Grammatica unit 1 klas 1

HD 1.1 t/m 1.6

Transcript of Grammatica unit 1 klas 1

Page 1: Grammatica unit 1 klas 1

HD 1.1 t/m 1.6

Page 2: Grammatica unit 1 klas 1

I am You are He is She is It is We are You are They are

ikik benbenjij/ujij/u bentbenthij hij isiszijzij isishethet isiswijwij zijnzijnjulliejullie zijnzijnzijzij zijnzijn

Page 3: Grammatica unit 1 klas 1

1. ... you from Portugal? - No, I ... (not). I ... from Spain.

2. ... this a good film? No, it ... (not). It ... a boring film.

3. ... Patrick and Steffy from Belgium? No, they ... (not). They ... from Holland.

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1. Are you from Portugal? - No, I am not (not). I am from Spain.

2. Is this a good film? No, it isn’t (not). It’s (/is). a boring film.

3. Are Patrick and Steffy from Belgium? No, they aren’t (not). They are from Holland.

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Voor…: (telephone for…)

Me You Him Her Us You Them

Bezit: Bezit:

• MyMy

• YourYour

• HisHis

• HerHer

• OurOur

• YourYour

• Their Their

Page 6: Grammatica unit 1 klas 1

Choose from: I / my / you / your / he / his / she / her / we / our / they / their

1. This is … best friend Pete.2. Jenny lives here somewhere, but I

don't know ... address.3. Our new house is really great! ...

both love living here.4. She is from Apeldoorn and he is

from Leiden. ... both study in Amsterdam.

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Choose from: I / my / you / your / he / his / she / her / we / our / they / their

1. This is my best friend Pete.2. Jenny lives here somewhere, but I

don't know her address.3. Our new house is really great! We

both love living here.4. She is from Apeldoorn and he is

from Leiden. They both study in Amsterdam.

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Can --> kunnen Can’t --> niet kunnen

Na ‘can’ komt het hele werkwoord

I can’t go without you!

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‘a’ --> volgende woord begint met een medeklinker

‘an’ --> volgende woord begint met een klinker (a,e,i,o,u)

! let op ! Het gaat niet om de spelling, maar om hoe je het zegt!

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Fill in: a / an

1. Amanda? That’s … ugly name.2. We were looking for … underground

map.3. We had to wait for ... day.4. Would you like to have ... coke or ... ice-


Page 11: Grammatica unit 1 klas 1

Fill in: a / an

1. Amanda? That’s an ugly name.2. We were looking for an underground

map.3. We had to wait for a day.4. Would you like to have a coke or an ice-


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This/these dichtbij◦ This --> enkelvoud (dit/deze)◦ These --> meervoud (deze)

That/those ver weg◦ That --> enkelvoud (dat/die)◦ Those --> meervoud (die)

Dichtbij Ver weg

Enkelvoud This That

Meervoud These Those

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Use: this / that / these / those

1. ... lady over there is my new geography teacher.

2. ... bananas here are all brown.3. Do you see ... boys over there? They're

my brothers.4. Here, take one of ... sweets. They taste

very good.5. ... film here is not good. It's very

boring.6. Where's your map? ... people here are


Page 14: Grammatica unit 1 klas 1

Use: this / that / these / those

1. That lady over there is my new geography teacher.

2. These bananas here are all brown.3. Do you see those boys over there?

They're my brothers.4. Here, take one of these sweets. They

taste very good.5. This film here is not good. It's very

boring.6. Where's your map? These people here

are lost.

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Study them by heart (leer ze uit je hoofd!)

Let op: Alle getallen boven de 20 schrijf je met een streepje (behalve ronde getallen als 30,40,50, enz.). Vergeet dit ook niet:◦ 0 = zero (niet nul!)◦ 15 = fifteen (niet fiveteen!)◦ 18 = eighteen (niet eightteen!)◦ 40 = forty (niet fourty!)◦ 50 = fifty (niet fivety!)◦ 100 = a/one hundred (niet hundred!)