GOUGH ORATORICAL CONTEST TO BE HELD IN AUDITORIUM APRIL 19 Congratulations To Our Mayor, Dr. Hammond Official Student Body Publication of Texas Christian University DA \( E Tomorrow Honors Ncu Officers VOLUME W FORT WORTH, TEXAS, 11(11) U, \IKII. 9, 1937 M MHKIt 27 Views ' n Viewpoints Klecliims of Interest SytttM Improved More Time Alloued Better Officl&Ifl KcsuM if.ditori NMCI ihia column la •rlllrr tarn »M» h* ilitffrrni (tudenla or firulu mrmf»'» » ho a re B*fcr4 lo present IrlUT . i»a point* •* int auhierta «hirh th»» •* III.- B] ANN im j \u\ is itudenl bodj i For tbi pus! few WMkl Dill i n uppermost in I bt nun-is oi veryont on the campui ty1 i n talking abo ;' DIM ihinj; I'd | my two- irth. itudenl body officer! tun b i1 n polls. Herel "!- !' il " *n the tO OiOCl Bl : ' I il iv« and cli en by vote n) class moetings, During the MU ' i ala, particular- [j Council membcri, bavi been criti- it BOMU to iff ihai th«- aoure% of thi*. rntici-m in- to a great is- trnl in (he nlrt rm-thn(K of elec- tion. I'nHer the prcaenl listen, 11 «ill he the atadeflta' '»«n fault if their repreaentatlTea do nol pleaac ihem. The lyotooi HOT jivea tha vtuHentv nn apportiinitj foe fere* ihought and ooojalderatioa i" thaw- ing thooo who arc to rapreaenl thrm. I'nder the old lyateoj pea pir were elected hastily, with per- hap*, little regard fat theii quail- firations for of fin Too often - tended by only a minoi itj of thi rlapp, and C01 nevar voted evei Icnew who waa t thaam. Such a itati of affl argelj reaponsible for the i of and contempt fnr student offici- aJa. I he new BJ stem should do much toward remedyin| thaaa condi- tions. When it i> aeceasorj for all candidates to present a petition at least a week before their election, there is an opportunity for the names of all candidates t-> be plac- ed before the entire ctaaa instead of before a mere handful. The can- didates are not elected on the spur of the moment rn a minority of the class, hut after a sufficient period of time for thought l >; H ery class; member Interested enough to vote. Every nambi t of svery c an opportunity to vote now; he is to blame if his representative i do not please him. When everyone n;t>. an opportunity to learn who la runnini to learn the qualifications of all cmi- . to gO U) the polls in then no one should Peel that he > s not truly represented bj the offici- als for next year. Since everyone Is given B>H tunity to have a voice In elect better feeling of content ant) BS tion should be fostered on thi cam pus. Campus Calend ar Saturday. \pril 10 9 p. m. Dance - 1 1 Gym nasium. Bttnda) \pril 11 11 a m Morning Seiiice r. C 4 p. m Bi - 'rogram MAT 8 p. m. MaUorial 1 fniver. ity Ihriatlan Church Club Room Monda) \|..il 1] ft. 12 a. m. Preal man Elec loll - y. w ('. A. Ri 'mi. HI a. in Band I rogram . Audi- Ini'inni. 7:30 p ii Phi B pna Inta loo Fifth tract Tueada) \nril II A p in dome Ei onoinic *- ) r i n g Tr:i lar\ IS. 7 p. m. \\ . A. A . Meeting Girli' Gym. Frosh to Elect Class Officers Monday Morning Swiley, .Miser, Kstill. Hattan in Race for Soph President. New Council Named Student Body Officers Include Roberta, Walker. Misses Jarvia, Watson. I and Studci I having heen I i will contini reek a nan tin man cla-s will name itii officer! Mon- day morning in the V W C. A l: ri Pri lident, Tom Miier, John Eatill an.I Prank Hal tei T an l.n Perryman, Jimmy Mc- Galliard and Earl Clark; itai s Mill Evelyn Waikins. i' Robt ami itu- dent body preiident-elecl v\ adi '.'i,i n he defeated Kenneth Hay i!4F> to Jj:> in the run-off. En ih.' primary Mondaj Roberti polled 231 votea to IT 1 .' foi Ha] and 103 for C. II. Rieb- ai 'i>. \ ' W i ..' i the race for ' l< ni bj defeating his only op- \* \ Welih, Sit to 242. M ^ Jerry Wation became editor- of The Skiff by winning over P l: dingi 290 to 222. .lack Mur- id 11 ii loader nexl year by virtue of his majority victory over tod I.any Harrison. M;-* Ann Day -larvis was nncon. [or the office of leeretary- rej of the Btudenl Body. She for Near Grleeni itti nd thi lixteenth an- nual convention of the Southern Fed- .. Studenti and Pre^i .,..,- , . Bhc ii taking the Roberti "ho tend. Thi . il seal yeai 'i Btu l ouncil wai determined u ad B Pri lidi nl Re ti. : W ilker, and Secretary- Treaaurer .larvis, the memben will I,. Sr, Charli Moiahart, Richard II Richardi and W. A. Welih; w.iltoi Backi r, George Ca- II , John Richard!. lophon on Wdliam Arthur Black and Weedre i Duckivcrth. Dr. True Announces Institute Committees Toler, Whltiey, Jaeotao" '" Bo Chairmen for Pablle Opin- ion Me«1 April 26. chairman tor the Port u. illth ,. , . ,.„ of the tnatituti of Public Opinion, to IK- held in Dal- it April 2U-80, have hem announced by In. Allen True. Iloan Colby D. Hall will he one of the iponiori of the toorth annual meeting, which is sponsored by the Carnefte Endowment for Interna- tional Peace. The committee chairmen are. .1. 0, Rufui Whitley, entertainment; .Meier Jaeobaon, pub- ;,,.„ Maj rhomai A. Harkina, '-hip. Seventeen itudenti have heen se to repretent T. C. U. at the ite. Thej »rr; Miieei Dorothy l.ce. Gay Welch. \ i auker and Anna Hell Sparger; Mine-. R. H. Luker ind Helen Tribble Maya; ami Harry Roberta, Toler, u hitley, Richard Poll, Truitl Ken- nedy: Jaeobaon, Jamei Cogdell, Maj. Harkina, Joe Val Peacoek, Herman Pittman and C. H. Richarda. Dr. True'i (election! have been ap- proved bj Dr. B, D. Myree, 8. M. r profeuoi and director of the mstituie. Chapel Will Honor Frog Debate Teams I'ast Mcmberi to Speak Wed BMJB) Trut'. Pallia In Charge The debater! of 1933 37 will he honored in < bapi I rVadni ida; on a program under the direction of Prof, I.. D. Pallia and. Dr, A.lli n I I C 1 debaters have heen invited to ipei Thn<c to be bonori -- Ken- ned] . Richard P ill, Byroi B rige. Hair- Robi rl . Mi son. Doyle Pine, Rufu ' .1 O, roll Picturei of thi co-found c. I'.. Randolph and ' Clark. were hung in the Auditorium during chapel HI \ icei ait Wei Judge Waiter I. Mo 1 Clark of Cai I I university during .' Robert Hallowa]. daughti 1 nl dolph 1 lai k; and Mn. 11 I;]., , of t be two men. were I by the student hody. 0 Pageant Will Be Colorful Affair Girls Are Busy Making Brilliant Costumes for May Fete, Patterns, multi-colored materials, pmk roaaa, tamboi BJ k oil- cloth iv : *• and 1 ii ti ing in T k 1 am as chatting physical education girls BASVks their enstumrs for thfl M •. pageant "The Birth of M Into fii e scanes, Fa1 brow prei 1 a ood nymphs w i!l stai colorful specti lowed h> blu< turned girls and The third scene will I and many : opera featuring I and flowei by the i H 7.7. era, which will cl inia\ with bright yellow swing-time satin. "The pageant will be a fair. The dances an | ng fine and the 1937 interest is highi it. has heen in man;, years," Mrs. M. Murphy, din I 2 en Hrerkenridtre Program Dr. Rebecca Smith anil Earl ( lark Hrt r on t he B turj Club In Breckenridge Saturday. Six to Compete For Gough Prize Monday, April 19 Roberts, Weaver, Poll, Barnes, Whitley, Hay Knter. Richards '36 Winner Gold Medal .-mil 125 \»ard for l'ii-i Place Judges are T. C. I . Graduates. Six I, i held m the \ ~ p. in . ; |. i .. H I'., neth Hi P B I will be R if 11 W I " Harrj H "The Third . A n ond pll , i ii Rii hard wo : II : third. A n cent rv winner for further tition, II,'. Roj II. Gough, 01 initiator if cit and (ard, will bi ' mail will E. Ton i . B 1926; and Sproesser \\ It's Mayor .lack Hamnnind Now ll :l 1 I 1 ii- mu M„ « 1 H ii ia -ho \\o il, Ii C ;v Seer d ii \ K il Mm. 1 1 1 . e 1 ii 1 »ii nil i I furnish the ma] or for I nrt w orth. i II beins aw orn in :i- mi - or nl I oi I r Hammi ' Van Znndl Ii I the I en prsit\'a liciai d ol I t u-t- < i. I ormcr T. C. I Studenl Drowns Near Austin John Churchill it 1 . i 1'. from 19 .1 to V . : . \ tin when i « hich he and a c< ;i honor lie wai age. AROUND OR ACROSS, WHICH? ,'rhr > !.- I ' I I . . il finnlh h.t- i I \v DMA Halt Allends I'evi.s ( otltgl Meet 11, ,.: i olb] D. Kali, a member of Ihe committee el standards of the Aaaociation of Tixai Collefea, Ii in Lubbock today and tomorrow attend- ing a meeting oi 'he association. I ii a,. Hall ipoki ii'-teiday en the program ol the lunlor eellege aaioeii lion, which is meeiinn with ihe larger hody. \lt(ll Ml I'or several icar- Iherc h;i- been no ;rras* BTOwini tinder the feet ol T. ( . I . students as the) pled their wa> acroai a deien and one path, on the rumpus. Hut there is mm . The tpring null-. a few signs posted and a ichoolful ol co-operating itudenti have made II so. The maiorili of itudenti have been uuirtli reipectim Ihe "Kei p Ofl th< i.r.iss' ilgni poated laal Saturday, and hue found little inconvenience in following the mam ildewalki to their destination, their co-operiil ion reveal inj; the Inherent good taate ind echool spirit of the T. c. I . itudenl body. (lark and Goode Hall nun. m pal tieular. haw taken advantage of their opportunity to Improve the appeal anre of their own "front yarda." The) (man) ol ihem) haie not onl) itopped usintt Ihe paths, hut hilie heen oh- .cried "getting after" occasional -In- dents nho dared trample don n Ihe Krass. .lust what "punishment" the) "ill mete out to offender! hain't heen de- cided, hui memben ol the I u aociation are conaidering the matter, »ith an eye not onl) to helping the srhool in its campaign bol also to having a little "fun" and diversion of I heir mm. .lam- Hall coed- have been the mo«i flagrant violator! ol ihi i i ii ill '.pirn of the itudent bod) w Ith no I.-- ihan I !\ I eait-weil walki In- side the campus for their u-e. man) of ihem haie continued itrollina across thi trass. However, even the»e thoughtleai itadenti are beginning to use the iialks more and more. Many realiac ihat Ti c. I ,'i campui is the I nn er-iti 'i "shoii « indon " ind thai it repreaeati to paiien-b) much of Ihe spirit and i|iin*l culture of the itadenti themaelvee, Vn un marred and heautiful camims IS aomethiiig of which to he proud. \i ROSS "I'lcaae Keep Ofl thi Grau. It'i hard to ia) " hether this is i -itu left over from the election or if ii i- one of the Idei t rom the plat form of a nc.i I) eli cted officer. \t an) rate, theae ligm which are no boidl) planted in all pathi leadins iicios- the campu* are becoming pain in the neck. I hi ic ihin-buitei li;i\ c heen III the « ;ii foi oi M n n eek now. .un! u fai few peraoni hat »• paid an) attention i" them. flu I. c. I campu. I- euppoaed ta i„ out campui, and it ihould be our lege lo nall ai rn*i it if »e io desire. I u-t becauHC there are fe« paths running from building i" build ing i* no excuei for itii king up iign until the place looks like a court- house liliill I Iii pat hi shn« actii iii. I Iii i «ho» ih.ii the l.i.l. campui ii nol The) -linn that, aftei all then in itudenti here and that Ihe) do know Hi, ihorteal distance between two points. Studenti who « ..11. on lidewalki all da] l.noii the pleaaure ol linking their heel- lllln -oil I III I I hi I VI I. get tiioi no in orn ot « alking from ,uir hiitor) CUM io another il In i alking Un i ' un to Ihe « a) Ihi ] naiii to. and nol have t" follow ii laid- out ilab ol concrete, IC- not denied that Ihe lidewalki are good 'or sunn lllln; ^^ lldn'l gel alone inthoiii then in the win- ter " Inn lon^ -|n II- oi linn and wow hit, but in the ipring ind lummi i it'i different H'li hangi i « a) ol Ii - Ing a- ihe lei r- change, I et'i walk mid go « here i i « anl lo e, en ii « t haie to itumbli acroai ligni to gel there! Band to Present Opery Premiere 2d 10c aerogram Also to Star Frederick and .lam-Hand. R : !' i - I I (dec (lul) Members in San Antonio Tour 1 ion Tomor- row—Singers \\ ill Re- turn Saturdaj. b ' Dance Will Honor Election Winners i rht. via, Mi I 1 .">(> Couples Expected At Sophomore Banquel Date N \piil 29 ;ii Texaa Ho lei Entertainmenl Is "Dutch." i : : President and Dean In 2 Honor Programs \\ aitg in Speak al Mai \ Hardin- Baylor—Hall Will Talk al I i mil i I . Preside! D. H '• I : ' a SI udenl a to \ Sigma l au lc II a i ernoon, Last Roll Call At L C. U. May 31 For 98 Seniors l!)o7 Class Is Lai Than 1 I oup by 2-'J Names. 7 From Out-of-State Ma mi- in 21 l'i .in i men) - lo ducat ion Unit 1 I. H VI I B 1 I I 1 R ' Ih) in He Hill i.ni»,a»ivwi*. ' " " "





To Our Mayor, Dr. Hammond

Official Student Body Publication of Texas Christian University

DA \( E

Tomorrow Honors Ncu Officers

VOLUME W FORT WORTH, TEXAS, 11(11) U, \IKII. 9, 1937 M MHKIt 27

Views ' n Viewpoints Klecliims of Interest

SytttM Improved

More Time Alloued

Better Officl&Ifl KcsuM

if.ditori NMCI ihia column la •rlllrr tarn »M» h* ilitffrrni (tudenla or firulu mrmf»'» » ho a re B*fcr4 lo present IrlUT . i»a point* •* int auhierta «hirh th»» ■•* III.-

B] ANN im j \u\ is

itudenl bodj i

For tbi pus! few WMkl Dill

i n uppermost in I bt nun-is oi

■veryont on the campui ty1

■ i n talking abo ;' DIM ihinj; —

I'd | my two-

■ irth.

itudenl body officer! tun ■ b i1 n

polls. Herel "!-■!' il ■ ■" *n the

tO OiOCl Bl ■•■:■ ' I

il iv« and cli en by

vote n) class moetings, During the

■ MU ' • ■ i ala, particular-

[j Council membcri, bavi been criti-

it BOMU to iff ihai th«- aoure%

of thi*. rntici-m in- to a great is-

trnl in (he nlrt rm-thn(K of elec-

tion. I'nHer the prcaenl listen, 11

«ill he the atadeflta' '»«n fault if

their repreaentatlTea do nol pleaac

ihem. The lyotooi HOT jivea tha

vtuHentv nn apportiinitj foe fere*

ihought and ooojalderatioa i" thaw-

ing thooo who arc to rapreaenl

thrm. I'nder the old lyateoj pea

pir were elected hastily, with per-

hap*, little regard fat theii quail-

firations for of fin

Too often -

tended by only a minoi itj of thi

rlapp, and C01

nevar voted evei

Icnew who waa t

thaam. Such a itati of affl

argelj reaponsible for the i

of and contempt fnr student offici-


I he new BJ stem should do much

toward remedyin| thaaa condi- tions. When it i> aeceasorj for all

candidates to present a petition at least a week before their election,

there is an opportunity for the

names of all candidates t-> be plac-

ed before the entire ctaaa instead

of before a mere handful. The can-

didates are not elected on the spur

of the moment rn a minority of the class, hut after a sufficient

period of time for thought l>; H

ery class; member Interested enough

to vote.

Every nambi t of svery c ■ an opportunity to vote now; he is to

blame if his representative i do not

please him. When everyone n;t>. an

opportunity to learn who la runnini

to learn the qualifications of all cmi-

. to gO U) the polls in

then no one should Peel that he >s

not truly represented bj the offici-

als for next year.

Since everyone Is given B>H

tunity to have a voice In elect

better feeling of content ant) BS

tion should be fostered on thi cam


Campus Calend ar

Saturday. \pril 10

9 p. m. Dance - 1 1 Gym nasium.

Bttnda) \pril 11

11 a m Morning Seiiice r. C

4 p. m Bi - 'rogram MAT 8 p. m. MaUorial 1 fniver.

■ity Ihriatlan Church Club


Monda) \|..il 1]

ft. 12 a. m. Preal man Elec loll ■ -

y. w ('. A. Ri 'mi.

HI a. in Band I rogram . Audi- Ini'inni.

7:30 p ii Phi B pna Inta ■ loo

Fifth ■tract

Tueada) \nril II

A p in dome Ei onoinic ■*- ) r i n g Tr:i lar\ IS.

7 p. m. \\ . A. A . Meeting Girli'


Frosh to Elect Class Officers Monday Morning

Swiley, .Miser, Kstill. Hattan in Race for

Soph President.

New Council Named

Student Body Officers Include Roberta, Walker. Misses

Jarvia, Watson.

I and Studci I

having heen

• I i will

contini reek a nan tin

man cla-s will name itii officer! Mon-

day morning in the V W C. A l:

■ri Pri lident, Tom

Miier, John Eatill an.I Prank Hal tei T an

l.n „ Perryman, Jimmy Mc-

Galliard and Earl Clark; itai s

Mill Evelyn Waikins.

i' Robt ami itu-

dent body preiident-elecl v\ adi

'.'i,i n he defeated Kenneth Hay i!4F> to

Jj:> in the run-off. En ih.' primary

Mondaj Roberti polled 231 votea to

IT1.' foi Ha] and 103 for C. II. Rieb-

ai 'i>.

\ ' W i ..' i the race for ' l<

■ ni bj defeating his only op-

\* \ Welih, Sit to 242.

M ^ Jerry Wation became editor-

of The Skiff by winning over

P l: dingi 290 to 222. .lack Mur-

id 11 ii loader nexl year

by virtue of his majority victory over tod I.any Harrison.

M;-* Ann Day -larvis was nncon.

[or the office of leeretary-

rej of the Btudenl Body. She

for Near Grleeni

itti nd thi lixteenth an-

nual convention of the Southern Fed- .. Studenti and Pre^i

.,..,- , . Bhc ii taking the

■ Roberti "ho •


Thi . il seal yeai 'i Btu

l ouncil wai determined u ad

B ■ Pri lidi nl Re ti.

: W ilker, and Secretary-

Treaaurer .larvis, the memben will I,. Sr, Charli Moiahart, Richard

II Richardi and W. A. Welih;

w.iltoi Backi r, George Ca-

II , John Richard!. lophon on

Wdliam Arthur Black and Weedre i


Dr. True Announces Institute Committees

Toler, Whltiey, Jaeotao" '" Bo

Chairmen for Pablle Opin- ion Me«1 April 26.

chairman tor the Port u. illth ,. , . ,.„ of the tnatituti of Public Opinion, to IK- held in Dal- it April 2U-80, have hem announced by In. Allen True.

Iloan Colby D. Hall will he one of

the iponiori of the toorth annual

meeting, which is sponsored by the

Carnefte Endowment for Interna-

tional Peace.

The committee chairmen are. .1. 0, Rufui Whitley,

entertainment; .Meier Jaeobaon, pub-

;,,.„ Maj rhomai A. Harkina,


Seventeen itudenti have heen se

to repretent T. C. U. at the

ite. Thej »rr;

Miieei Dorothy l.ce. Gay Welch.

\ i auker and Anna Hell Sparger;

Mine-. R. H. Luker ind Helen Tribble

Maya; ami Harry Roberta, Toler,

u hitley, Richard Poll, Truitl Ken-

nedy: Jaeobaon, Jamei Cogdell, Maj.

Harkina, Joe Val Peacoek, Herman

Pittman and C. H. Richarda.

Dr. True'i (election! have been ap-

proved bj Dr. B, D. Myree, 8. M. r

profeuoi and director of the mstituie.

Chapel Will Honor Frog Debate Teams

I'ast Mcmberi to Speak Wed BMJB) — Trut'. Pallia

In Charge

The debater! of 1933 37 will he

honored in < bapi I rVadni ida; on a

program under the direction of Prof,

I.. D. Pallia and. Dr, A.lli n I

I C 1 debaters have heen invited to ipei

Thn<c to be bonori -- Ken-

ned] . Richard P ill, Byroi B rige. Hair- Robi rl . Mi

son. Doyle Pine, Rufu '

.1 O, roll

Picturei of thi co-found

c. I'.. Randolph and '■■ Clark.

were hung in the Auditorium during chapel HI \ icei ait Wei

Judge Waiter I. Mo

1 Clark of Cai I I

university during .'

Robert Hallowa]. daughti 1 nl

dolph 1 lai k; and Mn. 11 I;]., , of t be two men. were I

by the student hody.


Pageant Will Be Colorful Affair

Girls Are Busy Making Brilliant Costumes

for May Fete,

Patterns, multi-colored materials,

pmk roaaa, tamboi BJ k oil-

cloth iv ■ : ■ *• and 1 ii ti

■ • ing in T k 1 am as

chatting physical education girls

BASVks their enstumrs for thfl M ■•. pageant

"The Birth of M

Into fii e scanes, Fa1 brow ■ prei 1 a ood nymphs w i!l stai

colorful specti

lowed h> blu<

turned girls and

The third scene will I

and many :

opera featuring I

and flowei by the

i H 7.7. era, which will cl inia\ with

bright yellow swing-time satin.

"The pageant will be a

fair. The dances an | ng fine

and the 1937 interest is highi

it. has heen in man;, years," Mrs.

M. Murphy, din ■ I

2 en Hrerkenridtre Program

Dr. Rebecca Smith anil Earl ( lark

Hrt r on t he B

turj Club In Breckenridge Saturday.

Six to Compete For Gough Prize

Monday, April 19 Roberts, Weaver, Poll,

Barnes, Whitley, Hay Knter.

Richards '36 Winner

Gold Medal .-mil 125 \»ard for l'ii-i Place — Judges are

T. C. I . Graduates.

Six I, i

held m the \ ~ p. in . ; |. i ..


I'., neth Hi



will be R if 11 W I " Harrj H

"The Third

. A n

ond pll ■ , i ii Rii hard wo

: II : third. A n

cent rv winner for further

tition, II,'. Roj II. Gough, 01 initiator if

cit and

(ard, will bi


■mail will

E. Ton i

. ■ B

1926; and Sproesser \\

It's Mayor .lack Hamnnind Now

ll ■ :l 1 I 1 ii- mu M„ « 1 H ■ ii ia -ho \\o il, Ii C ;v Seer d ii \ K il ■ Mm. • 1 1 1 . e 1 ii 1 »ii nil i

I furnish the ma] or for I nrt w orth. i II beins aw orn in :i- mi - or nl I oi I r Hammi ■' Van Znndl Ii I the I en prsit\'a liciai d ol I t u-t- < i.

I ormcr T. C. I Studenl Drowns Near Austin

John Churchill it 1 . i 1'. from 19 .1 to


. : . \ tin when i

« hich he and a c<

;i honor

lie wai


AROUND OR ACROSS, WHICH? ,'rhr >■!.-■ I ■ ■ '

I ■ I .■

. ■

il finnlh h.t- i I ■

\v ■

DMA Halt Allends I'evi.s ( otltgl Meet

11, ,.: i olb] D. Kali, a member of

Ihe committee el standards of the

Aaaociation of Tixai Collefea, Ii in

Lubbock today and tomorrow attend-

ing a meeting oi 'he association.

I ii a,. Hall ipoki ii'-teiday en the

program ol the lunlor eellege aaioeii

lion, which is meeiinn with ihe larger


\lt(ll Ml

I'or several icar- Iherc h;i- been no ;rras* BTOwini tinder the feet ol T. ( . I . students as the) pled their wa> acroai a deien and one path, on the rumpus.

Hut there is mm . The tpring null-. a few signs posted and a ichoolful ol co-operating itudenti have made II so.

The maiorili of itudenti have been uuirtli reipectim Ihe "Kei p Ofl th< i.r.iss' ilgni poated laal Saturday, and hue found little inconvenience in following the mam ildewalki to their destination, their co-operiil ion reveal inj; the Inherent good taate ind echool spirit of the T. c. I . itudenl body.

(lark and Goode Hall nun. m pal tieular. haw taken advantage of their opportunity to Improve the appeal anre of their own "front yarda." The) (man) ol ihem) haie not onl) itopped usintt Ihe paths, hut hilie heen oh- .cried "getting after" occasional -In- dents nho dared trample don n Ihe Krass.

.lust what "punishment" the) "ill mete out to offender! hain't heen de- cided, hui memben ol the I u aociation are conaidering the matter, »ith an eye not onl) to helping the srhool in its campaign bol also to having a little "fun" and diversion of I heir mm.

.lam- Hall coed- have been the mo«i flagrant violator! ol ihi i i ii ill '.pirn of the itudent bod) w Ith no I.-- ihan I !\ I eait-weil walki In- side the campus for their u-e. man) of ihem haie continued itrollina across thi trass. However, even the»e thoughtleai itadenti are beginning to use the iialks more and more.

Many realiac ihat Ti c. I ,'i campui is the I nn er-iti 'i "shoii « indon " ind thai it repreaeati to paiien-b) much of Ihe spirit and i|iin*l culture of the itadenti themaelvee, Vn un marred and heautiful camims IS aomethiiig of which to he proud.


"I'lcaae Keep Ofl thi Grau. It'i hard to ia) " hether this is i

-itu left over from the election or if ii i- one of the Idei t rom the plat form of a nc.i I) eli cted officer. \t an) rate, theae ligm which are no boidl) planted in all pathi leadins iicios- the campu* are becoming ■ pain in the neck. I hi ic ihin-buitei ■ li;i\ c heen III the « ;ii foi oi M n n eek now. .un! u fai few peraoni hat »• paid an) attention i" them.

flu I. c. I campu. I- euppoaed ta i„ out campui, and it ihould be our

lege lo nall ai rn*i it if »e io desire. I u-t becauHC there are ■ fe« paths running from building i" build ing i* no excuei for itii king up iign until the place looks like a court- house liliill

I Iii pat hi shn« actii iii. I Iii i «ho» ih.ii the l.i.l. campui ii nol The) -linn that, aftei all then in itudenti here and that Ihe) do know Hi, ihorteal distance between two points.

Studenti who « ..11. on lidewalki all

da] l.noii the pleaaure ol linking

their heel- lllln -oil I III I I hi I • VI I.

get ■ tiioi no in orn ot « alking from

,uir hiitor) CUM io another il In

i alking Un i ' un to Ihe « a) Ihi ]

naiii to. and nol have t" follow ii laid-

out ilab ol concrete,

IC- not denied that Ihe lidewalki

are good 'or sunn lllln; ^^ lldn'l

gel alone inthoiii then in the win-

ter " Inn lon^ -|n II- oi linn and wow

hit, but in the ipring ind lummi i it'i

different H'li hangi i « a) ol Ii -

Ing a- ihe lei r- change, I et'i walk

mid go « here i i « anl lo e, en ii « t

haie to itumbli acroai ligni to gel


Band to Present Opery Premiere

2d 10c aerogram Also to Star Frederick and .lam-Hand.








(dec (lul) Members in San Antonio

Tour 1 ion Tomor- row—Singers \\ ill Re-

turn Saturdaj.



Dance Will Honor Election Winners

i rht.

via, Mi I


.">(> Couples Expected At Sophomore Banquel

Date N \piil 29 ;ii Texaa Ho lei — Entertainmenl

Is "Dutch."

i :


President and Dean In 2 Honor Programs

\\ aitg in Speak al Mai \ Hardin- Baylor—Hall Will Talk

al I i mil i I .


D. H

'• I :


a SI udenl a to \ Sigma l au lc II a



Last Roll Call At L C. U. May 31

For 98 Seniors l!)o7 Class Is Lai

Than 1 I oup by 2-'J Names.

7 From Out-of-State

Ma mi- in 21 l'i .in i men) - lo ducat ion

Unit 1 I.











Ih) in He Hill

i.ni»,a»ivwi*. ' " " "



THE SKIFF Friday, April 9, IM7

OPEN FORUM Publisi >

■ »K second-class mailing mutter »t the postoffire in Fort Worth, Texas.

; MOKE ' '.S

, Editor

u Manager

(BDITOrt sort' ri.. wtakm nr-xH 'n it. i r*lHi in !h» ptrwni! .,»«.

■ Bad Sr» no n^Hii » Bktfl Sitinmti BN 'n>MM n «r't« bj

t*» Op,fi rerun LtCftjM •( «»<>.♦ lhan ;<f »»C*» »r« MM . — 'pis* Anon.<*.<■, l»1t.r» •til n*t b» pch i#^ put a ■ilm'i nsm. -," «• »1IH.1I froa put. .■,,.■ il ■. •, OMITM.)

Rosemary I Jameii M»tthe«i _

M •'pineau

Jerry Watson r. o y

■ r»riff'n

N !

Sport" '•


■■.' >emary C

RE1 | FF Pras Grace Hern.: - -

• Clarice R r, J * 8 Francos Tay

■M k<etS« pit

Owe prbuion ^

Nal'Ona,' Advertising Servica, Inc.

410 "tf I;K».E NlwYs^ NY.

Let AHwtkaa

Ueseiate Edit •■ -■ v. Associate Business Manager P*"**** - waged

n Frog,and. a:,: again we are fac- ing a ■ • officers. Many •< have been diaappe now forget their :. faate ai

the urn year operation T r U. »8, .

- '.cars, and the work ahead is enough to lenge the effort, of e^ ■

ill to thank - Mitred in my enough to cast their votes for me in the , but

•hat the race il over, may I urge -

and east II I :

"hat it 1

- C H

■ -. ■'.

Paul R I in

"" J ..'. «'—••'• IseeW CM 1 1 I1.1 .-« k,n,(»h 7,.,l„. Sp„„i I4,ta«

Ih ' •day, Api.

A -tin. The T. c r Men's Q home i- -

minute a* club an

Itiaa Church in Waco a: 1 - ip of Ha\

■erred » euffel lui ■ ....,. h.,ys

which much.

ever, the tare -SOB* ladle, „ 1 he par) M

for hostesses and had to do some tall

Glee Club on Way to Austin to Sing for Congressmen

their pi I ■

■ ■ -

one of the "huh

The 11

Hi-ranged ai ility of his Cong i


IUI "1 hi

p. in.

1 '


I': St Edwards 1 | .. ■ •■ present an heui

■' ud< n: bod) a> 1 ■ n, Tonight we lm.


club ii I

•re ri III Ml lay

Ing thai iture I id passed 6I1 '

-orning The int Itation was ,,f

rhanks to tht Lee 1 II be la*, tot i

ihort period of timr at least.

TOADS' TUX By Herman

teka to dance to the piea.-

*ai r ■ 1 he hard eloaea iti

; to move on to Oklahomi for the season when

It sesoaa thai a] thi ; t thi a, noeff.

■ haven t hearH it nil TU«. I -,.,,. .... ... •"■ Th" ' that i.

•oaTO* I • »3t*naO

Jimt One f'romitc I • • 111 -• dents have

gone to nam- ed their student bod;, for ' i. ■ . . jrratiiiated the winners and the winners hair received rongratu- lationa from th( students in gen- eral

It's all oxer until next when the officers-elect takie up their duties.

Hie months will pass he- tween now and the openinc of school in September. Mam things — among them cam- paign promises — can be for- gotten in five months. The unusually larjre numl

oar indicati - winners are the choices

"f the n- rit of the stu body. This means that full co- operation will be afforded next vpsr B; ■ ■ 1 ■»" winners • office, the students hair expres- ••' faith and • • in them.

The of. n hould do all in their powgr to ihon I

should remei •he

remembi red -hem 1 ■ ■

"nf promise «as made in enmmon amimj the candi- dates — "to do the best 1 ran for the good of the student borii." Nothing more is as|»ed bj the students than that the officer* remember that one promise.

vho a through • en

■ ■ ■ mooch money, clothes, books, automobiles, themes and anything else • •

'fish whims with no (orm


Is this a school •' •■ iponges ?

Tiespite or-- . bliag, I'hape! ire. Seen there

tfda _. ,

" MAURINE ktcDOWEU, and a

• • « •hey do say that it is some-

thing aw ful the way I. D. LEAGUE LEADER) MEYER and NAN', v I BE bteCONNELL carry on . . . ■',n'i "::' they say.

LAD! 1; \h 1 u 1.in 1 1 i\

'Editor's \, •. T . , ,he third in a series of imaginary 0»C1 letters i

rv"r ■ Those cov rrina *lrls flash after you have M eannia* I "a dainty knock on the arm or konk on the head are really smiles of endurance.

Shf I nf 'he hiack and "I

- lunn iffiw", I, hurt,. I .Pu' 0„r;;^.n "hf ,,W'*h" •» ***** — Of the

' "" ' ... NELL ROGERS, library *•

- with her shoes off. ••Corns," she expia.n-j.

So They Say


I r Bafetj

Bj W UIKK GtAl hs


ian t run by the same tactics that the

are go,ng ,n gr., M "r ng. and

lion Of Terror" ,o stop this gentle hruising.

tgh the oW-faahioned nUai " ■ '■ rough and re,

the stream-, ■■ , p,.r,f,..

a smooth p, „ .Vn,ar i>Kt

there are no wild animal, to shoot to take up a and Indians •„ . m fh

■ ■rid.

***** 1 t D tabled CO.FHS

The political pressure must have been too much for ABE WALKER last Saturday night. He just turn loos Which he did. ».m..-

inat Irurkln' Alontt


1 eg •

upon his brow a t , Th,

I checked gingham.

rhal Night Ufa

The editor of Ok ah \ paper »ai n

raising the roof of the \'ene:ian Rail- room with his "tram whi-t,- couple of admiring inebriates wanted

party' members resign,

is said to be the cauae of il

Thai Diploma Fee Th< of payment

of I tiering many

how a dip- that much.

harge would be a "gi

ad toward ail ex- penses ■ tion. It

dip- loma and degrees.

ey la pent r'ir

Thi paper is of an : the writ .

.' -

. from the mil

era ham ■ ■ hai-.

and com- peakers are usually

honorary :,,m '

xpense through the Add to this tho

■ that muat b« rented for He commencement exercises.

and renting nf g pro-

d every pern f]ri fee 1- ipent

SpOHft or Student? Thr |jfe r,f n sponge a dr;

- framework . dipped into « gter. squeezed dr ags 1

The life of some stud< I the campus a dry. selfish hu- man ■ some kindiv comrade 1 n ergi ■ drier si d ;• ore telfish.

^ " ly he

Vti a* '.', in

def:n\nq a sponae. namtt it a and "lues upon oth-


trflowing u.nh

built up a marvel,

- '

■- papers rnmental au-

he public.

ground. I

Ordinary 1 - not fi

and naturally. an from

comnv nplaci

• lir ' 1 ant of f air trai

.. Cutting immediate

,D " '' ■ and an

Safety ,,

rnmerca t funds

to pro,, 1

. I •

I be mi

an,1 unreaaonabli ■ i ■

ln '■> ■ puu di re better than •

I Now the 11...

I ■ ■ ■ .. on thi i" ,

- n a more thorough

ra beaeoi ai d '■'■ —• nplifying

and in an in-

are ipaced II ■ . ■ .

■ weath-

al informal,,.,, he may wai ' I I hit .

but still the moat ■ of bringing plai

. . warch- ■ ' " ' pli

. In ef 1

•i, - pr, but the

- ■ in 1 he ' thl ' '-,; • flying

thus arc elimina' 1 red ,n almost

' nrcums'

of tha most tragic aecidenU. Reg. have been mo.jif,e,j t,, aVfrt dupli-

Frank Lozo Receives Princeton Scholarship

Will Studv for I'h. I).: :, other Bxea Rare Taken Doctor's

Degrees From There.

THAI' GREGORY has been getting hta ileep in the daytime lately. Th"

a !'»-al blond waitr- 12 o'clock dates.

Frank F. Loss has been appo.nted to a a«O0 gradual .. -ship hi geology at Princeton University and will study for the Ph. I).

K. degree at I and has been a

partment gy for the past two years

Five student of T, C. V. have re-

ctor's dog Princeton since ::,:>.(

Ivan Alexander, a graduate of

I ' ■ paleontologist fea lh" M • a- Take Charles. I.a. His homo [a Fort

Worth and he served on the T. c C.

ty U-r several \-ears.

■»">W ' labors, grad- uate of 1025. who took his PhD de-

■ rtl ant in phyeiology in the Rockefeller

•' It- search in S'ew Vork.

PUZZLE: If three rats ran kill three rats in three minutes. how many cats will it take to kill inn rats in 100 minutes. After three ■leepleaj nights, we now offer a re- ward for the best an.wer.

• . . ANOTHER PUZZLE; To whom

belongs the bare body i female l photo- graphed by JAKES MATTHEWS. Must have been a candid camera.

Fife of an Vzcie In .1 Vets

The east for A and M i muaical comedy „ working day and night to

m a Bridge," taken fr"m ,r d. Fan- cied peraonafoi are introduced into



t - ■• tinder Interstate manage a night. It's bringing ha^k

ring, "One in a Million.''

Rlond on ice

'ill show : Monday,

' i kway Sundaj and M ■• 1 ■ - Greta Garbo

Il .' a classic among

ii i - gp itesl gift •. nee thi

■ and Gravet II, - ^ mtmental I rayloi and Mont-

• . i nited S'a-,. iu II "The King

Girl," with Joan

Evi i. •; Hortoi * | bo Mai v wrote the

I ■ a king i

Sad .lean II Worth ill "Pi ■

: ■ 9 th'i m d "Top o' the Town." In

I eat are Hugh II Ratoff It'l a musical.

Worth hoy. John Harkride..

to ha\ e done some lavish da ^ in the show,

T'"' " - i> bringing

•i in "Three \l u

through Tues

MARTHA MH HAH!. i ha\e beautiful

Texas I nivrrsity

Dohaga Th', T ■ ' Clul will sponsor a WS-

'; ' I agl t, "The Song of •

rin and ' ack "ii cloth, ha. powi - ■

squirting real water and

tail, however fear he is anaemic. Hi ..,,..

' ng down. hi. ill,. out h, i Just withering





- Millie Knox.

ly mar

"h inrougn luesnai

by amuaemrat writer, and - of thos.

the cai path.

and a rather have a bottle of beer says Martha.


Supreme Court Issue To He Radio Prograoi

The Supreme Court issue will he I on the T. C U. radio pro-

gram over KTAT a' \ P m Sunday. -".dent speakers taking both


Truitl Ken: . -hold the af- firmative and Rufus Whit ley the negative of the queition. "Re

"But I'd mg for the pageant. All other ehar- itrang with tiny lights

that will shine as they ik m • the w |

The dean from the Univei Florida offers one criticism ot Univeraity- the student, are ,,n

friendly toward itrang April fo„l pranker. made |

lion of IH out of go "keep off ,nn

grass" signs from the camp,.. Th» jokers are warned thai much funnier if the ligni wen terioualy replaced.


'he rv-

R B having any

BO grass a,


sriiirm ><., -. T \ If T I N

' BAT! Joti

Gravel BlondeU IN

"The King And The Churns (,jrl"

Kenni Rak, - ti

Id... F Morton

I " IM. w ,rn GRAND PRtMllRF M0XI1 tV \I'U. \2- 1:30 P M.

rani Muni I UJM Reiner is I III i.linn K IRTH"

That Pri lei I R Sunrem se.lt, member, ,. ,„J

A. Chambers, also joined the T. C. . ranks at Princeton. Dr. Chamber- Ii now aiaiitanl p- of physiology in the Cniver- i of

He graduated from T. C. i'. la l»87.

Dr. Allen True will preside at 30-rainute pie,g,am.


a fa iltai For n itani e, I

' .:,,, I-- f-,m ng intangled in and

ming vital parti I h i ■

1,1 have | ., ,.,; 0j de-icing blades and the loading

ol the wing or tail In f ghti ' ' tunatel; these lati il inventions

I f;,', d t« work at the cru- cial mo>.

EEJESQB Starts Saturday


"3 SMART GIRLS" Ra.v Mi Hand

Hinnie Marnes

□7ITT Starts



"When's Your Birthday"

TIVOLI .Saturday Nite




so VIA HENIE iHolph. Menjou Jlon Vm.,h«

Ritz Rro-. - I.eah Rav

Regular EOgagsaaewt Sunda. and Mnnda.





li i IDA!

"42nd Street" W \RMll R iXTBR GINGEB ROGERS

rVt£Ki.y by nolion-wide Railway Upreei Swift

•Of., aura. Cn|oy,d by rhooiond. in hundied, of college,'

o. low economical cot. Remember, pr0mp, pick-up ond

delivery, alwoy, without extra charge, |„ a|, c,f,„ ond

prlncipol towns. For imm.d.ate and collea- year

•ervice, phone th, neures. office of Railway txp,.„.



>*m**m NATION. WlDt RAIl a,» KAIL.AIR stitviccmmmm

• f-M.I.monger S(illM,„.,.hl(ne ,.;,.,, and 2.109n

rort Worth, Taxaa


Fr.H.iv April 9, 19.17



ipoi tl activities

»ill b« pn ly ml

end, with tha

Iti Southern in

Stat i"ti ton

and the t r n r U

tnig in iii

un doesn't I

; ii< -: In i- doM II

i f'H-

M l ,

Paging Runners! j Non-Varsity Men

To Have Chance Ma) 7 Intramural .Moot

Includes .) Events on Program.

To Be Annual Affair 1 "tranti to Reporl (0 Gym-

nasium Now—Wlnnei i» Receive Medals,

i "

v ■ chance at wim


thi pro


o v bather thi | im will • i fi

- ■ here thi tniddh

,»ch Thomas Prouae ••) - thai i baa I,..,: ■ BiBhpoi


u HcE

R ib Joi dan, e( al mi


\t the end of ricri other con-

ference baseball rare oarh sehool

rame "lit with what tt railed "the

Sonthweal Conference*! leading

fliiirr." Flut nobody ever knew for

sure. I he m>tlti('Hl team-, w r r <■ therefore picked larger*, on sus-

picion. The rln.c of this peat -

iin- w nn't >^rr I he same mvsliri a.

tn «h'» rrallv U-il the league. The I.I. I'. Now s Sen lee and the

'Inns Ufii' I'lllilintv Department

:,rt huth keeping official reeordd

on the various BBflea nf baseball,

srrnrding tn the official coaches'

bos -cores. ...

:Lrh yeaterday'a games rhang- ' statistic., let's o-ianco at how

nd aft PI- the Inil ...

Thr Purple bal

C* hits in SI tlmei

e the on club with

better that

them in the cellar In tl

He h


run off mi

M to the

rVog Baseball SlaMs At Last, With 12 (hit

irnsh St|ii!td \\ ill Nut Lack Ex-

perience—Five Haw Hated in Summer League*,

1 ■ hmen baseball finally jot into

full awing Tueaday afternoon when

' N oga reported to I oai h M i i a

w for pracl Ice,

■ ' the Proah iquad ack it will it,.' ii.

r"i" five of the 13 plat et n porting

i plaj ing baseball during the summi

men ami where the; have

' own:

W< D ■ ' v Bali ■ Smith, II

!; idd H.i , .I,.. Winkler I o in

Cleland Early, Si

■ . eland ll gh

y.i .1 B ■ B

Ben Abm Tuft High

v\ a,... Bartletl H gh

''"' ': Swain, P< te Davis ami Ira compli te the list. A f. «

acted out.

Dr. Combs Picks Sweet Dulcimer

Mountain Lad, Horn in Feud, Now Studies

Mill Natives.

Page Three

May Helen Lde Wins Intramural Golf Meet

Defeats Bettj Trammell 3 and

1 in Final—Retains Lead

Throughoul Match.

he gills'

intran al Worth iri, 2e3 aaaiati

... 1 11 " I ' |. M

Igua in three depart

Ith an average of .701 hn«e hit., with S; and i

... Llofd Rigfcry, Steer third sarker.

cate indications in last «nk- MI

to with the Lenghorna that he

would give Capt. Simmv itmiL'ii plenty of competition for his berth

at the hot-corner on the mvthiral fr.ms. \ com[iarlsiin of their rce-

'"I- up till vrstrrdnt bring! out

a reej unusual fact, each player'l

fielding and batting average were

exactly the «nme, with High]

shuhtly ahead nf Ranch. Lloyd's f <ure was ,fi°2 while Sam's wss

fifi'. Roth men hate a pair of

double, to tie for .econd place in

'Ins race. Rigby, with two stolen

base., is also second in this rare.

nell, 3

icating Miss

• inning

allowed her

re the tnatel

champi i Ha: •

itructors, St udenta Traffic Club Guests

With the tors and itudenti

of the Evening College "Transporta-

tion" cli R tha Fort

Worth ti regu

lar luncheon at the Blackstona Hi te

laal M '• into a T. C. ''■ am.

* • • Dr. A, I.. Boeek, Evening I

A glance nt a couple of other col- director, ipoke on "Transportation

umni will serve tn sho'A what the I urriculunt in Evi

other schools are thinking nhoui theil C. I' student- presented a n

pring .poets. Say. Vernon Rook, progt I'ith David Montgomery

lr., in "Sportographs" In The Da lo and Wajrni Dun-

Texan: "Sports writers ■ M Beverly Yaughan

iittoii many longthy i

' «"'• Rici ■ tap tn thi Sc tthwesl Confi .,, . .,, . i.. rj H,

e-ee track tit!' in a breeze. Thei

-nine scribea have tried desperately to

convince Clyde Llttlefield that his

1-ongharaa will merely be racing their |Vfeiiorlsl Cluh t<> Ilo\e

. K, net si

chairman at thr i

motor, .o to apeak, when they shoot ;i' this year's crown, Moreover, they

aid Mr. Littlefield that he 1 his brow and do some exten

1 worrying. Strangely enough,

Mr, Littlefield refui ■ to ■■ orrj

which all han begun to bother the

sports scribbling clan."

Vnd James tl i i i < r i I n in

BPORT8 HI l.l.etlll." under the

In-ad "Howl or \\ hill Hie Howl"'

I could how I foletet iilinut thi la, I

'"at the I'. E. department la charg-

ing in cent, admission for the base-

hall tames Pointless! Kobodj noes i„ i;lfr institute baseball

Cantes ant bow ! Whj charge some-

•htnjr for nIlthin^;, »e have no

Stadium and run prevent no one

iiom esterlng the field, \ piece "l

purple tin-foil to ihe manager of

the baseball team. Vuta

One-Art Plaj Sunday

plaj 'l.i acted

I,., \i i u Kathi r na Moore, s ill be


- p. m. Sunday in the

' hriatisn Church club

i ■ r, ith Con i P| HIIS Stephens

anil .1 nil. Dl

'Religious Renaissance' Is Greahan ■ Subjecl

\"iiti Buren, Ark. has nothing on

r. c. u.i H"w dt in- luiov

p ■- is a fitrure who

que baaooki toot in' Bob Bums In the novelty ami "bi-

tylt ami Instru-

ln tl ■ could the

' fad ami unimaginative I ■ ■ hat . i.

■ arned and n-ave,. i

Dr. Josiah 11 Combs, Doctor de

I'Universite de Paria, etc., was hoi n

in the mountains of Kentucky, rijrht

midst of tha "beat durned feud in them thai- hills" and that he was

"He of ihe leaden "f the

feud, and thai his brother was nam-

■ ' sder of 11

"Shut's at 19."

loves i" i' i, this liti

mountain town, when the citizens

hoard a great uproar and dashed out

.thai ihe commotion was. Thev

putting shoes nn the nibs!

So -ii ong .ia- thi desire for learn- ing it: the boy »I

• her, who had nev-

■ : who i ' for a family of in icon

: i 'hat lie "aent

up" ami ordered several hook-. In-

cluding Latin, to prepare himself fo

He started to colli.

■ ban $lu in hi- pocket, ami

fi\e mountains with a load

on hi* hack ihe was like a squirrel

■ ' reach a tation, which he had never


It is very unusual for a moun-

taineer to become a literary man.

M '-• of the mountain boys become

lawyers. Two of Dr. Combs' brothers

ii" lawyers, and his father, who nev-

er wont to school, w;ls a lawyer, a.

weil as heinir slier,ff. I . S. Commis-

!', S Judge, and sfi-\injr in a

ir'w other official capacities,

Is 16th Century Speech.

illy, too, the mountain boy. when he goes awat tn < niio£e, becomes

"ashamed of H •., g ,■ Dr. i lombs,

when he en1, i,d college and began to

i" ' ee i tie diffei ence bet w era his

;'t<oh and that of tin tside world,

I'cculiar speech of the mountaineers and be-

gan to study it. He says that they

■peak the language of Chaucer and Shakespeare yet. and. because of

their isolation, simply have not been

touched by the changing, modern

world. The ballads of the mountains

'" ' he accompani- ment of the dulcimer, the old)

n the mSUI ara also those of iKth and Kth cen-

tury England,

He has had several publication, of 1 But ope and Amer-

li a. Hi- has a book read} for publi-

cation i . South

■ re Highlanders In the United Stntt -." Ill which H 1.. Mer

very mi crest,-,]. ami which should ("me out thi- tear.

■; '1

t . . Ri Pi Gresl sm a ill speak

on "A .uire" at the

morniii ■'■ the I'l. tian i unday,

Rev. Mr. Greaha ■ :

ening ai Suii.l.'i', ... ru^ht

of Gipsj Smitl

Miss Nona Lynn McHaner, former T '' I student now attending University, a campus

' \| . Jerrj Watson and H, len Mane Hen ley.

In closing;, thi- department

Ilka to urea ' I lent who is 111- 'frosted to enter Prof, Thomas perfect ehanre nt some medals. It's

Pronaa'a strictly Intramural track "ten being rumored that tha :

meet It;, bat ring va thleti '\ enter ita own

Prof, rroii.se ha.- given everybody a team In tha relay race |

Pro, la

Dtnir-g Rnom and Corh Sprrir.

tin. n «r Ton on

I'.rk Pl.c.


Purple Trackmen Practice Teachers Face Ordeal Frog Nine Still Enter 4-Way Meet With Poise and Shaking Knees Hunting Victory

To Meet Texas, Baylor S. M. (. in Dallas


Slightly *hakin«T knees an-'

pa ai'-' slov . . . ■ into Port W'.rt h public

which i> required for ■ pei

Thr fate nf tha Horned Prof tr*

squad in the Soul hweet Conferenct ' ' M- i ■ 'l 11 | . .

determined R1 2 p m. tomorrow aftei

■ Delia »nd fraca

s. M' i . B«3 or and

in a qua. i '"'r "f u" :


fd to win thi Hn.l tl math; M ■

thr meet, but the I rog - . |,",lk

ihould becomt I . ■ I 1 . L e It un! be the :_ij:-„

i a*hol

fnr all prei ioua compel it ion I h

snn ha estrii ted tn limted en- ti !• -.

enter 17 men in

i • i apl I )"■ Ice; Rob. I Pal ■

son are e> i"'1 ted to win thr- moxl

point - for ' ht Purple. 1 fford San A ntoi in speedster,


aa he will b< e events

■ i u ard \\ ilkinson wUI both

be entei ■

The Purpl<

Capt, Doi (I Jones,

Clifford and Hall finished fourth in

N'ell Whit ' r" . M

i. i - tt McCall, go'

'■'. \' ■ Caukt

S, .1. S *' Heli n

and ^I rs. i reraldine H in< -

:, ing; and M iai Lady

Bakei Griffin,

Mortl n Milncr

i ■

Davii observ-

ing clol ■ and Cotl

g h istory.

tlma tn sU

P Higl ■ to hin

Mac Tedford an.I Mrs,

Almeta Pi i aching home

economic - in R tvei tide 11 igh, a hile I al thi Texa I isl w n. , n Stubb-*,

irifs tomor-


math; Mrs. Pot* ii Gai retl and Mrs.

English; Aubrc

■ : 3am R*> ■.

sti Lean Junior : | '

Misi Mar- M ■ M aa Fran*

1 .■ and M - i

reshmen . -.iti

Mi i Heli M.' n ier, Maurtnc

si roder, tpacn

ai i Mii* .Inhnrrt*

. i - leienea in . - '

Misi Blan i Ra; ' onner teach**

in Roaemoni

In Aliee C. I -■ h Kline

■ • Mis si Ha rguerite

ind Maurina Rice t^arh l«ng-

Misses Rutl , Doroth; Eld

er, \ani ■ Lei < nnell and Virg-mia

Ftoark tfat h languag fi I laj ton

In Fei mioi Miss

I ■ English and Mil -

n is 1CM ated in 1 M B< •- B later at

int nnrl Mnra-arpt

al Daggett, all teat bing .

- tne Stroder i* teaching


*n r.tn -k

' - Wllktna 'Ti

Nkhol md M .

Dan Kl hsl «i"l || i

tan Brad] tru and Wilkli

flail I ■ "1, \*n Tntrtrk *nH

Ma I


M il mils ran ;

' - ■

ini'l Clifford i ■•■■ .": ■ rj Joi

.•■I run Robert! «"" Bid Waiaar. Higl

ii ■ finH Hi .

;,■■■ D inlvant and Hull.

: itrtek, Dunlvant, Bradley am

*i . ,:,,H ralay taa.au to b< ritTtdH n


Don McLcland Defeat! ^ oung in ! ennia 1 Inala


B H« -


■ rai ion of the plai

lish 500 girls' I I ' cam pi throughoul

the natIon taint' to many as a aui

prise, It had not been gi

a: e atread]

ation in thr Weal ami South*

■ ■

Camps for girla similar to the Civi-

inserval ion ' lorpa ha ■ i been

under ad for some t im< M11

ited with being th< leading sponsor

;■ ' In iu-v -\ ndicated

newspapei column, Mra, I;

«rote rei ently: "At eleven thi- morn

Miss Ann Laugh!in, Nal 1 i toi foi 'ii-' a

the upper brack* mc ftt the Mueh-

and McLeland in ■ ba I Hot< in Kansas I

Prof. E. W, McDiarmid offered a di ivi ■ girl'a tamp under tha

th« winner and the lntra« N'YA, . . I think they «rp some tn

mural d nt will ( the high- Pr« ' T elwaya contended, thai

es1 non-letterman a medal, McLi there an work pr eta which girla


reached completion thia week when

i ion McLclai I J im Voung

i>-l. fj-l for the championshi] .

atch< - v ei a be

land was awarded

a nd Voung

;! ,. McDiai mid can ''■" '" c«mpa a^ we

the intramural Already 13 rnni|>< are being pre-

Dr. Whitman to >peak

Tn Chemical Sociftj

pared for op< rat ion

be 34 more in I be purpi si

tn "give to young women who havp

i handicapped by poverl > and un-

Dr. J. L. Whitman has a through

an invitation to speak a1 the 14th unl'k' ,li: ''I healthful, oul

i Meeting nf the American ,i""1" living In an environment which

Chemical Society in Omaha, NebH u,n simulate thru- qualitiea of ro-

April 29 to May '. operation and leadership," according

Ha will present a paper before the ''• ' '" released by rhn Na

division oi t.iorganic and phyaical tiona] Vnli,il v lM"n-

chemistrj on "Tha poiimg Pointa of '■: ■ preiniti, na-

quid Paii " tional ba I 11 i amps, claims the

o p ti post ■ . in reesl i

tha morale of the girla who have

srrown to young womanhood in n per-

iod of family and communitj

The intramural ping pong contesi 'ion. but to teach them bj p

is npHrins: its end. The top round end

■ baa been won by Don McLe- living in a democracy.'"

,,nd- "ho ''" The campers M,!I hut,, thi Jim Youna and Ja] Smith tanjcle „f VV\ .,., ,nd will

m the lower bracket and the winner Worl< n • |

of the match will meet P, L Nicols monthly

in the semifinals

The winner «ll!

the final...

Mel,eland to Knler

Finals in I'tne-l'onK

caah f"i

Presei I provide for s meet sfcLelaad in rollmenl of onlj 5,000 n tha propo

Wear A Light Felt STETSON ri.AYROY

$5 ght, but of fa-

t s on qualit). Shown !ti a «Lde varietj of smart new colors.


|4 tfalloi •■ Vokahoul is

the onlj ■ < •■ pi oofed h y thf

■ - In n nbei of new


500 (.iris' CCC (amps Are Planned by NY A

Mrs. RooMVcll Credited With Being Leading Sponsor

of Project*,

Man tin Student Paper Lilted at Cincinatti U.

t eraorship Imposed Because of Detrimental Remarki

on Faculty.


Attempts of University of I'tnrtnnsti cei ■ I hi New. gee.

"i d, student pub ication have failed.

ing in the paper

hinting that University President

Raymond Walters was not a. intel-

lijrent as he leemed, ami other ar-

: a the acth I Bei-Koff in : hi Ri

Rand strike before the Senat

mittee I ide his recoi

prop sis t hat Both-

■ " publi-

which mifrht be "dett menta

d! the univer- Ml \ ''

■ !a< ■ Keefi

H red « Ith I hi fac tit; proposa oth

er men paper'a staff were :"io' 'I hj Imi ' Ii :'ti St udenl Union

and progreai ii a fai it tj membera in

■ tit i the e. nsorship mi ssui s

rote, the Sru lent i mncil voted unanimously to



Miss Fra ell, • ha attend- ed school hi n will he

the guest of Miss Anna Goodner in

Farvis Hall this weekend.

Lose to Owls S-6 Play Two More (iames

On Road,

R, PAl I si OOP ' Rinivr.e,

HOUSTOJ ' The Horn.d

I «til! be seeking; their first

diamond victory to,iay when they

• hi I: ei i ra - The\ dropped

thei- third 1,-ame in a row hrr* yen'er

v Purple moond see.

ahut the Owla out in «t\ of the eight

hut a Houston oartinjr hsr-

md : hird inning-. . [hi tallies

stamen ntcUed Linne for hits while the Frojr. were ifet' "/

«e\e-i off Pred Meehler, Short--.or

\: in .,• of tha Owls " U the indi-

vidual hitting star of tne day w.th .

perfect four for fo'ii at the pl.t*

!.[' Meyer led the Purple with two

■ hristians hroke the ire with a

in the initial fra ■ s wner, ICaVST

tripled to bring in Capt Sam Ra'tph.

wh" had S/Ot gb an error.

A Purple rally m the fifth seeti '

two runs when Meyer flew out *nn

the ■■ . Ban Dyaaa;

and then Dave O'Brien .cored or,

Arthur- error on the .ante play.

Then the Progs got two more tn

the sixth when O'Brien knocked the

first Purple home-run of the season

with hi Aldrich on first by virtus of

s single.

i i nore run in the eighth was the

host the Grubbamen could do. WiItet Roach was hit hy the pitcher to op.n

lie inning and finally scored on hit.

to I .'.nn.' and 1 tj BBS

Coach Howard Grubha plans to

. eithi r Ed "Lefty" Phillipa or

Paul "Terror" Tankaraly in the sec- ffame with the Owls today. The

Owla are tied with the Texas Steer,

for the conference leadership, bath

having perfect re

■ he Progs will close thetr " w hen they meet the

in College Ststion.

a will probabl) retara to the mound for the this game. The Cadet.

won their first victorj yaatatraay by

def< ating tha S. H. U. nine. o

Sprinir Rifle Matches Will lleifin ThurHday

The initial spring intramural nfls

■h will be hen! at I :.'!'! p. m. nelt

Thursday, Jack I'aa.'. instructor, an-

nounced today. Entries ran be msde

lifning on the athletic bulle-

tin beard m the hoys' Gymnasium,

Bailey, Decktr to Meet In Golf Tournament

The intramural golf tournament is

nearmg completion. Frank Bailey

Hob Pecker in the top round

while the lower bracket is playing tha

quarter finals.


Gabardines r*T>

MuN Nil, ^ \| \V '« SHOT


Nal ral« for t nllesrp Men because of their perfect ityling and ihape-retain- ing qualitiei and becauae thej 're n a t ur al ■ for Texas Spring and Sum-

mers. You'll fiml •

featured m Mon- mp ^ Man'* Shop In » ivtrlr \ anrt J of colors tfl

near nmt and op thrmich


In Su Shades

27.50 SI KLFT Fl.oOr?



1'age t-our THE SKIFF Friday. April ■

Qay Juries to Cool Politics

Ult Plain "Vanilla Dance Kv GBNEVIKVE PAPINE \(

Congratillations to the Bi ml] he of- fered in the form of a dance in their hi , Maj the heat of the hottest politic* "Let '.;« bt gay" attitude for the evening. P< . isn't exactly the word in view of the ) dish out, but, anyway, y< . dea.

It's to be i lain vanilla for whjd much vice-versa, gnulash and such fancj stuff bore mo.st of the stude: I ice enuE

I • tam try eatl of daac * ~ '

-- fun now—it's spring—or didn't Club Selects f'ii( 111*

That tra: WOT [lltllolnnu •he nid stuff i) m man's

etc.-.nd . . .id", too . '

ing of • 1 h

"*' '" ' ■

■i • ■ -er-

Viss Wetttr Honors H Hiif ( . \us/in

a, * formfT Iii-i ident < i I'I d "n the cam-

i end. sin' wai honored bj Mia. I.I. • Bi - Wester la<t Kri-

M with ah Bt wi M i Ruth

' Uargucritt ROM, MI

Journalism students To go to Breckenridge

Will I'ut (tul- Sunday [ajgM American — Miaa Collver

"ill Be Editor. '


"Jazz Baby" Has Become of Age; Youth Returns to Sense, Sanity

•rnt of journaliaai

•' ol ih, B ' « '.Mil leave

I a. 111.

Roei man Collyi r will Griffith will

- editor. Paul |; iminf and Toai BI» . .■ . \|,,, I, .

u meeting of "7 Wataoa will he head copy n The remain,lor of the staff for the

ry, ,,a>' laehi M . ,,,,,„„ '


/Hack, di\ laming Speak Id Sdt net ( tub

rank Rail-

The club ■■ cital Apr:! .

Mi<s Smith In Speak In Canyon Today

Dr. 1.

be the rai


Viss Ann Ryan, Hadai

(are with the i rolling • thit it

*• " « - *" 1 *vaT* * - -- -are e-. p*c • ■ -i -. , -. »-■--. - • erf.

■■■ ■■ • ' exactly id I

»-«■--,■■- t-ro«s

•he green, hut they .dd to the atmos-

phere. a> ',jess

the champion stroller* w:.: r.ave to

find some other way to spend their

spring. Amble up and down the side-

walks, hut d n't pluck the purple

along the way. not even for the "one At Ktllipi y DailCC and only."

With politics out of the way. we H

-an now look forward ,o lifter and hi

more entertaining pursuits. Among nual .pring dance at K, the coming attractions: Journalism «c..

Day April gg, the hijr day when all

the skeletons in everybody's cl

are well aired and rattled a

iaaaaac* of the "Yellow Peril." On

the same day the Dana Pr> I

will entertain high school Jc

students wttl a tea in Jarvis Hail

and that night a banquet will |

Sigma Tau Delta banquet next Fri-

H. A. A. Will Meet To I'I an (amp

lip ■ ■


i dues

11 be


Bntc Club

Miss Kingobery l>, I: Hostess to Club

Phi Sigma Iota p. m. :■•

' Avenue.

■' C, Smith and Walter V

,, Camp Fire Head Talks To P. /;. V. dub

■ Saundci- I oxecut:

t" the Physical Education Club Tuesday night

The club will meet in May f„r la- in Ul camp w,,rk. .,]

ginia Schell. pro. ced.

Mtu Cullxrtsaii Honors Jimmy Meltride

His. Thelma Cu ntertain. ■ m in jam.., w...,,-,iay oi :;;:i

birthday dinner for „nimy

■"del th,

, ~~ ■ gard and Bettv I.ou FoMer and ■ H'ki,.U D-l, , ,-. ■ \\hitehouse. Bill de\ laming. John

Wallace. Bill Toland. Bon Go com- an.l McRride.

Bj " \i(i;i \ u.i i


Po claim


n, "II i '

aj mbol i



■ appear



I'olk-Sontfs. Dances To Open C'onventi,,,,

Initial MtWthtf of F.»lk-|,or, (iroup at liecreation Ifuild-

lag April IS.

-■ i and folk daacai •ill hf

II ing the <lv~

more n i light-

l can tell

l rca Mule I- i haagiai i

to his

'Mi I' B .'

duct that hi

the cm



d on tlio initial program ..| tting annual I. -.as PoU Lore S,„-„,,,

in ion at the Knit Worth t(.

■ i l he convention mil Ipril 29 and 'J4.

Th. meeting. Saturda "'"rniiij and aftei noon " III be held

AM -I u.l.-nts are InriUdta

Ml - Mahal Major. pmldaM inno mead

II I Saturday night ,„ rh,

i afeteria is for the pBrpaa. "f sh-a

mg the us* "f folk Imp m ereaUn

ll will be called the "gprinj

i p "( Polk-Writer. an.l yn'\ Siniri I

l'oi-i. Manner, arc Retaralai

Home Be Spring Tea To Ht Tuesday

- annual - :


"ill be

of Miu Bonne F.nl.v

Naomi Davis.

Griffin n. officers of


"Youth' ;

Dr. M I >


to jasz prejudi. were."

Sadie 1


tttitndei In i hanfing


■ ■

day-^awaakyaff.,, that come, off th, every spring. .„.;; ,,a,; „ pgper> " C*BdUn " ,'ompan-

h music for the tea.

I.. I

Modest, N.II rhmkiiiL'

hour have 1.,; from ,, K" °

year .. ' "I ( no mini'.:

. the dinner.

'! (iirU Mine to Jarvis

I vvii W ill Inten iev» .loh-Seekinjf Seniors

Repn of tun ms •

• 'he campus tomar-

I v law seniors who dtaln

nl after graduation. Thn iki " li headquarter, m pr

A I.. Boeck'i offka •i A. Wiieox. rairiomi

manai.-. r of Montgomery. 1 impany, and T. w. i'rinr,

agent for the Goodyear Tin a- d B ik bar Company.

I iirtia, n : li i Tea Company, talked

i i- and senior-. W'n>


Univeraitj study CM (iives .510 to Lihran

The 1 • I'lace Study Club'l

annual gift of $111 has just been prf.

hi Burnett U

The mom y will be use.) to | .■■ ' •' library. Twer'

' | ' n purchased from tail past.

,> i Man-ell of | \( r

II bi the neek-end guest of Kan '

,.. So^^^n^ u

Everybody enjoys refreshing mild- ness in a cigarette., .everybody likes good taste and pleasing aroma.

These are the things that make smoking a pleasure.

For all the good things that smok- ing can give you we invite you to enjoy Chesterfield Cigarettes.

Comi*hi 15}?. LioojTTi M-esiToatccoCc.

take plenty along

111 t