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    THE GOVERNMENT RATIONALIZATIONALIZATION PROGRAM (EO 366):Addressing Implement at ion and Tr ansi t ion Issues1

    IntroductionOn 06 July 2005, about 90 management representatives of national government

    agencies and officers of local unions in these agencies, as well as leaders of threemajor public sector union federations in the country, namely the Confederation ofIndependent Unions (CIU), the Philippine Government Employees Association (PGEA),and the Public Sector LINK (PSLINK), gathered in the U.P. School of Labor andIndustrial Relations to discuss, clarify, debate, share experiences, and dialogue onimplementation and transition issues relative to Executive Order 366 and itsImplementing Rules and Regulations (IRR). The activity - National Dialogue onGovernment Rationalization: Addressing Implementation and Transition Issues wasconvened to: (1) gather representatives from affected government agencies, theirunions and heads of agencies to a national dialogue with the officers of theDepartment of Budget and Management, Civil Service Commission, and related

    agencies; (2) clarify what the EO 366 and its IRR mean to workers in terms ofemployment, security of tenure, working conditions, and the options available tothose who will be affected as well as retained in the service; (3) surface doubts,apprehensions and confusions on the IRR and EO 366; (4) share impact mitigatingstrategies or options for affected and how to take advantage of these options; (5)provide a venue where heads of agencies and workers could discuss a process oftransition from the present situation to an EO 366 rationalized organization,including the need for a communication plan and concessions between managementand workers to soften the impact of rationalization; and (5) clarify the role andparticipation of workers and their unions in the entire process at different levelswithin an agency and in various phases of the program.

    Undersecretaries, Assistant Secretaries, Directors and other officials of about17 national government agencies attended the Dialogue. Officers of local unions from19 government agencies likewise participated in the said activity.

    The Dialogue came in two parts. The morning sessions were devoted to apresentation of the Government Rationalization Program by Atty. Anicia De Lima,Director of the Civil Service Commission, and a presentation of a paper entitled EO366 and Its IRR: Public Sector Unions Issues and Concerns, prepared by the U.P.SOLAIR Center for Labor Justice (CLJ). The presentation was done by Mary Leian C.Marasigan, University Extension Specialist of U.P. SOLAIR. The dialogue and opendiscussion came in the afternoon. Undersecretary Laura Pascua and Director AmelitaCastillo of the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), Assistant Secretary

    Tonette Allones and Assistant Secretary Padilla, both of the Department of Labor andEmployment (DOLE), and Atty. Anicia De Lima of the CSC, actively engaged in thedialogue and open discussion with the public sector union representatives.

    1 Based on the proceedings of the National Dialogue on Government Rationalization:

    Addressing Implementation and Transition Issues, convened by the U.P. School of Labor andIndustrial Relations (U.P. SOLAIR) and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) Philippine Office, 06July 2005, SOLAIR Auditorium, U.P. Campus, Diliman, Quezon City.

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    FES-SOLAIR/2005 National Dialogue Proceedings 2

    Important points were clarified in the Dialogue. The unions articulated theirissues, concerns and apprehensions about the rationalization program. The DBM andthe CSC panelists addressed the unions concerns and noted those that they could notreadily address in the Dialogue, committing to study and come up with appropriateaction on certain concerns, e.g. funding and access to credit for impact mitigatingprograms such as livelihood loans and entrepreneurial skills development. Many of the

    participants noted with appreciation the sharing of experiences of some of the unionand management representatives relative to the processes they (the latter) adopted incoming up with their respective rationalization plans.


    I. Basic Facts about the Government Rationalization Program2

    What is the program all about?The overall goal is to make government focus its efforts on vital/core functions andenhance effectiveness and efficiency of public service.

    ! It is function-based! It seeks to promote and establish effectiveness, efficiency, accountability andtransparency in the bureaucracy

    ! It aims to improve delivery/support systems! It seeks to refocus resources to priority areas

    Why the need to rationalize?! Technological change! Shifts in core functions! Overlapping/duplicating functions! Changes in work systems! Structures that have outlived their usefulness

    What is the coverage of the program? Who are excluded?! All Departments of the Executive Branch, including all agencies and GOCCs

    under/attached to them! Excluded are the police, military, teachers, and health workers

    What are the wrong perceptions about the program?! Sacrificing jobs to cut the budget deficit! An early retirement program for all! Coercive (It is voluntary for personnel whose functions are affected)

    What mistakes will the program avoid?! More employees in government! Losing good people and retaining those who have nowhere else to go! Threatening environment! Further politicization of the bureaucracy

    2Based on the presentation of Atty. Anicia De Lima, Director, Civil Service Commission.

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    What are the milestones/activities involved in the rationalization process?! Creation of Change Management Team (CMT)! Preparation and implementation of Communication Plan internal and external! Strategic review of organization! Preparation of Rationalization Plan! Conduct of activities to assist affected personnel! Submission and approval of Rationalization Plan! Implementation of Rationalization Plan

    What should the Rationalization Plan contain?! Core functions, programs, activities, services! Shifts in policy directions, functions, programs, and activities! Areas for downsizing/phasing out! Areas for strengthening! Shifts in organizational structure, staffing and resource allocation! Financial projections, to include savings! Internal and external communication plan indicating specific


    What are the prohibited acts during plan preparation?! Filling of vacant positions! Renewal of contracts/appointments of personnel on

    temporary/contractual/casual basis! Hiring of contractual and casual employees

    What are the key elements of assistance to affected personnel?! Retirement processing and provision of incentives! CSC placement scheme! Skills/livelihood and investment program! Employee counseling

    What are the options available for affected personnel?1. Remain in government service and be placed to other agencies needing

    additional personnel" Affected personnel submits to agency Personnel Officer three priority

    agencies for reassignment" Reassignment by CSC to other agencies needing additional personnel within

    two months" Compensation of placed personnel to be transferred to recipient agency,

    except those reassigned to local government units (LGUs)" No diminution in salary and benefits, except allowances for function-

    specific activities" Position of transferred personnel in recipient agency co-terminus with

    incumbent" Placed personnel has full rights to all benefits available to other

    government employees, including CNA incentives; in case of differencebetween CNA benefits in mother and in recipient agency, to enjoy largerbenefits for one year

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    " Personnel who later objects to new assignment, deemed retired/separated;to be paid retirement/separation/unemployment benefit applicable,without appropriate incentive

    2. Avail of voluntary retirement/separation package with the appropriateincentive" Retirement gratuity under RA 1616 and refund of GSIS retirementpremiums, without incentive" Benefit under RA 660 or under RA 8291, plus the following incentives:

    o month of present basic salary for every year of governmentservice for those with 20 years of service and below

    o month of present basic salary for every year of governmentservice, computed starting from 1st year, for those with 21-30 yearsof service

    o 1 month basic salary for every year of government service, for thoseover 30 years of government service

    " Those with less than three years of government service shall avail ofseparation gratuity under RA 6656, plus incentive

    " Retired/separated personnel are entitled to commutation of accumulatedcompensatory overtime creditsWhat are the other conditions relative to the granting of incentives?

    ! Affected employees years of service beyond age 59 not subject to incentive! No employee shall receive less than P50,000 as retirement/separation gratuity

    benefit from both the national government and the GSIS! Separate guidelines on incentives and related benefits of agencies and

    GOCCs/GFIs exempted from the Salary Standardization Law will be issued

    What does EO 366 say on abolition of positions and rehiring of retired/separatedpersonnel?

    ! A funded position will be abolished for every employee who opts for voluntaryretirement/separation! Retired/separated personnel cannot be appointed or hired in the Executive

    Branch within five years, except in educational institutions or hospitals

    What are the other assistance programs available to affected personnel?! Job generation, alternative livelihood/employment, and credit assistance

    " Provide alternative skills/livelihood trainings. Agencies involved are theDepartment of Trade and Industry (DTI), Technical Education and SkillsDevelopment Authority (TESDA), and Technology and Livelihood Resourcecenter (TLRC)

    " Cooperative organization. Agency involved is the Cooperative DevelopmentAuthority (CDA)

    " Credit assistance. Agencies involved are the following: Small BusinessGuarantee and Finance Corporation (SBGFC), Quedan and Rural CreditGuarantee Corporation, Peoples Credit and Finance Corporation, NationalLivelihood Support Fund, Land Bank of the Philippines

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    ! Job facilitation" Facilitate employment in private sector, local or overseas. Agencies

    involved are: Bureau of Local Employment-Department of Labor andEmployment (BLE-DOLE) and the Philippine Overseas EmploymentAdministration (POEA)

    ! Fund management/Investment services" Provide guidance on investment opportunities. Agencies involved are theLand Bank, Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP), and the Bureau ofTreasury

    ! Employee counseling" Departments/agencies may send Personnel Officers to trainings on

    employee counseling" Departments/agencies may tap Ateneos Center for Organization Research

    and Development in the conduct of trainings on employee counseling

    Is there a mechanism for appeal available for employees affected by rationalization?YES. The process is as follows:

    1. Employee may file complaint with CMT within five working days from receipt ofnotification that position is affected2. CMT to resolve issue within five working days3. Appeal may be filed with the department/Agency Head within 10 working days

    from submission of Plan to DBM4. Department/Agency head to render decision within 15 working days from filing5. Affected personnel may further appeal Department/Agency Head decision to

    CSC within 10 working days from approval of Plan by the President6. CSC to render decision within 30 working days from filing of appeal

    What would be the potential causes of and/or reasons for appeals?! No union or rank and file representative in the CMT/sub-CMT! Non-notification of affected personnel! Deviation from Sections 3 and 4 of RA 6656 (Government Reorganization Law)

    on order of placement of personnel! Actions implemented not in approved Plan! Violations of provisions of IRR

    II. What Differentiates EO 366 from Past Reorganization Programs?Will EO 366 Succeed?3

    What comprises a good reorganization program?According to a study by Shiavo-Campo et al (1997), a good reorganization programshould consist of three important measures, namely: diagnostic, cost containment,

    and structural reforms. Problems have to be diagnosed first before designingsolutions. The cost containment aspect does not only mean reducing the workforce(to address the wage bill) but also determining the size of the bureaucracy that meetsthe services needed by the people. Structural reforms should aim to correct

    3From the paper Executive Order 366 and Its IRR: Public Sector Unions Issues and Concernsby Mary Leian C. Marasigan, Cecilia L. Basa and Rene E. Ofreneo, Ph.D. (Adviser). Paperpresented in the National Dialogue on Government Rationalization, July 6, 2005, U.P. SOLAIRAuditorium, Diliman, Quezon City.

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    overlapping, duplication and obsolete character of some functions, before the rightsize and proper incentives are determined.

    Does EO 366 contain these three measures?! Studies have indicated that all three measures are found in EO 366, except

    that cost containment is focused on retrenchment and does not mention any

    adjustment of the compensation package of the remaining civil servants.! EO 366s Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) differentiates it from past

    reorganization programs.! EO 366 also tries to avoid the `revolving door syndrome, which refers to the

    rehiring of people who earlier availed of the retirement package, bydisallowing the placement of retired/separated employees within five years,except in hospitals and schools.

    What are the perceived limitations of EO 366?! EO 366 however is silent on how to avoid adverse selection, a situation where

    retrenchment leads `good, productive and highly-skilled employees to leave.A study (Policy Insights, 2005) cited by the CLJ-U.P. SOLAIR paper

    recommended that employees whose skills are valuable to the agency shouldbe excluded from the VRS scheme. Those who enjoyed scholarships usingpublic funds and are still under contract with the government should likewisebe excluded.

    ! EO 366 does not mention the need for continuous assessment of the structureof the reorganized bureaucracy, particularly in terms of workload, personnelperformance and staff requirements.

    Will EO 366 succeed where past reorganizations programs floundered?! While EO 366 contains the three important measures of a good reorganization

    program, it has to address the limitations mentioned above to ensure itssuccess.

    III. Why Do Public Sector Unions Frown Upon Rationalization/EO 366?Understanding Unions Anxieties4

    Why do unions frown upon rationalization?! Past reorganization attempts only resulted to displacement of employees.! Past reorganization programs did not substantially improve the efficiency and

    effectiveness of the civil service system and the delivery of governmentservices.

    ! Neither can it be said that savings in the wage bill had been sustained. Thebureaucracy remained bloated, i.e. political appointees, job orders, casuals

    were taken in to fill up vacated positions, and new items were even created.! The bureaucracy continues to suffer from structural problems, i.e. duplicated

    functions and overlapped jurisdictions, outdated and slow governmentprocedures, loopholes in administrative procedures, and limited capacity forpolicy analysis and strategic long-range planning (ADB, 2003; cited in the CLJ-U.P. SOLAIR paper).

    4 Marasigan, Basa and Ofreneo (2005).

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    FES-SOLAIR/2005 National Dialogue Proceedings 7

    ! Lack of a meaningful participation of all stakeholders, especially unions, in theentire reform process. Public sector unions, for example, lament theirexclusion in the preparation and drafting of EO 366. Their participation washowever sought in the drafting of the EOs IRR.

    ! Unions point the need for an all-inclusive, bottom-up union perspective in thedesign and implementation of any reorganization/rationalization program.

    What are the areas of anxiety of unions relative to EO 366 and its IRR?1. Additional Union Representation in the CMT and sub-CMT" The Confederation of Independent Unions (CIU) recommends that at least

    two union representatives one regular and one alternate be allowed tojoin the CMT and sub-CMTs to ensure that in all meetings, there shall be atleast one union or worker representative present.

    2. Availability of Funds" The unions are worried that the fate of those affected by the

    rationalization will be similar to the many who availed of voluntaryretirement schemes in the past who had to wait several years before

    receiving their retirement pay.

    Unions would like to secure assurance from the DBM that funds areavailable and ready to be disbursed on the day of an employeesretirement.

    3. Personnel Actions" Presidential and political appointees must be the first to go. In the past

    reorganization efforts, though positions were dissolved, others werecreated by political actions, especially at the top management level.

    The unions are demanding that management positions should not be

    exempted from review. In this regard, the CMT Chair should be a careerpersonnel with a rank of not lower than an undersecretary in order to avoidany undue influence on his/her decision.

    " Swapping of positions should be an option for employees. There may becases where a position is declared redundant, but the jobholder chooses toremain in the service. On the other hand, another jobholder may wish toretire but his/her position is not declared redundant. The CMT should beallowed to design strategies that would provide more options to employeesto preserve their jobs.

    " Before any position is abolished, the CMT should first phase out unfilledpositions, some of which have been vacant for years. Unused positions mayreally be unnecessary in the first place.

    " At no time should there be forced resignation, re-deployment orretirement. Any form of personnel movement in relation to EO 366 shouldbe entirely voluntary on the part of the worker concerned.

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    4. Quota of employees to be separated" There should be no quota or target on the number of employees to be

    separated for any unit, agency or department. The number of rationalizedpositions should be a product of a careful, transparent, deliberative andinclusive process in each agency or unit.

    III. Clarifying Some Issues and Concerns on EO 3665

    1. How to enable full participation of public sector unions and associations in theCMTs and sub-CMTs to ensure that the issues and concerns spawned by theRationalization Program (RP) would be properly addressed.

    a. Some employees in the lower levels or attached agencies were complaining oflack of participation and/or or representation in the CMT at the departmentlevel. Likewise, CMTs in the department level may not guarantee that thevoices at the agency would be heard and taken up for consideration.

    b. There is strong call for full representation of agencies or lower levels at theCMT and sub-CMTs. Process must not be sacrificed. People must not be rushedin making decisions.

    Panel response: CSC proposed that attached agencies should field a commonrepresentative to enjoy full and equal representation either in the CMT or sub-CMT level.

    The DOST union shared their experience, that they have four unionrepresentatives in the CMT.

    DOLE shared its experience in ensuring that their Rationalization Program (RP)

    will be successfully implemented. There was full union participation in the CMTCentral and the processes and decisions were communicated with completetransparency down the rank-and-file. The CMTs maxim was combatdisinformation with information. It was made clear that RP involved review offunctions and not people to allay fears and anxieties. DOLE conducted thefollowing:

    - Strengthened the field offices and operations because job seekers werein the localities. Decentralization was effected with creation ofprovincial agencies.

    - CMT conducted workshops to surface all issues and concerns onproposed staffing patterns.

    - Plans were validated in all the offices down the line.- Conducted on-the-job enrichment programs so that personnel affected

    would be assigned where they want.

    2. Many questions were raised on the morality, efficacy, as well as timeliness ofthe Rationalization Program (RP). The main contention was RP would

    5 Highlights of the Dialogue in the afternoon.

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    exacerbate unemployment and poverty and cause more problems than solutionsfor government. The comments raised were as follows:

    a. EO 366 is a World Bank dictate hence does not serve national interest.b. Those in high government positions such as Asecs and Usecs should bear thebrunt of RP, hence they should be the first to go and not low wage salaried


    c. Too many will be displaced especially the vast number of casuals andcontractuals who will just add up to the vast army of unemployed.

    d. There arent enough safety nets to cushion the impact of RP. The governmentis suffering from a fiscal crisis, the national treasure is bankrupt and there isnot enough or sufficient money to cover payments of separations andterminations and incentives.

    e. The implementation of the RP should be deferred because it will create anxietyand stress among rank-and-file. Most affected are employees at salary grade16 and below.

    f. Population is increasing and there is even greater need to hire than lay offemployees.

    g. DBM may not have the constitutional mandate to push through with RP.h. Uncertainty in the number of number of employees who would be affected by

    the RP. If the government could not come up with a reliable estimate of thosewho will be affected by the RP, then the program may not be successful andshould be abandoned.

    Panel Response: The panelists were more or less one in saying thatrationalization is not synonymous with termination as erroneously perceived. Itis mainly voluntary and enough leverage is given to employees who will bedisplaced to choose from variety of options. DBM has sufficient funds allottedfor the RP. Safety nets were being put in place to mitigate the impact of theRP program. It is the functions that are being reviewed and not intended todiscriminate employees.

    3. Clarifying questions and comments were raised by participants who argued thattheir existing programs should be exempted from RP. Among them are thefollowing:

    a. DOST has a continuing training and scholarship program which could not bestalled by RP. The department wants clear-cut policies or guidelines on this.For instance, some applicants for scholarship could not be endorsed becausethe agency they are attached to may be abolished or affected by RP.

    Panel Response: One solution forwarded to solve the above is for the agencyconcerned to create a Personnel Development Committee to handle cases of

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    endorsement of potential grantees for studying abroad, or if need be,grievance procedure must be used and charges filed as necessary.

    b. EO366 may be in conflict with Foreign Service Laws re foreign assignments.The DFA needs additional staff for foreign posting. Is this allowed under the RP.

    Panel response: Exemptions to the rule of prohibitions are allowed if thereare strong and convincing justifications and if the exigencies of the servicerequire.

    c. There is need to clarify if RP can take precedence over the Magna Carta forTeachers. Some teachers were transferred to other schools where there is ahigh ratio of student population to number of teachers or placed inadministrative positions where they do not fit.

    Panel Response: Teachers are not covered by RP and the Magna Carta forTeachers must be upheld above EO 366. CSC is trying to relieve teachers inadministrative functions and assigned in schools near their homes.

    4. There are still a lot of gray areas in the implementation of the RP that need tobe clarified and put under scrutiny. Some of the relevant questions refer to:

    a. Need to clarify if generic titles that superseded previous job titles would affectthe work patterns and work load of affected employees.

    b. Use of savings as a result of the rationalization program and if these can beused to provide seed funds for livelihood projects of terminated-separatedcasuals working for more than 20 years.

    Panel Response: This is not allowed. There are other funding institutions that

    could be tapped to take care of livelihood, loan grants or entrepreneurshiptrainings.

    5. Finally DBM was asked if there is any salary increase for next year. The DBMofficials were not able to give a categorical answer. Instead, they pointed outthat the granting of salary increase may depend on whether the new VAT lawwill be implemented and enough savings will be generated from theRationalization Program.

    IV. Addressing Implementation and Transition Issues of EO 366:Some Recommendations6

    What strategies should agencies consider in mitigating the possible adverse impact ofrationalization?Agencies may consider the following:

    ! Give workers in the public sector appropriate financial incentives as well asdevelop a comprehensive Human Resource Development package.

    6Marasigan, Basa and Ofreneo (2005).

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    ! Failure of payment of incentives (retirement/separation) shall mean animposition of penalty interest on the government agency concerned for everymonth of delay in the rate of 5% per month.

    ! Funds for the incentives must be guaranteed by the government.! Housing loan obligations should not be attached to the retirement benefits;

    there is a foreclosure provision on the loan anyway.

    ! Only redundant positions should be abolished; the position should not beattached to the person.

    ! Livelihood training, investment skills/options must be provided.! Unions and employee representatives must be involved in the policy

    formulation and decision-making process of the CMTs and the sub-CMTs at theregional level.

    ! There should be continuing education on the Rationalization Plan.! There has to be a continuing retooling or training of employees to equip

    themselves the skills needed if they are to be assigned in other positions.

    What strategies should the union explore and pursue in pushing for a unionperspective in the rationalization program?

    ! Union leaders, at different levels of the department, including those in itsbureaus, units, agencies, etc. must become knowledgeable of EO 366 and itsIRR. Information must be disseminated by the national union as soon aspossible and questions must be sufficiently and properly answered.

    ! Aside from knowledge of EO 366 and its IRR, unions must also assert their rightto participate in the Change Management Team and not be left out of theprocess.

    ! As part of the CMT, unions should also study their own organizations, especiallytheir functions, mandates and profiles of their personnel. Knowing these, theunion representative in the CMT will be in a better position to participate in

    the discussion and if need be, persuade the team to adopt proposals from theperspective of employees or the unions.

    ! Unions must coordinate among themselves to share information and drawlessons on ongoing rationalization activities in their respective agencies. In thisway, unions may be able to come up with effective strategies to enhance theirparticipation in the rationalization process.

    ! As part of the CMT, union representatives should likewise ensure that impact-mitigating interventions such as livelihood skills development training, fundmanagement and job facilitation assistance will be provided to those affectedemployees. Transition issues from a pre- to a post-rationalized organization

    such as workload and performance should be discussed in the CMT.

    Prepared by:

    Melisa R. SerranoRosalinda C. Mercado