Grant Managers Network: Content Curation for Professional Learning

Photo by MJK23 Using Content Curation for Professional Learning: Seek, Sense, Share Beth Kanter, Trainer, Author, Blogger GMN Conference – March 18, 2014

Transcript of Grant Managers Network: Content Curation for Professional Learning

  • 1.Photo by MJK23 Using Content Curation for Professional Learning: Seek, Sense, Share Beth Kanter, Trainer, Author, Blogger GMN Conference March 18, 2014

2. Beth Kanter: Master Trainer, Author, and ChangeMaker 3. 4. My nonprofit tech work begins . 5. Content Curation for Nonprofits circa 1994-1996 6. Are you a content curator? Flickr Photo: An untrained eye Scale Just 2 Words 7. What is your burning question about content curation? What do you already know about content curation? Share Pairs 8. Content curation is the organizing, filtering and making sense of information on the web and sharing the very best with your network. 9. The Content Curator is a Sommelier . . . 10. The Base of Content Strategy Curation Creativity Coordination Tweets, Facebook Blog, Web Site, Email Newsletter, YouTube, Photos, Webinars, E-books 11. Femi Oke: Upworthy Sarah Stanley: Cancer Commons Axel Caballero: Cuntame Nonprofit Curators Created by Will Coley 12. Transdisciplinarity Sense-making Social intelligence Cognitive load management New media literacy 13. Content Curation: The Process Framework: Harold Jarche Networked Learning Is Working Smarter Seek Sense Share 14. Tweets links related to organizations mission and work as a bipartisan advocacy organization dedicated to making children and families a priority in federal policy and budget decisions. 15. SEEK SENSE SHARE Identified key blogs and Twitter users in each issue area Scans and reads every morning and picks out best Summarizes article in a tweet Writes for Huffington Post Helps him do his work Engages with aligned partners Tweets best of best 16. Share Pairs What struck you about the nonprofit curator stories? What have you thought about or already do as content curation in your practice? 17. What is the process of Great Content Curation? Framework: Harold Jarche Networked Learning Is Working Smarter Seek Sense Share 18. Seek Define objective, audience, and topics Organize sources Use discovery tools Scan more than you capture Dont share unless it adds great value Discipline 19. Sense Product: Blog post, report, memo, presentation Annotate, Archive, Apply Add values to your nonprofit 20. Share Share at the right moment Feed your network a steady diet of good stuff Comment on other peoples stuff Recommend other curators 21. Small Group Exercise Framework: Harold Jarche Networked Learning Is Working Smarter Seek Sense Share 22. Learn from Observing the Master Curators 23. Curating Efficiently: How To Avoid Getting Content Fried 24. 1. When you start curating information, does it make you feel anxious? 2. When you are seeking information to curate, have you ever forgotten what it was in the first place you wanted to accomplish? 3. Do you add links to your Scoop.It or other collections without reading and thinking and annotating the article? 4. Do you experience frustration at the amount of information you need to process daily? 5. Do you sit at your computer for longer than 30 minutes at a time without getting up to take a break? 6. Do you constantly check (even in the bathroom on your mobile phone) your email, Twitter, Scoop.It or other online service? 7. Is the only time you're off line is when you are sleeping? 8. Do you feel that you often cannot concentrate? 9. Do you get anxious if you are offline for more than a few hours? 10.Do you find yourself easily distracted by online resources that allow you to avoid other, pending work? Self-Knowledge Is The First Step A few quick assessment questions Add up your score: # of YES answers 25. 012345678910 Source: Lulumonathletica Mindful Online..Need Help Now Whats Your Attention Focusing Score? 26. Understand your goals and priorities and ask yourself at regular intervals whether your current activity serves your higher priority. Notice when your attention has wandered, and then gently bringing it back to focus on your highest priority Sometimes in order to learn or deepen relationships -- exploring from link to link is permissible and important. Dont make attention training so rigid that it destroys flow. Source: Howard Rheingold NetSmart What does it mean to manage your attention while your curate? 27. Manage Your Attention, Not Just Your Time Visualize on Paper Establish Rituals Reflection Manage Electronic Distractions Manage Physical Space Just Say No A Few Tips 28. Flickr Photo by John K One Minute of Silence: What is one idea that you can put into practice next week? Write down on an index card Raffle! 29. Thank You! Blog: Order Book: Twitter: @kanter Facebook: Subscribe to my public updates: Scoop.It: Pinterest: SLIDES and Resources: