Gr5 Wk25 Water Cycle

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Transcript of Gr5 Wk25 Water Cycle

  • 8/13/2019 Gr5 Wk25 Water Cycle


    Water on Earth can be found in three different forms, or states. These states are

    solid, liquid and gas. When it is frozen, it is solid ice. When it is liquid, it is liquid water.

    en t s a gas, t s water vapor. e water cyc e s t e set o processes t at water

    goes t roug as t c anges rom one state to anot er.

    When the heat of the sun shines on the water in oceans, lakes, rivers and

    streams, the water evaporates, rising up into the air as water vapor. As it moves

    g er nto t e s y, t coo s. e coo e water vapor eg ns to orm qu rops, w c

    gat er toget er as c ou s. s process s ca e con ensat on. tte y tte, more

    microscopic drops of water join together in the cloud. Finally, the cloud becomes so

    eavy t at t e rops start to a . ny orm o water t at a s rom t e s y s

    ca e prec p tat on.

    Precipitation will take on different forms. The form depends on the conditions that

    exist inside the clouds and the condition of the air the water travels through on its way

    to t e groun . rops o qu water a as ra n, t e most common orm o prec p tat on.

    If the drops of water fall through air that is warmer than waters freezing point, they will

    remain as rain. Sometimes cold temperatures inside clouds produce ice crystals that

    met n warmer a r on t e r way own, en ng up as ra n as we .

    ra n rops a t roug a r t at s e ow t e reez ng po nt o water, t ey orm t ny

    frozen drops known as sleet. If the air inside the cloud and the air on the way down are

    both below the freezing point, ice crystals will form and fall as snowflakes. There is a

    ot o var at on n snow, epen ng on ow co t s w en t a s. armer temperatures

    mean wetter snow, while colder temperatures mean drier, fluffier snow.

    Perhaps the most interesting form of precipitation is hail. Hail forms when windy

    con t ons com ne w t reez ng temperatures. rops o rozen ra n egn to a , an

    are t en repeate y caug t up y t e w n an pus e ac up t roug t e c ou s

    where they gather more and more layers of ice. When they become too heavy for the

    wind to lift, they fall to the ground as hail.

    o matter w at orm t e prec p tat on ta es, muc o t w ecome runo an n

    its way back to the sea. Most of the rest will join surface water in lakes and streams or

    soak into the ground and become groundwater. Some will spend some time atop tall

    mounta ns as ce an snow.

    water awa ts ts turn to part c pate once aga n n eac state o t e water cyc e.

    Water continually changes from one state to another. The water cycle never ends.

    nswer t e o ow ng quest ons ase on t e

    rea ng passage. on t orget to go ac to t e

    passage w enever necessary to n or con rm


    Name: ______________________________________

    1) How does the water cycle ensure thatwe ave water



    2) What are the three stages of the

    water cyle? _____________________



    3) Describe the conditions that arenecessary for snow to fall.



    ow oes prec p tat on return to t e

    water cycle?_____________________


    5) What is your favorite form ofprecipitation? Why? _______________



    he Water Cycleross-Curr cular Focus: Earth c ence


    English for Science ___ Pcc Chonburi. By Teacher Teerapong Onogk

  • 8/13/2019 Gr5 Wk25 Water Cycle


    Water on Earth can be found in three different forms, or states. These states are

    solid, liquid and gas. When it is frozen, it is solid ice. When it is liquid, it is liquid water.

    en t s a gas, t s water vapor. e water cyc e s t e set o processes t at water

    goes t roug as t c anges rom one state to anot er.

    When the heat of the sun shines on the water in oceans, lakes, rivers and

    streams, the water evaporates, rising up into the air as water vapor. As it moves

    g er nto t e s y, t coo s. e coo e water vapor eg ns to orm qu rops, w c

    gat er toget er as c ou s. s process s ca e con ensat on. tte y tte, more

    microscopic drops of water join together in the cloud. Finally, the cloud becomes so

    eavy t at t e rops start to a . ny orm o water t at a s rom t e s y s

    ca e prec p tat on.

    Precipitation will take on different forms. The form depends on the conditions that

    exist inside the clouds and the condition of the air the water travels through on its way

    to t e groun . rops o qu water a as ra n, t e most common orm o prec p tat on.

    If the drops of water fall through air that is warmer than waters freezing point, they will

    remain as rain. Sometimes cold temperatures inside clouds produce ice crystals that

    met n warmer a r on t e r way own, en ng up as ra n as we .

    ra n rops a t roug a r t at s e ow t e reez ng po nt o water, t ey orm t ny

    frozen drops known as sleet. If the air inside the cloud and the air on the way down are

    both below the freezing point, ice crystals will form and fall as snowflakes. There is a

    ot o var at on n snow, epen ng on ow co t s w en t a s. armer temperatures

    mean wetter snow, while colder temperatures mean drier, fluffier snow.

    Perhaps the most interesting form of precipitation is hail. Hail forms when windy

    con t ons com ne w t reez ng temperatures. rops o rozen ra n egn to a , an

    are t en repeate y caug t up y t e w n an pus e ac up t roug t e c ou s

    where they gather more and more layers of ice. When they become too heavy for the

    wind to lift, they fall to the ground as hail.

    o matter w at orm t e prec p tat on ta es, muc o t w ecome runo an n

    its way back to the sea. Most of the rest will join surface water in lakes and streams or

    soak into the ground and become groundwater. Some will spend some time atop tall

    mounta ns as ce an snow.

    water awa ts ts turn to part c pate once aga n n eac state o t e water cyc e.

    Water continually changes from one state to another. The water cycle never ends.

    nswer t e o ow ng quest ons ase on t e

    rea ng passage. on t orget to go ac to t e

    passage w enever necessary to n or con rm


    Name: ______________________________________

    1) How does the water cycle ensure thatwe ave water



    2) What are the three stages of the

    water cyle? _____________________



    3) Describe the conditions that arenecessary for snow to fall.



    ow oes prec p tat on return to t e

    water cycle?_____________________


    5) What is your favorite form ofprecipitation? Why? _______________



    he Water Cycleross-Curr cular Focus: Earth c ence

    because water eventually changes

    into precipitation

    evaporation, condensation and


    It evaporates into

    a vapor.

    students choice


    Actual wording of answers may vary.

    The air inside the

    cloud and the air on the way down are

    below freezing.