Grace Background info 2016

An introduction to Grace Hosting at LASSN JUNE 2016 Leeds Asylum Seekers’ Support Network

Transcript of Grace Background info 2016

An introduction to Grace Hosting at LASSNJUNE 2016

Leeds Asylum Seekers’ Support Network

Overview Started as Short

Stop – in 2003, providing emergency accommodation to asylum seekers & refugees

Operating on a night to night basis

Leeds Asylum Seekers’ Support Network

Overview Long Stop started

in 2013, with hosts providing ongoing accommodation to asylum seekers.

Over a week, and possibly month-to-month

Leeds Asylum Seekers’ Support Network

Who is the scheme for? Any asylum seeker or refugee without alternative


Someone must be trying to resolve their case (ie a fresh claim, or pending) with support from the referrer

If someone is offered Section 4 accommodation, the offer of emergency accommodation is withdrawn

Leeds Asylum Seekers’ Support Network

Referral arrangements Closed referral route

2 local agencies providing casework to destitute people refer

Formal Partnership Agreements exists with both organisations, signed off at Board Level

Partnership agreements spell out

Referral guidelines

Risk management arrangements

What happens next morning

Leeds Asylum Seekers’ Support Network

How referrals work Guest assessed by referral agency

Referral agency contacts Grace Coordinator and gives background info, inc any risks/requirements

Grace Coordinator contacts hosts to check availability

Once Host identified, basic info on Guest shared with Host and arrangements made

Coordinator contacts Referrer

Referrer gives Guest info sheet on Host (includes bus routes, map, directions, photo of front door)

Guest goes to Host

Guest re-contacts referrer following morning

Leeds Asylum Seekers’ Support Network

Risk management - Guests Referrers assess risk & decide suitability

Info regarding Guests passed on by referral agency to LASSN on a need to know basis

No blanket exclusions but acceptance based on support available and predictability of risk.

Children’s Services are made aware of all referrals involving children – and attempts made to gain assistance under s17 of Children Act

Ongoing checks with Guests throughout their stay (via Referrers)

Leeds Asylum Seekers’ Support Network

Risk management - Hosts All Lead Hosts (the people in the household who

are responsible for what goes on in the house) are interviewed and trained

2 references taken up for Lead Hosts

No DBS as we do not believe this be a regulated activity but about to bring in a requirement of Basic Disclosure for Lead Hosts

Regular checks through supervisions, check ins, socials and training

Leeds Asylum Seekers’ Support Network

Risk Management - Property Property checks to ensure minimum standards

(access to bed, privacy, bathroom)

Advice offered to hosts on other aspects of safety – fire exits, electrical checks, contents insurance, but no requirements.

All Hosts develop House Rules so Guests know where they stand

Leeds Asylum Seekers’ Support Network

How do we match?Emergency accommodation

Availability, location, experience, gender preference (some hosts specify women only)

No written agreement until longer than a week

Longer Stay

As above, but written agreement if over a week

For more detail see our Introduction to Hosting

Leeds Asylum Seekers’ Support Network

Numbers in 2015/16

89 guests

106 volunteer hosts in 57 households

15 volunteer coordinators

2876 nights of accommodation

Leeds Asylum Seekers’ Support Network

Emergency/Shorter stay

84 guests

89 hosts in 48 households

1289 nights of accommodation

Leeds Asylum Seekers’ Support Network

Longer Stay

6 guests

17 hosts in 9 households

1587 nights of accommodation

Leeds Asylum Seekers’ Support Network




Male Female



Male Female

Leeds Asylum Seekers’ Support Network








18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ nk

Male Female






18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ nk

Male Female

Leeds Asylum Seekers’ Support Network

Guests (country of origin)SHORTER/EMERGENCY STAY

28 different nationalities◦ Eritrea 15%

◦ Zimbabwe 12%

◦ Iran 11%

◦ Gambia 7%


4 different nationalities◦ Eritrea

◦ Zimbabwe

◦ Sudan

◦ Iraq

Leeds Asylum Seekers’ Support Network

Hosts - nights per householdSHORTER/EMERGENCY STAY

Average: 27


Average: 176

Leeds Asylum Seekers’ Support Network