Grande Yoga returns to the West Lawn (opposite the tennis courts) Bring water and a mat. 6pm.



Grande Yoga returns to the West Lawn (opposite the tennis courts) Bring water and a mat. 6pm.

Transcript of Grande Yoga returns to the West Lawn (opposite the tennis courts) Bring water and a mat. 6pm.

Trisha  is  a  St  Thomas,  -irgin  Islands  based  cer67ed  yoga  instructor:;<<  hour  RYT?  and  cer67ed  personal  trainer  who  has  a  passion  for  life,  health,  and  7tness.  She  incorporates  her  moDo  "  Be  as  you  are"  into  all  her  teachings.  She  is  trained  by  one  of  the  most  sought  aGer  Yoga  Teacher  Trainers  in  the  US  Faith  Hunter  of  Embrace  Your  Flow  yoga  in  Washington  DC.  She  has  been  trained  in  the  vinyasa  style  called  "Embrace  Your  Flow"  by  Faith  Hunter.  It  is  a  free  spirited  vinyasa  yoga  prac6ce  that  encourages  students  to  EMBRACE  their  flow.  Tap  into  your  inner  self  by  linking  movement  and  breath.  EnToy  being  "  as  you  are"  during  this  mindful  prac6ce.  This  style  of  yoga  oUers  dynamic  movement  including  sun  saluta6ons,  asana  seVuencing,  and  mindful  aDen6on  to  alignment.  Wive  life  to  its  fullest  and  have  passion  to  Embrace  your  flow.    

Please  bring  a  mat  and  towel  for  the  classes