Grade3 history (1)

Days and Weeks Celebrated or Commemorated in Australia


Grade Three History

Transcript of Grade3 history (1)

Page 1: Grade3 history (1)

Days and Weeks Celebrated or

Commemorated in Australia

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Page 2: Grade3 history (1)

Australia Day is on January 26 and commemorates the establishment of the first European settlement at Port Jackson, now part of Sydney, in 1788. It is an opportunity for Australians to come together to celebrate their country and culture. There are reflections on the achievements of the nation and explorations of way to make the country even better in the future. I Come From A Land Down Under by Men At Work

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Harmony Day 21 March is a day of cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia home – from the traditional owners of this land to those who have come from many countries around the world. By participating in Harmony Day activities, we can learn and understand how all Australians from diverse backgrounds equally belong to this nation and enrich it.Visit harmony Home Page

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ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) Day is the anniversary of the landing of troops from Australia and New Zealand on the Gallipoli Peninsula, Turkey, in World War I on April 25, 1915. The bravery of all military personnel who participated in this campaign and the lives of those who died in all military actions are remembered.

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Reconciliation is about building better relationships between the wider Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for the benefit of all Australians.To create positive change we need more people talking about the issues and coming up with innovative ideas and actions that make a difference.

Listen to Treaty by Yothu Yondi...

Visit Reconciliation Website

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National Sorry Day is an Australia-wide observance held on May 26 each year. This day gives people the chance to come together and share the steps towards healing for the Stolen Generations, their families and communities. Stolen generations refer to Indigenous Australians who were forcibly removed from their families and communities.

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NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee. Its origins can be traced to the emergence of Aboriginal groups in the 1920 s which sought to increase ′awareness in the wider community of the status and treatment of Indigenous Australians.NAIDOC Week is held in the first full week of July. Visit NAIDOC website