (Pi , Pj) as an edge labeled by Mij whenever Mij> 2 , where Mij is an element of the Coxeter matrix. Coxeter-Dynkin diagrams are used to visualize Coxeter groups. A Coxeter-Dynkin diagram is associated with each rational double point. [EW00] 

Coxeter group  A group generated by the elements Pi with i in  {1, 2, ... , n}, subject to the relations (PiPj) M ij = 1 , where Mij are the elements of a Coxeter matrix. [ODC00]

Coxeter matrix  A Coxeter matrix of rank n is an n × n matrix M with Mii = 1 and Mij = Mji > 1 (possibly infinite) for all i and j in {1, 2, ... , n} . [ODC00]

| # | a | b | c-cn | co | cp-cz | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m-mh | mi | mj-mz | | n | o | p | q | r | s-so | sp-sz | t | u | v | w | xyz |

    | cubic | cutset | cycle | cyclomatic |  

CPM = critical path method

critical block A graph G is a critical block if G is a block and for every vertex v, the graph G – v is not a block. [CL96]

critical edge Edge whose deletion increases the independence number. [DW96]

critical graph Used with respect to many graph properties, indicating that the deletion of any vertex (or edge, depending on context) destroys the property. [DW96]

critical path A critical path of the network is a path of greatest length from the source S to the sink T . [ISEM00]

When a graph is used to model project scheduling, the critical path is a path from the start to the finish which passes through all of the tasks which are critical to completing the project in the shortest amount of time. [DMP00]

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A longest path in a network, where length units are time durations. The nodes represent tasks, and the arcs represent precedence constraints. The path is critical because the associated tasks determine the total completion time of the project. Moreover, at least one of their duration times must decrease in order to decrease the total completion time. [HG99]

A path in the PERT chart from the start node to the termination node having maximal sum of arc weights.

critical path method = CPM The Critical Path Method (CPM) is an algorithm for finding a critical path of an order-requirement network. It relies on finding the EFT of each vertex in the network. [ISEM00] FIGURE

critical path problem Find the longest path from any source to any sinks in a directed acyclic graph which has weights, or numeric values, on vertices. [PEB00]

critically 2-connected Deletion of an edge destroys 2-connectedness. [DW96]

crossing = edge crossing In a drawing of a graph, an internal intersection of two edges. [DW96]

Two different edges cross in a graph drawing if their geometric representations intersect. The number of crossings in a graph drawing is the number of pairs of edges which cross. [PEB00] FIGURE

crossing edge set A set T E(G) which can be partitioned into sets V1 , V2 such that T = {e : e has an end point in V1 and in V2}. [HN97]

crossing edge vector A vector f on E(G) correponding to a crossing edge set of G with a specified orientation  (V1, V2) : f(ei) = +1 ( 1) if ei is in the crossing edge set and agrees with (opposes) the orientation (V1, V2) and f(ei) = 0 if ei is not in the crossing edge set. [HN97]

crossing number The minimum number of crossings of edges in any drawing of a given graph. [BW97]

Given a "good" graph (i.e., one for which all intersecting edges intersect in a single point and arise from four distinct vertices), the crossing number is the minimum possible number of crossings with which the graph can be drawn. A graph with crossing number 0 is a planar graph. [EW00]

The crossing number of G , cr(G) , is the minimum number of pairwise crossings over all planar drawings. [DA00]

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CSDR = common system of distinctive representatives

cubic graph = trivalent graph A regular graph of degree 3. [DW96]

A graph all of whose nodes have degree 3. [EW00] FIGURE

cubic subgraph problem Given a graph G = (V, E) , is there a nonempty subset E ' E such that in the graph G ' = (V, E ' ) every vertex has either degree 3 or degree 0 ? [GJ79]

cubical graph The polyhedral graph corresponding to the connectivity of the cube. [EW00] FIGURE

current vector A vector on E(G) that is orthogonal to the rows of the incidence matrix of G (that satisfies Kirchhoff's current equations Ax = 0). [HN97]

cut = edge cut  A set X of edges of G such that G – X is disconnected. [CL96]

The set of all arcs of G whose initial endpoints belong to X' and whose terminal endpoints belong to X'', where { X', X''}is any partition of the node set X of G . [BC79]

The edges from a vertex subset to its complement (used especially in network flow problems). [DW96] FIGURE

cut capacity The sum of the capacities of arcs belonging to the cut. [BC79]

Given a network N and a cut C (that divides the vertices of N into two sets C1 and C2), then the cut capacity is the sum of the capacities of all dipaths from C1 to C2 . [HC00]

cut edge = bridge = isthmus

cut vertex = articulation vertex = articulation point = hinge = cutpoint = point of articulation = hinging A vertex whose deletion along with incident edges breaks up the remaining graph into two or more disconnected pieces. [PEB00]

Vertex whose deletion increases the number of components. [DW96]

The vertex of a separating set containing only one vertex. [HC00]

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Whenever a connected graph is not cyclically connected there would be two vertices a and b through which no circuit subgraph passes. If a and b are not joined by an edge there would be a vertex c such that every path between a and b passes through c. We say that c is a cut vertex or hinge [HN97]

A vertex v is a cut-vertex if the graph G is connected and the graph G – v is disconnected. [BW97]

If two graphs have a single common vertex, we say that they are put together by hinging. [HN97] FIGURE

cutpoint = cut vertex

cutset = bond Minimal separating set of edges. [SE79]

A minimal set of edges, the removal of which will increase the number of connected components in the remaining subgraph. [HC00]

A set S of edges of a graph G that has the following properties: Deletion of all edges in S from G reduces the rank exactly by 1. Any proper subset of S does not have the property 1. 


If G = (V, E) is a connected graph, then a cutset for G is a set of edges S which has the following properties: (V, E – S) is not connected. For any proper subset T of S , (V, E – T) is connected. [SW87]


cutset matrix  Let G be an oriented graph of maximal connected subgraphs. A submatrix of an exhaustive cutset matrix Qe of G is called a cutset matrix of G if Q consists of nv – rows of Qeand the rank of Q is nv – . [WM72]

cutset rank = component rank  The number (G) of edges in a spanning forest of an arbitrary graph G with n vertices, m edges, and k components. (G) = n – k and equals the dimension of the cutset subspace.[HC00]

cutset space = cocycle space = bond space

cutset subspace 

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The subspace of the vector space associated with a graph G consisting of all cutsets and edge-disjoint unions of cutsets of G . [HC00]  

cutset vector A crossing edge set vector where the crossing edge set is a cutset. [HN97]

Cutter The player in the Shannon switching game who deletes edges. [DW96]

cycle = circuit = closed path = closed chain = directrix A path in a graph which starts and ends at the same vertex and includes other vertices at most once. [PEB00]

A closed path having v0 = vn . [CGM79]

In a digraph, a cycle is a simple closed path. [WC00]

A subset of the edge-set of a graph that form a chain, the first node of which is also the last. [ODC00]

A connected subgraph in which every vertex is of degree 2. [CGM79]

A route in a graph connecting a vertex to itself. FIGURE

cycle double cover A collection of cycles C = {Ci} with a property that every edge of G is exactly in two cycles of C  . [CL96]

cycle edge An edge that lies on a cycle. [CL96]

cycle graph A graph that consists of the vertices and edges of a n-gon. [BW97]

cycle matroid The matroid whose circuits are the cycles of G. [DW96]

cycle rank Dimension of cycle space; number of edges - number of vertices + number of components. [DW96]

cycle space The cycle space of G (over F) is the null space of the incidence matrix M(G). The cycle space and the cocyle space are orthogonal, but for some choices of fields are not necessarily disjoint.

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The nullspace of the incidence matrix, the set of even subgraphs. [DW96]

cyclic edge The edge which is not separating.

cyclic edge connectivity Number of edges that must be deleted to disconnect a component so that every remaining component contains a cycle. [DW96]

cyclic graph A directed graph with at least one cycle. [CGM79]  A graph of n nodes and n edges such that node i is connected to the two adjacent nodes i + 1 and i – 1 (mod n), where the nodes are numbered  0, 1, ..., n – 1 . [EW00]


cyclic triple The 3-node tournament. [EW00] FIGURE

cyclically connected graph A graph G is said to be cyclically connected if given any pair of vertices there is a circuit subgraph containing them. [HN97] FIGURE

cyclically k-edge-connected Cyclic edge connectivity at least k . [DW96]

cyclomatic number = circuit rank The number c(G) of edges that must be removed from an arbitrary graph G with n vertices, m edges, and k components to arrive at a spanning forest;  c(G) = m - n + k and equals the dimension of the circuit subspace. [HC00]

| # | a | b | c-cn | co | cp-cz | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m-mh | mi | mj-mz | | n | o | p | q | r | s-so | sp-sz | t | u | v | w | xyz |

    | degree | diameter | directed | distance | dual | dynamic |  

DAE-Petri net = differential Petri net  

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DAG = directed acyclic graph = acyclic digraph

daughter = offspring

DAWG = directed acyclic word graph

d-complete graph A directed graph is d-complete if every pair of its vertices is joined by an arc. [CGM79]

d-diagonal coloring A vertex coloring such that each pair of d-diagonally adjacent vertices get different colors. [DA00]

d-diagonally adjacent vertices  Two vertices x, y of an embedded graph G are d-diagonally adjacent if there is a set S of at most d edges such that x and y are incident with a common face of G – S .[DA00]

de Bruijn graph A graph whose nodes are sequences of symbols from some alphabet and whose edges indicate the sequences which might overlap. [EW00]

Digraph encoding possible transitions between n-ary m-tuples as additional characters are received. [DW96] FIGURE

decagon  A polygon having ten sides. [HC00]

decahedral graph A polyhedral graph having 10 vertices. [EW00]

decision problem A problem which requires a simple "yes" or "no" answer. [MG80] 

decision tree A binary tree used to represent an algorithm for sorting by comparisons. The leaves of the tree represent the possible outcomes (orderings), while the other vertices represent test questions which have a yes or no answer. [WC00]

decomposable graph A graph which can be expressed as a nontrivial composition of some of its induced subgraphs. [MG80]

decomposition A collection {Hi} of nonempty subgraphs such that Hi = Eifor some (nonempty) subset Ei of E(G) , where { Ei} is a partition of E(G) .[CL96]

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An expression of G as a union of edge-disjoint subgraphs. [DW96]

degeneracy graph  An undirected graph, where the nodes represent bases and edges their adjacency. The degeneracy graph is a way to probe deeply into a degenerate extreme point. Among other things, it reveals good pivot steps through the point enroute to an optimum, and it provides a clear, efficient approach to sensitivity analysis. [HG99]

degenerate graph A finite graph with no edges. [CGM79] FIGURE

degree = valence Of a vertex, the number of edges connected to it.  Of a graph, the maximum degree of any vertex. [PEB00]

degree constrained spanning tree problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and positive integer  K | V | , is there a spanning tree for G in which no vertex has degree larger than K ? [GJ79]

degree list The set of degrees of the vertices of G, often arranged in non-decreasing order. [BW97]

degree matrix A diagonal matrix corresponding to a graph that has the vertex degree of vi in the i-th position. [EW00] 

degree of a graph Degree of a graph, the maximum degree of any vertex. [PEB00] 

degree of a vertex Degree of a vertex is the number of edges incident on it with selfloops counted twice. [HN97]

The degree of a vertex is the number of edge ends at that vertex. In a digraph (directed graph) the degree is usually divided into the in-degree and the out-degree (whose sum is the degree of the vertex in the underlying undirected graph). [CC99] 

degree of freedom The number of parameters which may be independently varied. [EW00] 

degree sequence A sequence d1 , d2 , … , dn of nonnegative integers is called a degree sequence of a graph G if the vertices of G can be labelled v1 , v2 , … , vn so that  deg vi = di .[CL96]

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The sequence of vertex degrees, usually indexed in non-increasing order regardless of vertex order. [DW96]

degree set The set of integers which make up a degree sequence. Any set of positive integers is the degree set for some graph. [EW00] 

degree-bounded connected subgraph problem Given a graph G = (V, E) , non-negative integer  d | V | and positive integer K | E | , is there a subset E ' Ewith | E ' | Ksuch that the subgraph G ' = (V, E ' ) is connected and has no vertex with degree exceeding d ? [GJ79]

degree-sum formula d(v) = 2 e(G) . [DW96]

deletion  The process or the result of deleting a (possibly void) set of vertices and/or edges from a graph. The result is a subgraph. [TZ98]

demand Sink constraint in transportation network. [DW96]

dendrite A system of line segments connecting a given set of points. [EW00] 

density Ratio of number of edges to number of vertices. [DW96]

dependent set In matroids, a set containing circuits. [DW96]

depth The distance from a leaf to the root. [PEB00]

depth of a tree = heigth = heigth of a tree 

depth of the vertex The length of the directed path from the root to the vertex v . [SW87]

depth-first algorithm A depth-first algorithm explores the graph by looking for new vertices further and further away from the starting point, taking closer vertices only when no more can be found far away. [ISEM00]

Backtracking search from a vertex. [DW96]

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depth-first search = DFS = backtracking Any search algorithm which considers outgoing edges of a vertex before any neighbors of the vertex, that is, outgoing edges of the vertex's predecessor in the search. Extremes are searched first. This is easily implemented with recursion.  An algorithm which marks all vertices in a directed graph in the order they are discovered and finished, partitioning the graph into a forest. [PEB00]

A method of solving combinatorial problems by means of an algorithm which is allowed to run forward until a dead end is reached, at which point previous steps are retraced and the algorithm is allowed to run forward again. Backtracking can greatly reduce the amount of work in an exhaustive search. [EW00]

depth-first traversal A search algorithm of a graph which explores the first son of a node before visiting its brothers. [EW00] 

descendant A child of a node in a tree, any of the children of the children, etc. [PEB00]

If there is a path from vertex x to vertex y in a directed spanning tree, we say that y is a descendant of x . [RND77]

detachment Graph obtained from G by a sequence of splits: splitting a vertex v into an independent set, with the k new vertices inheriting the k sets of a partition of the edges incident to v . [DW96]

deterministic algorithm An algorithm in which for any given state there is at most one valid next state. [RND77]

DFS = depth first search

DFS forest A rooted forest formed by depth first search. [PEB00]

DFS tree The directed spanning tree that results from depth-first search on a simple, connected, undirected graph. [RND77]

diagonal Ramsey number A Ramsey number of the form R(k, k; 2) . [EW00]

Ramsey number for an instance where the thresholds (numbers or graphs) are equal. [DW96]

diameter = graph diameter

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The largest distance between two vertices in G . [BW97]

The maximum eccentricity among the vertices of a graph G . [CL96] 

dichroic polynomial A polynomial in two variables for abstract graphs. [EW00] 

dicomponent = strongly connected component 

diconnected  A digraph having a (u, v)-path for every ordered pair of vertices u, v . [DW96]

dicycle = directed circuit

differential Petri net = DAE-Petri net Introduces the differential place (whose marking may also be negative) and the differential transition and can integrate all kinds of discrete Petri nets. [PM99]

Focuses on the interaction between a Petri net model and a continuous model which is a set of differential algebraic equations (DAE). It can be seen as an extension of hybrid automata. [PM99]

digital search tree A trie which stores the strings in internal nodes, so there is no need for extra leaf nodes to store the strings. [PEB00]

digital tree A tree for storing strings in which nodes are organized by substrings common to two or more strings. [PEB00]

digraph = directed graph

digraph D-morphism problem Given digraphs G = (V1 , A1) , H = (V2 , A2) , is there a D-morphism from G to H ? [GJ79]

Dijkstra tree The shortest path-spanning tree from a vertex of a graph. [EW00]

Dijkstra’s algorithm An algorithm to find the shortest paths from a single source vertex to all other vertices in a weighted, directed graph. All weights must be nonnegative.[PEB00]

A computer scientist named Edsger W. Dijkstra proposed in 1959 this algorithm for finding a path of least total weight between two vertices in a weighted graph. [ISEM00] 

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Dilworth’s theorem Maximum number of pairwise incomparable elements equals minimum number of totally ordered subsets needed to cover all elements. [DW96]

dining philosophers Suppose some philosophers surround a table. Adjacent philosophers share one fork. Philosophers spend time thinking or trying to eat. A philosopher must have both forks on their left and right to eat. Clearly adjacent philosophers cannot eat at the same time. The problem is to find an algorithm for taking forks which prevents deadlock, starvation, etc. [PEB00] FIGURE

Dinitz conjecture Each bipartite graph G is d(G)-list-edge-colorable.[DW96]

dinner party graph In the dinner-party case, you can draw a point for each of the six people present in the group. You can then draw lines to join the points, with each line colored red to signify two people who know each other or blue to mean the two people are strangers. When all pairs of points are joined, the resulting network of points and lines is known as a complete graph. Depending on the relationships specified in a given case, such a graph may contain only red lines (all acquaintances), only blue lines (all strangers), or a mixture of red and blue lines joining the points. The problem comes down to proving that no matter how the lines are colored, you can't avoid producing a red triangle (representing three mutual acquaintances) or a blue triangle (three strangers). [IP00] FIGURE

dioctogon  A polygon with 16 sides. [HC00]

Dirac's theorem A graph with n 3 vertices in which each vertex has valency n / 2 has a Hamiltonian circuit. [EW00] 

Dirac's theorems Theorem 1. Let G be a 2-connected graph with minimum degree d. Then G contains a cycle of length at least min{2d,|V(G)|} . Theorem 2. Let G be a k-connected graph, k > 1 . Then any k vertices of G are contained together on some cycle. [SL99]

direct product = Cartesian product

direct sum The union of disjoint sets, denoted by X Y . [HN97]

directed acyclic graph = DAG = acyclic digraph

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directed acyclic word graph = DAWG A directed acyclic graph representing the suffixes of a given string in which each edge is labeled with a character. The characters along a path from the root to a node are the substring which the node represents. [PEB00]

directed bandwidth problem Given a digraph G = (V, A) and positive integer  K | V | , is there a one-to-one function  f : V { 1, 2, … , | V | } such that for all {u, v} A , | f(u) – f(v) | K ? [GJ79]

directed circuit = directed cycle = dicycle A directed path in which the start vertex of the path is the same as its end vertex. [SE79]

A circuit whose orientation agrees with the orientation of every edge in the circuit. [WM72] FIGURE

directed cycle = directed circuit

directed edge = arc

directed edge train An edge train having the orientation from the initial vertex to the final vertex and satisfying the condition that the orientation of every edge in the edge train coincides with the orientation of the edge train. [WM72] FIGURE

directed elimination ordering problem Given a digraph G = (V, A) and non-negative integer  K , is there an elimination ordering for G with fill-in K or less? [GJ79]

directed Euler graph An oriented graph in which for every vertex v, the outgoing degree d + (v) is equal to the incoming degree d (v) . [WM72]

directed forest A set of directed spanning trees. [RND77]

directed graph = digraph = oriented graph A graph G is a triple (V(G), E(G), aG) where V(G) , E(G) are the vertex set and the edge set respectively and aG asssociates with each edge an ordered pair of vertices not necessarily distinct. [HN97]

A structure which consists of a set of vertices V = {v1 , v2 , … } and a set of edges E = {e1 , e2 , … }; each edge e is incident to the elements of an ordered pair of vertices {u, v} which are not necessarily distinct. [SE79]

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A graph whose edges are oriented. FIGURE

directed Hamiltonian circuit problem Given a digraph G = (V, A) , does G contain a directed Hamiltonian circuit? [GJ79]

directed line = arc

directed link = arc

directed M-graph An oriented graph is called a directed M-graph of type M(ij) if it satisfies the following conditions: d + (v) = d (v) for all vertices except i and j ; d + (i) = d (i) + 1 ; d (j) = d + (j) + 1 . [WM72]

directed optimal linear arrangement problem Given a digraph G = (V, A) and positive integer K , is there a one-to-one function f : V { 1, 2, … , | V | } such that f(u) < f(v) whenever (u, v) Aand such that  {u, v} A| f(u) – f(v) | K ? [GJ79]

directed path A sequence of edges e1 , e2 , … such that the end vertex of ei-1 is the start vertex of ei . [SE79]

Let P be a connected directed M-graph of type  M(i j) . If d + (v) = 1 for all vertices except j and d + (j) = 0 , then P is a directed path from i to j . [WM72]

A sequence of vertices a1 a2 … an in which (ai , ai+1) is an edge.[SW87] FIGURE

directed spanning tree A directed tree which includes all the vertices of G. [SE79]

A tree T that spans digraph G in which there is a distinguished vertex r, called the root, such that there is a directed path from r to every vertex in T but no directed path to r from any vertex in T. [RND77] FIGURE

directed tree = rooted tree

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directed tree search  A class of algorithms designed to systematically search a decision space, where nodes correspond to partial solutions (sometimes called "states"). Examples are branch and bound and implicit enumeration. Also see heuristic search. [HG99]

directed two-commodity integral flow problem Given a digraph G = (V, A) , specified vertices s1, s2 , t1 and t2 , capacity c(a) Z+  for each a A and requirements R1 , R2Z+  , are there two flow functions f1 , f2 : A Z0

+  such that for each a A , f1(a) + f2(a) c(a) , for each v V – {s, t} and i {1, 2} , flow fi is  conserved at v ,  for i {1, 2} , the net flow into ti under flow fi is at least Ri ?  [GJ79]

directrix = cycle 

disc In a surface of genus 0, the region bounded by a simple closed curve. [DW96]

disconnected graph A graph with more than one component. [DW96]

A graph that is not connected. [BW97]

A 0-connected graph, i.e., a graph having at least one node of degree 0 . [EW00] FIGURE

disconnecting set A set of edges E1 E such that after the removal of E1 the residual graph G1(V, E - E1) is no longer connected. [CGM79]

A set of edges whose deletion makes some vertex unreachable from some other vertex. [DW96] FIGURE

discrete interval encoding tree A binary search tree which stores consecutive values as intervals. [PEB00]

discrete mathematics  The branch of mathematics dealing with objects which can assume only certain "discrete" values. Discrete objects can be characterized by integers, whereas continuous objects require real numbers. The study of how discrete objects combine with one another and the probabilities of various outcomes is known as combinatorics. [EW00]

discrete multicommodity flow problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and a set of k disjoint source-sink pairs of vertices (si , tj) ,1 ik , determine whether there is a set of k vertex disjoint paths pi , 1 i k , where pi is from si to ti . [RND77]

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discrete system Organized collection of objects. [BC79]

disjoint connecting paths problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and collection of disjoint vertex pairs (s1 , t1) , (s2 , t2) , … , (sk , tk) , does G contain k mutually vertex-disjoint paths , one connecting si and ti for each i , 1 i k ? [GJ79]

disjoint sets The sets which do not have common elements. [HN97]

disjoint union If G and G' are disjoint graphs, then their disjoint union GG' is the graph with vertex set  V(G) V(G') and edge set E(G) E(G') . [BW97]

disjointness graph Complement of intersection graph. [DW96]

distance The length of the shortest path from vertex a to vertex b . [RND77]

distance between trees Let t1 and t2 be trees in a graph. The distance between trees d(t1, t2) is equal to the number of edges in t1but not in t2 .[WM72]

distance graph Let D be a set of positive numbers containing 1, then the D-distance graph X(D) on a nonempty subset X of Euclidean space is the graph with vertex set X and edge set {(x, y) : d(x, y) D} , where d(x, y) is the Euclidean distance between vertices x and y. [EW00] 

distance matrix A matrix whose ij-entry is 1 if d(i, j) = h and 0 otherwise. [BW97]

distance-preserving embedding Mapping f: V(G) V(H) so that  dH(f(u), f(v)) = dG(u, v) . [DW96]

distance-regular graph A graph is distance-regular, if for each non-negative integer k, the number aij

(k) of ij-walks of length k depends only on the distance d(i, j) between the vertices i and j. [BW97]

A connected graph G is called distance-regular if there are integers bi , ci , i = 0, … , d such that for any two vertices x, y D at distance i = d(x, y), there are exactly cineighbors of y Gi-1(x) and bi neighbors of y Gi+1(x) . [EW00] 

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distance-transitive graph A connected graph G is distance-transitive if, given two pairs (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) of vertices with d(x1, y1) = d(x2, y2) , where d is the graph distance, there is an automorphism of G carrying the first pair to the second. [BW97]

divorce digraph A binary relation associated with an instance of the stable marriage problem. Stable marriages correspond to vertices with outdegree 0 in the divorce digraph. [EW00] 

dodecagon  A polygon with 12 sides. [HC00]

dodecahedral graph The polyhedral graph corresponding to the connectivity of the vertices of a dodecahedron. The dodecahedral graph has 20 nodes, 30 edges, vertex connectivity 3, edge connectivity 3, graph diameter 5, graph radius 5, and girth 5 . [EW00] FIGURE

dodecahedron Planar graph with 20 vertices, 30 edges, and 12 faces. [DW96] FIGURE

domatic number If the domatic number of a graph G = (V, E) is K , then V can be partitioned into K disjoint sets  V1 , ... , VK such that each Vi is a dominating set of G .[GJ79]

domatic number problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and a positive integer  K | V | , is the domatic number of G at least K ? [GJ79]

dominating circuit A dominating set X being a circuit in a graph G . [CL96]

dominating edge set A set X of edges in a graph G is called a dominating set if every edge of G either belongs to X or is adjacent to an edge of X . [CL96] FIGURE

dominating number The number of vertices in a minimal dominating set. [ISEM00]

dominating set = dominating vertex set A set S V such that every vertex is in S or is adjacent to a vertex in S . [DW96]

A set S of vertices of G is a dominating set of G if every vertex of G is dominated by at least one vertex of S . [CL96]

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dominating set problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and a positive integer  K | V | , is there a subset V ' V such that  | V ' | K and such that every vertex v V – V ' is joined to at least one member of V ' by an edge in E ?[GJ79]

dominating vertex set = dominating set

domination number The minimum power among the dominating sets of G. [CL96] 

double jump The phenomenon that the structure of the random graph in model A is markedly different for probability functions of the form c/n with c < 1, c = 1, and c > 1 .[DW96]

double star A tree T which contains exactly two vertices that are not end-vertices. [CL96] FIGURE

double torus The (orientable) surface with two handles. [DW96]

double triangle K4 - e . [DW96] FIGURE

drawing of a graph A drawing of a graph in the plane has the vertices placed at distinct points and the edges represented by homeomorphs of [0,1] joining their endpoints such that:  no edge contains a vertex other than its endpoints,  no two adjacent edges share a point other than their common endpoint, and  two nonadjacent edges share at most one point at which they cross transversally.


dual edge The edge of the dual graph G* corresponding to each e of a planar graph G . [DW96]

dual graph A dual graph G2 of a graph G1 is one in which a vertex set V2 replaces the faces enclosed by the vertex set V1 and its associated edges in the graph G1. This set V2 is connected by edges that intersect the edges of G1 so that one edge in G2 uniquely intersects with one edge in G1. [CGM79]

The dual of a planar graph G, is a graph with a vertex for each region in G and an edge between

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vertices for each pair of adjacent regions. The new edge crosses the edge in G which is the boundary between the adjacent regions. [PEB00]

The dual D of a planar graph G is constructed as follows:  Draw a vertex in D for every region in G .  Draw an edge connecting a pair of vertices in D if these two regions in G share a border.[ISEM00] FIGURE

dual hereditary system The hereditary system whose bases are the complements of the bases of M. [DW96]

dual matroid The dual of a B-matroid M = (S, B) is the structure M* = (S, B*) , where B*={S \ X: XB} .[SL99]

dual problem For a problem max cTx such that Ax b and x 0 , the dual is min yTb such that yA c and y 0 .[DW96]

duplication of vertex Adding x' with N(x') = N(x) .[DW96]

dynamic device characteristic A collection of ordered pairs (v( ), i( )) , where  v( ), i( ) are functions on R , and are vectors on the set of edges E . [HN97]

dynamic graph = periodic graph

dynamic network A network with dynamic device characteristic. [HN97]

| # | a | b | c-cn | co | cp-cz | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m-mh | mi | mj-mz | | n | o | p | q | r | s-so | sp-sz | t | u | v | w | xyz |

   | edge | eigenvalue | embedding | Eulerian cycle | exhaustive | extremal |  

ear Path between old vertices through new vertices. [DW96]

ear decomposition Construction of G from a cycle by addition of ears. [DW96]

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earliest finish time = EFT A length of the critical path of the network. [ISEM00]

Earth-Moon coloring problem What is the minimum number of colors necessary to color all Earth-Moon maps? [DA00]

easy problem A problem for which a polynomial-bounded algorithm has been founded. [BC79]

eccentricity = graph eccentricity Let G be a graph and v be a vertex of G. The eccentricity of the vertex v is the maximum distance from v to any vertex. That is,  e(v) = max{d(v, w): w V(G)} . [SL99]

The eccentricity of a vertex is the length of the longest minimal path from that vertex to some vertex in the graph. [ISEM00] 

e-cordial labeling A labeling of a graph with e edges is called e-cordial if it is possible to label the edges with numbers from the set N = {0, 1} and when the induced vertex labels f(v) computed by f(v) = u f(u, v) (mod 2 ) , where v V and {u, v} E so that the conditions 1 | vf (0) - vf (1) | and 1 | ef (0) - ef(1) | are satisfied, where vf(j) and ef(j) , j = 0, 1 are, respectively, denote the number of vertices and edges labeled with 0's and 1's. The graph G is called e-cordial if it admits an e-cordial labeling. [IC00]

e-cordial graph The graph G is called e-cordial if it admits an e-cordial labeling. [IC00]

edge = link = line An edge in a graph is an unordered pair of nodes. In a directed graph, the edges are ordered pairs. [ODC00]

A connection between two vertices of a graph. [PEB00]

In a graph, a pair of vertices . In a hypergraph, a subset of the vertex set. [DW96]

A connection between two vertices of a graph containing no other vertices.  FIGURE

edge arboricity = arboricity

edge block  A connected graph, not edgeless, that has no edge cutpoints. [TZ98] FIGURE

edge choosability

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Minimum k such that G is k-edge-choosable. [DW96]

edge chromatic number = chromatic index

edge color class The set of all edges of a graph G receiving the same color in an edge coloring of G . [CL96]

edge coloring An edge coloring of a graph refers to the choice and arrangement of colors for the edges. Formally, an edge coloring of a graph is a one-to-one function from the set of the graphs's edges into the set of all colors. [ISEM00]

An assignment of labels to the edges. [DW96] FIGURE

edge component  A maximal connected subgraph that contains an edge. A loose edge is an edge component but an isolated vertex is not. [TZ98] FIGURE

edge connectivity = line connectivity The minimum number of edges whose deletion from a graph disconnects it. The edge connectivity of a disconnected graph is 0, while that of a connected graph with a bridge is 1. [EW00]

The largest value of k for which G is  k-edge-connected. [BW97]

edge contraction  An edge-contraction on a graph G is the process of removing an edge e and identifying its incident vertices v and w in such a way that the resulting vertex is incident to those edges (other than e) which were originally incident to v or w . That is, after the contraction, the resulting graph H has one less vertex because v = w, and at least one less edge since edge e has been removed, and if there is any other vertex of G, say x, that is connected to both v and w, then those two edges are merged in H into one edge connecting x to v = w .[HC00]

edge cover = hitting set Let G = (V, E) be an undirected graph. A subset  A V is called an edge cover if for every edge xy E , either xA or y A or both. [MG80]

Let S be a collection of subsets of a finite set X . The smallest subset Y of X that meets every member of S is called the edge cover, or hitting set. However, some authors call any such set a edge cover, and then refer to the minimum edge cover. [EW00]

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A set of edges incident to all vertices. [DW96] FIGURE

edge cover problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and positive integer K , is there an E' E with |E'|K such that for each  v V there is some eE' for which ve ?[GJ79]

edge covering The partitioning of a graph into sets of chains or circuits that collectively include all the edges in a graph. [CGM79] FIGURE

edge covering number The minimum cardinality of a edge cover in G . [CL96]

edge crossing = crossing

edge cut = cut

edge cut vertex = edge cutpoint

edge cutpoint = edge cut vertex  A vertex that is a cutpoint or that is incident to more than one edge of which one (at least) is a loop or half edge. [TZ98] FIGURE

edge disjoint union = EDU A collection of subsets of edges such that no two of these subsets have edges in common. [WM72] FIGURE

edge embedding on a grid problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and positive integers M and N , is there a one-to-one function  f : V {1, 2, … , M} {1, 2, … , N} such that if  {u, v} E ,f(u) = (x1 , y1) and f(v) = (x2 , y2) , then either x1 = x2 or y1 = y2 ? [GJ79]

edge end  An end of an edge may be considered to be an object in itself. Each end is incident with exactly one vertex. [TZ98]

edge-graceful graph  Let f be an edge labeling of G where  f : E(G) {1, 2, … ,e}, e = | E(G) | is one-to-one and f induces a label on the vertices  f(v) = uv E(G) f(uv) (mod n) , where n is the number of vertices of G . The labeling f is

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edge-graceful if all vertex labels are distinct modulo n in which case G is called an edge-graceful graph. Along many results on the graphs an important conjecture asserts that all trees with an odd number of vertices are edge-graceful. [IC00]

edge-graceful labeling Let f be an edge labeling of G where  f : E(G) {1, 2, … ,e}, e = | E(G) | is one-to-one and f induces a label on the vertices  f(v) = uv E(G) f(uv) (mod n) , where n is the number of vertices of G . The labeling f is edge-graceful if all vertex labels are distinct modulo n in which case G is called an edge-graceful graph. [IC00]

edge independence number The size of a largest independent edge set. [BW97] 

edge induced subgraph An edge-induced subgraph consists of some of the edges of the original graph and the vertices that are at their endpoints. [ISEM00]

For a set S of edges, we use G[S] to denote the edge induced subgraph of G whose edge set is S and whose vertex set is the subset of V(G) consisting of those vertices incident with any edge in S . [SL99]


edge number The number of edges in a graph. [EW00] 

edge reconstructible A graph that can be determined (up to isomorphism) by knowing the multiset of subgraphs obtained by deleting single edges. [DW96]

edge reconstruction conjecture The conjecture that every graph with at least four edges is edge-reconstructible.[DW96]

edge sequence A finite sequence of adjacent and not necessarily distinct edges that are traversed in going from v0 to vn .[CGM79]

edge subdivision = elementary subdivision

edge thickness = thickness = graph thickness

edge train A sequence of edges with the following properties:

For any edge e other than the first and the last edges in the sequence, one endpoint of e is an endpoint of the preceding edge and the other endpoint of e is an endpoint of the succeeding edge.

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One endpoint of the first edge is and endpoint of the succeeding edge and the other endpoint of the first edge is the initial vertex.

One endpoint of the last edge is and endpoint of the preceding edge and the other endpoint is the final vertex.

Every edge appears exactly once.


edge transitive The group of isomorphisms from a graph G to itself is the automorphism group of G, Aut(G) . A graph G is edge-transitive if Aut(G) acts transitively on E(G) . [SL99]

Existence of a permutation for each pair e, f E(G) that maps e to f . [DW96]

edge transitive automorhism group An automorphism group that contains automorphisms mapping each edge of G to every other edge. [BW97]

edge transitive graph A graph such that any two edges are equivalent under some element of its automorphism group. [EW00] 

edge-width The edge-width of the embedding is the length of the shortest noncontractible cycle in the graph. The edge-width is no smaller than the face-width. [DA00]

Edmonds' map A nonreflexible regular map of genus 7 with eight vertices, 28 edges, and eight heptagonal faces. [EW00] 

EDU = edge disjoint union

efficient algorithm = fast algorithm

effort Intensive power variable in a bond graph, one of the two complementary variables. See also flow. [KMR90] FIGURE

EFT = earliest finish time

eigenvalue = graph eigenvalue The eigenvalues of a graph are defined as the eigenvalues of its adjacency matrix. The set of eigenvalues of a graph is called a graph spectrum. [EW00]

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eigenvector A vector x such that Ax = x for some constant . [DW96]

electrical network A structured object obtained by the interconnection of a collection of multiterminal devices. [HN97]

An ordered pair (G, D) where G is a directed graph on the edge set E and D is a device characteristic. [HN97]

elegant graph  Additive versions of graceful graphs are harmonious graphs and exact modular additive analogue versions of graceful graphs are called elegant graphs. Let Zn be the additive group of integers modulo n and let G be a graph with n vertices. The graph G is said to be elegant if it is possible to label the vertices of G with distinct elements Zn so that on labeling the edges with the sums of their endpoint labels, these edge labels are distinct and range over Zn - {0} . An interesting result on elegant graphs is that the path with n vertices is elegant for all values of n except for n = 4 . [IC00]

element A vertex or an edge of a graph. [CL96]

elementary chain A chain which does not traverse any node more than once. [BC79]

elementary path A path which does not traverse any node more than once. [BC79]

elementary separator The edges of a graph can be partitioned into blocks such that within each block every pair of distinct edges can be included in some circuit and edges belonging to different blocks cannot be included in the same circuit (each coloop would form a block by itself). Such a block is called an elementary separator of the graph. [HN97]

elementary subdivision = edge subdivision Replacement of an edge by a path of two edges connecting the endpoints of the original edge. [DW96]

If e = vw is an edge of G, then we obtain a new graph by replacing e by two new edges vz and zw , where z is a new vertex. [BW97]

elimination degree sequence ordering Given a graph G = (V, E) and sequence  < d1, d2 , … , d |V| > of non-negative integers not exceeding | V | - 1 , is there a one-to-one function 

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f : V { 1, 2, … , | V | } such that for 1 i | V | , if f(v) = i then there are exactly di vertices u such that f(u) > i and {u, v} E ? [GJ79]

embeddable graph = realizable graph

embedding = graph embedding  By embedding of a graph G in a surface S , each vertex of G becomes a point of S and each edge becomes a simple curve joining the corresponding points, and the curves do not meet except at their ends. [BW97]

A mapping of a graph into a surface, such that (the images of) its edges do not intercept except for shared endpoints. [DW96]

empty graph An empty graph on n nodes consists of n isolated nodes with no edges. [EW00] FIGURE

empty set The set with no elements. [HN97]

end block A block containing exactly one cut-vertex of G . [CL96]

end vertex = leaf 

end vertex set The set of end vertices of a given crossing edge set. [HN97]

endpoint = root = leaf

endpoint of an edge  Vertex to which the edge is incident. [TZ98]

enumeration problem The problem of determining (or counting) the set of all solutions to a given problem. [EW00] 

equal sets The sets which have the same members. [HN97]

equipartite Having part-sizes differing by at most one. [DW96]

equitable coloring Having color classes differing in size by at most one. [DW96]

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equitable graph Equitable labeling of graphs is an natural generalization of cordial labelings. Label the vertices of a graph G with labels 0, 1, …, k , where k < e , (e is the number of the edges). The induced edge labels is given by the absolute difference of the vertex labels at its end-points. Then the graph G is called (k + 1)-equitable if the number of vertex (edge) labels is balanced. [IC00]

equitable labeling Equitable labeling of graphs is an natural generalization of cordial labelings. Label the vertices of a graph G with labels 0, 1, …, k , where k < e , (e is the number of the edges). The induced edge labels is given by the absolute difference of the vertex labels at its end-points. [IC00]

equivalence As a graph, a union of disjoint cliques. [DW96]

equivalence relation Reflexive, symmetric, and transitive relation. [DW96]

equivalent vertices Vertices whose neighborhoods are equal. [MG80] FIGURE

Erdös number  Mathematicians assign Erdös the number 0. People who have coauthored a paper with him are given the number 1. As of May 1996, there were 462 such coauthors. Another 4,566 people have the number 2 because they wrote a paper not with Erdös himself but with someone who wrote a paper with Erdös. The Erdös number 3 goes to anyone who has collaborated with someone who has written a paper with someone who coauthored a paper with Erdös, and so on. Thus, any person not yet assigned an Erdös number who has written a joint mathematical paper with a person having an Erdös number n earns the Erdös number n + 1 . Anyone left out of this assignment process has the Erdös number infinity. [IP00]

Distance from Erdös in the collaboration graph of mathematicians. [DW96]

Erdös-Stone theorem A generalization of Turįn's theorem to non-complete graphs. [EW00] 

ERN = exchange rate network

Euclidean graph A weighted graph in which the weights are equal to the Euclidean lengths of the edges in a specified embedding. [EW00] 

Euclidean Steiner tree

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A tree of minimum Euclidean distance connecting a set of points, called terminals, in the plane. This tree may include points other than the terminals, which are called Steiner points. [PEB00]

Euclidean traveling salesman problem Find a path of minimum Euclidean distance between points in a plane which includes each point exactly once and returns to its starting point. [PEB00]

Euler chain = Eulerian chain

Euler circuit = Euleriasn cycle

Euler cycle = Eulerian cycle

Euler digraph = Eulerian digraph

Euler graph = Eulerian graph

Euler path = Eulerian chain

Euler polyhedron formula If V, E and F are the number of vertices, edges and faces of a polyhedron, then V – E + F = 2 .[CL96]

Euler tour = Eulerian cycle

Eulerian chain = Eulerian path = Eulerian trail  An Euler path is a path which traverses each edge of a graph exactly once. [DMP00]

A chain which contains all edges of a graph. FIGURE

Eulerian circuit = Eulerian cycle

Eulerian cycle = Eulerian circuit = Eulerian tour A simple circuit of a graph in which every edge is traversed once and only once. [CGM79]

An Eulerian path which is a circuit. [SW87]

A closed trail containing every edge. [DW96] FIGURE

Eulerian digraph = Euler digraph A connected digraph D is Eulerian if it has a closed directed trail that includes every arc of D . [BW97] FIGURE

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Eulerian graph = Euler graph A graph containing an Euler cycle. For (connected) undirected graphs, this is true iff every vertex has even degree. For directed graphs, this is true iff every vertex has equal indegree and outdegree. Planar bipartite graphs are dual to planar Eulerian graphs and vice versa. [ODC00]

A connected graph G is Eulerian if it has a closed trail that includes every edge of G . [BW97] FIGURE

Eulerian path = Eulerian chain

Eulerian tour = Eulerian cycle

Eulerian trail = Eulerian chain

Euler's formula  A formula relating the number of edges, and nodes of a graph to the number of regions into which it will divide the plane. Let G be a connected planar graph with n nodes and e edges which divides the plane into r regions. Then any one of n, e, and r may be determined from the other two by the relation n – e + r = 2 . [ODC00]

eve = endpoint = leaf = root 

even cycle Cycle with an even number of edges (or vertices). [DW96] FIGURE

even cycle matroid = lift matroid = even polygon matroid = factor matroid

even cycle problem  Given a digraph, does it contain an even-length cycle? [TZ98]

even graph Graph with all vertex degrees even. [DW96] FIGURE

even pair Vertex pair x, y such that every chordless x, y-path has even length. [DW96]

even polygon matroid = lift matroid = even cycle matroid = factor matroid

even triangle Triangle T such that every vertex has an even number of neighbors in T . [DW96]

even vertex

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A vertex with even degree. [CL96] FIGURE

evolution The model of generating random graphs by successively adding random edges . [DW96]

exchange rate network = ERN A pair (G, f) , in which G = (V, E) is a connected graph and f is a function defined on the set S of sides G , f ( w, v) 0 , f ( w, v) = f ( v, w) -1 , and there is no possibility of profit by cyclic arbitrage,  f ( v 1 , v 2) f ( v 2 , v 3) … f ( v i , v 1) = 1 . [BW97]


exhaustive algorithm = brute-force algorithm Algorithms that are designed to examine systematically every possibility in search of a solution. Although exhaustive algorithms will theoretically produce a solution, often the amount of time or resources required to make the exhaustive search is prohibitive. [ISEM00]

exhaustive circuit matrix A matrix Be = [bij] , where bij = 1 if edge i is in circuit (or in edge disjoint union of circuits) j and bij = 0 otherwise. [WM72] FIGURE

exhaustive circuit matrix of oriented graph A matrix Be = [bij] of order ncne where bij = 1 if edge j is in circuit (or in EDU of circuits) i and the orientation of edge agrees with that of circuit (or EDU of circuits), bij = -1 if edge j is in circuit (or in EDU of circuits) i and the orientation of edge disagrees with that of circuit (or EDU of circuits), bij = 0 otherwise. [WM72] FIGURE

exhaustive cutset matrix A matrix Qe = [qij] , where qij = 1 if edge i is in cutset (or in edge disjoint union of cutsets) j and  qij = 0 otherwise. [WM72]


exhaustive cutset matrix of oriented graph A matrix Qe = [qij] of order nqne where qij = 1 if edge j is in cutset (or in EDU of cutsets) i and the orientation of edge agrees with that of cutset (or EDU of cutsets), qij = -1 if edge j is in cutset (or in EDU of cutses) i and the orientation of edge disagrees with that of cutset (or EDU of cutsets), bij = 0 otherwise. [WM72] FIGURE

exhaustive incidence matrix A matrix Ae = [aij] , where aij = 1 if edge i is incident at vertex j and aij = 0 otherwise. [WM72]

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exhaustive incidence matrix of oriented graph A matrix Ae = [aij] of order nvne where aij = 1 if edge j is incident at vertex i and is oriented away from vertex i, aij = -1 if edge j is incident at vertex i and is oriented toward vertex i, aij = 0 otherwise. [WM72] FIGURE

existence problems  A category of discrete mathematics which deals with whether a given problem has a solution or not. [DMP00]

expander A graph in which each set S of vertices that is not too big has many neighbors outside S . [BW97]

expansion In a 3-regular graph, subdividing two edges and joining the two new vertices by an edge.[DW96]

expansion lemma Adding a vertex of degree k to a k-connected graph preserves k-connectedness. [DW96]

expansive property For a function on the subsets of a set, the requirement that X (X) for all X . [DW96]

expected complexity The average order of the running time over all problems of a given size. [BC79]

exponential function Any function which is the sum of constants times other constants to the power of the argument: f(x) = ci bi xpi.  In complexity theory, the measure of computation, m(n) (usually execution time or memory space), is bounded by an exponential function of the problem size, n . [PEB00]

exponential time algorithm Any algorithm whose time complexity cannot be bounded as a polynomial time function. [GJ79]

extended k-d-tree A spatial access method where successive levels are split along different dimensions into nonoverlapping cells. Objects are indexed in all cells they intersect. [PEB00]

exterior region The unbounded region in a plane graph. [DW96]

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exterior semidegree = outdegree

extremal graph The largest graph of order n which does not contain a given graph G as a subgraph. [EW00] 

extremal graph theory The study of how the intrinsic structure of graphs ensures certain types of properties (e.g., clique-formation and graph colorings) under appropriate conditions. [EW00] 

extreme vertex A vertex whose neighborhood is complete. [MG80]

extroverted edge  Bidirected link or loop whose ends are both directed toward the endpoints. [TZ98]

| # | a | b | c-cn | co | cp-cz | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m-mh | mi | mj-mz | | n | o | p | q | r | s-so | sp-sz | t | u | v | w | xyz |

      | feedback | finite | flat | forest | frustrated | fundamental |  

face = region The undivided area enclosed by the set of edges E and vertices V, when the vertices V are embedded in a common plane. [CGM79]

Open sets into which the points of the plane not on G are partitioned. [BW97]

Part of a plane enclosed by minimal cycle or maximal cycle of a graph. In last case the face is a part of the plane outside of the maximal cycle (also called infinite face).

face of a plane graph  The closure of any of the several connected partitions formed when the edges and vertices of a plane graph are erased. [HC00]

face-width The face-width of a graph G embedded in a surface S is the minimum number of points in C intersect G taken over all noncontractible C in S . [DA00]

facility location problem  Find a location (say x-y coordinates) that minimizes a weighted sum of distances to each of several locations. An example is to locate a hospital or school to serve a community defined

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by population centers. Originally considered by Fermat in the 17th century, there are now many variations of this problem. One variation is the location of an obnoxious facility, such as a garbage dump. In that case the objective is to maximize total (weighted) distance from the given points (there are constraints, such as cost, that require the location to be within some distance of the points). [HG99]

factor matroid = lift matroid = even cycle matroid = even polygon matroid

factor of a graph  Any spanning subgraph of a graph G. [CL96]

Given an assignment f of a nonnegative integer to each vertex of an undirected graph G, an f-factor of G is a spanning subgraph H of G such that the degree in H of each vertex v of G is f(v) .[HC00]

factorable graph A graph is said to be factorable into the factors  G1 , G2 , … , Gt if these factors are pairwise edge-disjoint and E(Gi) = E(G) . [CL96]

factorization A set of factors G1 , G2 , … , Gt of a factorable graph G = G1G2 … Gt . [CL96]

An expression of G as the edge-disjoint union of spanning subgraphs. [DW96]

family A mapping from an index set I to the collection of all subsets of S. [HN97]

fan A spread in which each node has a finite number of children. [EW00] 

Fary embedding  A representation of a planar graph as a planar straight line graph in which no two edges cross. [ODC00]

Fary's theorem A planar graph has a straight-line embedding in the plane. [DW96]

fast algorithm = efficient algorithm A polynomial-bounded algorithm. [BC79]

fat triangle A multigraph with three vertices and k copies of each pair as edges. [DW96]

fathom  Arises in directed tree search. A node is fathomed if it is determined that no completion from

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this point could produce a better solution than one already obtained. This could happen by bounding the objective, or it can happen by determining there is no feasible solution with the partial specifications corresponding to the node. [HG99]

fault detection in directed graphs problem Given acyclic digraph G = (V, A) with I V denoting those vertices with in-degree 0 and OV denoting those vertices with out-degree 0, and a positive integer K , is there a test set of size K or less that can detect every single fault in G ? [GJ79]

fault detection in logic circuits problem Given acyclic digraph G = (V, A) with a single vertex v*V having out-degree 0, an assignment  f : (V – { v*}) {I , and , or , not} such that  f(v) = I implies v has in-degree 2, and a subset  V ' V , can all single faults occuring at vertices of  V ' be detected by input-output experiments? [GJ79]

fault detection with test points problem Given acyclic digraph G = (V, A) having exactly one vertex s V with in-degree 0 and exactly one vertex t Vwith out-degree 0, and a positive integer K , can all single faults in G be located by attaching K or fewer test points to arcs in A ? [GJ79]

F-covering Covering by subgraphs in the family F . [DW96]

F-decomposition Decomposition using subgraphs in the family F . [DW96]

F-decomposition number  Minimum number of graphs in an F-decomposition of G . [DW96]

feasible flow A flow f is said to be feasible if and only if fi ci (i = 1, 2, … , m) where ci is a capacity of the arc ui . [BC79]

A network flow satisfying edge-constraints and having net flow 0 at each internal vertex. [DW96]

feasible register assignment problem Given acyclic digraph G = (V, A) , positive integer K and a register assignment f : V {R1 , R2

, … , Rk } , is there a computation for G using the given register assignment? [GJ79]

feasible solution A choice of values for the variables that satisfies all the constraints in an optimization problem. [DW96]

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feedback arc set problem Given a digraph G = (V, A) and positive integer  K | A | , is there a subset A ' A with | A '| K such that A ' contains at least one arc from every directed cycle in G ? [GJ79]

feedback edge set A set of edges S E such that every cycle of  G = (V, E) contains an edge in S . [RND77]


feedback vertex set A set of vertices R V such that every cycle of  G = (V, E) contains a vertex in R . [RND77]


feedback vertex set problem Given a digraph G = (V, A) and positive integer  K | V | , is there a subset V ' Vwith | V '| K such that V ' contains at least one vertex from every directed cycle in G ? [GJ79]

Ferrers diagram Diagram of a partition of an integer, with qi positions in the i-th row, where q1 … qk and qi = n . [DW96]

Ferrers digraph A digraph (loops allowed) with no x, y, z, w (not necessarily distinct) such that x y and zw but  z / y and x /w ; equivalently, the successor sets or predecessor sets are ordered by inclusion; equivalently, the adjacency matrix has no 2 2 permutation submatrix [DW96]

f-factor A spanning subgraph with d(v) = f(v) .[DW96]

Fibonnacci heap A heap made of a forest of trees. [PEB00]

Fiedler vector The eigenvector corresponding to the second smallest eigenvalue (i.e., the algebraic connectivity) of the Laplacian matrix of a graph G . The Fiedler vector is used in spectral graph partitioning. [EW00] 

finitary tree A tree with a finite number of children at every node. [PEB00] FIGURE

finite algorithm

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An algorithm that will terminate in a finite number of steps. [BC79]

finite graph A graph with a finite number of vertices and edges. [CGM79]

A graph with a finite vertex set. FIGURE

finite set A set having only a finite number of elements. [BC79] 

first-order hybrid Petri nets Consist of continuous places holding fluid, discrete places containing a non-negative integer number of tokens, and either discrete or continuous transitions. The continuous flows have constant rates and the fluid content of each continuous place varies linearly with time. [PM99]

five color theorem The theorem that planar graphs are 5-colorable. [DW96]

flat = closed set  A subset A of S is closed or a flat or a subspace of M if for all elements x of S \ A, r(A {x}) = 1 + r(A) . [SL99]

A closed set in a matroid. [DW96]

An edge set that is closed in the bias matroid (or sometimes in the lift or extended lift matroid, depending on context; in the latter case it is any closed subset of the extended edge set E0). [TZ98] 

Fleury's algorithm An elegant algorithm for constructing an Eulerian circuit. [EW00] 

flexible graph A graph G is said to be flexible if the vertices of G can be moved continuously so that  the distances between adjacent vertices are unchanged,  at least two nonadjacent vertices change their mutual distances.  [EW00] 

flow A flow in a network N with source set X , sink set Y , and capacity function c is a function f from the arcs of N to the nonnegative real numbers such that 0 f (a) c(a) for every arc a of N, and  for each vertex v of V(N) – (X Y) , the sum of the values of f on the arcs directed toward v equals the sum of the values of f on the arcs directed away from v. Ordinarily, the flow on any arc directed toward a vertex in X is zero, as is the flow on any arc directed away from a vertex in Y . [HC00]

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A vector f on E(G) satisfying the following conditions: f satisfies Kirchhoff's Current Equation; the net outward flow at the source s is nonnegative and at the sink t is nonpositive; 0 f(e) c(e) e E(G) . [HN97]

An assigment of values to variables for each arc of a network. [DW96]

flow augmenting path  This arises in the Ford-Fulkerson labeling algorithm to find a maximum flow in a network with arc flow bounds L , U . Given a flow f from a source to a sink, a flow augmenting path, relative to f, is a path from that source to sink such that  f(x, y) < U(x, y) along all forward arcs;  f(x, y) > L(x, y) along all backward arcs.  The flow f is a maximum flow from the source to the sink if, and only if, there is no flow augmenting path relative to f. If there is a flow augmenting path, it can be changed along the path such that total flow increases (by at least 1 if all data are integer). [HG99]

flow conservation The property that no vertex, except the source and sink, of a flow network creates or stores flow. More formally, the incoming flow is the same as the outgoing flow, or, the net flow is 0. [PEB00]

flow conservation condition For every node xi of G, the sum of the flows in arcs incident to xi is equal to the sum of the flows in arcs incident from xi . [BC79]

flow function An assignment of flow values to the edges of a flow network that satisfies flow conservation, skew symmetry, and capacity constraints. [PEB00]

flow graph = flow network

flow network = flow graph A network with a flow defined on it. [HC00]

For a square matrix W = [wij] where i, j = 1, 2, … , n , a flow graph G is a weighted oriented graph satisfying two conditions: G consists of vertices 1, 2, … , n . The weight of each edge connected from vertex i to vertex j is wji for all 1 iand jn .[WM72]

The tuple (G, c, s, t) where c : E(G) R+ is a real nonnegative capacity function on the edges

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of G and s and t are two vertices of G called source and sink, respectively. [HN97]

A weighted, directed graph with two specially marked nodes, the source s and the sink t , and a capacity function which maps edges to positive real numbers, u: E | R+.[PEB00]

flower Consists of a stem (alternating path from an unsaturated vertex) and a blossom (odd cycle with a near-perfect matching). [DW96] FIGURE

Floyd's algorithm An algorithm for finding the shortest path between two vertices. [EW00] 

Floyd-Warshall algorithm An algorithm to solve the all pairs shortest path problem in a weighted, directed graph by multiplying adjacency-matrix representation of the graph multiple times. The edges may have negative weights, but no negative weight cycles. [PEB00]

fluid stochastic Petri net Extends stochastic Petri nets by introducing places with continuous tokens and arcs with fluid flow so as to handle stochastic fluid flow systems. No continuous transitions are present in this model. [PM99]

Folkman graph A graph which is edge-transitive but not vertex-transitive, and has the minimum possible number of nodes (20) for a nontrivial graph satisfying these properties. [EW00] 

forcibly Hamiltonian A degree sequence such that every simple graph with that degree sequence is Hamiltonian. [DW96]

Ford-Fulkerson method Given a flow function and its corresponding residual graph (a maximum-flow problem), select a path from the source to the sink along which the flow can be increased and increase the flow. Repeat until when there are no such paths. [PEB00]

forest = acyclic graph = forest graph An (undirected) graph without cycles. Hence it is a union of trees. [ODC00]

An acyclic graph (i.e., a graph without any circuits). Forests therefore consist only of (possibly disconnected) trees, hence the name "forest". A forest with k components and n nodes has n – k edges. [EW00]

A graph where every connected component is a tree. FIGURE

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forest editing problem The problem of finding an edit script of minimum cost which transforms a given forest into another given forest. [PEB00] 

forest graph = forest

fork A node of tree T which is the endpoint of two or more branches. [EW00] FIGURE

four color conjecture = four color theorem The long-standing conjecture, finally proven in 1976 by K. Appel and W. Haken using reducible configurations, that every planar graph G is four-colorable; that is, the vertices of G can be assigned colors so that no adjacent vertices are the same color. Historically, the problem required the coloring of a map in the plane so that no two countries that shared a border were the same color. [HC00] FIGURE

four color problem The problem of determining whether the countries of any map on the plane (or sphere) can be colored with four or fewer colors such that adjacent countries are colored differently. [CL96] FIGURE

four color theorem = four color conjecture

fractional arboricity  Given a graph G, the fractional arboricity of G is  max H G |E(H)| / |(V(H)| - (H)) where (H) is the number of components of H , | S | is the number of elements in set S , and the maximum is taken over all subgraphs H of G for which |V(H)| > (H) . [HC00]

framework Consider a finite collection of points p = (p1 , … , pn) , pi Rd Euclidean space (known as a configuration) and a graph G whose vertices correspond to pairs of points that are constrained to stay the same distance apart. Then the graph G together with the configuration p, denoted G(p), is called a framework. [EW00] 

fraternal orientation An orientation such that two vertices are adjacent if they have a common successor. [DW96]

free edge An edge which is not in a matching. [PEB00]

free matroid Matroid in which every set of elements is independent. [DW96]

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free tree  A tree which is not rooted, i.e., a normal tree with no node singled out for special treatment. [EW00]


free vertex A vertex not on a matched edge in a matching, or, one which has not been matched. [PEB00]

friendship theorem If every pair of people in a set have exactly one common friend in the set, then someone is everyone's friend. [DW96]

Frobenius theorem = marriage theorem

Frucht graph The smallest cubic graph whose automorphism group consists only of the identity element. [EW00] FIGURE

frustrated = unbalanced  Not balanced. [TZ98]

frustration index  Minimum size of a deletion set: least number of edges that must be removed from a signed, gain, or biased graph in order to leave a balanced graph. [TZ98]

frustration number = vertex frustration number Minimum size of a balancing vertex set: least number of vertices that must be removed in order to leave a balanced graph. [TZ98]

f-soluble  Having an edge weighting so that the sum of the weights incident to v is f(v) . [DW96]

full binary tree A binary tree in which each vertex has exactly zero or two children. All leaves are at the same level. [PEB00] FIGURE

fully dynamic graph problem Problem where the update operations include unrestricted insertions and deletions of edges. [PEB00]

functional graph A functional graph is a digraph in which each vertex has outdegree one, and can therefore be specified by a function mapping {1, … , n} onto itself. [EW00] FIGURE

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fundamental circuit = fundamental cycle

fundamental circuit matrix A matrix of the form Bf = [ I | B12] with rows corresponding to fundamental circuits with respect to a forest f and with columns correponding to the edges of G. [HN97] FIGURE

fundamental cutset A unique cutset contained in e fcwhere fc is a coforest of G and e f .[HN97]

A fundamental cutset corresponding to the edge e is a cutset formed in a special manner by the removal of the edge e from a spanning tree. [SW87] FIGURE

fundamental cutset matrix A matrix of the form Qf = [ Q11| I ] with rows corresponding to fundamental cutsets with respect to a forest f and with columns correponding to the edges of G . [HN97] FIGURE

fundamental cycle = fundamental circuit A unique circuit contained in e f where f is a forest of G and e f .[HN97]

A circuit which contains exactly one chord in the set of chords with respect to the tree t . [WM72] FIGURE

fuzzy graph A graph with fuzzy edges or nodes. [PEB00]

| # | a | b | c-cn | co | cp-cz | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m-mh | mi | mj-mz | | n | o | p | q | r | s-so | sp-sz | t | u | v | w | xyz |

    | genus | good | graph | graphic | Grundy |  

gain digraph  A directed graph with a gain function. That is, the function should be interpreted in the undirected graph as a gain function rather than a weight function, and the properties studied should be gain-graph-like. (Note that "balance" of a gain digraph means the underlying gain graph is balanced. That is, all polygons, not only digraph cycles, must be considered.) [TZ98]

gain function 

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The function : E G that assigns gains to the links and loops. [TZ98]

gain graph = group-labelled graph = voltage graph Graph whose edges (except half and loose edges) are labelled by elements of a group (the gain group), the gain of an edge, (e), being inverted if the direction of traversal is reversed (thus, distinct from a weighted graph). When necessary, one can indicate the direction of the gain on e: vw by the notation (e; v, w) , meaning the gain is read from v to w.  A graph in which each edge has a gain: a positive (occasionally, merely nonzero) real number such that the inflow to the edge is multiplied by the gain in order to get the outflow. [TZ98]

gain group  The value group of the gain function of . [TZ98]

galaxy A forest, every component of which is a (nontrivial) star.[CL96] FIGURE

game tree  A graph representation of different strategic outcomes in a game. Each node or vertex represents an action space, and action spaces are connected by directed edges representing consequences of particular actions. [HC00]

A tree that arises from the backtrack examination of all possible move sequences. [RND77]

gamma of a graph = chromatic index

gammoid A matroid on E generated from vertex sets F, E in a digraph by letting independent sets be those that can be saturated by a set of disjoint paths starting in F . [DW96]

GBD-tree A generalized BD-tree, hence the name, which stores spatially extended objects as a hierarchy of minimum bounding boxes. It is a balanced multiway tree which serves as a spatial access method. [PEB00]

gear graph A wheel graph with a vertex added between each pair of adjacent vertices. [EW00] 

general graph A graph with loops allowed. [BW97] FIGURE

generalized chromatic number Minimum number of classes needed to partition the vertices so that the subgraph induced by

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each color class has property P . [DW96]

generalized electrical network An ordered pair (V, D) where V is a vector space on the set of edges E and D is a device characteristic on E . [HN97]

generalized geography problem Given a digraph G = (V, A) and a specified vertex  v0 V , does player 1 have a forced win in the following game played on G ? The players alternate choosing a new arc from A . The first arc chosen must have its tail at v0 and each subsequently chosen arc must have its tail at the vertex that was the head of the previous arc. The first player unable to choose such a new arc loses. [GJ79]

generalized hex problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and two specified vertices s, t V , does player 1 have a forced win in the following game played on G ? The players alternate choosing a vertex from V – {s, t} , with those chosen by player 1 being colored "blue" and those chosen by player 2 being colored "red". Play continues until all such vertices have been colored, and player 1 wins if and only if there is a path from s to t in G that passes through only blue vertices. [GJ79]

generalized Kayles problem Given a graph G = (V, E) , does player 1 have a forced win in the following game played on G ? The players alternate choosing a vertex in the graph, removing that vertex and all vertices adjacent to it from the graph. Player 1 wins if and only if player 2 is the first player left with no vertices to choose from. [GJ79]

generalized network  A network in the usual sense of network flow theory, but in which each edge has a gain: a positive (occasionally, merely nonzero) real number such that the inflow to the edge is multiplied by the gain in order to get the outflow. [TZ98]

generalized Petersen graph The graph with vertices {u1 , … , un} and {v1, … , vn} and edges {ui ui+1},{vi vi+k} , where addition is modulo n . [DW96]

generalized Ramsey number The least positive integer n such that for any factorization Kn= F1F2 … Fk the graph G1 is a subgraph of F1 for at least one i = 1, 2, … , k . [CL96]

The minimum n such that coloring the edges of Kn forces an i-monochromatic copy of Gi for some i . [DW96]

genus = graph genus The smallest genus of all surfaces (compact orientable 2-manifolds) on which G can be

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embedded. [CL96]

The genus (G) of a graph G is the genus of the orientable surface S of least genus, such that G can be topologically embedded in S (such an embedding is a minimal embedding). [HC00]

The genus of a graph is the minimum number of handles that must be added to the plane to embed the graph without any crossings. [EW00]

genus of a surface A number of "handles" placed on a sphere, or, equivalently, a number of "holes" inserted in a sphere. [CL96]

geodesic = graph geodesic A shortest path between two vertices (u, v) of a graph. [EW00] FIGURE

geodetic graph  A graph is said to be geodetic if, given any two vertices v1 and v2 , there exists a unique path between v1 and v2 of minimal length. [HC00]

geometric capacitated spanning tree problem Given a set P Z Z of points in the plane, specified point p0 P , requirement r(p) Z0

+for each p P - p0 , capacity c Z+and bound BZ+,is therea spanning tree T = (P, E ' ) for the complete graph G = (P, E) such that e E ' d(e) B , where d((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) is the discretized Euclidean distance (( x1 – x2 )2 + ( y1 – y2 )2 )½  , and such that for each e E ' , if U(e) is the set of vertices whose paths to p0 pass through e , then  u U(e)r(u) c ?[ GJ79]

geometric dual graph Given a planar graph G, its geometric dual G* is constructed by placing a vertex in each region of G (including the exterior region) and, if two regions have an edge x in common, joining the corresponding vertices by an edge x* crossing only x . The result is always a planar pseudograph. [EW00] FIGURE

geometric Steiner tree problem Given a set P Z Z of points in the plane and positive integer K , is there a finite set Q Z Z such that there is a spanning tree of total weight K or less for the vertex set P Q , where the weight of an edge {(x1, y1), (x2, y2)} is the discretized Euclidean length (( x1 – x2 )2 + ( y1 – y2 )2 )½ ? [GJ79]

geometric traveling salesman problem Given a set P Z Z of points in the plane and positive integer B , is there a tour of length

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B or less for the traveling salesman instance with C = P and d((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) equal to the discretized Euclidean distance (( x1 – x2 )2 + ( y1 – y2 )2 )½ ? [GJ79]

girth The length of the shortest graph cycle (if any) in a graph. Acyclic graphs are considered to have infinite girth. [EW00] 

good algorithm Runs in polynomial time. [DW96]

good characterization Characterization of a class that is checkable in polynomial time. [DW96]

good coloring Often means proper coloring. [DW96]

gossip problem Minimize the number of calls so that each vertex transmits to every other by an increasing path. [DW96]

gossip scheme An ordered graph that has an increasing path from each vertex to every other vertex. [DW96]

graceful graph A graph that admits a graceful labeling. [CL96]

A simple graph with e edges is graceful if there is one-to-one function l: V(G) {0, 1, 2, . . . , e} with the property that the set { | l(u) - l(v) | : uvE(G)} includes e different numbers. It is conjectured that every finite tree is graceful. [HC00] 

graceful labeling The labeling of vertices of G with distinct elements from the set {0,1,…, m} in such a way that the induced edge labeling, which prescribes the integer  |i – j| to the edge joining vertices labelled i and j, assigns the labels 1, 2, … , m to the edges of G . [CL96]

An assignment of distinct integers to vertices such that the integers are between 0 and e(G) , and the differences between the labels at the endpoints of the edges yield the integers 1, … , e(G) . [DW96] 

graceful tree A tree with a graceful labeling. [DW96]

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graceful tree conjecture Every tree has a graceful labeling. [DW96]

gracefulness The smallest positive integer k for which it is possible to label the vertices of G with distinct elements from the set {0,1,…, k} in such a way that distinct edges receive distinct labels. [CL96]

Graham's number The smallest dimension n of a hypercube such that if the lines joining all pairs of corners are two-colored, a planar complete graph K4 of one color will be forced. Stated colloquially, this is equivalent to considering every possible committee from some number of people n and enumerating every pair of committees. [EW00] 

graph A set of items connected by edges. Each item is called a vertex or node. Formally, a graph is a set of vertices and a relation between vertices, adjacency. Graphs are usually represented G = (V, E) , where V is the set of vertices, and E is the set of edges. If the graph is undirected, adjacency is symmetric. If the graph does not allow self-loops, adjacency is irreflexive. [PEB00]

A finite non-empty set V(G) of elements called vertices and a finite set E(G) of distinct unordered pairs of distinct elements of V(G) called edges. [BW97] 

A graph G is a triple (V(G), E(G), iG) where V(G) is a finite set of vertices, E(G) is a finite set of edges and iG is an incidence function which associates with each edge a pair of vertices, not necessarily distinct, called its endpoints or end vertices. [HN97]

A nonempty set T together with a set S of ordered or unordered pairs of its elements (vertices). Unordered pairs of vertices (a, b) S are called edges of a graph, ordered pairs are called arcs or oriented edges. Usually it is assumed that (a, a) S for arbitray a T . FIGURE

graph 3-colorability problem  Given a graph G = (V, E) , is G 3-colorable ? [GJ79]

graph automorphism An automorphism of a graph is a graph isomorphism with itself. [EW00] 

graph center = center

graph circumference = circumference

graph coloring = coloring The assignment of labels or colors to the edges or vertices of a graph. The most common types of graph colorings are edge coloring and vertex coloring. [EW00]

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A coloring of a graph G is an assignment of colors (which are actually considered as elements of some set) to the vertices of G, one color to each vertex, so that adjacent vertices are assigned different colors. [CL96]


graph complement = complement

graph component = component

graph composition = composition

graph concentration Contracting a graph by removing a subset of the vertices. [PEB00]

graph contractability problem Given graphs G = (V1 , E1) and H = (V2 , E2) , can a graph isomorphic to H be obtained from G by a sequence of edge contractions? [GJ79]

graph contraction = contraction

graph diameter = diameter

graph difference The graph difference of graphs G and H is the graph with adjacency matrix given by the difference of adjacency matrices of G and H . A graph difference is defined when the orders of G and H are the same. [EW00] 

graph drawing The problem of representing a graph in a plane "neatly," for instance with a minimum number of edge crossings. [PEB00] FIGURE

graph eccentricity = eccentricity

graph eigenvalue = eigenvalue

graph embedding = embedding

graph genus = genus

graph genus problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and non-negative integer K , can G be embedded on a surface of genusK such that no two edges cross one another? [GJ79]

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graph geodesic = geodesic

graph Grundy numbering problem Given a digraph G = (V, A), is there a labeling  L: V Z+ (where the same label may be assigned to more than one vertex) such that, for each v V ,L(v) is the least non-negative integer not in the set  {L(u): u V, (v, u) A} ? [GJ79]

graph homomorphism problem Given graphs G = (V1 , E1) and H = (V2 , E2) , can a graph isomorphic to H be obtained from G by a sequence of identifications of non-adjacent vertices? [GJ79]

graph intersection = intersection of graphs

graph isomorphism An isomorphism between two graphs is a one-to-one mapping between their two sets of vertices. [EW00] 

graph isomorphism problem  Given two graphs G1 = (V1 , E1) and G2 = (V2 , E2) , are G1 and G2 isomorphic? [GJ79]

graph join = join = union of graphs

graph k-colorability problem = chromatic number problem

graph partitioning problem Given a graph G = (V, E) , weights w(v) Z+ for each v V , l(e) Z+ for each e E , positive integers K and J , is there a partition of V into disjoint sets V1 , V2 , … , Vm such that v Vi w(v) Kfor 1 i mand such that, if E ' E is the set of edges that have their two endpoints in two different sets Vi , then e E ' l(e) J ?[GJ79]

graph power The k-th power of a graph G is a graph with the same set of vertices as G and an edge between two vertices iff there is a path of length at most k between them. [EW00] FIGURE

graph product The product G = G1 G2 of graphs G1 and G2 with disjoint vertex sets V1 and V2 and edge sets E1 and E2 is the graph with vertex set V1V2and  u = (u1 , u2) adjacent with v = (v1 , v2) whenever  [u1 = v1 and u2 adj v2 ] or [u2 = v2 and u1 adj v1 ] . [EW00]

graph radius = radius

graph section A section of a graph obtained by finding its intersection with a plane. [EW00] 

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graph spectrum = spectrum

graph sum The graph sum of graphs G and H is the graph with adjacency matrix given by the sum of adjacency matrices of G and H . A graph sum is defined when the orders of G and H are the same. [EW00] FIGURE

graph switching = Seidel switching Reversing the adjacencies between a vertex subset S and its complement; i.e., edges with one end in S and the other in Sc are deleted, while new edges are suppplied joining each pair x in S and y in Sc that were nonadjacent in the original graph. [TZ98]

graph theory  The mathematical study of the properties of the formal mathematical structures called graphs. [EW00]

A part of discrete mathematics for studying the properties of graphs and their various generalizations.

graph thickness = thickness = edge thickness

graph two-coloring Assignment of each edge of a graph to one of two color classes ("red" or "green"). [EW00] FIGURE

graph union = union of graphs = join

graphic matroid Matroid whose independent sets are the acyclic subsets of E(G) . [DW96]

A B-matroid M = (S, B) is graphic if there exists a graph G with edge set S such that B is the collection of maximal edge sets of G which do not support a cycle of G . [SL99]

Matroid whose circuits are the polygons of the graph (for an ordinary graph). [TZ98] 

graphic sequence = graphical sequence A sequence s: d1, d2, … , dn of nonnegetive integers is called a graphical sequence if there exists a graph G with a vertex set V such that d1, d2, … , dn are the degrees of the vertices in V . [CL96]

graphical partition A partition { a1 , … , an } is called graphical if there exists a graph G having degree sequence  { a1 , … , an } .[EW00]

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graphical sequence = graphic sequence

graphoid A graphoid consists of a set M of elements together with two collections C and D of nonempty subsets of M , called circuits and cocircuits respectively, such that  For any C C and D D , | C D | 1 .  No circuit properly contains another circuit and no cocircuit properly contains another cocircuit.  For any painting of M with colors exactly one element green and the rest either red or blue, there exists either (a) a circuit C containing the green element and no red elements, or (b) a cocircuit D containing the green element and no blue elements. [EW00] 

greedy algorithm An algorithm which always takes the best immediate, or local, solution while finding an answer. Greedy algorithms will always find the overall, or globally, optimal solution for some problems, but may find less-than-optimal solutions for some instances of other problems. [PEB00]

A fast non-backtracking algorithm to find a good feasible solution by iteratively making a heuristically good choice. [DW96]

greedy coloring With respect to some vertex ordering, color each vertex with the least-indexed color not already appearing among the neighbors of the vertex being colored. [DW96]

greedy heuristic An algorithmic technique in which an optimization problem is solved by finding locally optimal solutions. [PEB00]

grid drawing A graph drawing in which each vertex is represented by a point with integer coordinates. [PEB00]

grid graph An m n grid graph Gm,n is the product of path graphs on m and n vertices. [EW00] FIGURE

Grinberg condition Necessary condition for Hamiltonian cycles in planar graphs: summing (length-2) over the inside faces or over the outside faces yields the same total. [DW96]

Grötsch graph The smallest triangle-free 4-chromatic graph. [DW96] FIGURE

group-labelled graph = gain graph = voltage graph

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Grundy number The maximum number of colors in an application of the greedy coloring algorithm. [DW96]

Guthrie's problem The problem of deciding if four colors are sufficient to color any map on a plane or sphere. [EW00] FIGURE

| # | a | b | c-cn | co | cp-cz | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m-mh | mi | mj-mz | | n | o | p | q | r | s-so | sp-sz | t | u | v | w | xyz |

     | handcuff | head | heuristics | hole | hypothesis |  

Hadwiger conjecture A k-chromatic graph has a subgraph contractible to Kk (true for "almost all" graphs). [DW96]

Hadwiger number The smallest number k for which some component of the graph can be contracted to the complete graph Kk . [BW97]

Hajos conjecture A k-chromatic graph contains a homeomorph of Kk (false beyond k = 5). [DW96]

Hajós number The Hajós number h(G) of a graph G is the maximum k such that G contains a subdivision of the complete graph Kk . [EW00]

half edge  Edge with one end, thus one endpoint. [TZ98] FIGURE

Hall's theorem A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a system of distinct representatives. [DW96]

Hamiltonian anticycle A spanning semicycle of a digraph D containing no subpath of length 2. [CL96]

Hamiltonian chain = Hamiltonian path

Hamiltonian circuit = Hamiltonian cycle

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Hamiltonian circuit problem = Hamiltonian cycle problem

Hamiltonian closure Graph obtained by successfully adding edges between vertices whose degree-sum is as large as the number of vertices. [DW96]

Hamiltonian completion problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and non-negative integer  K | V | , is there a superset E ' containing E such that | E – E ' | K and the graph G ' = (V, E ' ) has a Hamiltonian circuit? [GJ79]

Hamiltonian cycle = Hamiltonian circuit A graph cycle (i.e. closed loop) through a graph that visits each node exactly once. The Hamiltonian circuit is named after Sir William Rowan Hamilton, who devised a puzzle in which such a path along the edges of an icosahedron was sought (the Icosian game). [EW00]

A cycle that includes each vertex of the directed graph exactly once. [CGM79]

Elementary cycle that includes each vertex of a graph exactly once. FIGURE

Hamiltonian cycle problem = Hamiltonian circuit problem Given a graph G = (V, E) , does G contain a Hamiltonian circuit? [GJ79]

Hamiltonian factorization A factorization of G such that every factor is a Hamiltonian cycle of G . [CL96]

Hamiltonian graph A graph possessing a Hamiltonian circuit. By convention, the trivial graph on a single node is considered Hamiltonian, but the connected graph on two nodes is not. [EW00]

A graph G is Hamiltonian if it has a cycle that includes every vertex of G . [BW97] FIGURE

Hamiltonian path = Hamiltonian chain A path that includes every vertex of G. [BW97] 

Elementary chain that connects two vertices of the graph and includes all other vertices of the graph. FIGURE

Hamiltonian path problem Given a graph G = (V, E) , does G contain a Hamiltonian path? [GJ79]

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Hamiltonian-connected graph A graph G is Hamiltonian-connected if for every pair u, v of distinct vertices of G, there exists a Hamiltonian u-v path. [CL96]

Hamming ball  A Hamming ball of radius r centered at vertex v consists of all vertices w such that the distance  d(v, w) < r , together with some vertices at distance r . [BW97]

handcuff = bicycle = theta graph A connected graph consisting of two vertex-disjoint polygons and a minimal (not necessarily minimum-length) connecting path (this is a loose handcuff), or of two polygons that meet at a single vertex (a tight handcuff or figure eight). Equivalently, a minimal connected graph with cyclomatic number 2. [TZ98] FIGURE

handle Addition to a surface to increase genus. [DW96]

Hanoi graph A graph Hn arising in conjunction with the towers of Hanoi problem. [EW00] FIGURE

happy end problem The problem of determining the smallest number of points g(n) in general position in the plane (i.e., no three of which are collinear), which always determine a convex polygon of n sides. The problem was so-named by Erdos when two investigators who first worked on the problem, E. Klein and G. Szekeres, became engaged and subsequently married. [EW00] 

Harary bipartition A bipartition of the vertex set so that an edge is negative iff its endpoints lie in different parts. [TZ98]

Harary graph The smallest k-connected graph Hk,n with n vertices, having kn/2 edges, where x is the ceiling function. [EW00]

k-connected n-vertex graph with minimal number of edges. [DW96] FIGURE

hard problem A problem is said to be hard if the existence of a fast algorithm for its solution implies that the NP-complete problems are easy. [BC79]

harmonious graph = consistent graph A connected labeled graph with n edges in which all vertices can be labeled with distinct

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integers (mod n) so that the sums of the pairs of numbers at the ends of each edge are also distinct (mod n). The ladder graph, fan, wheel graph, Petersen graph, tetrahedral graph, dodecahedral graph, and icosahedral graph are all harmonious. [EW00] 

Having the vertex-sign product around every polygon equal to +. [TZ98]

H-cordial graph  A graph with e edges is called H-cordial if it is possible to label the edges with the numbers from the set N = {+1 , -1} in such a way that at each vertex v the algebraic sum of the labels on the edges incident with v is either +K or -K and the inequalities 1 | vf(+K) - vf(-K) | and 1 | ef(+1) - ef(-1) | are also satisfied, where vf(j) and ef(j) are, respectively, the number of vertices and edges labeled with j . [IC00]

head = negative endpoint The second element of the ordered pair of vertices in a directed graph, head of the arrow. [HN97]

heap A tree where every node has a key more extreme (greater or less) than the key of its parent. [PEB00]

Heawood graph The 6-cage. [CL96]

The seven-color torus map on 14 nodes. [EW00] FIGURE

Heawood's formula The chromatic number of a graph embedded on the oriented surface with handles is at most 1/2(7 + (1 + 48 )1/2 ) . [DW96]

heigth = heigth of a tree = depth of a tree The maximum distance of any leaf from the root of a tree. If a tree has only one node (the root), the height is one. [PEB00] 

heigth-balanced binary search tree A data structure which supports membership, insert, and delete operations in time logarithmic in the size of the tree. [PEB00]

heigth of a tree = depth of a tree = heigth 

Helly circular-arc graph An undirected graph for which there exists a circular-arc representation that satisfies the Helly property. [MG80]

Helly number 

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For some universe, the number k such that the sets in F have a common intersection. [DW96]

Helly property A family {Ti}i Iof subsets of a set T is said to satisfy the Helly property if JI and TiTj 0 for all i, j J implies that j JTj 0 . [MG80]

The property of the real line (or trees) that any collection of pairwise intersecting subsets has a common intersection point. [DW96]

heptadaidecagon  A polygon with seventeen sides. [HC00]

heptagon  A polygon with seven sides. [HC00]

heptahedral graph A polyhedral graph on seven nodes. [EW00] FIGURE

hereditary class A class F for which every induced subgraph of a graph in F is also in F. [DW96]

hereditary family A family F of sets such that every subset of a member of F is in F . [DW96]

hereditary system A system consisting of a hereditary family and the alternative ways of specifying the family. [DW96]

hermit point = isolated point = acnode

heuristics  In mathematical programming, this usually means a procedure that seeks a solution but does not guarantee it will find one. It is often used in contrast to an algorithm, so branch and bound would not be considered a heuristic in this sense. In AI, however, a heuristic is an algorithm (with some guarantees) that uses a heuristic function to estimate the "cost" of branching from a given node to a leaf of the search tree. [HG99]

Based on or involving trial and error. Convincing without being rigorous. [EW00] 

heuristic function  This is used to guide the search, as a human would do. In this sense, it is a rule of thumb. Formally, in AI, a heuristic function is defined on the state of a search tree and is used in the evaluation of nodes for expansion in what is sometimes called a best-first directed tree search strategy. [HG99]

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heuristic search  In mathematical programming, this is any (purposeful) search procedure to seek a solution to a global optimization problem, notably to combinatorial optimization. In AI, this is a (partially) informed search (vs. blind search), using a heuristic function for guidance. Two types of (blind) search methods are breadth-first search and depth-first search. A specific class of local heuristic search algorithms is the greedy algorithm. Another type is the n-Opt for the TSP. Here are heuristic search strategies that are based on some biological metaphor: 

Ant colony optimization, based on how ants solve problems;  Genetic algorithm, based on genetics and evolution;  Neural networks, based on how the brain functions;  Simulated annealing, based on thermodynamics;  Tabu search, based on memory-response;  Target analysis, based on learning. 


hexagon  A polygon figure with six sides. [HC00]

hexahedral graph A polyhedral graph on six vertices. [EW00] FIGURE

H-free Having no copy of H as an induced subgraph. [DW96]

hinge = cut vertex 

hinging = cut vertex

hitting set = edge cover

Hoffman-Singleton graph The 7-regular Moore graph of girth 5 (and of order 50). [CL96]

The only graph of diameter 2, girth 5, and valency 7 . [EW00] FIGURE

hole  A chordless cycle in a graph. [DW96] FIGURE

homeomorph  A graph obtained from another by inserting new nodes along existing edges. [ODC00] FIGURE

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homeomorphic graphs = homomorphic graphs

homomorphic graphs Two graphs are homeomorphic if they can both be obtained from a common graph by a sequence of replacing edges by simple chains. In appearance, homeomorphic graphs look like ones that have extra vertices added to or removed from edges. [WC00]

Two graphs are homomorphic if they can be made isomorphic by inserting new vertices of degree 2 into edges. [PEB00] 

homeomorphism = homomorphism A homeomorphism is an injective (one-to-one), continuous transformation of one topological space onto another whose inverse is also continuous.[PR98]

A map f: V(G) V(H) that preserves adjacency. [DW96]

homomorphism = homeomorphism

Hopfield network John Hopfield in the early 1980's investigated a particular kind of neural network which is now commonly referred to as the Hopfield network or Hopfield model. In the Hopfield network, there are no special input or output neurons (see McCulloch-Pitts), but all are both input and output, and all are connected to all others in both directions (with equal weights in the two directions). Input is applied simultaneously to all neurons which then output to each other and the process continues until a stable state is reached, which represents the network output. [CERN97]

H-subdivision  A graph obtained from H by subdivisions. [DW96]

hub The central point in a wheel graph Wn. The hub has degree n – 1 .[EW00] FIGURE

Hungarian method An alghorithm for solving the assignment problem. [DW96]

Husimi tree A graph in which every block is a clique. [DW96]

hybrid analysis The analysis of electrical networks where unknowns involve both voltages and currents. [HN97]

hybrid bond graph

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Bond graph which contains junctions that act as ideal switches and that are controlled by local finite state machines. [PM99]

hybrid flow net Consists of a continuous flow net interacting with a Petri net according to a control interaction, i.e., the Petri net controls the continuous flow net and vice versa. [PM99]

hybrid Petri net Consists of a "continuous part" (continuous places and transitions) and a "discrete part" (discrete places and transitions). [PM99]

hybrid rank = topological degree of freedom

hypercube A Cartesian product of copies of K2 . [DW96] FIGURE

hyperedge A connection between two or more vertices of a hypergraph. A hyperedge connecting just two vertices is simply a usual edge. [EW00] 

hypergraph  Hypergraph H is a pair (V(H), E(H)) where V(H) is the set of vertices of H and E(H) is a family of subsets of V(H)called the hyperedges of H . [HN97]

A set of nodes (or vertices), say V, plus a set of edges, say E, such that each member of E is a subset of V. When each member of E has exactly 2 nodes, [V, E] is a graph. The hypergraph is a convenient mathematical way to describe relations that involve more than two objects (nodes). [HG99] 

hyperplane In a matroid, a maximal closed proper subset of the ground set. [DW96]

hypobase In a matroid, a maximal set containing no base. [DW96]

hypohamiltonian A non-Hamiltonian graph whose vertex-deleted subgraphs are all Hamiltonian. [DW96] FIGURE

hypothesis = conjecture A proposition that is consistent with known data, but has been neither verified nor shown to be false. [EW00] 

hypotraceable graph

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A non-traceable graph whose vertex-deleted subgraphs are all traceable. [DW96]

| # | a | b | c-cn | co | cp-cz | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m-mh | mi | mj-mz | | n | o | p | q | r | s-so | sp-sz | t | u | v | w | xyz |

     | identity | incident | independent | integer | intersection | isolated | isomorphism |  

icosahedral graph The polyhedral graph whose nodes have the connectivity of the icosahedron. The icosahedral graph has 12 vertices, 30 edges, vertex connectivity 5, edge connectivity 5, graph diameter 3, graph radius 3, and girth 3 . [EW00] FIGURE

icosahedron Planar graph with 12 faces, 30 edges, and 20 vertices. [DW96]

Icosian game The problem of finding a Hamiltonian circuit along the edges of an dodecahedron, i.e., a path such that every vertex is visited a single time, no edge is visited twice, and the ending point is the same as the starting point. The puzzle was distributed commercially as a pegboard with holes at the nodes of the dodecahedral graph. The Icosian game was invented in 1857 by William Rowan Hamilton. [EW00] FIGURE

identical graphs Two graphs G1 = (V1, E1, i1) and G2 = (V2, E2, i2) are identical if and only if V1 = V2 , E1 = E2 and i1= i2 . [HN97]

identification An operation replacing two vertices by a single vertex with the combined incidences (same as contraction if the vertices are adjacent). [DW96]

identity graph A graph with no automorphisms except the identity. [BW97]

idiosyncratic polynomial The idiosyncratic polynomial is the characteristic polynomial of the matrix that results from replacing all zeroes in the adjacency matrix by some variable, y . (This is a two variable polynomial.) [SL99]

i-interval representation A function on the vertex set such that each f(v) is the union of at most t real intervals and u

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wif and only if f(u) f(w) Ø . [DW96]

imperfect graph Having an induced subgraph with chromatic number exceeding clique number. [DW96]

incidence An edge joining two vertices is said to be incident with both vertices. [CGM79] FIGURE

incidence matrix A matrix, say M, that represents the incidence of edges or arcs to nodes in a graph or network. In the undirected case, M is binary valued: if edge k has endpoints i and j, M(i, k) = M(j, k) = 1 and  M(r, k) = 0 for r i , j . In the directed case, the entry -1 indicates the tail: if the arc is directed from i to j , M(i, k) = -1 and M(j, k) = 1. [HG99]

Incidence matrix of a connected graph is obtained from an exhaustive incidence matrix by deleting any one row. [WM72]


incidence matrix of oriented graph A matrix A obtained from an exhaustive incidence matrix Aeof a connected oriented graph by deleting one row corresponding to the reference vertex. [WM72] FIGURE

incidence set An incidence set of a vertex is the set of edges incident on the vertex.[HC00] FIGURE

incident  Vertex v and edge e are incident if v e . Edges are incident if they intersect. [DW96]

incident at a vertex = connected at a vertex  An edge is said to be incident or connected at a vertex if the vertex is one of the two endpoints of the edge. [WM72]

incomparability graph The complement of a comparability graph. [DW96]

increasing path A path via successively later edges. [DW96]

indecomposable graph A graph which is not decomposable. [MG80]

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indegree = interior semidegree The number of edges which have v as their end vertex. [SE79] 

independence domination number Minimum size of an independent dominating set. [DW96]

independence number = stability number The independence number of a graph is the cardinality of the largest independent set. [EW00]

independent edge set = matching

independent edges  Two edges in a graph G are independent if they are not adjacent. [CL96] FIGURE

independent set = independent vertex set =  stable set = stable vertex set A set of vertices in a graph none of which are connected by an edge. [ODC00]

An independent set in a graph G = (V, E) is a subset V'V such that, for all u, v V', the edge {u, v} is not in E . [GJ79] FIGURE

independent set problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and positive integer  K | V | , does G contain an independent set of size K or more? [GJ79]

independent vertex set = independent set

independent vertices A set of vertices V of a graph G with edges E is independent if it contains no edges. [EW00] 

indifference graph Representable by assigning weights to vertices such that uv if and only if f(u): f(v) 1 .[DW96]

induced connected subgraph with property problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and positive integer  K | V | , is there a subset V ' V with | V ' | K such that the subgraph of G induced by V ' is connected and has property ? [GJ79]

induced path problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and positive integer  K | V | , is there a subset V ' V with | V ' | K such that the subgraph of G induced by V ' is a simple path on | V ' | vertices? [GJ79]

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induced subgraph  If S is a subset of V, the subgraph induced by S is the graph with vertex set S and an edge set consisting of all the edges of G which join vertices of S. [SW87] FIGURE

induced subgraph with property problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and positive integer  K | V | , is there a subset V ' V with | V ' | K such that the subgraph of G induced by V ' has property ? [GJ79]

inefficient algorithm An algorithm which is not polynomial-bounded. [BC79]

infinite edge sequence  A sequence of edges of an infinite graph of the form v0v1 , v1 v2 , . . . (called a one-way infinite edge sequence with initial vertex v0) or of the form  . . . , v -1 v0 , v0 v1 , v1 v2 , . . . (called a two-way infinite edge sequence). [HC00]

infinite face Infinitely large exterior face to graph G embedded in a plane. [CGM79]

infinite graph A graph in which vertex set V(G) and edge set E(G) may not be finite. [BW97]

initial endpoint The node xi of an arc (xi, xj) . [BC79]

in-order traversal A technique for recursively processing the nodes of a tree in which the left subtree is processed first, then the root, and finally the right subtree. [PEB00]

integer multi-commodity flow problem A multi-commodity flow in which the flow of each commodity through each edge must take an integer value. The term is also used to capture the multi-commodity flow problem in which each demand is routed along a single path. [PEB00]

integer programming Linear program plus requirement that variables be integer-valued. [DW96]

integral drawing A graph drawn such that the edges have only integer lengths. It is conjectured that every planar graph has an integral drawing. [EW00] 

integral flow with bundles problem Given a digraph G = (V, A) , specified vertices s and t , bundles I1 , I2 , … , IkA such that  1 j k Ik = A , bundle capacities 

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c1 , c2 , … , ckZ+and a requirement R Z+ , is there a flow function f : A Z0+such that

1) for 1 j k , a Ij f(a) cj , 2) for each v V – {s, t} , flow is conserved at v , 3) the net flow into t is at least R ? [GJ79]

integral flow with homologous arcs problem Given a digraph G = (V, A) , specified vertices s and t , capacity c(a) Z+for each a A , a requirement R Z+and a set H A A of homologous pairs of arcs, is there a flow function f : AZ0

+such that 1) f(a) c(a) for all a A , 2) for each v V – {s, t} , flow is conserved at v , 3) for all pairs < a, a ' > H , f(a) = f(a ' ) , 4) the net flow into t is at least R ? [GJ79]

integral flow with multipliers problem Given a digraph G = (V, A) , specified vertices s and t , multiplier h(v) Z+for each v V – {s, t} , capacity c(a) Z+for each a A and a requirement R Z+ , is there a flow function f : A Z0

+such that  1) f(a) c(a) for all a A , 2) for each v V – {s, t} ,  (u, v) A h(v) f((u, v)) = (v, u) A f((v, u)) , 3) the net flow into t is at least R ? [GJ79]

integrality theorem In a network with integer edge capacities, there is an optimal flow expressible as units of flow along source/sink paths. [DW96]

interchange graph = line graph

interior semidegree = indegree

interior vertex A vertex in the tree which is not a leaf. [SW87] FIGURE

interlacing theorem The eigenvalues {i} of G and {i} of G – xsatisfy 1 1  2  … n n for each vertex x . [DW96]

internal vertices For a path, the non-endpoints. For a plane, the vertices that do not belong to the boundary of the exterior face. [DW96]

internally-disjoint paths Paths intersecting only at endpoints. [DW96]

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intersection graph Let F be a family of nonempty sets. The intersection graph of F is obtained by representing each set in F by a vertex and connecting two vertices by an edge if and only if their corresponding sets intersect . [MG80]

Let S be a set and F = { S1, … , Sp } a nonempty family of distinct nonempty subsets of S whose union is p

1 Si= S . The intersection graph of F is denoted ( F ) and defined by V ( ( F ) ) = F , with Si and Sj adjacent whenever i j and Si Sj 0 . Then a graph G is an intersection graph on S if there exists a family F of subsets for which G and ( F ) are isomorphic graphs. [EW00]

intersection graph basis problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and positive integer  K | E | , is G the intersection graph for a family of sets whose union has cardinality K or less? [GJ79]

intersection graph for segments on a grid problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and positive integers M and N , is G the intersection graph for a set of line segments on an M N grid? [GJ79]

intersection number The intersection number (G) of a given graph G is the minimum number of elements in a set S such that G is an intersection graph on S . [EW00] 

intersection of graphs = graph intersection G1 G2 : a graph which consists of all edges  in both G1 and G2. Those edges are usually called the common edges of G1 and G2 . [WM72]


intersection of matroids The hereditary system whose independent sets are the common independent sets in the matroids. [DW96]

intersection representation An assignment of a set Sv to each vertex v such that u v if and only if Su Sv Ø . [DW96]

interval graph An undirected graph G whose vertices can be put into one-to-one correspondence with a set of intervals of a linearly ordered set (like the real line) such that two vertices are connected by an edge of G if and only if their corresponding intervals have nonempty intersection. [MG80]

A graph whose vertices can be mapped to distinct intervals in the real line such that two vertices in the graph have an edge between them if and only if their corresponding intervals overlap. [CK00]

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interval graph completion problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and non-negative integer  K , is there a superset E ' containing E such that  | E – E ' | K and the graph G ' = (V, E ' ) is an interval graph? [GJ79]

interval number Minimum t such that G has a t-interval representation. [DW96]

interval representation A collection of intervals whose intersection graph is G . [DW96]

intractable problem A problem for which no algorithm can exist which computes all instances of it in polynomial time. [PEB00] 

in-tree A directed tree in which each edge is oriented toward the root. [DW96]

intrinsically linked A graph is intrinsically linked if any embedding of it in 3-D contains a nontrivial link. [EW00] FIGURE

introverted edge Bidirected link or loop whose ends are both directed inward, away from the endpoints. [TZ98] FIGURE

irreducible graph A graph is irreducible for a given surface if the graph does not embed on that surface, but every edge-deleted subgraph does so embed. [DA00]

isolated point = acnode = hermit point A point on a curve which has no other points in its neighborhood. An isolated point of a graph is a node of degree 1. [EW00] FIGURE

isolated vertex A vertex of degree 0. [BW97]

A vertex of a graph that has no edge incident on it. [HC00] 

Vertex (or edge) incident to no (other) edge. [DW96] FIGURE

isometric embedding

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A distance-preserving mapping of V(G) into V(H) . [DW96]

isomorphic The term "isomorphic" means "having the same form" and is used in many branches of mathematics to identify mathematical objects which have the same structural properties. Objects which may be represented (or embedded) differently but which have the same essential structure are often said to be "identical up to an isomorphism". The statement " A is isomorphic to B " is denoted A B . [EW00] FIGURE

isomorphic decomposition Decomposition into isomorphic subgraphs. [DW96]

isomorphic directed graphs Two directed graphs are isomorphic if the correponding undirected graphs are isomorphic and the corresponding arcs are oriented in the same directions. [CGM79] FIGURE

isomorphic graphs Two graphs GA = (VA , EA) and GB = (VB , EB) are said to be isomorphic, written GA GB , if there is a one-to-one, onto correspondence f : VA VB such that (v, w) EA if and only if (f(v), f(w)) EB . [RND77]

Two graphs G and G' are isomorphic to each other if there exists an one-to-one correspondence between the edges of G and G' such that the incidence relationships will be preserved.[WM72] FIGURE

isomorphic spanning tree problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and tree T = (VT, ET) , does G contain a spanning tree isomorphic to T ? [GJ79]

isomorphism  Isomorphism is a very general concept which appears in several areas of mathematics. Informally, an isomorphism is a map which preserves sets and relations among elements. The statement " A is isomorphic to B " is denoted A B . [EW00] 

isthmus = bridge

i-switching  Seidel switching when i vertices are switched. [TZ98] 

| # | a | b | c-cn | co | cp-cz | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m-mh | mi | mj-mz |

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| n | o | p | q | r | s-so | sp-sz | t | u | v | w | xyz | Johnson's algorithm An algorithm to solve the all pairs shortest path problem in a sparse weighted, directed graph. [PEB00]

join = graph join = union of graphs = graph union

| # | a | b | c-cn | co | cp-cz | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m-mh | mi | mj-mz | | n | o | p | q | r | s-so | sp-sz | t | u | v | w | xyz |

   | k -clusterable | kernel | Kirchhoff | Kruskal | Kuratowski |  

k-arc-connected graph Same as k-edge-connected for digraphs. [DW96]

k-balanced graph = k -clusterable graph

k-choosable graph For all lists of size k assigned to vertices of G, there is a proper coloring that selects a color for each vertex from its list. [DW96]

k-chromatic graph = k-colorable graph = k-partite graph A graph with a chromatic number (G) = k . [BW97]

A graph is said to be k-colorable if each of its vertices can be assigned one of k colors in such a way that no two adjacent vertices are assigned the same color. The assignment is called a coloring. [WC00]

Coverable by k independent sets. [DW96]

A graph whose vertices can be partitioned into disjoint sets so that no two vertices within the same set are adjacent. [EW00]

k-closure problem Given a digraph G = (V, A) and positive integer  K | V | , is there a subset V ' Vwith | V' | Ksuch that for all (u, v)A either u V ' or v V ' ?[GJ79]

k-clusterable graph = k-balanced graph Having vertex set partitionable into k parts such that every positive edge lies within a part and every negative edge goes between two parts. [TZ98]

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k-colorable graph = k -chromatic graph

k-coloring The assignment of k colors (or any distinct marks) to the vertices of a graph. The assignment of k colors to the edges of a graph. A coloring is a proper coloring if

no two adjacent vertices or edges have the same color. 


k-connected graph A graph G is said to be k-connected if there does not exist a set of k vertices whose removal disconnects the graph, i.e., the vertex connectivity of G is k . [EW00] 

k-connectivity A non-complete graph G is k-connected if for every proper subset Y of V(G) with fewer than k elements, G – Y is connected. [SL99]

k-cordial graph An A -cordial graph where A = Zk . K-cordial graphs generalize harmonious, elegant and cordial graphs. [IC00]

k-critical graph Most commonly color-critical with chromatic number k . [DW96]

k-cube The graph whose vertices correspond to the sequences (a1, a2, … , ak.) , where each ai = 0 or 1, and whose edges join those pairs of vertices that correspond to sequences differing in just one place. [BW97] 

k-cycle A cycle of length k , consisting of k vertices and k edges. [DW96]

k-d-B-tree A data structure which splits multidimensional spaces like an adaptive k-d tree, but balances the resulting tree like a B-tree. [PEB00]

k-d-tree A multidimensional search tree for points in k dimensional space. Levels of the tree are split along successive dimensions at the points. [PEB00]

k-edge colorable graph The graph G is k-edge colorable if there exists an l-edge coloring of G for some l k . [CL96]


k-edge coloring

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An edge coloring where k colors are used. [CL96] FIGURE

k-edge-choosable graph For all lists of size k assigned to edges of G, there exists a proper edge-coloring that selects a color for each edge from its list. [DW96]

k-edge-connected graph A graph is k-edge-connected if there does not exist a set of k edges whose removal disconnects the graph. The maximum edge connectivity of a given graph is the smallest degree of any node, since deleting these edges disconnects the graph. Complete bipartite graphs have maximum edge connectivity. [EW00] 

Kempe chain In forbidding a minimal counterexample to the four color theorem, a path between two vertices of a cycle that alternates between two colors. [DW96]

kernel In a digraph, an independent out-dominating set. [DW96]

kernel perfect graph Having a kernel in each induced subgraph. [DW96]

kernel problem Given a digraph G = (V, A) , does G have a kernel? [GJ79]

k-factor A spanning k-regular subgraph. [DW96]

k-factorable graph A graph G is k-factorable if it is the union of disjoint k-factors. [EW00]

k-factorization A decomposition of a graph into k-factors. [DW96]

k-flow A k-flow in a graph assigns to each edge a direction and a value 0 , 1 , ... , k – 1 such that at each vertex the sum of the flows directed in equals the sum of the flows directed out. [DA00]

k-graph  The graph obtained by dividing a set of vertices  {1, … , n} into k – 1 pairwise disjoint subsets with vertices of degree n1 , ... , n k-1 , satisfying  n = n1 + ... + n k-1and with two vertices joined iff they lie in distinct vertex sets. [EW00]

Kirchhoff's current law A q = 0 , where A is the incidence matrix of an oriented graph and q is the vector of branch

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currents. [WM72]

Kirchhoff's voltage law B p = 0 , where B is the circuit matrix of an oriented graph and p is the vector of branch voltages. [WM72]

k-linked A stronger condition than k-connected, in which for every choice of two k-tuples of vertices (u1, …, uk) and (v1 , …, vk) , there exists a set of k internally disjoint paths connecting corresponding vertices ui , vi . [DW96]

knapsack problem  An integer program of the form, Max{cx: x in Z + and axb}, where a > 0. The original problem models the maximum value of a knapsack that is limited by volume or weight (b), where xj = number of items of type j put into the knapsack at unit return cj , that uses aj units per item.  The group knapsack problem has this form, except that it pertains to Gomory's corner polyhedron problem for general integer programming.  The multi-dimensional knapsack problem has more constraints (e.g., volume and weight), Ax b , where A 0 with Ae > 0 and e'A > 0.[HG99]

König-Egervary theorem Maximum matching equals minimum vertex cover for bipartite graphs.[DW96]

König's other theorem  Maximum independence set equals minimum edge cover for bipartite graphs. [DW96]

Königsberg bridge problem A seminal problem in graph theory, solved by Leonhard Euler. In the Prussian town of Königsberg there were seven bridges over the River Pregel. The Königsberg Bridge Problem was the question of whether these seven bridges could be traversed exactly once, starting at any point in the town and returning to the same point. Euler showed that this was impossible, because such a circuit, called an Eulerian circuit, is possible if and only if each vertex has even degree, i.e., if each is connected to the others by an even number of paths. [PR98]

The Königsberg bridges cannot all be traversed in a single trip without doubling back. This problem was solved by Euler (1736), and represented the beginning of graph theory. [EW00] FIGURE

Kozyrev-Grinberg theory A theory of Hamiltonian circuits. [EW00] 

k-partite graph = k -chromatic graph

k-partite tournament A digraph obtained by orienting the edges of a complete k-partite graph. [CL96]

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k-regular graph A graph with all vertices of degree k . [BW97] FIGURE

Kruskal's algorithm An algorithm for computing a minimum spanning tree. It maintains a set of partial minimum spanning trees, and repeatedly adds the shortest edge in the graph whose vertices are in different partial minimum spanning trees. [PEB00]

Grows a minimum weighted spanning tree by iteratively adding the cheapest edge in the graph that does not complete a cycle. [DW96]

Kruskal's tree theorem A theorem which plays a fundamental role in computer science because it is one of the main tools for showing that certain orderings on trees are well-founded. These orderings play a crucial role in proving the termination of rewriting rules and the correctness of the Knuth-Bendix equational completion procedures. [EW00] 

k-set  Set of size k . [DW96]

k-spanner  A spanning subgraph G' of G such that, for any pair of vertices u and v , the length of the shortest path between u and v in G' is at most k times the distance between u and v in G . [CK00]

k-subset  Subset of size k . [DW96]

k-th best spanning tree problem Given a graph G = (V, E) , weight w(e) Z0

+for each e E , positive integers K and B , are there K distinct spanning trees for G , each having total weight B or less? [GJ79]

k-th shortest path problem Given a graph G = (V, E) , lenght l(e) Z+ for each e E , specified vertices s, t V and positive integers B and W , are there K or more distinct simple paths from s to t in G , each having total length B or less? [GJ79]

k-total coloring A coloring that uses k colors. [CL96] FIGURE

k-trestle Given a 3-connected graph G , a k-trestle is a 2-connected spanning subgraph of G of

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maximum degree k . Thus a Hamilton cycle is a 2-trestle. Trestles were originally studied by Barnette who was interested in determining the structure of 3-connected planar graphs (they are not Hamiltonian in general). [DA00]

k-uniform hypergraph Having each edge of size k . [DW96]

Kuratowski reduction theorem Every nonplanar graph is a supergraph of an expansion of the utility graph GU= K 3,3 (i.e., the complete bipartite graph on two sets of three vertices) or the complete graph K5 . [EW00] 

Kuratowski subgraph Subdivision of K5 or K3, 3 .[DW96]

Kuratowski's theorem  A graph is nonplanar if and only if it contains a subgraph homeomorphic to K3, 3 or K5 .[CC99]

A graph is planar if and only if it has no subgraph homeomorphic to K5 or K3, 3 . [DW96]

k-way tree A tree with k or fewer children for each node. [PEB00]

| # | a | b | c-cn | co | cp-cz | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m-mh | mi | mj-mz | | n | o | p | q | r | s-so | sp-sz | t | u | v | w | xyz |

      | lattice | leaf | lift | list | longest | loop |  

label Labels are just the names we give vertices and edges so we can tell them apart. Usually, we use the integers 1, 2, ... , n as the labels of a graph or digraph with n vertices. The assignment of label to vertex is arbitrary. [WC00]


label correcting algorithm  Arises in labeling algorithms for shortest path problem. Each iteration a label is set to an estimate of the shortest path from a given node. All labels become exact values at termination. [HG99]

label setting algorithm  Arises in labeling algorithms for shortest path problem. Each iteration a label becomes the

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actual shortest path from some node. Termination occurs when the destination node(s) are permanently labelled. [HG99]

labeled graph A graph which has labels associated with each edge or each vertex. [PEB00]

A finite graph whose vertices are numbered; a graph G of n vertices together with a one-to-one mapping , called a labeling, from the vertex set of G onto the set {1, 2, 3, . . . , n} . [HC00] FIGURE

labeled tree A tree with its nodes labeled. [EW00] FIGURE

labeling A one-to-one mapping from the vertex set of G onto the set {1, 2, 3, . . . , n} . [HC00]

Assignment of integers to vertices. [DW96] FIGURE

labeling algorithm  A class of algorithms for path-related problems on graphs and networks. [HG99]

ladder graph A graph consisting of two rows of paired nodes each connected by an edge. [EW00] FIGURE

Laplacian matrix = admittance matrix

largest common subgraph problem Given graphs G1 = (V1 , E1) , G2 = (V2 , E2) and positive integer K , do there exist subsets E1' E1 and E2' E2 such that | E1'| = | E2'| K and such that the two subgraphs G1' = (V1 , E1') and  G2' = (V2 , E2') are isomorphic? [GJ79]

lattice  A set S that contains x y and x y for all x, y in S. [HG99]

lattice graph A lattice with n nodes on a side. [EW00] FIGURE

lattice of flats The set of balanced flats in the matroid of a graph or a signed, gain, or biased graph, ordered by inclusion. [TZ98] 

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lattice path A path composed of connected horizontal and vertical line segments, each passing between adjacent lattice points. A lattice path is therefore a sequence of points P0 , P1 , ..., Pn with n 0 such that each Pi is a lattice point and Pi+1 is obtained by offsetting one unit east (or west) or one unit north (or south). [EW00] 

lattice point A point at the intersection of two or more grid lines in a point lattice. [EW00] 

lattice polygon A polygon whose whose vertices are points of a point lattice. [EW00] 

layered graph A connected graph where "layers" L0 , ..., Lkpartition the vertices. Each edge, which has a nonnegative integral weight, connects only vertices in successive layers. The width is the greatest number of vertices in any layer, i.e., MAX i=0 k | Li | . [PEB_00]

leaf = pendant vertex = terminal vertex = terminal node = end vertex = endpoint = eve  A terminal or "bottom" item of a tree, i.e., an item with no child. More formally, a vertex with degree one. [PEB00]

A vertex of outdegree 0. [SW87]

1-valent vertex. [DW96]

The first or last vertex of a path, trail, walk, or edge. [DW96]

Hanging vertex of a tree.

A vertex of a graph incident to exactly one edge. FIGURE

leaf block A block containing only one cut-vertex. [DW96]

length The number of edges (counted with multiplicity, if necessary), the sum of the edge lengths. [DW96] 

level In a rooted tree, the vertices at the same distance from the root are said to be at the same level. The root is considered to be at level 0 and the height of the tree is the maximum level. [WC00]

Levi graph The unique 8-cage graph consisting of the union of the two leftmost subgraphs. It has 45

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nodes, 15 edges, and all nodes have degree 3. [EW00] FIGURE

lift circuit  A balanced polygon, the union of two vertex-disjoint unbalanced polygons, a contrabalanced tight handcuff or theta graph, or a loose edge; here a half edge is treated like an unbalanced loop, so (for instance) a graph consisting of two half edges is a lift circuit. [TZ98]

lift matroid = even cycle matroid = even polygon matroid = factor matroid Matroid whose circuits are the even polygons and the handcuffs with two odd polygons (and the loose edges). A half edge acts like a loop. [TZ98]

Matroid whose circuits are the balanced polygons and the contrabalanced theta subgraphs, tight handcuffs, and pairs of vertex-disjoint polygons. [TZ98] 

lift minor  The result of a sequence of deletions and lift contractions. [TZ98]

limb A limb of a tree at a vertex v is the union of one or more branches at v in the tree. v is then called the base of the limb. [EW00] 

line = edge

line connectivity = edge connectivity

line graph = interchange graph The graph whose vertices correspond to the edges of G, and where two vertices are joined whenever the corresponding edges of G are adjacent. [BW97]  FIGURE

linear Any function which is a constant times the argument plus a constant: f (x) = c1 x + c0 . In complexity theory, the measure of computation, m(n) (usually execution time or memory space), is bounded by a linear function of the problem size, n .  [PEB00]

linear matroid Matroid whose independent sets are the sets of independent columns of some matrix over a field. [DW96]

linear programing Problem of optimizing a linear function with linear constraints. [DW96]

linear quadtree A quadtree implemented as a single array of nodes. [PEB00]

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link = edge = chord

link contraction  Contraction of a balanced set. [TZ98] 

link minor  The result of a sequence of deletions and link contractions. [TZ98]

list coloring conjecture Edge-choosability always equals edge-chromatic number. [DW96]

literal A logical (Boolean ) variable or its negation. [DW96]

lobster A tree having a path from which every vertex has distance at most 2. [DW96]

local coloring A local coloring is a 4-coloring of each star of a vertex such that the colorings agree (up to an arbitrary permutation) on overlapping stars. This coloring is equivalent to the usual vertex 4-coloring for a planar graph, but is not equivalent for non-simply-connected surfaces. [DA00]

local connectivity Minimum number of vertices whose deletion separates a nonadjacent pair. [DW96]

local degree = vertex degree

local path-multiplicity Maximal number of pairwise internally disjoint x, y-paths. [DW96]

local rotation  The (clockwise) cyclic permutation of the edges incident with each vertex from 1 to n . [DA00]

local search Technique for solving optimization problems by successively making small changes in a feasible solution. [DW96]

local vertex degree = vertex degree

locally finite graph A graph in which the number of edges incident with each vertex is finite. [BW97]


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Any function which is a constant times the logarithm of the argument: f(x) = c log x .  In complexity theory, when the measure of computation, m(n) (usually execution time or memory space), is bounded by a logarithmic function of the problem size, n . [PEB00]

longest circuit problem Given a graph G = (V, E) , weight w(e) Z+for each e Eand positive integer K , is there a simple circuit in G of length K or more? [GJ79]

longest path  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) .  SOLUTION: Simple path in G , i.e., a sequence of distinct vertices v1 , v2 , … , vm such that, for any  1 i m , (vi , vi+1) E . MEASURE: Length of the path, i.e., the number of edges in the path. [CK00]

longest path problem Given a graph G = (V, E) , weight w(e) Z+for each e E , positive integer K and specified vertices s, tV , is there a simple path in G from s to t of length K or more? [GJ79]

longest path with forbidden pairs  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) and a collection  C = {(a1, b1), … , (am, bm)} of pairs of vertices from V .  SOLUTION: A simple path in G that contains at most one vertex from each pair in C .  MEASURE: Length of the path, i.e., the number of edges in the path. [CK00] 

loop = self-loop An edge that connects a vertex to itself. [CC99]

An arc whose endpoints are coincident. [BC79]

An edge that is incident with only one vertex. [CGM79]

An edge of a graph which starts and ends at the same vertex. [PEB00]

An edge (a, a). FIGURE

loose edge  Edge with no ends, thus no endpoints. [TZ98]

lowest common ancestor The deepest node in a tree that is an ancestor of two given leaves. [PEB00]

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| # | a | b | c-cn | co | cp-cz | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m-mh | mi | mj-mz | | n | o | p | q | r | s-so | sp-sz | t | u | v | w | xyz |

    | marriage | matching | matroid | max | maximal | maximum | maximum flow | maximum matching | metric |  

magic graph An edge-magic graph is a labeled graph with n edges labeled with distinct elements {1, 2, … , n} so that the sum of the edge labels at each vertex is the same. A vertex-magic graph labeled vertices which give the same sum along every straight line segment. [EW00] FIGURE

magic labeling It is conjectured that every tree with n edges whose nodes are all trivalent or monovalent can be given a "magic" labeling such that the integers 1, 2, ... , n can be assigned to the edges so that the sum of the three meeting at a node is constant. [EW00] 

Malhotra-Kumar-Maheshwari blocking flow algorithm Given a flow function and its corresponding residual graph (a maximum-flow problem), select a vertex with the least throughput and greedily push the maximum flow from it to the sink. This is repeated until all vertices are deleted. [PEB00]

M-alternating path A path alternating between edges in M and not in M .[DW96]

manpower planning problem  This has many variations, but typically focuses on either short-term problems, like scheduling workers, or on longterm problems, like recruiting. There are workers of different categories, some relate to each other by level (e.g., copilot and pilot), others do not. For longterm manpower planning, inventory balance equations are typically used to represent changes in the number of employees in each category over time, including new hires and various forms of departures. For the short-term scheduling, a simple model is the shortest path through a network. Often, more complicated combinatorial optimization models are required. [HG99]

map A 3-connected plane graph. [BW97]

mapping An arrangement f : X Y , denoted by f ( ) , which associates with each element x X the element y Y .[HN97]

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marked graph = vertex signed graph

Markov chain A finite state machine with probabilities for each transition, that is, a probability that the next state is sj given that the current state is si . Equivalently, a weighted, directed graph in which the weights corresponding to the probability of that transition. In other words, the weights are nonnegative and the total weight of outgoing edges is positive. If the weights are normalized, the total weight, including self-loops, is 1. [PEB00]

Markov's inequality For a nonnegative random variable,  Prob(X t) E(X)/t . [DW96]

marriage problem Given a set of boys and a set of girls where each girl knows some of the boys, under what conditions can all girls get married, each to a boy she knows? [CL96]

marriage theorem = Frobenius theorem Let G be a bipartite graph with bipartition V1 , V2 . Then G has a perfect matching (marriage) if and only if | V1 | = | V2 | and the V1-deficiency def(G) satisfies def(G) = 0 , where | X | denotes the cardinality of the set X .[HC00]

martingale Sequence of random variables such that  E(Xi | X0, …, Xi-1) = Xi-1 . [DW96]

matched edge An edge which is in a matching. [PEB00]

matched vertex A vertex on an matched edge in a matching, or, one which has been matched. [PEB00]

matching = independent edge set A subgraph in which every vertex has a degree at most one. In other words, no two edges share a common vertex. [PEB00]

A set of pairwise independent edges. [CL96]

A matching in a graph is a set of edges such that every vertex of the graph is on at most one edge in the set. [WC00]

A 1-regular subgraph. [DW96] FIGURE

matching number  The number of edges in a maximum size matching in a graph G.[HC00]

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matching problem  Given a graph, a matching is a subgraph with the property that no two edges are incident to the same node. Subject to certain restrictions, the problem is to find a feasible matching that optimizes some objective, such as minimizing the total cost of the edges in the matching. A perfect matching is when each node is incident with exactly one edge.  The assignment problem is a classical perfect matching, whereby the graph is bipartite (nodes are two sets: people and jobs), and the matching must have all nodes (every person must do a job, and every job must be done). Then, the matching corresponds precisely to an assignment since each job node is incident with exactly one person node in the matching. Further, the cost of each such matching is precisely the total cost of the corresponding assignment, so this min-cost matching problem is the same as the assignment problem.  Another type of matching problem, called maximum matching, is to find a matching with the greatest number of nodes. Unlike the assignment problem, the maximum matching problem is NP-complete. [HG99]

matchstick graph A planar graph whose edges are all unit line segments. [EW00] 

matrix An array of symbols arranged in rows and columns. [HC00]


matrix tree theorem The number of spanning trees of a graph on n vertices is the (absolute value of the) determinant of any (n – 1) by (n – 1) submatrix of the augmented adjacency matrix. [SL99]

If G is a nontrivial labelled graph with adjacency matrix A and degree matrix D , then the number of distinct spanning trees of G is the value of any cofactor of the matrix D – A . [CL96] 

matroid Let E = {e1 , e2 , ... , em} be a finite set, and let F be a family of subsets of E: then F is a matroid if it satisfies  ei in F for each i ;  if G is in F, and if H is a non-empty subset of G, then H is in F ;  for each S that is a subset of E, if G and H are two members of F contained in S and maximal with this property, then | G | = | H | .  [ODC00]

There are many definitions of matroids. A matroid M = (S, I) is a finite set S , together with a collection of subsets I of S such that the empty set is in I ;  if X is in I, then any subset of X is in I ; and  if X and y are in I with | Y | > | X | , then there is some element y in Y \ X such that X {y} is in I .  [SL99] 

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matroid basis graph Graph whose vertex set is the collection of bases of a matroid, adjacent when their symmetric difference has two elements. [DW96]

matroid covering theorem The number of independent sets needed to cover the elements of a matroid is max X EX   . [DW96]

matroid intersection theorem The maximum size of a common independent set in two matroids on E equals the minimum over X E of the rank of X in the first matroid plus the rank of X' in the second matroid. [DW96]

matroid packing theorem The maximum number of pairwise disjoint bases in a matroid is min r(X) r(E) (E –CA(X)) / (r(E) – r(X)) .  [DW96]

matroid rank function A polymatroid rank function that takes integral values and does not exceed 1 on any of the singletons. [HN97]

matroid union theorem The union of matroids M1, …, Mk is a matroid with rank function r(X) = min Y X ( X – Y + ri(Y)) .[DW96]

max cut problem Given a graph G = (V, E) , weight w(e) Z+for eache Eand positive integer K , is there a partition of V into disjoint sets V1 and V2 such that the sum of the weights of the edges from E that have one endpoint in V1 and one endpoint in V2 is at least K ? [GJ79]

max flow problem  In a network, [V, A] , there are two special nodes in V: a source (s) and a sink (t). The problem is to maximize the flow from s to t subject to conservation of flow constraints at each node and flow bounds on each arc. [HG99]

max-flow min-cut theorem = maximum flow, minimum cut theorem In a transport network, the value of any maximal flow is equal to the capacity of any minimal cut. [HC00]

The maximum flow through a (single commodity) capacitated network from a specified node, called the source, to another node, called the sink, equals the value of the minimum cutset. Originally proven directly from principles of networks, this was discovered to be a special case of the Duality Theorem of Linear Programming. [HG99]

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The maximum flow between vertices vi and vj in a graph G is exactly the weight of the smallest set of edges to disconnect G with vi and vj in different components. [EW00]

max-heap property Each node in a tree has a key which is less than or equal to the key of its parent. [PEB00]

maximal clique  A maximal vertex set inducing a clique. [DW96]

maximal connected subgraphs A set of connected subgraphs g1 , g2 , … , g such that every edge and every vertex in G is exactly in one of these subgraphs where an isolated vertex is a connected subgraph by definition. [WM72]

maximal cycle A simple cycle surrounding whole graph. FIGURE

maximal flow A feasible flow in a network whose value is as large as possible. [BC79]

maximal independent vertex set An independent vertex set is called maximal if it is not contained in any larger independent set. [RND77]

A set of vertices in a graph such that for any pair of vertices, there is no edge between them and such that no more vertices can be added and it still be an independent set. [PEB00] FIGURE

maximal path = maximal trail  Non-extendible path or trail. [DW96] FIGURE

maximal planar graph = triangulation

maximal P-object For a property P, no object of the same type properly containing this object also has property P. [DW96]

maximal trail = maximal path

maximum cardinality search  An algorithm for recognizing chordal graphs. [DW96]

maximum achromatic number  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) . 

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SOLUTION: A complete coloring of G , i.e., a partition of V into disjoint sets V1 , V2 , … , Vk such that each Vi is an independent set for G and such that, for each pair of distinct sets Vi and Vj

, Vi Vjis not an independent set.  MEASURE: Cardinality of the complete coloring, i.e., the number of disjoint independent sets Vi . [CK00]

maximum balanced connected partition INSTANCE: Connected graph G = (V, E) , nonnegative vertex-weight function w : V N .  SOLUTION: A partition (V1 , V2) of V into nonempty disjoint sets V1 and V2 such that the subgraphs of G induced by V1 and V2 are connected.  MEASURE: Balance of the partition, i.e.,  min {w(V1) , w(V2)} where w( V' ) = v V ' w(v) . [CK00]

maximum clique  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) .  SOLUTION: A clique in G , i.e. a subset V' Vsuch that every two vertices in V' are joined by an edge in E .  MEASURE: Cardinality of the clique | V' | . [CK00]

A clique of maximum order in G . [BW97]

maximum clique problem = party problem Given a graph G and a positive integer  K , does the largest complete subgraph in G contain exactly K vertices? [GJ79]

Find the minimum number of guests that must be invited so that at least m will know each other or at least n will not know each other. The solutions are known as Ramsey numbers. [EW00] 

maximum common embedded subtree  INSTANCE: Trees T1 and T2 with labels on the nodes.  SOLUTION: A common embedded sub-tree, i.e. a labeled tree T ' that can be embedded into both T1 and T2 . An embedding from T ' to T is an injective function from the nodes of T ' to the nodes of T that preserves labels and ancestorship. Note that since fathership does not need to be preserved, T ' does not need to be an ordinary subtree.  MEASURE: Cardinality of the common embedded sub-tree | T ' | . [CK00]

maximum common induced subgraph  INSTANCE: Graphs G1 = (V1, E1) and  G2 = (V2, E2) . SOLUTION: A common induced subgraph, i.e. subsets V1' V1 and V2' V2 such that | V1' | = | V2' | , and the subgraph of G1 induced by V1' and the subgraph of G2 induced by V2' are isomorphic.  MEASURE: Cardinality of the common induced subgraph | V1' | . [CK00]

maximum common subgraph 

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INSTANCE: Graphs G1 = (V1, E1) and  G2 = (V2, E2) . SOLUTION: A common subgraph, i.e. subsets  E1' E1 and E2' E2 such that the two subgraphs  G1' = (V1, E1') and G2' = (V1, E2') are isomorphic.  MEASURE: Cardinality of the common subgraph  | E' | . [CK00]

maximum common subtree  INSTANCE: Collection T1 , … , Ti of trees.  SOLUTION: A tree T' isomorphic to a subtree (i.e. induced connected subgraph) of each Ti .  MEASURE: Size, i.e. number of nodes, of the common subtree T' . [CK00]

maximum cut  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) .  SOLUTION: A partition of V into disjoint sets V1 and V2 .  MEASURE: The cardinality of the cut, i.e., the number of edges with one end point in V1 and one endpoint in V2 . [CK00]

maximum degree-bounded connected subgraph  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) , a weight function  w : E N , and an integer d 2 . SOLUTION: A subset E' E such that the subgraph G' = (V, E' ) is connected and has no vertex with degree exceeding d .  MEASURE: The total weight of the subgraph  e E ' w(e) . [CK00]

maximum degree The maximum degree among the vertices of G. [CL96] 

maximum directed cut  INSTANCE: Directed graph G = (V, A) .  SOLUTION: A partition of V into disjoint sets V1 and V2 .  MEASURE: The cardinality of the cut, i.e., the number of arcs with one end point in V1 and one endpoint in V2 . [CK00] 

maximum disjoint connecting paths  INSTANCE: Multigraph G = (V, E) , collection of vertex pairs T = {(s1 , t1), (s2 , t2), … , (si , ti)} .  SOLUTION: A collection of edge disjoint paths in G connecting some of the pairs (si , ti) , i.e. sequences of vertices u1 , u2 , … , um such that, for some i , ui = si , um = ti , and for any j , (uj , uj+1) E .  MEASURE: The number of vertex pairs (si , ti) that are connected by the paths. [CK00]

maximum domatic partition 

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INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) .  SOLUTION: A partition of V into disjoint sets  V1 , V2 , … , Vksuch that each Vi is a domatinating set of G .  MEASURE: Cardinality of the partition, i.e., the number of disjoint subsets Vi . [CK00]

maximum edge subgraph  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) , a weight function  w : E N , and positive integer k . SOLUTION: A subset V' V such that | V' | = k .  MEASURE: Total weight of the edges in the subgraph induced by V' , i.e. (u, v) E (V ' V ')w(u, v) . [CK00] 

maximum facility location  INSTANCE: Complete graph G = (V, E) , costs  c(vi , vj) N that are symmetric and satisfy the triangle inequality, set of locations FV where a facility may be built, for each vF a nonnegative cost f(v) of building a facility at v , for each location  v V a nonnegative demand d(v) . SOLUTION: Locations for the facilities to be built  F' F .  MEASURE:  v F ' f(v) + u F ' v V d(v) c( f1 , f 2) . [CK00]

maximum fixed-length disjoint paths problem Given a graph G = (V, E) , specified vertices s and t , positive integers J , K | V | , does G contain J or more mutually vertex-disjoint paths from s to t , each involving exactly K edges? [GJ79]

maximum flow  A feasible network flow of maximum value , or the value itself. [DW96]

maximum flow, minimum cut theorem = max-flow min-cut theorem

maximum flow problem The problem of finding the maximum flow between any two vertices of a graph. [PEB00]

maximum frequency allocation  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) , and, for each node u , a finite set L(u) Z+ of available frequencies and an integer Mu .  SOLUTION: A frequency allocation for G , i.e., for each node u , a subset S(u) of L(u) such that, for all  u V , 1 | S(u) | Mu , and, for all (u, v) E ,  S(u) S(v) = 0 .  MEASURE: The stability number of the allocation  u V | S(u) | . [CK00]

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maximum H-matching  INSTANCE: Graph G = (VG , EG) and a fixed graph H = (VH , EH) with at least three vertices in some connected component.  SOLUTION: A H-matching for G , i.e., a collection of disjoint subgraphs G1 , G2 , … , Gk of G , each isomorphic to H .  MEASURE: Cardinality of the H-matching, i.e., the number of disjoint subgraphs Gi . [CK00]

maximum independent sequence  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) .  SOLUTION: An independent sequence for G , i.e., a sequence v1 , … , vm of independent vertices of G such that, for all i < m , a vertex v'iV exists which is adjacent to vi+1 but is not adjacent to any vj for j i .  MEASURE: Length of the sequence m . [CK00]

maximum independent set  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) .  SOLUTION: An independent set of vertices, i.e. a subset V'V such that no two vertices in V' are joined by an edge in E .  MEASURE: Cardinality of the independent set | V' | . [CK00]

maximum induced connected subgraph with property P INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) . SOLUTION: A subset V' V such that the subgraph induced by V' is connected and has the property P .  MEASURE: Cardinality of the induced connected subgraph | V' | . [CK00]

maximum induced subgraph with property P  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) . The property P must be hereditary, i.e., every subgraph of G' satisfies P whenever G' satisfies P , and non-trivial, i.e., it is satisfied for infinitely many graphs and false for infinitely many graphs.  SOLUTION: A subset V' V such that the subgraph induced by V' has the property P .  MEASURE: Cardinality of the induced subgraph  | V' | . [CK00]

maximum integral k-multicommodity flow on trees  INSTANCE: A tree T = (V, E) , a capacity function c : E N and k pairs of vertices (si , ti) .  SOLUTION: A flow fi for each pair (si , ti) with fi N such that, for each e E ,i=1

kfi qi (e) c(e) where qi (e) = 1 if e belongs to the unique path from si to ti , and qi (e) = 0 otherwise.  MEASURE: The sum of the flows i=1

kfi . [CK00]

maximum k-colorable induced subgraph  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) .  SOLUTION: A subset V' V such that the induced subgraph G' = (V', E' ) is k-colorable, i.e., there is a coloring for G' of cardinality at most k .  MEASURE: Cardinality of the vertex set of the induced subgraph | V' | . [CK00]

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maximum k-colorable subgraph  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) .  SOLUTION: A subset E' E such that the subgraph G' = (V, E' ) is k-colorable, i.e., there is a coloring for G' of cardinality at most k .  MEASURE: Cardinality of the subgraph | E' | . [CK00]

maximum k-cut  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) , a weight function  w : E N , and an integer k [ 2 … | V | ] . SOLUTION: A partition of V into k disjoint sets  F = { C1 , C2 , … , Ck } .  MEASURE: The sum of the weight of the edges between the disjoint sets  1

k-1 i+1 kv1 C i , v2 C jw({v1, v2}) . [CK00]

maximum k-facility dispersion  INSTANCE: Complete graph G = (V, E) and distances d(vi , vj) N satisfying the triangle inequality.  SOLUTION: A set of k facilities, i.e., a subset F V with | F | = k .  MEASURE: The minimum distance between two facilities min f1 , f2 F d( f1 , f 2) . [CK00] 

maximum k-facility location  INSTANCE: Complete graph G = (V, E) and profits p(vi , vj) N .  SOLUTION: A set of k facilities, i.e., a subset F V with | F | = k .  MEASURE: The maximum total profit  v V max f F p(v, f) . [CK00]

maximum leaf spanning tree  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) .  SOLUTION: A spanning tree for G .  MEASURE: The number of leaves of the spanning tree. [CK00]

maximum leaf spanning tree problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and positive integer  K | V | , is there a spanning tree for G in which K or more vertices have degree 1 ? [GJ79]

maximum length-bounded disjoint paths problem Given a graph G = (V, E) , specified vertices s and t , positive integers J , K | V | , does G contain J or more mutually vertex-disjoint paths from s to t , none involving more than K edges? [GJ79]

maximum matching A matching of maximal cardinality. [CL96]

maximum minimum metric k-spanning tree  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) , length l(e) Nfor each e E satisfying the triangle inequality. 

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SOLUTION: A subset V ' V such that | V ' | = k .  MEASURE: Cost of the minimum spanning tree of the subgraph induced by V' .[CK00]

maximum minimum spanning tree deleting k edges  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) and a weight function w : E N .  SOLUTION: Subset E ' E of k edges and a minimum spanning tree T in the graph (V, E – E' ) .  MEASURE: Weight of T . [CK00]

maximum planar subgraph  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) .  SOLUTION: A subset E' E such that G' = (V, E' ) is planar.  MEASURE: Size of the subset | E' | . [CK00]

maximum P-object  For a property P, no larger object of the same type also has property P. [DW96]

maximum priority flow  INSTANCE: Directed graph G = (V, E) , sources  s1 , … , sk V , sinks t1 , … , tk V , a capacity function c : E R , a bound function b : V R , and, for any vertex v , a partial order on the set of edges leavingv .  SOLUTION: A priority flow f , i.e., a function f : ER such that  for any edge e , f(e) c(e) ,  for any vertex v V – { s1 , … , sk , t1 , … , tk} the flow is conserved at v ,  for any vertex v , the flow leaving v is at most b(v), and  for any vertex v and for any pair of edges e1 , e2 leaving v , if f(e1) c(e2) and e1 is less than e2 , then f(e2) = 0 .  MEASURE: The amount of flow entering sink t1 , i.e., (x , t1) E f(x, t1) . [CK00]

maximum subforest  INSTANCE: Tree G = (V, E) and a set of trees H .  SOLUTION: A subset E' E such that the subgraph G' = (V, E' ) does not contain any subtree isomorphic to a tree from H .  MEASURE: Cardinality of the subgraph | E' | . [CK00]

maximum subgraph matching problem Given digraphs G = (V1 , A1) , H = (V2 , A2) and positive integer K , is there a subset R V1V2 with | R | K such that for all <u, u'> , <v, v'> R , (u, v) A1 if and only if ( u ', v ' ) A2 ? [GJ79]

maximum triangle packing  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) . SOLUTION: A triangle packing for G , i.e., a collection V1 , V2 , … , Vk of disjoint subsets of V, each containing exactly 3 vertices, such that for each Vi = { ui , vi , wi } , 1 i k , all three of the edges 

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< ui , vi > , < ui , wi > , and < vi , wi > belong to E .  MEASURE: Cardinality of the triangle packing, i.e., the number of disjoint subsets Vi . [CK00]

McCulloch-Pitts neuron  A basic building block of neural networks. It receives one or more inputs and produces one or more identical outputs, each of which is a simple non-linear function of the sum of the inputs to the neuron. The non-linear function is typically a threshold or step function which is usually smoothed (i.e. a sigmoid) to facilitate learning. [CERN97] FIGURE

McGee graph  The unique 7-cage graph consisting of the union of the two certain subgraphs. It has 24 nodes, 36 edges, and all nodes have degree 3. [EW00] FIGURE

Menger's theorem  Minimax characterizations of connectivity by number of pairwise internally-disjoint or edge-disjoint paths between pairs of vertices. [DW96]

meta-heuristic  This is a general framework for heuristics in solving hard problems. The idea of "meta" is that of level. An analogy is the use of a meta-language to explain a language. For computer languages, we use symbols, like brackets, in the meta-language to denote properties of the language being described, such as parameters that are optional. Examples of meta-heuristics are: 

Ant Colony Optimization   Genetic Algorithms  Neural Networks   Scatter Search  Simulated Annealing  Tabu Search Target Analysis 

Besides parameters that define specific algorithms with each framework, these meta-heuristics also require some concept of representation, which is problem dependent. [HG99]

method A particular way of doing something, sometimes also called an algorithm or procedure. [EW00] 

metric  A real-valued symmetric nonnegative binary function that is 0 only when the arguments are equal and satisfies the triangle inequality. [DW96]

metric dimension problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and positive integer  K | V | , is there a metric basis for G of cardinality K or less? [GJ79]

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metric representation  An isometric embedding into a Cartesian product. [DW96]

Meyniel graph  Graph in which every odd cycle of length at least 5 has at least two chords. [DW96] FIGURE

M-graph A graph in which there exist exactly two vertices of odd degree. [WM72] FIGURE

| # | a | b | c-cn | co | cp-cz | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m-mh |

mi | mj-mz | | n | o | p | q | r | s-so | sp-sz | t | u | v | w | xyz |

 | minimal | minimum | minimum cut | minimum edge | minimum general | minimum linear | minimum ratio | minimum spanning | minimum vehicle | minor |  

mincut Let G = G (V, E) be a (not necessarily simple) undirected edge-weighted graph with nonnegative weights. A cut C of G is any nontrivial subset of V, and the weight of the cut is the sum of weights of edges crossing the cut. A mincut is then defined as a cut of G of minimum weight. The problem is NP-complete for general graphs, but polynomial-time solvable for trees. [EW00] 

min-heap property Each node in a tree has a key which is greater than or equal to the key of its parent. [PEB00]

minimal balancing set = minimal deletion set  An edge set whose deletion makes the graph balanced but which has no such proper subset. [TZ98]

minimal block A graph G is a minimal block if G is a block and for every edge e , the graph G – e is not a block. [CL96]

minimal connector problem  The problem of forming a tree on n vertices using the minimum number of edges. The solution is given by Kruskal's algorithm. [HC00]

minimal cover A minimal cover is a cover for which removal of any single member destroys the covering property. [EW00] 

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minimal cycle Simple cycle induced by the edges of a face.

minimal deletion set = minimal balancing set

minimal dominating set A dominating set that contains no dominating set as a proper subset. [CL96]

minimal imperfect graph  Every proper induced subgraph is perfect. [DW96]

minimal P-object  For a property P, no object of the same type properly contained in this object also has property P. [DW96]

minimal spanning tree The spanning tree whose weight is the smallest of all possible spanning trees that you could draw for that graph. [ISEM00]

minimally 2-connected  Any edge deletion destroys 2-connectedness. [DW96]

minimizing dummy activities in PERT networks problem Given acyclic digraph G = (V, A) where vertices represent tasks and the arcs represent precedence constraints and a positive integer K | V | , is there a PERT network corresponding to G with K or fewer dummy activities? [GJ79]

minimum attraction radius for binary Hopfield net  INSTANCE: An n-node synchronous binary Hopfield network and a stable initial vector of states u {-1, 1}n . A binary Hopfield network is a complete graph where each edge has an integer weight w(vi , vj ) and each vertex has an integer threshold value t(vi ) . At each time step t each vertex vi has a state x(t, vi ) . x(0, vi ) is given by u and x(t +1, vi ) = sgn (j=1

nw(vi , vj ) - ti ) where sgn is the sign function. An initial vector of states is stable if x(t, vi ) eventually converges for all i .  SOLUTION: An initial vector of states v that either converges to a different vector than u or is not stable.  MEASURE: The Hamming distance between u and v . If v is the vector nearest to u that does not converge to the same vector as u , then this distance is the attraction radius. [CK00]

minimum bandwidth  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) .  SOLUTION: A linear ordering of V , i.e. a one-to-one function f : V {1, 2, … , | V |} .  MEASURE: The bandwidth of the ordering max (u, v) E | f(u) – f(v) | . [CK00]

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minimum b-balanced cut  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) , a vertex-weight function w : E N , an edge-cost function c : E N , and a rational b , 0 b 1/2 .  SOLUTION: A cut C , i.e., a subset C V , such that min {w(C) , w(V – C)} bw(V) , where w(V ) denotes the sum of the weights of the vertices in V .  MEASURE: The weight of the cut, i.e., e (w) (c) , where (c) = {e = (v1, v2) : eE , v1C , v2V – C } . [CK00]

minimum bend number INSTANCE: Directed planar graph G = (V, A) .  SOLUTION: A planar orthogonal drawing of G , i.e., a drawing mapping vertices of G into points in the plane and edges of G into chains of horizontal and vertical segments such that no two edges cross.  MEASURE: Number of bends in the drawing. [CK00]

minimum biconnectivity augmentation  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) and a symmetric weight function w : V V N .  SOLUTION: A connectivity augmenting set E' for G , i.e., a set E' of unordered pairs of vertices from V such that G' = (V, E E' ) is biconnected.  MEASURE: The weight of the augmenting set  (u, v) E w(u, v) . [CK00]

minimum bottleneck path matching INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) with an even number of vertices, and a weight function w : E N .  SOLUTION: A disjoint path perfect matching for G , i.e., a collection of disjoint simple paths  P1 , P2 , … , P| V | / 2 in G with disjoint end points.  MEASURE: Weight of the heaviest path in the matching, i.e., max 1 i | V | / 2 e Pi w(e) . [CK00]

minimum bounded diameter augmentation INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) , positive integer  D < | V | . SOLUTION: An augmenting set E' for G , i.e., a set E' of unordered pairs of vertices from V , such that G' = (V, EE' ) has diameter D , i.e., the maximum distance of any pair of vertices is at most D .  MEASURE: Cardinality of the augmenting set | E' | . [CK00]

minimum broadcast time  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) and a source node  v0 V .  SOLUTION: A broadcasting scheme. At time 0 only v0 contains the message that is to be broadcast to every vertex. At each time step any vertex that has received the message is allowed to communicate the message to at most one of its neighbours.  MEASURE: The broadcast time, i.e., the time when all vertices have received the message.

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minimum broadcast time problem Given a graph G = (V, E) , subset V0V and a positive integer K , can a message be broadcast from the base set V0 to all other vertices in time K ? [GJ79]

minimum b-vertex separator INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) and a rational b ,  0 b 1/2 . SOLUTION: A partition of V into disjoint sets A , B , and C , such that max { | A | , | B | } b | V | and no edge has one endpoint in A and one in B .  MEASURE: The size of the separator | C | . [CK00] 

minimum Chinese postman problem for mixed graphs INSTANCE: Mixed graph G = (V, A, E) , length  l(e) N for each e AE . SOLUTION: A cycle in G (possibly containing repeated vertices) that includes each directed and undirected edge at least once, traversing directed edges only in the specified direction.  MEASURE: The total length of the cycle. [CK00]

minimum chordal graph completion  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) .  SOLUTION: A chordal graph completion, i.e., a superset E' containing E such that G' = (V, E' ) is chordal, that is, for every simple cycle of more than 3 vertices in G' , there is some edge in E' that is not involved in the cycle but that joins two vertices in the cycle.  MEASURE: The size of the completion | E' – E | .[CK00]

minimum clique cover  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) .  SOLUTION: A clique cover for G , i.e., a collection of subsets V1 , V2 , … , Vk of V, such that each Vi induces a complete subgraph of G and such that for each edge < u , v > E there is some Vi that contains both u and v .  MEASURE: Cardinality of the clique cover, i.e., the number of subsets Vi . [CK00]

minimum clique partition  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) .  SOLUTION: A clique partition for G , i.e., a partition of V into disjoint subsets V1 , V2 , … , Vk such that, for 1 ik , the subgraph induced by Vi is a complete graph.  MEASURE: Cardinality of the clique partition, i.e., the number of disjoint subsets Vi . [CK00]

minimum color sum  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) .  SOLUTION: A coloring of G , i.e., a partition of V into disjoint sets V1 , V2 , … , Vk such that each Vi is an independent set for G .  MEASURE: The sum of the coloring 1 i k v Vi i . [CK00]

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minimum communication cost spanning tree  INSTANCE: Complete graph G = (V, E) , weight  w(e) N for each eE , requirement r({u, v}) N for each pair of vertices from V .  SOLUTION: A spanning tree for G .  MEASURE: The weighted sum over all pairs of vertices of the cost of the path between the pair in T , i.e., u, v V W(u, v) r({u, v}) , where W(u, v) denotes the sum of the weights of the edges on the path joining u and v in T . [CK00] 

minimum complete bipartite subgraph cover  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) . SOLUTION: A complete bipartite subgraph cover for G , i.e., a collection V1 , V2 , … , Vk of subsets of V, such that each Vi induces a complete bipartite subgraph of G and such that for each edge  < u , v > E there is some Vi that contains both u and v .  MEASURE: Cardinality of the complete bipartite subgraph cover, i.e., the number of subsets Vi . [CK00]

minimum crossing number  INSTANCE: Directed graph G = (V, A) .  SOLUTION: An embedding of G in the plane.  MEASURE: The number of pairs of edges crossing one another. [CK00]

minimum cut The smallest set of edges in an undirected graph which separate two distinct vertices. That is, every path between them includes some member of the set. [PEB00]

A network cut having minimum value, or the value of such cut. [DW96]

minimum cut cover  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) . SOLUTION: A collection of cuts V1 , V2 , … , Vm , i.e., a collection of subsets ViV such that, for each edge < u , v > E , a subset Vi exists such that either uVi and v Vi or uVi and vVi .  MEASURE: Cardinality of the collection m . [CK00]

minimum cut into bounded sets problem Given a graph G = (V, E) , weight w(e) Z+for each e E , specified vertices s, t V , positive integer B | V | and positive integer K , is there a partition of V into disjoint sets V1 and V2 such that s V1 ,tV2 ,| V1 | B ,| V2 | B , and such that the sum of the weights of the edges from the E that have one endpoint in V1 and one endpoint in V2 is no more than K ? [GJ79]

minimum cut linear arrangement INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) .  SOLUTION: A one-to-one function  f : V [1, 2, … , | V | ] . MEASURE: Maximum number of cut edges in any integer point 

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max i [ 1 … | V | ] |{(u, v) E : f(u) if(v)}| .  [CK00]

minimum cut linear arrangement problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and positive integer K, is there a one-to-one function  f : V { 1, 2, … , | V | } such that for all i ,  1 < i < | V | , | {u, v} E : f(u) i < f(v) | K ? [GJ79]

minimum decision tree  INSTANCE: Finite set X of objects, collection  T = {T1 , T2 , … , Tm} of binary tests  Ti : X {0, 1} .  SOLUTION: A decision tree t for X using the tests in T , where a decision tree is a binary tree in which each non-leaf vertex is labelled by a test from T , each leaf is labelled by an object from X , the edge from a non-leaf vertex to its left son is labelled 0 and the one to its right son is labelled 1, and, if  Ti1 , Oi1 , Ti2 , Oi2 , … , Tik , Oik is the sequence of vertex and edge labels on the path from the root to a leaf labelled by x X , then x is the unique object for which Tij(x) = Oij for all j , 1 j k . MEASURE: Number of leaves of t . [CK00]

minimum degree Minimum of the vertex degrees. [DW96]

minimum degree spanning tree  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) .  SOLUTION: A spanning tree for G .  MEASURE: The maximum degree of the spanning graph. [CK00]

minimum diameter spanning subgraph  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) , weight w(e) Z+ and length l(e) N for each e E , positive integer B .  SOLUTION: A spanning subgraph E ' E for G such that the sum of the weights of the edges in E' does not exceed B .  MEASURE: The diameter of the spanning subgraph. [CK00]

minimum diameters decomposition  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) .  SOLUTION: A decomposition of the graph into two factors, F1 and F2 , with equal diameters.  MEASURE: The diameter of F1 . [CK00]

minimum directed bandwidth  INSTANCE: Directed acyclic graph G = (V, A) .  SOLUTION: A linear ordering of V , i.e. a one-to-one function f : V {1, 2, … , | V |} such that, for all (u, v) A , f(u) < f(v) .

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MEASURE: The bandwidth of the ordering max (u, v) A f(u) – f(v) . [CK00]

minimum dominating set  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) .  SOLUTION: A dominating set for G , i.e., a subset V'V such that for all uV – V'there is a v V' for which (u, v) E .  MEASURE: Cardinality of the dominating set | V' | . [CK00]

minimum edge coloring  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) . SOLUTION: A coloring of E , i.e., a partition of E into disjoint sets E1 , E2 , … , Ek such that, for  1 i k , no two edges in Ei share a common endpoint in G .  MEASURE: Cardinality of the coloring, i.e., the number of disjoint sets Ei . [CK00]

minimum edge-cost flow problem  Given a digraph G = (V, A) , specified vertices s and t , capacity c(a) Z+ and price p(a) Z0

+for each a A , requirement RZ+and a bound B Z+ , is there a flow function f : A Z0

+ such that f(a) c(a) for all a A , for each v V – {s, t} ,  (u, v) A f((u, v)) = (v, u) A f((v, u)) , (u, t) A f((u, t)) - (t, u) A f((t, u)) R , if A ' = {a A : f(a) 0} , then  a A ' p(a) B ? [GJ79]

minimum edge deletion k-partition  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) and a weight function w : E N .  SOLUTION: A k-partition, i.e., a color assignment  c : V [1 … k] . MEASURE: The weight of the monochromatic edges (v1, v2) E : c(v1) = c(v2) w(v1, v2) . [CK00]

minimum edge deletion to obtain subgraph with property P INSTANCE: Directed or undirected graph G = (V, E) . SOLUTION: A subset E' E such that the subgraph G' = (V, E' – E) has the property P . MEASURE: Cardinality of the set of deleted edges | E' | . [CK00]

minimum edge dominating set  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) . SOLUTION: An dominating edge set for G , i.e., a subset E'E such that for all e1E – E' there is an e2 E' such that e1 and e2 are adjacent. MEASURE: Cardinality of the dominating edge set  | E' | . [CK00]

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minimum edge k-spanner  INSTANCE: Connected graph G = (V, E) .  SOLUTION: A k -spanner of G , i.e., a spanning subgraph G' of G such that, for any pair of vertices u and v , the length of the shortest path between u and v in G' is at most k times the distance between u and v in G .  MEASURE: The number of edges in G' . [CK00]

minimum equivalent digraph  INSTANCE: Directed graph G = (V, A) .  SOLUTION: A subset A' A such that, for every ordered pair of vertices u, v V , the graph  G' = (V, A' ) contains a directed path from u to v if and only if G does.  MEASURE: Cardinality | A' | . [CK00]

minimum equivalent digraph problem Given a digraph G = (V, A) and positive integer  K | A | , is there a subset A ' Awith | A ' | Ksuch that for every ordered pair of vertices u, v V , the graph G ' = (V, A ' ) contains a directed path from u to v if and only if G does? [GJ79]

minimum feedback arc set  INSTANCE: Directed graph G = (V, A) .  SOLUTION: A feedback arc set, i.e., a subset  A' A such that A' contains at least one arc from every directed cycle in G .  MEASURE: Cardinality of the feedback arc set | A' | .[CK00]

minimum feedback vertex set  INSTANCE: Directed graph G = (V, A) . SOLUTION: A feedback vertex set, i.e., a subset  V' V such that V' contains at least one vertex from every directed cycle in G .  MEASURE: Cardinality of the feedback vertex set  | V' | . [CK00]

minimum file transfer scheduling INSTANCE: A file transfer graph, i.e., a graph  G = (V, E) , a port constraint function p : V N and a file length function L : E N .  SOLUTION: A file transfer schedule, i.e., a function S : EN such that, for each vertex v and for each t N , |{u : (u, v) E s(e) t s(e) + L(e)}| p(v) . MEASURE: The makespan of the schedule  max e E ( s(e) + L(e) ) . [CK00]

minimum flow A legal flow for which the total flow is minimum. [SE79]

minimum general routing  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) , length l(e) N for each e E , subset E'E , subset V' V .  SOLUTION: A cycle in G that visits each vertex in V' exactly once and traverses each edge in E'

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.  MEASURE: The total length of the cycle. [CK00]

minimum generalized Steiner network  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) , a weight function  w : E N , a capacity function c : E N , and a requirement function r : VVN . SOLUTION: A Steiner network over G that satisfies all the requirements and obeys all the capacities, i.e., a function f : EN such that, for each edge e , f(e) c(e) and, for any pair of nodes i and j , the number of edge disjoint paths between i and j is at least r(i, j) where, for each edge e , f(e) copies of e are available.  MEASURE: The cost of the network  e Ew(u) f(e) . [CK00]

minimum geometric 3-degree spanning tree INSTANCE: Set P Z Z of points in the plane.  SOLUTION: A spanning tree T for P in which no vertex has degree larger than 3.  MEASURE: The total weight of the spanning tree, i.e., (u, v) T d(u, v) , where d(u, v) is the Euclidean distance between u and v . [CK00]

minimum geometric Steiner tree  INSTANCE: Set P Z Z of points in the plane.  SOLUTION: A finite set of Steiner points Q ZZ .  MEASURE: The total weight of the minimum spanning tree for the vertex set PQ , where the weight of an edge (x1, y1), (x2, y2) is the discretized Euclidean length  [ (x1 – x2 )2 + (y1 – y2 )2 ]1/2 . [CK00]

minimum graph coloring  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) .  SOLUTION: A coloring of G , i.e., a partition of V into disjoint sets V1 , V2 , … , Vk such that each Vi is an independent set for G .  MEASURE: Cardinality of the coloring, i.e., the number of disjoint independent sets Vi . [CK00]

minimum graph inference  INSTANCE: Class C of undirected edgecolored graphs, string x of colors.  SOLUTION: A graph G | C | and a simple path in G such that the string of colors traversed in the path is equal to x .  MEASURE: Cardinality of the edge set of G . [CK00]

minimum graph motion planning  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) , start vertex sV where the robot is initially placed, goal vertex t V , and a subset W V of vertices where the obstacles are initially placed.  SOLUTION: A motion scheme for the robot and the obstacles. In each time step either the robot or one obstacle may be moved to a neighbouring vertex that is not occupied by the robot or an obstacle.  MEASURE: The number of steps until the robot has been moved to the goal vertex t . [CK00]

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minimum graph transformation  INSTANCE: Graphs G1 = (V1, E1) and  G2 = (V2, E2) . SOLUTION: A transformation that makes G1 isomorphic to G2 . In the transformation a set of edges E' E1 is removed from E1 and added to E2 .  MEASURE: Cardinality of the transformation set  | E ' | . [CK00]

minimum independent dominating set  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) . SOLUTION: An independent dominating set for G , i.e., a subset V'V such that for all u V – V' there is a v V' for which (u, v) E , and such that no two vertices in V' are joined by an edge in E .  MEASURE: Cardinality of the independent dominating set | V' | . [CK00]

minimum interval graph completion  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) .  SOLUTION: An interval graph G' = (V, E' ) that contains G as a subgraph, i.e. E E' . An interval graph is a graph whose vertices can be mapped to distinct intervals in the real line such that two vertices in the graph have an edge between them if and only if their corresponding intervals overlap.  MEASURE: The cardinality of the interval graph  | E' | . [CK00]

minimum k-capacitated tree partition  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) , and a weight function w : E N .  SOLUTION: A k-capacitated tree partition of G , i.e., a collection of vertex disjoint subsets  E1 , E2 , … , Em of E such that, for each i , the subgraph induced by Ei is a tree of at least k vertices.  MEASURE: The weight of the partition  i e Ei w(e) . [CK00]

minimum k-center  INSTANCE: Complete graph G = (V, E) and distances d( vi , vj ) N satisfying the triangle inequality.  SOLUTION: A k-center set, i.e., a subset C V with | C | = k .  MEASURE: The maximum distance from a vertex to its nearest center max v V min c C d( v, c) . [CK00]

minimum k-Chinese postman problem  INSTANCE: Multigraph G = (V, E) , initial vertex  s V , length l(e) N for each e E . SOLUTION: A collection of k cycles, each containing the initial vertex s , that collectively traverse every edge in the graph at least once.  MEASURE: The maximum length of the k cycles. [CK00]

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minimum k-connected subgraph problem Given a graph G = (V, E) , positive integers K | V | and B | E | , is there a subset E ' Ewith  | E ' | B  such G ' = (V, E ' ) is k-connected? [GJ79]

minimum k-cut INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) , a weight function  w : E N , and an integer k [ 2 … | V | ] . SOLUTION: A partition of V into k disjoint sets  F = { C1 , C2 , … , Ck } .  MEASURE: The sum of the weight of the edges between the disjoint sets  1

k-1 i+1 kv1 C i , v2 C jw({v1, v2}) . [CK00]

minimum k-edge connected subgraph  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) , k is a constant,  k 2 .  SOLUTION: A k-edge connected spanning subgraph G' = (V, E' ) for G , i.e. a spanning subgraph that cannot be disconnected by removing fewer than k edges.  MEASURE: The cardinality of the spanning subgraph | E' | .[CK00]

minimum k-median  INSTANCE: Complete graph G = (V, E) and distances d(e) N .  SOLUTION: A k-median set, i.e., a subset V' V with | V' | = k .  MEASURE: The sum of the distances from each vertex to its nearest median v V min w V ' d( v, w) . [CK00] 

minimum k-spanning tree  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) , an integer kn , and a weight function w : E N .  SOLUTION: A k-spanning tree, i.e., a subtree T of G of at least k nodes.  MEASURE: The weight of the tree e T w(e) . [CK00]

minimum k-stacker-crane problem  INSTANCE: Mixed graph G = (V, A, E) , initial vertex s V , length l(e) N for each e AE .  SOLUTION: A collection of k cycles, each containing the initial vertex s , that collectively traverse each directed edge in A at least once.  MEASURE: The maximum length of the k cycles. [CK00] 

minimum k-supplier  INSTANCE: Complete graph G = (V, E) , distances d(vi , vj) N satisfying the triangle inequality, center construction cost c(v) N and usage weight w(v) for each v V , cost bound LN .  SOLUTION: A supplier set of legal cost, i.e., a subset S V such that v S c(v) L .  MEASURE: The maximum weighted distance from a vertex to its nearest supplier  max v V min s S w(e) d( v, s ) . [CK00]

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minimum k-switching network  INSTANCE: Complete graph G = (V, E) and distances d(vi , vj) N satisfying the triangle inequality.  SOLUTION: A partition  F = {A1 , A2 , … , Ak , B1 , B2 , … , Bk} of V .  MEASURE: Maximum distance between vertices in different sets with the same index  max i [1…k] max v1 Ai , v2 Bid(v1 , v2) . [CK00]

minimum k-vertex connected subgraph  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) , k is a constant,  k 2 . SOLUTION: A k-vertex connected spanning subgraph G' = (V, E' ) for G , i.e. a spanning subgraph that cannot be disconnected by removing fewer than k vertices.  MEASURE: The cardinality of the spanning subgraph | E' | .[CK00]

minimum linear arrangement  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) .  SOLUTION: A one-to-one function  f : V [1, 2, … , | V| ] .  MEASURE: The total length of the edges in the linear arrangement max (u, v) E | f(u) – f(v) | . [CK00]

minimum maximal matching  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) . SOLUTION: A maximal matchingE' , i.e., a subset E'E such that no two edges in E' shares a common endpoint and every edge in E – E' shares a common endpoint with some edge in E' .  MEASURE: Cardinality of the matching | E' | . [CK00]

minimum maximal matching problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and positive integer  K | E | , is there a subset E ' Ewith  | E ' | K such that E ' is a maximal matching? [GJ79]

minimum maximum disjoint connecting paths  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) , length function  l : E N , and a pair of vertices s , t in V .  SOLUTION: Two vertex disjoint paths in G connecting s and t , i.e. two sequences of vertices  u1 , u2 , … , um and v1 , v2 , … , vm such that  |{ u1 , u2 , … , um , v1 , v2 , … , vm }| = m + n , (s , u1) , (s, v1) , (um , t) , and (vn , t) are included in E , and for any i , (ui , ui+1) and (vi , vi+1) are included in E .  MEASURE: The longest of the two paths, i.e.  max [l(s, u) + i=1

m-1l(ui , ui+1) + l(um , t) + + i=1

n-1l(vi , vi+1) + l(vn , t)] .[CK00]

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minimum metric bottleneck wandering salesperson problem  INSTANCE: Set C of m cities, an initial city sC , a final city f C , distances d( ci , cj ) N satisfying the triangle inequality.  SOLUTION: A simple path from the initial city s to the final city f passing through all cities in C , i.e., a permutation : [ 1 … m ] [ 1 … m ] such that  v (i) = s and v(m) = f . MEASURE: The length of the largest distance in the path max i [ 1 … m-1 ] d({ c(i) , c(i+1)}) . [CK00]

minimum metric dimension  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) .  SOLUTION: A metric basis for G , i.e., a subset  V ' V such that for each pair u, v V there is a  w V ' such that the length of the shortest path from u to w is different from the length of the shortest path from v to w .  MEASURE: The cardinality of the metric basis | V ' | .[CK00]

minimum metric traveling k-salesperson problem  INSTANCE: Set C of m cities, an initial city sC , distances d( ci , cj ) N satisfying the triangle inequality.  SOLUTION: A collection of k subtours, each containing the initial city s , such that each city is in at least one subtour.  MEASURE: The maximum length of the k subtours. [CK00] 

minimum metric traveling salesperson  INSTANCE: Set C Z Z of m points in the plane.  SOLUTION: A tour of C i.e., a permutation  : [ 1 … m ] [ 1 … m ] .  MEASURE: The length of the tour, where the distance between (x1 , y1) and (x2 , y2) is the discretized Euclidean length  [(x1 – x2) 2 + (x1 – x2) 2 ] ½  . [CK00]

minimum metric traveling salesperson problem  INSTANCE: Set C of m cities, distances  d( ci , cj ) N satisfying the triangle inequality.  SOLUTION: A tour of C , i.e., a permutation  : [ 1 … m ] [ 1 … m ] .  MEASURE: The length of the tour. [CK00] 

minimum multicut  INSTANCE: A graph G = (V, E) , a set SVV of source-terminal pairs, and a weight function 

w : E N .  SOLUTION: A multi-cut, i.e., a set E' E such that the removal of E' from E disconnects si

from ti for every pair ( si , ti ) S . 

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MEASURE: The weight of the cut e E ' w(e) . [CK00]

minimum multiway cut  INSTANCE: A graph G = (V, E) , a set SVof terminals, and a weight function w : E N .  SOLUTION: A multiway cut, i.e., a set E' E such that the removal of E' from E disconnects each terminal from all the others.  MEASURE: The weight of the cut e E ' w(e) . [CK00]

minimum network inhibition on planar graphs INSTANCE: Planar graph G = (V, E) , capacity function c : E N , destruction cost function  d : E N , and budget B .  SOLUTION: An attack strategy to the network, i.e., a function : E [ 0, 1 ] such that  e E (e) d(e) B . MEASURE: The capability left in the damaged network, i.e., the minimum cut in G with capacity c' defined as c' (e) = (e) c(e) . [CK00]

minimum numerical taxonomy INSTANCE: n n distance matrix D .  SOLUTION: Tree metric dT , i.e., an edge weighted tree T of n nodes such that dT (i, j) is the distance between i and j in T .  MEASURE: max i<j | dT (i, j) – D[i, j] | . [CK00]

minimum phylogenetic tree distance  INSTANCE: A 3-degree (binary) tree T = (V, E) with unique labels on the leaves and with edge weights w : EN . A 3-degree tree T' with the same set of unique labels as T .  SOLUTION: A sequence of edges e1 , … , emrepresenting nearest neighbour interchanges transforming the tree T into T' (so that the labels match). A nearest neighbour interchange of  ei = {u, v} is a transformation where one of the two subtrees adjacent to u is exchanged with one of the two subtrees adjacent to v .  MEASURE: The cost of the sequence of interchanges 1 i m w(ei) .[CK00] 

minimum P-object  For a property P, no smaller object of the same type also has property P. [DW96]

minimum point-to-point connection  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) , a weight function  w : E N , a set of sources S = {s1, … , sp} , and a set of destinations D = {d1, … , dp} .  SOLUTION: A point-to-point connection, i.e., a subset E' E such that each source-destination pair is connected in E' .  MEASURE: The weight of the connection  e E ' w(e) . [CK00]

minimum precedence constrained sequencing with delays  INSTANCE: Set T of tasks, a directed acyclic graph G = (T, E) defining precedence constraints for the tasks, a positive integer D , and for each task an integer delay 0 d(t) D . 

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SOLUTION: A one-processor schedule for T that obeys the precedence constraints and the delays, i.e., an injective function S : TZ+ such that, for each edge < ti , tj > E , S(tj) – S(ti) > d(ti) .  MEASURE: The finish time for the schedule  max t T s(t) . [CK00]

minimum quotient cut  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) , a vertex-weight function w : E N , and an edge-cost function 

c : E N . SOLUTION: A cut C , i.e., a subset C V .  MEASURE: The quotient of the cut, i.e.,  c(C) / min {w(C), w(V – C)} where c(C) denotes the sum of the costs of the edges (u, v) such that either uC and vC or uC and vCand, for any subset V ' V ,w(V ' ) denotes the sum of the weights of the vertices in V ' . [CK00]

minimum ratio cut  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) , a capacity function c : E N , and k commodities, i.e., k pairs ( si , ti ) V 2 and a demand di for each pair.  SOLUTION: A cut, i.e., a partition of V into two disjoint sets V1 and V2 .  MEASURE: The capacity of the cut divided by the demand across the cut  v1 V1 , v2 V2 , (v1, v2) E [c(vi1, v2)] / i : | {si, ti} V1 | = 1 [di ] . [CK00]

minimum rectilinear global routing  INSTANCE: m n-array of gates, collection C of nets, i.e., 3-sets of gates.  SOLUTION: Wires following rectilinear paths connecting the gates in each net.  MEASURE: The largest number of wires in the same channel between two gates in the array. [CK00]

minimum register sufficiency  INSTANCE: Directed acyclic graph G = (V, E) .  SOLUTION: Computation for G that uses k registers, i.e., an ordering v1 , … , vn of the vertices in V and a sequence S0 , … , Sn of subsets of V , each satisfying | Sn | k , such that S0 is empty, Sn contains all vertices with in-degree 0 in G , and, for 0 i n , vi Si , Si – { vi } Si-1 and Si-1 contains all vertices u for which (vi , u) A .  MEASURE: Number of registers k . [CK00]

minimum routing tree congestion  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) and a weight function w : E N .  SOLUTION: A routing tree T for G , i.e., a tree T in which each internal vertex has degree 3 and the leaves correspond to vertices of G .  MEASURE: The congestion of the routing tree, i.e., the maximum, for any edge e , of  (u, v) E , u S, v Sw(u, v) . [CK00]

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minimum schedule length  INSTANCE: A network N = (V, E, b, c) where  G = (V, E) is a graph, b : V N is the vertex-capacity function, and c : E N is the edge-capacity function, and a set T of tokens t = (u, v, p) where u, vVand p is either a path from u to v or the empty set.  SOLUTION: A schedule S , i.e., a sequence f0 , … , fl of configuration functions fi : T V such that  for any token t = (u, v, p) , f0 (t) = u and , fl (t) = v ; for any 0 i l – 1 and for any token t , if  fi (t) = v and fi+1 (t) = w then  (a) (u, v) E ,  (b) | t' : fi (t' ) = w }| < b(w) ,  (c) | t' : fi+1 (t' ) = w }| b(w) , and  (d) | t' : fi (t' ) = v fi+1 (t' ) = w}| c(v, w) .  MEASURE: The length of the schedule, i.e., l . [CK00] 

minimum single-sink edge installation  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) , length function  l : E N , set of sources S V , sink t V , demand function d : S Z+ , finite set of cable types where each cable type is specified by its capacity and its cost per unit length.  SOLUTION: A network of cables in the graph, consisting of an integral number of each cable type for each edge in G , that routes all the demands at the sources to the sink. The demand of each source must follow a single path from source to sink.  MEASURE: The total cost of building the network of cables. [CK00]

minimum size ultrametric tree INSTANCE: n n matrix M of positive integers.  SOLUTION: An ultrametric tree, i.e., an edge-weighted tree T(V, E) with n leaves such that, for any pair of leaves i and j , dij

TM [i, j] where dijT denotes the sum of the weights in the path

between i and j .  MEASURE: The size of the tree, i.e., e E w(e) where w(e) denotes the weight of edge e . [CK00]

minimum spanning tree = MST The minimum spanning tree of a weighted graph is a set of n – 1 edges of minimum total weight which form a spanning tree of the graph. [EW00]

A minimum-weight tree in a weighted graph which contains all of the graph's vertices. [PEB00]

minimum stacker crane problem  INSTANCE: Mixed graph G = (V, A, E) , length  l(e) N for each eAE such that for every arc there is a parallel edge of no greater length.  SOLUTION: A cycle in G (possibly containing repeated vertices) that includes each directed edge in A at least once, traversing such edges only in the specified direction.  MEASURE: The total length of the cycle. [CK00]

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minimum Steiner tree  INSTANCE: Complete graph G = (V, E) , a metric given by edge weights s : E N and a subset S V of required vertices.  SOLUTION: A Steiner tree, i.e., a subtree of G that includes all the vertices in S .  MEASURE: The sum of the weights of the edges in the subtree. [CK00]

minimum storage time sequencing  INSTANCE: Set T of tasks, a directed acyclic graph G = (T, E) defining precedence constraints for the tasks, for each task a length l(t) Z+ , and for each edge in the graph a weight w(t1 , t2) measuring the storage required to save the intermediate results generated by task t1 until it is consumed by task t2 .  SOLUTION: A one-processor schedule for T that obeys the precedence constraints, i.e., a permutation : [1 … | T | ] [1 … | T | ] such that, for each edge < ti , tj > E ,-1 (i) < -1 (j) .  MEASURE: The total storage-time product  < tw(i) , tw(j) > E w(t (i) , t(i) ) k=min(i, j)

max(i, j)l(t(i) ) .[CK00]

minimum strong connectivity augmentation INSTANCE: Directed graph G = (V, A) and a weight function w : V V N .  SOLUTION: A connectivity augmenting set A' for G , i.e., a set A' of ordered pairs of vertices from V such that G' = (V, A A' ) is strongly connected.  MEASURE: The weight of the augmenting set  (u, v) E ' w(u, v) . [CK00]

minimum time-cost tradeoff  INSTANCE: Set J of activities, a directed acyclic graph G = (T, E) defining precedence constraints for the activities, a positive budget B , and for each activity j J a non-increasing cost function cj described as a step function with lj steps:  cj (t) = if 0 t < aj,1 ;  cj (t) = cj (aj, i ) if aj, i t < aj, i+1 , 1 i < lj ; cj (t) = 0 if aj, lj t ; where > cj (aj, 1 ) > … > cj (aj, lj ) .  SOLUTION: A one-processor schedule for J that obeys the precedence constraints and activities durations tj > 0 for each jJ that obeys the budget j Jcj (tj ) B .  MEASURE: The total duration of all activities  j Jtj . [CK00]

minimum traveling repairman  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) , start vertex rV , length l(e) Nfor each eE satisfying the triangle inequality.  SOLUTION: A walk starting in r visiting all vertices in G , i.e., a permutation : [ 1 … m ] such that  (i) = r , where describes in which order the vertices are visited for the first time.  MEASURE: v V d (r, v) , where d (r, v) is the total distance traversed in the walk from r until we first visit v . [CK00]

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minimum traveling salesperson  INSTANCE: Set C of m cities, distances d( ci , cj ) Nfor each pair of cities  c1 , cj C .  SOLUTION: A tour of C , i.e., a permutation  : [ 1 … m ] [ 1 … m ] .  MEASURE: The length of the tour  d({ c (m) , c(1)}) + (i)

m-1d({ c(i) , c(i+1)}) . [CK00]

minimum tree alignment  INSTANCE: Set S of sequences over an alphabet , a score scheme : { } { } N satisfying the triangle inequality, and a tree T of bounded degree whose leafs are labeled with the sequences S .  SOLUTION: A sequence labeling of the interior nodes of the tree T .  MEASURE: The total alignment cost of the labeled tree, i.e., the sum over all edges (x, y) in the tree of the edit distance d(x, y) between the labels of the endpoints of the edge. The edit distance is the minimum alignment cost i (x' [ i ] , y' [ i ]) over all possible alignments x' and y' of x and y . An alignment is obtained by inserting spaces (denoted by ) into the original sequence, either between two characters or in the beginning or at the end. Alignments x' and y' must have the same length. [CK00]

minimum tree compact packing  INSTANCE: A tree T = (V, E) , a node-weight function w : V Q+ such that  v Vw(v) = 1 , and a page-capacity p .  SOLUTION: A compact packing of T into pages of capacity p , i.e., a function : V Z+ such that  | -1 (i) | = p . MEASURE: The number of page faults of the packing, i.e., v V c (v) w(v) where  c (v) = i=0

l(v)-1 (vi) , l(v) denotes the number of edges in the path from the root to v , vi denotes the ith node in this path, and (v) is equal to 0 if the parent of v is assigned the same page of u , and it is equal to 1 otherwise.[CK00]

minimum tree width  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) .  SOLUTION: A tree decomposition, i.e., a pair ({Xi : i I}, T) where T = (I, F) is a tree and Xi is a collection of subsets of V , such that i IXi = V ,  for any (v, w) E , there exists an i I with  u, v Xi ,  for any v V , the set { iI : v Xi } forms a connected subtree of T .  MEASURE: The tree width of the tree decomposition max i I | Xi | – 1 . [CK00] 

minimum unsplittable flow  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) , with edge capacities c : E Z+ , source vertex s , collection of sinks t1 , … , tk with associated non-negative integer demands 1 , … , k such that, ic(e) for all eE and i [1 … k] .  SOLUTION: A single s-ti flow path for each commodity i so that the demands are satisfied and

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the total flow routed across any edge e is bounded by c(e) .  MEASURE: max e E f(e) / c(e) where f(e) is the total flow routed across e . [CK00]

minimum upgrading spanning tree  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) , three edge weight functions d2(e) d1(e) d0(e) (for each eE ), where di(e) denotes the weight of edge e if i of its endpoints are "upgraded", vertex upgrade costs c(v) (for each v V ), a threshold value D for the weight of a minimum spanning tree.  SOLUTION: An upgrading set W V of vertices such that the weight of a minimum spanning tree in G with respect to edge weights given by dW is bounded by D . Here, dW denotes the edge weight function resulting from the upgrade of the vertices in W , i.e., dW (u, v) = di (u, v) , where | W {u, v} | = i .  MEASURE: The cost of the upgrading set  c(W) = v W c(v) . [CK00]

minimum vehicle scheduling on tree  INSTANCE: Rooted tree T = (V, E, w0) , a forward travel time f : E N, a backward travel time b : E N , a release time : E N , and an handling time h : E N .  SOLUTION: A vehicle routing schedule that starts from v0 , visits all nodes of T , returns to v0 , and, for any node vi , starts processing vi not before the release time r(vi) , i.e., a permutation of  1 , … , | V | and a waiting function w such that, for any i , d(v0 , v(1) ) + j=1

i-1 [w(v(j)) + h(v(j)) +  d(v(j) , v(j+1))] r(v(j) ), where d(u, v) denotes the length of the unique path from u to v .  MEASURE: The total completion time  d(v0 , v(1) ) + j=1

i-1 [ w(v( j )) + h(v ( j )) + d(v ( j ) , v (j+1))] + w(v(n)) + h(v (n)) + d(v( n) , v0) .[CK00]

minimum vertex cover  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) .  SOLUTION: A vertex cover for G , i.e., a subset  V' V such that, for each edge (u, v) E , at least one of u and v belongs to V' .  MEASURE: Cardinality of the vertex cover | V' | .  [CK00]

minimum vertex cut The smallest set of vertices in an undirected graph which separate two distinct vertices. That is, every path between them passes through some member of the cut. [PEB00]

minimum vertex deletion to obtain subgraph with property P INSTANCE: Directed or undirected graph  G = (V, E) . SOLUTION: A subset V' V such that the subgraph induced by V – V'has the property P .  MEASURE: Cardinality of the set of deleted vertices | V' | .[CK00]

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minimum vertex disjoint cycle cover INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) . SOLUTION: A family F of vertex disjoint cycles covering V .  MEASURE: Number of cycles in F . [CK00]

minimum vertex k-cut  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) , a set  S = { s1 , t1 , … , sk , tk }of special vertices, a weight function w : V – S N , and an integer k .  SOLUTION: A vertex k-cut, i.e., a subset  C V – S of vertices such that their deletion from G disconnects each si from ti for 1 i k .  MEASURE: The sum of the weight of the vertices in the cut v C w(v) . [CK00]

minimum weight and/or graph solution problem Given acyclic digraph G = (V, A) with a single vertex sV having in-degree 0, assignment  f(v) {and, or} for each v V having nonzero out-degree, weight w(a) Z+for each aA and a positive integer K , is there a subgraph G ' = (V ', A ' ) of G such that s V ' , such that if v V ' and f(v) = and then all arcs leaving v in A belong to A ' , such that that if v V ' and f(v) = or then at least one of the arcs leaving v in A belongs to A ' , and such that the sum of the weights of the arcs in A ' does not exceed K ? [GJ79]

min-max multicenter problem Given a graph G = (V, E) , weight w(v) Z0

+for each v V , length l(e) Z0+for each e E ,

positive integer K | V | and positive rational number B , is there a set P of K points on G (where a point on G can be either a vertex in V or a point on edge e Ewith e regarded as a line segment of length l(e) ) such that if d(v) is the length of the shortest path from v to the closest point in P , then  max { d(v) w(v) : v V } B ? [GJ79]

minor = subcontraction Graph or matroid obtained by a sequence of deletions and contractions. [DW96] 

minor graph A sort of subgraph which Kuratowski means when he says "contain". It is roughly a small graph which can be mapped into the big one without merging vertices. [EW00] 

minor of a graph A graph F is a minor of a graph G if F can be obtained from a subgraph of G by a sequence of deletions and contractions of edges. [BW97]

min-sum multicenter problem Given a graph G = (V, E) , weight w(v) Z0

+for each v V , length l(e) Z0+for each e E ,

positive integer K | V | and positive rational number B , is there a set P of K points on G such that if d(v) is the length of the shortest path from v to the closest point in P , then v Vd(v) w(v) B ? [GJ79]

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mixed graph A graph that contains both directed and undirected edges. [HC00]

A graph that contains both directed and undirected edges. FIGURE

| # | a | b | c-cn | co | cp-cz | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m-mh |

mi | mj-mz | | n | o | p | q | r | s-so | sp-sz | t | u | v | w | xyz |

    | modular | multigraph | mutual |  

Möbius climber The Möbius climber was designed by Gerald Harnett, a mathematics professor at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, with the assistance of Jerome Schwartz and Sean Powers. It consists of 64 triangles linked together and mounted so that, at any one point, the twisted structure appears to have four sides, but overall turns out to have just two. [IP00] FIGURE

Möbius ladder  The graph obtained by adding to an even cycle the chords between vertex pairs at maximum distance on the cycle (can be drawn as a ladder with a twist). [DW96]

The Mobius ladder of order 2n , M n , is the 3-regular graph with a Hamiltonian cycle (1, 2, ..., 2n, 1) and edges joining vertex i to i + n , i = 1, ... , n .[DA00]

Möbius strip  The nonorientable surface obtained by identifying two opposite sides of a rectangle using opposite orientation. [DW96] FIGURE

model A  Probability distribution making the graphs with vertex set [n] equally likely. [DW96]

model B  Probability distribution making the graphs with vertex set [n] and m edges equally likely. [DW96]

modular function Let S be a finite set. Let f : 2S R , f is said to be a modular function if  f(X) + f(Y) = f(X Y) + f(X Y)X , YS.[HN97]

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monochromatic In a coloring, a set having all elements the same color. [DW96]

monochromatic triangle problem Given a graph G = (V, E) , is there a partition of E into two disjoint sets E1 , E2 such that neither 

G1 = (V , E1) nor G2 = (V , E2) contains a triangle? [GJ79]

monotone graph property Preserved under deletion of edges or vertices. [DW96]

Moore graph (r, g)-cage of order f0 (r, g) .[CL96] FIGURE

more for less paradox  This was originally introduced in the context of linear network flows:  It is possible to send more flow from supply to demand nodes at lower cost, even if all arc costs are positive. [HG99]

Morishima matrix  Square matrix A for which there is a set S so that  aij 0 if i and j are both in S or both not in S and  aij 0 otherwise. [TZ98]

MST = minimum spanning tree

M-tree A tree not having the complete bipartite graph K1, 2 with base at the vertex of degree two as a limb. [EW00] 

multi suffix tree A suffix tree extended to multiple strings by concatenating the strings. [PEB00]

multi-commodity flow problem A network flow problem in which more than one commodity share arc capacities. This applies to communication networks as well as to shipments of different grains on barges of limited capacities. It is more complicated than the single-commodity flow, generally NP-complete (except for some special cases). [HG99]

multidigraph A digraph with more than one arc in the same direction to join two vertices. [CL96]

multigraph = nonsimple graph A graph with multiple edges allowed. [BW97]

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Informally, a multigraph is a graph with multiple edges between the same vertices. Formally: a multigraph is a set V of vertices along, a set E of edges, and a function f from E to {{u,v} | u,v in V; u, v distinct}. (The function f shows which vertices are connected by which edge.) The edges r and s are called parallel or multiple edges if f(r) = f(s) .[CC99] FIGURE

multiple choice branching problem Given a digraph G = (V, A) , weight w(a) Z0

+for each a A , a partition of A into disjoint sets  A1 , A2 , … , Am and a positive integer K , is there a subset A ' Awith a A ' w(a) K such that no two arcs in A ' enter the same vertex, A ' contains no cycles and A ' contains at most one arc from each of the Ai , 1 i m ? [GJ79]

multiple choice matching problem Given digraph G = (V, E) , partition of E into disjoint sets E1 , E2 , … , EJ and positive integer K , is there a subset E1' E1with | E' | K such that no two edges in E ' share a common vertex and such that E' contains at most one edge from each Ei , 1 iJ ? [GJ79]

multiple copy file allocation problem Given a graph G = (V, E) , for each vVa usage  u(v) Z+and a storage cost s(v) Z+ , and a positive integer K , is there a subset V ' V such that, if for each vVwe let d(v) denote the number of edges in the shortest path in G from v to a member of V ' , we have v V ' s(v) + v Vd(v) u(v) K ?[GJ79]

multiple edges  Two or more edges joining the same pair of vertices. [BW97]

Two or more edges with the same endpoints and the same sign or gain. (Whether to count a negative loop and a half edge at the same vertex as multiple edges is not clear and may depend on the context.) [TZ98]

A pair (a, b) contained two or more times in the edge set S . FIGURE

multiple interval representation Intersection representation with a union of intervals for each vertex. [DW96]

multiway tree A tree with any number of children for each node. [PEB00] FIGURE

M-unsaturated Vertex not belonging to an edge of M . [DW96]

mutual reachability An equivalence relation on vertices of a digraph. [DW96]

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| # | a | b | c-cn | co | cp-cz | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m-mh | mi | mj-mz |

| n | o | p | q | r | s-so | sp-sz | t | u | v | w | xyz |

    | nearest | neighborhood | node | NP | numbering |  

n, k, c-expander Bipartite graph with partite sets of size n and degree at most k such that each set S with at most half the vertices of the first partite set has at least  (1 + c(1-| S |/n)| S |) neighbors. [DW96]

n, k, c-magnifier n-vertex graph of maximum degree k in which each set S with at most half the vertices has at least c| S | neighbors outside S . [DW96]

n-ary heap A complete tree where every node has a key more extreme (greater or less) than the key of its parent. Each node has n or fewer children. [PEB00]

n-ary sequence  Ordered list of elements from a set of size n, with repetition allowed. [DW96]

n-ary tree Rooted tree with at most n children at each internal node. [DW96]

A rooted tree in which every vertex has either 0 or m offspring. When m = 2, these are called binary trees. [WC00]

A directed tree in which the out-degree of each vertex is at most n, where n is some fixed positive integer; equivalently, a rooted tree in which each vertex has at most n successors. [HC00]

n-connected graph  A graph whose connectivity is greater than or equal to some fixed positive integer n; i.e., a graph that remains connected even if any n – 1 edges are removed, but for which there exists a disconnecting set of n edges.[HC00]

nearest neighbor algorithm The nearest neighbor algorithm is a method for solving the traveling salesperson problem. The algorithm requires following a path which always travels along the edge with the lowest weight connecting the current vertex to another which has not yet been visited. Note that the nearest neighbor algorithm will find a circuit, however, there is no guarantee that this solution

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will represent the minimal possible route. [DMP00]

A type of greedy algorithm for combinatorial optimization problems where there is measure of nearness between neighbors. An example is the traveling salesman problem, where the procedure is to choose the next city to be one that is nearest the current city in the sequence. [HG99]

nearest neighbour interchange A nearest neighbour interchange of ei = {u, v} is a transformation where one of the two subtrees adjacent to u is exchanged with one of the two subtrees adjacent to v .[CK00]

nearest-insertion TSP heuristic to grow a cycle. [DW96]

near-perfect matching A matching of size (n(G) – 1) / 2 . [DW96]

nearly triangular embedding An embedding of a graph is nearly triangular if all but at most one region is triangular. [DA00] FIGURE

negation set  An edge set whose negation makes the graph balanced. [TZ98]

negative degree The number of negative incidents on the vertex. [CGM79]

negative endpoint = head

negative girth  The length of a shortest negative polygon. [TZ98]

negative incidence If the orientation of an arc is from vertex v1 to vertex v2, then the arc is said to be negatively incident at v2 . [CGM79]

neighborhood = neighbors The set of all vertices of G adjacent to the vertex v . [BW97]

The vertices adjacent to a given vertex. [DW96] FIGURE

neighbors = neighborhood

Nesetril-Rödl dimension problem

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Given a graph G = (V, E) and positive integer K | E | , is there a one-to-one function  f : V {a1 , a2 , … , ak) : 1 ai | V | for  1 i K} such that , for all u, v V , (u, v) E if and only if f(u) and f(v) disagree in all K components? [GJ79]

net flow At a vertex, the sum of flows on exiting edges minus the sum of flows on entering edges. [DW96]

network  A weighted digraph; i.e., a directed graph, each of whose arcs has been assigned a quantity (called a weight or capacity) such as a real number, vector, or tensor. The theory of networks has applications in management and engineering sciences. [HC00]

A network consists of the following data: A finite digraph G(V, E) with no self-loops and no parallel edges. Two vertices s (the source) and t (the sink) are specified. Each edge e E is assigned a non-negative number c(e) called the capacity of e .  [SE79] 

network analysis problem To solve the network, i.e. to find the set of all ordered pairs (v, i) which satisfy the device characteristics and topological constraints. [HN97]

network flow A vector f = [ f1 , f2 , … , fm ] of m real numbers (where m is the number of arcs in a graph G) such that each element fi of f , which is called the flow in arc ui , is non-negative; for every node xi of G, the sum of the flows in arcs incident to xi is equal to the sum of the flows in arcs incident from xi . [BC79]

network flow problem The network flow problem considers a graph G with a set of sources S and sinks T and for which each edge has an assigned capacity (weight), and then asks to find the maximum flow that can be routed from S to T while respecting the given edge capacities. [EW00] 

network flows  This is an assignment of arc values, called flows, say f(k) for the k-th arc, that satisfy two types of constraints:  arc bounds, L f U , and node balances, flow out of node i flow into node i = b(i) . The flow out of node i can be expressed as Sum k{f(k): T(k) = i} , and the flow into node i can be expressed as Sum k{f(k): H(k) = i} . If b(i) < 0 , -b(i) is a supply at node i (called a supply node); if b(i) > 0 , b(i) is a demand at

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node i (called a demand node). If b(i) = 0 , node i is simply a transshipment node, and the balance equation says that the flow into node i must equal the flow out of node i . Another way to express the node flow balance equations is with the node-arc incidence matrix: Mf = b . [HG99]

network reliability problem Given a graph G = (V, E) , subset V V ' , a rational failure probability p(e) ,0 p(e) 1 , for each e Eand a positive rational number q 1 . Assuming edge failures are independent of one another, is the probability q or greater that each pair of vertices in V ' is joined by at least one path containing no failed edge? [GJ79]

network solution set The set of all ordered pairs (v, i) which satisfy the device characteristics and topological constraints. [HN97]

network survivability problem Given a graph G = (V, E) , subset V V ' , a rational failure probability p(x) , 0 p(x) 1 , for each x V E and a positive rational number q 1 . Assuming all edge and vertex failures are independent of one another, is the probability q or greater that for all {u, v} E at least one of u, v or {u, v} will fail? [GJ79]

neural network = artificial neural network  A computing device which converts one or more input signals to one or more output signals by means of an interconnected set of elementary non-linear signal processors called neurons. Animal brains are examples of biological neural networks. Artificial neural networks are man-made computing devices modelled after their biological counterparts. The features which distinguish artificial neural networks from traditional Von Neumann (sequential) computers are:  the elementary processors are highly non-linear (in the limit, they are simple threshold discriminators),  the neurons are highly interconnencted which allows a high degree of parallelism and  there is no idle memory containing data and programs, but rather each neuron is pre-programmed and continuously active.  [CERN97] FIGURE

node = vertex A vertex in a directed graph. [CGM79]

A vertex of a graph. In network applications, vertices are called nodes and edges are called branches. [HC00] FIGURE

node admittance matrix A matrix A Ye At , where A is the incidence matrix and Ye is diagonal matrix of edge admittances. [WM72]

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node block = vertex block

node component = vertex component

NOHO "No one hears his own information", a gossiping condition. [DW96]

nonagon  A polygon having nine sides. [HC00]

nonahedral graph A polyhedral graph having nine vertices. [EW00] 

nondeterministic algorithm An algorithm for which a state may determine many next states and which follows up on each of the next states simultaneously. [MG80]

Allowed to "guess" by having parallel computaion paths. [DW96] 

nondeterministic polynomial algorithm Polynomial-time computation paths after guessing a polynomial number of bits. [DW96]

nonorientable surface A surface with only one side. [DW96] FIGURE

nonorientable genus The nonorientable genus of a graph G , h(G) , is the minimum number h such that G embeds on the surface formed by adding h crosscaps to the sphere. [DA00]

nonoriented graph = undirected graph

nonplanar Having no embedding on the plane. [DW96]

nonplanar graph A graph that is not planar. [ISEM00] FIGURE

nonseparable graph = biconnected component = block = biconnected graph

nonsimple graph = multigraph

nonterminal vertex  In graph theory, a vertex of degree not equal to one. In a rooted tree, a vertex having at least one successor. [HC00]

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nontrivial graph A graph that is not trivial. [ISEM00]

Having at least one edge. [DW96]

NP The class of problems for which answers can be checked for correctness by an algorithm whose run time is polynomial in the size of the input. Note that this doesn't require or imply that an answer can be found quickly, only that any claimed answer can be verified or refuted quickly. "NP" is the class which a Nondeterministic machine accepts in Polynomial time. [PEB00]

The class of problems solvable by deterministic polynomial algorithms. [DW96]

NP-complete The class of problems for which answers can be checked for correctness by an algorithm whose run time is polynomial in the size of the input (it is NP) and no other NP problem is more than a polynomial factor harder. Informally, a problem is NP-complete if answers can be verified quickly and a quick algorithm to solve this problem can be used to solve all other NP problems quickly. [PEB00]

Problems are divided into two categories: those for which there exists an algorithm to solve it with polynomial time complexity, and those for which there is no such algorithm. We denote the former class of problems by P . There are problems for which no known algorithm exists that solves it in polynomial time, but there is also no proof that no such algorithm exists. Among these problems that are not known to be in P (or in ~P), there is a subclass of problems known as NP-complete: those for which either all are solvable in polynomial time, or none are. A fundamental member of the NP-complete class is the satisfiability problem. It is an open question whether NP = P, and most regard the NP-complete problems as having exponential time complexity. [HG99]

NP-complete problem A problem which is both NP (solvable in nondeterministic polynomial-time) and NP-hard (any other NP-problem can be translated into this problem). [EW00] 

NP-hard A complexity class of problems that are intrinsically harder than those that can be solved by a Turing machine in nondeterministic polynomial time. When a decision version of a combinatorial optimization problem is proven to belong to the class of NP-complete problems, which includes well-known problems such as satisfiability, traveling salesman, bin packing, etc., an optimization version is NP-hard. [PEB00]

An optimization problem that relies upon the solution of an NP-complete problem. In that sense, NP-hard problems are at least as hard as NP-complete problems. Here are some NP-

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hard problems:  Bin packing   Covering, Cutting stock  Knapsack   Packing, Partitioning, Pooling  Traveling Salesman   Vehicle routing  


NP-hard problem A problem is NP-hard if an algorithm for solving it can be translated into one for solving any other NP-problem (nondeterministic polynomial time) problem. NP-hard therefore means "at least as hard as any NP-problem", although it might, in fact, be harder. [EW00] 

NP optimization problem An NP optimization problem A is a fourtuple  (I, sol, m, goal) such that  I is the set of the instances of A and it is recognizable in polynomial time.  Given an instance x of I , sol(x) denotes the set of feasible solutions of x . These solutions are short, that is, a polynomial p exists such that, for any  y sol (x) ,| y | p ( | x | ) . Moreover, it is decidable in polynomial time whether, for any x and for any y such that | y | p ( | x | ) , y sol (x) . Given an instance x and a feasible solution y of x , m(x, y) denotes the positive integer measure of y . The function m is computable in polynomial time and is also called the objective function.  goal {max, min} . [CK00]

NP-problem A problem is assigned to the NP (nondeterministic polynomial time) class if it is solvable in polynomial time by a nondeterministic Turing machine. [EW00] 

null flow A flow in which all arc flows are 0. [BC79]

null graph The graph with n vertices and no edges. [BW97]

The empty graph containing no vertices or edges. [EW00] FIGURE

null tree A tree which is empty. A tree whose leaf nodes all have a null value.[PEB00]

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nullity The nullity N = ne – nv + where ne is the number of edges, nv is the number of vertices, and is the number of maximal connected subgraphs of G . [WM72]

The number of edges in a coforest. [HN97]

numbering A bijection between V(G) and [n(G)] .[DW96] FIGURE

| # | a | b | c-cn | co | cp-cz | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m-mh | mi | mj-mz |

| n | o | p | q | r | s-so | sp-sz | t | u | v | w | xyz |

    | odd | offspring | operations | ordering | outdegree |  

obstruction Forbidden substructure. [DW96]

octagon  A polygon with eight sides. [HC00]

octahedral graph A polyhedral graph on eight nodes. Also used to refer to the 6-vertex polyhedral graph having the connectivity of the octahedron. It has 6 nodes, 12 edges, vertex connectivity 4, edge connectivity 4, graph diameter 2, graph radius 2, and girth 3. [EW00] FIGURE

octtree A tree to index three dimensions. Each node has either eight children or no children. [PEB00]

odd antihole Complement of an odd hole. [DW96]

odd component Component with an odd number of vertices. [DW96]

odd cycle Cycle with an odd number of edges (vertices). [DW96] FIGURE

odd girth  The length of a shortest odd polygon. [TZ98]

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odd graph An odd graph On is a graph having vertices given by the (n-1)-subsets of {1, … , 2n-1} such that two vertices are connected by an edge iff the associated subsets are disjoint. O2 is isomorphic to the complete graph K3 and O3 is the Petersen graph. [EW00]

The disjointness graph of the k-subsets of [2k + 1] .[DW96] FIGURE

odd hole Chordless odd cycle. [DW96] FIGURE

odd vertex A vertex with odd degree. [CL96] FIGURE

odd walk Walk of odd length. [DW96] FIGURE

offspring = son = daughter If a is a vertex in a directed tree and (a, b) is an edge in the tree then vertex b is an offspring of vertex a . [SW87] 

one-way infinite edge sequence A sequence of edges of an infinite graph of the form v0v1 , v1 v2 , . . . . [HC00]

online algorithm An online algorithm is one that obtains a solution for an online problem. Typically, this is a heuristic that obtains a "good" solution because there is not enough time to guarantee optimality. [HG99]

open chain A chain with distinct endpoints. [BC79] FIGURE

open edge train An edge train in which the initial vertex and the final vertex are distinct. [WM72]

open path A path whose endpoints are distinct. [BC79]

open walk Walk in which the end-vertices differ. [DW96]

operations research = optimization theory

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The mathematical analysis of optimization problems, especially of dynamic systems subject to a given set of constraints. Applications include problems in linear and nonlinear systems, graph theory, game theory, and combinatorics.[HC00]

A branch of mathematics which encompasses many diverse areas of minimization and optimization. Optimization theory is the more modern term for operations research. Optimization theory includes the calculus of variations, control theory, convex optimization theory, decision theory, game theory, linear programming, Markov chains, network analysis, optimization theory, queuing systems, etc. [EW00]

opposite graph A graph formed from a given digraph by exchanging the orientations of all arcs. FIGURE

optimal linear arrangement problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and positive integer K , is there a one-to-one function  f : V { 1, 2, … , | V | } such that  {u, v} E| f(u) – f(v) | K ? [GJ79]

optimal tour A solution to the traveling salesman problem or Chinese postman problem. [DW96] FIGURE

optimization problems  A category of discrete mathematics which focuses on finding a best solution for a particular problem. [DMP00]

optimization theory = operations research

optimum communication spanning tree problem Given a complete graph G = (V, E) , weight  w(e) Z0

+for each e E , requirement  r({u, v}) Z0

+for each pair {u, v} of vertices from V and bound BZ0+ , is there a spanning

tree T for G such that, if W({u, v}) denotes the sum of the weights of the edges on the path joining u and v in T , then u, v V [W({u, v}) r({u, v}) ] B ? [GJ79]

order The number n of vertices of G . [BW97]

The cardinality of the vertex set of a graph. [CL96]

A measurement of size or degree. [HC00] 

ordered multigraph A multigraph with an order relation (usually linear) on the edges. [DW96]

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ordered pair  Two elements x and y from a given set, where x is designated to be the first and y the second member of the pair; equivalently, an n-tuple with n = 2. Denoted (x ,y) . In general, (x,y) (y,x) .[HC00]

ordered pairs representation A representation of a graph in which edges are specified as ordered pairs (for a directed graph), or unordered pairs (for an undirected graph). [EW00] 

ordered tree A tree where the children of every node are ordered, that is, there is a first child, second child, third child, etc. . [PEB00]

A rooted tree in which the order of the subtrees is significant. [EW00] 

ordering A reflexive, antisymmetric, transitive binary relation on a set X ; usually denoted . [HC00]

order-preserving property Requirement that X Y implies (X) (Y) for a function on the subsets of a set. [DW96]

order-requirement network An order-requirement network is a weighted digraph, or network, that has these characteristics: It contains two special vertices, the starting vertex and the terminating vertex. They are usually designated by S and T . These vertices are sometimes also called the source and the sink.  No edges end at the source; no edges begin at the sink. In other words, the indegree of the source and the outdegree of the sink are 0.  [ISEM00]

ordinary edge  A link or loop. [TZ98] FIGURE

ordinary graph  Graph whose edges are links and loops only: no half or loose edges. Parallel edges are allowed. [TZ98] FIGURE

Ore graph A graph G in which the sums of the degrees of nonadjacent vertices is greater than the number of nodes n for all subsets of nonadjacent vertices. [EW00] FIGURE

Ore's theorem

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If a graph G has n 3 vertices such that every pair of the n vertices which are not joined by an edge has a sum of valences which is n , then G is Hamiltonian. [EW00] 

orientable surface  A surface with two distinct sides. [DW96]

orientation An assignment of a direction to each edge of a graph. A graph which has been given an orientation is called an oriented graph, and is a digraph. [WC00] FIGURE

orientation of a circuit  An alternating sequence of vertices and edges of a circuit subgraph without repetitions except for the first vertex being also the last. [HN97]

orientation of a crossing edge set An ordering of the end vertex sets of a crossing edge set as (V1 , V2) or (V2 , V1) . [HN97]

oriented cycle A path in a graph from the certain vertex to the same vertex. FIGURE

oriented diameter problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and positive integer  K | V | , can the edges of G be directed in such a way that the resulting directed graph is strongly connected and has diameter no more than K ? [GJ79]

oriented graph = directed graph

orthogonal drawing A graph drawing in which each edge is represented by a polyline, each segment of which is parallel to a coordinate axis. [PEB00]

Otter's theorem In any tree, the number of dissimilar points minus the number of dissimilar lines plus the number of symmetry lines equals 1. [EW00] 

out-branching A rooted spanning tree in a directed graph, such that there is a path from the root to each vertex. [PEB00]

outdegree = exterior semidegree = outgoing degree Outdegree of a vertex v is the number of arcs in D of the form vw . [BW97]

In a directed graph, we say that a vertex has outdegree x if there are (exactly) x edges leaving that vertex. [ODC00]

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The number of edges that are connected to vertex v and whose orientations are away from vertex v . [WM72]

outerplanar graph = outplanar graph A graph that can be embedded in the plane so that all vertices lie in the boundary of the same region. [BW97]

A graph is outerplanar if it can be embedded in the plane so that every vertex lies on the unbounded outside face. [DA00]

outerplane graph A particular embedding of an outerplanar graph. [DW96]

out-of-kilter algorithm  Applies to network flows, where the balance equations hold every iteration, but bounds and duality (optimality) conditions could be violated. The dual prices, often called potentials in this context, are modified along with flows so as to move closer to both primal and dual feasibility. [HG99]

outgoing degree = outdegree

outplanar graph = outerplanar graph

overlap graph A graph whose vertices may be put into one-to-one correspondence with a collection of intervals on a line such that two vertices are adjacent in G if and only if their corresponding intervals overlap (not just intersect). [MG80]

| # | a | b | c-cn | co | cp-cz | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m-mh | mi | mj-mz |

| n | o | p | q | r | s-so | sp-sz | t | u | v | w | xyz |

    | partition | path | P-coloring | periodic | planted | polygon | positive | problem | pseudocut |  

packing number The maximum number of something findable in a graph without violation some condition P . [DW96]

page One of the outerplanar subgraphs in a book embedding. [DW96]

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A closed half-plane. [DA00]

pagenumber = book thickness Minimum number of pages in a book embedding. [DW96]

The pagenumber of a graph G , pn(G) , is the fewest number of pages in a book containing G . [DA00]

Paley graph = quadratic residue graph A subgraph of the complete graph Kq in which each vertex has degree (q – 1)/2 . [BW97] FIGURE

panconnected graph A connected graph G of order n is called panconnected if for every pair u , v of distinct vertices of G , there exists a u-v path of length l for each l satisfying d(u, v) l n . [CL96]

pancyclic graph  A simple graph on n vertices is pancyclic if it contains cycles of all lengths 3, 4,..., n . [SL99]

A connected graph G of order n 3 is called pancyclic if G contains a cycle of length l for each l satisfying 3 l n .[CL96] FIGURE

parallel arcs Arcs having the same endpoints. [CGM79]

parallel edges Edges with the same endpoints. [HN97] FIGURE

parallel elements Non-loops in a matroid that form a set of rank 1. [DW96]

parent An item of a tree which refers to one or more child items which are conceptually on the next level "down" or farther from the root. [PEB00] FIGURE

parity Odd or even. [DW96]

parity subgraph Subgraph H such that dH(v) dG(v) mod 2 for all  v V(G) .[DW96]

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partial feedback edge set problem Given a graph G = (V, E) , positive integers  K | E | and L | V | , is there a subset E ' E with | E ' | K such that E ' contains at least one edge from every circuit of length L or less in G ? [GJ79]

partial graph A graph which is left after removing from the graph a subset of its arcs. [BC79]

partial order dimension problem Given acyclic digraph G = (V, A) that is transitive, does there exist a collection of k K linear orderings of V such that (u, v) A if and only if u is less than v in each of the orderings? [GJ79]

partially dynamic graph problem Problem where the update operations include either edge insertions (incremental) or deletions (decremental). [PEB00]

partially orderable graph = comparability graph

partite set Block of a vertex partition, often called a "part" of a k -partite graph . [DW96]

partition A collection of pairwise disjoint subsets whose union is S . [HN97]

partition into cliques problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and positive integer  K | V | , can the vertices of G be partitioned into  k K disjoint sets V1 , V2 , … , Vk such that, for  1 i k , the subgraph induced by Vi is a complete graph? [GJ79]

partition into forests problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and positive integer  K | V | , can the vertices of G be partitioned into k K disjoint sets V1 , V2 , … , Vk such that, for 1 i k , the subgraph induced by Vi contains no circuits? [GJ79]

partition into Hamiltonian subgraphs problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and a positive integer  K |V| , can the vertices of G be partitioned into  k K disjoint sets V1 , V2 , … , Vk such that, for  1 i k , the subgraph induced by Vi contains a Hamiltonian circuit? [GJ79]

partition into isomorphic subgraphs problem Given graphs G = (V, E) and H = (V ' , E ' ) with  | V | = q | V ' | for some qZ+ , can the vertices of G be partitioned into q disjoint sets V1 , V2 , … , Vq such that, for 1 i q , the subgraph of G induced by Vi is isomorphic to H ? [GJ79]

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partition into paths of length 2 problem Given a graph G = (V, E) with | V | = 3q for a positive integer q , is there a partition of V into q disjoint sets V1 , V2 , … , Vq of three vertices each so that, for each Vi = {vi[1] , vi[2] , vi[3]} , at least two of the three edges {vi[1] , vi[2]} , {vi[1] ,vi[3]} and {vi[2] , vi[3]} belong to E ?  [GJ79]

partition into perfect matchings problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and positive integer  K | V | , can the vertices of G be partitioned into  k K disjoint sets V1 , V2 , … , Vk such that, for  1 i k , the subgraph induced by Vi is a perfect matching? [GJ79]

partition into triangles problem Given a graph G = (V, E) with |V| = 3q for a positive integer q , is there a partition of V into q disjoint sets V1 , V2 , … , Vq of three vertices such that for each Vi = {vi[1] , vi[2] , vi[3]}, the three edges {vi[1] , vi[2]}, {vi[1] ,vi[3]} and {vi[2] , vi[3]} all belong to E ? [GJ79]

partition matroid Matroid induced by a partition of the ground set in which a set is independent if and only if it has at most one element from each block of the partition. [DW96]

partitionable graph Graph with aw + 1 vertices such that each graph formed by deleting one vertex is colorable by w stable sets of size a and coverable by a cliques of size w. [DW96]

party problem = maximum clique problem

path = chain A sequence of vertices from one vertex to another using the arcs. The length of a path is the number of arcs used, or the number of vertices used minus one. A simple path cannot visit the same vertex twice. A closed path has the same first and last vertex.  More formally, a path is a sequence of vertices in a digraph of the form {x0 , x1 , ..., xn} such that xi and xi+1 are adjacent for i = 0, ... , n – 1 . In a simple path all the xi are distinct. In a closed path, x0 = xn .  Path is used by some authors to mean a simple chain in a graph. [WC00]

A finite alternating sequence of distinct vertices and edges v0 , e1 , v1 , e2 , . . . , vk-1 , ek , vk in a graph such thatvi-1 and vi are the end vertices of the edge ei , 1 ik . Equivalently, a trail with distinct vertices. [HC00]

A chain (more commonly called a path ) in a graph is a sequence {x1 , x2 , x3 , ... , xk} of nodes such that {[x1 , x2], [x2 , x3], ... , [xk-1 , xk]} are edges of the graph. In a non-simple graph (one with repeated edges) it is necessary to impose the condition that no edge occur in the sequence more

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than it's repetition number. In a simple graph, each edge can appear at most once. [ODC00]

A route in a graph with all edges distinct. FIGURE

path addition A step in an ear decomposition. [DW96]

path constrained network flow problem Given a digraph G = (V, A) , specified vertices s and t , capacity c(a) Z+for each a A , a collection P of directed paths in G and a requirement RZ+ , is there a function g : PZ0

+ such that if f : A Z0

+is the flow function defined by f(a) = p P(a) g(p) , where P(a) P is the set of all paths in P containing the arc a , then f is such that f(a) c(a) for each a A , for each v V – {s, t} , flow is conserved at v , the net flow into t is at least R ? 


path decomposition Expression of a graph as a union of edge-disjoint paths. [DW96] FIGURE

path distinguishers problem Given acyclic digraph G = (V, A) , specified vertices s, tV and positive integer K | A | , is there a subset A ' A with | A' | K such that for any pair p1 , p2 of paths from s to t in G , there is some arc in A' that is in one of p1 and p2 but not both? [GJ79]

path graph The intersection graph of a family of paths in a tree. [MG80]

A tree with two nodes of valency 1, and the other nodes of valency 2. [EW00] FIGURE

path graph completion problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and non-negative integer  K , is there a superset E ' containing E such that  | E – E ' | K and the graph G ' = (V, E ' ) is the intersection graph of a family of paths on an undirected tree? [GJ79]

path system accessibility problem Given a finite set X of nodes, a relation  R X XX and two sets S , TX of source and terminal nodes, is there and accessible terminal node? [GJ79]

path with forbidden pairs problem

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Given a digraph G = (V, A) , specified vertices s, t V , collection C = {(a1 , b1) , … , (an , bn)} of pairs of vertices from V , is there a directed path from s to t in G that contains at most one vertex from each pair in C ? [GJ79]

Patricia tree A compact representation of a trie where all nodes with one child are merged with their parents. [PEB00]

P-coloring A vertex partition into subsets inducing graphs with property P . [DW96]

p-critical graph An imperfect graph whose proper induced subgraphs are all perfect. [DW96]

pendant edge A bridge incident with an end-vertex. [CL96] FIGURE

pendant vertex = leaf

pentagon  A polygon with five sides, usually convex. [HC00]

pentahedral graph A polyhedral graph on five nodes. There are two topologically distinct pentahedral graphs, corresponding to the skeletons of the square pyramid and triangular dipyramid. [EW00] FIGURE

perceptron  This term is sometimes used to refer to a single McCulloch-Pitts neuron, but may also refer to a network of neurons in which the output(s) of some neurons are connected through weighted connections to the input(s) of other neurons. [CERN97]

percolation network  A (usually infinite) network whose edges have been randomly assigned values of 1 or 0 (called conducting or insulating links, respectively). The percolation problem for a given network is to determine the number or concentration of conducting links required for the network to become conducting. [HC00]

percolation theory Percolation theory deals with fluid flow (or any other similar process) in random media. If the medium is a set of regular lattice points, then there are two types of percolation. A site percolation considers the lattice vertices as the relevant entities; a bond percolation considers the lattice edges as the relevant entities. [EW00] 

percolation threshold

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The critical fraction of lattice points which must be filled to create a continuous path of nearest neighbors from one side to another. [EW00] 

perfect 1-factorization A 1-factorization is perfect if the union of any two 1-factors (color classes) is a Hamilitonian cycle. [DA00]

perfect elimination ordering  Deletion order such that each deleted vertex is adjacent to remaining vertices in a balanced way. [DW96]

perfect graph A graph G is called perfect if the chromatic number (H) and the clique number (H) are equal, (H) = (H) , for each induced subgraph H of G . [CL96]

A simple graph G such that, for every vertex-induced subgraph H of G, if m is the largest integer for which there is a subgraph of H isomorphic to the complete graph Km , then m is at most the chromatic number of H . [HC00]

A graph G such that for every induced subgraph of G, the size of the largest clique equals the chromatic number. [EW00] FIGURE

perfect matching = 1-factor A matching of a graph containing n / 2 edges, the largest possible. [EW00]

An independent edge set that includes every vertex of G . [BW97]

A perfect matching or 1-factor in a graph is a collection of edges which together are incident with every vertex exactly once. [DA00] FIGURE

perfectly weighted tree If G is a weighted tree with weights wi > 1 assigned to each vertex vi , then G is perfectly weighted if the matrix MG = diag(wi) – adj(G) , where adj(G) is the adjacency matrix of G . [EW00] 

periodic graph = dynamic graph  Covering graph of a (finite) gain graph whose gains are in the additive group Zd for some d > 0. [TZ98]

peripheral vertex = peripheral point A node in a graph for which the graph eccentricity equals the graph diameter. [EW00] 


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A subgraph of G induced by its peripheral vertices. [CL96]

permutation gain graph = permutation voltage graph Gain graph whose gain group is a permutation group. [TZ98] 

permutation signed graph  Like a permutation gain graph but with signs instead of gains. [TZ98] 

permutation voltage graph = permutation gain graph

PERT chart = activity network diagram  Labeled network with weights assigned to the arcs. The arcs of a PERT chart (Project Evaluation and Review Technique) correspond to activities needed for the implementation of a project and nodes are events occuring during the project's life cycle.

A finite digraph G(V, E) with the following properties: There is a start vertex s and a termination vertex ts . G has no directed circuits. Every vertex v V – {s, t} is on some directed path from s to t . [SE79] FIGURE

Petersen graph The complement of the line graph of K5 . [BW97]

A graph on ten vertices; all nodes have degree three. [ODC00] FIGURE

Petersen's theorem  Every cubic graph with no cut edges has a perfect matching. [HC00]

Petri net A graphical representation of concurrent systems in terms of tokens, places and transition bars. [CERN97]

Abstract model used to represent parallel systems and processes. Typically described using directed graphs (i.e. graphs whose edges are depicted by arrows showing a direction of information flow). More precisely, a petri net is a seven-tuple  (P, T, V, f, g, N, m), where  P is a nonempty finite set of nodes,  T is a nonempty finite set of transitions,  V is a valuation space {0, 1},  f is a binary function used in determining the connections from nodes to transitions  (i.e. f : P T – V , and if f ( p, t ) = 1 then node P connects to transition T , otherwise not),  g is a binary function used in determining the transitions to connect to nodes (i.e. g : T P –

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V and a connection is made from t to p if and only if g ( t, p ) = 1),  N is a set of markings {0,1,2,...}, and  m is the initial marking function, m: P – N .[CNA96] FIGURE

pit  A balanced polygon with no balanced chord. [TZ98]

planar graph A graph that can be drawn on a plane so that its edges intersect only at their end vertices; i.e., a graph that can be embedded on a plane. [HC00]

A graph which has a representation in the plane as a plane graph. [SE79] FIGURE

planar straight line graph A graph embedding of a planar graph in which only straight line segments are used to connect the vertices. [EW00]


planar subgraph problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and positive integer  K | E |, is there a subset E ' E with | E ' | K such that the subgraph G ' = (V, E ' ) is planar? [GJ79]

planarization The process of transforming a graph into a planar graph. More formally, the transformation involves either removing edges (planarization by edge removal), or replacing pairs of nonincident edges by 4-stars (planarization by adding crossing vertices). In both cases, the aim of planarization is minimize the number of edge removals or replacements. [PEB00]

plane A surface S with the property that the straight line joining any two points of S is also contained in S . [HC00]

plane graph A drawing of a graph in the plane in such a way that each vertex is represented by a point and each edge is represented by a continuous line connecting the two points which represent its end vertices and no two lines, which represent edges, share any points except in their ends. [SE79]

A planar graph that has been drawn on the plane. [ HC00] FIGURE

plane tree A tree embedded in the plane. [BW97] FIGURE

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planted planar tree = planted plane tree A planted plane tree (V, E, v, ) is defined as a vertex set V, edge set E, root v, and order relation on V which satisfies: For x, y V if (x) < (y) , then xy , where (x) is the length of the path from v to x ;  If {r, s}, {x, y} E , (r) = (x) =  (s) – 1 = (y) – 1 and r x , then sy . [EW00] 

planted plane tree = planted planar tree

planted tree A rooted tree in which the root has degree 1. [BW97] FIGURE

Plateau's problem The problem in calculus of variations to find the minimal surface of a boundary with specified constraints (usually having no singularities on the surface). In general, there may be one, multiple, or no minimal surfaces spanning a given closed curve in space. The problem is named for the Belgian physicist who solved some special cases experimentally using soap films and wire frames. [EW00] 

Platonic graph The graphs corresponding to the vertices and edges of the five regular solids – the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron. [BW97] FIGURE

Platonic solids  The five three-dimensional regular polytopes: the regular tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron. [ODC00]

point connectivity = connectivity

point lattice A regularly spaced array of points falling along regularly spaced line. The grid lines can be oriented to form unit cells in the shape of a square, rectangle, hexagon, etc. However, unless otherwise specified, point lattices are generally taken to refer to points in a square array, i.e., points with coordinates (m, n, …) , where m, n, ... are integers. Such an array is often called a grid or a mesh. Point lattices are frequently simply called "lattices". [EW00] 

point of articulation = cut vertex 

point on periphery A vertex with maximum separation. [CGM79]

poise gains  Gains in Z whose value on a directed edge is 1 in the edge's direction (thus, -1 in the opposite

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direction) and on an undirected edge is 0. [TZ98]

polar graph  Graph with a polarity. [TZ98]

polarity  An assignment to each vertex of two poles, each edge end belonging (or "being incident") to one pole. [TZ98]

polygon  A closed plane figure having straight sides. A regular polygon has equal sides and equal angles. [PR98]

polygon graph = circuit graph  A connected graph with each vertex having degree two. [HN97] FIGURE

polyhedral graph = c-net An n-polyhedral graph (sometimes called a c-net) is a 3-connected simple planar graph on n nodes. Polyhedral graphs are sometimes simply known as "polyhedra" (which is rather confusing since the term "polyhedron" more commonly refers to a solid with faces, not vertices). [EW00] FIGURE

poly-killer graph  Minimal subgraph with the property that it cannot occur in any graph with a polyhedral embedding. [DA00]

polymatroid  Let N be a finite set and let f be a submodular function on the subsets of N with f(Ø) = 0 . The polymatroid associated with (N, f) is the polytope:  {x in R n: Sum j{xj: j S} f(S) for all S N} . [HG99]

polymatroid rank function A submodular function that takes zero value on 0 and is nonnegative and increasing. [HN97]

polynema A polynema of order n is Kyrmse's term for a connected graph having n edges. An n-polynema must therefore have either n or n + 1 nodes. [EW00] FIGURE

polynomial Any function which is the sum of constants times powers of the argument: f (x) = ci xpi . In complexity theory, the measure of computation, m(n) (usually execution time or memory space), is bounded by a polynomial function of the problem size, n . [PEB00]

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polynomial time When the execution time of a computation, m(n) , is no more than a polynomial function of the problem size, n . More formally m(n) = O(nk) where k is a constant. [PEB00]

polynomial time algorithm An algorithm whose time complexity function is O(p(n)) for some polynomial function p , where n is used to denote the input length. [GJ79]

The most efficient algorithms which can be solved in time c nk , for some constants c and k . [BW97]

polynomial-bounded algorithm An algorithm running time of which is bounded by a function of order sk , where s is the problem size and k is a constant. [BC79]

positive cycle problem  Given a signed digraph, does it contain a positive cycle? [TZ98]

positive degree The number of positive incidents at the vertex. [CGM79]

positive endpoint = tail The first element of the ordered pair of vertices in a directed graph, tail of the arrow. [HN97]

positive incidence If the orientation of an arc is from vertex v1 to vertex v2, then the arc is said to be positively incident at v1. [CGM79]

potential vector A vector that assigns a value to each node of G from which a voltage vector v can be derived: 

v = A , where A is an incidence matrix of G . [HN97]

power set The set of all sets. [BC79]

power variables The variables in a bond graph that are forced to be identical when two multiports are connected. The product of the two power variables (effort and flow) considered as functions of time is the instantaneous power flowing between the two multiports. [KMR90] 

P-problem A problem is assigned to the P (polynomial time) class if the number of steps is bounded by a polynomial. [EW00] 

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predecessor A vertex x in a directed graph is called a predeccessor of another vertex y if there is an edge directed from x to y . [RND77] FIGURE

primal graph The dual of the dual graph. [CGM79]

prime-distance graph A distance graph with distance set given by the set of prime numbers. [EW00] 

primitive graph A graph is said to be primitive if there exists an integer m such that there is a chain of length m from each vertex vi to every other vertex vj . [CGM79] FIGURE

Prim's algorithm An algorithm for computing a minimum spanning tree. It builds upon a single partial minimum spanning tree, at each step adding an edge connecting the vertex nearest to but not already in the current partial minimum spanning tree. [PEB00]

problem A question to be answered, a requirement to be fulfilled, or a best possible situation or structure to be found. [MG80] 

problem size A measure of the amount of input data. [BC79]

procedure A specific prescription for carrying out a task or solving a problem. Also called an algorithm, method, or technique. [EW00] 

projective plane  A projective plane is derived from an affine plane by the addition of points "at infinity". [ODC00]


proper ancestor If there is a nonempty path (i.e., x y) from vertex x to vertex y in a directed spanning tree, we say that x is an proper ancestor of y . [RND77]

proper coloring A vertex coloring or edge coloring of a graph in which no two adjacent vertices or edges have the same color. [PEB00] FIGURE

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proper cover A cover of a set X which does not contain the entire set X itself as a subset. [EW00] 

proper cutset A minimal cutset. [CGM79] FIGURE

proper descendant If there is a nonempty path (i.e., x y) from vertex x to vertex y in a directed spanning tree, we say that y is an proper descendant of x. [RND77]

proper subgraph  A subgraph of G not identical to it. [HN97]

proper subset Any subset of A which is not equal to A . [BC79]

P-set cycle A subgraph which is either a directed circuit or a VDU of directed circuits and which contains all vertices in a given oriented graph. [WM72]

pseudocut A set of edges equal to U = S (e') where S is either a cutset containing edge e' or the empty set. [WM72]

pseudodigraph A digraph with parallel arcs and loops. [CL96]

pseudograph  Informally, a pseudograph is a graph with multiple edges (or loops) between the same vertices (or the same vertex). Formally: a pseudograph is a set V of vertices along, a set E of edges, and a function f from E to {{u, v} | u, v in V} . (The function f shows which vertices are connected by which edge.) An edge is a loop if f(e) = {u} for some vertex u in V. [CC99]

A non-simple graph in which both loops and multiple edges are permitted. [EW00]

Generalization of a multigraph, in which besides the multiple edges also loops (edges (a, a)) are permitted.


pseudosymmetrical graph A graph is pseudosymmetrical if the number of arcs directed away from any vertex is the same as the number of arcs directed toward it. [CGM79]

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P-tree A spatial access method that defines hyperplanes, in addition to the orthogonal dimensions, which node boundaries may parallel. Space is split by hierarchically nested polytopes (multidimensional boxes with nonrectangular sides). The R-tree is a special case which has no additional hyperplanes. A spatial access method which splits space by hierarchically nested polytopes. The R-tree is a special case in which all polytopes are boxes. [PEB00]

| # | a | b | c-cn | co | cp-cz | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m-mh | mi | mj-mz |

| n | o | p | q | r | s-so | sp-sz | t | u | v | w | xyz |

quadratic assignment The objective is a quadratic form, which can have just cross terms, so it need not be convex (in fact, it can be quasiconcave, in which case a solution occurs at an extreme point). The QAP includes the traveling salesman problem as a special case (this is what is used with a neural network model of the TSP). [HG99]

quadratic residue graph = Paley graph

quadtree A tree having four branches at each node. Quadtrees are used in the construction of some multidimensional databases (e.g., cartography, computer graphics, and image processing). [EW00]

A tree where each node is split along all d dimensions, leading to 2d children. [PEB00]

quartic graph A 4-regular graph. The unique quartic graph on five nodes is the complete graph K5 . [EW00] FIGURE

quintic graph A 5-regular graph. The only quintic graph on n 7 nodes is the complete graph K6 . [EW00] FIGURE

| # | a | b | c-cn | co | cp-cz | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m-mh | mi | mj-mz |

| n | o | p | q | r | s-so | sp-sz | t | u | v | w | xyz |

    | radius | red | restriction | root | rural |  

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R-tree A spatial access method which splits space with hierarchically nested, and possibly overlapping, boxes. The tree is height-balanced. [PEB00]

R+-tree A spatial access method which splits space with hierarchically nested boxes. Objects are indexed in each box which intersects them. The tree is height-balanced. [PEB00]

R*-tree A spatial access method which splits space in hierarchically nested, possibly overlapping, boxes. The tree is height-balanced. It is similar to the R-tree, but reinserts entries upon overflow, rather than splitting. [PEB00]

radius = graph radius Minimum of the maximum distances associated with the vertices of a graph. [CGM79]

The minimum eccentricity among the vertices of a graph G. [CL96] 

Ramsey number For positive integers s and t , the Ramsey number r(s, t) is the least positive integer n such that G contains either s mutually adjacent vertices or an independent set of t vertices. [CL96]

The minimum number of vertices v = R (m, n) such that all undirected simple graphs of order v contain a clique of order m and an independent set of order n . The Ramsey number gives the solution to the party problem, which asks the minimum number of guests that must be invited so that at least m will know each other or at least n will not know each other. [EW00]

The Ramsey number r(k1 , ... , km) is the minimum integer n such that every m-edge-colouring of Kn contains a complete subgraph on kivertices, with all edges of colour i , for some i . [SL99]

Ramsey theory The mathematical study of combinatorial objects in which a certain degree of order must occur as the scale of the object becomes large. Ramsey theory is named after Frank Plumpton Ramsey, who did seminal work in this area before his untimely death at age 26 in 1930. [EW00] 

random Boolean network  A random Boolean network of size k generalizes the basic binary Cellular Automata model by evolving each site variable xi = 0 or 1 according to a randomly selected Boolean function of k inputs. Since there are two choices for every combination of states of the k inputs at each site, the Boolean function is randomly selected from among the 22n possible Boolean functions of k inputs. This model was first introduced by Kauffman in 1969 in a

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study of cellular differentiation in a biological system (binary sites were interpreted as elements of an ensemble of genes switching on and off according to some set of random rules). Since its conception, however, related models have found wide application in an increasingly large domain of diverse problems. Such models of strongly disordered systems exhibit remarkable and unexpected order. [CNA96]

random graph A graph that has vertices v1, v2, … , vn and possible edges occur independently, each with probability p . [BW97]

The probability space whose elements are different labelled graphs with vertex set {v1 , v2 , …. , vn} . [CL96]

A random graph is a graph in which properties such as the number of nodes, edges, and connections between them are determined in some random way. [EW00] FIGURE

randomized binary search tree A binary search tree in which nodes have a randomly assigned priority. Updates keep priorities in heap order instead of keeping balance information and doing rebalance operations. [PEB00]

rank function of a matroid The rank function of a matroidM = (S, I) is a function r from the set of subsets of S to the set of integers, defined by r(A) = max{|X|: XA and XI}, for every subset A of S . [SL99]

rank of a graph The rank of a graph R = nv , where nv is the number of vertices and is the number of maximal connected subgraphs in the graph. [WM72]

rank of a matroid The rank function of a matroidM = (S, I) is a function r from the set of subsets of S to the set of integers, defined by r(A) = max{|X|: X A and XI} , for every subset A of S . The rank of the matroid M , denoted r(M) , is the rank of S . [SL99]

rank polynomial For a graph G, possibly containing loops and multiple edges, we define the rank polynomial R(G; x, y) by the following properties:  R(G; x, y) = (1 + y) R(G - e; x, y) if e is a loop, R(G; x, y) = (1 + x) R(G.e; x ,y) if e is a cut edge,  R(G; x, y) = R(G - e; x, y) + R(G.e; x, y) otherwise; and  R(G; x, y) = 1 if G has no edges. [SL99]

r-branching Branching rooted at r . [DW96]

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reachable A vertex v is reachable from another vertex u if there is a path of any length from u to v . [PEB00] FIGURE

realizable graph = embeddable graph A graph G is realizable or embeddable on a surface S if G can be drawn on S so that edges (more precisely, the curves corresponding to edges) intersect only at a vertex (a point, corresponding to a vertex) mutually incident with them. [CL96]

rectilinear crossing number The minimum number of crossings in a straight line drawing of a graph in a plane. [EW00] 

rectilinear Steiner tree A minimum-length rectilinear tree connecting a set of points, called terminals, in the plane. This tree may include points other than the terminals, which are called Steiner points. [PEB00]

recursion A recursive process is one in which objects are defined in terms of other objects of the same type. Using some sort of recurrence relation, the entire class of objects can then be built up from a few initial values and a small number of rules. [EW00] 

recursive algorithm A recursive algorithm is one that calls or makes use of itself. An important part of a recursive algorithm is a termination condition that, once it is met, will cause the algorithm to cease calling itself and stop. [ISEM00]

red-black tree = symmetric binary B-tree = SBB tree A nearly-balanced tree which uses an extra bit per node to maintain balance. No leaf is more than twice as far from the root as any other. [PEB00]

An extended binary tree satisfying the following conditions:  Every node has two children, each colored either red or black. Every leaf node is colored black. Every red node has both of its children colored black. Every path from the root to a leaf contains the same number (the "black-height") of black nodes. [EW00] FIGURE

reduced graph If an edge e is removed from a given graph G , the resulting graph, denoted G ' (e) is referred to as a reduced graph. [WC00]

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reduced incidence matrix A matrix obtained from an incidence matrix of G by omitting one row belonging to each component of G. [HN97]

reducible problem = transformable problem

reentrant circuit A graph cycle which terminates at the starting point. [EW00] 

reference vertex The vertex corresponding to the row in an exhaustive incidence matrix which has been deleted. [WM72]

region = face

register sufficiency problem Given acyclic digraph G = (V, A) and positive integer K , is there a computation for G that uses K or fewer registers? [GJ79]

regular graph A graph in which all vertices have the same degree. [CGM79]

A graph is said to be regular of degree r if all local degrees are the same number r . A 0-regular graph is an empty graph, a 1-regular graph consists of disconnected edges, and a 2-regular graph consists of disconnected cycles. The first interesting case is therefore 3-regular graphs, which are called cubic graphs . Similarly, 4- and 5-regular graphs are called quartic and quintic graphs, respectively. [EW00] FIGURE

regular map A map on a surface is regular if the order of the automorphism group of the map is 2 | E(G) | for oriented surfaces and 4 | E(G) | for nonorientable surfaces. Regular maps have the largest possible automorphism groups over all embeddings of a graph (in the orientable case the embedding must preserve an orientation of the surface). [DA00]

regular spanning graph A polygonal regular graph whose dual graph is also regular.

restriction  The restriction to an edge set S is the spanning subgraph whose edge set is the specified set. [TZ98]

return arc An arc of infinite capacity which joins the source and sink of the network. [BC79]

Riddell's formula

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Riddell's formula for unlabeled graphs is the Euler transform relating the number of unlabeled connected graphs on n nodes satisfying some property with the corresponding total number (not necessarily connected) of graphs on n nodes.  Riddell's formula for labeled graphs is the exponential transform relating the number of labeled connected graphs on n nodes satisfying some property with the corresponding total number (not necessarily connected) of labeled graphs on n nodes. [EW00]

right-threaded tree A variant of a threaded tree in which only the right thread, i.e. link to the predecessor, of each node is maintained. [PEB00]

rigid graph A framework (or graph) is rigid iff continuous motion of the points of the configuration maintaining the bar constraints comes from a family of motions of all Euclidean space which are distance-preserving. [EW00] 

ring product The ring product  A B = min {pq ; p A , q B} , where A and B are collections of sets. [WM72]

ring sum of graphs G1 G2 : the union of graphs minus the intersection of graphs, G1G2 = (G1G2) – (G1G2) . [WM72]

r(n)-approximate algorithm Let A be an NPO problem and let T be an algorithm that, for any instance x of A , returns a feasible solution T(x) of x . Given an arbitrary function r : N (1, ) , we say that T is an r(n)-approximate algorithm for A if, for any instance x , the performance ratio of the feasible solution T(x) with respect to x verifies the following inequality: R(x, T(x)) r ( | x | ) . If an NPO problem admits an r(n)-approximate polynomial-time algorithm we say that it is approximable within r(n) . [CK00]

Robertson graph The unique (4, 5)-cage graph, which has 19 vertices. [EW00] FIGURE

Robertson-Seymour theorem A generalization of the Kuratowski reduction theorem by Robertson and Seymour, which states that the collection of finite graphs is well-quasi-ordered by minor embeddability, from which it follows that Kuratowski's "forbidden minor'' embedding obstruction generalizes to higher genus surfaces. [EW00] 

root = eve = endpoint The distinguished initial or fundamental item of a tree. The only item which has no parent. [PEB00]

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A vertex in a directed tree from which there is a path to all other vertices of a tree. [CGM79]

A fixed vertex of a tree. FIGURE

root of a digraph A digraph G(E, V) is said to have a root r if rV and every vertex v V is reachable from r . [SE79] FIGURE

root vertex  A vertex v in a directed graph G such that there are directed paths from v to all the remaining vertices of G . If G is a tree, there is at most one root vertex; if there is a root vertex in a tree G , it has indegree zero and every other vertex of G has indegree one. [HC00]


rooted forest A graph in which each component is a rooted tree. [BW97] FIGURE

rooted graph A graph with one vertex distinguished from the rest. The distinguished vertex is called a root. [BW97] FIGURE

rooted tree = directed tree = arborescence A tree in which one vertex has been distinguished. The distinguished vertex is called the root of the tree. [WC00]

A directed graph for which the associated undirected graph is a tree and for which there is a unique vertex of indegree 0. [SW87]

A digraph D is an arborescence if there is a distinguished node x (called the root) and for every node y different from x there is exactly one elementary path from x to y . [ODC00] FIGURE

rooted tree arrangement problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and positive integer K , is there a rooted tree T = (U, F) with | U | = | V | and a one-to-one function f : VU such that for every edge {u, v} Ethere is a simple path from the root that includes both f(u) and f(v) and such that if d(x, y) is the number of edges on the path from x to y , then {u, v} E d( f(u), f(v)) K ? [GJ79]

rotation The collection of local rotations is called a rotation. Rotations are well known to correspond 1-1 with embeddings of Kn in an oriented surface. [DA00]

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route An n-route is defined as a walk of length n with specified initial point in which no line succeeds itself. [EW00] 

A finite sequence of edges of a graph  (a0, a1), (a1, a2), … , (an-1, an) connecting the vertices a0 and an and passing the vertices a1 , a2 , … , an-1 .

routing problem  Finding a path or cycle in a network. An easy routing problem is the shortest path; a hard one is the TSP. One prevalent class, with many variations, is vehicle routing. [HG99]

r-regular digraph A digraph D is called r-regular or regular of degree r if outdegree v = indegree v = r . [CL96]

r-regular graph A graph where degree v = r for all vertices  (outdegree v = indegree v = r in case of a digraph).

r-staset  Stable set of size r. [DW96]

rural postman problem Given a graph G = (V, E) , weight w(e) Z0

+ for each e E , subset E ' E and bound BZ+ , is there a circuit in G that includes each edge in E ' and that has total length no more than B ? [GJ79]

| # | a | b | c-cn | co | cp-cz | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m-mh | mi | mj-mz |

| n | o | p | q | r | s-so | sp-sz | t | u | v | w | xyz |

    | saturated | search | set | shortest | signed | simple | skeleton | source |  

s, t-numbering A numbering of the vertices of a graph such that from each vertex there is a path to s through successfully lower-indexed vertex and a path to t through successively higher-indexed vertices. [DW96]

sandwitch theorem The Lovasz number (G) of a graph G satisfies  (G) (G) (G) , where (G) is the clique number and is the minimum number of

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colors needed to color the vertices of G . [EW00]

satisfaction = balance

satisfied = balanced

saturated arc An arc in the flow network in which the flow is equal to the capacity. [BC79]

saturated edge An edge in a flow network which has the maximum possible flow. [PEB00]

saturated vertex A vertex in a graph which is on an edge of a matching is said to be saturated. Given a matching M , if X is a set of vertices saturated by M , then M is said to be an X-saturating matching. [WC00]

SBB tree = red-black tree

scapegoat tree A binary search tree which needs no balance information. Search time is logarithmic, and the amortized cost of update is logarithmic. [PEB00]

Schlegel graph A graph corresponding to polyhedra skeletons. [EW00] FIGURE

S-component Subgraph of G induced by S Vi , where Vi is the vertex set of a component of G – S . [DW96]

score sequence The score sequence of a tournament is a monotonic nondecreasing sequence of the outdegrees of the vertices. [EW00] 

SDR = system of distinct representatives = transversal

search tree The tree formed by a branch and bound algorithm strategy. It is a tree because at each (forward) branching step the problem is partitioned into a disjunction. A common one is to dichotomize the value of some variable, x v or x v + 1. This creates two nodes from the parent: left child and right child. [HG99]

search tree property When the key of every node of a binary tree is larger than the key of its left child and smaller than its right child. [PEB00]

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Seidel matrix A n n matrix S = Jn – 2A – In , where Jn is nn all-1 matrix, A is the adjacency matrix, and In is n n unity matrix. [BW97]

Seidel switching = graph switching

Seidel switching class = switching class

self-complementary graph A graph which is isomorphic to its graph complement. [EW00] FIGURE

self-loop = loop

semicycle The semiwalk is called a semicycle if u0 = uk , where k 3 , and the vertices u0 , u1 , … , uk are distinct. [CL96]

semimodular function Submodular or supermodular function. [HN97]

semipath The u-v semiwalk is a u-v semipath if the vertices  u0 , u1 , … , ukare distinct. [CL96]

semiwalk A u-v semiwalk in a digraph D is a finite, alternating sequence u = u0 , a1 , u1 , a2 , … , uk-1 , ak , uk = v of vertices and arcs, beginning with u and ending with v, such that either ai = (ui-1 , ui) or ai = (ui , ui-1) for i = 1, 2, … , k . [CL96]

separable graph A graph that is not connected or has at least one cut vertex; equivalently, a graph of connectivity at most 1. [HC00]

A connected graph is said to be separable if there exists a vertex p and a way to cut the vertex into two such that the graph becomes separated without producing isolated vertices. [WM72]

A graph that contains an articulation point. [RND77] FIGURE

separating edge An edge of a graph is separating if a path from a point A to a point B must pass over it. Separating edges can therefore be viewed as either bridges or dead ends. [EW00]

An edge which deletion causes the increase of the number of components of a graph. FIGURE

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separating set of vertices = vertex cut

separator The union of elementary separators. [HN97]

sequential graph A connected graph having n edges is said to be sequential if it is possible to label the nodes i with distinct integers fi in {0, 1, 2, … , n – 1} such that when edge (i, j) is labeled fi + fj , the set of edge labels is a block of n consecutive integers. [EW00] 

series edges Let endpoints of edge e1 be u1 and u2 and endpoints of edge e2 be v1 and v2 where u1 u2 and v1 v2 .Then e1 and e2 are said to be in series if u2 = v1 and no other edges have u2 as their endpoints. [WM72]

series-reduced tree = topology tree

set = collection A group specified by the elements (or members) that belong to it. [HN97]

set of fundamental circuits Let {e1 , e2 , … , en(E) - n(V) - 1} be a set of chords with respect to a tree t of a connected graph. Also let Ci be a circuit in t (ei ) for  i = 1, 2, … , n(E) – n(V) – 1 . Then the collection of circuits {C1 , C2 , … , Cn(E) - n(V) - 1} is called a set of fundamental circuits with respect to a tree t . [WM72]

The set of all fundamental cycles with respect to a tree T . There are |E| - |V| +1 cycles in the fundamental set of cycles with respect to any spanning tree of G . [ RND77]


set of fundamental cutsets A set of cutsets represented by the rows of a fundamental cutset matrix Qf.. [WM72]   FIGURE

set packing problem Given a family of sets Si , 1 jn , determine whether the family contains l mutually disjoint sets. [RND77]

Shannon switching game  A game played by the Spanner and the Cutter, one seeking to seize a set of elements spanning a specified element, the other seeking to prevent this. [DW96]

shift graph  Graph on the 2-subsets of [n] having {i, j} adjacent to {j, k} when i < j < k . [DW96]

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shortest path  In a graph or network, this is a path from one node to another whose total cost is the least among all such paths. The "cost" is usually the sum of the arc costs, but it could be another function (e.g., the product for a reliability problem, or max for a fuzzy measure of risk). There are some particular labeling algorithms given. [HG99]

shortest path algorithm The shortest path algorithm is a method for finding the shortest route from one vertex to another in a weighted graph. [DMP00]

shortest path problem  The problem of finding the shortest path from one vertex in a graph to another vertex. "Shortest" may be least number of edges, least total weight, etc. [PEB00]

Given a graph G = (V, E) , length l(e) Z+ for each e E , specified vertices a, b V , positive integer B . Is there a simple path from a to b in G having total length B or less? [GJ79]

shortest path with forbidden pairs  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) , a collection  C = {(a1, b1), … , (am, bm)} of pairs of vertices from V , an initial vertex s V , and a final vertex f V .  SOLUTION: A simple path from s to f in G that contains at most one vertex from each pair in C .  MEASURE: Length of the path, i.e., the number of edges in the path. [CK00]

shortest total path length spanning tree problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and integer bound BZ+, is there a spanning tree T for G such that the sum over all pairs of vertices u, v V of the length of the path in T from u to v is no more than B ? [GJ79]

shortest weight-constrained path  INSTANCE: Graph G = (V, E) , length function  l : E N , weight function w : E N , specified vertices s , t V , and integer W .  SOLUTION: A simple path in G with total weight at most W, i.e., a sequence of distinct vertices  s = v1 , v2 , … , vm = t such that, for any 1 i m–1 , (vi , vi+1) Eand i=1

m1w(vi , vi+1) W .  MEASURE: The length of the path i=1

m1l(vi , vi+1) . [CK00]

shortest weight-constrained path problem Given a graph G = (V, E) , lenght l(e) Z+and weight w(e) Z+ for each e E , specified vertices s, t V and positive integers K and W , is there a simple path in G from s to t with total weigth W or less and total length K or less? [GJ79]

shorting an edge

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Deleting edge e and coinciding two vertices, which are the endpoints of edge e, to make one vertex. [WM72]

sibling Two nodes connected to the same node which are same distance from the root in a rooted tree are called siblings. [EW00] 

sieve A combinatorial programming technique that takes a finite set and eliminates all the members of that set that are not of interest. [RND77]

signal flow graph A weighted oriented graph in which there are weights on both edges and vertices. [WM72]

signature = signing

sign-biased graph = additively biased graph 

signed and biased graph = biased signed graph  A graph separately signed and biased. [TZ98]

signed digraph = sigraph  Special case of weighted digraph, assigning + or – to each edge. [DW96] FIGURE

signed gain graph = signed graph with gains A graph separately gained and signed. [TZ98]

signed graph  Special case of weighted graph, assigning + or – to each edge. [DW96] FIGURE

signed graph with gains = signed gain graph 

signing = signature A sign labelling of the edges (except half and loose edges). [TZ98] FIGURE

sigraph = signed digraph 

simple graph (matroid)  For a graph, having no loops or multiple edges. For a matroid, having no loops or parallel elements. [DW96]

simple chain An edge sequence in which the vertices are distinct. [CGM79]

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A path in a graph in which all edges are distinct. FIGURE

simple circuit = simple cycle

simple cycle = simple circuit A closed edge sequence with v0 = vn as the only nondistinct vertex. [CGM79]

For a graph G = (V, E) a simple circuit is a sequence <v1 , v2 , … , vk> of distinct vertices from V such that {vi , vi+1} E for 1 i k and such that {vk , v1} E . [GJ79] FIGURE

simple digraph = simple directed graph A digraph with no loops or multiple arcs. [BW97] FIGURE

simple directed graph = simple digraph

simple graph A graph with multiple edges and loops excluded. [BW97]

A (usually finite) set of vertices V and set E of unordered pairs of distinct elements of V called edges. [CC99]

A graph for which at most one edge connects any two nodes. Unless stated otherwise, the unqualified term "graph" usually refers to a simple graph. A non-simple graph with no loops but which can contain more than one edge between any two points is called a multigraph. [EW00] FIGURE

simple path A path which repeats no vertex. [PEB00]

A path which does not traverse any arc more than once. [BC79] 

A sequence of adjacent edges  (v1, v2), (v2, v3), … , (vk-2, vk-1), (v k-1 , v k), in which all the vertices v1 , v2 , … , vk are distinct except possibly v1 = vk . [RND77]


simplicial vertex A vertex x of G whose adjacency set induces a complete subgraph of G . [MG80]

single-destination shortest-path problem Find the shortest path from each vertex in a weighted, directed graph to a specific destination vertex. Equivalent to the single-source shortest-path problem with all directions reversed.

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single-source shortest-path problem Find the shortest paths from a specific source vertex to every other vertex in a weighted, directed graph. Dijkstra's algorithm solves this if all weights are nonnegative. The Bellman-Ford algorithm handles any weights. [PEB00]

sink A vertex, or node, in a directed graph which has no outgoing edges, more formally, one with out-degree 0. [PEB00]

In a directed graph, a vertex with outdegree 0. In a flow graph, a vertex that may have a net flow into the vertex. In this case, the outdegree of the vertex may exceed 0.  [HC00] FIGURE

site percolation A percolation which considers the lattice vertices as the relevant entities. [EW00] 

six-color theorem To color any map on the sphere or the plane requires at most six colors. This number can easily be reduced to five, and the four-color theorem demonstrates that the necessary number is, in fact, four. [EW00] 

size The number of edges, sometimes used for the number of vertices. [DW96]

skd-tree = spatial kd-tree The spatial k-d tree is a spatial access method where successive levels are split along different dimensions. Objects are indexed by their centroid, and the minimum bounding box of objects in a node are stored in the node. [PEB00]

skeleton = spanning forest A set consisting of a spanning tree for each component of a disconnected graph. [RND77]


skew partition  A partition X, Y of V(G) such that G[X] and G[Y] are disconnected. [DW96]

skew symmetry The property that the flow is the same amount, but reversed direction, starting from either vertex of every edge of a flow network. More formally, for an edge e = (v,w) , f (v,w) = - f (w,v) , where f (a,b) is the flow from a to b . [PEB00]

Smith's network theorem

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In a network with three edges at each vertex, the number of Hamiltonian circuits through a specified edge is 0 or even. [EW00] 

snake A simple circuit in the d-hypercube which has no chords (i.e., for which all snake edges are edges of the hypercube). [EW00] 

snark A cubic graph of class two whose girth is at least 5. [CL96]

solution An answer, a best possible situation or structure to found for a problem. [MG80]

solvable problem A computational problem that can be solved by a Turing machine. The problem may have a nonbinary output. [PEB00]

son = offspring

source A vertex, or node, in a directed graph which has no incoming edges, more formally, one with in-degree 0. [PEB00]

In a directed graph, a vertex with indegree 0. In a flow graph, a vertex which may have a net flow out of the vertex. In this case, the indegree of the vertex may exceed 0. In a network, any of a set of vertices designated as sources. [HC00] FIGURE

source/sink cut  A partition of the vertices of a network into sets S, T such that S contains the source and T contains the sink. [DW96]

| # | a | b | c-cn | co | cp-cz | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m-mh | mi | mj-mz |

| n | o | p | q | r | s-so | sp-sz | t | u | v | w | xyz |

| spectrum | square | state | strongly | sub | suffix | super | system |

span function

The span of a set X in a hereditary system consists of X and the elements not in X that

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complete circuits with subsets of X . [DW96]

spanner = spanning subgraph

spanning cycle

A cycle in a graph that contains all the vertices of the graph. [ISEM00] spanning cycle


spanning forest = skeleton

spanning graph

A spanning graph for G = (V, E) is a subgraph G' = (V', E') such that V' = V . [SW87]

spanning graph


spanning set

A set whose span (in a hereditary system on E) is E . [DW96]

spanning subgraph = spanner

A subgraph H of G where V(H) = V(G) . [BW97] spanning subgraph


spanning tree

A connected, acyclic subgraph containing all the vertices of a graph. [PEB00]

A connected spanning subgraph containing no cycles. [BW97]

A tree that includes all vertices of the graph. [CGM79]

A subset of n – 1 edges which form a tree. [EW00]

A spanning subgraph for G which is a tree. [SW87] spanning tree


spanning tree parity problem

Given a graph G = (V, E) and a partition of E into disjoint 2-element sets E1 , E2 , … , Em , is there a spanning tree T = (V, E ' ) for G such that for each Em , 1 i m , either EiE '

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or Ei E ' = 0 ? [GJ79]

sparse graph

A graph in which the number of edges is much less than the possible number of edges, that is, the number of vertices squared. [PEB00]

sparse graph



Technique for designing dynamic graph algorithms, which when applicable transform a time bound of T(n,m) onto O(T(n,n)) , where m is the number of edges and n is the number of vertices of the given graph. [PEB00]


The fraction of zeroes in a matrix. If A is m by n , and A(i, j) 0 for k of its elements, its sparsity is k / mn . Large linear programs tend to be very sparse, increasing as the dimensions get large. For example, consider the standard transportation problem with s sources and d destinations. This has m = (s + d) constraints and n = sd variables. Each column, however, has exactly 2 nonzeroes since A is the incidence matrix of the network, so its sparsity is 2n / mn, or simply 2/m , which decreases as the number of sources and/or destinations grows large. The sparsity of a simple graph (or network) is the sparsity of its adjacency matrix. More generally, the sparsity of a multigraph refers to the average degree of its nodes. [HG99]

spatial kd-tree = skd -tree

spectral graph partitioning

A graphical partitioning based on the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Laplacian matrix of a graph. [EW00]

spectrum = graph spectrum

The set of graph eigenvalues. [EW00]

spectrum of a signed graph

The spectrum S(G*) of a signed graph G* is the set of k elements such that G* has a signed embedding in the sphere with k crosscaps. [DA00]

SPGC = strong perfect graph conjecture


Minimum dimension in which G is the intersection graph of spheres. [DW96]

splay tree

A binary search tree in which operations that access nodes restructure the tree. [PEB00]

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A self-organizing data structure which uses rotations to move any accessed key to the root. This leaves recently accessed nodes near the top of the tree, making them very quickly searchable. [EW00]

split graph

An undirected graph G = (V, E) which has a partition V = S + K of its vertex set V into a stable set S and a complete set K. [MG80]

A graph whose vertices can be covered by a clique and an independent set. [DW96]


The minimum number of edges to be added to an arbitrary undirected graph or erased from it to produce a split graph. [MG80]

splitting tree

A spanning tree T of a connected graph G is a splitting tree if at most one component of G – E(T) has odd size. [CL96]


A tree having an infinite number of branches and whose nodes are sequences generated by a set of rules. [EW00]

square graph

The cycle graph C4 . [EW00] square graph


square of a graph

The second power. [DW96]

squashed cube dimension

Minimum length of the vectors in a squashed cube embedding. [DW96]

squashed cube embedding

Encodes vertices by 0, 1 *-vectors such that distance between two vertices is the number of coordinates where one has 0 and the other has 1. [DW96]

s-t cut

A partitioning of the vertices of a flow network into S and T such that the source is in S and the sink is in T . [PEB00]

stability number = independence number

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stable set = independent set

stable vertex set = independent set

stack tree

A binary tree where no node, except the root, has more than one non-leaf child. Note: This topology is used to define simple, fault-tolerant, acyclic networks. [PEB00]

stacker crane problem

Given a mixed graph G = (V, A, E) , length l(e) Z0+for each e A E and bound B Z+ , is

there a cycle in G that includes each directed edge in A at least once, traversing such edges only in the specified directions, and that has total length no more than B ? [GJ79]

star = star graph

The tree with at most one non-leaf , K1, n-1 . [DW96]

The n-star graph is a tree on n +1 nodes with one node having valency n and the others having valency 1. [EW00]



star graph = star


Vertex cut inducing a subgraph containing a dominating vertex. [DW96]

star-cutset lemma

No p-critical graph has a star-cutset. [DW96]

start vertex

The first endpoint of a directed edge. [SE79]

state transition diagram = STD

A diagram consisting of circles to represent states and directed line segments to represent transitions between the states. One or more actions may be associated with each transition. The diagram represents a Finite State Machine. [CERN97]

state transition diagram


static device characteristic

A collection of ordered pairs (v, i) where v, i are vectors on the set of edges E . [HN97]

static graph

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The gain graph of a periodic graph. [TZ98]

static network

A network with static device characteristic. [HN97]

STD = state transition diagram

Steiner minimum tree

Given a set of vertices S in an undirected weighted graph, a minimal weight spanning tree of S Q for some added Steiner vertices Q in the graph. [PEB00]

Steiner point A point that is not part of the input set of points, for instance, a point computed to construct a Steiner tree. A point with a particular geometric relation to a triangle.


Steiner problem

Find a subgraph of a graph, say G' = [V',E'] , such that V' contains V* (a specified subset of nodes), and Sum{c(e): eE'} is minimized. It is generally assumed c 0 . When |V*| = 2 , this is the shortest path problem. When |V*| = |V|, this is the (minimum) spanning tree problem. [HG99]

Steiner ratio

For a given variant of the Steiner tree problem, the maximum possible ratio of the length of a minimum spanning tree of a set of terminals to the length of an optimal Steiner tree of the same set of terminals. [PEB00]

Steiner tree

The Steiner tree of some subset of the vertices of a graph G is a minimum-weight connected subgraph of G that includes all the vertices. It is always a tree. Steiner trees have practical applications, for example, in the determination of the shortest total length of wires needed to join some number of points. [EW00]

A minimum-weight tree connecting a designated set of vertices, called terminals, in a weighted graph or points in a space. The tree may include non-terminals, which are called Steiner vertices or Steiner points. [PEB00]

Steiner tree


Steiner tree problem

Given a graph G = (V, E) , weight w(e) Z0+for each e E , a subset RVand a positive

integer bound B , is there a subtree of G that includes all the vertices of R and such that the sum of the weights of the edges in the subtrees is no more than B ? [GJ79]

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Steiner triple system = STS

A K3-decomposable complete graph. [CL96]

A Steiner triple system (STS) is a collection of points and triples of these points such that every pair occurs in exactly one triple. [DA00]

Steiner's segment problem

Given n points, find the line segments with the shortest possible total length which connect the points. The segments need not necessarily be straight from one point to another. [EW00]

Steinitz's theorem

A graph G is the edge graph of a polyhedron iff G is a simple planar graph which is 3-connected. [EW00]

3-connected planar graphs have onely one embedding in the plane (more precisely, onely one dual graph). [DW96]

Stern-Brocot tree

A special type of binary tree obtained by starting with the fractions 0/1 and 1/0 and iteratively inserting (m + m') / (n + n') between each two adjacent fractions m / m' and n / n' . [EW00]

Stern-Brocot tree


stochastic algorithm

A stochastic algorithm is one whose algorithm map is a random variable. Unlike the meaning in computer science, most people in mathematical programming mean an algorithm whereby an iterate is selected by some random mechanism. One example is simulated annealing. When xk is a random variable, there is a meaning to convergence that differs from ordinary (deterministic) sequences. [HG99]

straight-line drawing

A graph drawing in which each edge is represented by a straight line segment. [PEB00] straight-line drawing



Of a theorem, the fraction of the time when the conclusion holds that the hypotheses also holds. [DW96]

strict digraph

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Digraph with at most one copy of each ordered pair, and no loops. [DW96] strict digraph


strictly balanced

Average vertex degree is strictly greater than average vertex degree of any subgraph. [DW96]

strictly connected graph

A digraph in which for every two distinct vertices a and b there is either a path from a to b or a path from b to a .

strictly connected graph


strictly parallel arcs

Parallel arcs having the same orientation. [CGM79]

strong component

Maximal strongly connected subdigraph. [DW96]

strong connectivity augmentation problem

Given a digraph G = (V, A) , weight w(u, v) Z+ for each ordered pair (u, v) VV and positive integer B , is there a set A ' of ordered pairs of vertices from V such that a A ' w(a) B and such that the graph G ' = (V, A A ' ) is strongly connected ? [GJ79]

strong digraph

A digraph D is strong if for every pair u, v of vertices of D, there is both a u-v path and a v-u path. [CL96]

strong digraph


strong orientation

Orientation of G in which each vertex is reachable from every other. [DW96] strong orientation


strong perfect graph conjecture = SPGC

The conjecture that a graph is perfect if and only if it has no odd hole or odd antihole. [DW96]

The conjecture that a graph is perfect iff neither the graph nor its complement contains an

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odd cycle of length at least five as an induced subgraph. [EW00]

strong product

A graph product with vertex set V(G1) V(G2) and edge set (u1 , v1) (u2 , v2) if u1 = u2 or u1 u2 and v1 = v2 or v1 v2 . [DW96]

strongly connected component = dicomponent

A maximal subgraph of a directed graph such that for every pair of vertices u , v in the subgraph, there is a directed path from u to v and a directed path from v to u . [EW00]

The maximal strongly connected subgraph. [RND77]

strongly connected digraph

Digraph with each vertex reachable from all others. [DW96] strongly connected digraph


strongly directed circuit

The set of edges of a strongly directed circuit graph. [HN97] strongly directed circuit


strongly directed circuit graph

A graph in which the edges are arranged in a sequence so that the negative endpoint of each edge is the positive endpoint of the succeeding edge and the positive endpoint of the last edge is the negative endpoint of the first. [HN97]

strongly directed circuit graph


strongly directed crossing edge set

A crossing edge set in which the positive endpoints of all its edges are in the same end vertex set. [HN97]

strongly directed path

A path in which the edges can be arranged in a sequence so that the negative endpoint of each edge except the last is the positive endpont of the succeeding edge. [HN97]

strongly directed path


strongly perfect graph

A graph in which some stable set meets every maximal clique. [DW96]

strongly regular graph

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A k-regular graph whose adjacent pairs have common neighbors, and whose nonadjacent pairs have common neighbors. [DW96]

structural balance

Balance of a signed graph associated to a social structure like a small social group, a kinship or marriage system, etc. [TZ98]

structural Ramsey theory

A generalization of Ramsey theory to mathematical objects in which one would not normally expect structure to be found. [EW00]

STS = Steiner triple system


The subgraph induced by a vertex neighborhood or by a vertex nonneighborhood. [DW96]

subcontraction = minor


A subgraph of a directed graph. [DW96] subdigraph



The operation of replacing an edge by a 2-edge path through a new vertex. [DW96]

subdivision graph

A graph obtained by a sequences of subdivisions. [DW96]

subeulerian graph

A graph G is called subeulerian if it is possible to add edges to G to obtain an Eulerian graph. [CL96]


A subgraph of a graph G = (V(G), E(G)) is a graph H = (V(H), E(H)) such that V(H) V(G) and E(H) E(G) . [BW97]

A graph whose vertices and edges all belong to G . [DW96]

A subset T1 T of the vertex set T of a given graph G = G(T, S) together with maximal

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subset S1 = {(a, b) : (a, b) S and a, b T1} of the edge set S .



subgraph homeomorphism problem

Given a graph G = (V, E) , does G contain a subgraph homeomorphic to H ? [GJ79]

subgraph isomorphism problem

Decide if there is a subgraph of one graph which is isomorphic to another graph. [PEB00]

Given two graphs G1 = (V1 , E1) and G2 = (V2 , E2) , does G1 contain a subgraph isomorphic to G2 ? [GJ79]

submodular function

Let N be a finite set and let f be a function on the subsets of N into R . Then, f is submodular if it satisfies: f(ST) f(S) + f(T) - f(S T) for S , T N . [HG99]

submodularity property

The property of having a submodular rank function. [DW96]


The set B is said to be subset of A , B A , if every element of B is an element of A . [BC79]

subtraction of graphs

G1 G2 : a subgraph of G1 obtained by deleting all edges which are also in G2 . [WM72]


A tree T ' whose vertices and edges form subsets of the vertices and edges of a given tree T . [EW00]

subtree representation

Assigns subtrees of a host tree to each vertex of a chordal graph so that vertices are adjacent if and only if the corresponding subtrees intersect. [DW96]


For u in a digraph, a vertex v with u v . [DW96]

suffix tree

A compact representation of a trie corresponding to the suffixes of a given string where all

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nodes with one child are merged with their parents. [PEB00]

sum For cycles and cocycles, taken modulo 2. For a graph, the disjoint union. For matroids on disjoint sets, the matroid on their union whose independent sets are all unions of an independent set from each.



A set of elements containing a base. [DW96]


A graph G is called supereulerian if it is possible to remove edges from G to obtain an Eulerian graph. [CL96]


If G' is a subgraph of G , then G is said to be a supergraph of G' . [EW00]

supermodular function

Let S be a finite set. Let f : 2S R , f is said to be a supermodular function if f(X) + f(Y) f(X Y) + f(X Y)X , YS . [HN97]

Negative of the submodular function. [HG99]

superregular graph

A regular graph that is null or whose subconstituents are all superregular. [DW96]


A vertex, or node, in a directed graph which is reachable from all other vertices. [PEB00]


A vertex, or node, in a directed graph from which all other vertices are reachable. [PEB00]


Source constraint in a transportation network. [DW96]


A compact orientable 2-manifold. [CL96]

sweep subgraph

The curbs available for sweeping in the streetsweeper problem. [DW96]

switched bond graph

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Bond graph extended with an ideal switch element. [PM99]

switching class = Seidel switching class An equivalence class of simple graphs under Seidel switching. [TZ98]

switching equivalence

The relation between two simple graphs that one is obtained from the other by Seidel switching. [TZ98]

symmetric For a graph, having a non-trivial automorphism. For a digraph, having u v if and only if v u . For a binary relation, having xRy if and only if yRx .


symmetric binary B-tree = red-black tree

symmetric difference

An operation between the sets A and B such that A B = {x| x (A B) , x (A B)} . [RND77]

The set of elements in exactly one of A and B . [DW96]

symmetric digraph

A digraph is called symmetric if, whenever (u, v) is an arc of D , then (v, u) is also an arc of D . [CL96]

symmetric traveling salesman problem

The problem of finding a minimum-cost Hamiltonian cycle in a weighted undirected graph. [RND77]

system of distinct representatives = SDR = transversal

Szekeres-Wilf theorem

(G) 1 + max H G (H) . [DW96]

| # | a | b | c-cn | co | cp-cz | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m-mh | mi | mj-mz |

| n | o | p | q | r | s-so | sp-sz | t | u | v | w | xyz |

     | terminal | thickness | time | topology | tournament | transformable | transversal | triangulation | two |  

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tabu search  This is a meta-heuristic to solve global optimization problems, notably combinatorial optimization, based on multi-level memory management and response exploration. It requires the concept of a neighborhood for a trial solution (perhaps partial). [HG99]

tail = positive endpoint The first vertex of an edge in a digraph. [DW96]

Tait coloring A 3-coloring of graph edges so that no two edges of the same color meet at a vertex. [EW00]

For a planar cubic graph, a proper 3-edge-coloring. [DW96] FIGURE

Tait cycle A set of circuits going along the edges of a graph, each with an even number of edges, such that just one of the circuits passes through each vertex. [EW00] FIGURE

Tait's Hamiltonian graph conjecture Every 3-connected cubic graph has a Hamiltonian circuit. Proposed by Tait in 1880 and refuted by Tutte (1946) with the counterexample now known as Tutte's graph. Had the conjecture been true, it would have implied the four-color theorem. [EW00] 

Tarry's algorithm Procedure for exploring a maze. [DW96]

technique A specific method of performing an operation. The terms algorithm, method, and procedure are also used interchangeably. [EW00] 

telegraph problem Directed version of gossip problem with one-way transmissions. [DW96]

Tellegen's theorem Any voltage vector of G is orthogonal to every current vector of G . [HN97]

terminal The set of points in a plane or vertices in a graph defining endpoints of a Steiner tree. [PEB00]

terminal edge A cut edge incident with a leaf. [DW96] FIGURE

terminal endpoint

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The node xj of an arc (xi , xj) . [BC79]

terminal node = leaf

terminal vertex = leaf

terminal vertices Two vertices of odd degree in a M -graph . [WM72]

ternary matroid  Representable over the field with three elements. [DW96]

ternary tree = 3-ary tree A tree in which each of its vertices has outdegree 3 or less. [SW87] FIGURE

tetragon  A polygon having four sides or angles; a quadilateral or quadrangle.[HC00]


tetrahedral graph The unique polyhedral graph on four nodes which is also the complete graph K4. The tetrahedral graph has 4 nodes, 6 edges, vertex connectivity 4, edge connectivity 3, graph diameter 1, graph radius 1, and girth 3. [EW00] FIGURE

theta graph = handcuff = bicycle

thickness = edge thickness = graph thickness The minimum number of planar graphs whose union is G . [BW97]

The minimum number of pairwise edge-disjoint planar spanning subgraphs of G whose edge sets is a partition of E(G) . [CL96] 

Thomsen graph = utility graph

thrackle  A graph formed by a collection of curves in the plane, with the property that the curves corresponding to any pair of edges meet in a single point, which is either an endpoint of both edges or a place where the two curves cross. Every planar straight line graph thrackle has at most as many edges as vertices; Conway's thrackle conjecture states that this is true even for curved thrackles. [ODC00]

A thrackle is a drawing of a graph such that every pair of nonadjacent edges cross. The name is coined by John Conway, who notes that a thrackle is also a tangle of fishing line. [DA00]

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thrackle conjecture If a graph can be thrackled, then its number of edges is not greater than its number of vertices. [DA00]

threaded tree A binary search tree in which each node uses an otherwise-empty left child link to refer to the node's in-order predecessor and an empty right child link to refer to its in-order successor. [PEB00]

threshold dimension Minimum number of threshold graphs whose union is G . [DW96]

threshold function A function t of n such that some property almost always or almost never occurs, depending on whether a particular parameter belongs to o(t) or to (t) . [DW96]

threshold graph Having a threshold t and a vertex weighting such that u / v if and only if w(u) + w(v) t . Many other characterizations, including absence of a 2-switch and existence of a construction ordering by adding isolated or dominating vertices. [DW96]

threshold number problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and positive integer  K | E | , is there a partition of E into disjoint sets  E1 , E2 , … , Eksuch that each of the graphs  Gi = (V, Ei) ,1 iK , is a threshold graph? [GJ79]

time complexity function The function that expresses for an algorithm its time requirements by giving , for each possible input length, the largest amount of time needed by the algorithm to solve a problem instance of that size. [GJ79]

timetable problem Given a set of hours in the week, a collection of n teachers, each of whom is available to teach during some subset of the set of hours, a set of m classes, each of which can be scheduled only during certain hours of the week, and an n m matrix of nonnegative integers in which the ij-th element is the number of hours the i-th teacher must teach the j-th class. Determine if it is possible to assign meeting times and teachers to the classes so that every class meets during the required hours, every teacher can be at his classes, there is only one teacher per class, and no teacher has two classes simultaneously. [RND77]

to cover A graph G covers a graph H if there exists a graph map f from G to H such that the edges incident with a vertex v map bijectively to those incident with  u = f(v) . [DA00]

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to dominate A vertex v in a graph G is said to dominate itself and each of its neighbors. [CL96]

topological degree of freedom = hybrid rank The minimum size of the set of node voltages and branch currents in an electrical network from which, by using Kirchhoff's equations, we can find either the voltage or the current associated with each branch. [HN97]

topological graph A simple unlabeled graph whose connectivity is considered purely on the basis of topological equivalence, so that two edges (v1, v2) and (v2, v3) joined by a node v2 of degree two are considered equivalent to the single edge (v1, v3) .[EW00] 

topological graph theory The study of drawings of graphs on surfaces. [DW96]

topological ordering A labelling of the vertices with consecutive integers so that every arc is directed from a smaller label to a larger label. [WC00]

topological sort  This sorts the nodes in a network such that each arc, say k-th, has Tail(k) < Head(k) in the renumbered node indexes. This arises in a variety of combinatorial optimization problems, such as those with precedence constraints. If the nodes cannot be topologically sorted, the network does not represent a partially ordered set. This means, for example, there is an inconsistency in the constraints, such as jobs that cannot be sequenced to satisfy the asserted precedence relations. [HG99]

A topological sort is a permutation p of the vertices of a graph such that an edge {i , j} implies that i appears before j in p . Only directed acyclic graphs can be topologically sorted. [EW00] 

topology digraph An unlabeled transitive digraph with n nodes. [EW00] 

topology tree = series-reduced tree Tree that describes a balanced decomposition of another tree, according to its topology. [PEB00]

A tree in which all nodes have degree other than 2 (in other words, no node merely allows a single edge to "pass through"). [EW00]

toroidal For a graph, having a 2-cell embedding on the torus. For a topological parameter, the version using the torus in place of the plane (toroidal thickness, crossing number etc.).

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torus The (orientable) surface with one handle. [DW96]

total chromatic number The smallest number of colors needed to color the vertices and edges of G so that adjacent vertices, adjacent edges, and incident vertices and edges are colored differently. [BW97]

The minimum k for which a graph G admits a k-total coloring. [CL96]

total coloring An assignment of colors to the elements (vertices and edges) of G so that adjacent elements and incident elements of G are colored differently. [CL96]

A labeling of both the vertices and edges. [DW96] FIGURE

total coloring conjecture Every graph G has a proper total coloring using at most (G) + 2 colors. [DW96]

total domination number Minimum number of vertices in a set S such that every vertex has a neighbor in S . [DW96]

total graph The total graph T(G) of a graph G has a vertex for each edge and vertex of G, and edge in T(G) for every edge-edge and vertex-edge adjacency in G . Total graphs are generalizations of line graphs. [EW00]

The intersection graph of the sets in V(G) E(G) for some G . [DW96]

total interval number Minimum of the total number of intervals used to represent G as the intersection graph of unions of intervals on the real line. [DW96]

totally cyclic orientation  An orientation in which every edge belongs to a bidirected cycle. [TZ98]

totally unimodular A matrix in which all square submatrices have determinant 0 or 1 . [DW96]

toughness The minimum t such that | S | tc(G – S) , where S is any vertex cut and c(G – S) is the number of components of the subgraph obtained by deleting S . [DW96]


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A complete directed graph. The term "tournament" also refers to an arrangement by which teams or players play against certain other teams or players in order to determine who is the best. [EW00]

A directed graph in which any two vertices are joined by exactly one arc. Such graphs can be used to record the results of games in which draws are not allowed. Each team is represented by a vertex, and the arc joining any two given teams is directed toward the loser; the number of wins for a particular team is the out-degree of the vertex representing the team. A tournament cannot contain more than one source or sink. [HC00] FIGURE

tournament matrix A matrix for a round-robin tournament involving n players competing in n (n - 1) / 2 matches (no ties allowed) having entries aij= 1 if player i defeats player j , aij= -1 if player i loses to player j , and  aij = 0 if i = j . [EW00]

tower of Hanoi problem There are three poles labeled A, B, C . On pole A , n discs of radius 1, 2, … , n (each with a hole in the middle) are piled up in such a way that the disc of radius i is the i-th from the top. The problem is to move all n discs to pole C so that again the disc i is the i-th from the top. Only one disc may be moved at a time, from any pole to any other one, subject to the restriction that no disc may ever rest above a smaller disc on the same pole. [RND77] FIGURE

trace Sum of the diagonal elements of a matrix. [DW96]

traceable graph A graph G is traceable if it has a path that includes every vertex of G . [BW97]

Having a Hamiltonian path. [DW96] FIGURE

tractable problem A problem which has an algorithm which computes all instances of it in polynomial time. [PEB00]

trail A walk with all edges distinct. [BW97]

A trail is a walk that allows repeated vertices but not edges. [TZ98] FIGURE

transformable problem = reducible problem A problem P1 is transformable to a problem P2 if any instance of P1 can be transformed in

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polynomial time into an instance of P2 , such that the solution of P1 can be obtained in polynomial time from the solution to the instance of P2 . [RND77]

transitive automorhism group An automorphism group that contains automorphisms mapping each vertex of G to every other vertex. [BW97]

transitive closure The transitive closure of a digraph G(E, V) is a digraph G'(E, V) such that there is an edge u v in G' if and only if there is a (non-empty) directed path from u to v in G . [SE79]

For a digraph D, the digraph with u w whenever there is a path from u to w in D . For a relation R , the relation S with xSy whenever there is a sequence x0 , …, xk with x = x0Rx1R … Rxk = y .  [DW96] FIGURE

transitive digraph A graph G is transitive if any three vertices (x, y, z) such that edges (x, y), (y, z) G imply (x, z) G . Unlabeled transitive digraphs are called topologies. [EW00] 

transitive graph A graph G is called n-transitive with n 1 if it has an n-route and if there is always a graph automorphism of G sending each n-route onto any other n-route. [EW00] 

transitive reduction The transitive reduction of a directed graph G is the directed graph G' with the smallest number of edges such for every path between vertices in G, G' has a path between those vertices. Informally G' is the minimal graph with the connectivity as G . [PEB00] 

transitive reduction problem Given a digraph G = (V, A) and positive integer K , is there an A' V V with | A' | K such that for all u, v V the graph G' = (V, A') contains a path from u to v if and only if G does ? [GJ79]

transitive subgraph problem Given a digraph G = (V, A) and positive integer  K | A | , is there a subset A ' A with | A ' | K  such that G ' = (V, A ' ) is transitive? [GJ79]

transitive tournament A tournament T is transitive if whenever (u, v) and  (v, w) are arcs of T , then (u, w) is also an arc of T . [CL96]

transitive triple The 3-node tournament. [EW00] FIGURE

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transitively orientable graph = comparability graph

transportation constraints Supplies and demands. [DW96]

transportation problem Find a flow of least cost that ships from supply sources to consumer destinations. This is a bipartite network, N = [S*T, A] , where S is the set of sources, T is the set of destinations, and A is the set of arcs. In the standard form, N is bi-complete (A contains all arcs from S to T), but in practice networks tend to be sparsely linked. Let c(i, j) be the unit cost of flow from i in S to j in T, s(i) = supply at i-th source, and d(j) = demand at j-th destination. Then, the problem is the linear program:  Minimize Sum ij{c(i, j) x(i, j): i S, j T}: x 0,  Sum j{x(i, j): j T} s(i) for all iS ; Sum i{x(i, j): i S} d(j) for all jT .  The decision variables (x) are called flows, and the two classes of constraints are called supply limits and demand requirements, resp. (Some authors use equality constraints, rather than than the inequalities shown.) An extension is the capacitated transportation problem, where the flows have bounds: x U .[HG99]

Generalization of the assignment problem with supplies at each source and demands at each destination. [DW96]

transposition graph A graph in which nodes correspond to permutations and edges are placed between permutations that differ by exactly one transposition. All cycles in transposition graphs are of even length, making them bipartite. [EW00] FIGURE

transshipment problem  This is an extension of the transportation problem whereby the network is not bipartite. Additional nodes serve as transshipment points, rather than provide supply or final consumption. The network is N= [V, A] , where V is an arbitrary set of nodes, except that it contains a non-empty subset of supply nodes (where there is external supply) and a nonempty subset of demand nodes (where there is external demand). A is an arbitrary set of arcs, and there could also be capacity constraints. [HG99]

transversal = system of distinct representatives = SDR From a collection of sets, a choice of one member from each set so that all the representatives are distinct. [DW96]

Given a set S and a family of subsets A1 , A2 , ... , Ak of S, an assignment of k distinct elements s1 , s2 , ... , sk of S such that si is in Ai for all i . [ODC00]

Ordered set (x1, x2, … , xn) of n elements composed from the representatives of the fixed sets 

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H1, H2, … , Hn where xk Hk for all k .

transversal matroid A matroid whose elements are one partite set of a bipartite sets and whose independent sets are those that can be saturated by matchings. [DW96]

traveling salesman polytope non-adjacency problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and two Hamiltonian circuits C and C ' for G , do C and C ' correspond to non-adjacent vertices of the traveling salesman polytope for G ? [GJ79]

traveling salesman problem = TSP = traveling salesperson problem Given a finite set C = {c1 , c2 , … , cm} of cities, a distance d(ci , cj) Z+ for each pair of cities 

ci , cj C, and a bound B Z+ (where Z+ denotes the positive integers), is there a tour of all cities in C having total length no more than B ?[GJ79]

Find a path through a weighted graph which starts and ends at the same vertex, includes every other vertex exactly once, and minimizes the total cost of edges. Less formally, find a path for a salesman to visit every listed city at the lowest total cost. [PEB00]

A problem in graph theory requiring the most efficient (i.e., least total distance) Hamiltonian circuit a salesman can take through each of cities. No general method of solution is known, and the problem is NP-hard. [EW00]

Find a shortest path through every fixed vertex exactly once given the distances between the vertices.


traveling salesperson problem = TSP = traveling salesman problem

treap A binary search tree in which nodes have another key, called the priority. Operations also keep nodes in heap order with regard to the priority. The name comes from "tree" and "heap". [PEB00]

tree  An acyclic connected graph. [CL96]

A connected subgraph having nv(G) vertices and  nv(G) – 1 edges. [WM72]

An undirected graph where every pair of vertices of the graph is connected by exactly one chain. [CGM79]

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A forest of a connected graph. [HN97]

A tree is a mathematical structure which can be viewed as either a graph or as a data structure. The two views are equivalent, since a tree data structure contains not only a set of elements, but also connections between elements, giving a tree graph. Trees were first studied by Cayley (1857).  A tree graph is a set of straight line segments connected at their ends containing no closed loops (cycles). In other words, it is a simple, undirected, connected, acyclic graph (or, equivalently, a connected forest). [EW00]

A connected graph without cycles. FIGURE

tree admittance product The product of all admittances which are the weigths of edges in a tree.[WM72]

tree branch = branch

tree centroid The set of all centroid points in a weighted tree. [EW00] 

tree contraction Contracting a tree by removing some of the nodes. [PEB00]

tree editing problem The problem of finding an edit script of minimum cost which transforms a given tree into another given tree. [PEB00]

tree root Any vertex selected as a start vertex of the tree. FIGURE

tree traversal A technique for processing the nodes of a tree in some order. [PEB00]

triangle A cycle of length 3. [BW97]

A 3-cycle. [CL96]  FIGURE

triangle graph The cycle graph C3 , which is also the complete graph K3. [EW00] FIGURE

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triangle inequality The property that a complete weighted graph satisfies weight (u,v) weight (u,w) + weight (w,v) for all vertices u, v, w. Informally, the graph has no short cuts. [PEB00]

d(x, y) + d(y, z) d( x, z) . [DW96]

triangle-free Not having K3 as a subgraph. [DW96] FIGURE

triangle-free graph A graph with no cycles of length 3. [BW97] FIGURE

triangular chord Chord of length two along a path or cycle. [DW96]

triangulated graph = chordal graph

triangulation = maximal planar graph A graph where each face is bounded by a triangle. [BW97]

A graph embedding on a surface such that every region is a 3-gon. [DW96]

A planar graph having the property that no additional edges can be added so that the resulting graph is still planar. [HC00] 

triconnected graph A graph in which there are exactly three paths between any pair of distinct vertices. [PEB00]

trie A digital search tree represented in a special way. [RND77]

A tree for storing strings in which each edge is labeled by characters. Common prefixes are represented by tree branches, and the unique suffixes are stored at the leaves. [PEB00]

tripartite graph In a tripartite graph, the vertices are partitioned into three sets (partitions) so that no two vertices contained in any one partition are adjacent. [ISEM00]

trivalent Having degree 3. [DW96]

trivalent graph = cubic graph

trivial graph

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Graph with no edges (some authors restrict to one vertex). [DW96] FIGURE

trivial path A path of length 0. [TZ98]

trivial trail A trail of length 0. [TZ98]

trivial walk A walk of length 0. [TZ98]

TSP = traveling salesman problem

Turan graph Complete equipartite graph. [DW96]

The (n, k)-Turan graph is the extremal graph on n vertices which contains no k-clique. In other words, the Turan graph has the maximum possible number of edges of any n-vertex graph not containing a complete graph Kk. [EW00] FIGURE

Turan theorem Characterization of the complete r-partite graphs as the largest graphs of a given order with no (r+1)-clique. [DW96]

Turan's brickyard problem The vertices in one partite set are the kilns in a brickyard; the vertices in the other partite set are the shipping depots. Each kiln is to be connected by a train track to each depot. However, when tracks cross the cars are likely to be derailed. Hence it is useful to find the layout of kilns, depots, and tracks that minimizes the number of crossings. [DA00]

Tutte polynomial For a graph G , possibly containing loops and multiple edges, we define the Tutte polynomial T(G; x, y) by the following properties:  T(G; x, y) = y T(G - e; x, y) if e is a loop,  T(G; x, y) = x T(G.e; x, y) if e is a cut edge,  T(G; x, y) = T(G - e; x, y) + T(G.e; x, y) otherwise, T(G; x, y) = 1 if G has no edges. [SL99]

Tutte-Coxeter graph The 8-cage. [CL96]

twig Let a cotree of a spanning tree T in a connected graph G be denoted T*. Then the edges of G which are not in T* are called its twigs. [EW00] FIGURE

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twins Vertices having the same neighborhood (false twins are adjacent vertices with the same closed neighborhoods). [DW96] FIGURE

two-colorable graph = bipartite graph = bigraph

two-graph A two-graph (V, ) is a graph on nodes V with a collection of unordered triples of the vertices (the so-called "odd triples") such that each 4-tuple of V contains an even number of elements of as subsets. [EW00] 

two-way infinite edge sequence A sequence of edges of an infinite graph of the form  . . . , v -1 v0 , v0 v1 , v1 v2 , . . . . [HC00]

| # | a | b | c-cn | co | cp-cz | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m-mh | mi | mj-mz |

| n | o | p | q | r | s-so | sp-sz | t | u | v | w | xyz |

| undirected | union | utility |

u, v-path

A path with u and v as endvertices. [DW96]


A walk from u to v . [DW96]

Ulam's conjecture

Let graph G have p vertices vi and graph H have p vertices ui , where p 3 . Then if for each i , the subgraphs Gi = G – vi and Hi = H – ui are isomorphic, then the graphs G and H are isomorphic. [EW00]

ultrametric tree

An edge-weighted tree T(V, E) with n leaves such that, for any pair of leaves i and j , dijTM [i,

j] where dijTdenotes the sum of the weights in the path between i and j . [CK00]

unavoidable set

A collection of configurations such that every graph in a specified class contains some configuration in the collection. [DW96]

unbalanced = frustrated

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unconnected subgraph problem

Given a digraph G = (V, A) and positive integer K | A | , is there a subset A ' A with | A ' | K such that G ' = (V, A ' ) has at most one directed path between any pair of vertices? [GJ79]

uncountable graph A graph that is not countable. [HC00]

underlying graph

A graph obtained from the digraph D by replacing each arc (u, v) or symmetric pairs (u, v) and (v, u) by the edge uv . [CL96]

underlying graph


undirected edge

Edges in graphs are undirected (as opposed to those in digraphs). [CC99] undirected edge


undirected flow with lower bounds problem

Given a graph G = (V, E) , specified vertices s and t , capacity c(e) Z+ and lower bound l(e) Z0

+ for each e E and a requirement RZ+ , is there a flow function f : {(u, v), (v, u) : {u, v} E } Z0

+such that for all {u, v} E , either f ((u, v)) = 0 or f ((v, u)) = 0 , for each e = {u, v} E , l(e) max { f ((u, v)) , f ((v, u)) } c(e) , for each v V – {s, t} , flow is conserved at v , the net flow into t is at least R ?


undirected graph = nonoriented graph

A graph for which the relations between pairs of vertices are symmetric, so that each edge has no directional character (as opposed to a directed graph). Unless otherwise indicated by context, the term "graph" can usually be taken to mean "undirected graph". [EW00]

A graph with undirected edges. undirected graph


undirected path

A sequence of vertices in which either (ai , ai+1) or (ai+1 , ai) is an edge. [SW87] undirected path


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undirected two-commodity integral flow problem

Given a graph G = (V, E) , specified vertices s1, s2 , t1 and t2, capacity c(e) Z+for each eE and requirements R1 , R2 Z+, are there two flow functions f1 , f2 : {(u, v), (v, u) : {u, v} E } Z0


such that for all {u, v} E and i {1, 2} , either f i((u, v)) = 0 or fi((v, u)) = 0 , for each {u, v} E , max { f 1((u, v)), f 1((v, u))} + max { f 2((u, v)), f 2((v, u))} c({u, v}) , for each v V – {s, t} and i {1, 2} , flow fi is conserved at v , for i {1, 2} , the net flow into ti under flow fi is at least Ri ? [GJ79]

unicursal circuit

A circuit in which an entire graph is traversed in one route. An example of a curve which can be traced unicursally is the Mohammed sign.

[EW00] unicursal circuit


unicursal graph

Connected graph in which it is possible to traverse all edges exactly once in a continuous manner. [CGM79]

unicursal graph


unicyclic graph

A connected graph containing exactly one cycle. [EW00] unicyclic graph


uniform matroid

A matroid on [n] in which the independent sets are those of size at most k . [DW96]

unilateral digraph

A digraph D is unilateral if for every pair u, v of vertices of D, there is either a u-v path or a v-upath. [CL96]

unilateral digraph


unilateral surface A nonorientable two-dimensional manifold (e.g., the Möbius strip or Klein bottle) that has only one side. [HC00]

unilateral surface')"FIGURE

unimodular matrix

For matrices, having determinant 0 , +1 , or –1 . [DW96]

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union of graphs = join = graph union = graph join

The union G = G1 G2 of graphs G1 and G2 with disjoint vertex sets V1 and V2 and edge sets E1 and E2 is the graph with V = V1V2 and E = E1E2 . [EW00]

A graph whose vertex set is the union of the vertices in G1and G2 and whose edge set is the union of the edges in G1 and G2 (written G1 + G2 if the vertex sets are disjoint). [DW96]

union of graphs


union of matroids

The union of matroids M1, …, Mk is the hereditary system whose independent sets are {I1 … Ik: IiIi} . [DW96]

unit circular-arc graph

A graph G is a unit circular-arc graph if there exists a circular-arc representation for G in which every arc is of unit length. [MG80]

unit distance graph

A distance graph in which all edges are of length 1. [EW00]

The graph with vertex set 2 in which points are adjacent if the distance between them is 1. [DW96]

unit neighborhood graph

A distance graph with distance set [0, 1]. [EW00]

unitransitive graph

A graph G is n-unitransitive if it is connected, cubic, n-transitive, and if for any two n-routes W1 and W2 , there is exactly one automorphism of G such that W1 =W2 . [EW00]

unitransitive graph


unlabeled graph

A graph in which individual nodes have no distinct identifications except through their interconnectivity. Graphs in which labels (which are most commonly numbers) are assigned to nodes are called labeled graphs. Unless indicated otherwise by context, the unmodified term "graph" generally refers to an unlabeled graph. [EW00]

unlabeled graph


unoriented incidence matrix

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The matrix whose rows are indexed by the vertices and whose columns are indexed by the edges and whose (v, e) entry equals the number of ends of e that are incident with v . [TZ98]

unsolvable problem

A computational problem that cannot be solved by a Turing machine. The associated function is called an uncomputable function. [PEB00]

utility graph = Thomsen graph

The utility problem posits three houses and three utility companies say, gas, electric, and water and asks if each utility can be connected to each house without having any of the gas/water/electric lines/pipes pass over any other. The problem was first posed in this form by H. E. Dudeney in 1917. The utility graph UG is the graph showing the relationships described above. It is known in the more formal parlance of graph theory as the complete bipartite graph K3, 3 . [EW00]

utility graph


| # | a | b | c-cn | co | cp-cz | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m-mh | mi | mj-mz |

| n | o | p | q | r | s-so | sp-sz | t | u | v | w | xyz |

    | vertex | vertex degree | vertex signed | voltage |  

valence = degree

valency = vertex degree

value of a flow The net flow out of the source or into the sink. [DW96]

Vamos matroid A particular nonlinear matroid with eight elements. [DW96]

VDU = vertex disjoint union

vector space associated with a graph  Let E be the power set of the edge set of a simple graph G ; i.e., the set of all subsets of the set of edges of G . If E and F are members of E , define E + F to be the set of edges of G that lie in either E or F but not in both. Define scalar multiplication by elements of the field of integers modulo 2: (E) 1 = E and (E) 0 = Ø , the empty set. The vector space formed in this manner is known as the vector space associated with the graph G . [HC00]

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vehicle routing problem = VRP  Find optimal delivery routes from one or more depots to a set of geographically scattered points (e.g., population centers). A simple case is finding a route for snow removal, garbage collection, or street sweeping (without complications, this is akin to a shortest path problem). In its most complex form, the VRP is a generalization of the TSP, as it can include additional time and capacity constraints, precedence constraints, plus more. [HG99]

vertex = node A vertex is located at the end of an edge and is usually represented pictorially by a dot. [DMP00]

An element of one of two (usually finite) sets of elements that determine a graph; i.e., an element of the vertex set. [HC00]

An end point of the edge of a graph or an isolated point in a graph. FIGURE

vertex arboricity The minimum number of subsets into which V(G) can be partitioned so that each subset induces an acyclic subgraph. [CL96]

vertex basis A vertex basis of a digraph G = (V, E) is a minimal subset B V with the property that there is a path of length zero or more to every vertex in V from some vertex in B . [RND77]

vertex block = node block  A maximal subgraph that is 2-connected and has at least one vertex. [TZ98]

vertex chromatic number = chromatic index

vertex coloring An vertex coloring of a graph refers to the choice and arrangement of colors for the vertices. Formally, a vertex coloring of a graph is a one-to-one function from the set of the graphs's vertices into the set of all colors. [ISEM00] FIGURE

vertex component = node component  A maximal connected subgraph that has a vertex. A loose edge is not a vertex component, but an isolated vertex is. [TZ98]

vertex connected component A set of all vertices which can be reached from the given vertex by elementary paths together with edges incident to these vertices.

vertex connectivity = connectivity

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vertex cover = vertex covering A set of vertices containing at least one endpoint of every edge. [DW96] FIGURE

vertex cover problem Given a graph G = (V, E) and a positive integer  K |V| , is there a vertex cover of size K or less for G ? [GJ79]

vertex covering = vertex cover 

vertex covering number The minimum cardinality of a vertex cover in G . [CL96]

vertex critical Deletion of any vertex changes the parameter. [DW96]

vertex cut = separating set of vertices A set S of vertices of a graph G such that G – S is not connected. [HC00]

A set of vertices whose removal disconnects the graph. [BW97] FIGURE

vertex degree = local degree = valency = local vertex degree = vertex order The number of edges which touch the vertex. Directed graphs have two types of degrees, known as the indegree and outdegree. [EW00] FIGURE

vertex disjoint union = VDU A set of vertex subsets such that no two have vertices in common. [WM72] FIGURE

vertex frustration number = frustration number

vertex induced subgraph A vertex-induced subgraph is one that consists of some of the vertices of the original graph and all of the edges that connect them in the original. [ISEM00] FIGURE

vertex multiplication A replacement of vertices of G by independent sets such that copies of x and y are adjacent if and only if xy E(G) . [DW96]

vertex order = vertex degree

vertex pancyclic graph A connected graph G of order n 3 is called vertex-pancyclic if for each vertex v of G and for

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every integer l satisfying 3 l n , there is a cycle of G of length l that contains v . [CL96]

vertex partition A partition of the vertex set. [DW96] FIGURE

vertex set The set of elements on which the graph is defined. [DW96]

vertex signed graph = marked graph Graph with signed vertices. [TZ98]


vertex switching  Seidel switching of a single vertex. [TZ98]

vertex transitive graph The group of isomorphisms from a graph G to itself is the automorphism group of G , Aut(G) . A graph G is vertex-transitive if Aut(G) acts transitively on V(G) . [SL99]

A graph such that every pair of vertices is equivalent under some element of its automorphism group. Every nontrivial graph that is edge-transitive but not vertex-transitive contains at least 20 vertices. [EW00]

Vizing's theorem + 1 . [DW96]

voltage graph = gain graph = group-labeled graph

voltage vector A vector on E(G) that is linearly dependent on the rows of the incidence matrix of G. [HN97]

VRP = vehicle routing problem

| # | a | b | c-cn | co | cp-cz | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m-mh | mi | mj-mz |

| n | o | p | q | r | s-so | sp-sz | t | u | v | w | xyz |

   | weight | wheel |  

walk A path in which edges may be repeated. [PEB00]

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A finite, nonempty, alternating sequence of vertices and edges v0 , e1 , v1 , e2 , . . . , vk-1 , ek , vk in a graph G such that vi -1 and vi are the end vertices of the edge ei , 1 ik . v0 and vk are the end or terminal vertices of the walk; all other vertices are internal vertices. Edges and vertices may appear more than once. A walk is open if v0vk ; otherwise it is closed. [HC00] FIGURE

weak product A graph product with vertices V(G1) V(G2) and edges (u1 , v1) (u2 , v2) if and only if u1u2and v1 v2 . [DW96]

weakly binary tree A rooted tree for which the root is adjacent to at most two vertices, and all nonroot vertices are adjacent to at most three vertices. [EW00] 

weakly chordal graph Having no chordless cycle of length at least 5 in G or G'. [DW96] FIGURE

weakly connected component A weakly connected component is a maximal subgraph of a directed graph such that for every pair of vertices u , v in the subgraph, there is an undirected path from u to v and a directed path from v to u . [EW00] 

weakly connected digraph A directed graph in which it is possible to reach any node starting from any other node by traversing edges in some direction (i.e., not necessarily in the direction they point). The nodes in a strongly connected digraph therefore must all have either outdegree or indegree of at least 1. [EW00]

A directed graph is weakly connected if it is connected but not strongly connected. [SW87]

A directed graph whose underlying graph is connected. [DW96] FIGURE

web graph A graph formed by connecting several concentric wheel graphs along spokes. [EW00] 

weight A number wij associated with the edge (i, j) of a graph G . [RND77] FIGURE

weight matrix A matrix W = [wij] where wij is the weight of the edge from vertex i to vertex j . The weigths of the nonexistent edges are generally set to 0 or , depending on the application. [RND77]

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weighted biased graph  A biased graph with a weight function (q.v.). The main point is that the weights have no effect on balance/frustration. (Often, the weights are positive real numbers.) [TZ98]

weighted diameter problem  Given a graph G = (V, E) , collection C of | E | not necessarily distinct non-negative integers and positive integer K , is there a one-to-one function f : EC such that, if f(e) is taken as the length of edge e , then G has diameter K or less? [GJ79]

weighted directed graph A directed graph which has a weight, or numeric value, associated with each edge. [PEB00] FIGURE

weighted frustration index  Minimum weight of a deletion set. Equivalently, minimum weight of a negation set. [TZ98]

weighted gain graph  A gain graph with a weight function (q.v.). The main point is that the weights have no effect on balance/frustration. (Often, the weights are positive real numbers.) [TZ98]

weighted graph A graph which has a weight, or numeric value, associated with each edge. Some applications require all weights to be nonnegative or to be positive. [PEB00] FIGURE

weighted signed graph  A signed graph with a weight function (q.v.). The main point is that the weights have no effect on balance/frustration. (Often, the weights are positive real numbers.) [TZ98]

wheel = wheel graph A graph Wn of order n which contains a cycle of order n – 1 , and for which every node in the cycle is connected to one other node (which is known as the hub). The edges of a wheel which include the hub are called spokes. The wheel Wn can be defined as the graph K1 + Cn-

1 , where K1 is the (trivial) complete graph on 1 node and Cn is the cycle graph. [EW00] FIGURE

wheel graph = wheel

Whitney's 2-isomorphism theorem A characterization of the pairs of graphs whose cycle matroids are isomorphic. [DW96]

Wiener index The sum of the pairwise distances between vertices. [DW96]

worst-case complexity The maximum order of the running time taken over all problems of a given size. [BC79]

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| # | a | b | c-cn | co | cp-cz | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m-mh | mi | mj-mz |

| n | o | p | q | r | s-so | sp-sz | t | u | v | w | xyz |

x, U-fan Pairwise internally disjoint paths from x to distinct vertices of U . [DW96] FIGURE

zero-free chromatic number  The smallest number of colors, excluding 0, with which a signed or gain graph can be properly colored. [TZ98]