Grail Retreat Article for Gumbo, The Grail Connection...

The Grail in the United States From Brazil Thank you for such beautiful words. Have a wonderful Christmas and New year. Love, Silvani dos Santos Valentim Gumbo ~ The Grail Connection ~ January 2015 Christmas Greetings from the Grail Worldwide In December, Maureen Tate, as U.S. International Council Representative, sent Christmas greetings to the Grail in other countries, who warmly returned the gesture with blessings and hopes for a peaceful and productive new year. From Mexico QUE DIOS LAS LLENE DE BENDICIONES EN ESTAS FIESTAS NAVIDEÑAS GOD THE BLESSINGS, FILL IN THESE HOLIDAYS Ma. Luisa Mejía Index Christmas Greetings .............. 2 Ecuador 2015 ......................... 5 Uganda, Tanzania .................. 7 In Loving Memory: Anne Hope ...................... 10 Implementation Letter ........ 17 Grail Birthdays ..................... 21

Transcript of Grail Retreat Article for Gumbo, The Grail Connection...

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The Grail in the United States

From Brazil Thank you for such beautiful words. Have a wonderful Christmas and New year. Love, Silvani dos Santos Valentim

Gumbo ~ The Grail Connection ~

January 2015


Greetings from

the Grail


In December, Maureen

Tate, as U.S. International

Council Representative,

sent Christmas greetings

to the Grail in other

countries, who warmly

returned the gesture with

blessings and hopes for a

peaceful and productive

new year.

From Mexico



Index Christmas Greetings .............. 2 Ecuador 2015 ......................... 5 Uganda, Tanzania .................. 7 In Loving Memory: Anne Hope ...................... 10 Implementation Letter ........ 17 Grail Birthdays ..................... 21

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The Grail in the United States

From South Africa Return Christmas Greetings to everyone from the South African Grail. May the star within each of you shine even brighter in the coming new year and to those whose stars have started to become dim, May your star be re-ignited this Christmas in order to shine as bright in 2016. Priscilla Erasmus

Darkness cannot drive out darkness,

only light can do that.

Hate cannot drive out hate,

only light can do that.

(Martin Luther King)

Brussels Grail wishes you and the Grail in USA

a blessed Christmas, much love, light and peace in 2016!

Didine Petit, Karen King, Patricia

Camisao, Robin Sclafani

From Uganda Thank you so much for our Christmas message from the U.S. We are so grateful to share with you that wonderful message. May the birth of Christ bring us hope, faith and love as we all continue to reflect on the Mission and vision of the Grail. Josephine Nakagolo

THANKS!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL WOMEN OF THE GRAIL And those involved in their projects, that God and the universe conspiring in favour, this year we get to continue our dreams and hopes Hugs HAPPY 2016 WITH LOVE TO ALL, USHUAIA (Mexico)

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Rosaurora Espinosa (Mexico)

Queridas compañeras, hermanas, amigas del alma, Que la llegada de Jesús Niño en esta Navidad nos inspire en la búsqueda de justicia y paz, y nos llene de energía para trabajar cada día uniéndonos en el espíritu, para hacer frente a la adversidad que amenaza a nuestros países y al planeta en su conjunto. QUE ENCONTREMOS JUNTAS CAMINOS Y ESTRATEGIAS DE LUCHA EN LA DIVERSIDAD DE NUESTRAS CULTURAS Y EN LA CONVERGENCIA DE NUESTRA VISIÓN. ABRAZOS PARA CADA INTEGRANTE DEL GRIAL EN NUESTROS PAÍSES y para los seres que aman. Con gran amor, Rosaurora

*********************************************** DEAR DEAR FRIENDS, SISTERS, COMPAÑERAS, May Jesus Child inspire us in our search of justice and peace, and fill us with energy to work every day united in the Spirit, to face adversity that threatens our countries and the planet as a whole. BEST WISHES FOR TOGETHER TO FIND WAYS AND STRATEGIES IN THE STRUGGLE, supported by the diversity of our cultures and values, and our GRAIL VISION. Warm hugs to everyone in our countries, LOVE Rosaurora

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I lie down under the shade of the shade-less tree – the tree whose roots were forged in childhood – and it’s Christmas, and the mid- of this endless night

the most obscure uncertainties, for the souls who falter at crossroads, for the tramps who

of god on the world’s paths, the silence of the sky on moonless nights.

From Italy

Imagine all the people living life in peace……

Let’s continue imagining a world where peace

is possible.

From Portugal

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Ecuador 2015 Teresa Wilson

The Grail is alive and growing in Ecuador through the amazing networking of Monica Maher in Quito, the capital city.

At 10, 000 feet, the views from the mountain sides are spectacular and Monica shared her view with 15 women whom she has invited to explore the Grail.

My trip to Ecuador was highlighted the last evening of our visit by our participation in the discussion of lives and spiritual diversity with this group. Traveling companion Julie Steinbach, soon to become a Pilgrim here in Claremont, and I met this articulate group of women who introduced themselves to us and to each other from very different backgrounds. Several were returning to Ecuador after living in Europe and the U.S., two had worked in many countries for the United Nations, one for years at the U.S. Embassy. One is proudly carrying on the traditions of her indigenous heritage, with her beautiful colorful clothing and long black braid.

Two were Baha’i, one a shaman healer. One mother and daughter had spent time in California – Mother at Esalen and as a cook at the Camaldoli Monastery at Big Sur – one in prison ministry – and a British/Palestinian expat who has just published her second book following widowhood and a decision to make a new start in Ecuador. The diversity and the eagerness to share spiritual journeys was palpable in the room with the twinkling lights of Quito below and above us.

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It is Monica who after five years and a beginning for the Grail in Honduras, came to Quito to teach and do human rights work and has now gained an invitation from the International Leadership Team of the Grail to officially offer a program for

membership in the Ecuador Grail. We were thrilled to be a part of it and I am so impressed with the energy, the knowledge and the desire to be in solidarity with the other women that was evident that Friday evening in Quito. Julie and I had a wonderful four-day train trip from the sea-level city of Guayaquil to Quito at 10,000 feet, through high Andean mountains and pastures, past working indigenous farmers in the fields with their animals and crops. An excellent guide on this tourist train trip gave us insights into their lives during this time of political change in Ecuador. We stopped for explorations of cacao and banana and rose production, all major crops in this country.

The Tren Crucero, a tourist attraction train on the agenda of socialist president Raphael Correa, was at times driven by a steam engine and on the highest altitudes by electric engines. We went through small towns that were remarkable in their freshly swept streets and sidewalks – and people along the route greeted and waved us on. Unfortunately, politically the country is facing economic disaster as the oil money on which the socialist agenda was based has diminished and the country along with Argentina and Venezuela is in economic trouble. We saw extreme wealth and poverty and were made aware of the thousands of expats that are finding Ecuador an attractive retirement opportunity. The people were welcoming and offered us both insights and caring attention on a very special trip. The Grail will be very much at home there.

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Celebrating with the Grail in Uganda and

Tanzania Kate Devlin

In the following photo essay I’m including a few pictures of the December

dedication celebrations of Grail members joining the nucleus of the Grail.

In the future, I will share more on my observations of the environment,

sustainable living and the effects of climate change. The pictures are a

snapshot of the beautiful intersection of people and culture.

Some of those gathered to celebrate Rose Nayiga’s joining the Nucleus of

the Grail – Rose is in the back row to the left of the Bishop (he is turned

toward her). There are a mix of Grail members from Uganda, Kenya,

Portugal, South Africa and family and friends of Rose in this picture.

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Maria Carlos Ramos, Sharon Joslyn and Ann Heidkamp walk down the driveway to the Rubaga Grail Center in Uganda

Ann Heidkamp and some of the Masaai girls who live at Chekechea, next to the Kisekebaha Grail Center in Tanzania. Ann spent time with the girls and they were delighted to see pictures of themselves on her phone!

Celebration of members joining the nucleus in Tanzania. Family and friends presented gifts to the women, like a wedding celebration. One thousand people attended from all over the surrounding area

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Tanzania – 10 new Grail Nucleus members after their dedication, they are all wearing some of the gifts of cloths and flower leis that family and friends presented to them. Other gifts included a goat, a pair of chickens, and packages wrapped up in shiny foil paper

Imelda Gaurwa, founding member of the Grail in Tanzania who has also been involved with many international meetings

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In Loving Memory: Anne Hope February 12, 1930-December 26, 2015

Anne Hope, one of the first Grail members in South Africa, died December 26, 2015 at Pilgrim Place in Claremont, CA, where she had moved in May with Sally Timmel.

Anne served in the Grail IPT (currently known as ILT) with Teresa Wilson and Mary Kay Louchart from the year 1999 - 2001. Many memorial services have been held and are still being held for her. An official memorial service will be held for her in the second weekend of February 2016 when Sally Timmel travels to Kleinmond, South Africa, with some of her ashes to be scattered there as per Anne’s wish. Anne was born and grew up in Johannesburg, South Africa. She attended Rhodes University in Grahamstown, South Africa, and received a degree in English literature and history. She then received her master’s degree in education from Oxford University in England. During her university days, she immersed herself in the Catholic Student movement and not only became convinced of the horrors of apartheid, but became more and more committed both emotionally and spiritually to the struggle for liberation.

In the late 1940s, Anne kept meeting members of the international Grail at student conferences. She became intrigued and soon was invited to be part of the Grail community for a year at Grailville. The one year turned into four years where she became part of the staff. Anne then went to teach and also be the headmistress of the first high school for girls in Kalisizo, Uganda. This was where Anne first became passionately committed to working with women’s groups and community development. Anne returned to South Africa and was soon appointed president of the Grail in South Africa. In 1969, Anne was awarded a World Council of Churches scholarship to study at Boston University in Adult Education and Human Relations Training. It was there that she met Sally Timmel who was in the same course. Anne had heard of the brilliant work of Paulo Freire, a Brazilian educator who developed a methodology call conscientization (or critical awareness). Paulo had come to Harvard University at that time to be at the Institute for Social Analysis. Anne

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and Sally then began integrating the critical analysis approach of Freire into participatory methods. They applied some of these tools in anti-racism work through the USA National YWCA, which at that time had adopted its One Imperative: To eliminate racism wherever it exists and by any means necessary. Anne and Sally developed and ran a number of workshops called White on White (as racism is a ‘white problem’). Anne returned to South Africa in 1971 when her U.S. visa ran out and Sally joined her in neighboring Swaziland. There Anne and Sally helped develop a literacy programme with a Swazi NGO supported by UNESCO. After nine months, the South African police caught up with them and they were made prohibited immigrants. Anne began working with the Christian Institute, a prophetic witness that proclaimed apartheid a sin against humanity. During this time, Anne was asked by Steve Biko, the founder of the Black Consciousness Movement, to work with their leadership for six months on participatory methods of Paulo Freire. Soon after the training, most of the leadership were imprisoned, and Anne was advised to go into exile to continue the work or face imprisonment. Later, Steve said that there were two people who shaped his life, a nun in 6th grade and Anne Hope. This was the essence of Anne: she brought out the best side of a person – through encouragement, delight, affirmation and challenge. Her vision and intuitions were something one could not ignore as they were spot on. Her challenges were constructive but brutally honest. One year after her return to South Africa, the apartheid government seized Anne’s passport and later denied her entrance back into her homeland for 17 years. Fortunately she had an Irish grandmother which was sufficient grounds to get an Irish passport for those years in exile. Anne and Sally again teamed up and began working for the Kenyan Catholic Bishop’s Conference through the Development Department. Working in the then 10 of 13 dioceses, they trained over 500 community development leaders who in turn, within 10 years, reached over three million people in multi-faceted projects from literacy, women and youth groups, agriculture and ranching groups. In 1981, Anne and Sally moved to Washington D.C., where Anne worked first with the U.S. Returned Missionary Association and then the Jesuit Center of

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Concern. Anne also returned to southern Africa to work with the Zimbabwe Council of Churches. Sally joined her for a year where they wrote and published the now classic Training for Transformation. These four volumes still sell quite broadly and have been translated into Spanish, French, Portuguese and Arabic. When South Africa’s apartheid government announced in February 1991 that exiles could return, Anne went back to take up a temporary post at the University of Cape Town Adult Education Department. She then moved on to initiate a women’s training program (DELTA) and founded the Grail in the Western Cape. In 1999, with Anne’s leadership, the Grail purchased a residential retreat and conference center in Kleinmond and three years later, developed a one-year in-service Training for Transformation Diploma course for international teams of women. More than 350 have graduated from the program and it continues to grow from strength to strength. Participants come from as far reaching as Indonesia Papua, Korea, India, Sudan, Nigeria, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, the United Kingdom and most southern African countries. Anne was a global citizen and activist par excellence with an ability to see a positive ‘way out’ of the quagmires of injustices. Her insights and voice came from the deep core of her being as she tried to act on these essential elements of goodness, truth and beauty. This core was nurtured by an incredible self-discipline of daily meditation, yoga, and reading for two hours before rising. Her spirit will continue to inspire generations to come. Sally Timmel We have delighted in her, struggled with her, laughed with her, danced with her, mourned with her, wept with her, saw new beginnings with her, jumped with joy with her, created with her.

But ah …. Now she will be within us With more vigor than we had before More commitment than we had before More focussed on that guiding star than we had before More outraged than we were before More kindness than we had before More compassion than we had before. More graciousness than we had before. More grace-filledness than we had before. More warmth than we had before.

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From the Grail in Germany If you really live your life to the full, death will never have power

over you. It will never seem like a destructive, negative event. It can

become, for you, the moment of release into the deepest treasures of

your own nature; it can be your full entry into the temple of your soul.

If you are able let go of things, you learn to die spiritually in little

ways during your life. When you learn to let go of things, a greater

generosity, openness, and breath comes into your life. Imagine this

letting go multiplied a thousand times at the moment of your death.

That release can bring you a completely new divine belonging

John O'Donohue

30. 12. 2015 Dear Sally, Dear Grail Community in Pilgrim Place and USA, Dear Grail Community of South Africa, To be allowed to fall asleep, when the burden gets too heavy and life too confusing -

To be allowed to go home, when pain and weakness restrict every movement

To be invited to enter the light after dark days of sickness and loss of strength – that is a grace, a gift from the living God and Anne was presented with that gift and is now fulfilled in the face of the Creator.

She learned what it means to “let go” a thousand times and that made her death a full entry into eternal joy.

Work for justice and peace – struggle for the poor and the ignorant – inspiration during leadership – fight for the rights of the people – join hands in community and all that done in the presence and deep love of God, that was the life of Anne – and she will be so missed – and the loss will give a lot of sorrow to all who touched her being. But knowing that she reached home and expecting her to be near in a different way, we accept and give praise to the Lord for the gift she was and will ever be.

With you in sorrow and in hope

Silvana and Christa for the entire Grail in Germany

Andrea Venier Ausralia We receive this news with much sorrow. Anne had a great influence on many Australian members, those who knew her personally and also those who had never met her. The Training for Transformation has been, and still is being, used to empower various groups with whom the Grail works. Our condolences and prayers to Anne's family and friends, and thanks to Sally for her lovely words. Love, Andrea

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Ruth Bruintjies

South Africa We weep We rejoice We give thanks For Anne Who has touched us all.. May her soul rest in Peace God bless all God bless Anne's family and Sally Love Ruth and family Cape Town SA

Dear Sally, Kathy and all the Grail members who were close to Anne Hope,

We are one in prayer with you after the passing away of our beloved Anne.

She was a great women in "transforming" deaply the life of so many persons and groups in many countries of the

world: Uganda, South Africa, Swaziland, Kenya, Zimbabwe, USA and

numerous other countries after training persons of these countries.

In the Grail of the Netherlands Mieneke Hage and myself sold the books of "Training for Transformation" in the

eighties and i used her inspiration in my courses on Communication

for more than 20 years.

I am convinced that the seeds Anne and Sally sowed, have beared many fruits.

Didine Petit on behalf of the Grail in Brussels/Belgium

Josephine Nakagolo

Uganda Since we learnt about Anne's sickness, we

have followed the developments.

However, every thing happened so

fast. Her departure reminds me of

Carolyn Gratton who left us around the

same time in 2014. The Grail choir

is growing in heaven and their prayers

are felt in different ways.

Reading Anne's obituary we can simply

say that transformation touched and

reached many through her work. May the

angels welcome her on the right hand side

of the Lord.

We join the International Grail during this

time of mourning and praying for the

repose of her soul.


Didine Petit


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Winnie Nyonyozi

Uganda Dear Sally Timmel and all Grail women,

Receive our condolences for the departure of our beloved Anne Hope.On 18th

December,together with 40 participants on T4T training prayed for Anne's health,since

God's will is always the best ,we accept and continue praying that He may reward our

Anne with the heavenly crown.

She inspired me and most of us through her noble work and Writings,though her

physical body is departed from us,her spirit is with us and will always be with us and all

those people we have reached through T4T here in Uganda.

May our Anne Rest in Eternal Peace and may she intercede for us that we may keep

her candle of T4T lit.


Nádia Villefort on behalf of the Grail in Brazil

It was with deep sorrow that wer received the news about Anne Hope's

passing on.

Some of us in Brazil had the privilege of meeting Anne Hope and as we

shared the information people started to express their feelings:

"An extraordinary woman!

She was tireless in the struggle for human rights!

She accomplished her mission on earth with excellence.

She was a great woman!

She was such a lively and strong women!"

We are all sure that she is resting in peace; another Grail star shining in the


Receive our prayers and condolences. With love,

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Pearl Drego

India We in India join you in mourning the passing on of our dear Anne Hope and

celebrating her mission here on earth.

I had the good fortune to meet her in South Africa and have a warm encounter with

her !

We treasure the work that she and Sally have done and will take out the books,

Training For Transformation, to use again soon.

In solidarity as our members in India join in remembering and honouring Anne.


Kerstin Jacobsson

Sweden We in the Swedish Grail also wish to

express our condoleances. We

share the deep sorrow over the loss

of Anne Hope as a vital force of the

Grail, but indeed, her legacy will

remain with us.

Especially we have such fond

memories of her four years ago,

when some from us visited the Grail

in Cape Town and Kleimond. Anne

both walked with us and shared her

memories of her and others'

participation in the countrys'

liberation struggles.

Attached is a photo from those


Our blessings on behalf of the

Swedish Grail

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Letter from the Grailville Implementation Committee

to Grail Members The purpose of this letter is to inform the Grail membership of the work that the Grailville Implementation Committee has been doing as a result of the “affirmations” from the National Meeting – that is, to talk further with Bloomfield/Shon about concerns that some people have regarding the placement of private homes in the woodlands, and to talk “with all interested parties” who want to work on the South Side agricultural land. The Grailville Future Committee (GVFC), the Grailville Implementation Team (GVIC) and the Council recognize that there are several ideas for the south side land being discussed among members. The following explains how we are addressing member concerns, shares new information that has emerged with potential buyers over the past six months, and our plans for moving forward on the south side of the property. You will see that some new elements that have arisen require a decision fairly soon. We would like to work toward a vote on the potential sale of land on the south side of the property by April, 2016.

1. Cradle to Grave Sustainable Community proposed by Bloomfield/Schon The project that was vetted and recommended by the GVFC is a “cradle to grave” concept that encompasses a retirement village, Angel Care for elder and Alzheimer care, and some houses in and/or around the woodlands -- all of which would be integrated with an organic farm on the approximate 100 acres of farm land. This concept received widespread support in the straw poll conducted last summer and was affirmed at the National Meeting this past October. Since then, members of the two committees and Council have met with the developer, Bloomfield/Schon, and the farmers, Marc and Claire Luff. We have also received a rough draft of a proposal from Becky Hill to purchase or lease the land for grazing cattle. The vision of Bloomfield/Schon is an integrated approach to living that honors the peaceful, pastoral nature of Grailville and adapts the Grail sense of community for a new generation. It is intergenerational, incorporating support for women recovering from addictions, children, and the elderly, as well as families surrounded by nature including an organic farm. The powerful impact of their vision is derived from the integration of these diverse populations into one plan. If done correctly, it could become a national model for a diverse community living close to the land. The Concept

1. The HUB and First Step Home: Membership voted on and approved the sale of the HUB to Bloomfield/Schon, a master developer specializing in the renovation of old, neglected buildings for use as residential or business space. It will take approximately one year for Bloomfield/Schon to obtain the required permits and

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zoning, renovate buildings and ensure that the infrastructure is up to code for FSH residents.

2. The Retirement Cottages and Angel Care Home: Bloomfield/Schon would purchase and create the infrastructure for a retirement and Angel Care community then sell the land to those two entities to build and manage the facilities. There is a growing need for restful retirement homes surrounded by nature. There is also a growing sense that retirees are healthier physically, mentally and emotionally when they have access to a multi-generational community.

3. Single Family Homes: Bloomfield/Schon’s mission is to develop responsibly and to introduce innovative architecture. They propose building homes that are sustainably designed and that incorporate alternative energy systems including solar and geothermal if possible. They feel the residential homes would be less obtrusive and more aesthetically pleasing if located among the trees; however, if members are overwhelmingly opposed to inserting homes strategically among the trees, they are willing to place 15-20 homes along the edges of the pastures and fields, just into or at the edge of the woods. They will not build on an open field as that is not in keeping with their desire to create a unique community.

4. Integrated Farming Operation: Bloomfield/Schon has met with the Luffs to ensure integrity of the organic land while creating spaces or structures that will promote community residents’ involvement with the farm.

Where the Various Pieces Stand Today Some Grail members have reservations about working with any business or ‘developer’. In some ways everyone is painted with the same brush. However, the Grail must have enough funds to run the program/projects that are germane to our mission. That requires a lot of financial discipline. Any NGO has to have a surplus annually or it is not sustainable. We have tried various program and retreat center models at Grailville, and they were not sustainable. In fact, had it not been for bailouts from legacies, we would have spent down our endowment funds. If our programs alone cannot ensure a surplus to further our work, we could use the revenue that would be generated from selling land for private houses.

Some others have concern about tampering with the wooded area. One approach is to simply dismiss the project and not touch the southwest wooded area. Another approach is to explore ways that Bloomfield/Schon’s vision and Grail values intersect. Bloomfield/Schon is willing to walk the land with the Grail committee to ensure that the placement of the houses is in sync with our own concerns about the trees and the woodlands. Would having a limited amount of intergenerational housing within or on the edges of the woodlands be a huge disaster? Although Bloomfield/Schon is willing to look at the FSH project on its own, it would take a great deal of time and resources and would not generate much income for the firm, nor would it fit into the “Cradle to Grave” master plan they had originally proposed. That means they will, out of necessity, offer us less for the HUB than if we agree to sell them land for homes as well.

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The Way Forward We Are Pursuing.

In order to move forward with First Step Home, we realize that we need to work with Bloomfield Schon holistically – with the wider vision of the project on the south side. The GVIC, with support from the Council and the GVFC, is pursuing this course of working with Bloomfield/Schon on four parts of their wider plan:

a. The HUB for First Step Home b. The Retirement Cottages c. The Angel Care Home d. Residential homes snuggled into the woodlands or on its edges.

In order to do this, we need to have some internal discussion among members about what we want and/or can live with. Therefore, we propose the following:

Have a small group consisting of representatives from the Home Place, Council and GVIC look seriously at whether or not we can identify commonly shared points and areas where compromise is possible.

Develop a recommendation to the membership about moving forward.

Hold town meetings to assess the viability of working with Bloomfield/Schon on a mutually acceptable project.

Meet with Bloomfield/Schon to discuss an acceptable project.

Have membership vote on the sale of land to Bloomfield/Schon under the agreed upon conditions.

Possible Timeline 1. By January 30: Internal discussions complete 2. By February 14: Recommendation complete 3. By March 10: Town meetings complete 4. By March 30: Discussions with B/S Complete 5. By April 20: BALLOT

2. South Side Agricultural Land A farm on the south side of the property is integral to the idea of a model residential community living close to the land. The Finn Meadow Farm proposal, first described in the Grailville Future Committee Recommendation, has as its foundation the environment and community education. The Luffs believe that operating a small family farm challenges the current economic system by creating an alternative sustainable food source for the local community. This alternative system uses local grass and woodland, solar energy, and manual labor to build soil and community health. By using the land’s natural renewable energy, they are helping to shift from an import-based extractive economy, to an interconnected local

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economy. They envision producing a complete diet on their farm working in conjunction with farming partners such as a dairy farmer. They want to see a residential community built around the farm to promote learning, healthy food choices, community and sustainability. They currently:

1. Run a 45 acre farm 2. 5 acres are dedicated to the production of organic vegetables. 3. 40 acres are used to raise pastured cattle, pigs, turkeys and chickens (both layers and

for meat). 4. Grow raspberries and blackberries 5. Employ purposeful crop rotation and rotational grazing techniques. 6. Run a 140 member CSA. 7. Offer a Work for Food educational program for those interested in growing their own

food and learning organic farming techniques. At the same time, the Hills and Earth-Shares CSA, who lease 81 acres from Grailville at present, would like to continue their work on the property. Their original proposals were not recommended by the GVFC because it was decided, in consultation with Council, that a sale of property was preferable to a lease. However, at the National Meeting, Becky Hill announced her interest in purchasing the land to continue production of grass-fed beef. Becky has not yet submitted a complete proposal detailing this idea, but she has indicated that she and a partner would like to:

1. Expand into pork and goat 2. Use spring-fed water conservation practices 3. Collaborate with the Earth-Shares CSA (or another sustainable CSA model) to produce

organic vegetables. Earth-Shares currently has 100 members. 4. Manage an association of sustainable farming enterprises that could teach beginning

farmers, interns, students and educators about issues of water, food security and a just local economy.

Unlike the Luffs proposal which was vetted a year ago by the GVFC, the viability of Becky’s vision for their use of the land has not been vetted because we do not have a full proposal. Update and Challenges

At the National Meeting in October, there was a lot of support for both the Luffs/Finn Meadow Farms and for continuing to maintain ownership of the agricultural land. Since then, members voted to maintain ownership of the north side agricultural land which for many, makes the sale of the south side fields more palatable. At the National Meeting, Becky Hill announced her interest in purchasing the south side land with the support of an anonymous financier, but the GVIC has not received a complete proposal. The Way Forward We Are Pursuing

Page 21: Grail Retreat Article for Gumbo, The Grail Connection 5/4/ · Greetings from the Grail Worldwide In December, Maureen Tate,

Gumbo 1-2016 Page 21

The Grail in the United States

One of the affirmations of the National Meeting was that the “Grailville Implementation Team continue conversation /discussion with all parties concerning the agricultural land on the South Side.” Therefore the Implementation Committee will:

Meet with the Luffs, Becky and Pat Hill, and representatives from the Earth-Shares CSA to discuss potential synergies and collaborative efforts.

If opportunities for collaboration are identified, we will offer the Luffs the opportunity to update their original proposal to include the new elements. We have agreed to vet a formal proposal from Becky Hill should she choose to submit one and assume it will encompass potential collaborative efforts as well.

Have members vote on the use of agricultural land on the south side.

Possible Timeline 1. By January 15: Initial collaborative discussion with the Luffs, CSA, and Hills 2. By January 31: Due date for Luffs’ revised proposal and Becky Hill’s proposal to GVIC 4. By March 20: A description developed for vote and discussion 5. By March 30: New proposal[s] sent to membership and Town meetings 6. By April 20: BALLOT

Grail Birthdays


1 Sue Ann Kraus

1 Deborah Silvestri

2 Teagan Blackburn

4 Kate Twohy

5 Dottie Cortez

6 Judith DeFour-Howard

7 Cherie Holman

7 Lynn Louchart-Kiefer

8 Patricia Dolan

9 Judy Markle

10Elizabeth Murphy

11Elizabeth Rose

15Margarita Cabrera

20Marjorie Toups

22Terry Marshall

23Elizabeth Robinson

28Kathleen Walzer

29Laura Hershberger

30Ann Steffy


3 Mary Ellen Clifford

5 Mary Heidkamp

6 Rosa Maria Ruiz

8 Florence Marquez

13Yvie Renda

15Deborah Sullivan

16Mpanda Kalala

18Mary Ann McCarthy

20Mary Ellen Camele

20Sonia Jacquez

21Miriam Hill

23Laura Kaplan

25Dorothy Rasenberger

26Jackie DiSalvo

Due to deadlines and still-arriving member contributions, the final Member Giving report for 2015 will appear in the next issue of Gumbo.