Grades Note-taking in the Middle

Note-taking in the Middle Grades Put Kids In Charge of Their Learning

Transcript of Grades Note-taking in the Middle

Note-taking in the Middle

GradesPut Kids In Charge of Their Learning


How can I help my students to be better at taking notes during class?

Activating Strategy

Everybody Writes:Write a few sentences about a time that

you took notes. Describe the situation.

Why Notetaking is Necessary?

“Whether you want to succeed in school or you want to be on top of your professional career, effective note-taking is a valuable skill for retaining, remembering, reciting and recalling information.”

Good Notetaking...

- enables you to avoid unintentional plagiarism

- helps you to focus on what is important in what you are reading or hearing

- helps you to understand and remember material, and make connections

- helps you to structure the assignments you're researching

- provides a personal record of what you've learnt (more useful than your lecturer's

or friends' notes) and records your questions and ideas

- sets you up for exam revision

But, be careful...

- note-taking can distract you from listening to lectures

- note-taking can put additional stress on those who do not write


- you can end up with so many notes that you have to spend twice

the amount of time going through them again to find out the

important points!

Let’s Take Notes!

Cornell Notes

Basic Cornell Notes: Link

How to take Cornell Notes: Link

Teaching with Cornell Notes: Link

Strategies for good notetaking

Box and Bullets


Supporting Details

Let’s Try ItUse Box and Bullets to find the main idea of “The Weird and Wonderful Octopus”

Mind Mapping

*Mind Mapping was invented by

Tony Buzan



Some Videos -

Make a Mind Map - The Basics: Link

How to Create a Mind Map: Link

Mind Meister

Annotating the Text

“Remember, if you highlight everything, you have highlighted nothing”

Cris Tovani

Cris Tovani’s Fix Up Strategies

Jot down notes.Write a reflection or summary.Record questions and thoughts. Record your metacognitive processes.Create a visual/Draw a picture. Make a list of important information

From:Jackson Community College ENG 085 College Reading Instructor: Amy Leighton-Gamel

While highlighting is a good strategy, a student must have effective reading strategies in order to highlight effectively. Students must be able to read text, select key details, reread, select key words that represent those key ideas and finally highlight. In order to teach students to highlight effectively, many strategies need to be taught beforehand.

Teaching students to mark up a text or annotate it allows students to transact with the text. Students can make notes in the margins that reflect key words and important details while monitoring their comprehension by asking questions, making connections, predicting and inferencing.

Cris Tovani suggests that by having students mark the text, the teacher is allowing them to “hold their thinking”. It is hard to remember everything you thought as you read a challenging text. By making comments, drawing pictures, offering opinions and asking questions as you read, you are creating a map of your thinking. (2004)

Coding the Text

�What: A metacognitive strategy that helps students monitor their comprehension while reading.

�Why: Some students tend to “stray” while reading a text, especially if the content is difficult. Coding helps students “stay” with the text. Students monitor their own understanding as they read in order to fix problems as they occur. From: “Text Coding” Presentation by Toby Casella, Allison Sandor, Neil Goldman, Jamea Elzy

�Carousel Group Work Activity¡Have students write their most profound code explanation on a full post-it

¡Have students post anonymously their explanation on poster paper

¡Split students in small groups, have them select their favorite coding explanation from each poster and discuss for 5 minutes

�V.I.P. (very important point)

�While reading, place a sticky note near information that you feel is a KEY point�You can only use the 3-5 pieces, therefore you have weigh them against the points you already marked.�When deciding between two points ask yourself:

¡Are these new points as important as what has come before?

¡Are they more important?

Informational Notetaking● Stop and think● Trailing the text● It says, I say and so● Venn Triangle● Strong Evidence Graphic Organizer● Discussion Web, and more…

Notetaking for Research

Trash and Treasure Words: Link

Amelia Earhart

Let’s Try:Trash or Treasure

Topic for the Activity is “Reasons Why Amelia Earhart Is a Hero”

The Incredible Shrinking Notes

● Use Amelia Earhart treasures to find the one most important key idea that answers the question.

● Incredible Shrinking Notes: Link


Maybe use for special education, ELL students, 6th grade too.

Taking notes during a video

Learn How To Take Notes While Watching An Online Video With

**This is a great site for kids to take notes while viewing a video. The site is easy to navigate. Try it for yourself!


Post-Its: Little Notes, Big Thinking

Video: Using post-its to come prepared for a discussion.

Tips for Teachers

1. Make Time for Note-taking: Students need time to think more deeply.

2. Train students to take better notes: Give feedback on their notes.

3. Challenge students to think: Ask them to paraphrase their notes.

4. Tell students what to record: Get them started early in the year.

5. Give students a framework: Help them to organize notes.

Note-taking Tip Sheet

Tip Sheet Link

Have students keep a tip sheet in their notebooks and refer to it often.


Write a Most Important poem for notetaking…The most important thing about notetaking is…(then name three more important points)But the most important thing about notetaking is...