Government of Ireland Just Transition Fund (JFT) 2020

Government of Ireland Just Transition Fund (JFT) 2020 Application Form Issued: 19 th June 2020

Transcript of Government of Ireland Just Transition Fund (JFT) 2020

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Government of Ireland Just Transition Fund (JFT) 2020

Application Form Issued: 19th June 2020

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Lead Applicant Name:

Project Title: Total JFT Funding S ought (€):


Registration ID Number:

• All queries in relation to the Just Transition Fund 2020 can be addressed to

[email protected]

• The closing date for applications is 4pm 17th July and applications should be

emailed to [email protected]

• All projects must be pre-registered with MRTT - START. The MRTT – START

Project Registration ID must be inserted above.

Date and time application received: Application reference number:

For administrative purposes only

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1 Application Information

• Applicants should refer to the JTF Information Booklet prior to completing this

Application Form, which sets out the Terms and Conditions and criteria against which

applications will be evaluated. For ease the evaluation criteria are set out below.

• Applications must complete this Application Form. Applications made using other forms or

templates will not be considered.

• You will need to download and save this Application Form before you begin to complete.

• All applications will be sent an email to acknowledge the application once it has been

initially reviewed.

• Supplementary material e.g. project plan, financial project plan, can be saved as PDFs or in

Word format, and included as attachments alongside the application form. Only three

attachments will be accepted in total: Application Form, Project Plan (if appended

separately), Financial Project Plan (if appended separately).

• Maximum word limits have been inserted for each of the sections. These are maximums

only and submissions under each element can be less. The Evaluation Team will review

the content up to the maximum word limit and any material beyond that may not be

considered. Where a Financial Plan and Project Plan are appended separately, they can go

above the set word limit for those responses but should not go over the limit substantially

(i.e. more than 10%).

• Applications must be complete with all requested information provided. If information is

missing the Evaluation Team may not contact the Lead Applicant for this information and

may not consider the application. The onus is on each Lead Applicant to ensure all

required information is enclosed.

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Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation Criteria Minimum marks required (60%)

Marks available


1 Need and Impact 150 250 25%

2 Building Regional Strengths - 150 15%

3 Partnership and Collaboration - 200 20%

4 Project Plan, Capacity to Deliver and


120 200 20%

5 Financial Robustness and


120 200 20%

Total 1000 100%

Application Options

The JTF Application Form is designed to complement the MRTT - START process and to limit the

additional information required where possible. Organisations must select from one of the three

options below to indicate the approach taken in their application.

• Option 1: Where the level of funding sought is €100,000 or less, the MRTT - START application

will be evaluated. The only additional information required from the JTF process is to complete:

o Section 1: Applicant Details

o Section 2: Project Overview

o Section 7: Financial Robustness and Sustainability

o Section 8: Use of Data and Declaration

• Option 2: Where a project is seeking more than €100,000, the applicant can provide

supplementary information. For example, applicants, upon considering the evaluation criteria may

wish to submit additional information to support their application and can add this information in

the relevant section(s) e.g.:

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o Section 3: Project Need and Impact

o Section 4: Building Regional Strengths

o Section 5: Partnership and Collaboration.

o Section 6: Project Plan, Capacity to Deliver and Governance

The sections outlined above for Option 1 also need to be completed. In this case the MRTT – START

application and the JTF application will both form part of the evaluation.

• Option 3: The applicant fully completes all sections in the JTF Application Form and this alone is

used for evaluation. This approach may be used, for example, where in considering the

evaluation criteria, applicants wish to re-draft their application in order to better respond to the


It is important to note that regardless of which option is chosen, the onus is on applicants to ensure

high-quality submissions which respond to the evaluation criteria and all applications will be evaluated

against the evaluation criteria provided.

Please select option:

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

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Legal Form:

Section 1: Applicant Details

1.1. Lead Applicant Contact Details

Organisation Name:

Business Address:

Contact Name:

Contact Position:

Direct Telephone Number:

Email Address:

1.2. Lead Applicant Organisation Details

Select organisation type



Not for profit

(e.g. charity,

C&V org) Public body

If private company or not-for-profit organisation, select enterprise size


(Less than 50



(50 – 249





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If public body, please select type







Tax Reference Number:

Tax Clearance Access Number:

Has the Lead Applicant been a Lead Applicant for other project

proposals? Y/N

If Lead Applicant is a Local Authority and has submitted more than three

proposals as Lead Applicant for all, please rank this project in order of

preference i.e. number 1, 2, 3. This will be taken into account when



• A maximum of three applications may be submitted by any one organisation as Lead


• There is no limit to the number of applications a Local Authority can be a Lead Applicant

on, however if a Local Authority is submitting more than three proposals for consideration

the proposals must be ranked in order of importance in the Application Form

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1.3. Partner Organisations Complete as required. If there are more than ten partner organisations, you can enter these into

the free box below and provide all the required information.


No. Name of Organisation

Org. Type (i.e. private

company, not for profit,

public body)

If private company or not

for profit, indicate if

small/medium/large org.












• If application is successful, confirmation will be required from project partners of theirinvolvement in the project prior to Funding Agreement signing.

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Briefly describe the project (max 150 words)

Section 2: Project Overview

2.1 Project Priority Please select project priority.

Priority 1: Employment and Enterprise Supports

Priority 2: Training Supports

Priority 3: Community Transitioning Supports

2.2 Project Cost

Total Project Cost (€)

Total JTF Project Funding Sought (€)


• The total JTF project funding sought may only be 85% of the funding; applicants must provide

15% of the funding sought in the form of match funding

2.3 Project Overview

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2.4 Geographic Scale

Select which county(ies) the project will operate in and be aimed at. You may select more than

one county if applicable.

East Galway North Tipperary

Kildare Offaly

Laois Roscommon

Longford Westmeath

2.5 Proposed Project Dates

Proposed Start Date


Proposed Completion Date


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Section 3: Project Need and Impact

3.1 Project Need

Explain the project need in terms of a just transition in the Wider Midlands in line with the Fund’s

objective and priorities, with particular emphasis on those directly/indirectly affected by the

phasing out of peat extraction and peat-fired power generation. Outline:

• The issue(s) the project is seeking to address

• The geographic community(ies) and the target group(s) whose needs the project isaimed

• The project objectives and opportunities it is seeking to capitalise on

• Why this proposal was chosen

• Provide evidence to underpin the need e.g. research, data

(Maximum - 1000 words)

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3.2 Project Impacts and Outcomes

Set out the impacts and outcomes this project will deliver in line with the Fund’s objective and


• This should include the geographic community(ies) and target group(s) that will be mostimpacted

(1000 words)

Provide a brief description of the impacts and outcomes in relation to the three project priorities by

completing the below table. If any are not relevant, please insert NA.

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Project Impact and Outcomes - 500 words each

Priority 1:

Employment creation

Creation of new

enterprise/strengthening existing

enterprises (e.g. in green growth


Supporting new economic activities

(e.g. tourism, heritage, outdoor

activities, business centres)

Retention of the labour force

locally/Delivering increased labour

force participation

Priority 2:

Creation of new/additional skills

Strengthened linkages between

training provision and employment

need – skills matching

More aligned and collaborative

actions in relation to training e.g.

creating structures and training


Priority 3:

Building skills in the community to

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enable just transition issues to be

better addressed

More collaborative/cross-community

engagement and dialogue

Increased community capacity to

plan for a just transition

Supporting more environmentally

sustainable and resilient


Other (Under any of the project priorities)

Other relevant impacts

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3.3 Outputs Please complete the table below by adding output data expected as a result of the project – these

can be estimates but should be well-informed and realistic. If not relevant, please insert NA.

Output Data

Number of jobs created – direct and indirect:

Number of enterprises supported – direct and


Amount of additional revenue generated in the

region as a result of this project:

Number of additional training courses and

training places provided:

Number of community and voluntary

groups/people in affected communities assisted

in just transitioning:

3.4 Additionality

Outline how the project outcomes and impacts will be additional to those delivered by other

activities currently supported in the region. (500 words)

Please indicate what would happen to this project if funding was not received. For example, would

it go ahead as planned, be delayed, be smaller or not go ahead at all. (300 words)

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Section 4: Building Regional Strengths

Demonstrate how the project aligns with and will contribute to relevant local, regional and

national strategies and objectives. (500 words)

Outline how the project will build on existing/potential geographical strengths and how it will

assist the region to embrace green growth opportunities. (500 words)

Outline how the project could be scaled up over time to operate at a wider regional level, or

could be mainstreamed nationally to support future Just Transition measures. (300 words)

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Section 5: Partnership and Collaboration

5.1 Pre-Consultation and Stakeholder Engagement

Outline any pre-consultation and stakeholder engagement that was held to inform the project

proposal. For example, engagement with public authorities, business community, local

community groups, or residents, and how this influenced the project proposal. (750 words)

Outline how the project will incorporate continued stakeholder engagement throughout the

project delivery. (500 words)

5.2 Collaborative Approach

If a consortium application, explain:

• how the project partners have collaborated to develop the proposal

• how they will work together to implement the project

• the added value arising from this collaborative approach.

(500 words)

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Section 6: Project Plan, Capacity to Deliver and Governance

6.1 Project Plan

Please set out the project plan/a summary of the project plan (if appending separately). This

should include:

• a clear timetable detailing the stages in project implementation from commencement to


• the project milestones and deliverables

• which organisation will be responsible for each milestone (1000 words)


• The roles and responsibilities of the lead applicant and project partners should be clearly identified

in the project plan. The lead applicant will be the entity which will enter into a written Funding

Agreement with the Department and will be recognised as ‘the grantee’ who has financial and

administrative responsibilities for the project.

• It is possible to submit the Project Plan as a separate attachment, alongside the Application Form.

This may be advisable where you wish to include diagrams, maps, images etc., however it should

only be one document and multiple files forming the project plan will not be accepted. Please

indicate in the above box if you have submitted the project plan separately.

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6.2 Capacity to Deliver

Outline the capacity of the lead applicant (and partner organisations if applicable) to develop,

deliver and manage the project. This should include:

• Any previous experience of delivering similar projects

• The proposed project team structure and qualifications of key personnel

• Include any aspects of the project that will be delivered by a third party (1000 words)

Does your organisation(s) require any additional support to successfully deliver the project e.g.

other funding sources, external project management, additional resources? Please outline steps

being taken to secure this support. (500 words)

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6.3 Governance and Monitoring

Outline the governance / project management structure which will ensure effective oversight of

the development and implementation of the project. This should include any risks associated

with the project and steps taken to mitigate against these. (750 words)

Does the project have the relevant administrative and legal consents for implementation (e.g.

planning permission, land ownership rights or secure long-term lease etc.)? If these consents

are not in place, please indicate what actions are being taken (or will be taken) to obtain them.

(500 words)

Provide a brief project evaluation plan. This should include:

• How the project will be evaluated

• How the evaluation will be carried out e.g. steps, staff involved, timeframe

• How the organisation(s) will work with DCCAE to support the evaluation process (500words)


• If successful, organisations may be requested to provide evidence of consents andpermissions at contract signing stage so should ensure these are available in advance.

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Section 7: Financial Robustness and Sustainability

7.1 Lead Applicant Annual Turnover

2017 (€) 2018 (€) 2019 (€)

If turnover does not apply, please provide a brief explanation of the nature of the Lead Applicant’s

revenue e.g. proceeds from charitable donations, Exchequer funding etc.


• No rule has been set in terms of a minimum annual turnover. This information is being sought

to inform the Evaluation Team’s assessment regarding the capacity of the lead applicant to

deliver the project.

7.2 Financial Overview of Project

Provide details of the total cost of developing the project and JTF funding sought. This should be

a calendar year basis and be VAT inclusive.

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Year 1


Year 2


Year 3


Year 4



Total Project Cost (€):

Capital Cost: (€)

Current Cost: (€)

JT Funding Sought (€):

As % of Total Project Cost:

Match Funding Amount (€):


• Only expenditure incurred after the approval date of a project is eligible for funding.

• The minimum amount awarded to a project will be €50,000 and the maximum amount awarded


• If state aid applies, limits will be set on the intensity of funding. Applicants are advised to refer

to the State Aid General Block Exemption Regulation which may apply to act as a framework to

develop project proposals and indicate the level of permissible aid intensity. For more

information on State Aid, see the Just Transition Fund information booklet and the Department

of Business, Enterprise and Innovation website on EU State Aid Rules here.

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7.3 Match Funding

Is the match funding for this project confirmed?

Yes No

Please indicate the source of the match funding. If there are more than five sources of match

funding, you can enter the additional sources into the free box below and provide all the required


Match funding body and type (e.g. cash)

Contribution €


Contribution €


Contribution €


Contribution €


Total Amount


• All projects must include at least 15% match funding from other sources.

• Applicants are not required to provide supporting documentary evidence for match funding but

if successful they will be required to provide this information (including evidence of funding

approvals and terms) at Funding Agreement signing stage.

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7.4 Other Public Sources of Funding

Yes No

Is additional public funding required for this project? If Yes,

please complete the below

Has additional public funding for this project been sought?

Has additional public funding for this project been approved?

Is it intended to seek additional funding to support the project?

If additional public funding is required or has been approved, please provide details below – if

there are more than five sources of other public funding, you can enter the additional sources

into the free box below and provide all the required information.

Funding body and scheme Amount sought (€)



Date and type of

approval e.g. board

approval etc.

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If the project has sought additional public funding, clearly demonstrate how the JTF project is

additional e.g. it will expand an existing project, it will allow the project to be scaled up, and there is

no double funding. Indicate how the multiple public funding sources will be managed. (300 words)

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7.5 Breakdown of Total Project Funding Sought

Please provide a breakdown the total project funding sought under the various line items


Item Cost (€) 2020

Cost (€) 2021

Cost (€) 2022

Cost (€) 2023


Professional fees (e.g. architectural, engineering, survey costs)

Consultancy and legal fees

Salary costs

Business development costs

Training costs

Operational costs e.g. insurance, utilities, ICT

Project management and delivery costs

Construction and repair costs

Other technical assistance (please specify and add rows as required)

Contingency (please specify and add rows as required)

Other (please specify and add rows as required)

Administration costs


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Please provide a breakdown the total project funding sought under the various line items


Item Cost (€) 2020

Cost (€) 2021

Cost (€) 2022

Cost (€) 2023


Professional fees (e.g. architectural, engineering, survey costs)

Consultancy and legal fees

Salary costs

Business development costs

Training costs

Operational costs e.g. insurance, utilities, ICT

Project management and

delivery costs

Construction and repair costs

Other technical assistance (please specify and add rows as required)

Contingency (please specify and add rows as required)

Other (please specify and add rows as required)

Administration costs


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Please provide a project financial plan/a summary of the project finance plan (if appended

separately) in order to help assess financial robustness. This can be in the form of a high level

business plan and should address the following:

• Key business opportunities and strategy for the project

• Project revenue and cost drivers

• Outline market competition

• The management approach underpinning the financial projections

(1000 words)


• Ensure all costs are eligible as per the Information Booklet.

• Administration costs are permitted up to a maximum of 10% of the overall project cost

where the project is a capital project.

• Profits, dividends and/or interest payments on financial instruments are not eligible costs.

• Further financial information may be requested by the Evaluation Team.

7.6 Project Financial Plan


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• The Project Financial Plan can be submitted as a separate attachment, alongside the

Application Form. This may be advisable where you wish to include diagrams etc. It should

only be one document and multiple files will not be accepted. Please indicate in the above box

if you have submitted the project plan separately.

7.7 Insurances The Lead Applicant must, for the duration of the project as set out in the Funding Agreement,

hold the following types and amounts of insurance.

Insurance Indemnity Limit

Employers Liability €12.7m

Public Liability €6.5m

Does the Lead Applicant have these insurances in place?




• If the lead applicant is successful, they will be required to provide confirmation from an

insurance company or broker that the above insurances are in effect.

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7.8 Sustainability and Financial Risk

• Set out how the project will achieve and maintain financial sustainability once complete.

• Identify future revenue generating opportunities associated with the project and potential scaling up opportunities.

(500 words)

Outline financial risks associated with delivery of the project and how these have been mitigated

against in the project/finance plan (500 words)

Indicate how financial oversight and an effective audit trail will be ensured in accordance with the

Terms and Conditions of the Information Booklet. (300 words)

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Section 8: Use of Data and Declaration

The information on this Application Form will be used by DCCAE to evaluate applications,

alongside information provided to the START process where applicable. Further information may

be sought from the Lead Applicant by the Department in relation to submitted proposals.

The Department will be a Data Controller in respect of personal data provided by an applicant who

must consent to the processing of such personal data by the Department and the Evaluation

Team, which will be established to assess applications, in accordance with the Department’s

Privacy Statement and Privacy Notice.

The Evaluation Team will be chaired by DCCAE and will include representatives from relevant

Government Departments, the MRTT, regional representatives, and may include state agency

expertise to assess particular projects. The Evaluation Team will make recommendations on the

projects to be offered support to the Minister of Communications, Climate Action and Environment,

for his approval.

The Department will not otherwise release any information received as part of this application

except as may be required by law, including under the Freedom of Information and Access to

Information on the Environment legislation. The Department will, where possible, consult with the

Lead Applicant about confidential or commercially sensitive information before making a decision

on any proposed release of records.

Declaration by Lead Applicant

This declaration must be signed by an officer authorised at a senior level within the Lead Applicant


• I confirm that I have read and understood and accept all eligibility criteria and Terms and

Conditions as set out in the JTF Information Booklet.

• I declare that the particulars supplied in this Application Form are true and correct.

• I confirm that by supplying a Tax Clearance Access Number and Tax Reference Number

the Department has permission to verify my tax cleared position online, and I accept that

payment of funding will require a compliant tax cleared position where this applies.

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• I confirm that I have informed all persons about whom I have provided personal information

in this Application Form of the details provided and the purpose for which this is to be used.

I confirm I have the consent of the individuals (or other appropriate legal basis) for providing

such personal data to the Department for the purposes of this application and participation

in the Just Transition Fund.

• I confirm that I have read the Department’s Privacy Statement and Privacy Notice and

consent to the use of data as described therein.

• I consent to information about the submitted project being used to support Departmental or

Government communications, including any future imagery and video footage, in relation to

the Just Transition Fund and wider climate policy.

• I request that assistance be provided from the Just Transition Fund in support of the project

as outlined, and I certify that, if awarded, the funding will be used solely for the purposes for

which it is approved and confirm that an effective audit trail is maintained for all income and

expenditure under the approved project.

Signed on behalf of:

Lead Applicant Organisation Name


(Electronic signatures can be submitted)

Name in Block Capitals



Witness signature (Staff member from lead organisation)

Name in Block Capitals

