Gov unit2 ppt

Democracy & Democratization Will the trend continue?



Transcript of Gov unit2 ppt

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Democracy & Democratization

Will the trend continue?

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• Basic Rights Do these have to be protected in a written


• Competitive Elections Which is the better electoral system?

Way of counting the votes

• Rule of Law• Capitalism and Affluence

Is this necessary?

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Common and Not So Common Themes

Elections determine who governs but Not ALL are ALIKE

– Electoral systems: Direct v. indirect

U.S. & France elect their chief executives Great Britain and Germany do not

Proportional v. plurality (single member districts) German Bundestag gives half its seats

proportionally U.S. & Great Britain use “first past the post”

Separation of powers (U.S.) v. fusion of powers

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Four Different Elections• United States

Electoral College

France Directly elects its

President Ballot has multiple

candidates Only top 2 participate

in a runoff

Great Britain No scheduled elections Prime Minister calls for

elections within 5 years

Germany 4 major parties that form

coalitions to pass legislation

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Understanding Democracy

• Democratic Regime – a set of institutions that allow the citizens to choose the makers of public policy in free, competitive elections

• Industrialized Democracy – the richest countries with advanced economies and liberal states.

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Procedural v. Substantive Democracy

Procedural democracy Presence of “free, fair,

competitive” elections BUT

Hurdles are present for real democratic procedures

Opposition parties silenced

Votes not counted Illiberal Democracy/Guarded

Democracy- A true “free and fair” election is a façade as a dominant party, military, or person is in control

Substantive Democracy Procedural standards

met More political rights

and civil liberties are offered

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Democratization The

transformation process from a nondemocratic regime to a procedural democracy to a substantive democracy

Samuel Huntington's “Three Waves of Democratization”

→ The introduction of democracy in different stages after 1900

Late 19th century Increased education and

urbanization Post WWII era (1945-1960)

decolonization Late 1970s

Collapse of Soviet Union

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The Origins of the Democratic StateThe Origins of the Democratic State

• Origins of democratic thought– The early democracies: individualism, capitalism,

Protestantism, scientific revolution, and exploration– Hobbes– Laissez-faire– Locke– Suffrage

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The Origins of the Democratic StateThe Origins of the Democratic State• Building Democracies

– In Europe and North America, the way democracy developed was largely a result of the way countries and their rulers handled four great transformations over the last five hundred years:• The creation of the nation and state itself• The role of religion in society and government• The development of pressures for democracy• The Industrial Revolution

– Cleavages (social divisions)– Authoritarian Leaders, Fascism, and WWII– The Cold War

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The Emergence of the Early Modern State

Read about the early modern state

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Political Culture and Participation• The Civic Culture

Legitimacy: government v. regime• Political Parties and Elections

Catch-all Parties• New Divisions

– Gender– Post-materialist

3rd generation affluence – reasonable assumption of productive careers

Vote on “higher-order” values• Interest Groups• Political Protest

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The Democratic StateThe Democratic State• Presidential and parliamentary systems

– Presidential: three branches of power used to prevent abuse of power (only in the U.S.) → lengthy legislative process

– Parliamentary: secure majority party or coalition, the prime minister rarely has to compromise, which allows their government to act more quickly and decisively Fused, not separated

• Cabinet responsibility – principle that requires a prime minister and government to retain the support of a parliamentary majority

• Votes of confidence – a vote in which the members express their support for (or opposition to) the government’s policies. If it loses, the government must resign

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Democracy and Public PolicyDemocracy and Public Policy

• The interventionist state – governments in industrialized democracies that pursue an active economic policy

– Basic health care– Subsidized and/or free education – Unemployment compensation– Pensions and other programs

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Alternatives to Democracy

• Authoritarianism - power depends on the coercive force of the political authorities

• Oligarchies - power is held by only a few, usually wealthy people

• Totalitarianism - a political system in which the state controls all aspects of public and private life