GOVERNMENT OF INDIA अंतHरF व भाग DEPARTMENT · PDF fileकककक////a प...

1 िनवदा सूचना सं. आईपीआरसी/सीएमजी/टएस/62/सीपीएच - 012/2015-16, दनांक: 14.10.2015 NIT No: IPRC/CMG/TS/62/CPH-012/2015 -16, Dated: 14.10.2015 1. भारत के रापित क ओर से , िननिलखत काय हेतु मोहरबंद मद-दर िनवदाएं आमंऽत ह। On Behalf of the President of India, sealed, item-rate tenders are invited for the following work. .सं संसं सं . S.No ववरण ववरण ववरण ववरण / DESCRIPTION यौ यौ यौ यौरा रा रा रा / DETAILS 1. काय का शीषक Title of work एमएसीसी एमएसीसी एमएसीसी एमएसीसी भवन म वमान उपमाग म सुधार। भवन म वमान उपमाग म सुधार। भवन म वमान उपमाग म सुधार। भवन म वमान उपमाग म सुधार। Improvement to existing approach road to MACC building. 2. िनवदा म द गई ाकिलत लागत Estimated cost put to tender ` 8.31 (लाख / Lakhs) 3. काय पूरा होने क अविध, महन म , जसे काय आदेश जार होने क ितिथ के 15व दन से िगना जाए। Period of completion in months reckoned from the 15 th day of date of issue of work order. 03 (तीन महने / Three Months) 4. िनवदा दःतावेज़ लागत Cost of tender document ` 536/- 5. िनवदा दःतावेज दान करने के िलए िनवेदन करने अविधPeriod during which the request for tender document can be made. 15.09.2015 से/to 30.10.2015 तक (10:00 बजे/hrs से /to 16:00 बजे/hrs तक) 6. िनवदा दःतावेज को देने अंितम ितिथ Issue of tender document closes on. 30.10.2015 7. िनवदा पाने अंितम ितिथ एवं समयLast date and time for receipt of tenders. 03.11.2015, 14:30 बजे /hrs 8. िनवदा खुलने अंितम ितिथ एव समयDue date and time of opening of tenders. 03.10.2015, 15:00 बजे /hrs 9. अिमधन िनेप (.एम..) Earnest money deposit (EMD) ` 16,700/- भारत सरकार भारत सरकार भारत सरकार भारत सरकार अंतर वभाग अंतर वभाग अंतर वभाग अंतर वभाग िनमाण एवं अनुरण मुप िनमाण एवं अनुरण मुप िनमाण एवं अनुरण मुप िनमाण एवं अनुरण मुप इसरो नोदन इसरो नोदन इसरो नोदन इसरो नोदन कॉलेस कॉलेस कॉलेस कॉलेस महििगर महििगर महििगर महििगर दूरभाष दूरभाष दूरभाष दूरभाष फस फस फस फस GOVERNMENT OF INDIA DEPARTMENT OF SPACE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE GROUP ISRO PROPULSION COMPLEX MAHENDRAGIRI – 627 133 PHONE: 04637 281582, 281672, FAX: 04637 281681.

Transcript of GOVERNMENT OF INDIA अंतHरF व भाग DEPARTMENT · PDF fileकककक////a प...

  • 1111

    . ///62/ - 012/2015-16, : 14.10.2015 NIT No: IPRC/CMG/TS/62/CPH-012/2015 -16, Dated: 14.10.2015

    1. , ! $ - +

    On Behalf of the President of India, sealed, item-rate tenders are invited for the following work.

    ........ S.No

    //// DESCRIPTION 0000 //// DETAILS

    1. 2 2 Title of work

    5 6 2 5 5 6 2 5 5 6 2 5 5 6 2 5

    Improvement to existing approach road to MACC building.

    2. 5 ; Estimated cost put to tender

    ` 8.31 ( / Lakhs)

    3. 2 , ? 5, ! 2


    Period of completion in months reckoned from the 15th day of date of issue of work order.

    03 ( / Three Months)

    4. Cost of tender document

    ` 536/-


    Period during which the request for tender document can be made.

    15.09.2015 /to 30.10.2015

    (10:00 /hrs /to 16:00 /hrs )

    6. Issue of tender document closes on.


    7. Last date and time for receipt of tenders.

    03.11.2015, 14:30 /hrs

    8. Due date and time of opening of tenders.

    03.10.2015, 15:00 /hrs

    9. F (...) Earnest money deposit (EMD)

    ` 16,700/-


    2 F 2 F 2 F 2 F K;K;K;K;

    5H5H5H5H ;;;;


  • 2222

    2. 2 2 2 2 ---- Eligibility Criteria for Issue of Tender Documents

    O ! 2 ? : Tender documents will be issued only to those who satisfy the following eligibility criteria:

    .... .... Sl. No.

    2 2 2 2 Eligibility Criteria

    2 ! 2 ! 2 ! 2 ! Documentary proof for the eligibility ( P ! P ! P ! P !

    Self attested copies to be submitted)

    ////a $ ! 2

    S 2 Should have satisfactorily completed the works as mentioned below during the last Seven years. i. 2, T ;

    40% (` 3.32 ) () Three similar works each costing not less than 40 % of the estimated cost ( ` 3.32 Lakhs) (or)

    ii. 2, T ;

    60% ( ` 4.99 ) () Two similar works each costing not less than 60% of the estimated cost ( ` 4.99 Lakhs) (or)

    iii. 2, T ;

    80% ( ` 6.65 ) One similar work costing not less than 80% of the estimated cost. (` 6.65 Lakhs)

    i. 2 ? 2


    2 - !

    Certified copy of work orders and Completion certificates issued by the authority concerned to establish work experience.

    ii. ? P $ 2

    - .. (

    ) -

    Completion certificates for work issued by Private parties shall be supported by TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) certificates.

    ////Note: i. Similar work shall mean Experience in executing General Civil works.

    O 2 O 2 5 ii. $ X ,2 X 5 7 % 2 Z

    2 ,! 2 [

    [ The value of executed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing the actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum, calculated from the date of completion to last date of receipt of application for bids.

    H\, ! ? 5 : In addition, the following documents are to be produced :

    i. .. / Valid VAT registration /TIN & PAN Number.

    ii. ^\ P 5 The Letter of authority in case the application is made through authorized person.

    iii. ? New tenderers should submit their company profile.

  • 3333

    3. 2 , 5

    !_ P 5 P T

    S + b

    Issue of tender documents on the basis of the documentary eligibility alone will not make a Tenderer eligible

    for participating in the bidding. The documents furnished by the tenderers will be subjected to verification

    subsequently by Department. If found not meeting the requirement, such offers will be rejected.

    4. (, 5H 5 0) d S 5 2H X \ 2

    ? ! , ?

    2 2 2 2,,,,

    2 F 2 F 2 F 2 F ,,,,

    K K K K;;;;,,,,

    5H 5H 5H 5H 627627627627 133133133133,,,,

    : 04637 28158204637 28158204637 28158204637 281582,,,, 281672281672281672281672....

    , 2 \ 1 5 , , 2 m

    , [ +

    On request in writing, with requisite fee in the form of Challan (available at SBI, Mahendragiri Branch) or

    Demand Draft and eligibility documents specified above, tender documents along with all required documents

    can be obtained from

    Office of the Group Head,

    Construction and Maintenance Group,

    ISRO Propulsion Complex,

    Mahendragiri 627 133,

    Ph: 04637 281582, 281672.

    on any working day during the period mentioned in Para 1 above, except on Saturdays, Sundays and Public


    5. \ 1 5 F - / + P

    S 5, Ho , , 5H 5 () + P +

    T S 5 F, [ 180 ? O

    Tenders should be accompanied with Earnest Money Deposit for value specified in Para1 above, in the form of

    Deposit at Call receipt/Term Deposit Receipt of any Scheduled Bank issued only in favour of Senior

    Accounts Officer, IPRC, Mahendragiri (or) in the form of Bank guarantee issued by a scheduled bank.

    Earnest Money Deposit shall be valid for 180 days from the due date of receipt of tenders.

  • 4444

    6. , , ? 5 , Tenders should be submitted in three sealed cloth lined covers as below,

    i. F F F F- F 2 , .. q

    (5) 5 2r ..


    Cover i. Containing Earnest money Deposit -This cover shall be super-scribed with Earnest money

    Deposit and also the name of the work, NIT number and name of Tenderer. Tenders without

    requisite EMD with full validity as specified in Para (5) above will be summarily rejected.

    ii. !!s !!s !!s !!s ---- !!s 2 ,

    .. q 5

    (X - iii 5 ), -

    F $ u?

    /K/v\ !!s 5 5 r 5

    ? $ u? S 5 , w 5

    Cover ii. Containing Techno-Commercial bid -This cover shall be super-scribed with Technical &

    Commercial Bid and also the name of the work, NIT number and name of Tenderer. This cover

    shall contain the full set of tender documents issued to the Tenderer, (except the price bid which

    should be in cover iii), duly filled in and signed. In case the Tenderer intends any observation /

    comments / remarks on Departmental conditions and specifications, the same shall be brought out

    in the technical & commercial bid. Or else a confirmation that the Tenderer agrees to the terms and

    conditions and specifications of the tender in toto shall be enclosed.

    iii.X - X 2 , ... q

    5 ? 0? ? 5 P

    T X

    6F P T 5,

    X S 5 X 2 X

    Cover iii. Containing price bid This cover shall be super-scribed with Price Bid and also the name of the

    work, NIT number and name of Tenderer. The tenderers shall quote rates in figure as well as in

    words and amounts tendered by them. The amount for each item shall be worked out and requisite

    amount given. All corrections shall be attested by the dated initials of the Tenderer. The rates shall

    be filled only on the price bid format furnished along with the tender document. Any conditions in the

    price bid will make the price bid invalid and liable for rejection.

    \ O 5 5 2 \ O 5 5 2 \ O 5 5 2 \ O 5 5 2 , , , , ............ q q q q

    O O O O

    All the three covers mentioned above shall be put in another sealed cloth lined cover super-scribing the

    name of work, NIT number and Name of Tenderer. Tenders submitted in any other manner will be rejected.

  • 5555

    7. S 5 X, P 5 0 X / 5 \ 6 S 5 (iii) 5

    Tender documents will be issued only on hard copy form. Price shall be quoted only on the price schedule / bill

    of quantities forming part of the original set of tender documents issued by Department and returned in original

    in cover (iii) specified in Para 6 above.

    8. !!s X o? F o?

    y S 5, ? ( , 1

    2 , ? H\

    Tenderers shall sign all the pages of Technical & Commercial bid and Price bid without fail. The original full set

    of tender document, duly filled in at required pages, along with drawings should be returned along with the


    9. , , , , , 2 F 2 F 2 F 2 F 5 1 2H [

    [ ! ?


    Tenders will be received and opened at the Office of the Group Head, Construction and Maintenance

    Group, on the stipulated date and time specified in Para 1 above. Delayed and late tenders will be summarily

    rejected. Tenders will be opened in the presence of attending tenderers or their authorized representatives.

    10. (i) , , ! ?

    O .. O , (ii) (ii)

    !!s F/X !!s X ,

    P ? S F

    2 5 ?

    X , 2r (w ? )

    , O ? F X w


    On the due date of opening, the Cover (i) will be opened initially. Subsequently, on the same day Cover (ii) of

    those tenderers who furnished valid EMD only will be opened. On opening of Cover ii, Technical & commercial

    bid, further detailed scrutiny / evaluation