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download…  · Web viewAround the World in Eighty Days is an adventure novel written by Jules Verne and published

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Incoming 7th Grade Intensive ELASummer Project 2016

Directions: Read Around the World in 80 Days. Read the notes in this packet as you read each chapter. Answer the questions in this packet as you read. This packet & the assignments on the last page are due the first week of school.

Please read the full version of the book. Childrens versions or shortened versions are not appropriate for this assignment.

For questions contact: [email protected]

Chapter 1

Around the World in Eighty Days is an adventure novel written by Jules Verne and published in 1873. Verne was a French writer who is known as the "Father of Science Fiction" and remains the second most translated writer in the world, after Shakespeare.

Note: Fogg and Passepartout synchronize their watches here. This is significant because time is a major theme of the novel and clocks and watches become highly symbolic.

1. What have we learned thus far about Phileas Fogg?

a. He has not friends for family.

b. He is wealthy, but not one knows how he made his money.

c. He lives a routine and boring life.

d. All answers are correct

Chapter 2

2. The author is saying that Passepartout

a. wants to settle down and lead a quiet life

b. is itching for an adventure

c. has never travelled before

d. takes the job because he wants to go around the world

Chapter 3

Note:The Reform Club in London is a real establishment. It has been in operation since 1836 as a private club for wealthy men.

3. Stuart remarks on how the world is big enough for the bank robber to hide and Fogg counters by saying, "It was once." What does Fogg mean by this and how do you think this statement relates to one of the central ideas, or themes,of the novel? (Please answer in 3-5 descriptive sentences.)



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Think: Fogg seems to think of this journey the same way he thinks of betting at cards. As the story progresses, you will see this attitude continue. This is one of his character traits. Watch the video on character traits to learn more.

4. What does Fogg bet the men that he can make the journey in eighty days?

a. His mansion

b. Twenty thousand pounds

c. Eighty thousand dollars

d. He doesnt believe in betting

Chapter 4

Think: Do you remember how Passepartout is done "vagabonding" and now wants to lead a quiet life? This is an example of situational irony. Watch the video below to learn more about irony and look for other examples as you read.

5. Passepartout is touched when Fogg gives the beggar woman the money he had won that night at cards. This action shows that Fogg is

a. A spendthrift

b. stingy

c. kind

d. uncaring

Chapter 5

Think: This sentence spells out clearly that the conflicts in this novel will be both man vs. man and man vs. nature.

Chapter 6

6. Given what we know about Fogg's character, do you think he could be the bank robber? Why or why not? (Please answer in 3-5 descriptive sentences.)



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Note: Fix's quest to apprehend Fogg for the robbery is part of the rising action of the story. See the diagram on plot structure below.

Chapter 7

7. Which of the following is an antonym for rogue as it appears in this sentence?

a. scoundrel

b. rapscallion

c. rascal

d. gentleman

Think: With an itinerary like Fogg's, can you see why Fix thinks he is on the run?

Chapter 8

8. Passepartouts comment to Fix about his watch reflect the theme of _____ in the novel.

a. imperialism

b. scientific progress

c. adventure

d. time

Think: Fix has made his mind up that Fogg is guilty.

Chapter 9

9. The author often includes passageson the geography and landscapeover which the characters are traversing. What effect does this have on the novel?(Please answer in 3-5 descriptive sentences.)



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Note: Below is a picture of Bombay in the 1870s. India was under British rule at this time.

10. This novel is an example of _________________ narration because we can seethe thoughts of more than onecharacter.

a. First person

b. Second person

c. Third-person limited

d. Third-person omniscient

Chapter 10

Note: You have seen Fogg playing whist a few times now in the novel. Whist was a popular card game among the upper classes during the Victorian era.

11. What was Passepartouts crime?

a. Entering an Indian temple with his shoes on

b. Saying a Christian prayer at an Indian temple

c. Helping Fogg escape Fix

d. Robbing an Indian bank

Chapter 11

Think: Verne is foreshadowing here that the incident with Passepartout and his shoes is not over. Watch the video below to learn more about foreshadowing and look for examples as you read.

12. How is Passepartout's character changing here? How do you think this change will affect the story's outcome?



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Think: This is an example of a simile. Watch the video below to learn more about similes and metaphors. Which of the novel's themes does this simile touch upon?

13. What does Fogg pay two thousand pounds for in chapter 11?

a. An elephant

b. A plane ticket

c. A hot air balloon

d. A boat ride

Chapter 12

Think: Fogg and Passepartout are foils of each other. A foil is a character who contrasts another character, which highlights those opposing qualities in both characters. As you read, notice how Fogg is always carefree and confident while Passepartout hardly ever stops worrying about their journey.

14. Look up the word suttee. Based on the definition, we know that the group is watching

a. a funeral procession

b. an execution

c. a wedding

d. a parade

Note: A rajah is an Indian prince. The funeral procession is for a prince who died, and his widow is expected to sacrifice her life now.

Chapter 13

15. What have we learned about Aouda? Does she want to sacrifice her life for her deceased husband?(Please answer in 3-5 descriptive sentences.)



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Note: Mood is the atmosphere that an author creates through his or her writing. Notice how the imagery Verne is using contributes to the mood of this tense scene here.

16. Which of the following phrases from the passage about contributes to the tense and suspenseful mood?

a. The hours passed, and the lighter shades now announced the approach of day

b. The slumbering multitude became animated

c. This was the moment.

d. The doors of the pagoda swung open

Chapter 14

Note: By now you have likely noticed that the chapter titles relay one of the main ideas of that chapter. This chapter title lets the reader know that the group is still traveling in India, but also highlights a character trait of Fogg's: that he really doesn't care about his journey or where he is traveling beyond the fun of winning the bet. This whole journey is a game to him-- similar to the games of whist he enjoys.

17. Reread the paragraph in chapter 14 that begins, Her shining tresses, divided in two parts This paragraph tells the reader that Aouda is known to be

a. intelligent

b. beautiful

c. kind

d. All answers are correct

Note: The Ganges River runs through India and Bangladesh. It is celebrated as holy by Hindus, but it is also one of the most polluted rivers in the world due to governmental corruption and poor environmental planning.

Chapter 15

18. The policeman could want to detain the group for a number of reasons.This could beabout the bank robbery, Passepartout'sindiscretion, or the rescue of Aouda. Why do you think Verne is putting up so many obstacles for the characters to overcome? How do these incidents move the plot along? (Please answer in 3-5 descriptive sentences.)



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Note: The Brahmin are traditional Hindu societies. Below is a picture of a Brahmin priest.

19. Passespartouts tone in the above passage could best be described as

a. incredulous

b. elated

c. resigned

d. boastful

Chapter 16

Note: Below is a sketch of a steamer owned by the Peninsular and Oriental Company like the one which the group sets sail on.

20. What is Fixs main goal?

a. to marry Aouda

b. to enjoy his journey

c. to win the bet

d. to arrest Fogg

Think: Passepartout seems to be lacking in common sense. Anyone who has been paying attention would have grown suspicious that Fix was following them by now. How do you think that Passepartout's obliviousness will affect the travelers?

Chapter 17

21. How is Passepartouts hypothesis about who Fix is wrong? Why do you think Passepartout comes to this conclusion?(Please answer in 3-5 descriptive sentences.)



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Note: Yet again, we see an example of how Fogg and Passepartout are foils of each other. The threat of delay caused by bad weather is driving Passepartout mad, but Fogg remains unworried.

22. When Passepartout says he is sure that Fix does not travel on his own expense, who does Passepartout assume is paying for Fixs travel?

a. The members of the Reform Club

b. The Scotland Yard

c. British police

d. The bank that was robbed

Chapter 18

Note: The author calling the wind obstinate is an example of personification. Watch the video below to learn more about personification and look for examples as you read.

23. Passepartout cleared up with the weather is the authors way of saying that

a. Passepartouts mood improved

b. Passepartout set sail by himself

c. Passepartout was angry

d. Passepartout was giving up

Note: In this highlighted selection, there are seven mentions of the time! Time is obviously the novel's most dominant theme.

Chapter 19

24. Along with time, another theme of the novel is British Imperialism. How does this excerpt reflect this theme?(Please answer in 3-5 descriptive sentences.)



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Note: While trying to find a tavern, Fix accidentally leads Passepartout to an opium den. Opium is now an illegal drug, but in the nineteenth century opium dens were popular in Asia.

25. Passepartout being certain that Fix has been sent by the Reform Club while readers know otherwise is an example of

a. falling action

b. irony

c. personification

d. simile

Think: Whom do you agree with here: Fix or Passepartout?

Chapter 20

26. He acquitted his task with characteristic serenity is another way of saying that Fogg

a. was frantic, as usual

b. was unusually frantic

c. was calm, as usual

d. was unusually calm

Note: When confronted with an obstacle, Fogg remains calm and looks for a solution. We have seen this character trait of his time and time again.

27. We have seen Fix be upset by Fogg spending what he believes to be the bank's money. Now Fogg is offering to pay Fix's way and Fix accepts. What does this say about both Fogg's and Fix's characters?(Please answer in 3-5 descriptive sentences.)



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Chapter 21

Note: Below is a view of Hong Kong's harbor from the 1870s. Can you imagine the group making their way through this landscape?

28. Fogg does not know that Passepartout is missing because he

a. is secretly following behind them

b. ran away with Aouda

c. tried to turn Fogg in for the robberty

d. was drugged by Fix in an opium den

Note: A typhoon is like a hurricane that occurs at sea. Watch the video then answer the question below.

29. How does watching the video of a typhoon help your understanding of what the group is going through? Did seeing the video add to your experience while reading the text?(Please answer in 3-5 descriptive sentences.)



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Note: Pay attention to the imagery Verne uses to describe the storm. Phrases such as "the violence of the waves," "raged with undiminished fury," and "would have crushed a craft" paint a vivid picture of the danger the group is in.

Chapter 22

30. This paragraph describes Passepartout as

a. discombobulated

b. composed

c. irate

d. unshaken

Note: Passepartout now understands what happened to him and is very angry with fix.

31. Look back at the paragraph in Chapter 22 that begins, The streets were crowded with people. What is the purpose of this paragraph?

a. To give Foggs progress

b. To show the effects of British Imperialism

c. To describe the people of Japan

d. To tell the reader Passepartouts innermost feelings

Note: Below is a picture of two Japanese cranes.

Chapter 23

Think: This chapter title is an allusion to the story of Pinocchio. An allusion is when an author calls something (usually another work of literature, a play, or a piece of art)to mind without mentioning it directly. Knowing what you do about the story of Pinocchio, what do you think the connection might be?

Note: Before movies and television, the circus was one of the most popular forms of entertainment.

32. Why does Passepartout join the circus?

a. Because the circus is heading to America

b. Because he missed singing in the streets

c. Because he has always wanted to be a clown

d. Because Fogg asked him to

Note: How fortunate for Passepartout that Fogg happens to be in the audience at the circus! It was not fortunate for the other clowns making the human pyramid, though!

Chapter 24:

33. Passepartout decides to tell Fogg the truth about Fixs mission and what delayed him.

a. True

b. False

Note: Again, we see the theme of time and the symbolism of watches and timepieces.

34. What does Fix tell Passepartout that his plan is in regards to arresting Fogg? (Please answer in 3-5 descriptive sentences.)



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Chapter 25

Note: This postcard shows San Francisco in the year 1849. You can tell from the tents and the buildings that everything was hastily set up to accommodate the Gold Rush crowds.

35. In the early part of the novel, Verne had much commentary on British Imperialism. In this section, you will discover what Verne thinks of America. By the tone of this political meeting, Verne is trying to convey that he believes that America is

a. solemn

b. educated

c. tame

d. wild

Note: It is ironic that a riot broke out for the election of a justice of the peace!

Chapter 26

36. "New York and San Francisco are thus united by an uninterrupted metal ribbon..." Verne is using ______________comparing the railroad to a ribbon.

a. a metaphor

b. a simile

c. an allusion

d. personification

Note: While trains were the most efficient way to cross America in 1870, it still was not speedy. These trains only averaged twenty miles per hour!

37. How does the excerpt above show that Fogg and Passepartout are foils of each other? (Please answer in 3-5 descriptive sentences.)



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Chapter 27

Note: Polygamy is the practice of a husband having more than one wife. In the nineteenth century, Mormons practiced polygamy. The church has since outlawed polygamy, but some families and communities practice it secretly to this day.

38. From the tone of this passage, we can infer that the narrator

a. is thinking about becoming Mormon

b. is impressed with the Great Salt Lake

c. is enamored with the practice of polygamy

d. does not look highly upon polygamy

Chapter 28

Note: The transcontinental railroad was one of the greatest engineering feats of the nineteenth century. Verne describes it to highlight the novel's theme of scientific progress making the world seem smaller and more connected.

39. The quote above of Foggs shows his unending

a. optimism

b. pessimism

c. glumness

d. despair

Note: Below is a postcard of Laramie Peak, the highest peak in Wyoming.

40. While the other passengers on the train are upset about the delay, Fogg remains engaged in his game of cards. Is this characteristic behavior of Fogg's? When else have we seen him unconcerned with delays in this story? (Please answer in 3-5 descriptive sentences.)



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Chapter 29

Note: The plains will be far easier to cross than the mountains the group has been journeying through.

41. Aouda remained in the car, as pale as death is an example of

a. simile

b. metaphor

c. personification

d. irony

Note: This portrayal of the Sioux Indians attacking the train continues the narrative about the wildness of America. It is also, unfortunately, a very stereotypical portrayal of Indians.

Chapter 30

42. At the beginning of this chapter, yet again, Fogg has come through a dangerous situation

a. slightly injured

b. mortally wounded

c. without a scratch

d. emotionally drained

Think: Are you beginning to sense that Aouda is developing feelings for Fogg? How do you think Fogg feels about her? Are these feelings requited?

43. Was which was whistling is an example of

a. personification

b. allusion

c. irony

d. alliteration

Think: Fogg has come through another danger completely unharmed! Do you think this is realistic?

Chapter 31

44. Why is Fix interested in Fogg making it back to England on time? Do you think he has changed his perspective? (Please answer in 3-5 descriptive sentences.)



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Note: No one, not even the narrator, is sure what Fix is thinking at this point in the novel.

Note: The image below shows the groups sledge ride.

45. The groups travel by way of the innovative sledge highlights the theme of _________ in the novel.

a. scientific progress

b. time

c. British Imperialism

d. the world become smaller

Chapter 32

46. This is an example of

a. dialogue

b. exposition

c. suspense

d. conflict

Note: This journey would have been much different without Fogg's bag of money! The extra money has come in handy nearly every step of the way-- from hiring this boat, to the innovative sledge, even for buying an elephant!

Chapter 33

47. Give three examples from the novelthat show howthis entire journey has been fullof "ifs."(Please answer in 3-5 descriptive sentences.)



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Note: This is a great simile that foreshadows how angry Captain Speedy will be.

48. How does Fogg compensate for running out of fuel?

a. By getting the group to row the last part

b. By sending out an SOS signal

c. By buying the ship to dismantle it and burn the wood

d. By buying more from another steamer

Think: Fix had not undergone a change after all-- he was planning on arresting Fogg as soon as they set foot on British soil. Do you blame Passepartout for not warning Fogg of Fix's real motivation?

Chapter 34

49. Thanks to Fixs arrest (and Passepartout not warning Fogg that it was likely coming), it looks as if Fogg will not make it in time. According to the narrator, Fogg is feeling

a. completely crushed

b. somewhat hopeful

c. as optimistic as ever

d. The narrator cannot tell how Fogg is feeling.

Think: Fogg lost the best by just five minutes! Do you really think that the story is over, or will Fogg find some way to triumph?

Chapter 35

Note: Now that the group is safely in England, watch the trailer below for the 1956 movie version of this novel which won the Academy Award for Best Picture.

50. After watching the trailer for the movie version above, how do you think the movie compares to the novel? Did it matchhow you pictured the scenery and the characters as you were reading the book?(Please answer in 3-5 descriptive sentences.)



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51. What has made Fogg so happy at the end of this chapter?

a. He asked Aouda to marry him

b. Auoda asked him to marry her.

c. He found out he has won the race.

d. He just learned of Fixs arrest.

Chapter 36

Note: Pall Mall is a major street in London. The postcard below shows how the street looked in 1907.

52. How does Fogg pull this off? What is your hypothesis? (Please answer in 3-5 descriptive sentences.)



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Chapter 37

Note: How did Fogg win the bet? Study the map below of the world divided into time zones. Because Fogg travelled from east to west, he slowly went back in time each step along the way. By the time he had circumnavigated the globe, the group had lost a full day.

Activities (Required): (Project Grade)

Please complete each of the activities below. The packet and these activities will be due on the first week of school. If you do not complete the summer project by the deadline or you fail the project, you may be removed form Intensive ELA.

On a sheet of notebook paper, write 5 good discussion questions and answers for the story. You must use complete sentences.(10 pts)

Pick a place Fogg or Passepartout goes. In complete sentences on a sheet of notebook paper, please write 5 reasons why you want to go there. You must use complete sentences. (10 pts)

Pick a destination for Fogg or Passepartout and write a postcard from them about the destination. You must colorfully illustrate the front by hand, and write a short letter on the back. Complete this on a 5x7 index card. (10 pts)

Answer all questions in this packet (70 pts total)

Novel Test: (Test Grade)

A test over this book will take place during the 1st week of school. It will be open note.

Extra Credit: For 10 bonus points on your summer reading packet or the novel test, complete the following craft activity. Go to the following website. Choose 1 country that is mentioned in the novel. Then pick a craft to complete from that country. You must turn your craft in with your packet.

Just for Fun:




If you fail your novel test, you may complete an Animap for a 70. The map must visit 10 locations from the book. You must include a description of what happened in the book at each location. You must share it with [email protected]


Around the World in 80 Days Rubric

Study Packet: Multiple Choice Questions

1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49 , 51


______/35 Points Possible

Study Packet: Short Answer Questions

3, 6, 9, 12 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 29, 34, 37, 40, 44, 47, 50, 52


______/35 Points Possible

Student-written discussion questions and answers


______/10 Points Possible

Location and reasons


______/10 Points Possible



______/10 Points Possible


______/100 Points Possible