GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High...


Transcript of GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High...

Page 1: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General


Page 2: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General


Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General Contractor: Turner Construction of Texas, Dallas, Texas Keystone Installer: Paver Construction, Cedar Hill, Texas

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Page 3: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

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Clrclo 3 on tho reader Inquiry card

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Page 4: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

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Clrclo 5 on tho roodor Inquiry cord

Page 5: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General



Editor 's note 7

l etters 11

News 14 Calendar 17

Of Note 15

laws , Regs & 22 Red Tape

Survey so

Travel/Trea sures 60

Shaping New Campuses 33 Ge ralci Moorhead , FAJA, sur veys so me of the hundred s of million s of do ll:irs in new con sLTllC­don projects pl.urned or und erway at Texas col­leges and uni versiti es, and cxnrnin es th e chal ­lenges Lhat archit ects focc in redi scoverin g cam­puses as special places for lcarnin f{.

Two Houston Houses 46 7}1 c<litorial int e rn s i\llark For syrh :rncl Carole Twit mye r pr esc 111 cwo hou ses with contra stin g approaches to bui lding in l lolL',ton's suburb s.

On the cover and large Image, this page : Polo Alto Community College , Son Antonio , by a joint venture of Jones & Kell and Delora Almond Ar-chite cts; photograph by Richard Payne, FAIA

Inset Image above : in­

terior of Lorge Animal Hospital , Texas A&M University , by HKS Inc.; photog raph by Rick Grunboum

Inset Image at right : Theatre and Fine Art s Building , Southweste rn University , by Hoover &

Furr Architects ; photo ­graph by Aker Photog -

' rophy , Houston

Page 6: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General


April I 994 TSA Quarterly Board Meeting and

Contracts & Liability Continuing Education Seminar

The Texas Society of Architects wishes to thank these companies for their generous support of the April 22-23, 1994, TSA Quarterly Board Meeting and Contracts & Liability Continuing Education Semina r at the Sheraton Fiesta in San Antonio :

Commercial Insurance Concepts, Inc.

PLUS / Professional Lines Underwriting Specialists, Inc.

Marvin Windows & Doors Distributors: Fisher Lumber / Fisher Horne Design Center Frontier Whole sale / Marvin Windows Planning Center Lone Star Plywood & Door Corp.

6 Texas Architect 5/6 1994

Page 7: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

TEXASARCHITECT Moy/June 1994 Volume 44, Number 3

7;_,.,,, ,•/rrbirm (ISSN: 0040-1 17'>) is pul,lishcd seven times per year (bimonthly and in April) hr chc Ti:xns Soc1ctv of Architects, I H West Sc,•cmh, Suite HOO. Au.s1ia;, Tcx:is il!701. TSA is the official 1hns s1-:t1c urg:1niz,1tio11 of the AmeriCllll lustirutc of Architects (Da\'id Luncustcr , Exct"'uti"c \'kc Prcshlcnt ). Cop>•· righ 1 11)94 h)' 1hc ·1cxas Sodcry of ArchitccLS.

J ocl Warren Bamu Editor Sus:rn Willinmson Assoclote Editor

§ § Nlark Denton Associate ,ubllsher

c:.1roll'11 llnkcr ~U/O!Y·""'H Advertising Representatlv, lb) • Oun 'nJ lcy 11 !IJOl -7101 Advenblng ReprHentalive

Lin.Ju Lnni,'lln Membership Dlrtt1or Irene Gnn• Comptroller

ISA Publications Committee C. NlJrk ScLlcy, AlA, 03113s (clu1inun.n): Dcnuis \\'. Clayton, AJA. Lul,l,uck ; L.1wrcncc 11. Connolly, Ali\, Micllnncl; Julin~ Gribou, AIA, Co llege S1n1ion; ,\hmin J. I lurm.,, ,\IA , Luubock; Vinccn1 J>. I lnuser, AIA, Austin: Douglas Koehne , Assoc. AIA, Long· ,•icw; Shafik I. Rifou1, AIA, I louswn; F.,I Soltero, As­,n,: . AIA, El P• so; Dc_nnis \,\'. St-;icv. AIA, Dnllns; l)nn Wigodsky, AIA, Snn Antonio; ·llill T. Wilson 11, AIA, Corpus Christi

Contributing Editors Du,•i,I Dillon, D•llns; S1cphcn Fox. 1 lo uston: Do u­glas 11:irvcy, San Antonio; Ne stor lnfo n~6n, AJA, Dnllos: 1.iln Knight, Austi n: Barbnrn Kocrblie, Fort \Vorth: Ger.Iii Moorhead, FAIA, IIous1on ; Willis Winter s . AJA. D•lla s: David Woodc ock, FAIA, RIUA, College Station

ISA Officers l)ovirl Messersmirh. AIA. Midland. Pn:.sidcnt: li>mmr C:11wnn, AlA, Austin, President-Elect; FnmL: F. Dou­~fas, l'i\.lA, l lousion, Vice l'n,s i,lcnt; Cnhricl Ournml­l lollis. AIA. San Antonio, Vice Prcsidcnr; Bill T. Wil ­son 11, AIA, Corpus Christi, Vice President; Randall C:. Gideon, AL\, Fon Worch, Vice PresiJem: It Nolen Willis, AIA, llou.ton, TrL':ISurcr;Jun Gaelic Pitnnnn, ,\ It\, l)n llas. Sccrctnrv; D:ivid Luncas1cr, Austin, £xc,-u­tivc \ r,,.., Prcsidcnl ·

ISA Board of Directors by Chapter James H. \Vheder , FAlA, Ahilcne Chap1er; Gregg Hli<s, ,\IA , Amarillo Chapter, Charle, Cmft, FAJA, 1\u<t1n C huptcr ; Thu m11s \V, Porker , AI.J\, Brow s Chnrtc r; D:1"id Ridner , AIA, Cu rpus Christi Ch11p­tcr; i'vl:irk I•'.. \ Vntford. AJA. D:11lns Chnp1cr: Leonnrd Nordel l, Al/\ , El Paso Chapter; Lawrence E. Fox­worth, AJA. Fon \Vorth Chapter; Naill lye Ap1)cl, AJA, I !oust on Chnptcr, Rolnntlo C'rt1rcin. AJA. Lower Rio <.;rnndc Valley Chap1cr; Michael F.. Atcheson, AJA, Lulil,oc:k Chapter; Brice Da,.is, AIA, Nnnhc:isr ·rcxns Chapter: Gregory M. Davis, AlA. Snn Anionio Chnp­tcr ; Dohn Ln8ichc, AIA, Soudtcast ·1ms Chapter; ,\li chacl Marrs, AlA, Waco Chapter: D,,,;cl Waylnml, Al,\, W,-st ·1~s Chapter; Cnnrnd Smlc)•, AlA, \ Vichi1,1 Fulls Chnp1cr;J11hn Onli Greer, FAIA, Collc[!C Srn-11rn1. and Jim C. Doche, FAIA, Al;\ Direcmrs: Lee Roy I lnhnfcJd. FA.I.A. Forr \ \lonh, TAF Chairmnn: J ohn Cnsbarinn, FAIA, Educator Member; •ml D r. Alcx­.1ndcr Sdtilt, Puhlic M.cmhcr

St-mnJ-cl:tss posroge paid nt Austin, Tcx:as, 2ml n,ldiriunnl mailing offices. Postmaller: Send nJJr cs, change., 1(1

li-..1·1u .-lrrbittrt, 114 West Seventh, Suite HOU, Austin, "1cm, 7870 I. Phone: (5 I 2)-+78-7386. Printed In thd J.S.A.

Suhscription price is $ 16 per y.,:,r for TSA mc:mhers, $21 r.irnonmembers wilh addresses in the continental U.S. Reproduction of cditoriul content widmut written pcr-111t~sicm is prohibited. Use of n,mcs and m1ngcs of prod­UL'tS and scnaces in ,mher cdirorinl or uclvertising docs nt 11 t..·onstin1rc nn endorsement 1,v TSA ur ,-\ lA, nor docs <'tllllltlcnt necessarily reflect :tn ~ffici:u opinion of either 111-guni1:ation. Tc.,w Arrbitm is indcxc,I hy 1he J\,•e,y lmlcx 11f \rchit ccturnl Periodicals, av:1ilnblc in major lihrnrics.


Does Design Matter? D URING THE LAST M:EETCNC of the T SA Publi cations Com mitt ee, there was a djscussion of issue themes for 1995, which ended with a spiri ted exchange on the question of whe ther desjgn still matte rs in today's marke cpb ce.

Some o f the co mmi ttee members, draw ing on recent clien t su rveys tha t show design and aesthe tics to be among the lowest ran ked of archit ectura l ser­vices, said design should matte r no mo re to archi tects tha n it apparently does to clie11ts- that arch itects should thin k of themselves pure ly as service provid­ers, meeting whatever needs clients dictate, re legating design to a low priority.

Oth er commi tt ee members argued thar such surveys reflect no more tha n the publi c's igno ran ce of what design really encompasses and what benefits it pro vides-that the pr edicta ble con -str uctib lity and serviceability that cli­ents pr ize over "design" is not sepa­rable from des ign in its t rue sense. Flt rth er, they said, it is only by emph a­sizing design in their practices that ar­ch.i tects can posit ion themse lves to thrive in today's marketplace.

As the discussion continu ed, more qu estions were raised tha n answered, and it beca me clea r that it wo uld be bard for a single author, in a single is­sue of th e magaz ine, to do justice to the m. It was proposed that we invite TA's readers to contr ibute to a series of stories on design to n m in 1995, and I am issuing that invitatio n. Ha s yo ur defi niti on o f desig n chan ge d s ince you left arc hi tect ur e schoo l? lfow does it match with the expecta­tions of yolt r clients? H ow can design se rvices best be mark e ted? H ow much em phasis should archi tects put on desig n , in relatio n to projec t de­livery and other services? Cm, archi­tects practice as if design doesn 't mat­te r? W h at, if an ything, should be do ne to make design matte r more to clients :md the public? Ca ll me to talk about con tr ihuting to what promises to be a spir ited deb,n e.


We Invite submissions to TEXAS AROllm:T for all our upcoming Issues. Scheduled Issue themes for 1994 Include

SE"/OCT '94 (dndllN t5JIH) · frN Tmlt HIii Des1t1t-Tun Arcllltects 11tl Wot1tlwldt M1rtets" 111t1 ·ease Stady: Public 111t1 CIYlc l1lldl11s"

NOV/DEC '94 (tlNtlllne t U1g) "Ann11I Review tf Taus ArdllltCtl1'9"

JAN/FEB '96 (tleatlll11 t 5 Oct) "Diversity ISSVIS 11 Practice" Htl "Arclllltcls' Tms"

We also need stories about new architectural projects, Interiors, historic presenatlon, urban design, zoning. mass transl! and highway deHlopment, competitions, and educatlan for our NEWS and SURVEY secllans. In addltlan, we are laoklng for slarles abaul Innovations In technique and management for aur SMALL PRACTICE ISSUES secllan.

If yau can help with any of these topics, please call TEW ARCHITECT al 512/478-7386 or fax at 512/478-09528 JWB

MARK D ENTON of Austi n has jo ined the staff as Texns Architect's new Associat e Pu blisher. Denton holds a degree in economi cs fro m UT Austin ; most recently he has directed market ing of an Austin real esta te com pany's develo pment ser­vices, gainin g considerab le publicatio ns expe r ience. As Associate Publjsher, he will head TA's marketi ng effort, working close ly with Adve rtisin g Rep resenta­tives Carolyn Baker (who han dles na t io nal and statewide accolrnts outs ide Housto n) and Ray Do n T illt::y (who wiU represe nt TA in the H ousto n aTea). Den ton is a terr ific addj tion to the TSA staff, and I know that readers and ad-verti sers will enjoy working with him in the futur e. Joel Wn.rren Bamn

Texas Architect 5/ 6 1994 7

Page 8: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General


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Clrcle 11 on the reader Inquiry cord

Clrc:le 28 on the reader Inquiry co rd

8 Texas Architect 5/6 1994

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TULSA Mar vin Windows Planning Center 6922 S. Lewis Tulsa, Oklahoma 7 4136 800 / 283-6352 918 / 481-6352 Attn: Tom Braswell

OKLAHOMA CITY Marvin Windows Planning Center 116 E. Sheridan, Suite 100, Brlcktown Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73104 800 / 766-4690 405 / 235-5633 Attn: Gary Dawson

Page 9: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General


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~ -

Clr cle 4 on th e rea der Inquiry cord

Page 10: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

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Page 11: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

Letters TitA~i-s for the copy of Lhc Janunr y/Fehnrn11 i!>l>llt: of Tt·.\'lls, /rd;itl'rr. I. too, w:1.!> p3rticulnrly t,1ken with John McGinty's sensible discussion of nrchiu.:cts nnd engineers. Maybt: it can help :ill nf us ro srny on :i higher pl11nc when chis comes up. Bob II. Pa k

Group 1 'iu Prrsidmt. fa·tt:m11I. IJ]itirs • l111rrimu lnslitlllt' r,f. lrcbitc•cts

fVi1shi11gtQ11, D.C.

' 11tA:-!KS for sending me a copy of rhc Jnnuary/ h :brunry 1994 71·x11s .·lrd,itm. I enjoyed rL·uding 1r. Ir is :in excellenr issue. As 1tlways, ir seems ro r:usc important points :tbout professional rel:i-111111,;hips. It seems th:111i:.\'f/S. lrrhit1•rt IS itselr ;1 n:11ion:1l treasure-it docs a line joh ofhr inging t111porc:111t issut:s forw:inl for consider:llion.

Virgil R. Cnrte,; FAlA Group Vier Pn:sidmt

A111cria111 lnstit/ltc ofAuhitras ll 11sb111gu111, D.C.

\ misst:1temcnt :ippenrcd in the ,\111rch i~sue of your publication. Tn the credits section of tJ1e


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Tc:-:1::. '\&~! Community Ce nter article, the Proiccr Architect should he, "Rich:ml De Leon, Jr .• /\LA." Otherwii.c, thnnks to you and ,\l:1rk Fors) th for nn c.:xc:cllcm aniclc.

Richard De Le<111, J1:, A /A I "iu Pr,-s11l,•111

R,J.·I' Ogt/1•11 Figm·ro11. /rchitat.r, Jnr. I fllrli11g1·11,

The Movies In your "nrc himo, •ic:." guide r,:·I. Scpt/(kt 199_1), I'm concerned that you may lrn\'c not re­scorched one of the mnsr imporranr :m;hitcc­rurnl films knmrn ro cincm:11ographcr!- every­where: Stm11g1•1:r Wh1•11 ll 'c 1\lt-i·t (1 y6o).

This epic starred Kirk Douglas ,t:. the archi­tect, Kim Novnk in her Pimir swc:11er d:tys. Ernie Kov:iki. hcliirc hb l:i:.t cigar, B:1rh:m1 Ru:.h whu w;is very hot h;1ck then. ;111d ;1 much younger \•\'alter ,\ 'lnn:hau. Kirk had designed n he:nn.imusrcsic lcnci us co mc111pnrnnim11s some­

'' here in or on the I lollywood hills. It must have been nc:1r. hccau~c it didn't t:ike much time for Kirk in his architect\ convcrr ihlc anti

I 0 N

Circle 1 O on th e reader Inquiry cord

Kim 111 her house,, iferl)'-"woody"-hmlacimh Chrysler station w:11,:011 (fore runner of :11l ,u l1-urh11n :ut:ick ,chicle-:) to drive lO rhc new how,c site for a rende2,, otL~. The new hou:.c w:1:, under construcrion until the last fode-:iway fr:11nc.

Film buffs won't hclie, •c you nusscd chis l>c:1ut~. Kirk due..'> much u1lking with clenched 1ee1h anJ tensed j:1,1 hone, liut no dr:iwing. docs much hc:wy bre:11hing :1ml sighing. 130th of lhcrn gel ~cvcr:11 ~ub-Ooor ~11lintcr~ in their h:1cksides ,111d WI! c:111 cut rn nll'ln) cr:1~hing 1960-v inrngc w:wc:; before the final "fade to black." B:irl111rt1 pou ts :ind gut nn tn,·nrd for hand - ringing and Kovacs :111d ,\l an.h:iu nrc wasted, hut proh:ihly h:1tl fun ,moking .rnd drinking :nlult l1cvcr:1gc..,; 1111 cn111p:rn} time.

Twas conliclcnt after,, hai I SIi\\ I low:irtl do 10 Dominil(UC year~ car lit:r :md \\ h:11 Kirk did LO Kim 1h:1t I h:11( cho~cn well liir 111) lifo\, work. Herc is n whule movie deYoted to the ;-irchitcct's :irr- :ind vou missed ic. Thanks for the ·r / series.


Robert H. L eMo ud , FALA L,•,\lr,111/. lrdm, ·tt.r

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Page 12: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

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Texas Architect 5/ 6 1994 13

Page 14: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

News Planning the pork 14 HOUSTON A new master pion for Hermann Pork addresses issues facing the pork in both the near and longterm.

A New Look 15 DALLAS Austin architeCI Bethany Romey-Nix re-designed an 8,000-

squore-foot gallery 01 the Dallas Museum of Art.

Of Not e 15

Ca lendar 17

Eight winners nam e d 18 HOUSTON Eight projects and a number of individuals were hon­ored at AIA Hou ston's annual awards gala .

Lubbock honor s de sign 21 LUBBOCK Five projects were chosen as winners in the Lub­bock chapter design-award competition .

LAWS , REGS & RED TAPE 22 Reform of the Deceptive Trade Practices Act is one of the Texas Society of Archi tects' top legis­lative priorities for 1994.

14 Texas Architect 5/6 1994

Planning the park HOUSTON Surrounded hy pre~tigious Rice Uni,}, the world-renowned ·1cxas ,\lcdi ­c:il Center. a11 expandinl,! 111u~e11111 district, :ind depressl!d inner-city neighhorhomb, l lou swn's 1Jcr111:11111 Par!.. has ncedcd a 111:ll>­ter plan for nearlr 60 ~1cars. A privat e non ­prolit gro up, the Friends of l ler111:111n Park. has decided to fund the development of just such :1 com prehen sive pl:in. The group h:1s commb,ioncd L:iurie ( )lin uf I lann:1/Olin. Ltd .• or Philnclclphio, Penn., to develop :i plan ro rci1wigo­r:1 rc the well-use d but thn.::1dh:1re ,+07-:1cre park :1, one of the ''!,rrc:11 p.trks of the ,1 orltl." The project tn re,er~e the p:trk':. tlete· rior:tt ion i:. :.trcmgl) :.up­porrecl by ,\l nyor Boh Lanier, whose ncl111iniscr.i­tion h:1,; a hro:itl go:il of "cst:ihli,;hing :1 qu:ilit)' of lift: in the city th:tr is su­perior w the ,uhurbs;" hy doing i.o the :1dmini,tr :trion hopes to tlr:1,1 popul:itinn h:tck inw :t den ser, more urh:tn city center . • \l:t) o r Ltnier's dirccti, ·e to Olin w:is to "fix it."

\,\'hen timber ~tnd real est:ltt: million:tirc George I lcrm:inn don:tted che initi:11 285 :1crci, 111 1914, the 11:1rk w:1, rwu miles sout h of tht: city on the open pr .1irie. Suh~equcni :1tl­dition, cnl:1rged the area to 535 .1cres, ,ince nibhled h;H:I.. to ,+07 h} expan,ion of the medical c.:entcr on the ~omh edge of Lhe pnrk. Pl:ins tlevclopcd hy George Ke!t\lcr in 11) •-+ :ind I !:ire & I !are in 1930 esttthlishcd the hn­sic diagon:11 :1xis that urg:inizes the p:irk to­d:1}, u,ing the formal clemcnts or rounr:tins. the S:tm flou l,tull i\lonument, the reflecting h,t!tin. :111d the lake.

I lerm,mn P:1rk recei,ed 5.2 millinn ,i,i­rors in 1993, nrtracted tu a 57-:tcrc 1.00, :1

J :tpancsc G:irden. the .\lu seum of N:nura l Science, the ,\lill er Omdoor Th eater. :1 g:ir­den center, :ind :i golf course, rhc first in tht: U.S. to he r:tci:1lly integrated (in 1930). The p:trk i!t :1 popular destination hut i,hows the result:. of su:.taincd use :md minimal c:tre.

Olin's ma\ter pl:tn, curren t!) being pre­senrctl in :1 i,erie:, of communit}-input ~c:.­sions, addresses the m:ijor issues facing th e p:irl... Thcse include 11':tflic (circuhition :ind

p:1rking), dr:tinagc. erosion, ~:ifcry, expan:-ion of the cX-isting focilities. increa se of green :tr­e:h, :ind in tebrr:trion of rhc p:1 rk s many :11 t r:ic-1 ions into :1 unified whole.

Sc,er:il ,111:111 park imprmcmcnt projccti, 11lrc:td} in progrc" .trc heing incorpora ted into tht: plan. f-11nd-r:1ising for :111 e,tim:llcd S, 5 million h:1s hcg1111 for the initi.,I prnjcct'i : restoration of the reflecting h:1~in; desibrn of

A new ma ster pion for Houston 's

Hermann Pork call s for creation

of a great meadow to be located at

the edge of the pork 's lake .

parking .rntl gnrclen~ for the (;:irden Center; lnke imprm cmcnt:.; :tntl thc for111:1cinn of :1 nc,, feature :n lnke's edge- a gre:11 111cadow. Pl:ins for 11nprm·e111ents to the park herwccn the S:1111

I lousion ,\ lonumcnt :incl the Great B:1,in, de­\1clopecl :1s p:irt of the l lc :1rt ol' I 'lcrm:tnn Park tlesibrn competition ,pmm,red in 1992 l,y the rrientls or l lcmrnnn Park (I : I, Jan /Fch 1993). will be incorpor:ited. L11ngcr-r:111ge projeeL'i will t:tcklc prohle1m ,1 ith h';1ffic through the p:1rk and around rhc mcdit~1I center.

Olin hclieves th:ir parb dcrivc their mean ­ing from children: "If it 11 ork, for children, it works for :tdulrs." The park should he de ­signed for p:1s'iion, joy, and whimsy, he add~. Olin's rccommcnd.uion s :ire practical and, wilh a wt:1I estimated cost 11( less thnn $100 million over 10 years. :ichicvahlc. In many rhoughrful and consitlcr:lte ,,:iy,, Olin\ ma,­rer plan c:tn fix I lermnnn Par!...

Gcmltl Moor be(I(/, FA IA

I /o11s1011 11rrhitefl Ca11/tl ,\ luol'/Juul, 1-:·II. /, is 11 ·1c,:1:, ·\rchilecl ro111rib11ti11g 1•di101:

Page 15: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

A New Look DALLAS T he openin g of the Ha mun Building 111 September was the D:111:is ,\lus cum of An 's

h1g news l:is t foll , but orher tmp <ir rnnt ch:inges lrnvc: bee n co ntinuin g sin ce th en. One or lh esc i~ 1he rcnr g:1nizati on or space

\\ ithin Ed ward Li1rrah ec R:irnc s's o r igirrnl hu ildin g ( 198 4 ) to hou:.e th e ,\h1 sc 11m of C11n1cmp ,1r:1ry :\rt - th e th ird o f 1he 111stitu tio n'!> museum s within th e mu seum crullm\ ing the ,\'luseu111 of Europe , :ilso in the o rig ina l huildin g, and the i\lu sc um of the

Abov e and left : The Da lla s Mu ­seum of Art' s J.E.R. Ch ilt on Gall ery houses part of th e Mu seum of Con· te mporary Art , one of the DMA 's new museums wi thin the muse um. Aus­tin ar chit e ct Be than y Ramey­N ix re desig ned the Inte rior she ll .

,\m en cas in the l h1111011 lluildln g). T h e new suh - 11111se u111 i,; huu-1ed 0 11 1hc

g rou11d le\ cl in the U:1rrcl Voull , Qu :idr :1111 G nlleric-., ,11111 J.F.R. Chilt on G11ller}, nntl <lbpl:iy,, on :i rm:itin g l1:1~i:,, pieces from th e

Di\ IA\ pcn11n11em m l lec tion of cont emporar y

:trt ;ind design. includin g inu :rnt1riun11I nn from 19-1-5 LO th e present . Travelling exhibi­t ions ore house d tn th e llarr e l \ 'aulr nnd Qu n<lrnnt Galleries.

"Cbil11m G11llt•1y, " ro111i111ml ,111 p11gt• tr,

OF NOTE "Green" home wins propane award Austin architect Rick Remor e won fir st place in the 1993 Propan e Gal ­lery of Architectural De sign comp e­tition spon sored by the National Propan e Ga s Association. Remore re ceived the award for his environ ­mentally sensitive de sign of a re si­dence i n Lakeway . The house, which uses propane ga s throughout , fea ­ture s exterior wall s constructed of polystyr ene blo cks with concr e te fill instea d of wood stud s.

Texans win book awards Two Texa s author s w e re among 25 winn e rs in th e AIA 1994 Int e rna­tional Architecture Book Award s comp et i t ion . Joe l Warren Barna 's book THE SEE-THROUGH YEARS: CRE· ATION AND DESTRUCTION IN TEXAS AR• CHITECTURE ANO REAL ESTATE, 1981 • 199 1 wa s a winner In the architec ­tural h is tory category . Anthony Alof sin, profe ssor of ar c hite ctur e a t th e Univ e r sity of Texa s, wa s honor ed in th e monograph category for FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT: THE LOST YEARS, 1910 -1922 , A STUDY OF INFLUENCE.

Statue installed at memorial A bronz e statu e by Au stin archi te ct Bob Coff ee is th e focal po int o f t he Tex a s She riff 's M emo rial , which Is to be formally dedic at ed in May . The memorial Is loca t ed adjac ent to t he entry of th e She r i ff 's A sso c iation of Tex a s' he adquarter s in Au stin . The statu e depict s an early -day Texa s lawman di smounted from his hor se.

Galveston book re-issued Ric e Univ ers ity Press, In a ssoci at ion with the Mu se um of Fine Art s, Hou s­ton, has publi shed a new edition of THE GALVESTON THAT WAS. The book, with t ex t by t he lat e Hou ston archi ­tect Howard Barn ston e , FAIA, and photograph s by Henr i Cartl e r­Bress on and Ezra Stoller , wa s origi­nally publi she d In 1966. The c urr ent edition corr ect s factual e rror s and add s new information and upda t es on cond i tion of building s cov ere d .

Texas Architect 5/ 6 1994 1 5

Page 16: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General


•• Cbi/1011 Gnllrry, ~ ronti111ml from p11gr 15

Under Lhe ne,, org:rnil3tional pl:in, lhc Chilton Galle ry wa!> designated ns the e;d1ihi-1 ion sp:1<.:e for the pcr mnne nc co llection . Faced,, ith the dlfficuh.ies of effecLively pre­senting Lhe collection, the D1\ lA looked ro .\ u!.­

Lin nrchitccl Bethany Ramey-Nix for n redesign of the 8,000-squ:ire-foot inlcrior shell.

The resulting design leads "isit0r, lhrough six sepuatc spaces, dispb) •ing-in n loo~c chronology-modem an from :ih,tract C\

prcssion1,m, to pop art, color-field p:iinting, decor:nivc :irts, anJ minima lism. The chro ­noloin i, inccrrupled b) the gallerr\ centr;1l ,pace. The walls of thi5 cuh1c room arc sl1ifced 61.5 degrees from the prc,•iou~ orthogona l ori­entation co rcOc1.:t 1he , ;mable n:nure of the room's usage. Currently dbplaying rccem ac­quisicion~, in Lhe future thii,, space will house ch:inging Lhem:mc exhibition!>: wort.. from the permanent collection will he st:ining point for ~uch themes as figur:ition, realism, :md regional painting and sculpture.

T he newl)' redesigned Chilton Gallery al­lows the first large-scnle displny of the

/'1 11 ,,111 ..,, {}()()·, 1111,sl,,/ 111 1/r, , /l(l/11 1 1/,r,11 Ult/


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Circle 125 on the reader Inqu iry card

16 TP.xns Archilecl 3/ 4 1994







Museum's extensive perrnancm collection of contcmpora11 art !>ince , 989 . ,\nncgreth '\:ill, associate curator of contemporary an for the DMA, soicl, " I think thot we h;wc created a


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Circle 13 on tho roador Inquiry card

Left : entry to rotated central secti on of the Chilton Gallery

Left : Chilton Gall e ry (shad e d) Is In the DMA's original bulldlng .

dyna mic and challenging inst:11l:1tio11 of the permanent collection. I hope it will rekindle the excitcmcm of the Dallas arts communit)."

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Clrclo 29 on tho reader Inquiry card

Page 17: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

CALENDAR TSA Design Awards May 31 Is the deadline for the 40th Annual TSA Design Awards competi ­tion. All architects registered in Texas are Inv ited to send one or more entri es for consideration by this year's jury : Gyo Obata, FAIA; Hsln-Mlng Fung ; and Kevin Kennon. Texas-resident architects can submit pro jects located anywhere; out-of­state architects must enter Texas pro jects . Con struction mu st have bee n completed after Jan . 1, 1988 . See back cover of this Issue for com· plete rules and entry form.

Exhibition of School Architecture Entries in a school architecture de· si gn competition will be accepted in t hree categories: new co nst ruction, addi tions and /or renovations to ex­is ting structures, and previously en­te red projects for display only . Proje cts completed between Sept .

1, 1989 , and Jan . 1, 1994 for public and private schools from grades K through 12 and two -year colleges will be accepted. The award win ­ners will be exhibited at the Texas Association of School Administra ­tor s/Texas Association of School Board s convention in Dallas In ear ly Octob er and at the Texas Society of Architects annual meeting in Austin later that month . Texas Association of School Administrators/Texas Asso­c iation of School Boards (Attn: Debbie LaRoche, P.O. Box 400, Aus­tin 78767; 512/467-3611), entry deadline: JUNE 17

Degas Landscapes An exhibition of work by French im­pressionist Edgar Degas (1834-1917) brings toge th er a rare collection of 75 of the artist 's landscape paint­ings, watercolors, and drawings, In­cluding more than 30 of the artist's

lhere' A Meltdown • 1n lexas! We're melting our finest alloys of bronze, aluminum, and other specially metals here in the lone Star stale and, Lcwdy, is it HOT! So hot that we're developing a reputation in these fXJrts and throughout the notion. "That foundry in Texas."

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Circle 22 on the reader Inquiry car d


pastels and monotypes exhibited to­gether for the first time In 100 years . Degas, better known for his paintings of the human figure , painted land scape s throughout his career, but the work has not often been exhibited together. The Mu ­seum of Fine Art s, Hou ston (713 /639-7300), through JULY 3

Texas Archilecl 5/6 1994 17

Page 18: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General


Eight winners named HOU STON Fight prn1cc.:h rccc1,•cd honor, 111

the 11}!).J \I\ 11011,ton dc~ign a,1:ird~ co111pc-1111on Jur or, l..1uric I l.1,1 l.111,on o( Sm11h­.\ ltll cr + I LH1l..1mon in '\:c,1 \ nrk, \Ll\ Li:,}

ol ,\l:ix Le~} \r chit ct·t 111 Dall;.-., nnd Fr:inl.. '\cmcth of 1· llerhc Becket in \linn c,IJ>Oli, chow the ,, inner.; from ;imrmg 64 cntnnh.

I lonor ;1,1ard~ in the arch itecture catcgo11 ,11:rc gi, en to four pro1ccts. \\ 'inner<; included

1hc Penn Pl.n \~semhl) Pl,1111 111 !-i:111111:,, I rnncc: .rnd the I lope Fl cn11.:n1.1r} School 111

I lnpc:. Ind., h) 1';1f1 ,\rcl,it ccl\; th e \ 'olk..­

" a~cn de \le\lco Rc1.1il Fm ironmc111 l' rotn I} pc hy CRSS \n:h1tcth. Inc ... md 1h1. ' li.:\.1'

\tJtc C:ip11ol E~tcns1nn in \u'1in h} H)/ln­tcrn.monal Jnd Ford, Pm, e ll & C:or:.on, Inc ..

111 Joint 1c11111rc. \\'illi.1111 F. Stem~ \.,,ue1Jtc,, \rch11cct.

,, .,, prescmcd .rn honor .manl 111 the rcnc1, J­

ll(ln e:Hcgor} for it, ,,ork on the 1Jcnp1mm

.rnd \L1rg.1re1 Kicchen Rcsiucncc m 1 fmMon. I hree pro1ect:. 11crc wlcctcd for honor

.1,1 ards in interior nrchitccturc. Th ey ,, ere

the Carling L.1b; 111 Ou.l\\a. Canada. ~ind the \11d1 Pre,cnt.111011 Center hy C.RSS .\rchi­tcu,, .ind the K1nl..,11d \l iddtc ~chool 111 I lmMon h) Kirkse}- \I eyers \rdut ects.

fo o .1ddi1iun.1l J\\ .ml, ,,ere prc,cntc.:d: the I hom.b Jeffer,on \,1:ml. g11cn .innu.1ll} to

.rn 111tliviclun I ,, ho h11~ demon~ , r.ncd "crca111·­l t}, cxp;111,i,c 1i:.1on ,1nd ren.1i":1ncc ap­pro.1ch," and the l\1·e111y-Fi,c ,car \1,ard for dl\tingu1,hcd .1rch11cc1Urc nf in~ung quality. C,..:nrgc \1 1tchell. ( FO and clrn 1rm:111 or \l11chcll I ncr!-') ~ Dc,clupmcnt and UC\cl­npcr of The \\'omll11nd,, ,1.1- th" rear\ rc­c1p1c.:111 of the: J cffcr~on •\,1ard : th e Alie) ·1 he.Iler. de"1r11c.:<I h) LI rich Fr:1111en :inti \,-

18 Texas Architect 5/ 6 1994

Hop e Ele mentary , (abo ve left ) and Pe nn Pla x Plant (ri ght), Taft Archit e cts; Cap itol Exte nsion (abov e, ce nte r), 30 /lnt e r­natlonal and Ford , Powell & Carson

:.nc1.11c.:, ,,id, \l.1cKic .rnd Kamrath 111 1968,

,, :1' ,elected for the T,H·nr> -FiH: \'e,1r \,1.1rd. \r c:hit ccts. contr:lttor,; .. rnd m1 ncr, for all

the ,, 111ning project:. 11 ere honored .11 :1 ccr­cmon} 111 ,\pri I.

F1,c chap ter honor, ,,ere a lso inc luded in

th1; cercmon). \ \':titer P. \loorc. J r., ch:iirman of the h11;1rd ol \\,1ltcr P. \ loorc ;Ind \-.soc1-.1tc.::,, a con.,ulting cng111ce r in)! f1r111, ,, .,,

granted honorar. 11Ht111iicr~hip; the Fdu ca1or \, ,, :1:. pre,erncd to Brncc.: \\'elili. profc,­

~or nf :1rchircc111rc JC the L ni, cr:.11) of I lou,­ton ,;inec ICJH; P:1111 , c:1tt:., owne r of P:1ul Yca11, Fnu.:rpn,c, Inc., \ t 1,onf}' C:omraccor-,.


Carling Lab 5, CRSS Architect s (top left); Kinkaid Middle School , Kirksey -Meyer s Architects (top right) ; Audi Presentation Center , CRSS

Architect s (second row, left) ; Retail Environment Proto­typ e, CRSS Archi­tects (second row, right); Kitchen Resl· dence, WIiiiam F. Stern & Associates (third row, right)

,,a, gi,c11 the C:r:1f1sm:1n \\\'arcl : ( , curgt:

Snc:in, II II on the \rt i:.t \11 :ml; and .1 Cira­liun of I Inn or,, 11, :111 .1rdcd w the Gnh •cs ton I l i!.torical Found.nion. MF

Page 19: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

MEMBERSHIP INTEREST CARD Tell 1nc 1J1ore 11bo11t TS~JIAIA.1 Pl11n con11t1 •• abowl Ile 11"1u111d h111i111f Jel1jn9 lh 11111 SoclllJ ol &rc.itttll / &a1rtt11 ln1111u11 of &r<klltcts

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Page 20: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General



TEU ARCHITECT 114 W 7TH ST, STE 1400 AUSTIN, TX 78701 -9833

1111.I I 111.111 all l,1111,llld,.l11 I 11, ll11,ll11I 1111



SARCHITECT 114 W 7TH ST, STE 1400 AUSTIN , TX 78701-9833

I I,,, I I 1111 I 111 II I 11111.I 11.1 •• 1 •• 1 •• , 11 •• , 11, ii,, II








114 W 7TH ST, STE 1400 AUSTIN , TX 78701 -9833

11, 11ll111.I 11, I ll,1111 il l I.I, ,111111,II, 11ll111 ,,II



TEXASARCHIT:ECT 114 W 7TH ST, STE 1400 AUSTIN, TX 78701-9833

ll,1111111.111.II I,, 11, ,lll,l11I,, 111 ,ll,11ll1,I 11II





Page 21: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

Lubbock honors design LUBBOCK Five projects wen: ~clcc1cd as,, in­ner, in the 1993 1\l \ Luht. ock dcsign 11\1:1rd, rn mpctiLion.Ju rors Charl1:., 1 larp er, F\ I•\ , uf \\ 'ichitn F:1115; Jim Dochc, F'\ l:\ , of \m arillo: :incl D:1vid Farrell of Dallas, chose the winners from among-13 submissions.

Two :iwnrds or merit were prese nted, both to AC Associnres. T he lirst woe; for the \ lcth­od ist I lo~pitnl Kniph ng Confc rcnce/E du ca­lion Ce nt er in Luhh ocl. and 1he 5crnnd for a re s 1 .1rca on Tntc rst:11e 17 in 11:ilc Cn unl ),

\ C \.',!,oci:itc~ :1lso \IC ,n two honnrnhlc tnt: 11-

tion~: for the Outpatient lnrnging C: ntcr imd for the Corpor.itc Child Care Ce nter :it ,\l cthodist I lospit:1I. .\ third honorable mcnrion oward went 10 SLS Parmcrship, lnc., for d1e corpor:1tc ofliccs of the 11:llli,rren Comp:iny m Lubhrn.:l . NIF

Alenco wrote the book.

Call for your copy. TI1e 1994 product selection guide with

working details 10 help you pl:lll your new or renovation projecL

Free to you from Alcnco Commercial Division of Redman Building Products, lnc., America's largest manufacturer of aluminum windows.

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Circle 129 on the reader Inquiry cord




Hw;,J~ ~··M'21 f1UI 70 ,763' ru. 17U I 14 1-UM

A Member of the Association Clrclo 137 on tho roodor Inquiry cord

Knipling Center (top left}; Inter· state rest area (top right} ; Chlld ·

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Clrclo 14 on tho roador Inquiry cord

Texas Architect 5/ 6 1994 21

Page 22: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General


DTPA: Reform Needed TSA GovF.RNMl>NT Al ' FAJRS Comrnittt:e Chair­

man Ronnie Wooten, FALA, and Executive Vkc

President David 1.:rncaster recently announced

their 1994 legislative prioricies, beaded hy re­

form of the Deceptive Trade Pr:1ctices Acr.

The DTPA, a product of rising consumer

expectations in the last two decades, was in­

tended tu protect consumers :tgainst false, mis­leading, ~ind deceptive business practices, un­

conscionable actions, and breaches of warranty.

Under the law, a consumer is ddincd as an in­dividual or corporation wich a net worth of less

than $25 million. Since they are expensive, man}' buildings are

bui lt by owne rs who don't qualify as consumers.

But for owners who do qualify under DTPA as consumers, it has become routine to cast 111:11-

practice claims against :1rchirecrs in 1he guise of

DTPA :ictions, because findings of gu ilr under

the DTPA :ire subject co u-iple d:1111:igcs.

Despite th e White Budd verdict (sec T. I May/J unc 1993, p. 22), as :i pmctic:11 111:itter, rhc great(!St thrc:tt LO architects under the DTPA does not lie in tht: off-chance of losing a case.

lnsceacl, the prohlt:m is tJ1at the spectre of triple

damages causes insumnce companies to cur and

run and settle cases they cou ld have won in crial. Take a $ 100,00 dnllar le :1k, tuss in

$500,000 in arrornC}' fees, triple it, and you're talking real money. By settling anywhere within

policy limits, insurers avoid the effects of the legal doco·ine that holds a company rejecting ;1

settlement offer witl1in polic}' limits liable for

potential dam:igt:s beyond those limits. The lawyers, of course, prosper :.tnd the in­

surance companies :in: content within their ac­

tuarial landsc:ipe . The only viccims arc the ar­chitects whose reputations go undefendecl,

along witl1 the resr of us whose premiums will

go up nc.\'.t year. For all professionals, rhi: fundamental

questions before the cou rt s and, eventually before rhe legis latur e :ire, "Does tl1e DTPA

app ly to profe ssiona l services?". "Shou ld it?".

and "Wi ll ir?"

To the first question, the answer is yes, at

least in part The legislative and legal hisrory of

the DTP A is marked by recognition of the so­

cieta l rrentl from a goods-oriented to a service ­

orien tecl economy. Former -icx:.ts Supreme

Court Justice Oscar M:mzy, the sponsor of the DTPA when he was a st:tte senat or, has written:

"We must be wi lling ro expand or limit the law dependent upon the perceived ills of a changing

2 2 Texas Architect 11/12 1993

snciety .. . . Any ot her policy wou ld ... deny the

rights of the people whom wt: represent." T hi s mean s that we cannot and proh:1bly

shou ld nut csc:ipe those provis ions of the law that bar knowing ntisreprcsent1tions of facts in

advertising, failures m disclose conOicts of in­terest, un ethical hilling, :111d the like. T hi s me1111s architects shou ld be carefu l not to repr e­

sent themselves as "u nique ly qualified."

\~ 1hat the Supreme Court has no t )'Ct made

cle:ir is whether there is :m implied w:1rr:1nry of

good :ind workmanlike perfor manc e in the pro­

vision of professio nal serv ices thnt can be

breached simply by a bad result- that is, if scrict

liahi liry shou ld apply. In other words, it's the

warranry of performance versus the w:1rrancy of

result, :111 aq,"l.1melll th:tt gc,cs right m the heart

o f professiona lism. Shou ld we, as professionals,

be held LO a s trict liabi lity imerpretation oft hi:

DTPJ\? It is in the hcst interest of society that we 11m he, :111d our leg is lative and m11irus arrinr effons shou ld let no one forger rh::it. By defini­

linn, architects and engineers, nlong with doc­tor-; :111d l:1wyer-;, oper:1te in a field of uncer­

r:iinry that requires dealing with options chat can seldom be ohject ively balanced. fa •en the

most sk illful e.~ercise of professiona l judgm ent

c:rnnot f,"1.lara n tee happiness. If that were the

case, paricnts woulcl never die, bui ldings would never leak, and attorneys would never lose law­

s11its. On the other hand, where rhere is ris"' there is reward; the :irtfu l exercise of learned

judgement is the wdlspring of so.iring achicve-

111c_111. \,\le can rnisc the argument that, as pro­

ft:ssionu ls, un like tradesmen, we are a lready subject to m.1lpracticc claims. Addin g rhe ham ­

mer of the DTPA will force professionals into a defensive posrure thac wil l roh society of the positive benefits of experimencation and crc­

adviry. lntcrcstingl~·. Ute metlic:il mnlprncdcc ace already states that professional malpractice

consrirures an adequate publi c remedy for li­

abi lity questions ;md holds rhe DTPA ro he in­

app licable. The same should apply ro design


ll ow rhe question is deciclcd depend s on the effecrivcne_ss of our lulibying effo rts as we ll as

the outcome of cases cur rentl y before the Su­

preme Court. Your p:irticipntion in these efforts

could make n big difference.

Jolm M. McGi 11ty, FAlA

]oh11 1'1. McGin~)', FAJA. is 11 pri11ripnl ()[Amcri­rrm Comtrurtitm luvestigf/tions, Inc.

Abilen e Glass & Mirror Abilene 915-698-1631 AOC Energy Sys tems Victoria 512-572-8654 Bell Glass & Mirror Co. Killeen 817-699- 1900 Big Tin Barn Katy 713-492-657S CDW Specia lties, Inc. Stafford 713-530-8100 Cass ity .Jones Longview 903-759-0736 Tyler 903-595-376 1 Chickasaw Lumber Compan y Fort Worth 817-332- 1257 Classic Opening s Irving 214-917!6-9600 Contractor s Glass Product s Corpus Chri sti 5 12-854-8 188 W.E. Darden Waco 817- 772-3450 Energ y Bank H OU!>l011 713- 72 1-9 100 The Energy Shop Carrollton 214-446-1763 Dallas 214-349-4588 Entry Door Denton 8 17-56S-0366 Cloor Lum ber Brownsville 2 10-S46-42 .W Howtex, Inc. Texarkana 903-832-6566 Ideal Lumber Galveston 409-744-7 18 1 lnsulPanc Tyler 903-597-6853 Kilgore 's Clear Lake Lumb er Co. League City 71 J-332-9351 Leslo Distributo rs Lufkin 409-634-8253 MG Bui ldin g Material s Corpus Chrisli 512-884-98 11 Norlh s ide Millwork San Anto nio 2 10-733-9117 Pear land Lumb er Pearland 713-485-1474 Quarle s Lumber Fort Worth 817-926- 176 1 South Texas Mouldin g, Loe. Donna 210-464-3371 Striplin g Blak e Lumber Austin - North 5 l 2-465-4200 Austin - South 512-892-6700 New Braunrcl s 210-625 -34 17 William s Buildin g Suppl y Austin 512--+47-8191 Wood lands Glass Produ cts Spring 713-367-4489

Circl e 20 on the reader Inquiry cord

Page 23: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General



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Made to satisfy the growing demand for a hassle-free tjlt­wash window. the New Andersen DC window is nol only remarkably easy lo clean (Lhe patented wash assists let the lower sash tilt in with fingertip ease). it's incredibly easy to install.

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And, if Lhat isn·t enough, both sash are weathersLripped on all sides with a rigid vinyl material that cuts friction, drafts and sticking.

Furthennore, al I of the Andersen DC windows can withstand 8 inches of rain per hour, driven by 43 mph winds without leaking.

Ask your nearest Window Center uhout the one tilt-wash window that does everything right.

Page 24: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

Sp e cia l Ad ver tising Se cti on

Case Study: New Health Care Architecture Texas Architect presents its annual case study of recent Health Care projects, published to coincide

wit h t he annual convention of the American Hospital Association in Dallas, August 1994. Watch for winners of TAHDA!, the biannual Texas Architecture for Health Design Awards, October 1994.

PROJECT : Centro Medico de la Muf er, Hospital Los Angeles

CLIENT : ABA / lnmuebles SA De C.V.

ARCHITECT : Henningson, Durham & Richardson. Inc. (HDR)

ENGJNEERS: HOR (MEP): Analysis Y Projectos Rationales SA (structural)

SPECIAL CON SULT ANT S: Mitchell (equipment planning)


Technica SA CONTR AC TOR: Planeaclon Technlca S.A.

PROJECT: Hospital Privado

CLIENT: Hospital Privado de Hermosilo , SA de C .V.

A RCHITECTS: Healthcare Environment Design (HED), Arqultectos y Urban lstas

ENG INEERS: R.L Goodson . Jr .. Disei\os De lngenieria Civil

24 Texas Architect 5/ 6 1994

(structural); Hector Gome1. Engineers, Consulcores En lngenieria Disei\o De lnscalaciones (MEP)

SPECIAL CON SULTANTS: HELP Internacional (medical equipment)



Centro Med ico de la Mujer

Above, lerr: perspective views

Below left: first-Roor plan

Far left: Inte rior perspective at medical mall

Hospital Privad o

Below: entry perspective

Facing page bottom : first- Roor plan

Page 25: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

Wenwood Medical Center

Top: entry penpectiv e

Special Advertising Section-Case Study : New Hea lth Car e Archit ect ur e

.. /

Abov e middl e: ae ri al penpective

Abov e: fint •floor plo1n

PROJECT: Westwood Medical Center CLIENT: Champion Healthcare Corporation

ARCHITECT: Collins/Reisenbichler ArchitectS (CRA) ENOINEERS: Smith. Seckman & Reid (MEP); The

Core Group (structural)




CONTRACTOR : McDevitc Street Bovis




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Circle 111 on the reader Inquiry card

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Circle 126 on the reader Inquiry card

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MAR K 5 . RAGSDALE VICE PRE S IDENT 1214) 428 ·6269

Circle 216 on the reader Inqu iry card

Texas Architect 5/6 1994 2 5

Page 26: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

Special Adve rtising Section-Cas e Study : New Health Care Architecture

26 Texas Architect 5/6 1994

Children's Medlcal Center

Top left: entry

Left reGepdon/admittance

Above: Interior bre.ak from hospital trndltlon


Below : Intersection of Y • shaped patient wings

Left: e><amlnlng room

Page 27: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

Special Adv ertising Section -C ase Study : New Hea lth Car e Archit ecture


PROJECT/CUENT : Children's Medical Center. Dallas


EN GINEERS : HKS (structural) ; Steve Dunn & Partners (MEP)

INTER IORS: The Lauck Group

CONTRA CTOR : J.W. Bateson Company. Inc.


PR OJECT: Kidsvll le

CLIENT : Providence Memoria l Hospita l, El Paso

ARCHITECT : Watkins Career Hamilton Architects

ENGINEERS: Smith Seckman Reid (MEP)

SPECIAL CON SULTANTS : Rick Lara / Lara & Robertson Creative (graphic artists)

CONTRACTOR : Dantex Construction

Am w ., m5:l>~~~~v~ ~ . ....,,.,...,"""""""" ~~.1!£V ,B.JJ.W~

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Clrclo 88 on th e read er lnau l ry card

'tD I ftwar e) 2 \ (facilities man agement so _.J d database softwnrc to ~ Program uses _AutoCAD :: mcc space, assets and j: \ help compames manag rn . , tly ~ employees more c ,c,cn •

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Circl e 28 on the read er Inquiry cord

Women's and Children's Left: activity area Center

Below: Om-floor p lan Far left: night vie w


PROJECT: Women's and Children's Center

CLIENT: Shannon Medical Center. San Angelo

ARCHITECT: The Bower Downing Pannership

ENGIN EERS: Cagley Conti & Jumper (structural), SK Engineers (civil), Tom Green & Company Engineers (MEP)

INTERIORS : Alexandra R. Singleton Design

CONTRACTOR : Lee Lewis Construction Company

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Cl rclo 99 on th e reader Inqu i ry card

TexosArchitect 5/6 1994 27

Page 28: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

Special Advertising Section- Case Study : New Health Care Arc hitecture

Crane Plumbing

PR OJECT: Kruse Memorial Lutheran VIiiage

CLIENT: Lutheran Social Services of the South

ARCH ITECT: Travis Broesche and Ben Boettcher Architects

ENGINEERS : Jaster-Quintanilla (structural): Hendrix & Myers (mechanical)

INTER IORS: Eloise Damon Interiors

CONTRACT ORS: Chappe ll HIii (phase I): Lueckemeyer Construction (phases 2. J): Walter Thielemann Construction (duplexes)

Top left: entry Above : site plan

Left: view coward hvmg wings

Native Texas Pecan l'i,•,u, all'hil1,n\ whn ~p1-clh N,uiw T1°'wl~ Woocb .m.• 11111 jla-1 p,111in1w Tia.., ·11· 'IU:111. Co11,id1•1 P1• . till' State I 11·,· of r, .. ,,L,. 0111 :-.:.niw 1,·~L, P,·1,m in "101f harck-r 1h,m (),11.. .met :?Yr mon:-,t.1hl1• P1'<".tn ~ high II 1olon.-d and fih'ltft."(I. 111.wng each Jlll'C , • • , ,,~1rJ.. nl ,11 t. fa1dk•111 fnr nooring. p:111cling. ro11n11•nop-. rnh1111•h, .md t.thlt"-. Lei Tcxn.s Kiln Produ ct_~ ,how ,1,u l'c·1 ,,n\ H0 r-..llil1• ht•.1111,•. Mmpiik . Bladtjadt Oak, Lir!(! Oak, Stma,mah OaJt, Aromatic R.nJ Ca/or, C)'J,rt'!SS, ,\}wmurr, and many olh" -Noli~ Tems I foods

Crane Plumbing/Fiat Products announces a newly revised ADA Brochure titled, "Special Access Fixtures for People Who Are Physically Challenged .'' The new full-color brochure of fixtures highlights just a few of the produces available for residential , commercia l and institutional ap­plications. Featured in this brochure are lavatories. water closets, acrylic shower modules and wheelchair receptors wh ich meet the standards of the ADA. The updated brochure indicates all produces currently offered which are ADA accessible and shows clear photographs, drawings and specifications of a sampling of these product lines.

Circle 92 on tho reader Inquiry card

28 Texas Architect 5/6 1994

Architects (associate architects} CONTRACTOR: Lee Lewis


Below: rooftop entry

Below middle: aerial view of center

Bottom : plan

Page 29: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General


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ClrcJe 94 on the reader Inquiry card




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Circle 124 on the read er Inquiry card








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Clrcl o 92 on tho reader Inquiry car d

Texas Architect 5/ 6 1994 29

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Circle 106 on the reader Inquiry card

0 •••

Circle 99 on the reader Inquiry card

30 Texas Architect 5/6 1994

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Ccrttun l\Omc~ JLU.1 seem LO tnllkc 11 , 1r1k­inJ!ly J!t,ud 11npws.,1nn. \Xlhy! Aucnunn r,1 Jl'wil. And ,w ,11gs:cs1 your chou:t· nl shing les 1s ,1 \ '(' I) ' rmponam dt•1.11I mdct•,L

C, 111siJL·r C.1r~1tm1., the ncwc~t prL 111111111 rtiofini: prudULI 11,,111 Elk. (llt,•rctl 111 tw,1

11nlq111: ,:11h1r hk•ml,, C,11,~tnnL ,w,11c, ,111 tndcllhlc 1mpr,..\.l,111n ot dl'<'f' shud11w, un ,tee r, r, 1111:,,

Ami tlw lhkk, ,1urJ y c111N111,11,m 111

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Page 32: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General


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Page 33: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

MIiiions of dollars are being spent on new college buildings

across the state. The challenge lies in rediscovering the special

sense of place on campus.

Above: Paul Phillip e Cret' s sketch from 1933 , part of his devel­opm ent of the ma ste rplan for the Uni· verslty of Texa s at Aus­ti n campu s

New College Buildings A Building Boo1n is Reshaping Texas Canipuses

by Gerald Moorhead , FAIA

V/1111.E OTHER s"C::MRNTs of th e Texas economy have slowed in the past dccnde, 1111ivcrsities , colleges, and community co lleges across the sta te hnvc continu ed co build and expand. The so ns and daught e rs of the baby-boom generation arc llooding campuses. The bus iness o f tmiver sicy operations stimulate s growth of nnot.hcr kind: Rese:1rch nnd grant rai sing pl:1ce a hi gher pri ority on l:ibs and other specialized buildin gs, lead ing to an increa se in th e ir cons tru ction.

The survey of projec ts in this issue of Te.i·as rlrchitcct, though hardl y compre­hensive, rellect s a ran ge of pr ojec t types, from uciUt::irian classroom s ro re­search laborato r ies and high - pro.file performance hall s. De spite th e man y new buildings, however, we have found. !hat campus planning, which should pr ovide the vision and scrucrure for growth, is in a neg lecte d state.

The Age of Philanthropy II1crnER l'OVCATION was importnnt co early Texan s and they were wjl_ling to pay for it. Numerous pri vate co lleges, usually with re ligiou s affi liation s, were founded in the years o f the Republic ; so me, like Baylor (founded i.n 1845), sur­vived and grew. fo th e decades after the Civil War, prosperity and th e desire for imp roved education to kee p pace with rhe rest o f th e country broug ht th e hc­ginnings of many insriruti ons. 1ex as Agricu ltura l and Me chanical Co llege was lhe first public college, crea ted by the legis lature in 187 1; classes began in 1876 \~Ith 40 stu dents. The University of Texas was chart ereJ in 1882, Texas Chris­tj~n and Southwestern uni versities in 1873, SL Edwa rd's in 1888, and num er­ous others into the ea rly decades of th e 20th ce ntury , both publi c and pri vate.

The ar chit ec rur::il aspirations of these youn g schools were in step wit..h de­sign trends in the rest of the cou ntry. The "Old Main " building at U T ( 18fb -98, Frederick and Oscar Ruffini , demolished 1934) was :1 Got hic pile with point ed lancet window s and mil peaked roofs, very simil:1r co th e J\lb in Admin ­istr:ition Buildin g ( r900) st ill standing at So uthwe s tern University in Georgetown. Th e Main Building at St. Edward~ (1885, N ichola s C l:1yton) is a ratmd-archcd variati on of this Victorian pictur esque ness. Pla nning wa:. or licrle conseq uence when a co llege consisted of one buildin g.

Classical Plans Tim SP READ ING I NFt.UENCE of t..he .Beam: An s in Lhe Inst quaner of the nine ­teenth century was felt on Texas c:nmruses. The gruw ing ,;choo ls acquir ed im­pre ssive buildin gs designed hy pro min en t nrc hil ect.,; :111d, freq uentl y, dassically inspir ed pl:ins LO ord er future growth . At th e Unive rsity of Texas, Cass c; m,crt W,lS th e rnnsu hin g ;1rd1i1cct from 1910-22, Selli ng Lhe Spanish Medi­terranean stan dnrd th at wn:. ln l:1:.t.. for sc, er:i l dc(..":1dcs with the Library (Battle I Tall, 191 1) :ind Suuon 11:1II ( IC) 1 8). 11 i!> plnnning idea s were not cani .cd out , but h i:; :.11cccssor, Paul Phillip e Cn:t, was :1bk to unify the campu s with a plan nf a.,ial 111~1lls thnt focuse d on his Mnin Buildin g un<l Tow er ( 1931-37 1 replacing th e ori gi nal M11i11 l,uildin g). C rct 's orhc r buildings, including the Texas Ll11io11 ( 1933), che ll ogg 1\lu se um ( 1933) 1 Go lds mi t h Hall ( 1933), and the Texas ,\ttemori:tl 1usc um ( 1936) com bine d with t he M ed ite rran ea n- sty le building s bui lt in the 1920s to m:ikc the UT cam pus a very harm oniou s en­vironme nt.

Texas Architect 5/6 1994 33

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Top, above, and above right : Briti sh architec ­ture firm John Outram Associate s, known for Innovative use of col­umns to meet the ser­

vice demand s of new structures , has de­signed massive columns for the mechanical and electrical service s of the proposed Computa ­tional Engineering Bulldlng at Rice Univer­sity, to be completed mld-1996 .

3 4 Texas Architect 5/ 6 1994

-r I !

iO U 111 ~Ll VA 1101,

Architect EE. Giesec ke gradua lly brought a similar ur<ler to Texas A&M. T he sma U dom e and Roman orders of the Academ ic Building (19 12) replaced the or iginal Main Building (which had burned) and estab­lished the east-west alignment of the new quadrang le that faced west. Succeeding bui ldings defined the qw1d, but in 1932 G iesecke builc the new Administra­tion Building that comp lete ly reoriented the campu s entran ce to the east. Th e old entrance is now marked by the Albr itton Tower (1984), while the revised for­mal approach passes a golf course . The khaki mono­tone of the ear ly brick bui ldings set a un iform stan ­dard that continues in force.

Rice Un iversity ce rtainl y possesses the large st and best maintained of the Beall"< Arcs maste r plans. Des igned by Ra lph Adams Cram (19 1 o, Crnm Goodhue & Ferguson) following an axial organiza­tion of quadrangles that he was deve loping for Pr inceto n Unive rsity at the same ti me, the spaces and vistas of Rice's "Ge neral Plan'' have endured because they were given for m and mea ni ng by a sympath etic architecture . Wit hou t building s of an appropriate scale and character, a two-dimensiona l

Q,•rsprrfiv, Virw · of -

Qroposrd BralJPmir

Above and facing page, left column , shaded

area : Kell Munoz Wlgodsky 's new aca ­demic bulldlng for Southwestern Univer ­sity In Georgetown ech-


oes the Rlchard sonlan Romane sque style of the school' s olde st building ; It will house classrooms, seminar rooms, psychol­ogy and language labs, and support spaces .

Page 35: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

Top to bottom In

shaded area: first-,

seco nd-, and third -


. ,: ..........

floor plan s for South ·

western Univer sity

Academic Building

Left and below : the

new Southwestern Uni-

verslty Fin e Art s The -

atre Addition , by Hoover & Furr Archl -

tects , provide s flexible,

technically advanced


teaching and perfor - Far left : site plan mance space, whlle

mak in g a prominent Below : entry elevation, addition to the strong facing the rec e ntly com-early-1980s masterplan pleted library

by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill . Bottom : theatre Interio r

Texas Architect 5/6 1994 35

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Above : The planned George Bush Presiden ­

tial Library, de si gned

by CRSS Arch itects of

Houston, will be bu il t

on a 90-acre site at

the Intersection of

George Bush Drive

and FM 2818 , sepa· rated by parking and

empty land from the

main body of the

Texa s A&M University

campu s. The $82 -mll ·

lion facility will hou se

pre sidential pap e rs

and a school of p ublic

affairs . A one-story ex­hib ition wing will be

Joined to a three -story

archival w ing by a 50·

foot high skyllt ro­

tunda .

Facing page, shaded area in left column : plan and model of the new 288 ,000 -square ­

foot Recreational Sports Building and

Natatorium at Texa s A&M Univer sity In Col · lege Station , by Mar · mon Mok of San Anto ·

nlo, now under con· structlon

3 6 Texas Architect 5/6 1994

plan is meanin gless. \Viti, a few exception s, new buildin gs have reinforced :mu enhanced Crarn 's ar­marure, giving Rice a unique sense of place.

Crnm 's protege at Rice, Willitun \i\T.1rd \,Vatkin , designed a plan and 13 buildin gs for the new 11:xas Techno logical Co llege in Lubbo ck in T924. Wat­kin's maste r plan seems co be based on an earlier version of the Rice pl:in designed by Bertram GooJhuc (C ram Good hu e & 17e rguson had an intr a-o ffice competitio n and Cra m's scheme won), feaniring a prim:iry north- south :ixis composed o f a series o f quadrangles th:it is intersected at midpoint by .1 seco ndar y e.1sr-west entr y axis. The scale of the Texas Tec h campus on rhe horizo nless -Pan­handl e was trul y grand. As at the Rice camp us on its featureless coastal plain, Lhe buildings arc used as place makers to define the vastness.

Beaux Arts ideals on a sma ller scale are apparent at other.· Texas colleges. Although South ern Meth­odist Un iversity in Dalla s had no lnrger plan ini­tially, the axial focus of Bishop Boulevard on Dallns Hall (T9r5, Shepley, Rutan and Coolidge) gives the impr ess ion of space, enha ncing the r eference of t.his infhred temple from co ics model, chc Library at the University of Virginia byThomas j efferson. Alth ough somewhat out of phase with these early campus plans, the J effersonian quadran gle designed for the U niversity of St. Thomas by Philip John son (1947) h:is shown the com patibilit y of mode m ar­chitecture with classic.11 space.

Postwar Growth Ex PAN-OING stude nt bodies following World Wnr [I

placed new pressures on Texas c:11npuses. C lassical master plans fell into disrepair as moderni st plan­ning theory rejected the Beaux Arts models, plac­ing less emphasis on m1ditio nal urb ,1n space, con­text, ~md the conn ectedness of buildings ns spatial organizers. [ndividm1I buildings were treated as iso-

lated objects in sp,1ce, frequently int erjected in though tless violation of cam pus order. Th e auto­mobile has been allowed to further erode academic tranqui llity with through-cr:1ffic and ncres of nsphalt parking. Plann ers seem unwilling to make students and faculty walk, creating c.1mpuses indistinguis h­able from subw-ban shoppin g stri ps. Campuses are fragmented by cars, undefined spaces, ad-hoc plan­ning, and loss of their sense of place. lnfill projects, such as the new green sp,1cc and academic court s created at St. Phillip's Co llege in San Anto nio hy ForJ , Powell & Carson and Humber to Saldana As­soci.u es, have :mem pted to give stro nger senses of place to a variety of postwar c.rn,puses.

A unique success in the <lishe:1rtcning ficl<l of campus modernism has been at Trini ty University in San Antoni o. Th e master plan by O'Neil For<l & Associates and Bartlett Coc ke & Associates ( 1949) used the topography of an old limestone quarry to organize the academic and residential areas. Th e brick buildings h:we bet:n sired over the years to re­ceive nlltural light and ventibti on and co respect the native vegetatio n.

In the miJ<lle t980s, a nwnb er of postmodt:rn campus designs emerged, intended t0 recapnare the classical order of earlier decades. A parLicularly suc­cessful example is the Palo Alto Co llege campus in San Antonio, a project of tJ,e Alamo Community Co llege District, des igned by a joint ventur e o f DeL1ra AJmond Architects and J ones & Kell (now Kell Mniioz 'vVigodsky). Using low-cos t materials and simplified forms from San Antonio's mission/ presidia rn1dirion, rhe campus plan creates a place from an ope n, fe..1turcless site.

New Futures Pno BLEMS OF CA~ I PUS P l.ANN I NG, forruna tel)', are not going unrecognized. Several institutions are

t"Ollti1111ct/ 011 p11,f;t' ./-0

Page 37: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

Rendering above : a

new academic bulld ­

lng, designed by Kell

Muiiox Wlgodsky, for

tho campus of Texas

A&M University at

Corpus Christi, previ­

ously a two-year school that Is ex ­

pected to grow expo­

nentlolly over the next

... C 0 :,

"' 0 3 ; !"

0 ; Q. 0

decode. Bonnett Mor ­tin & Solko of Corpu s

Chri sti and )Pl Archl·

tccts of Dallas hove

mo sterplonned the

campus , shown above

a s It Is planned for the

year 2010 , when more

than 20,000 students

ore expected to at ­

tend .


... C D :,

"' D


~ 0 ;; Q. 0

Top, left and right: A

joint venture of Ford,

Powell & Corson and

Kell Muiiox Wlgodsky

mode a strong planning

statement with phase

one of the new 300·

aero campus of the

Texas A&M Interna ­

tional University In

Loredo , centering on a

large complex combln·

Ing a three-story Li­brary /Administration bulldlng with two two­

story academic bulld·

ings; the courtyard will

form the center of the

campus as It develops

over the next 20 years.

Texas Architect 5/ 6 1994 37

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Below left and right :

The new large animal

hospltal on the cam·

Right : first-floor plan ,

large animal hospltal at Texas A&M

Facing page, top left

and top right: exterior and Interior from the

Simmons Blomedlcdl

Research Bulldlng at the North Campus of

the University of Texas

Southwestern Medical Center In Dallas, de·

signed by F&S Part ·

ners of Dallas with Ed· ward Larrabee Barnes /

John M.Y. Lee Archl·

tects of New York.

The plan diagram

(facing page, left col­

umn) shows F&S Part ·

ners' masterplan for


growth In this rapidly

developing research

center over the next

decade .

38 TexosArchitecl 5/6 1994

pus of Texas A&M Uni ·

verslty In College Sta ·

tion, designed by HKS

Inc . of Dallas , Is part

of $34-mllllon,


;_,i F · @Ljjj : I,_T_lT_l_r_n_ 1 o _jr:i (:1I)!.13 t;JH--, ,-1 ,- ~. u urLrJ ..J; H ~ fn:tq~ r--;· .. _ . __ [! .

l COLJ U.l-4BJ _ .

~ r.r:., H~rn-d ::rT.T1l :]~c L 1

L : L13 t']t,f l ~L ,.....t -.. rum[_;~ JH I H~' :.nn r 1T1JJ ,

:-UlT L Tlll I..!.] ,


Above: Rendering of

the proposed new Stu­dent Services Bulldlng

at UT Austin, designed

by Cox/Croslin Assoc! -

J 11"

ates of Austin ; debate

over the building 's sit•

Ing led to a call to

create a new campus

master plan .


complex recently com­

pleted on the campus.

Below: The recently

completed 68,000·

square-foot Branch LI·

brary Facility at Texas

A&M, designed by Ray

Balley Architects of

Houston , occupies a

focal point near the

north entry to A&M 's

rapidly developing

West Campus. Except

for a modest refer ·

ence department ,

there are no books In

the building; Instead,

space Is devoted to a

computer laboratory

and a study hall , al­

lowing flexlblllty for

accommodating future

technology ; first- and

second -floor plans

(bottom , left to right).

.. n . J1LJJ .



- · .


Page 39: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

• •hkA•n • ,1 HIOll'f

- Ml'll,.i»JrilO L''"hlUTIU'M'lr&I



The SS,000- square­foot , $5 .5 million Jesse

Jone s Memorial li ­brary at Baylor Univer ­

sity In Waco , des igned

by F&S Partner s, link s other library facilities

while providing space

for special collection s;

plan (above); atrium (left) ; and entry eleva­

tion (far left , bottom ).

Texas Architect 5/ 6 1994 39

Page 40: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

Above and right : Far• rell Sundin + Partner s of Houston renovated 113,000 square feet of

space In the Univer sity of Houston 's HIiton Col ­lege of Hotel and Res­taurant Management . The project, centered on 76 ,000 square feet of public space with a bar and restaurant , also contains cla ss­rooms, lecture hall s, and office s.

40 Texas Architect 5/6 1994

co111i1111cd from p11ge 36 taki ng measur es to redirect th e course of planning and clt:vel opm ent. Hoping to co rr ec t 30 years of "reactive" p lanning and buildin g, the University of l ex as at Austin recenrl y issued an RFQ in search of a quaJjficJ planning consulc:mr. Th e univ ers ity sees the new plan as "a first step toward rcc.-.1pturin g the environm enta l and architccrura l quality whi ch was esta bli shed so heauriful ly ... in th e era o f the Cass G ilbert and Paul C ree maste r plans." Th e goa ls in­clud e duscering ans and sciences ar ound th e cen-

"' tral co re with pr ofess iona l schoo ls, admi nistratio n, ~ pa rking, and services at the periph ery; and main­~ t~tinin g a pede strian sca le wit h hori zonral building e organization. Bui ldin gs are to be st ron gly co n-

c; s n 0

2. :r Left : The Mathe s Group completion Is sched-

i of Hou ston ha s de - ul e d for 1996. :I: 0 signed a new mu sic: '< ~

Abo ve, photo and pion : ... build ing for th e Univer -0 5. sity of Hou ston campus, Archit ec tur e Etc:* de -

,i) ! ~ to co ntai n an 800 -sea t sig ned a new e ntry to "0 performance ha ll , Ii· reorient th e 1970s era , 0 0 brarl e s, cla ssroom s, Braxosport Community ., 0 and 14,000 squar e fee t Coll ege; shad ed areas .., :r ..

of r ehearsa l spac e; In plan show addition. ;.

Page 41: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

necred visually, with human -scaled pedestrian spaces to unify the campus. Perhaps 20 buildings will be added to the campus in the near future.

Th e University of H ouston is ~,lso inlerview­ing consultant s co begin a planning pro cess rh::it will evalm1te existing facilities, smdy new hui ld­ing placements, and consider traffic problem s. In an un usua l move, chc College of Archite ctu re will be :1n active participant in the plannin g pro­cess, conducting on-campus research and ana ly­o;is. The UI I will nlso be considering its relation­sh ips, phy sical and cultura l, co tht: adjoin ing Th ird \ i\T:ml neighborhoods.

Projects for new campuses in the Texas A&M system arc underway in Laredo and Corpus Christi. T he master plan for Laredo (by HOK) is based on :i crndirional academic quadrangle. T he first phase buildings (Ford, Powell & Carson and I ell i\lluiicn. \Vigodsky) frame the primary long axis and lt:ad into Lhe quad with an arched sallyport reminiscent of Rice's Lovett Hall. At Corpus Christi Smee Uni­vc.::rsiry, the island site between Corpus Christi Bay .111d Cayo <lei Oso is orga nized hy a linear pedes­trian :1rc::ide that connects the two bodies of water. Some buildings will be positioned on the arcade ant.I others will be pull ed back to form narr ow m:1lls. Th ese campuses will be very differ ent in charncter: Laredo needs to make a place on the open landscape, as Rice and Texas Tech diet early this century; Corpus Chris ti, in contra st, will be a dense, urb:m complex like an island resort.

Philip Johnson has de · signed a massive chap e l compo sed of minimalist volume s that may overpow er the Jeffer sonian mod­ernist St. Thoma s Uni·

verslty acad e mic ma ll that Johnson fir st la id out In 1947 (plan at right) . Funds for the chap e l ar e bei ng rai sed .


Top and abov e: Farrell Sundin + Partners ' .Prai­rie View Cooperati ve Ex­ten sion Building Is a 28,000 -square foot facll• lty comb ining cla ss­rooms, lecture hall s, and offi ces.

Texas Architect 5/ 6 1994 41

Page 42: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

Above and right : The Joint venture of )ones & Kell Architects and Delara Almond Archl · tects used simplified forms drawing on San Antonio 's mission past

to solve the perennial problem of Texas col· lege archlte cts- creat · Ing meaningful places In a vast land scape . Plan, above right , shows Beaux Arts Influence .

Two projecrs in the land-planning stage by Irv­ing Phillips, fAIA, offer :-in exciting new fun1re, not only for campus pl:-innin g hul also for suburban ''new town" developments. Th e Vill1:1pollo project near AJvin ,1nd the Gloriew1 scheme for McAllt:n both use a community college linked to a retail dis­trict :is the core of n new town rlcvelopmcnt. The colleges will pro vide a variety of ame niti es :ind se r­vices char a small town cannOl usually support. Th ese projects create a new c;oci:11 agenda of cam­pus as civic center, rest0ring learning as t.hc liccn1I :incl Ggurative heart nr I.he community.

Nor is gro" lh limited co single insticutiOn!>. Th e Dall:1s Communit y Co llege Dist rict, £;1st Texas St ntc nivcrsity, The Univers ity of Nort h Tcx:1s,

4 2 Texas Architect 5/6 1994

nr.--:.-- -

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. ~ii~;J~!~ n ,~ n,u:_ -·---.u'---

.... "'

Ford Powell & Carson

and Humberto

Saldana Assoc iates of

San Antonio retrofit ­ted the parking area

of St . Philip ' s College

(before : top row , left) ,

turning It Into a cam ­

pus green (after : top

row, right) . New bulld ·

lngs on the campus In­

clude Ford, Powell &

Carson's new Theatre

and Fine Arts Building

(left) .

~ Below : Site plan of i f ii ~ en

Green Center at UT

Dallas, shows how the

bulldlng provides a

g pivotal gateway , ree-

f oncillng axes through o the campus .


D C:, D

[ ~ left and above : The

Cecil and Ida Green Center for the Study of

Science and Society,

at the University of

Texa s at Dalla s, de ·

signed by F&S Part·

ners, Is a 16 ,400-square foot bulldlng

housing offices and a

conference faclllty for

the Green Institute .

Texas Architect 5/ 6 1994 43

Page 44: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General


Top row : The project In Dalla s called 1901 Main Stree t will In· elude clas sroom space for the Innovative new downtown Dalla s Edu­cation Center (DEC) , to be operated by five lo· cal coll eges , des igned Jointly by The Office of Graham Gre ene and M eckfessel Associat es; (drawing and model show doubl e•helght DEC lobby ) . The DEC will be linked with 111,000 squar e feet of apartm ents and

ground -floor retall space, designed by The Office of Graham Greene , that wlll oc­cupy the re st of the his­toric Tltche-Goettlnger Store comp lex of linke d building s.

Middl e right and bot · tom right : Vlll 'ap ollo , a proj ect by Houston architect and plann e r Ir ving Phill ips, FAIA, uses a new commun ity coll ege to cre ate an urban cent e r for a

propo sed mixed-u se developm e nt south of Houston .

44 Texas Architect 5/6 1994


_, , L

The University or Texas at Arlington, and The Un iversity orTc.xas al Dallas have fonne d a consor­tium to cre.1te the Dallas Education Center (DEC), a new facility tha t will br ing upper-leve l college courses lo downtown Dallas for the first time. De­signed jo intly by The Office of Gra h:rn, Greene .mcl Meckfcssel Assocines, Th e DEC will have a uniqu e urban focus. It is built in the 1950s sectio n of a series of buildings that made up the T itche­Goetti nger Department Store (the earliest daces to 192 3). The Office of Gra ham Greene is reworking the res t of the store compl ex co include 15,920 squa re feet or ground- floor retai l space; 111 ,000

square feet of mixed-i nco me apartm ents, and a parking gar:ige. This innovative Linki ng of educa­tion and dnwntuwn housing, along with the foun­tains, new lighung, landscap ing, and other publi c improvement.s currently being installed by tl,e City of Dallas along 1\ lain Street , has the poLemial for major urban impacL

Postscript \IV1T11 suc 11 A W l0\L TH of faulty plannin g and non ­planning in recent de::cades to le:m1 from and react to, a return ro rhc predictability of neo-classica l planning ideals is understandable. Th e abi lity of Beau.'< Arts plans like Rice's to create civilized envi­ronm ents warr ants renewed confidence in tradi­tiona l plannin g mode ls but shou ld not be o·ivialized by a sentimenra l pllstiche of revivalist ar­chitecture . To achieve its objectives, good plannin g needs good architecture::.Johnson 's mall a l the: Uni­versity of St. Th omas is a fine example of classical planning and modern architecture working to­gether to create an ident ity and sense of place. Combined witJ1 ideas like Ph illips' thar put educa­tion in its proper place or at the center of socie ty, campus design might provide some lessons for the larger picture of urban design. TA

Page 45: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General


PROJECT Na, Am,lm,ic 811ild- rriml mgfnrrring); Bonn-rlsso- PROJECT L/f,r,,r, Par,thiu H.~- PROJECT Unit,miry of H1111.rta11 Sttnirr. 8mito l'olmdo) "'I• Su111bwrp,n, Univn7ity. rl11trs. A,mm (t111dio/v111111/J; pmu1011, Tr.1·1JI.


1 .fr-,\/ U1111,,r- M1mr Buildmg, flo,111011 CONTRACTOR Kll11z. Corwrurrion Gto1-grrown Co111111/11umll/1msalrrr. St. sitv, Coll,gr St,111011 CLIENT U11wrniry of I lo1mo11 S11- C11111p,my, Su11 Ant111110

CLIENT Sambwmn-11 Unn•mity. lolfis, ii-lo. (natatonmnlpool): CLIENT Tf.vus A&M Umvrrrfry tr111; Hint1 /111,rr.m l.imiu,1 CONSULTANTS WE:. Si111pso11 Co G,org/1011111 BOK Sf>'irtS Fn,ilitiu Group. Futilit1t1 l1/J11111i11g u111/ Co11- Purmtrship, pro;rrr 111u1111grr 1111J Sllb,r C' .4.mitiattJ (nnu-

AICHITTCT Kt/I Mu,Jo:. IVigod- Ki,1,sns City, Mo. (t('(lrtS fati/1- srrua/011 Drp11rtmr111 ARCHITECT Tht Muthts Group. turn/ mginttring): Vidny O' 1k:,, Sun .·Jnto11fo tia); KJJD & ;Jm,tfatu. llo1mo11 ARCHITECT Ril,r lluilr; . IITbiurrs, I Tv11111111 (i\lid1nrl R. ll1111uml h111I ,lst«lum (111rtbnni,11/, ,lut>i-

CONSULTANTS Sas.I.ii ksllriuta, (n,n.,cy n1ginrrri11g): 1111/trr P. ll01111on (Rur 811i/t_r, F.•1111. KJ,rnl lv-ry,nrr; pn11tlp,1/r i11 t11/, n11d p/11,nM11g t11gi11ttri11r): D11//1u (lanJ.mtpt nrrbutrts): Moon b Assorintrs (rrn1r,urul anil 'Tom Dnl), prl11rip1i/1 i11 rb11rgr; Ru,ry Moon, F.4/A. tbl'- Jr',1/1"' P. .\/aorr (troffer): '1ilrl-flMG i:t A.110011/ts, Aumn ~11gi11m-fog) w11rgr; Pro_trct ttu,111 R,,y 11rrr-,li'tiif11 Jr(b1rm}: ]1,r,(1111 , I,._ n/1/t ,tnmstla (11rr,11nia/1br-(111rrh11nir11/, rlmri"'I, ,mt! l..ti/ur; Tm, Srborrt: Dm1n/1/ rhltf'l1'tm1/ Group (IVillir C. Jar- ,ttrr); Fm11k Clmrrms ..lm,d-

p/11111/Jing mg111rn-1ng); Jmn- PROJECT 'licx-,1.r.-l.f:M /111m111- Rnkosh1Jn111n Tb11111,1s, "11.·I: Jm,, pm,r1pnl m cb,rrv;r} llftS (/()(I,/ ltnJirt) Qumtnni/lt, (srn1m1ml mg,- 1/m,n/ 1 'nivrnilj (.ir111p11.< F11- Dflnn/1I S1;111/i; Mikr Rmml, CONSULTANTS (;/,,r·J, (.'0111(011. fr-moillg) dli1iu. l'IJ1m I 8111/tliul(I 11111/ llrlt11 /Jui/ry) soontrs, l,,r. (/1mds,.,pr irTThi- PROJECTS,. Philip's C11ll,·gr

Sur Dro,lop111r111. f..111Y,lu CONTRACTOR SAE Spn111-Gl11rs. tau); Hnyri,s IVbalrJ 1ln0t111trs Tlmurr 11111/ Fm, Art.< IJ11i/1/ing PROJECT Vinr , Im Tbrn1rr A,/. CLIENT Tbt Te.w,s. l&M U111vtr- Int., lfou.rron trnJ D. I~ D11V11 Arror1,11rs CLIENT .,1/111110 Co1111111111it,1• Cnllrgr

1fitiu11, S0111bu•m,m U111vrr- 1111• Sys1,·111 CONSULTANTS Clnrl: Co11do11 tis- (stnict1m1/ mginttri11g): Cl/P Dinria (I),: Sttpbr11 Mitrhr/1) 1i1y, Gtorgaow11 ARCH ITECT For,/, Pow,·// & Cnr- Jt/l/JJUJ, I lo1mo11 (Tn111lm1pr u,._ 1111d Ast~iuw Co,u11/tmg £11gi- ARCHITECT Fon!, PUll•rJI & C11r-

CLIENT S0111b-:i·mrr11 U11inrriry, sun 11111T Krl/ ,\/11,io:, Wigodsl.y. diitms}; Waltn P. Moort & lltrl 'T (mrtbnniral unJ tlrtrriNI Jou. S1111 ,~/11r,mio Gru1-gr1ow11 (On11 lltymu, I tu 11 joint t'rlllll rtt Sau r/111n11io ,uroriJJttJ, Ha1111a11 (1trurr11rnl mgi11rm11g): Cb11r/rs D. CONTRACTOR O'Nr11/ Co11srr11,·-l'midru t of Fisrnl A/ji,irr) (Chris Cnrso11, f(-IIA; Jolm II . tngi11rm11g}; 811r11s. Drlnttr e- Goodm Co11n,/1i11g F.11f!-,11trrr 11011 Co .. s,,,,. l111011io

ARCHITECT Hoovr,· & F11.-r Ar- K,lf; /Jrm·r S,,n,: Romdd ] . MtCli) (111t(b1111ir11/, rlrrrrirnl, (rivil mgi11rrring}: ]1i t flot,t,,, CONSULTANTS O1111v1b-l.11111/r & rhums. ll o1mo11 (G .. Vor,111111 nirdi,~rr): Ttmirr / lirh :v & As- 1111J pl1md1i11g "'gi11rrri11g); Sra,1mmgh Aanuria (,mmm- .-l.11ori111a. S1111 .•l1ito1110 (s1,:11r-lfom·rr. ftl lt l, drtig,1 pri11dp,1/: 1oti111a (11ssori11tt 111·rl,ilf,·t) r,11); Th<alT( Projms Co,m1/1- wml rngi11rm11r{): Go,·11ir1g .!:-Chm·lir llrool·1birr, proj,r1 CONTRACTOR Plimro. !llr. PROJECT Si111111u11s 81011,c,liml 11111s (,l,,,11rr ,luig11) Asa·urmrrs. Snu ; 111101110 (111r· 111111111,~n; \lnrt · (J111gr, drSil(II CONSULTANTS 11~£ S1111pHm Co. Rrsrflrd, ll11ilrliug. Uuh,rrs,~r c,f rhnnirnl, rlmrwtl , 1111,I p/11111/,-111rbitra) (srrummtl 11ml m11/ mgi11rtr- Tr.l'ns So111buwm ·11 ,\ /r,liclll PROJECT Rmov1111011 off-li/1011 mg r11gi11rrm11/): /'im11blr

CONTRACTOR ;/1m111 Rio Co11- iug): Com m,q & , faori111,s Crimr. D11//11s Collrgr of I Jorrl mu/ R,m,111w11 .-lro11.rricrll'rl1011 Mnr1b K111-nr1mio11 Co111p111,y, .•l1min (111ub1111irt1/. rlranrt1/, 11111( CLIENT U111t'rrYiJy nf7r.,·11., S.rstrml ,\ /mwy.1:111,•111. l-lm1J·to11 sr/111, Dr,Jlns (11roustir1)

CONSULTANTS Tbe 8l'ot1ssord p/11111bi11g r11gi11rrri11g); ,\J,jilJ U11ivr1~i1y of 1i:.,·11s S0111bwrttr111 CUE NT U11it'rl'fity uf I /011Jto11 Sys-Gl"o11p (fmuump,· nnblttrture): £11gi11uri11,f( Co. (rit,i/ t11gi11ur- Ml'llir,,I Crmrr 1r111, ll u1trto11 PROJECT n,. Crtlf 11ml ld11 , D!Engi11ttring lfermrrly i11g); f'rlt0/1 ,\lllrrl• Ki11scl/11 ARCHITECT Fi.-S l'nm11·r.r, fur .. ARCH ITECT Pam•// S1111,lill + Grtr11 Cr/lier far 1hr StwJ.r of £<111n111f & Cliffard/ (11mh11111- (1m111ma mu/ 11111Jioll'is1111/); /)u/ft,r; Cu11111l1111g 111..-b11rrt: f'11rt11rrT .-lrrbirrw, f-/01111011 S'rimrr an,/ Sorirry, U11ivrr1if.r ,.,,,, rlertl'iri,I, 1111,I p/11111/,ing m- J1111C11111 l!.11j!,i11rrri11g (1rlrr,1111· l!.,1-,mr,/ / ,m·,tbrr l111r11rslJ11h11 CONTRACTOR Trllrprt11 Corp., ofTa:111 ,It D111/11s gi11mi11g): C11glry & Conti 1111111ir,11ir111s): flusl'.Y Dr111~1, /11- ,I/, I'. L.rr , /rrbitm .r • .Vnr llwk // 01111011 CLIENT U11r,1rrsiry a/Tuns Synttn (f/mm 11·,1/ r-11gi11rrri11g): Rirb- rrr11111101111/ (ron} CONTRACTOR D,1/-,\fnr Cm,- CONSULTANTS 8111.,,, Or/..11t1t & ARCHITECT FirS Pnrt11m, D111!1ts 1ml Jnrr (rbrntrr ligh1i11g ro11- srr11rtiort Cqmp,my, D11/101 MrCO.J', /-1011s10t1 (111ubn11,ro/, (Ro11uld J. Shuu•, pr111rip11/ 111

w/1rm1) PROJECT Ttxus AlrM Corp,u CONSULTANTS l!.nr/ I 1411/s .-lssort· rlrrrriml, 11n,J pl11111/r111g mg,- rhmy;t; J. Ster< ll"1n1ck, Cb,·is1i Campus Mnsrrrp/1111 111,r, S1111 Oirgo. li1/if. (/11/rori;- 11earmg); /11,lr.,·. tbr D,1~i,1 projrrr orrbitrrr; /Vil/ts /Vi11-

PROJECT Gairgr. 811sb Prmdm- CLIENT Thr Trxns Ab,\,/ IJ11wrr- rory pl111111i11g 11111( 1/rsig11); Firm. f /0111to11 (1111rrior dmg,1) ttn, proJm ,le1ig11tr) 1111/ libritr] Cmtrr. Colltgt rirySyrm11 G11..r111)r & Sir111r11 E11gi11r1:1"1, CONTRACTOR lrl11rrJ-Lislt. 011/1111 s,,uio11 ARCHITTCT /PLANNtllS Dr1111r11 Do/1111 (111tcb111ti(J,I, rftcrri((I/, PROJECT Coopmitit,, fu:tt1111011 CONSULTANTS GJ,:,uor & Sin1m1

CLIENT Grorgr BuJJ, Pm,dnu,11/ M/lni11 & So/ko Arrhirmr, 1111,I p/11111/,iug ,·11gilltrri11g): B11ildi11g, Prairir Vir.u (111rcbn11iral, clrrrrir11/, 1111d Liftrnry Fa,mdur/1111: Tr1w Ab ,'1-I Carp111 Cbrini; JP] Arrbitrra, D11111111 fi11gl11rrri11/,(, D,1lf111 CLIENT Tiu '/'i'.rus A&,\.l U11ivrr- plrm1/,ing mgilluriug): D11111m U11itlff'Eity, Colltgr Slilflon Dnllus; Shi11rr; MOirlty er. Im- (strummll r11gi11rrri11g} rity Syne111. Collrgr S1111io11 E11J111uri11g, Dn/1111 (str11rr11r11/

ARCH ITECT CRSS • .Jrthitttts, rinttr. C.'l'HD l111mum SI~/ ARCHITECT Fnrrtll S11111/i,1 + rngi11rrri11g) J-lo1mo11 Gro11p PROJECT U11n:mi,y efTu,11 u, Pnn11tn Ard,i1er11, //01111011

, l1mi11 Stt1dr,1t Sm•i«J Fnd/, CONTRACTOR Cbrtppcll H,11 PROJECT IY/1/ .\f11i11 Srrm, PROJECT C/11rsroa111l/..11bor,110ry PROJECT Tr.mi .-1.:, \/ I 'rim- l'J, ,•111,rflfl Connmmq11, Brmbom /Jn/111.1

811i/,lillg. 'fioxm A&,\ I U11h,,r- 111rry i\ft'llirmr Cm11pltw, Collr.~r CU ENT U11il!mity 1,j'Ttx1u Syrtr,11/ CONS ULTANTS Nntbtly11r A. CLIENT /YO/ .\/11111 L..L..C.; Dnllns s1ty, Corp111 Cbiis,i Sm11011 U11n:rrsiry of1mu III thts1111 ~1111r1{1 er A.rsowms, llo1JS1011 C. I~. lur.: ~11/imur far Higbrr

CLIENT Tbr Tr,·111. l&J\I U11n·rr· CLIENT 7hw .•l&M U11ivrm1J'• ARCHITTCT Co..,·/Crorlin n11,I .4s:so- (r111il t11grnrrrl11g): P.S.S. l',rn- LMn11r,g (1'11rurip111i11g /,,mu ,-s1~ySptrm Colltgr of Vrtttwmy ,\ foliri11r. ri111ts, 111111111 (Robrrt I/. Co:r ntrsbip, I /01mn11 (rtrutTtmd Ji/111.t: O111/m Co1111Jy C-011111111-

ARCH ITECT Krll ,\1111in-:. ll'igod- 1111d F,trilitirs P/111wi11g 11nd hml Cburlt1 ri-: Crosli11, prrrt- t11ginu,·h1g): Day Brrmm Ritt , 11i1_1• Colli-gr Di.rtrict: £,m Tb:111 sk.1•. S111J .111101110 0- C111·/01 Co11nr11rtio11 Drp,11·1111,111 11,n in tbnrgr; Prvjrrr u1m1: //011Jt011 (rnrrhn11it-al, rlrrrri"'I, Smu U11h·,•rrity; Tbt U11it•rr-]011,1, JQ//11 II . K,·11, R,111,/11/f ARCHITECT //KS /11t., Dn/111.r F.dmard Frirr,011; Kroii, 11ml p/11111bing mgi11trri11g) sity of N{fr/h Tbr U11i-l-fo/Jh111J, Strom L11111f Tillouo11) (Ro1111/,I L.. Sk11ggs. t,;.u.-1. Sr,m/1111; Dwtd S-rrwu:,; RII] :•miry of'lr,:,111111-lrli11gtn11; 'l'bt

CONTRACTOR f'1·pprt·-L,1rr11111 pri11rip11/ in rb111f;r; J11rl: R. King; am/ Clo-rl: Mrntt) PROJECT Bmw 1p,11·1 Colltgr U11it·mity uf1r.-rns 111 /)11/1111) Co1111rnrtio11 l~1rdlr,r. f"Af..l., irmor ofdr- CONSULTANTS Justrr- rl,lili1io11 & Rr11101/rli11g ARCHITECT O/ji,•r ~f(;rnt,11111

CONSULTANTS IVnflrr P. Mo01·, .,igm J1l(k D. l' riu, projm Q11;r1,n11il(tr er Aawintrs, Aus- CL.IENT Bm-:.o,pon C:ullrgr, l.111:r Grrmd ,\ lulfrnd . lssom11a & .>ls,odnu,, liou.<1011 (nrur- mnr111grr; Br,ullry S. /\/11cl,rll. 1111 (stmrttm1/ mgi11rrring); Jnrk.ro11 (l)r,lg,1 1rirm: (iml,11111 Grrr11r, flfml mgi11trri11g): Ur/,1111 f,;,,. pro;ur 11rrbim1: Jol,11 HMG and .•J$SO(iOttS, l,,r., AuJ- ARCHITECT .>lr.-burrturr /!.tr• f/Q/, \lr,-ifmrl. C:lij}iml Wrld,. g111rcm1g (m,i/ mgmnrin ,vJ; l-f11tcbi11gs. pro;m 1111111nv,rrl 1111 (mrrbn11ir11/ 1111d dnrncal (Rny111011,I B11rro11gb1, pm1dp11l) /)111•11/ /Jour/1011) Si/1,,.r & Assor1111ts (111rrb11111ml. (OIIS/Yllrl/011) : Foil 11)'1111, mgrnmwg): Rirb,mlsOII CONTRA CTOR II 7//il11m /11,lm. CONSTRUCTION MANAGER rlrrrrw,I, 11111/ plm11/1111/{ mg,- J11rl:so11, ,\li,.r . (11uori111,· 11rrb,. lrnloorn • .41mit1 (/11nifunp, /Jr- 1,irs. lf011.11u11 • 111,l,v..1 Co1utr11rti1m ,\,,•,-.yius. 11rrr111g>; ]11tk £t'1111s i:t As.rori- lrttt; Skip ll'y1111, pri11ripal) tlJiterU) CONSULTANTS . I.R. fJrrl· ~. lw, ·1- IJ11//11s (ll i1t/1· T . 111,lr,·s. pri11ri-JJtt.< iJr 1moti1JtioJ1 with IJ011r1· CONTRACTOR F/i111ro, /ur. utts, I /o,mo11 (111ri·b1111m1f, rlrrll'i- p11/ ;,, rbnrgr: R. ll 't1_r11r Wilro11, ~lssodntu (11m111tirnllso11111I) CONSULTANTS I/KS Int. (strut- PROJECT Jr..rsr Ju11rs L.if,l'llry, r,11. mu/ pl11111/,i11,c, r11p.}11rrn·11J!); projrrt 111111111,~rr; Km11,r ll,-y11111,

PROJECT TtxarAbM Rrm.-wr,,/ mgi11trri11g); l/111111 C:1111- 1111,ylur U11r,mity SCA (.'"11mht11J1, U11.~111trrT. ro11s1mrtio11111prrrisor) mlti11/{ H11gi11tm, D11//111 (mr- CLIENT /l11,vl11r U11i:>t1Yity. /Vi,ro s,,,fferd (<m1111m1/ m,~111,.,.,.111gl; CONSULTANTS \l,, rk fl. f'r1r1110.r,

nrlo11nl Sports Pariliry 1111d Na- rh1111ir,1/, tlrrrrlr,1/, 11111( pfl1111/•- ARCHITECT /.'c:S 1'11n11rn . /11r .. Pr1111J: (.'/rm,111, & Am1<i111f':1, ,\ U-:1' Symms O,.,ig11 ./:' /~11gi-tatorium, Colltgt S111,ian 111g r11g111rrr111/{.): I/KS S1,f(II /J1dl11t (R111111/,I J . Sl11m•, pri11r,- f /oll.r/011 (/(IIJl/ 1171•i,-r) 11rrri11g, /11r .. /)111/rts (111r,·b11111-

CUENT Tht TD.·111 AirM Univ,r- Gmpbit1 (gr,,,.lur,); Nrr,lh,1111 p,1/ iu rlt,1r;f!.1'; Jrny /). Tim,, rnl, rlrr1riml, ,md pl11111bi11g flt ·

sity System (Churl,1 Caffir. IVri,((bl & l.nsl-t:1• f·:11.~11,rm, pro;rrt md111,r,;J11r /,. 1:,-,111t·, PROJECT 1'11/0 Aho Collr.~r. S,m ,t/J11t't'r111.~: ,\Jar!· />c•trr mi/11, tnJJnag") D11//111 (m,il mgi11rrri11,I{): I). I! I·: I Iii , pnym drr~i.urr) A111n1110 L ·I. F11rss P111wr1-s, l,u . (srr11r-

ARCHITECT M11r1no11 M11lr. San .-l_v,v11ppn11 :lronma, R1rb1mlxo11 CONTRACTOR I I itro Co11smir• C11ENT 11/011111 G'o1111111111117 Collrgc turn/ mg1111·rri11g): C,•m/,I Antonio (Stnir Souur; priimpnl (,1ro11st1r1) 11011, /11r .. 111,rr, D111r111, S1111, l111011io r.1,,.rr11, C111n11 . lm,ri111<1 (m-Ill ,burg•) CONSULTANTS c:11r11ur i, S11,11r11 ARCHITECT Joim vmttlrt: Jo1m r•ilTJ111111.·11wlJ; C11111 .Niui.:bl·r.

CONTRACTOR Dnl-M,u Con- Cll[!.llltrl'Y, /)11/"'5 (111rtb1111iMI, & Ktll - Drl.Jir11 rllmo11,I Ar- • I/Im Gl'llpbir1 <.gr11pbi.-s) !fru.rrio11 rlrrrriml, 11111/ ph1111/ri11g rug/11rrr- rbitrrt, (I. C11r/01 ]011a. Job11

CONS ULTANTS Blum (;onrufting illg); flmrkmt- l)in·is-Dr.,t.·r. II . Krll, ]Oir,·a, Kil/ls Engirmn, Dal/us (Hl'AC/rlr.~ 0111/111 (ttnrrt111wl rugi11rrri11Jl.) A/111onif. ]my Spnrl:1, Jim

Texas Architect 5/6 1994 45

Page 46: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

Above and right : Falk House addition , Houston, by Summit Architects ; the new sty le of suburban Infill housing calls for decreasing outdoor space to Increase living space .

46 Texas Architect 5/6 1994

Two Houston Houses: A study in differences t, A:-: MIi of higher huilding costs, ri,ing concern for securir), ,HHI grcatc r dcm:1nd~ on pcr!>on,11 Lime. :.1

new building t) po log) in res idenn:i l ho11s1ni; has de, eloped .

Time "as when :l

typic;1l "lrnn1e'' in lhc J\mcrican 'luhurlh 1n­

cl11ded the hu11,c framed hy th!! lot crc:nin!! two distinct zones. :1 puh lic front and :1 prinne back, along wirh the garage, a harn for the cnr, as ei­ther a ~ep:1r:1tc or :l l ­

rnchcd clement The newly dt:\ elop­

ing hou~c type, h) con­trast. pl;iccs its highest , a lut: on rhc qua mi I}

:rnd c1u:1Hty o( lhc en­closed Ii\ ing ,pace, ho1h outdoor and indoor. \ gn::ll c.,p:m~c of l:l\l n i:,

now :1 superfluity. :15

well as costl) and rimc­cnns11111ing.

Thc~c ch.1ngc~ 111 cx­pect:1t11111, .111d their ef­fect, on rcsidcnlial form arc clc:1rl) ill11"r:11cd in 1hc "1 l ou~c for Flen:1," liy Pi:1 \ \ 'onh:1m :1 nd Joan Callis, a nc" con ­struction in I louswn·s

l lc1glm nc1ghhorhoo<l. The lot foccs the end of ,1 ,m.1II p:1rk ~pace. and ha~ sou I h :1 nd c:1\1-f.ic­ing I icw-,. The C),li~ting ndghhorhond con~ii,t~ of older nni:- to t\\ o­Sl0(1 ' hou~cs set bnck

from the :..trcet, c:ich \1 itl1 a dm •c 10 lhc '>idc leading w the dernchetl g;1rngi: in the hack. \\'hi le \\'orth:1111 and Cnllis's nrrongcmcnt of the p:irrs-house, g:i­ragc, and y.1rd-rnkcs its CUC from lhc typo logy n(

thi: e:-.i~ting neighhor­hnod, the form :111d de­lineation of the p:irn, is a compll!tc departure.

\\'hat 1~ im1m:di:1tdy notice:ihlc nho111 rhc I louse for Elena is its dosed-off presentation to the street :tnd park. \\11ile ib t:illc,st foc:1dc face:. 1 he par!. and in-cl udc!. l:irgc Sl!cond­story wood -framed glass areas. the grou nd nuor 1s clo~cd. A rnll fence that circum~crihc,; the Im i~ madi: w blend into the facade :it the fronc. 1 he comention 11f1hc front door is :tbo no­tice.ihly ahscnt. t\ sm.ill trell ised canop y nt the side of the house indi­c:nc-: the door, 11 h1ch is otherwi-;c i11v1sihlc rrnm the -,1rect. By placing the duor :it the side of the hnu~c, \\' ort h:1111 uh­l>CUl'e~ , he entrance hut nllo\\ !> the cntl') to c:..­rnblish :i ci rcu ln1ion spoce that acts as :I l,nund:1r~ hctwccn the living .111d dining areas.

\noth er i111111edi:ncly nmiccahli: charactcri:,t il' of" Elc:na 's 11 nme.'' in contrast to the hnu:..cs in

Page 47: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

n11 ncighburhuud. is die

IISe of opposing shcJ ­ltke roofs thar inter sect tl raking ;inglcs .ind hel p LO define the diffcr­•111 functiona l I nlut11c\

11f the hou se. It i!. :i~ if a ~quarc volum c with a ~rccp pitcht:d ruof had hccn splir down rhc m1dtllc :mtl the rwo pit.:ccs h:1d hccn ~ltd .il11ng that .1:.i, to rcn:al open gl:l,;s ,tnd wood

fr:1111ing. In th i~ 11:1y \\ 'cmhnm nnd C:i llb :ire .1hlc to prmidc access to n:Hurn l light rind gree 11 ,;p:icc for both volumes, ,IS well :,<; tu dis1ing111sh the m:iin Ii, ing .m.:.,s from the studib, garage, .tnd guest :1rc:1s.

The roof's raking ::mgle~ urc rcpe:ued in

the pLrn, pro\'iuing :rn­gul:1r ,p:1ces that .1rc d~1111:11 ic under the \'au lted open \ide of the ,hcd, and qu iet and con­tcmpbri, ·c in the clrn,ed side . Blllh 1•olu111es of che house :ire a ffordc<l sep:irute cnc.:losed coun spaces that include :1

tree for sh:ide. \gain the theme oflmlnnce h~ ju-,;­

tapo~ing oppmite~. of op,m .1nd closed. of drama nnd rcpmc. urc :it

work here :1s \\nnh n111 :111u Calli~ pruvidl' ;t

,;m.1ll l:111n for the li1111g area Ill louk 1111 to, ,1lung 1111h an c;,.pan\iH: det·~ reaching from in~idc the

<;tuu,o ,;pace and extend­mg 111 the fence ,111J the lot line.

The :idditi<>n to illl' Juli e Fa lk hcrnw in I l'ou~run, dt:!>il,.rned h) Summit Architcn~ of J luuston. !ill:; it:; ~iLC 111

less drnm :mc fn<;h1r111, using :1 n:et:t11gul.t1 1111111 to rc,1m111I 111 ., ,lc111lc1 lot and 111,11n1,1111111~ the e,i"111g ncighlu1rh1111d\ wth,tt·k, ·1 ht· 11111-, t11r) .ttfd11tnl1 t'l)t1t;1111\ ,I g,1 rn~e and uffu:c on the g-round lcl'cl for 1hc 011 ncr , ,1 11 1·11cr, 11 nh a

,1.11r to11 er lc:ul1ng lo .1

,cl·c1111l-lc1 cl 111.,~1cr­hcclrno111 ,uite.

I he hlcmling uf the :1ddi1i11n :rnd c,isting

Top and above : "Ele na 's House " in Houston , by Pio Wortham and l oan Calli s, Is wall ed off fro m the surro unding nei g hborh ood ,

prote cting enclo sed outdoor spac es to prese rve pr ivacy and secur ity.

Texas Architect 5/6 1994 47

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Right, below , and below right : site, first ­floor plan, and seco nd-floor plan of Falk Ho use Add ition , Hou ston, by Summit Architects , Houston

Bottom right : Inte rior of the owner' s office

lllfl f.1..00III

48 Texas Architect 5/6 1994




-0 1 S




house, with their dHfcr­ing scales, was an im­rort:tnt design concern for rhe architeclb. The} made I he focndc 11111 tch th e cxisLing huilding, u!>ing hrit:k nnd wood cl.,dding and ,1 similar g:i blc focing the street. Subdued gray-green col­ors arc used to ~often Lhc existing house, :1nd brightly painted cle­ments give certa in :1rcas of the addition :incl reno ­v:ned existing sa"1.1cture indi\'idu:il identitie s.

Bright co lors :iccent dc1:1ils: An orange roof vent hecomcs vi .. ihlc from the streer; :1 hluc canopy above the gamge door projects from the ndcli-

PROJECT F(I/J: I lu11~r. lddi-1i1111/Chr111iml II rrl: Oj]h·r. f-lo11.rto11

CLIENT ]11/i( E. F11/k ARCHITECT S 11111111i1 .-lnhi­

lL"cts, ll o11s1011 (Ch(lr/t•s II·: L(gcm, pri11rip11I: /Jn11llc:1• C. l lollarbu l.:, prn)m 11rrlmm)



tion; ye llow zig-zag shutte rs decora te the 111:1s1er hcdroom -;uite; :1nd the cxisLing chim-1\e} nu e i!> highJighLcd in bright yellow.

T he architects used :i

vnriery of window schemes in the projeet. Glass block lights Lht: master bath ; porthole ll'indows oren sccond­noor \' iCWS to Lhe poo l :ind g:1rdcns; and 1·hrce .1rrowhc;1d windows o n the gro und Ooor rcOcct the owne r 's in teres t in Na1ivc -Amcrican art.

Mark For.1:ytl, 1111d

Carole Tw itmy er

.\ fttrlr Forsyth 11ml C11rnlc­'.111•itm_ver nre Texas Ar­ch itcct editori/1/ interns.

CONTRACTOR To111/ P"rh1g,•, llaimo11

CONSULTA NTS The Spmar C11111111111_y (lt1111lm1pr): !Tim F.11gi11i•c·ri11g (.rrrur111ml)

PHOTOGRAPHER Lis" lim,I I fllnllf Wlly 11111! P1111/ I lrstrr, l'horop:mpherf, f,i~1•mr1.1illr

... w w a: ... en .J .J 0 0

"' ~

Page 49: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

PROJECT J.:Jma i 1101m, /-/01mo11

CLIENT £/m11 H'ortb,1111 DESIGN Pin I! H onh11111 am/

]om, lnllis. l lo11sto11

CONTRACTOR \ 'w.,-C.1trp11° rnt,011. I lomton

CON SULTANTS lli!Jt1rr E11-gmurwg. I fo11m111

PHOTOGRAPHER / 1,,1 t 11ml I l.11·,l11,n1y 11ml l'.111/ I l rJtt1, pJ,.1111gr11pbn-,, P.t1·rttrr1/lr









. . . . . . ., .... ~ . . .. .

Above , far left : Decks

between the

ceramics studio and

the outdoor wa sh

area al so link

outdoor courts to the north and south , In

" Elena' s Hou se" In

Houston by Pia

Wortham and Joan

Callis .

Middle column , top :

second-floor plan

Middle column ,

second from top :

ground-floor plan

Above : sit e plan

Right : The main living

room on the flrl"t

floor looks out onto a

fenced -In wedge of

grass .

Texas Architect 5/6 1994 49

Page 50: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

Survey Exploring Bord ers 50 SAN YGNA CIO Artist M ichael

Tracy asked UTSA students to

design a tower for The River

Pierce Foundation .

Donald Judd 's legacy 52

MARFA Architect Lawrence Con ­

nol ly of Midland writes about

plans for the adopted home of the late sculptor .

Ground-up Le-arnlng 54 AU STIN Students from the Univer ­

si ty of Texas at Austin School of

Architecture are building a house

tor Habitat for Humanity .

Possum Te mple 54

AU STIN Aus t in orchitec1 Lars Stanley co llaborated with a local

artis t on a gazebo for a popular

restin g point on Town Lake.

Products and Information 56

Resources 57

Index to Advertisers 57

Mark etplace 58

Texas Trea sure s 60

VICTORIA Arch ite ct Bill Wi lson II

profiles Jules Leffland , who left

h is mark on Vic toria and the

Texas Gulf Coast a century ago.

Right : Student s from the UTSA ar­chitecture program toured the ru ins of Gu e rrero Viejo In Tamaulipas, Mexl• co , as part of the River Pie rce project .

50 Texas Architect 5/ 6 1994

Exploring Borders EDUCATION \r chilt:Ctlll'C Student:, ;ll the Univer­~iry of Texas ;1! S;111 ,\ntonin worked with inter­narionall} kno" n :1rtist ,\ I ich:1el "fr:1cy on a stu­dio projecr exploring physic:tl, politic :tl, and psycholog'ic:tl boundaries late l:m year, de~ir,rn­ing ne,, facilitie~ ror The River Pierce Fou11d:1-1ion, ,1 n<111-pro11t cducation.11, culcural, :ind en­, iro11111enta lly focu~ed urga11i1.:1ti11n Tr:tcy founded in 1990.

"T hi~ !>hould he c;1s1h:. moat. :ind forr for when we hole up for the cultura l war s," ·1racy told the 1 0 p:1rricipni11g jll11ior :1nJ senior ~ru­den cs, desc rihin g his ,·isio n for The River Pierce Foundation\ he:1dl1u:1rrer,;. Sperikin~ LO

th e ,;u1dc11L', h) "ideu from hi:, home in Son Ygn:tcio, the Spanish coloni:il ~et1lemenl 1111 a hluff nluwc the Rio Crrindc, 36 miles ~math of L:1redo, Tr:1cy described hi~ phms for ;1 complex of srudio. g:illcry. residences, :ind library, ralnng with the 3d111inisrr:irivc spnccs for The River Pierce FnundaLinn. "ho se rnis~ion is ro foqer education, culture, :111<l thc arts h) funding .in­

i~ts- in-residenee in S:111 Ygn:tcio, Encin:1I, :inti Centnal ,\ lcxico.

Th e :irchit ccLUre student~ ,, ere g11ided by

UTSA f:iculry members Dwayne Bohusbv ;md Fr:111k Rmnofsky.

The specific design exercise t"<dled for the smdenr s to incorporate :1 c:1sr-off oil rig, now

Facing page, far Mi cha el Tra cy 's right : Students and house In San fa cu lty gathered In Ygnaclo for the ir the garden at design presenta·

littering the l:in<lscape, into :1 new arrs cenrer cower eight en ren stories high; lhe was to in­clude fociliries for downloading :111tl rehroad ­casting I nlion:11 Public Radio. along wid1 :t he­liport pad, studios for :inists- in-residencc. :1 li­hr:1'1, and office.~.

" It :,hould he solar powerctl :md l,;wc mul­tiple fcnesrr:ninn ;111d port:1ls to use rhe south ­e.1$t hrec zes like the old homes of rhc nrcri," ii-:1c:y said, ndding tbm u revolving figun: of the \ irgcn de Guada lupe. prorectrcss of 1\lc xico, :llop the ~tructure wouhJ he entirely :1ppropri­:1Lc. I le dcscrihcd ~uch other possihle lt:itturcs as underground parking, circularing pools of w:i ­

ter cnnden~cd :mcl cnllectecl on gins~ panels, ;t gro und -leve l rhc;1ter. the use of indigenou s s,m<lstonc . • rnd an open frnmework that would 1..-aprure :l\":1ilnhle light nnd breezes.

"T he River Pierc e is :1hour putting 1hc North-South nxis together,'' Tracy rnlcl the ~Ul­

den ts, allmling to rhc fouml:niun' ~ cont·cpt or the river honl erl:111d:, ns one region joined, not scpar:ncd, hy the Rio Grande . "Thcrc ii. :1 pre­cedent for height here." he continued. pointing to the S(:jrk I OO-foot-t:111 water supply r:111.k rha r rowers m·er the town of eighr hundred inh::ibit­:rnts. Ci[ing rhe hick of to ning in S:111 Ygnncio, T1-acy :1ddcd, "Then: is :1 palcu c of possihilirics for the crc:11inn uf :1 work ,;pace that cm·oumgcs

tion : Seated , Rotnof sky; seated Viviana Frank ; at right : Dwayne standing behind Bohuslav . her : Frank

Page 51: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

Above : UTSA student Denni s Baker pre sents his model .

die creall\'C act. The space should lie provm::i­t ive, e,c n ing, and inspir:ni on:il. ln onlcr to lmn g :1rti-,1s here, \\ C h:l\'e rn h:11·e ;1 pl:ice for them to work .rnJ li\'c.'' he ,;:iitl.

\ n·ording to D\rnyne Bohu~l:w. working wit h :i tlc~ign-wnsi1ivt: "c lit:nt " lik e :1rtist Trac) w:1~ :1 uni11uc opp ortu nit-y. "T ht: very suggcsrinn of recycled drillin g steel brought imu focus for the student s the rcl:ni onship :rncl 1 he co nn ccdn n bc rwcc n s urfo cc :rnd

form, 1he ~truc ttir e :inti the cl:uldini;. Thi~ w:1~ a les~,111 in tl1~:i,;semhl:1gc. The) lc:1rned preci,ion, c:1re, c11nn cc 1ion, stru ctur e, :rnd fr:i111c11•ork. The .1ssign111cn1 \1·:1, intentiona lly provnc:lti1 e, i11!>pir :1Li1111nl. The prn icct~ hc­c:1111c ;trc:hitel'tu rc theory intcrt\1 incd \\ ith thc incli\ iclunl~ ,, ho \1 t:rc ere.icing them." Boh usl:w said. I le added that , for mnny srudenrs, ideas 111:1te11:1li1.eJ :.1fter visits to the down-ri\'er Sp:111-

In a recent project undertaken by stu­dent s of Dwayn e Bohuslav and Fra nk Rotnofsky of UT San Antonio, stude nts used a derelict oil rig a s an ele ment In the design of a

tower housing func­tion s for The River Pier ce Foundation in San Ygnaclo, founded by artist Micha e l Tracy (shown above left critiquing model by Eduardo Perez) .

ish rnlon i:il town sitc of Guer rero \'icjn in 1he ,\lc.:x1cnn Slllte of' li1mnulipa~.

"They pushed ns1cle 1he 1heory, nn , :md phi­lo~uph) of the .1rchi1ectural educ;Htoll to lll:­comc pr:1g111:1t1L tl1111kcr,. I hey \\Ith in­,pira1ion ,111cl :1rri1\al ,ll ftt11,·ti1111, rat her drnn ll')il1g Ill t.1kc r,,rm lllll 111 r1111c1i1111." snid li11h11, l.11, ,I 1,(1,11111:IIC 111 the l111i1cr,il) 11f"(c,;:1,­•\11'1ill .md <.orndl Un11c1-..1t),

hank Rotnnf~k~ ltaid 1hc i.tmlcnts found the a,,ig11111e11t pnr11c11lnrly rewarding. "T he stu­tlcnc,; were f:lccd with !I tr:in.;bt.ion o ih1cu1Luml ,lilt! h1~toric.~1I d:11:1. l'hcr WCl'C working with :I

f:11111111-; client :md the) were working \I ith the

l11stu ry of .111 e1111rc regio11. I hey learned from

the site, from the rfrcr, l'rnm the client . They rhuught :1lm11t \1h:H they \11111lcl h:wc w do w join their modern. towering .;1r11l·t11rc in i.umc

W:1) with ,\ 1 ichacl's c:enttJr)-Old hu111e, ~111din , :md g-Jrden," s:1id Romofsk)', 11 gr:1d11:11c of Pr:11t :111tl Co lumhi:1 University.

At an cn .:nt ho ste d hr the River Piercc Foundoriun near the end uf the ye::ir, Rotno f­sky's pnrmcr, Viviana Frank , 31so :i LITS,\ archi­tecture insrrucror, crit iqued and reviewed the project .. , alon g with Lnrcdo:rn Betsy Gill :ind :1rti•n Tr:1q.

"Archit cc:ture is more life rh:111 hui ldin~s. The building'~ should live," said third -year sni­dcnt C:;1bricl \'cl;1sqt11.:1 .. who topped off his projecr wirh n revolving Virgen de Guada lupe. " \ Ve :ire heginni ng over. in rhis projccr , we were involved with hringin g a sp:ic:c lt> life, (:ind) with crcati ng :1 \'cry plain building th:11 had power lO it," he clahor:1rcd.

" \Ve 1h11nk ;\lic:h:icl Trnc) for the challenge :ind for th c opportunity to cxpericnce th i:, project in :i re'lfl diem wny. Th e trip 10 Guerrero \ 'ic.:jo made me experience the pnst in n very pcrso11:1I sense- how thing s were. how the y worked, and how :u the time they met Lhcir per­fect fu11t:1ion,'' said Edu:1rdo Perez, a 1O-ye:1r­old ~iudent fr()m \ Vc~l:ico. "T he client pl:1ycd :i ve11 ~ignificam role in 1hb. I hrought 111}' O\1•11 wo l!, m the proj cc1, h111 I had tu lwing them throu gh hi~ tho11gh1s. 1hr1111gh hi:, to

form the ;1rchircc1ur.1I mcraphor for the River Pierce.: Fuundauon ." he s::iid.

Srndc111 Reuben Pink~on, ton, g:iincd 1u, un­tler~t:tnding of the u111e-pro1•cn lessons from C:ul!rrero \ 1ciu, .1 1\lc -:ic:111 town th:1t wa,; con­tlc111nl!tl :111d .1h:mdonecl \I hen the F:1lcon Res­en rnr d:1i111cd 100,000 ncrcs of r:inch land in 11,q. 'T hc le~,on \1;1:, 1hnr if something is huih \\•c.:11 enough, it will hl~t." he.! soid. Pinkson c.~1lled the project "ve0 positive.'' c.:iting "t he site vis-11s, 1he 11111c with the client- nor only hearing wh:11 he h:1d in mind. hut hearing him cririque the projects, Loo:·

r ullc",wing the proj cc:t presenrn1ions, the Rh•cr Pierce Fti11nd:1tion :111d Tr:icy lwstcd a dinn er in the :1r1i:.1·~ home: acn>S:, the g:1rtlc11 from the found:nion 's nwdcst rnrrent offices.

T his spring UT SA architccrurc sn1dcnts and faculty focused studio work on :1 project around Guerrero Viejo. Nlnrio Eugenia Guerra

11 i·iM· .\ /111f11 F.11gc11ir1 G111rm litw i11 S1111 I :w111cia.

Texas Architect 5/ 6 1994 51

Page 52: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

Carrying on Judd's Work MARFA \\ 'irl, Donn lei Judd's unrimely deud, tn Fchntnr) the fate of his cxtens ive "foxas legncy i~ in questton . The 111ultt-t:1lcnted arr­i<;t- nu ent in arch itccturn l de sign, and the design of furniturt :, :mu <;culptur e-,,as :tlso :tn cmironrn enrn l and prc.:sern1tion ,tctidst who exerted ;1 co nsiderab le influence in the int errrntio nnl art co n1muni ty :rnd in hi s acloprccl hometown of ,\lnrfo.

Judd contri but ed ro Texas' arc hir ecwral heritage h) n.:storing more th an :1 do:ren huilding!> in ,\ ,1:Jrfo for a<laptivc reuse. Judd spent most of his money rerurning the huild ­ingi, to their orig in:il condilion , in rhc proce!>., providin g flatt ering showcases for his con­tempornr y nn co llection :rnd tlrnm:1Lic per­sonnl li,•ing accnmmndnrions. \ld1011gh nor tratncd as an architect, and often prickly on the subjec t of :1rchitens, he applied his con­\ ideralile design skill to resolving \fl:lCc is~ucs for him~clr in e\\ YMk and i\ lnrfo. For orh­er), he designed ., wide r:mge nf prniects, in­duding ;1 museum .mn ex in ,\u strin, a sm;tll \\ar ehou se in Germany. uncl ll trnin sta tion ancl horel rennv:uinn in Swiczcrlond.

Donnld Judd' s ·1cxlls work ts in four loc;1-riun s: ,\larf:1, Fort 0./\ . Rus~ell near Mnrfa , and two ranches near the hordcr of \1c,ico. Tn order ro und erstn nd the t:ffcc1 his dc:nh 11 ill have on the futur e :;t;1tus of this wide­sprcnd work, it is impon:int to understand that it wos owned b) t\\O se parat e entitie s: The C:hin:iri Fo11nclncion nnd rhc :irrisr :is :in

individual. Fort D.t\. Rus~cll, the Chamber­bin BujJding, d1c old \l:1rfa Locker Plant , and th e old \larfo Ice Pl:1111, all luc:n etl in i\lnrfo , :1re owned .ind opcrntcd h) the Chi ­n:lli Fm1111.l:1tion. Fverythin g d :;c was 0\1 ncd :ind 111:iint .1incd hy J udd himself.

Named :1ftcr a neorb~ mountain , the Chi­nari Fn11ncl:mon's primary pmpos e is tn insrnll anises' work in empathetic perman ent en,•1-ronmerHs. This focu,; 11:1s the result ofJudJ's own frustration :n see ing artists' work in less than f:wornhlc contexts and at lrnving wurJ.. d:1111:iged clu ring shipping ur insLnl l:irion. Judd fdt that the pic t:c :111d its insrnllatiun c:rnnot hc :;eparntcd. "To m11ximi1,e the impact of a piece it is herrer for it ro he in a perm:inenr pl:ice than tra veling 111 ll show ," he said.

Judd :trr :mgetl for Chin:11i to cxhihil th e "ork o( :i selec1 gro up 111" llrti ,;t~ (including h1111~cll). 1\ 11111ng the other s arc John Ch:1111-llcr lain , l)an Fla\'in , aml C l:1c, Old en hur g.

52 Texas Architect 5/ 6 1994

Charnh erlain 's work is inst:1lled in 1\larfo in the Ch:lmhcr l:iin Buildin g. The other, ,1re loca ced ,H Fo re D.,\. Rus!>c.!ll; Flavin'~ pieces "ill be installed in six resto red U­shaped ban:icks; Old­enburg'~ "hur st:.,;hoe" is in :1 l'icld berneen two of the i>:irracks; Judd 's 100 precision­craftc.:tl mil l- fini sh ;durninum lioxe:; arc ,n:ignificently di s­playe d in rwo large mnsonry :trti ll ery ,;hctls. Al the time or Judd \ death. 11lan\ call ed for m hcr in ­:,t:tll at ion ~ tu hc.: housed in resto red bui ldings os fundin g hec:ime uvailahle.

Dr . ,\l:iriannc Stm :kclir:rnd , Judd ',; com p:inion for the Inst fi,•c year~, ha!> hec n :ippnintt.:d di ­

Restored by Don­ald Judd, the Arena Building at Fort D.A. Russell

rector of the Chin:1ti Found:ition ;111d has said her gonl is tu resto re one building per yenr. 111 :iddition , che foundarion ploos rn concinue temporar y cxhib11ions :111d iLS :1nis1-111-rcsi­dence :111d college intern progr :1111s.

Donald Judd 's own propertie s :ire expected lo he tied up for years a:, his esta te is sett led; unri l then , it i!> expected Lh,ll his work :1nd collection will he temporaril y "moth - balled." Lllrimorcly, the building s and contcnrs owned by J udd indi\'idu:1lly will come undcr rhc ous­pices of :1 new org:1niznrion, the.Judd Founda ­tion . I (is c·hildren. Rainer and Flavin Judd , along" ith Stockebrand, wi ll become th e foundation\ founding director-.. The two found :nirms :rnd the ir ho:1rds, although scp:1-r:ite, will prnh:ibl~, he :1lii:r11cJ to snve respec­tive opernting expenses.

Before rhe millenn ium, in rhis unlik ely, remote Texas ranch rown or i,437, ther e 1\ill pre~u 111:1 hi y he rwo found a I ion<; ded it::irecl Ill displ:iying intcrn:11ion:1l-cnliber artwork and pro\'iding ancillary progrmns. In 1988, Chi ­nnti h:al 4 00 visiwr s. Las1 year O\er 4 ,000

(a bove) Is used for receptions. The red -brick Glass ­cock Building a nd

the M arfa Hote l next door (be low ) now hold the desig n a nd estat e offi ces.

Donald Judd never really

expected to complete his vision, knowing he had

more ideas than he could possibly realize.

mad e the pilgrinrnge. As more work i!t in­sta lled and as Nlorfa :rnd its udopted son be­come mnre widely known, rbc number of visi­tor s is expccred to increase.

Donald Judd never really expected to com­plete hi!> "vi~ion," knowing that he h:id more ideas than he could possihl) re:1lizc. TTe was propheri c:111)' quoted three years ago in the D11/111,-,\lommg News s,1ying he simply did not have "enough money and life." T he Chinnti :mdJudrl foundations will continue the work he smrted during his short life, but ir will not be 1hc ~nme withou t him. l.a wnmce Co11110/ly

7:'i~ P11/,Jirntiu11s C:0111111ittl!L' 111e111/m· {.rl'U•rmre

C:0111101/y is 111111rrbitt'fl prrwiri11g in ,, lid/11ml.

Page 53: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General
Page 54: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General


From the Ground Up EDUCATION T\\'d ve stuch.:nrs in :i gmdunte stu­dio ot the Universiry of ' le x:is arc designing and consrrucr i ng u dll'ec- hedroo m house for 11:ihi­tat for I lum:init}, literally from the grou nd 11p. Goi ng beyon d cduc:irio n:tl issue~ of conccptualiz:1tion, dc:.ign, :ind even construc­tion, the studio i~ intended to incre:1:,c ;1w:1re-11e~~ o f :irchitccturc's role in tod;1y':. complex 11rb:111 context.

\ \'orking with 1-fobirnt for I l11nrnniry and cl,e future homeowners, rhe students have tackled issues of program, 5itc, huilding c:odcs, :, strict huJg cL, :ind appropri:nc building methods :ind m:iteriak The house i!t relatively simple, hut it invo lved a wch of fundin g source.-, and partici­p:1nr:, working on it~ rc;iliz:irion. induding a nonprofit dcvclopmem entity . :i building-rnn­struc tion firm. londscapc ard,itects. and ciry buildin g inspectors, a ll involved 111 the design­review process.

Design hcg:1n with indi vidua l propo~;1ls from each ,tu clent , \I hich were ce>n~olidntcd into four projects. Students produced model!, and com plete :.ct:. of cumtruct ion docume nt :, for each c,f rhc four designs. A final scheme was sdecte cl by :I jury of focult)' tllelllher s, the pro ­spec tive homeowners , :rnd reprcsenrntivcs of I l::ihic:.H for l lumani ry. Consrrucrion began im­mccli:udy :ind will continue into the <:um mer.

54 Texas Architect 5/6 1994

The project em limccs the c..,ten~ion or the design process from the idcm ificatio n o fi s:,ucs and constrn ints to the ic ncrntion of idea!., to

the n1·0-dimcn:,iona l rcprc:,entation, and fin:tlly w the ver) direct involvement wit h materials ond methods of constructi on . \ \ 'orking now ar the site, srnd e nr s will focus on buildin g tech­niques, use or to ols, th e joinery of 111:11cr111I~, and the lll:lllllg'ClllClll of the building procc<:~. Umlcr l)i ng: 1II of the work i:. Lhi: i1nron1111ci: of the mlc architct·ture play:, in a larger con tc,t, here :m oppnnu niry tu 1111we outside 1h.: 1,.1lb of :1c:idcmin lll cng:igl! directly the is:.ues of our socicry. T he project too. :;crvcs as u re111imlcr to

the srn de11 ts thu r the :1 rch i ccc c must he a rc­sponsjble and act ive member in rhc cummuni t).

Eli-:J1betb Dnnu

r,Jiwlwtb D111r..e Wlfbt'S lfrrbitc'rtllfl.' 111 LT. /11.rti11.

Above : Students from the Univer sity of Texas at Austin dig foundat ions for

a new Habitat for Human ity House.

Below : model

Playing Possum on Town Lake PUBLIC ART AusLin ,1rchiu:ct L:ir; Stnnle} has co llahor:ncd with ~culpto~ T. Paul J lcrrnmdct and Rohcrt L. Phillips in the dcsi1,'l1 of the new "Op ossum Temple." one of three g;i­

tehm, :dong Austin's Town L:ikc hi:ing rebuilt under 11 1990 City of Austin cnpitnl-improvemenrs gmnr ndmiJ1isccred br the .\11srin ,\ri in Puhli c Places Program.

Using the stone w:1lls and found:rnon from a pre vious 10-yenr-olJ structure , timlcy oric1m:d the gnzcho tow:ml the ~ctting ,;un ,1 itl1 twt) wing:, extending to the north and soulh. The steel om:1111cm anti fini:1ls, forged by the :irchi­ccct, rencct the wiste ria vine.\ th :1t will he cmcourng-cd to take over the structure. Omam ent:11 nluminum panel s. Jc­signed and sculpted by Phillips. arc inset into rhc three fo­c:idcs: their sh:ipes evoke water, clouds, and :1 mythic drngon. The priinul theme is further t:lahornrcd in I lcrnnn­dcz's curving concrete "voodoo pewM bench, with its alliga­tor-skin-a 11J-crawfish surfocc. Gerard Garcia, P.E., wns struc turnl engineer; fnhrit-ation :u;sist:1ncc wa:, pro\'ided by At.lcle Riffe. F. P. Lilly, and Bill B:1st:1s, Jr .: Herr er:i Iron-works as.~istcd ,1 irh the inSt.111:ition. Cnrole Twitmyer

Page 55: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

Come Back to Austin • • • Not since the I 960 s has the Texas Society of Arch itects he ld its An nual Meeting in Austin­

Before Nei l Arm strong and the first moon land ing

Befo re Pre siden t Nixon-and Ford, Carter, Reagan , and Bush

Befo re the 1970s Ener gy Crisis

Before the en d of the Viet nam W ar

Befo re the 1980s Building Boom

Before th e 1980s Building Bust

Befor e bell bottoms, Des Taylor, leisure suits, CAO, the end of 8-track, the UT Ar lingto n School of Ar chitecture, the beginning of CDs, disco music, rap music , the Architects' Pr act ice Act , E.T., David Lanc aster , Emmitt Smith , and over two dozen TSA past presidents .

A lot has happened since then, so join us in a historic return to TSA's home city. You'll ge t the flavor of Austi n music and food, and maybe you can stir up some old memories, and create some new ones.

Not e dat es and site :

O ctobe r 6-8 , 1994 Th e St ouffer Hotel at Th e Arb oretum, Austin

Wa tc h Texas Archite ct, the Report, and your mail for more details .

Page 56: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

NEW PRODUCTS AND INFORMATION Lanclsc :,p c F orms, lnc .. introduces rht: Petos key Croup, a new lin e of ouu.loor hcnches. \ \ 'ith rugged strengt h, Lhe benches 11re designed wi1h a v:irie l) Clf ~eati ng­p:incl oplion:, includ­ing,, ood , perforated 111ecal, stee l rod, or PolySire plastic: pnncls. Cirdt• r;s 01/ tbt• IWllh·r lllf/lliry mrd.

\\'hil e -.dll :1ll1111 ing 50- pcrccn1 11ir flow into huildin !{S, the "Pest- ,.\ ~idc'' door from llPD ln te ru:1tio 11:1I foa1urc~ :t vinyl-c:o:11ed foliric me~h curtain th:11 keeps out birds, insect:,, :1ml other winJ-h lown contam in:ints. An clcctric;1I 111otor powers the curt:1in for quick opening and closing. C:irr/1· 1-;-6 1111 th1· 1w1dcr 1111111iry 1'111'11.

T he 0 \FCO Through Pent: Lra i ion S) l>Lcm fi res10ppi ng p1111 )' ;ivail:ihle from Iso-1:ltc k Interna t ion al prevenls fire, smoke, :rnd toxic ga .. cs from .. preading throughout :1 huihling. Insrnllcd in penctr:nion:. aro und c:ih le:,, pip es, :ind

ducts, CAFCO T PS is engi neered for rcli:ihle. lung-lnsting prot ection. Ch·dr 1-;-; 01.1 the rt'udrr iJJquiiy atrtl.

Saving more than half the spncc nonnall~ rc­q II i rt.!d for n :ll file~, th e Times-2 Classic Rota table Filing Sys­Le111 by Rich:ud -Wll ­cox increases office efliciencr. E:tch unit consiqs of :i rot:11ing t.'11hinet ,, ithin n rcgu-1:tr c:1hiner, :md usci, :1 fom pedal Lo unlock tht: inner lile~. Cirr/1• 1-;-8 011 1he nwdc1· inq11i1J' mrd.

56 TexasArchllecl 5/6 1994

r\ddre.sin!! rht: falttt:n­i ng co nce rn :. of the 11\'.\C indusnv. Altas introduces chc Silver nu llet, :l complete lint: or car bon :ind 4 10

srninless steel f:1stc11crs. Suirnhlc for usc with light- g:1uge 111:ncri :11~, the line i~ offered in :1

v:1riel) of lengt h~ and ,1 idth~. Cirdr 179 on 1b1· rcmlrr i111f1ti1y am/.

Versa-LOK Rct:tin­ing Wall Systems :in­nnunce~ the release or :1 co llection of con­str uct ion dcraih, pro­duced with \u toC \D

:.oft\\ are ,ind saved {l ll ,1 flnpp } disk. These elec:trnnic: i111:iges include c ross-sec.:cions. plans, and dernils and help :irch1reccs :ind en­gineer~ more effidcnrly plan :ind design seg­mcnt:il rernining ,u,lk Cirdt• 1 So 1111 the l'l'tllll'r 1111111ir]' mrd.

\ .,r:1in le,., ~•eel nnd alum inum gr;1ting i:. the latest product of­fered hy Kadcc. For inst:1ll:ition m brrnccry .. tores, resL.lllrnnts, re­tail srore'>, :ind sho 1, ­ping m:1lls, 1he 111:11eri:1I allows ,1:irt:r 10 dr:iin thro ugh the I /fl-inch , lots prt:venting pedesa·i­;ms from slipping: on slick surfaces. Cirdt• 18 1 uu tbe rcndt'I' i111111hy cnnl.

Libb ey- O we ns­f o rd Co. intro­uuce,; an e nergy­e fficie nt residen ­tia l g l:is~ pro duct, EverGrec n So hr

Cu mro l C lass. Specially designed for warmer climates wirh high coo ling rcqui rc mcnrs. El'erGrcen Solar Con rrnl C l:iss :ibsorbs heat from the ~un :md hlock~ 60 perccnl more ultr:1-violct my-. than clear glass. Circlt· 1 ,\'? 011 tht' 1·t'1tdtr i11q11il)' om/,



Roofing Moterials and Exterior finishes

Dynala stlc 180, produced by MANVILLE ROOFING SYS· TEMS, Is a polyester-rein · forced -SBS-modified-bitu ­men cap sheet that fea · tures elasticity and ten · site strength . Accommodating the stres ses created by typical rooftop forces of expansion and contraction, the surface Is offered In black , white , and a variety of color s. CIRCL.E 183 ON THE READER INQUIRY CARD.

••••• ;amm 1


Hardlp lank lap si ding and Hardlpanel vertl · cal siding are highly durable, palntable

lightweight fiber ce­ment materials now of­fered by ]AMES HARDIE

BUILDING PRODUCTS. Im· mune to water , salt spray, termite s, and hurricane-force wind s, the product Is covered by a fifty -year warranty. CIRCLE 184 ON THE READER INQUIRY CARD.

CEDAR VALLEY announce s the release of one· cour se versions of its standard eight-foot-long shingle si d ing panel s that are designed for use on curved exterior walls . The panels are of-fered in seven -, five-, and four-Inch ex­posures to match the company's

three · , four -, and five-course panels and prefabricated corners. CIRCLE 185 ON THE READER INQUIRY CARD .

Offering a chunky look with a thick end , the Va loise Flat Interlocking Clay Roofing Tile from HU· GUENOT FENAL is a technlcally ad ­

vanced tile with deep head and side channels . Providing protection again st the climate , the tile come s In a selection of colors and


Page 57: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

Resources Kldsvllle, Providence Memorial Hospital Watkins Corter Hamilton Architects rmnt: Bcnjwnin Moore; wwlcol'cring honk;r. M:uimckko: Cl'f'lllll ic

ti ll-: Dul Tile: vinyl noor: Toli: \ICT noor: Annstrong: Acro•')'ll luondrnll<: CS Grour : works!Atlnn chulr, tublc: Ucnnun MIiier: tnhlc. bola chair: Fix1un:-<: dn1pcry, cm1ain fohrks: Fmn~-el Fahric

New Women 's and Chlldren 's Center , Shannon Medical Center, Bower Downing Partnership II rick: Elgin·Bmle_r: cnst Slone: Dullns Cast Smne: prL'C:ISI con· erctc: Ark:msa.< Precns1 Corp.: storefroni: Knwnc-er: gyplwmrd: l S(j: mctul stud_~: Ocha Ml!lul Products: uu1omo1ic n]umlo um doors: I lonon Au1ommics: doors: terrazzo: Gen· en1I l>olymcrs: vinyl Doors: Anmtrong: cnrpcl: l111erf:11.-c: modlflt-d hllumeo roofing: Slplus1: poly fnsuwlion: Atl:i, Enc(F.y Pmdum : pt•rlllc lnsuwtion: Mnnvillc: folding wall ~-ystcm: But'ror: pnlnl: Pl'G: ~lg1111gc: Au,1in An:hilL'Ctuml Graphic,: plumbing: Kohler

Kruse Memor ial Lutheran VIiiage Travis Broesche and Ben Boettcher Architects flou11d111ion: K,uy Steel Co.: luminotcd benms: Contemporary l1111hcr,, Inc.: brick: Acme: shc111hi11g: Gold Bond: aluminum "lnd o., s: Alcnc-o: cnlrnnrc doors: Kochler: wood doors: v r In· <ln<incs: hollow metal fru mcs: Republic Builders Products: 1111int: Shcrwin•Willmms: wallcovcring: Sc,,bmok Walkovcring. ltu ... ·o/Roy Jacob,. Sumvu.11, Wurncr Co.: ~I : Evm~, & Blnck: " "II hose: Roppe: \ICT: A.truck: ccrnmlc We: Amcricnn Olcun: , lnyl floors: Aml\trong: mJIJwork: Koehler. plusUt· laminate: Wll,onun: r levotors: E.o;co Elevators: phunhln g: Kohler. Elkuy

llfeStyle Centre, Method ist Hospital , AC Associates l'n.-c1L, I wall panels, Slnt cturc: Sc,u1hwc;1 Pn:slre~cd Concrete: ,tt-cl rn1me: W&W Steel Co.: ElfS: Senerg~ cernmlc tile: Dul· 1,k , Cro,svi llc Ceramics: exterior dours: Kawneer: interior doors: CECO Door: VCT: Tarkeu: ceiling: USG: roofing: Fire· " one: ins ulution: BASF: mu,•oble purti tions: ModcrnfulcJ: 1mint: Kclly•Moore: ele,•,uors: 0 1i, Elevators: plumbing: Eljer: enrpcl: Mohawk. J&J lncl11, 1rics

Alamo Community College District, Applied Sci· onces & Technology and Continuing Educat ion Buildings, Humberto Soldoiia & Associates ~·oundation: S1ruc1uml Mcmh Inc.: Concrete FonnWt>rk, : Ml.\ •

1>cndl-d slub: Ra, 1 lmn Wnrks: slccl frume: Nucnr Corp.: con· ,·rct.e nu&mry units: Femhcrliie: foce brick: Alhcn, Brick: pre· e11st wull: Pymmid Stone Co.; windows, Samuels Gluss: doors: vr lndu, trie,. Inc.; o,·crhcud doors: Overhead Door Co.: hrick pnvcn.: Mc1ropolirnn Cermnics: flooring: Flori inc Cnrp.: suspended ocoustl01l tile: USG lmcriors. Inc.: uiodllit-d roonng: SipliLsr: CMU dom1.1proofllljl, senJauts: Chcmrcx. Inc.: , culnnts: Sonneborn: iusufatlon : Rmu,-. Inc.: drywnll: USG: µhw:d concrete 11111SOnry unil~: Trenwyth lnllm,tric.,: 1minl: Glid· Llun Compuny: Ore prolttll nn: Fin:check of' Tcx11, . Inc.: l0t:kcrs: I lull11111n: CIC\'IIIOl'S: Dowr: Ughtiug: Wibon; SCIIUl"e! Mc Phi lbcn: plumbin g fixtur es: Wil,on: loikl accessories: Americ:111 S1><.'­ciuhies. Inc.: uir·hondli ng unlls: l\lcQuay: uir contro ls: Johnson Co111mb: pnlj ectlon screens: Dn·Litc: glnss unit mnson,:i' : Pills· t>urgh Comiug Corp.: nr cprooOng: W.R. Gn,cc & Co.

Brozosport College Addition & Remodeling Architecture Etc* Concrete stub. struc1urnl steel: Houston Stc'Cl Services: ccu..,r<'ic: Houston Shell & Concrete: steel rrumlng: Nnnh umpmn Stc,:I: lnbby c11try,: Berger lmn Wor~,. Inc .. l'.Oncrclc num 111,:i• units: Fculhcrlitc: l·onr rcte plunks: Prccn,1 Scrvke,. Inc .• Alu· cobond wnll puncJs; Southern An:hilcx:tuml SyMcJn,: w1Mld 1am. hour: Winonn Manuf:Jc1uring Inc.; vinyl wall t<tn cring: V1cne~ . Forbo lncJu, tric,: wi11do11s: Virnro n: doors : Vl,tuw:111 Architcc· 111ml Pmduc~ : hollow mctul door frum es: Door Pr11 Sy,1e111,: m·erhcnd door.i: Mnrli1c: side colling door: Cnok,cin Rollini: Dm rs: gmnlle pu, ers: CoogeJo,i Mnrblc & Gm1111c; tcrruXLo, l,,,_ rnmic tile, quarry: American Oleun: sini:le-ply roor: l) um•Lu.'1: woteqiroonni: : Sonneborn 1311,lding Product,: lns11l111i1111: Oms Chemical Co.: pul111: Gliducn Company; hunJwu.n': I lai;ur: lurk· sets: Sch Inge: door closers: Nonon: pnnlc c:dl: Vun 01111ri11, pusb/11ull sets: Trimco: cofetcrlu cttulpmont: C11,11H11 Kitchen Equipmem Co.: plu.~llc l11mi11u1c: Wll~c,nun: lockers: Mccl:111 Mctul Locker,,. Mou, ton S1ccl &Jui11111c111 Cu .. cnri llons IO\\cr : MMs•Rowe: ele,·mors: Dowr Elcvumr Co.: bhlirs/ treud,: AJ . Moy: stainless steel hnndrulls : Archilccmml Meu,l Craft,, Inc.: undcr\\Ulcr lighting: Bmn1elile: plmnhing 0:tlures: Americnn

S1umlard: ruuccls: Chka go FuuceL,: wuter rountn ins : Ou;i,. EBCO M:mufocturing Co .. energy management system: Control Sy,1em, lntcmmionul: s~ tems furniture : S1cx:lm:;e: 1,-rnnilc coun . lcr1nps: C11ngd u, i M urblc & Gmni1c; cabinetry: BPS An:hitcc· 1uml Pmcluci<: scnting: Vcctu; audln-,·i~u:il: Drupcr Screen Co.

St. Phlllp's College, Theatre and Fine Arts Building Ford Powell & Carson, Inc. bri ck: Acme; sheolhin g: Dcn, .Gta, <. Gcorgi11•P11ci11c: ~In...,; block: Solum. USA: , lid Ing Ore dnor: Won-Door Corp .. 11111· mlnmn/gla'i.~: All:L, Archilectunil Mewl,. Inc.: acoustlcul doors & frumcs: O\'orl} MFg. Cu.: hollo\\ metnl doors & fr11111cs: Penrlund lnduMric,: cp11x} 1err:1uo : Amcrk an Tcrmu ,o; cur· pct: Cullin, & Aikmnn Corp.: acou,,lic:11 celling1,: USG ln1cri· or,: n)Ofing: Sirl1LS1 R0<11ing Sy,1e111,: elevutors: United Tech· nologic,/O ti, Elc,•alt>r; Ore s11rinklcrs: ,\ mcrica11 Au1ornu1ic Sprlnklcf\; pninl: Dcn-.e & Rnynnlds: multilonc nccenl Sl)(-Ciul cooling: l'olymyx: e.,i1 dc,•iccs: Von Duprin: ouditorium 5"111· Ing: H11over Brothers: acoustkn l \\1111 punels: Dccou, 1ic,: nu• dio·vl~uul: Lee Color1ru11: ucousticnl: Beckwith Ekc tronic En. ginecring: srnge equipment: Tc~w, Scenic Co.

Texas A&M International University Kell Muiioz Wlgod sky Architects Ceram ic tile: Alumo Tile Co .. seating: Amcri.:ar, Dc,k: tcmino: American Marble Mo-..,ic Co.: uct'CS.., nooring: Arccon lmlu,1ri.:.,. Inc.: dirl-clory & b1dlc1ln bourds: ,\ SI Sign Sy,1cm, : Onorini:: Bcxur Floor Covering Co.: nlumlnum lom•crs & vents: Con· ~1ruc1ion Spi..-clnltic., . Inc.; marbl e: Dehn Granite & MW'blc: toilet portltlon.~: De.,ign Specinhics. lnc.: sound doors & rnun cs: Door I'm Sy~tcms. Inc.; cle,~11ors: Do,·c, Elcvmur: d cctriml sysrnms: Eldridge Electric Co.: fir e & spr inkler systems: Fircchcck of Tcxu~ Inc.: nudi o.,•isunl: Ford Audio Vi<uid: mesquite wood flooring: H:i111.mo1uJ; Wood Floors: founlllin: Lone Srnr Llgluin~. Inc.: Urne cupsult>: J Ro<, Boles Co.: visual db,pluy boan ls: J.l) . Specialties. Inc.: pu,·ers : Kiwi Company: Interior slgnugc & ~raphJl.'l!: Morri,on Sign C().: ow rhcud dtHH·i,~ O, crbcutl Door Co.: Sit-cl dc)Or,, & rrnnu.-s: Pcurlnnd lndu,,1rie,., Inc.: gla~ & g1a7.. Ing, :aluminum curlainw all: Pierce/Riverside Gin,,;, L.C.: site lx,ncl1es: Smith & H:1wken: cusl mcdullion: St. Geofl?e Sign Co.

Southwestern University Fine Arts Theatre Addition Hoover & Furr Architects Stru cturul steel: Tip, h on & Steel: ruor joisL~: Vukruft : win• dows , 11l11111lnum door s : v .. rnwnll : hollo w melnl doo rs : Curvies: o, crh cnd doo rs: Cnok, on: floor : Venice An Tem11.w ,e1.: car pet : Bigelow: cellln i:: Arm,1ro11g: rnuOng: Tre111co: paint: ll c,·1,e & RnynnlcJ, : h11r<h11irc: Srnnley, Sehlugc: s« u· rily, Ore olum1: Simph:,, : thculer sealing: Amcriciu1 Dc!.l : !Ju•. Iller dimmin g S)'Slcnm Maco Elee1mnk , : llghlinJ!: Lighmllcr. Edi,1.111 Price. OayBritc/Ocnjumin. Kun Versen: lheutricul llghl· Ing : OmeJl:1 & Li))hting Service~: plumbin,:: Eljer: HVAC: Tnme: curpel: Bigd 11w

Texas A&M Veterinary Medicine Addition , Lorge Animal Hospital & Resear ch Building, HKS Inc. Fouudnllon: M111TI1inc, Steel: stru r lur e: Gifford/HIii. B~nlllUI Concrete. Optimum Steel: concrete masonry mill" Fc~thcrllt~: roor: Brn:ws Urethane: wind ows: \l ii.111w11II: skyll ghb : Nutu· rulile: doors: Tex·Stcd : overheud d1H1r.i: Mnhun P11or, : fl1H1r: S1onh11rd: cclUng: AmN mng: r1H10ni:: Vm1gunrJ hulhk r-.: wu· 1crpr oofing/seol:1111s: Sonneh11rn. cl~vuln~: l)m ,·r: 11,:htlni:: Sterner. Kun Vcr,cn, C<1hunhi11: pl11111hln1t: K11hlcr. mnrhl~ tul· let 1mnl1 lom,: Cungclu,l M:1rhlc: ln\11111111111: Owen, c .. rn,111:: pninl: Devoe & R:1ynnl1k rurnllnr e: Stcd.-n,c. 1'lc1mpoli11111. l·fonnnn Millcr.Vecrn, Nov,~nrr

Texas A&M University, library Facilltles Roy Balley Archite cts, Inc. ~·uund111l11n: llcnrnulll C1111crc1e r•ru11ue1,: • lru r turul ~lccl : Tcxa, C'nlll Fl111, hcd Stec.I. brll'k: llljun-Hutlcr: murt or: TXI: tud.1111111 llmc, 11111,•: l'c~n, 1 ... •11111kr Cut Slllnc. curtuln \Intl : Vb tuwull: cluun,: ll~u,11111, 0 .11.-1111 l):M1r, , Pcnrluml lmlu, 1ric., , Tomi Opt111l11g Sy, tc111: c11111•rc1e unit 111ncJ 'lil: Prl\c.:,tonc: ler · n1a.o: 1\111cri,•n11 rcmu~n. Olrp<'I: Hlj!C'low: lll'UIL<licul celling: USG 001111 Sy,1c111: mewl n,or: AEP·Sr un: li1um m<,r: Premium l'olynwr.s: ,c ulunl: Tn:111c11: wu1~rpronOn1t: Mimli: in~-.tlolion: Ccna 1111cctl; mn, •ublc 1111rlllion s: Hul'cur: /mint: Sherwm· Willium,: hurd\t'nrc : I luger. Yule. Nunon. Von Dupnn: clcvu· tors: Mu111go111cry Elc"mor: ligbtini:: Peerless. L11ho11io. Capri. Devine. D11y.Bri1c


Index to Advertisers Page .... Adve1tlse1 ...... _ .. _ (htle Ho. Poge .... Advertlse1 .............. Circle Ho.

21 ....... AIA Trust... .................. __ 14 69 ._ .. Jock EYans & Assocloles .... 54 21 ....... Alenco ............................ 129 2 ........ Jewell Conciele Products .... 7 13 ....... All·Texos Oects ............ _ 123 29 ...... John Manley/ Studio M .. 124 13. 27..Aluminum Rooting

Speciollsls Inc . ................. 88 8, 9 ..... Lone S101 Plywood & Door ... 4 21 ..... ..American Marble Moscic .. 137 29 ....... Anne Moore, Ud . .............. 94 8, 9 ..... Mor1ln Wlndows ................. 4 8 ........ ~ lollon Admlnistrolors 11 ....... Masonry & Gloss Systems . .10

& Consullonls .................. 11 3 ......... Masonry lnslilule -·-········3

22, 23 .. Blotk Mlllwort • Andmen 16 ....... MIiier Blueprlnl..- ..... _. 13 12 ....... Monier Rool TIie Inc. .... _.85

Windows ...... _ __ __.o 8. 27 ... Blade Technologies lnc.. .. 18 17 ....... OMC lndustries ................. 22

13 ....... Copllol Oetlng ................ 123 13, 27 .. Panel Specialists. lnc. ..... 126 25 ....... CCSW Grophlcs. ............... 111 58 - .... PHOTO/GRAPHIC CONC!PTS ... 117 4 .... _ .. Chemical Lime CG ............... 5 17 .... _PLUS/ Professional Lines 16 .. - .. Cll CAD·SCAH ................. 125 58 ....... Clayworks ....................... 121

Underw11Ung SpeclalislS ... 12

59 ....... CGnstrucllon CGsl 16 ....... Soulhern Building Code .... 29 Managemenl .... _ .. ___ .215 30 _ ..... Soulhwesl Terrono

29 ....... Crane Plumblng_ ............. 92 Assacialion, Inc. _ ........... 99 58 ....... Ctowlord Friend 58 ....... Slahways, Inc. ..... - ......... 39

ConsullanlS ._ .................. 96 13 ....... Slone Magic ................... 204 13 ....... Sundek al Houslon .......... 125

25 ....... Dallas Cost Slone ............ 216 59 _ .... Dolum Engineering._ ...... 98 28, 30 . .Texos Kiln Produds •. _ .... 106

31 ...... .flt Corp ......................... - 97 32 ....... USG lnlerlm ...... __ ........ 48

58 •. _. Glass Block Shop ....... _. 104 58 ....... Wenco Monufadurlng CG .. 68 59 ....... Grafflu Inc . .................... 120 58 __ Whol lls Worth .................. 87

Texas A&M University Natat orlum, Marmon Mok Overhead door s: Amerk un Ovcrhcml Door Co.: concrete: Bukcr C011cre1c: wnll p:mels: Clyde Grlc\Cnhcck & S1111. lne.: cJ. evutor.i: Dover Elev1110r: e11un1crs : C'11rlu11: lrxkers: I.h i lml11s-1ric.: hollow mclnl frnm cs : l'curlunll lmlu, 1rlc., : com11usllc 01e10J puncls: Soullu.,_rn A1~·hi1ec111rnl S)',lc111,; 11111111: Clliducn: curpel : Sufll,'rinr Ct1fl'\'I: e11ncrc1,• mnlcriul : Tr:111,h Mi~. Jnb l. deckln,:: \lulcmti

Texa s A&M Univ ersi ty, Corpu s Christi , Class · room/laboratory Building, Jones & Kell Inc. Cum·rclc 1111L'l<lnry units: l'culhcrlhc: , 1ecljuis1, roor d,-ck: Vul• crnfi: rucc hri ck: 1\c 111c , l) ' ll111"' Unck & Tile: slru c:lurul i:lnu d Ille: bl!!III ll111lcr: ccr11111ie tile: Buch1ul Corp.; glu.•s hlock: l'itl\ huri:h (\m 1111j: Corp.: \\ induw " 11II: EFCO Corp.: cast s11111c: l'vm 111ill StMc ,11.; tilt : Amcri,·nn Olcun Tile: EIFS: S~ncriy Inc.: 1,uJI puud s: Octcuu, 1ics: Sled tluors. rruruc;.: (J,101 I'm S) , tenl\ , Ille.; \\Olld do(lrs: vr lmlu, irlcs: ueu1L, llc tltw1r,.: (hur l) Mun11J'uc1unnj!: 11uurry tile: Acme Orick: F.~·s h1111rd: Dow Chc111il'nl: paint: Devoe & Rnynul,b : cle,•11. Jur,,: l)11vc1 l:lc1,11111. plumhlni:: Amcricun Stundard

Simmons Biomedical Research Building, UT South· western Medical Center, F&S Partners l.nbnm lnry plnnnin i::. dc.•lgn: Eurl Walls Assoc1111c,: I\IEP: G~1ynor & Sir,111.:w Engmccrs: slru c-tund: Oulum Engmt!ering: rnnlru clur : l) ul•Muc Co11, rruc1101r

Euclid House, Pia F. Worthnm and Joan Colli s ~·11und11llun: lfoLblOn Shell. Oa,·i> Concrete Color<. inlcrior/ex· tcr lor wull surfucc: Lucus Ccclnr: " indo" s: Wcnco: lntcrln r entry doors: Uctering: puvini:: Lee Jone,. Prime PmducLiun,. Elcnu Cu,i Wonbum: " u1cr pro11011g se11l1111L" Mn111:ilha111,·,: ligblini:: Ligh1olicr: plumbb1g: Kohler

A House In Highland Park, Juris lolv lns, Architect Exterior insulntlon syskm : Dryvii; stucrn : Trinity: lerrn cc o1onc, foundation surrucc. mnrblc : l'cnn,y lvnni:-, Grcc11, 1onc. Cus1u111 Stone Supply: wind ows, doors : Murvin: skylights: Velux. NmuroLuc/EPI: ov<'rhcud doors: Ovcrh.:utl Door Cu .. ceilin g: US Gyp, u111: ro onug: GAF. Tlmbcrllnc: sculurHs: Pcc,11111: iu.sululloo: Owen, Cumin~: palol: Shcrwin•Wlllinim: plumbing: Kohler

Texas Architect 5/6 1994 57

Page 58: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General



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Texas Architect 5/6 1994 59

Page 60: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General


Leffland in Victoria VICTORIA 1r a llHHlern-da) ' visitor to

Victorin co uld :1-.k Dnnish - horn nrchitccr Jul es Lefn:ind :ihou t rhc frustr:ttion of prac­ticing :trchitecrure inn srm ll city in -n:x:1s, his reply might he that all the pr estigious com­missions go to nrchitects from larger cities.

Even io \ 'icrori:i, his adopted home town, the bl!st-known lnn<lmnrks :ire buildings Je-ignccl Ii} someone else-the Vicwri:1 Cou nty

Cuunhouc;c ( 189!, J. Ril ey Gordon), St. J\1:iry's Catholic Church ( 1904, 1icola~ C lnyton, with revisions by Phelps & King), nnd the O'Connor-Proctor Building (1895. Paul Helwi g), a ll conimissions Leffland would liked co hove hud but didn't ger. Lcrfland's work consisted of c;m:illcr commis­sions :ind thcrc lorc ic; not :is well km)\\ n :is rhe work of m:my other architccLs of his time.

Jul es C:irl Lefnancl ( 1R54-19z4) recci"ed his ;1rchi1ectur:i l education from the Tns1itute nr-lcchn<Jlogy of Copcn h.1gen, Denmark. Af­ter m:trrying Emilie Sophie Struck, the daughter of a famous resort hotel owner, he emigrarccl to the L·nired Smrcs :ll the nge or 32. He ~oon sent for his family :111d ihe) settled in Vicwrin, :1 th1i\•ing r:111ching cnm­muniry and commercial center of the time.

I l'is lirst project!! involved dismantling :ind 1110\ling houses from l11di.1nol:1 ro Victoria af­ter the hurri cane of r886. From this modest beginning, his pr:icrice grew. lli s son Kai (1889-1951) joined LefOand's firm after grndunting from the University of Pennsylva­nia and the practice or Jules Lcfnand & Son dre\\ :1 variety of commissions from man} cit­ies :ilong the 1ex:1s coast.

To comm unit y bcnditcd as much .1s Victoria, however. In oddirion tu numerous residences and commercial buildings, one of the most signific:rnt pro1ecrs of Leftl:ind's ca­reer, rhe 'az:irerh Acnclcmy ( 1904), is loc:1tcd in Victori:1, ndj:icent to St. Mary's Carbolic Church. The building w:1s to house n girls' school for I he Sisters of the I nc:1rn:m: \ \lord and Blessed S:icramcn t, :1 French convent with :i n, o- hundrcd -year-o ld tradition. The two-nnd-a-hulf-srory structure w:is co n­st rucred of lo:id-hcaring masonry walls and wood frnming. Some of the distinctive fc:1-Lurcs of the design include cl:ibor:llc gob le :ind dorml!r clcrniling :ind stucco quoins for corner 11rucul:1rion that revea l Lcflland's Copenhagen mew,. In :1ddicion, Lhe building's overnll 11111'-,in~ ,111d facade orgnni1;ntion

60 Texas Architect 5/6 1994

drnwlo from Rcnais~:111cc revival nrchi tcc:ture common to Flcmbh gui ld lrnll:. huilt from I j 0 0 lO I 700.

"loday. a portion of the building still serves :is a c:onl'ent; the remainder is unoccupied. The clemcn tory schoo l hns long since out ­grown its originnl focililie~ and i,; no" lnc:iccd on :in adj:1ccnt block. While many of Lcff­land\ building:. arc ~till in use 11ml are in good repnir, some have been physic;1lly 10s1 to ur­ban c.~pan:.ion. Fortun:1tcly, :1 gift from 1-l cnry 1-buschild of \ ·ictori:i preserves Lcfflanrl's lose 3rchjcecrural contribu unn in presentation :ind measured dr:iwings rch:1hili­t:1tcd wiLh grnnt money from the Victoria Count) 1 listuric:il Commission and \ ·icmr ia Prc~crvarion, Inc. The drawings can he seen at the \\cN:1m nr:1 1 lou~c ,\ luseum in Vicrori11.

Lcflland's existing nrchitcctu rc can be seen on :i dri\ •ing tour of Old Victuri:i ovnil:ible through Victo1·i:1 Prcscn·:idon, ln c., P.O. Box .1486, Victoria, Texas 77901. \ ' icrori:1 cur ­rently h:is 0\'Cr one hundred building on the N:1tiona l Rcgi,;icr or 11 iswr ic Places. The driving tour features over a dozen Leffland­dcsigned huilclingi.. Bill T. Wilson Tl

Bill T. Wilson II LS an nrrbirecr pnmicing in Cor­pus Cbrisri.





Top: the

Nazareth Acad · emy (1904) In Victoria, one of Dan ish-born ar· chltect Jules leffland's largest surv iving project s


. . .. n

Above : first floor plan , Naxareth Academy


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Jeted after JantJary 1. 1988 to lie tJl,ydile ' tbari Des,gn P1a11111ng pro11icts 11111st hav,;

oonstruct1011 corn1i1eterl or 111ust t1ave an

I Cl1ve client and some porr,011 under

ctonstr11ct1on or cornpletrid Any pro1ect

Completed on or before Decernner 31. 1969 riav be e11terer1111 tt1e 25-Year Aware! category ln t11v1cl u a Is or f I rrn s whose p rirn ar y off, c e , s

lo cated ,11 Texas may •!nter a11•1 number of

11ro1ecrs anywhere 111 tile worro Texas -, r, g,sterer1 arcl11tects located out of state 111ay ant er any 111rrnher of Texas pro1ects

Entries must lie sutirn,tted tiy an arr.h,ter.t

tYho w as rerpstered with tile Tex~s Boord of l\ rcli,tectural Exa,i1,ners at tilt! t,,ne lhe prop!Cl

ns executer! Wt1eri1 respo11s11,i1,1y ford

1,ro1ect 1s shared, tt1e des1yn arct11tect 111ust be registered Texas arcl11trict <1nll all part1c1·

ants who suhstant,ally contr,h11ted to the I

ork 111us1 be Lreu,tetl

Proj.,,·, ( n·dih ........ Jl""IW,IU lt1• inlMN\atNlll'l t ......... tlfCI . ...... M-JH .. , .... hwn, ... ., ,..u c.r•fvlly ,._ ean-.Mhlton min 1.Hftt,1 • ~..,.,lftl v,,u. ein1,w""-J ,.,.... ,..,., it.1 ... ._, .._ .,_.

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\\,c1rcls E11try For111

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,,,.,_.... _________________ _ May :11 , ,..,. U•• ,.he toc opln o f thl• fo-'"" If 11ec.eea..1y

Page 62: GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E - Texas Architect Magazine...GRADUATE TO KEYSTO E Proj ect: Rockwall High School, Rockwall, Texas Archi tect: Claycomb Associates Architects, Dallas, Texas General

Proj1·1·1 l111'11rniatio11 Pr-ojectNam• __ ________ ____________ _ _

Projea Loc.adon ________ ____________ ___ _

Bldg sl.te ht tq It.. ___ ___________ _________ _

I ce n ,fv IhaI Iho Informatio n prov ldOd on 1h11 onuv form 11 corroc1; that the submlued w ork

WM dono, by lh o pon ies cradll od; lhn l I om

Julhorlzod 10 rop1oson11hose cradiled; that I am

on orch1tec1 rcg1s1urod wllh TBAE; and 1h01 I hose obtolnod pormlsslon 10 publish lho project

from both 1he owno, nnd 1h11 pho109rapher I

undorstnnd lhnl nny un1rv thot lolls to moot lheso roqu lrnmont s Is subj ect to dlsquotll1cat1on

Signature ------ ------

~- TSA M CMR[ft. 1100 lor tlrs l p,OIKI . QO

--- for H cond p10J1<1. SIO lot 1hlrd •nd

Mo fYf c:ompleied _ ____________ ___________ fu.rth•r projec:11 NOH~TSA MCMIUl 1180 entry fH tOf firll

Cn.-go,v O o.,.,.,., D"lgn O lnterkN A,-~hltKtunt O RH10tat ion

0 Utb•n O..lgn lPl•nning O 2'S·yHt Award

P,otte1 - a C:Ommemal D tM1,,u,ton.a1

O R..-toal

a °'""' , • .,.."" -..,

Qt0l.C1 .. 11 &0 fOf MCOnd p, ·oJtct. IUO for

third and further pro1ac11

ChKllNumbff - ----- lf'IIJift

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HE lSA M,·Jc•h' lncltHle a re111stratI011 check for S100 for t11e first proiect. S90 for the second. and S80 for tile tlwtf and furtlier proIects sullr111ttecl lly a TSA memtier. Nll',TSA M ! '.H·!·, lnclurle a regIstratIon check for $180 for the hrst proIect. $160 for the second. and S140 tor the th ird and further proIects sullrn11ted hy a no11-TSA memller Place the check ,nan envelope with tlie entry lorrn a11cl tape It to the 011ts1cfe ol the c~rn11sel box Make checks or 111011ey nrrlers payable to


MORE INFORMATION For adcl1t1onal 1nlormat 1011 on rules. fees. ancl

other matters. call Ray Don Tilley_ 512-303-7703 or 5l2-'178-7386