Grand Givers 2017 Kehilath Israel Synagogue 10501 Conser ... September...Help us find the courage to...

SHABBAT SCHEDULE Torah Reading: Bob Gast Deuteronomy 32:1-52 pg. 1101 Haftarah: Stan Zeldin Hosea 14:2-10; Joel: 2:15-27; Micah 7:18-20, pg. 1204 Intro to the Haftarah: Debbie Adamous On the Bimah: Laura Daniels, Bd Senior Gabbai: Dan Kass 10:30 am Mini Minyan for Kids in the Chapel We thank Linda Silver, Brenda McKinnon and their helpers for preparing today’s kiddush. 5:45 pm Rabbi Shron’s class, Behind the Scenes 6:30 pm Mincha/Seudah Shlishit/Maariv 7:46 pm Havdalah Kehilath Israel Synagogue 10501 Conser Street 913.642.1880 Overland Park, KS 66212 September 23, 2017 3 Tishrei 5778 Grand Givers 2017 Back by Popular Demand with an All New Show! Neil Berg’s 100 YEARS OF HOLLYWOOD Saturday, November 4 Doors open 8:00 pm Show starts 8:30 pm Dessert reception with chance to meet entertainers follows performance Dreiseszun Grand Givers - $10,000 Grand Givers - $2,000 Gold Tickets $400 Silver Tickets $200 913.642.1880 x203 or Break the Fast with your K.I. family immediately following Yom Kippur services Saturday, September 30, at 7:45 pm $12/person Kids Age 5 and under FREE RSVP to K.I. office by Monday, Sept. 25 Volunteers needed Thursday, Sept. 28 at 10 am, 6 pm or both. Please call the office or email [email protected] and let us know if you can help. FAST OF GEDALIAH -- Sunday, September 24 The fast will begin at 5:50 am and conclude at 7:39 pm. Haazinu Shabbat Shuvah May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year. SERVICES THIS WEEK Shacharit Sun 9 am Mon-Fri 7 am Mincha/Maariv Sun-Thur 6:30 pm Friday & Yom Kippur - See schedule below YOM KIPPUR Erev Yom Kippur - Kol Nidre Friday Shacharit and Selichot 7:00 am Mincha 1:45 pm Candlelighting 6:46 pm (Candles will be available to light at the synagogue) Kol Nidre Service 6:30 pm Yom Kippur Day Saturday Shacharit 9:00 am Yizkor in the late morning Mincha 5:10 pm Ne’ila 6:15 pm Maariv 7:25 pm Havdalah and End of Fast 7:34 pm Break the Fast (reservations only) 7:45 pm K.I. BLUE RIDGE CEMETERY MEMORIAL SERVICE Sunday, September 24 at 11:00 a.m. In the Jack Chernikoff-Louis Dolginow Memorial Chapel led by Rabbi Jeffrey Shron Todah Rabah Thank you to the sponsors of today’s Chai Anniversary Kiddush: Judith & Edward Chaiken Barbara & Phillip Goodbinder Toby & David Levine Maureen & Amir Minoofar Roberta & Jerry Rosmarine Mazal & Bracha We thank Arnold & Carol Caviar for donating fruit and vegetables every week for our Kiddush. If you see something, say something! Report suspicious activity immediately to our police officer and/or staff.

Transcript of Grand Givers 2017 Kehilath Israel Synagogue 10501 Conser ... September...Help us find the courage to...

Page 1: Grand Givers 2017 Kehilath Israel Synagogue 10501 Conser ... September...Help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing, And let us say, Amen. Mi shebayrach imotaynu,M'kor habrachah

SHABBAT SCHEDULETorah Reading: Bob Gast Deuteronomy32:1-52pg.1101Haftarah: Stan Zeldin Hosea14:2-10;Joel:2:15-27; Micah7:18-20,pg.1204IntrototheHaftarah: Debbie Adamous OntheBimah: Laura Daniels,BdSeniorGabbai:Dan Kass10:30 am MiniMinyanforKidsintheChapel

WethankLinda Silver, Brenda McKinnon andtheirhelpersforpreparingtoday’skiddush.5:45 pm RabbiShron’s class,Behind the Scenes6:30 pm Mincha/Seudah Shlishit/Maariv 7:46 pmHavdalah

Kehilath Israel Synagogue 10501 Conser Street 913.642.1880 Overland Park, KS 66212

September 23, 2017 3 Tishrei 5778

Grand Givers 2017 Back by Popular Demand with an All New Show!

Neil Berg’s


Saturday, November 4

Doors open 8:00 pm

Show starts 8:30 pmDessert reception with chance to

meet entertainers follows performance

Dreiseszun Grand Givers - $10,000Grand Givers - $2,000

Gold Tickets $400 Silver Tickets $200

913.642.1880 x203 or

Break the Fast withyourK.I.familyimmediatelyfollowingYom Kippurservices Saturday, September 30, at 7:45 pm$12/personKidsAge5andunderFREERSVP to K.I. office by Monday, Sept. 25

Volunteers needed Thursday, Sept. 28 at 10 am, 6 pm or both.Please call the office or email [email protected] and let usknowifyoucanhelp.

FAST OF GEDALIAH -- Sunday, September 24The fast will begin at 5:50 am and conclude at 7:39 pm.


May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year.

SERVICES THIS WEEKShacharit Sun9amMon-Fri7amMincha/Maariv Sun-Thur 6:30pmFriday&Yom Kippur-Seeschedulebelow

YOM KIPPURErev Yom Kippur - Kol NidreFridayShacharit and Selichot 7:00amMincha 1:45pmCandlelighting 6:46pm(Candleswillbeavailabletolightatthesynagogue)Kol NidreService 6:30pmYom Kippur Day SaturdayShacharit 9:00amYizkor in the late morningMincha 5:10pmNe’ila 6:15pmMaariv 7:25pmHavdalahandEndofFast 7:34pmBreaktheFast(reservationsonly)7:45pm


Sunday, September 24 at 11:00 a.m.In the Jack Chernikoff-Louis Dolginow

Memorial Chapel led by Rabbi Jeffrey Shron

Todah Rabah Thankyoutothesponsorsoftoday’sChai AnniversaryKiddush:

Judith & Edward ChaikenBarbara & Phillip Goodbinder

Toby & David LevineMaureen & Amir MinoofarRoberta & Jerry Rosmarine

Mazal & Bracha

WethankArnold & Carol Caviar fordonatingfruitandvegetableseveryweekforourKiddush.

If you see something, say something! Report suspicious activity immediately to our police officer

and/or staff.

Page 2: Grand Givers 2017 Kehilath Israel Synagogue 10501 Conser ... September...Help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing, And let us say, Amen. Mi shebayrach imotaynu,M'kor habrachah

This Week’s Yarhzeit in Loving Memory

K.I. CLERGy & STAFFRabbi Jeffrey Shron,SeniorRabbiCantor Benjamin Matis,InterimCantorMarty Gorin, PresidentElizabeth Peden,ExecutiveDirectorRachel Macek,Director,K.I.FredDevinkiReligiousSchoolRabbi Herbert Mandl,Ph.D,RabbiEmeritusSam Devinki,HonoraryPresidentforLifeKehilath Israel Synagogue strivestobeawarm,welcomingcongregation, proud of its traditional values of learningTorah,engaginginmeaningfulandinspirationalprayerandpractices,andperformingactsoflovingkindness.

Visit our website: FollowusonsocialmediaFacebook:K.I.SynagogueTwitter:@KehilathIsrael

Rabbi Shron’s Joke of the Week: Morris was overdue for his appointment with Dr.Epstein,soDr.Epsteincalledhimathome tocheckuponhim.“Morris!”saidDr.Epstein.“You’reoveramonth late foryourappointment.Don’tyouknowthatnervousdisorderslikeyoursrequirepromptandregular attention?What’s your excuse? “I was justfollowing your orders,Dr. Epstein,” repliedMorris.“What are you talking about?” asked Dr. Epstein.“Igaveyouno suchorder.” “Sureyoudid,” repliedMorris.“Youtoldmetoavoidpeoplewhocausemestressandirritateme.”

PRAyER FOR HEALINGMi shebayrach avoteinu, M'kor hab'racha l'imotaynu,May the source of strength, Who blessed the onesbeforeus,Helpusfindthecouragetomakeourlivesablessing,Andletussay,Amen.

Mi shebayrach imotaynu,M'kor habrachah l'avotaynu,Blessthoseinneedofhealingwithr'fuah sh'laymah,Therenewalofbody,therenewalofspirit,Andletussay,Amen.

JFS FOOD PAnTRY During the High Holidays, please donate non-perishable food items and personal care items for the pantry. Pro-tein items such as peanut butter and canned tuna are always in need. Items may be brought to the bar-rels in the lobby when you come to services during the week, on Sundays, before Friday evening services begin, or any time the building is open (but not on Shabbat or holidays).

Sukkah Decorating Party & Lunch

Sunday, Oct. 1 at 10:30 am

for children with their parents and/or grandparents


5 pm Happy Hour - 6 pm One Hour Symphony Performance of Bruch & Ginastera

Free event but limited tickets

Women of K.I. - October 2017

RSVP: Brenda McKinnon - 913.219.7673 / [email protected] or Natalie Cohen - 913.341.6622 / [email protected]


Wednesday, October 4 - 14 TishriMincha and Yom Tov Maariv.......6:30 PMCandlelighting ..............................6:38 PM

FIRST DAY OF SUKKOTThursday, October 5 - 15 Tishri

Festival Service.............................9:00 AMKiddush in the Sukkah

Mincha-Maariv.............................6:30 PMCandlelighting...............................7:27 PM

SECOnD DAY OF SUKKOTFriday, October 6 - 16 Tishri

Festival Service.............................9:00 AMKiddush in the Sukkah

Mincha..........................................6:30 PM Candlelighting (no later)................7:08 PM

3 TISHRI (SAT)Anna GinsbergAbraham GlassmanEdward GreenDavid HollandFannie KrugCelia RainenSylvia SchnaerJoe Wolberg4 TISHRI (SUn)Estelle DalenShelley FarbmanBarbara FishmanManuel GreenGeorge LevichJoehanna LoefflerSidney MagazineJacob RosenHarry SeligsonBertha WainstockSana Wolf5 TISHRI (MOn)Rose DalenJack EisbergYehoshua KameneskyMoysey KapustinLouis KrugStephanie MnookinEsther MondscheinSarah SchultzBessie StolovHarry Weiner

6 TISHRI (TUES)Evelyn BrownMorris HornJacob LevinChaim MandelbaumSamuel Simon7 TISHRI (WED)Freda GoldbergPhilip GoldbergSam GouldAlan HoffmanRose NermanBennett TraninCyril Yeddis8 TISHRI (THURS)Anna AdelmanBertha EsrigSidney FishmanMary GottliebGolda HousePaul MnookinDora SchwartzPerce Snitzer9 TISHRI (FRI)Sue AgronSheindl CukierAaron GlicksteinRose KapnickIsrael KotelovSamuel LanskyMorris PardoMarvin RobinsonA. RosenzwiegSarah RubinSima Schechtman

Please join us on Shabbat morning, October 7

as we honor Joe Adamous, Chattan Bereshit and

Marlene Krakow, Ayshet Chayil our two Sukkot honorees.

A Kiddush luncheon will follow services.

Simchat Torah at K.I.Thursday, Oct 12

Following 6:30 pm Maariv Services Celebrate with flags & fanfare the end of the annual cycle of public Torah Readings, and begin a new cycle.

6:00 pm - For Kids Under 12* Pre-Simchat Torah fun with DAN KASS !• Enjoy peanut butter & jelly sandwiches with chips. • Adorn “home-made” Torahs with stickers to carry during the Hakafot. • Decorate cookies with icing & sprinkles (and of course eat them).

7:00 pm Join everyone in the sanctuary for the Simchat Torah celebration.

*Free, but RSVP 913.642.1880 or [email protected]. <Please bring old toilet rolls to the K.I. offi ce for use in this project.>