Grade 10 Quarter 3 - fileLearning Objectives: (W1a) LO1:...

Grade 10 Quarter 4 Ms Oliver What is the connection and difference?

Transcript of Grade 10 Quarter 3 - fileLearning Objectives: (W1a) LO1:...

Grade 10 Quarter 4

Ms Oliver

What is the connection and difference?

Starter recap

This week, I will need to….


The most important things I learned last week is...

I did not know how to... ....but

now I can

Mini Starter in the Blog

Weekly Outline

• Instrument history & Genres(A,D, B, • Notation and repertoire: (A,B, D) • Tempo verse speed (A, C,B) • Printed Dynamic's marking & Description (A,C,D) • Timbre recital artist selection (A, B,C,) • Artistic Structure and order (A. B, C.) • Private showcase recital /reflections(A,B,C,D) • Assessment showcase/ reflections: (A,B,C,D) • Presentation and evaluation(ABCD)

Learning Objectives: (W1a)

LO1: Demonstrate, show and describe understanding of the historical and modern notation and genre concepts and process to your instrument. (A1)

LO2: Describe, identity or list key repertoire expression background, with traditional classical music terms. (A)

L03: Create a artist response intention to creating a solo recital.(D)

Part 2: Music Genres: MIND MAP. Completed per week…

1: Watch Flip: Add more genres 2: Add Pictures per Genre 3: CHUNK: ‘ Lyrics Score notation / Improvised/ DJ-Technology Structure. Tonality.

Recap to present: Your Instrument Profile!

We have a profile, height, shape, size, pitch, likes and dislikes, countries of origion – but what about your instrument. Do you know its roots?? LO1: Demonstrate, show and describe understanding of the historical concepts and designs to your instrument. (A1)

Present your Findings:

- Name: - How constructed: - Key areas/ names of the

uinstrument. - Pitch / Range - Music you hear it play! - -Key solo performers - -Key famous music - Score music/ improvised. - Make it FUN for ALL to ENJOY... ‘Teach and Show!’. - -Fun facts/ strange facts about your instrument – and


Example on ‘Blog Outline’

Notation, Notation, Notation

Score Notation: we are going to recap the different music terms and expressions, though the many music symbols.

Types of notation: What?, Why?

• Which does you instrument use? Why?

• Name which one?

• How are they the same or difference?

Clefs: ‘What?, Why?, where?

• What are the different clefs?

• What instruments fit to which?

• Why have them?

• Which would your instrument be?, how do you know?.

Notes: Name?, how?

• How do you remember each note?.

• What are Ledger lines?

• How is this used for ‘Guitarists and tab?

Rhythm & Metre: what?, Where? How?

• Draw out or a find British rhythm grid of note lengths?.

• What’s do each of the dotted rhythm length’s mean?

• What and do you understand the difference between simple time and compound time?

• Make a test (beginner and advanced Maths!). Using 4/4. ¾, 12/4, 3/8, 2/4, 6/8 / 12/16

Key Signatures: Why? How?

• What are they?

• What’s the different ‘major & Minor Keys?. How do you, or could you work it out.

• Why have Accidentals?, name the symbols. how do you know?

Dynamics: What?, How?, where?

• Invent a table with each dynamic marking. –Say and name each one.

• How do you know the difference between ‘quiet and very quiet? – what do you do in with your instrument.

• Where on the music do you see this? Why?. Give music examples.

• What extreme dynamic terms are there?. Why?.

Tempo: What?, Why?

• Create or find a table of the different ‘Latin tempo markings. Explain in your words, what they mean. -

• Where on a score, do you see the markings? why there?

• What reasons would a composer give to change or set a tempo?.

• What’s the difference between allegro and BPM?

Articulation: what? Why?

• What is it used for? Why?.

• What are the main symbols you see. Give a meaning to each one.

• How could this be confusing to a performer?.

Instruction signs: What?, how?

• Find each example of a instruction sign. Explain what they mean.

• Why not just write it down, instead of a symbol?

Expression terms: What?, where?, why?

• Find the ‘Latin, German, French & Italian music expression terms’. - explain what they mean.

• Why not written in English?

• Why even have them, can't it be up to the performer instead?

Round up: Score notation

• Invent a test ( online or worksheet) of different levels. This is for the class to complete as a starter next lesson!.

Which symbols do you know no more about? How does, having symbols in music effect a solo

performer? (think positive and negative). What symbols would you need to remember, and
