Gr Franceze Ppp

Kluckert Ehrenfried European Garden Design.From classical antiquity to the present day . Konemann, 2000, pag.101 GRĂDINI FRANCEZE


Gr Franceze Ppp

Transcript of Gr Franceze Ppp

Kluckert Ehrenfried – European Garden Design.From classical antiquity to the present day . Konemann, 2000, pag.101


Kluckert Ehrenfried – European Garden Design.From classical antiquity to the present day . Konemann, 2000, pag.102

Kluckert Ehrenfried – European Garden Design.From classical antiquity to the present day . Konemann, 2000, pag.102



Informatie suplimentara : Kluckert Ehrenfried – European Garden Design.From classical antiquity to the present day . Konemann, 2000, pag.113-114

Chateau Chenonceaux



Kluckert Ehrenfried – European Garden Design.From classical antiquity to the present day . Konemann, 2000, pag.104

Fontainebleau Kluckert Ehrenfried – European Garden Design.From classical antiquity to the present day . Konemann, 2000, pag.105

CHATEAU D'ANET / Philibert de l’Orme, 1546 / Andre le Nôtre, 1681 Kluckert Ehrenfried – European Garden Design.From classical antiquity to the present day . Konemann, 2000, pag.109-110


Kluckert Ehrenfried – European Garden Design.From classical antiquity to the present day . Konemann, 2000, pag.110-111


ANDRÉ LE NÔTRE - 1613-1700

”King of gardeners and gardener to the King”

A proiectat şi construit cea mai celebră grădină

din lume, Versailles.

A pus bazele stilului baroc francez, ce a

influenţat ulterior grădinile din întreaga lume.

A fost preferatul regelui Soare, Ludovic al –XIV

– lea, bucurându-se de o relaţie caldă cu acesta,

ambii erau oameni cu gust şi pasiune pentru

grădină şi arhitectură peisageră. Fiecare prinţ,

conte şi alţi potentaţi ai vremii visau să aibă o

grădină ce ar putea pune în umbră grădinile de

la Versailles.

Stilul baroc al designului de grădină a cunoscut

o creştere spectaculoasă sub îndrumarea

marelui artist devenind cel mai influent stil până

în zilele noastre.

Clemens Steenbergen, Wouter Reh/ Architecture and Landscape.The design Experiment of the Great European gardens and landscapes.

Birkhäuser,2003 /pag.138

Clemens Steenbergen, Wouter Reh/ Architecture and Landscape.The design Experiment of the Great European gardens and landscapes.

Birkhäuser,2003 /pag.145

Clemens Steenbergen, Wouter Reh/ Architecture and Landscape.The design Experiment of the Great European gardens and landscapes.

Birkhäuser,2003 /pag.148

Andre le Notre, arhitectul Louis Le Vau ,

pictorul Charles Le Brun VAUX LE VICOMTE 1654-61


VAUX LE VICOMTE Grădina vazută dinspre castel

VAUX LE VICOMTE Detalii din grădina

Domaine de Marly / 1686 Kluckert Ehrenfried – European Garden Design.From classical antiquity to the present day . Konemann, 2000, pag.213

Andre le Notre



Kluckert Ehrenfried – European Garden Design.From classical antiquity to the present day . Konemann, 2000, pag.192

Kluckert Ehrenfried – European Garden Design.From classical antiquity to the present day . Konemann, 2000, pag.191

VERSAILLES, vedere aeriană, ulei pe pânză, 1668 Pierre Patel, Versailles, Musée du Château


Vedere aeriana

VERSAILLES /vedere eaeriană

Clemens Steenbergen, Wouter Reh/

Architecture and Landscape.

The design Experiment of the Great

European gardens and landscapes.

Birkhäuser,2003 /pag.196

Clemens Steenbergen, Wouter Reh/ Architecture and Landscape.The design Experiment of the Great European gardens and landscapes.

Birkhäuser,2003 /pag.187

Clemens Steenbergen, Wouter Reh/

Architecture and Landscape.

The design Experiment of the Great European gardens and landscapes.

Birkhäuser,2003 /pag.192

Clemens Steenbergen, Wouter Reh/ Architecture and Landscape.

The design Experiment of the Great European gardens and landscapes.

Birkhäuser,2003 /pag.190

Versailles/ axa principală cu fântâna Latona ,bazinul Apollo si Marele Canal

Le Grand Canal

Versailles, Fântâna Latona/1668-86

Versailles, Fântâna Latona Kluckert Ehrenfried – European Garden Design. From classical antiquity to the present day . Konemann, 2000, pag.193

Fântâna Apollo/ 1668-70 Kluckert Ehrenfried – European Garden Design.From classical antiquity to the present day . Konemann, 2000, pag.203

Versailles/ Apollo and nymphs/ 1666-75 by François Girardon/ marmura &piatră Kluckert Ehrenfried – European Garden Design.From classical antiquity to the present day . Konemann, 2000, pag.198

Detaliu /fântâna Apollo


Ceres or Summer fountain

1672 – 79, by Régnaudin

Metal poleit


Saturn or Winter fountain,

1672-77 by Fr. Girardon

Metal poleit

Kluckert Ehrenfried – European Garden Design. From classical antiquity to the present day . Konemann, 2000, pag.201

Bassin des Nymphes Bassin de Neptune

Fontaine de la Pyramide Bassin du Miroir


Bosquet de l'Encelade

Bosquet de la Girandole La Colonnade

Bosquet de la Salle de Bal Bosquet de la Reine

L'Allée Royale

Allée de Flore

Allée de Bacchus

Allée d'Eau




The temple of Love / garden of Petit Trianon, 1777-78

by Richard Mique for Marie Antoinette ( imagine dreapta)

Kluckert Ehrenfried – European Garden Design. From classical antiquity to the present day . Konemann, 2000, pag.207

Versailles/HAMEAU de la Reine , created by Richard

Mique for Marie- Antoinette, 1783 Kluckert Ehrenfried – European Garden Design.From classical antiquity to the present day . Konemann, 2000, pag.209


Hameau de la Reine

Paris, Parc de Saint Cloud, Andre Le Nôtre , Great Cascade sec 17 Kluckert Ehrenfried – European Garden Design.From classical antiquity to the present day . Konemann, 2000, pag.217