GOSPEL REFLECTION LK 2,22 WORLD DAY FOR CONSECRATED … · mer director of Planned Parenthood, with...

THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD FEBRUARY 02, 2020 WORLD DAY FOR CONSECRATED LIFE- FEBRUARY 2 In 1997, Pope Saint John Paul II instituted a day of prayer for women and men in consecrated life. This celebration is attached to the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord on February 2. This Feast is also known as Candlemas Day; the day on which candles are blessed symbolizing Christ who is the light of the world. Please pray for all those who have made commitments in the consecrated life, and be sure to thank them on their special day. May they continue to be inspired by Jesus Christ and respond generously to God's gift of their vocation. THIS WEEK First Thursday please pray for the vocation to the priesthood and religious life. Mass at 8:30 a.m. First Friday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, 6 p.m. – Sacrament of Reconciliation and 7 p.m. Benediction, followed by the Holy Mass. CALLING ALL MOMS! Mothers Group meeting will take place on Thursday, Feb. 6, 2020 @ 78:30 p.m. at our parish. More info. at: [email protected]. LIFE CHANGING MOVIE Catholic Mothers Group at Christ the King parish will host viewing of the critically acclaimed mo- vie: Unplanned on Sunday Feb. 9 at 1:00 p.m. (after the Polish Mass). Its the true story of Abby Johnson, for- mer director of Planned Parenthood, with an uplifting message that one person can change the world! Rated R / 2019 / 106 minutes. No admission charge; Eve- ryone is invited. CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGE WITH CARDINAL COLLINS—FEBRUARY 9, 2020 @ 3:00 P.M. If you are celebrating a 25th, 40th, 50th or 60+ wed- ding anniversary this year, you are invited to join in the Marriage Sunday 2020 celebrations with Cardinal Thomas Collins . The Mass will take place at 3 p.m. on Sunday, February 9 at St. Isaac Jogues Parish (1148 Finch Ave., Pickering). A reception will follow Mass. Please register to reserve seating at: www.archtoronto.org/marriage or 416934-3400x 523. PILGRIMAGE TO POLAND & BUDAPEST - SEPTEMBER 7-17, 2020 This year we will celebrate 100 years since St. John Paul II was born. There is no better place to celebrate this event then Wadowice, Poland, where he was born. Far Away Tours is organizing this pilgrimage under the Spiritual Leadership of Fr. Jozef Morawski, CSMA. For more info. please see a flayer available at the back of the church or talk to father Jozef. Sunday Collection: $ 3,702 GOSPEL REFLECTION LK 2,22-40 The Feast of the Presentation, sometimes called the Feast of Meeting, is, at its core, a feast of lon- ging. This feast reveals the longing between huma- nity and divinity. Our deepest longings are to know and be known. That can only ever really happen in relationship to God. This is not about gathering in- formation or learning about God. This kind of kno- wing is of the heart not the intellect. It is about the union that sets us free, the oneness that allows us to depart in peace, and the relationship that is sa- lvation. For this to happen we must live with and offer the fragility, vulnerability, and joy of an open and longing heart. That heart is the temple of mee- ting, the place where today we find Mary and Jo- seph, Anna, Simeon, and Jesus. Longing is not an absence or emptiness waiting to be filled. Longing is a presence and fullness waiting to be expressed, manifested. Two persons do not long for each other because they are apart. They long for each other because they are in love. We are sometimes too quick to quench the longing, to satisfy the desi- re. That never takes us to the temple. It keeps life superficial and us moving from one fixto another. Longing, however, if trusted and followed always takes us to the temple, the place of meeting. Longing – A Reflection on the Feast of the Presentation, Luke 2:22-40 FEAST OF THE PRESENTATION OF JESUS Today the Church celebrates the Feast of the Presenta- tion of Jesus in the temple. The Presentation, which is celebrated 40 days after Christmas, is not mentioned in the other Gospels. Only Luke tells the story, most likely because he writes for Gentile Christians who are not familiar with the Jewish rite of presentation and purification. Luke recognizes Joseph and Mary as fai- thful Jews who bring Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem. Here they present their firstborn son to the Lord. Jesus is thus consecrated as required by the Law of Moses. Present in the temple at this time are Simeon and An- na. Both are awaiting the restoration of Gods rule in Israel. Simeon had been promised by the Holy Spirit that he would see Christ the Lord, the Messiah, before he died. The holy man immediately recognized the in- fant Jesus as the promised Savior, a light for revela- tion to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel. Anna also recognized Jesus as the fulfillment of the promise of redemption and spoke about him to all. WEEKEND WITH ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL AT CHRIST THE KING PARISH You are invited for the weekend with St. Michael the Archangel at our parish on Feb 22/23. It will be an opportunity to thank God for our protector – St. Micha- el, and to get to know him even more. At the end of every mass we ask for his intersection. Come & see.

Transcript of GOSPEL REFLECTION LK 2,22 WORLD DAY FOR CONSECRATED … · mer director of Planned Parenthood, with...

Page 1: GOSPEL REFLECTION LK 2,22 WORLD DAY FOR CONSECRATED … · mer director of Planned Parenthood, with an uplifting message that one person can change the world! Rated R / 2019 / 106



In 1997, Pope Saint John Paul II instituted a day of prayer for women and men in consecrated life. This celebration is attached to the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord on February 2. This Feast is also known as Candlemas Day; the day on which candles are blessed symbolizing Christ who is the light of the world. Please pray for all those who have made commitments in the consecrated life, and be sure to thank them on their special day. May they continue to be inspired by Jesus Christ and respond generously to God's gift of their vocation.

THIS WEEK First Thursday – please pray for the vocation to the priesthood and religious life. Mass at 8:30 a.m. First Friday – 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, 6 p.m. – Sacrament of Reconciliation and 7 p.m. Benediction, followed by the Holy Mass.

CALLING ALL MOMS! Mothers Group meeting will take place on Thursday, Feb. 6, 2020 @ 7—8:30 p.m. at our parish. More info. at: [email protected].

LIFE CHANGING MOVIE Catholic Mother’s Group at Christ the King parish will host viewing of the critically acclaimed mo-vie: Unplanned on Sunday Feb. 9 at 1:00 p.m. (after the Polish Mass). It’s the true story of Abby Johnson, for-mer director of Planned Parenthood, with an uplifting message that one person can change the world! Rated R / 2019 / 106 minutes. No admission charge; Eve-ryone is invited.


If you are celebrating a 25th, 40th, 50th or 60+ wed-ding anniversary this year, you are invited to join in the Marriage Sunday 2020 celebrations with Cardinal Thomas Collins . The Mass will take place at 3 p.m. on Sunday, February 9 at St. Isaac Jogues Parish (1148 Finch Ave., Pickering). A reception will follow Mass. Please register to reserve seating at: www.archtoronto.org/marriage or 416934-3400x 523.


This year we will celebrate 100 years since St. John Paul II was born. There is no better place to celebrate this event then Wadowice, Poland, where he was born. Far Away Tours is organizing this pilgrimage under the Spiritual Leadership of Fr. Jozef Morawski, CSMA. For more info. please see a flayer available at the back of the church or talk to father Jozef.

Sunday Collection: $ 3,702

GOSPEL REFLECTION LK 2,22-40 The Feast of the Presentation, sometimes called the Feast of Meeting, is, at its core, a feast of lon-ging. This feast reveals the longing between huma-nity and divinity. Our deepest longings are to know and be known. That can only ever really happen in relationship to God. This is not about gathering in-formation or learning about God. This kind of kno-wing is of the heart not the intellect. It is about the union that sets us free, the oneness that allows us to depart in peace, and the relationship that is sa-lvation. For this to happen we must live with and offer the fragility, vulnerability, and joy of an open and longing heart. That heart is the temple of mee-ting, the place where today we find Mary and Jo-seph, Anna, Simeon, and Jesus. Longing is not an absence or emptiness waiting to be filled. Longing is a presence and fullness waiting to be expressed, manifested. Two persons do not long for each other because they are apart. They long for each other because they are in love. We are sometimes too quick to quench the longing, to satisfy the desi-re. That never takes us to the temple. It keeps life superficial and us moving from one “fix” to another. Longing, however, if trusted and followed always takes us to the temple, the place of meeting. Longing – A Reflection on the Feast of the Presentation, Luke 2:22-40

FEAST OF THE PRESENTATION OF JESUS Today the Church celebrates the Feast of the Presenta-tion of Jesus in the temple. The Presentation, which is celebrated 40 days after Christmas, is not mentioned in the other Gospels. Only Luke tells the story, most likely because he writes for Gentile Christians who are not familiar with the Jewish rite of presentation and purification. Luke recognizes Joseph and Mary as fai-thful Jews who bring Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem. Here they present their firstborn son to the Lord. Jesus is thus consecrated as required by the Law of Moses. Present in the temple at this time are Simeon and An-na. Both are awaiting the restoration of God’s rule in Israel. Simeon had been promised by the Holy Spirit that he would see Christ the Lord, the Messiah, before he died. The holy man immediately recognized the in-fant Jesus as the promised Savior, a “light for revela-tion to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel.” Anna also recognized Jesus as the fulfillment of the promise of redemption and spoke about him to all.


You are invited for the weekend with St. Michael the Archangel at our parish on Feb 22/23. It will be an opportunity to thank God for our protector – St. Micha-el, and to get to know him even more. At the end of every mass we ask for his intersection. Come & see.

Page 2: GOSPEL REFLECTION LK 2,22 WORLD DAY FOR CONSECRATED … · mer director of Planned Parenthood, with an uplifting message that one person can change the world! Rated R / 2019 / 106


WEEKEND Z ŚW. MICHAŁEM ARCHANIOŁEM Zapraszamy na weekend z s w. Michałem Archaniołem, kto ry będzie miał miejsce się w naszej parafii 22/23 lutego. Będzie to okazja, aby podziękować Panu Bogu za naszego szczego lnego obron cę - s w. Michała i poznac go jeszcze bardziej. Pod koniec kaz dej mszy prosimy o jego wstawiennictwo, czy naprawdę wiemy, o co się modlimy? Przyjdz i dowiedz się więcej.

FILM KTÓRY ZMIENIA ŻYCIE Grupa Matek Katolickich działająca przy naszej parafii zaprasza na film „Nieplanowany” juz w niedzielę 9 lu-tego o godz. 13:00, po poskiej Mszy świętej. To prawdziwa historia Abby Johnson, byłej dyrektorki kliniki aborcyjnej, o podnoszącym na duchu przesła-niu, z e jedna osoba moz e zmienic s wiat. Kategoria fil-mu R /2019/ 106 minut . Wstęp wolny. Zapraszamy.

KOLĘDOWANIE Zapraszamy dziś wszystkich do sali parafialnej na wspólne kolędowanie po polskiej Mszy świętej.

REFLEKSJA EWANGELICZNA ŁK 2,22-40 Jezus – pierwszy całkowicie oddany Ojcu i konse-krowany, poświęcony dla misji. Tak maleńki, a już rozpoznany przez Symeona i Annę w swojej najgłębszej tożsamości. Życie Boga-Człowieka ofiarowane w darze! Życie, które wnosi pokój, błogosławieństwo, radość, nadzieję. Maryja i Jó-zef, przynosząc Dzieciątko Jezus do świątyni, przynoszą Bogu także swoje życie i życie Świętej Rodziny, które wpisuje się w misję Syna Bożego. Jezus w tajemnicy swojego ofiarowania w świąty-ni uczy nas, że za każdym razem, gdy coś z siebie szczerze ofiarujemy innym, mogą oni dostrzec w nas coś z piękna i tajemnicy Boga samego. Ofiaru-ję Ci dziś, Jezu, wszystkie osoby konsekrowane. Dziękuję, że przypominają mi o wartości życia ofia-rowanego dla innych. https://www.paulus.org.pl/czytania?data=2020-2-2

OFIAROWANIE PAŃSKIE W dzisiejszą niedzielę, 2 lutego, przypada s więto Ofiarowania Pan skiego, nazywane s więtem Matki Bo-żej Gromnicznej. Od początku czczono w Kościele pamiątkę przyniesienia Dzieciątka Jezus przez Maryję i Jo zefa do s wiątyni jerozolimskiej. Od X wieku upo-wszechnił się zwyczaj błogosławienia w tym dniu s wiec. S więto Ofiarowania Pan skiego ukazuje nam Chrystusa – S wiatłos c s wiata. Przyniesiona przez nas świeca ma przypominać, że Chrystus nieustannie oświeca drogi naszego życia. W wydarzeniu Ofia-rowania Pan skiego wyjątkowa jest tez obecnos c star-co w Symeona i Anny. Dlatego dzis modlimy się w in-tencji ludzi w podeszłym wieku. Sędziwi Symeon i Anna pokazują nam, z e u schyłku z ycia moz na do-strzec sprawy, kto rych nie dostrzegają inni. Są oni takz e nauczycielami trudnej umiejętnos ci przygoto-wania się do odejs cia z tego s wiata. Wpatrzeni w ich wiarę i całkowite oddanie Panu Bogu powinnis my zastanowic się nad samym aktem naszej wiary.

ŚWIATOWY DZIEŃ ŻYCIA KONSEKROWANEGO W s więto Ofiarowania Pan skiego w Kos ciele po-wszechnym obchodzimy ustanowiony przez S więtego Jana Pawła II S wiatowy Dzien Z ycia Konsekrowanego – tegoroczny jest juz 24. z kolei. Naszą modlitwą obej-mujemy osoby, kto re oddały swoje z ycie na słuz bę Panu Bogu i ludziom w zakonach, zgromadzeniach i instytutach s wieckich. Pros my tez o liczne i s więte powołania do z ycia zakonnego.

W TYM TYGODNIU Pierwszy czwartek – dziękujemy za dar Eucharystii i kapłan stwa, prosimy o nowe i s więte powołania do pracy w Kos ciele. Pierwszy piątek - przez adorację Najs więtrzego Sa-kramentu, spowiedz , naboz en stwo do Serca Pana Je-zusa i komunię wynagradzająca oddajemy czes c Naj-s więtrzemu Sercu Pana Jezusa.

8:30 AM 5:00 PM

Int. of Monika & Paweł and Family Int. of Tessie on her 50. Birthday—family & friends

9:00 AM

10:30 AM 12:00 PM


+ ++ + +

Remigiio & Purificacion Ines—Hezen

Parishioners O potrzebne łaski i bł. Boz e dla Marii i Zygmunta—rodz. W int. Marii Babin skiej w 80. urodziny—kuzyn z rodziną O łaskę zdrowia dla Stanisławy i Jo zefa Bzdel—rodzina O powro t do zdrowia dla Andrzeja Bigos—żona z dziećmi Zmarli z rodziny Pyrlik i Zięba—rodzina Zmarli z rodziny Biegajło Piotr Skrzypek—żona i dzieci Jo zef i Katarzyna Niepsuj, Helena Han czyk i zmarli z ro-dziny Niepsuj, Pluta i Fitko

7:00 PM (POL)

+ Za zmarłych z rodziny Szukała—rodzina

7:00 PM + Emilia & Bronisław Jaworscy—family

St. Anthony’s Novena

8:30 AM

Intention of Sylwia Folfas—mother

8:30 AM

For God’s blessings for of Halina, Victoria & Michael—family

7:00 PM + Thomas & Mabel Rodrigues—Ashley

Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help

5:00 PM + Dorota Pirzanski—Helen & Walter Kaye

9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 PM


+ + + + +

Thanksgiving Mass for Gordon Family

Krystyna & Ludwig Węglarz—daughter & family O bł. Boz e dla Jana Winiarskiego w dniu urodzin—córka W intencji Jean–Paul Kovalik—mama Karolina i Bolesław Kwaczek—córka Teresa Tadeusz Kwaczek—siostra Teresa Filip Pras Piotr Skrzypek—żona z rodziną