Grace of the Master

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Transcript of Grace of the Master

  • 7/30/2019 Grace of the Master


  • 7/30/2019 Grace of the Master


    The lion thought the cub is either speaking out of ignorance or out of fear. He said O you

    ignorant, listen to me carefully and reflect on my words. First establish your mind fixedly on

    one thing. As motionless water body is like a mirror so also a fixed mind without a trace of

    thoughts. Open your eyes and behold me fully by fixing your eyes on my eyes. Look at my

    countenance, my features and manners and then contemplate on yourself decisively.

    With the eye of certainty the cub reflected upon the counsel of the lion and found his mark.

    He realized that he is a cub of lion. However he enquired the lion, O Sir tell me the truth who

    am I? The lion replied O brave one you are a lion. As you beheld my features and know that I

    am a lion, with the same insight look at you and behold your body and soul. The cub started

    contemplating on his arms, legs, colour, complexion, actions and attributes. Undoubtedly he

    realized his being. He was astonished at this excessive awakening of knowledge. At the same

    time he was confused as to why he imagined him as a dog.

    The lion called out the cub, have you understood or not? The cub put his head between his

    paws out of humiliation and humbly said yes. The lion asked the cub to remove the sense of

    reproach and tell him what he has realized. The cub could not speak as if his mouth is sealedand every pore in his body is dissolved out of indignity. However the cub said meekly I am

    also a lion. The lion said, previously you were telling that you are a dog. Have you now

    understood the difference between the lion and a dog? Verily I now know that I am a lion

    when I looked into the eyes of a lion, the cub replied.

    Why then did you tell me that you are a dog? Now unfold the secret of dog nature. The cub

    narrated its history from the time he was picked by the servant until he was confronted by the

    lion in the forest.

    I was a pub in the company of dogs and I totally forgot my noble birth. I have found my real

    nature with your grace. I was a pub and when the lion cast his gaze on me, with the grace of

    the lions gaze I found my identity.

    O wise man, now listen to allegory of the tale. The servant who took the cub from the forest

    is the mother and the merchant is the father. The dog which nurtured with her milk is the

    world. The pubs with whom he was reared are the companions of imperfect wisdom. He that

    trained with the art of hunting is the master of worldly knowledge. And he that removed the

    veil between the dog and lion, consider him as the Perfect Master and Spiritual Guide.

    Sometimes whoever is destined to gain this inspired knowledge, to him every trifle means are

    adopted to cast away his ignorance. How nobly it was said, so long as the attention of theperfect Master is unavailable, the road to salvation is not obtained.

    Lion hearted brave men are those who never adopt the nature of dogs though being in their

    company. O friend forgetting your noble self you speak a different language and behave

    differently. Certainly you are noble and divine as evident from the manifestation of inherent

    qualities. Whoever is deficient of this insight is devoid of sight. One day he will repent and

    be disgraced. Before you are disgraced and become repentant go and seek the Perfect


    Of man, manliness is the requisite of this path, otherwise he is worthless.

    Under whose care I found the light of moon? none other than the brilliance of Qadre Alam.