GoRawMagazine Issue001 July 20131

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  • 7/27/2019 GoRawMagazine Issue001 July 20131




    EQUIP YOURSELFThis simple checklistwill get you started

    TRAVELLING RAWHow to do it theorganised way

    MY EXTRAWDINARY LIFEMeet Jeff Ng, The Asian Raw Chef


    to print out& keep



    Raw inspiration, recipes & know-how or creating an extrawdinary lie

    ISSUE1|JULY 2013

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    To those o you who already know me, it will come as

    no surprise to hear how excited I am about this very rst

    issue oGo Raw! magazine.

    Borne o my desire to make raw ood easy and accessible

    or everyone everywhere (we are truly international this

    rst issue is going out to no less than 50 countries),

    I believe that we have done a antastic job o starting as

    we mean to go on. This is the raw ood magazine that you

    reallycan pass on to your brother/sister, parent, neighbour,

    work colleague (etc.) and eel condent that theyre going

    to be genuinely inspired about the thought o introducing

    more raw ood to their diet.

    This is our promise:To make raw ood the most easy

    and enticing eating choice on the planet.

    Its been a long time coming, and its time.

    In act, honestly, I think its well beyond time; its positively


    Go Raw! takes a stand or raw ood becoming

    mainstream. My thinking behind this is simple: how

    crazy is it really, to want to look good, eel great, have

    enough energy to get through a day (and moreover tocreate a great day andstillhave energy let at the end

    o it)andto be the most healthy, happy, energetic

    version o ourselves? It seems bizarre to me that we as

    human beings would settle or anything less, and yet most

    o us do However, most people (including those close

    to us) simply dont know what else there is or i they do,

    how to make it work in their own lie. And so its time or

    this to change, and Go Raw! will speak to anyone looking

    to become happier and healthier, and who, deep down or

    totally consciously, may dream o living an extrawdinary

    lie as a result.

    Indeed, extrawdinary is my vision or you. In act,

    extrawdinary is my vision or everyone. I personally started

    on this journey 21 years ago and have never doubted its

    ecacy or a second, because this very normal, shy but

    passionate young woman has become her own version o

    extrawdinary over the years (largely thanks to the dietary

    changes I made), and as clichd as it sounds, i I can do

    it, so can you.

    What started as a personal vision or mysel

    has become my vision or humanity.

    WelcomeThe truth is that or every meal that we choose raw, the

    ripple eect is more vast and ar-reaching than any o us

    can possibly know or imagine. Not just or ourselves and

    our own potential, but truly or the planet as a whole.

    I you are new to raw ood, I recommend that you start by

    going raw or yoursel. Be as selsh as you like because

    truly everyone gets to benet! The more alive, excited

    and inspired you eel by what you eat and the lie you are

    creating because o it, the more you inspire others to do

    the same. In doing it or yoursel, you really do do it or all

    o us.

    Whether its a smoothie instead o a coee, or a ull-blown

    transition to a raw ood liestyle; or me personally its not

    about how raw you go. For me, its about how much will

    you allow yoursel to be truly nourished by what nature

    has prepared or you, how much genuine goodness you

    will allow into your body and your lie, and ultimately what

    you will do with that.

    And later on, when your well is ull, one day you might just

    nd yoursel thinking, how much good can I give back to

    the world? because you will have so much more to give

    than you do today.

    Wherever you stand right now in raw ood virgin territory

    or as a long-time raw ood lover Go Raw! is or YOU.

    My desire or you is to drink this issue up, to take what you

    need and bring it alive within your lie so that you can look

    and eel the way that you really want to look and eel.

    So without urther ado, once again welcome, and

    I hope Go Raw! inspires you to become even more

    extrawdinary than you already are today.

    Radiantly yours,

    Karen Knowler

    Founder & publisher

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    In this issue


    Good Raw Food Recipes

    by Judy Barber



    Fresh Fruit Salad with Macadamia



    Vanilla & Blackberry Chia Porridge


    Vanilla Honey Heaven



    Mango, Tomato & Avocado Bowl


    Vegetable Teriyaki with Riesling


    Not Tuna Salad Sandwich with

    Chocolate Bite-Sized Butter Balls

    12 KIDS LUNCHBOXSummer Lunchbox Ideas

    13 100% RAW DINNER WITH


    Pasta with Pesto

    14 100% RAW DINNER

    Grilled Summer Veg Pizza


    Strawberry Ice-Cream


    Summer Berry Cheesecake


    Almond Milk


    Super-Quick Summer Party Menu



    Your Raw Kitchen Starter Checkl ist






    Deborah Durrant, UK


    Alicia Morrow, USA


    Donna Kasuska, USA


    Iris Huebler, New Zealand


    Je Ng, Singapore


    Barbara Fernandez, UK

    35 RAW & FAMOUS

    Feeding the Stars

    36 ASK NINA

    Travelling Raw


    Children & ruit; natural radiance; growing

    own ood; vegan wines; blenders; arthritis;

    thyroid issues.


    Create a Radiantly Healthy Summer with

    these Seven Exquisite Sel-Care Tips


    Sun Protection in the Raw

    43 BODY & SOUL

    The 7 Principles o Raw Beauty

    44 Healthy Kids Fun Page

    Go Raw! is published by

    Karen Knowler and is a

    bi-monthly publication createdor everyone interested in

    eating more raw and living

    oods in a way that is realistic,


    DISCLAIMER: The techniques andadvice described in this publicationrepresent the opinions o eachauthor based on their experience.

    The publisher expressly disclaimsany responsibility or any liability,loss or risk, personal or otherwise,

    which is incurred as a result ousing any o the techniques, recipesor recommendations suggestedherein. I any doubt, or i requiringmedical advice, please contact theappropriate health care proessional.




    Go Raw! Magazine

    First Floor Barn A | Dixies Barns High Street | Ashwell | Herts SG7 5NT | UK

    Telephone: +44 (0)1462 743 386

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    Good Raw Food Recipes:Delicious Raw Food & Living Foodor Energy & WellnessJudy Barber

    I know Im not alone. When I seea new raw ood recipe book, Iam automatically intrigued, curious

    and hungry to know more. I am

    also asking, What makes this one

    special? and, would I want to

    own this?

    For me, a good raw ood recipe

    book is not about it being beautiul

    (although that denitely is a plus);

    it is one I will actually use. This

    sounds obvious, but even then its

    not just about the recipes looking or

    sounding delicious enough to try

    ormat counts or a good deal too.

    In the case o Judy Barbers Good

    Raw Food Recipes, I love the size and

    ormat o this book. Not too big, not

    too small (its an inch taller than the

    length o my hand), theres a tactile

    quality about it that makes you want

    to pick it up a good thing, becauseall too many raw ood recipe books

    are let on the shel, oten simply

    because they dont lend themselves

    well to actually being used.

    Because this is a spiral bound

    book, its totally useable, and the

    beautiul cover also invites us in to

    discover what treasures lay beyond.

    Ill be honest. From the title I

    expected just recipes. But once

    inside you discover that theres a

    good amount o useul inormation,

    tips and tidbits that add a lot o value

    to the book without detracting rom

    the recipes. In including this, I eel

    Judy has done a great service to

    those or whom this is their rst raw

    ood recipe book.

    Containing just shy o an

    impressive 200 recipes, this juicy

    book covers the whole spectrum o

    raw ood recipes rom soups to main

    meals, sweet treats, drinks, dips and

    more, with particular emphasis on

    health and taste. As a Hippocrates

    Health Educator, Judy keeps herrecommendations clean, generally

    green-based and health-orientated

    without compromising on favour.

    There is also a special note or all

    recipes which are protein rich

    a great idea or those especially

    concerned with protein.

    It is clear rom reading that Judy is

    not only passionate ood and health,

    but also about helping and inspiring

    people to have a go at home. She is

    keen to point out What I am not is a

    raw ood che. My experience is rom

    making ood to eat at home, and

    teaching people how to prepare ood

    to eat at home.Aesthetically speaking, this guide

    has enough photos to whet the

    appetite but is rst and oremost

    unctional. There is no wasted space

    with an average o three recipes per

    double-page spread with enough

    ingredients to create the desired

    taste, but not too many as to be


    For raw ood newbies I think this

    book would be a great early buy;

    dont be put o by the occasionaluse o unusual or not commonly

    ound ingredients Judy assists you

    with this. For the more experienced,

    I would say theres always more

    to learn and everyone can learn

    something new rom Judys treasure

    trove o knowledge.

    Order rom: Kindle & printed book rom

    Amazon. Spiral bound ull colour version



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    Fresh Fruit Salad with Macadamia Cream

    Although simple, this is a really special dish and it can sere many purposes or you, as a great

    breaast dish or a light tea and haing the macadamia topping will help you to mae the transition

    bac rom heaier oods to the lighter more cleansing ones.




    For the ruit salad

    a lct y vt

    t chppd p t bt-

    d pc d pt t

    bl, d

    btlly plt.

    For the cream

    o hdl

    cd t

    Jc hl

    ( hl dpd


    24 l mdjl dt

    ( 48 ll kd )

    sll pc vll b


    Seres: 12 DIRECTIONS

    1 Prepare your ruit salad using a wide range o resh juicy ruits o your choice.

    A good starter mixture might be: Banana, orange, apple, strawberries,

    nectarines and blueberries.

    2 Next, make your topping by blending all ingredients together until a thick creamy

    mixture is created.

    3 Taste test beore using. Add more o whatever you need according to your

    tastes. You might want to add a pinch o healthy salt just to bring out the favours

    a little more.

    4 Serve your ruit salad and top with a good healthy dose o the macadamia

    cream. I promise youll love me orever or this!


    The Macadamia Cream recipe will keep or about 23 days in the ridge.

    Great or topping some breakasts or something a bit more sustaining, or why not

    throw a tablespoon or two in your ruit smoothie?

    Karen Knowler is the Director o The International Association o Raw FoodCoaches & Teachers, ounder o International Raw Food Day and creator andpublisher oGo Raw! magazine. With two decades o experience eating a high/all raw ood diet, Karen has been a major player in the raw ood movement since1998 and has trained over 500 coaches and teachers worldwide to bring raw ood

    to the mainstream. More inormation at www.karenknowler.com.



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    Vanilla and Blackberry Chia Porridge

    This anilla porridge is so smooth, gorgeous and, I thin, pretty unbeatable. The anilla and

    blacberries add a touch o decadence. I loe this sered with maple syrup. This is perect i you are

    in a hurry in the mornings as you can mae it the eening beore.


    A large glass jar with

    well-tting lid


    60//3 cp ch d

    500l (2 cp) ld lk

    Th d vll pd

    Blckb d pl

    yp t v

    Seres: 23


    1 Place the chia seeds with the almond milk and vanilla seeds in a large glassjar with the lid screwed on tight. Give it all a good shake so that the chia seeds

    are well covered by the liquid.2 Leave it or at least 45 minutes or the chia seeds to absorb the milk. It will

    swell up and look a little like cooked tapioca when it is ready.

    3 Spoon into bowls and top with blackberries and maple syrup to serve.


    This should be enough or 2 3 people and will keep or a day in the ridge.

    Substitution: you can use ltered water or a less rich porridge.

    Advance Preparation: I make this the night beore and leave it in the ridge overnight

    so my porridge is ready or breakast.

    Deborah Durrant runs Deliciously Raw, based in Gloucestersh ire, UK. She runs rawche and raw desserts training intensives, one day classes, one to one sessionsand raw pop up dining events. She trained with Matthew Kenney in Caliornia andis a Qualied Che in Advanced Raw and Living Cuisine.

    More inormation at www.deliciouslyraw.co.u




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    Vanilla Honey Heaven

    This recipe is great or children but also adults too. As it is a rozen breaast (coming in the orm o a drin)

    its typically best sered during warmer weather. A truly delicious treat or all o the amily.




    2 b

    cp t

    2 Tblp hy

    2 Tblp vll xtct

    Tblp ch t


    Seres: 1


    1 Blend all o the ingredients on high-speed.2 Pour your banana smoothie into a glass.3 Add a thick straw and enjoy!

    ADDITIONAL NOTES/TIPSAdd your avourite green superood powders or some extra tasty goodness.

    Nina Dench is a raw ood coach and teacher whose brilliance is in makingdelicious sweet treats or everyone, with her specialism being assisting parentsin their quest to eed their children more raw ood and to successully eed aamily high-raw.

    More inormation at www.NinaDench.com




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    Hemp Granola

    This is a classic raw breaast with a high protein twist; hemp seeds are 33% protein, Sun Warriorprotein

    powder is a massie 85% pure protein and the nut mil you sere with this cereal will only add to that prole.

    The bonus is that its also delicious, easy to mae, eeps well and een though its designed with men in mind,youll nd that the whole amily will loe it.


    Food processor



    cp cc b

    cp lb

    cp bl t

    cp hlld hp d

    cp cct

    tp vll pd

    cp cct k

    cp vll Sun Warrior

    pt pd

    cp j b

    cp lc

    /3 cp p t

    Seres: 610


    1 Grind all ingredients, except the water, in ood processor until slightly broken

    down but still a bit chunky.2 Add water and pulse to combine.3 Transer to a non-stick lined dehydrator tray and dry on 118F or 10 hours.

    4 Ater 10 hours, fip onto the mesh and continue drying or additional ve hours

    or until dry throughout.


    Will store in an airtight container or up to three weeks.

    Russell James strives to share the abundant options that raw ood oers.Whether its a sexy salad or a show-stopping dinner party, your meals can bedelicious and amazingly healthy. Today Russell teaches raw ood to thousandso people worldwide through his television show, podcasts, eBooks, live classesand home study courses.

    More inormation at www.TheRawChe.com


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    Mango, Tomato & Avocado Bowl

    Ie inented a summer treat that I call Chop Bowls. They are quic, satisying and equipment-ree meals.

    The simple act o dicing each o the three ingredients into similar size squares can hae a truly calming eect

    on an otherwise busy day. With no noise rom electronics, and little, i anything, to clean up, you can createa Zen-lie eperience or yoursel i you wish. Note that I include seeral ariations o this simplest o all recipes

    all ull o faour.


    Sharp knie


    d p tt,

    chppd t ch cb

    d , chppd

    t ch cb

    d vcd, chppd

    t ch cb

    60 h t bl

    lv, t p (ptl)

    Pch lt



    optl: tp

    blc v

    Seres: 1-2


    1 Once all o your ingredients are chopped to inch cubes, place in a bowl and

    stir gently. Allow the favours to mingle or 1530 minutes (or not!).2 Serve on its own in a bowl, or over mixed greens or sprouts.



    Mango, tomato, cucumber, with sea salt and curry powder or cumin.

    Papaya, tomato, avocado, with lemon juice.Cucumber, tomato, avocado, with a small amount o onion and a dash o salt.

    Nomi Shannon is a long-term raw ood teacher and author who teaches busywomen wise diet and health solutions so they can live the lie that they desire.Nomi also assists raw ood enthusiasts to bring out their natural brilliance andoriginality in order to make a living as a raw ood teacher.

    More inormation at www.rawgourmet.com


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    Vegetable Teriyaki with Riesling

    This is one o the Living Light Culinary Institutes tried and true recipes with an Asian faour. Its so easy to

    whip up, and with an etra dash o cayenne or a tiny bit o chili, this dish is a downright dream with a glass o o

    dry (semi-sweet) or kabinett Riesling.




    For the Teriyaki Sauce

    cp t

    cp l

    cp v ct

    Tblp l jc

    2 Tblp pd

    2 tp td h

    tp ttd

    l, ptl

    1/8 tp cy

    6 clv lc, chd

    For the Vegetables

    cp p, lvd

    cp lcd htk

    h (lcd thck)

    cp thly lcd bbyBk Chy

    cp b pt


    cp bccl, cld

    t, ct t vy ll


    d bll ppp, fly


    cp thly lcd cly

    (lcd c)

    d , fly jld

    ct, fly jld

    For the Pineapple Skewers

    2 x 6 ch k

    l pppl, pld,

    cd, d cbd

    Seres: 6


    1 To make the Teriyaki Sauce, place the ingredients in

    a blender, and process briefy until smooth. (Do not

    overblend, which incorporates too much air.)2

    Place the pineapple cubes in a large bowl, pour themarinade over them, toss, and allow to sit at room

    temperature while you prepare the vegetables.3 Prepare the vegetables as directed and place them

    in a medium bowl.

    4 Skewer the pineapple, placing our to six pieces on each skewer, leaving one

    end o each skewer ree to use as a handle. Place the skewers on a non-stickdehydrator sheet in a dehydrator set at 125F or 12 hours.

    5 Add the vegetables to the large bowl with the marinade and toss very well.

    Transer the vegetables to a glass baking dish. Place the dish in the samewarm dehydrator (set at 125F) or 30 minutes to two hours, or in a warmed

    oven (preheated to warm and turned o) or 30 minutes prior to serving.

    6 Serve the warm pineapple skewers on top o the warm vegetables.

    Simone Baldwin is a wine specialist and a Living Light Culinary Institute certiedRaw Rood Che and Instructor. Raw and Wine is a teaching, coaching andconsultancy business dedicated to those who seek to dramatically enhance theirquality o lie using a plant based raw ood diet along with the added enjoymento wine i desired.

    More inormation at www.rawandwine.com

    For the ladies who lunch, (mysel included), Rieslinghas much to oer as it is not only very ood riendly, butthe alcohol volume in these wines are lower than most,making it the perect choice or a day time tipple. A glasso Riesling will give you a spring in your step instead osending you to snoozeville! One o Rieslings many charmsis its ability to extract the minerals and trace elements inthe soil, oering a complete refection o the vineyard inthe glass. It is made across the entire spectrum o styles,rom crisply acidic, dry and finty, through to riper, medium-sweet as well as the most transcendental o sweet wines.Although its homeland is Germany, Riesling grows justabout everywhere. Having said that, it thrives in a coolerclimate where it can produce a bone-dry wine, howeverthe o dry/semi-sweet style paired with spicy Asian cuisine,raw or otherwise is a gastronomy go-to.


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    NotTuna Salad Sandwichwith Chocolate Bite-Sized Butter Balls

    NotTuna Salad Sandwic


    Food processor


    Bd pt: dhydtd cck, jc lc,tt lc, d bll ppp lc, tp

    tb lc, t ptt t qh lc

    cp d, kd 6 h vht

    cp ld, kd 6 h vht

    2 Tblp t

    2 tlk cly, cd

    Tblp , cd

    cp ply, cd

    tp dd t

    Tblp l jc

    tp pdd dl

    tp lt my (ptl tpp bl)

    Seres: 12





    cp ch, cd t, cbt,kd 46 h pbl

    l l, jc

    cp t

    tp lt

    Tblp ttl yt (ptl) th v

    chy v

    tp ppl cd v

    ext t dd

    Seres: 12


    1 Select and prepare an option or your bread.

    2 To create the tuna, place sunfower seeds, almonds,and water in ood processor and process into a paste.

    3 Transer to a small mixing bowl and stir in remaining

    ingredients. Mix well.4 Adjust seasonings to taste.

    5 Top with Mayonnaise or stir in i desired.

    DIRECTIONS1 Put all ingredients into blender.

    2 Blend on high speed or several minutes. Mixture

    should be thick and creamy.3 Adjust amount o water or desired consistency.


    Other nuts like pine nuts, Brazil nuts, or almonds can

    be substituted or the cashews or macadamia nuts (the

    resulting mixture will not be as white and creamy and the

    taste will be somewhat stronger).

    For cheddar cheese mayo, use red bell pepper and

    reduce the amount o water.

    Maing nutritious lunchtime meals doesnt hae to

    consume all your time and energy. Many recipes are

    quic and easy to mae and can be put together in

    510 minutes. A sandwich is one o my aorite grab

    n go options. Just open the rerigerator and decide

    which egetable appeals most as the bread or

    outer wrapping. I must admit, I usually choose those

    requiring the least amount o wor lie red bell pepper

    and collard greens. Jicama taes a little longer to peel

    and slice, but it deliers a really satisying crunch.

    Enjoy this insulin-riendly, quic and easy

    sandwich and ollow it up with a simple and satisying

    chocolate bite or dessert!


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    Mixing Bowl


    2 Tblp ld

    btt, th

    tblp cb

    cc pd

    tblp fly hddd


    pch lt 6 dp st L whl

    L stv Cctt (

    chclt v y hv


    optl: 2 dp pppt

    tl l

    Seres: 12


    1 Whisk or stir all ingredients in a bowl with a ork until the mixture comes


    2 Add a ew drops o water i needed to make mixture stick together.3 Once ingredients are mixed, roll into bit-sized balls.4 (Optional) Roll in additional coconut.

    5 Freeze or 30 minutes. Enjoy!

    Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN, combines the ancient healingwisdom o whole resh oods and herbs with modern scientic research to helppeople recharge their energy and reclaim their lives. To learn more and getstarted on 7 Simple Strategies to Jumpstart Your Energy Practically Overnight,visit www.DrRitamarie.com.

    Cocolate Bite-Sized Butter Balls




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    Summer Lunchbox Ideas

    Summer is the perect time to introduce a raw paced lunch to your children. The sunshine accompanied

    by a supply o delicious ripe berries and sweet egetables guarantees a warm welcome to raw ood.

    A well thought out lunch will gie your child energy and nutrients to see them through the aternoon.A lunch that is ull o jun lie zzy drins, crisps/chips, processed snacs and cooies is high in sugar, salt

    and at. These will zap your childs energy and reduce their mental abilities, resulting in irritability and poor

    concentration. How well your child does at school will greatly depend on what they eat at lunchtime.

    Summer is a great time to encourage your children to grow their own lunch. Peppers, tomatoes, mied

    leaes and strawberries are easy to grow in gardens or in pots i you haent got any garden space. Children

    loe to grow their own herbs too common aourites include chies and mint. Children get a real buzz o

    satisaction rom growing and eating their own ood!

    The ollowing ideas will enable you to create a great summertime lunchbox that any child will love.

    1 Fresh Fruit Juice

    Create one together in the evening. Pour the juice into a bottle and place in the ridge. My son loves to make raw

    lemonade and simply mixes still or sparkling water with lemon juice and a sweetener. This is delicious when let in

    the ridge to chill overnight. Another great summer option is orange and raspberry juice.

    2 Berry Bowl

    Let your child choose, wash and place their avourite berries in a tub with a lid. We enjoy a berry bowl lled with

    blueberries, raspberries and strawberries.

    3 create your own salad

    Let your child pick rom all the ingredients in your ridge to make their very own bright and beautiul creation!

    Remember to encourage them to pick herbs and salad leaves rom your garden too.

    Taste: I your child is new to eating more raw oods think in terms o a ew leay greens and lots o sweet tasting

    salad ingredients like carrots, orange/red/yellow bell peppers, cherry tomatoes and cucumbers.

    Colour: Its important to consider the colour o your childs salad. Make it bright and beautiul.

    Teture:Think careul ly about the way you prepare the salad. Some children love grated carrot but would never

    bite into a carrot stick.

    Etras: What will jazz up the salad and make it sing? Perhaps your child loves raisins, nuts, olives or sunfower


    Cooed:You might choose to add something cooked to your childs salad. We like to add butter beans,

    chickpeas (garbanzos) or red kidney beans.

    4 something crunchy!

    Encourage your child to choose their own raw crackers or crisps. Older children can learn how to make these with

    you as a great weekend project.

    5 raw caroB or chocolate treat

    There are plenty o recipes to choose rom here. Perhaps you and your child could prepare chocolates at the

    weekend together beore watching a movie and enjoying some o them!

    Nina Dench is a raw ood coach and teacher whose brilliance is in makingdelicious sweet treats or everyone, with her specialism being assisting parentsin their quest to eed their children more raw ood and to successully eed aamily high-raw.

    More inormation at www.NinaDench.com


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    Pasta with Pesto

    This recipe has won oer more raw-resistant people than any other. Why? Because it tastes just lie traditional

    Italian ood. Sere with both raw and gluten-ree cooed pasta. Be warned! Mae plenty o raw pasta, your

    guests will want to try it and they will lie it! Its important to prepare this dish in the correct order. Mae thePesto rst. Once spiralized, the courgette (zucchini) will weep; simply pour the prepared pesto oer it and

    toss, the oil will seal in the moisture and your raw pasta will hold up until meal time.



    Pasta cooking pot


    For the Pesto Sauce

    2 Tblp p t

    6 Tblp xt v

    lv l

    clv lc

    6 Tblp chppd

    h bl ( t tt)

    Tblp chppd


    Pch lt

    Maes: cup

    For the pasta

    a c, v chp d

    cch. a d dh,

    ctt (cch) p


    i y hv pl lc,

    pl ldcc th

    tht t k y th

    phtt-lk td. i

    t, ply vtbl

    pl t k l

    td th ll lth th



    1 Blend all the Pesto Sauce ingredients until very smooth. I sauce is too thick,

    add a bit o warm water.2 Place pasta in a large bowl. Immediately toss in the Pesto Sauce.3 Serve either in a large amily size pasta bowl, decorated with some small

    tomatoes, and basil leaves with a sprinkle o pine nuts, or serve on individual

    dinner plates.4 Serve a simple salad alongside your pasta.

    ADDITIONAL NOTES/TIPSFor the cooked version, there is no need to heat the sauce it will warm up rom

    the hot pasta. Note: For some blenders there is not enough o the pesto mixture to

    cover the blades, so the blender wont work properly. In that case, double the recipe.

    The sauce will keep or several days in the rerigerator or it can be rozen.

    Nomi Shannon is a long-term raw ood teacher and author who teaches busywomen wise diet and health solutions so they can live the lie that they desire.Nomi also assists raw ood enthusiasts to bring out their natural brilliance andoriginality in order to make a living as a raw ood teacher.

    More inormation at www.rawgourmet.com

    From Raw Food Celebrationsby Nomi Shannon and Sheryl

    Duruz 2008, Boos Alie


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    Grilled Summer Veg Pizza

    Summer eels lie such an abundant time or produce. Its denitely my aourite time to be raw, and a time

    where I eel most creatie. This grilled summer eg pizza is the perect way to mae use o such abundance

    and spend those etra hours o daylight creating something special or your amily.


    High-speed blender

    Food processor


    Pizza Base


    Wet ingredients

    cp ih l*

    cp t

    2 cp ctt (cch), pld d chppd

    /3 cp lv l

    Tblp ppl cd v

    tp lt

    tblp ttl yt

    Dry ingredients

    cp ld

    cp t

    Tblp pyll pd

    *Or substitute or an extra 3 tablespoons psylliumhusk powder, added to the dry ingredients.

    Maes 8 slices


    1 In a high speed blender process the wet ingredientsuntil smooth.

    2 In a bowl, mix together the dry ingredients and

    add the wet to the dry. Mix with your hands untilits combined. Leave to thicken into a sot dough


    3 Once set, knead it a ew times, place on a non-sticksheet and then, with damp hands, press the dough

    into a base about thick.

    4 Alternatively, press dough between two non-stick

    sheets and roll with a rolling pin.5 Once its the shape and thickness youd like, place in

    dehydrator on 115F or ve hours.

    6 From here you can add the sauce (see recipe below)and veggies, then dehydrate or a urther hour.

    Sweet Balsamic Pizza Sauce


    Wet ingredients

    2 cp v pd chy tt y vt

    tty tt

    2 d bll ppp, d-dd d chppd

    l d , hl t chppd d th th

    hl thly lcd

    cp ttl yt k

    cp blc v

    clv lc, pld

    Tblp hly d l d

    Tblp pd

    2 Tblp hlthy lt

    Tblp kd t ppk


    1 Place all ingredients except thinly sliced red onion intohigh-speed blender and process until smooth, or you

    can leave it slightly chunky i youd like.

    2 Transer to a shallow bowl and mix through the

    reserved onions.3 Place the entire bowl o sauce into the dehydrator on

    105F and allow to dehydrate or 10 hours, stirring

    occasionally, or until its reduced by hal and is thick.It will also thicken as it cools. Set to one side until the

    remaining components are ready.

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    Russell James strives to share the abundant options that raw ood oers.Whether its a sexy salad or a show-stopping dinner party, your meals can bedelicious and amazingly healthy. Today Russell teaches raw ood to thousandso people worldwide through his television show, podcasts, eBooks, live classesand home study courses.

    More inormation at www.TheRawChe.com

    Roasted Veggies


    Veggies ingredients

    8 chtt h,qtd

    lk, chppd

    bll ppp, d-dd d

    hly chppd

    cp chy tt ct

    t qt

    l ctt (cch),

    lcd t d

    chppd t chk

    Marinade ingredients

    /3 cp lv l

    cp t cp ppl cd v

    clv lc, c pld

    2 Tblp h cd

    Tblp h cd


    tp h d

    blck ppp


    1 Marinate the veggies or a minimum o 4 hours in a warm place, like on top o

    the dehydrator or marinate overnight in the ridge.2

    Once marinated, scoop out the veggies and place onto a solid dehydrator traywith a little o the marinade juices. Dehydrate 4 hours on 115F, rotating the

    tray hal way through so they dry evenly, or until the veg is wilted and has acooked consistency.

    3 Place to one side until you are ready to compose the pizza.

    To compose te pizza1 Spread the sauce onto the base using the back o a spoon or a cranked

    spatula.2 Evenly spread the roasted veggies and then top with a cheese o your choice


    3 Dehydrate the pizza or an additional two hours on 115F or a great, cooked

    taste.4 Finally, top with cheese i you are choosing to add it.

    5 Cut into generous portions and serve with a drizzle o fax oil and dried chili





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    Nina Dench is a raw ood coach and teacher whose brilliance is in makingdelicious sweet treats or everyone, with her specialism being assisting parentsin their quest to eed their children more raw ood and to successully eed aamily high-raw.

    More inormation at www.NinaDench.com

    Strawberry Ice-Cream

    Gie me a sunny day with strawberry ice-cream and Im in heaen, and you will be too when you try this

    ice-cream! Its so quic and easy to mae. Just be prepared and hae lots o rozen strawberries in your reezer.

    Youre going to want to mae this recipe again and again!




    or the Strawberry Ice-Cream

    4 cp tb

    cp t

    cp ch t

    cp v yp

    tp vll xtct

    Pch hlthy lt

    or the Toee Sauce

    cp ld btt

    cp pl yp

    Pch hlthy lt

    Seres: 12 scoops


    1 Remove the strawberries rom the reezer and set them aside to thaw a little.

    2 Blend the remaining ingredients or the ice-cream until smooth.3 Add the rozen strawberries.

    4 Blend on high-speed or a ew seconds.

    5 Serve immediately.6 Place all o the Toee Sauce ingredients in a bowl and mix with a ork.7 Store the Toee Sauce in a jar in the rerigerator.

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    Deborah Durrant runs Deliciously Raw, based in Gloucestersh ire, UK. She runs rawche and raw desserts training intensives, one day classes, one to one sessionsand raw pop up dining events. She trained with Matthew Kenney in Caliornia andis a Qualied Che in Advanced Raw and Living Cuisine.

    More inormation at www.deliciouslyraw.co.u

    Summer Berry Cheesecake

    You just cannot beat a mied berry cheesecae in summer wheneer the mood calls or a little summer

    lightness. The sharpness o the berries cuts through the richness o the cheesecae and its perect summer

    pinness is just loely or aternoon tea in the garden with amily or riends. Personally I cannot see the pointo a meagre cheesecae layer when using berries; hence this cheesecae has a sizeable layer that you can

    irtuously sin your teeth into.


    Food processor


    9 spring orm cake tin


    or the base

    2 cp pc, dy

    5 mdjl dt

    2 tp l jc

    Pch hlthy lt

    or the flling

    cp ch, kd

    cp ld lk (

    cp vl)

    cp v yp

    4 Tblp l jc

    Tblp vll xtct

    cp xd b, thd

    cp d 2 Tblp

    cct btt, ltd

    Tp th dbl t

    v (i d vl)

    Seres: 8



    1 Pulse all o the ingredients together with 1 Tablespoon o water and press into

    the bottom o the spring orm tin lined with baking parchment.

    2 Place in the reezer to set.THE FILLING

    1 Blend all the ingredients together except or cup o mixed berries and the

    melted coconut butter.2 Then blend in the coconut butter until well mixed.3 Pour the cheesecake mix over the pecan crust.

    4 Stir in the remaining cup o berries.

    5 Leave in the ridge or reezer to set.


    Substitution: you can use any type o rozen thawed berries instead o mixed berries.

    Advance Preparation: I make this the night beore and leave it in the ridge overnight.

    This will keep in the ridge or 45 days and in the reezer or 23 weeks.

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    Deborah Durrant runs Deliciously Raw, based in Gloucestersh ire, UK. She runs rawche and raw desserts training intensives, one day classes, one to one sessionsand raw pop up dining events. She trained with Matthew Kenney in Caliornia andis a Qualied Che in Advanced Raw and Living Cuisine.

    More inormation at www.deliciouslyraw.co.u

    Almond Milk

    Almond mil is really useul staple and can be used in chia porridge, cheesecae and een ice-creams. It is also

    delicious in a chai latte, granola or smoothies.



    Nut milk bag


    or the base

    cp ld, kd

    p t 8 h d d ll

    cld t

    cp fltd t

    Maes: 2 cups o mil



    1 Place the rinsed almonds in the blender with the water.2 Process until well blended and you have a smooth liquid.

    3 Pass the liquid through a straining bag or a sieve lined with a ne meshed

    cloth. You are aiming to collect a smooth white liquid which is the nut milk.

    This will keep in the ridge or 23 days.

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    Super-Quick Summer Party Menu

    Raw Spinac DipYour carrot stics will neer taste the same way again! I actually loe this dip so much that the crunchy eggies

    that I dip in taste great too, so eeryones happy. Its so easy its shameulBeing shameless mysel though,

    I mae it or parties. People generally lie it whether they are accustomed to raw ood or not and they wont

    now its raw unless you tell them! Great source o protein too (than you spinach and tahini) or carniores and

    raw oodies alie.


    Food processor


    cp h pch

    2 tt, hly chppd

    cp ch

    ll d , hly chppd

    b pl th (p pl)

    2 Tblp l jc

    Dh pl yp, pch xyltl cct


    tp hlthy lt or ll pc h/

    hydtd d .. dl

    tp chl pd (ptl, bt v t

    c kck)

    Maes 2 cups


    1 Simply put all ingredients in ood processor and blendwell. Thats it!


    Go easy on the tahini because otherwise it can overpower the rest. You can always add more.

    Note: You can get raw tahini but i yours isnt raw, dont worry. The occasional condiment isnt going to negate all the huge

    benets youll get rom all o that spinach! You can make a curried version o this spinach by substituting 1 tablespoon

    coconut oil and 1 teaspoon o your avorite curry powder.

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    Marinated Veggies

    Mi a ew ingredients together to mae a marinade

    miture, chop up some eggies, toss them with the

    marinade, and go out to shop, to a lm, to wor i

    you must, whateer. Then come home and dig in! The

    eggies will be sotened slightly, and they will hae

    soaed up all o the loely faors. You can also just

    leae them to marinate while you mae the rest o

    your party dishes which wont be long, as each dish

    only taes e minutes to prepare!


    Food processor (optional)


    2 Tblp lv l

    Tblp l jc

    l lc clv, chd tp lt

    2 bll ppp, dt cl

    2 d

    2 ll ctt (cch)

    2 d ct

    optl: Hdl ld h

    optl: sp cd (clt) h

    Maes 4 cups


    1 Put everything except the vegetables in a large glassbowl and mix well.

    2 Using either a knie and board or a ood processor,

    chop all the veggies and add them to the marinade.3 Mix well and let sit or a ew hours to soak up the

    favours, while you have un doing something else!


    Great over Caulifower Rice (see recipe), in salad, and also

    with both cooked and raw curries, stews and soups, which

    will keep non-raw eaters happy, and you too, as you know

    that these dishes are packed with nutrients or everybody!

    Top your veggies with almonds and sprigs o coriander.

    I Cant Believe Its Not Rice...(Its Cauliower!)

    This is the astest and best instant rice I now. I use

    it to accompany salads, curries and soups. I also put

    some o this rice in non-raw dishes to get a bit o

    goodness into some o my amily who dont always

    want a ull raw meal. For eample i theyre haing

    a cooed soup, I might put in a ew spoonuls. My

    children still get some raw eggies that way but they

    dont notice them as much, so they dont complain!


    Food processor


    o ll hd cl

    cp d

    ll d

    ppl, cd d hly chppd

    ct, hly chppd

    cp h cd (clt) th hb

    hdl ct, lt

    2 clv lc

    Tblp lv l

    Tblp l jc ( , t tt)

    Tblp t n shy, or tp


    Maes 3 cups

    DIRECTIONS1 Put everything in the ood processor and process until

    the caulifower is in small pieces. Scoop out and enjoy!


    This is just one variation o rice you can swap round

    many o the ingredients or add more goodies such as

    thawed or resh corn kernels, broccoli, some red pepper,

    pineapple chunks there are endless possibilities!

    Ive sprinkled my rice with pomegranate seeds, which

    make a deliciously sweet and crunchy garnish.


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    Aguas de Fruta (Fruit Coolers)

    These coolers are easy to do, and so beautiul great

    or children and parties, or een to mae breaast

    more special. Any letoer cooler will eep happily in

    the rerigerator or a day or two. They are best drun

    nice and cold. Dont orget to garnish with a slice

    o resh ruit, coctail stirrers, umbrellas, whateer

    maes you eel estie!




    For Agua de Limn (Lemon Cooler)

    cp l jc, l jc xt

    cp chlld t

    2 Tblp hy, pl yp th lqd


    6 c cb ( y bld dt bld c cb,

    jt dd xt cp t)

    Maes 4 cups

    For Agua de Sanda (Watermelon Cooler)

    2 cp chlld tl. Y tht t!

    Maes 2 cups

    For Agua de Pia (Pineapple Cooler)

    2 cp h pppl chk

    cp chlld t optl: Tblp hy, pl yp

    th hlthy lqd t (Y t d th

    y pppl t h)

    Maes 2 cups


    1 Simply blend and serve. Thats it!


    For the pineapple cooler, leave or about 20 minutes to

    settle. Scoop most o the oam o o the top and you willhave a delicious elixir underneath! (I you do drink the oam,

    youll get a nice yellow moustache which can appeal to

    some younger drinkers!)

    You can make loads o other ruit coolers: melon (as per

    the watermelon recipe), oranges, strawberries and other

    berries, pears, papaya, mango so do experiment!

    Barbara Fernandez is the owner and creator oRawFiesta. A raw ood che, coachand speaker, Barbara specializes in super-ast, un and delicious raw ood recipesor time-challenged moms making multi-purpose meals or non-raw skepticsdisguised as partners, riends or small children.

    More inormation at www.RawFiesta.com


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    Your Raw Kitchen Starter ChecklistSetting up a raw ood kitchen is exciting and upliting, especially when you are new to raw oods or taking your

    diet to a new level. Nothing beats that eeling o starting aresh and knowing that rom here on in youre going to be

    eating clean and healthy and youll have a kitchen to match!This checklist will ensure that your raw ood kitchen is

    easy and unctional to use, so that eating raw to whatever degree you desire is easy, simple and un.

    1 keep your ey pieces o equipment in a prominent and clear position, next to a plug point, plugged in

    and ready to go or whenever the need strikes!

    2 Net to each piece o equipment eep the releant oodstus and/or ingredients that you are going to

    be using with that appliance. For instance, I keep all my smoothie ingredients and a big bunch o bananas

    next to my blender, my ruit bowl next to my juicer and a chopping board next to my ood processor.

    3 keep as much o the counter space completely clear as possible. This not only looks and eels better, but

    it means there is never an excuse not to make something because o lack o space or having to clear up rst!

    4 Group your oods into dierent areas. For instance, you might choose to keep all o your dried herbs,

    spices and sea veg in one cupboard, with your superoods, favourings and natural sweeteners on a shel next

    to your blender. You might have your salts, oils and sundried tomatoes in another corner where you might goto season dressings, dips or salads, and all o your nuts, seeds and dried ruits might be kept in a carousel.

    5 keep a good clean supply o water in a prominent location so its always close to hand. There are many

    ways to obtain good quality water. I advise NEVER to drink tap water; at the very least invest in a basic jug

    water lter or investigate other more eective pure water systems like reverse osmosis.

    6 keep your sharp nies in a drawer, a nie holder or on a magnetic wall hanging as close to your

    chopping board as possible. This way you are always ready to chop and go!

    7 keep a notepad and pen, chal board or pinboard

    with blan paper and pen attached, close to hand

    so that when you start experimenting you can make

    notes or write down your new recipes as you go. Thisis also great or making sure you know what to buy or

    order in when you run out o a certain ingredient.

    8 keep your bowls, jugs and Tupperware containers

    all in one cupboard so that you know exactly where

    to nd them when you need them.

    9 keep one drawer purely or housing

    miscellaneous tools such as salad servers, a

    hand held citrus juicer, your zester and grater, you

    measuring cups and your spatulas, and any other

    utensils that you use as part o your resh ood prep.

    10 Find a sae and a clean place to house youraourite recipes, however avoid the temptation to

    create clutter. Choose one or two requently used

    books and keep the remainder led saely elsewhere.

    When you hae made the necessary changes

    to your itchen taing all o the aboe

    into account, run it past the

    all-important nal chec...





    Aremyimportantaccessoriesandappliancesinclearviewand/oreasytoreachfor? Ismyfoodwellorganised?

    Arecupboardsclear,clean&wellorganised? Aremylesshealthyfoodsanditchenappliancesharder(ifnotimpossible!)togetto? Doesitinspiremetotaecareofmyself?


    HaveImadethemostofthisspace? HaveIsetmyitchenupforsuccessanddoesitinspiremetogetcreative?

    Karen Knowler is the Director o The International Association o Raw FoodCoaches & Teachers, ounder o International Raw Food Day and creator andpublisher oGo Raw! magazine. With two decades o experience eating a high/all raw ood diet, Karen has been a major player in the raw ood movement since

    1998 and has trained over 500 coaches and teachers worldwide to bring raw oodto the mainstream. More inormation at www.karenknowler.com.

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    Raw CacaoFood o the Gods



    Nina Dench is a raw ood coach and teacher whose brilliance isin making delicious sweet treats or everyone, with her specialismbeing assisting parents in their quest to eed their children more rawood and to successully eed a amily high-raw.

    More inormation at www.NinaDench.com

    it th 8th cty ctt, L,

    h clld th cc t Theobroma

    Cacao. Theobroma d th

    d d y hv lt tht cc

    h pvdd th lttl tt hv.

    Th hbl cc b ctd th

    pd pbl v cc btt,

    cc b, cc pd d chclt.

    Cacao ingredients used in raw ood

    preparation include:

    Cacao butter a naturally occurring at

    ound in cacao beans.

    Cacao beans the seeds o the cacao

    ruit. Also reerred to as cacao seeds

    or chocolate beans. Cacao nibs are the

    broken or smaller pieces o the bean.

    Cacao powder this is a powder that

    comes rom the ground up cacao bean.

    ChocolateThe word cacao is synonymous with the

    word chocolate. It is in chocolate alchemy

    that the real magic o cacao resides and it

    is here that people all over the world nd

    great pleasure! Do you have a love aair with

    chocolate? Most people do at some point

    in their lives. You do not need to give up on

    your love o chocolate just because you eatraw ood. I encourage you to try all types o

    raw chocolate bars available until you nd the

    right one or you. Some bars are gritty and

    grainy, others are smooth and creamy.

    Some taste strong and bitter while others

    are sweet and lightly spiced. Trust me, a

    chocolate adventure happily awaits you!

    Friend or oe?Between 1650 and the late 1860s, cacao

    was recommended by doctors and

    pharmacologists as a health aid. Yet, insome parts o the world women were

    once banned rom drinking hot chocolate.

    Cacao has always been controversial and

    nothing has changed even in the realms o

    raw ood advocates! There are some who

    love raw cacao and some who loathe raw

    cacao. There are health proessionals who

    recommend people eat it every day and

    others who advise never to touch it.

    So, can we have a healthy relationship

    with raw cacao and raw chocolate? Here

    I reer specically to raw cacao powder,beans and nibs. The truth is, everyone reacts

    dierently to raw cacao. Some adults can eat only a small amount

    because they then nd it dicult to get to sleep. Some people have

    been known to use cacao because it helps them stay awake. Then

    there are those o us who can sleep soundly no matter how much raw

    cacao weve eaten! In short, discover what works best or you.

    RecipesRaw cacao will greatly enhance a range o raw ood recipes. Below are

    some suggestions that you might like to include in your own diet.

    u r Cc Btt

    Drinks: smoothies, raw style hot chocolates

    Chocolate: raw chocolate (you can learn to temper raw chocolate

    so that it has more o a smoothness and satisying snap) Sweets: Brownies, cakes, chocolates, chocolate sauce and spread

    u r Cc nb

    Drinks: smoothies

    Sweets: Brownies, biscuits, cakes and chocolate - nibs will give

    your raw treats an extra crunch

    Use or decoration

    Mix into fapjacks, granola or trail mix

    u r Cc Pd

    Drinks: chocolate milk, smoothies, raw-style hot chocolates

    Spice: traditionally cacao powder was used as a spice in savouryoods and sweet oods

    Chocolate: mix cacao powder with cacao butter and sweetener to

    make raw chocolate

    Ice-cream: mix into nut milk beore placing in an ice-cream maker

    Sweets: Brownies, biscuits, cakes, chocolates, chocolate sauce,

    chocolate spread, chocolate nut butter.

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    Ive always thought that thekitchen should be the heart othe home, and being a raw ood

    che, I probably spend more timein the kitchen than most. Thats

    why I really need or it to work or

    me but also eel that I have room

    to move.

    I live in an old oresters

    cottage in the Forest o Dean,

    Gloucestershire, UK. What the

    cottage lacks in double-glazing,

    it makes up or in character.

    Last year I had a wall removed

    to extend our small kitchen into

    the adjacent hallway to createa much bigger space. So I now

    have a very large kitchen with

    around 48 eet o work surace.

    One o the joys o preparing ood

    is having enough space to make

    delicious ood easily, without

    eeling like you are running an

    assault course and constantly

    clearing a space to make

    something really simple.

    To help me, I have divided my

    kitchen into several preparation


    Deborah Durrant shows us round herGloucestershire kitchen


    zones which I am convinced

    helps to make kitchen-lie

    more low stress: a dehydrating

    zone with two 9-tray Excaliburdehydrators and space above

    or storing my Parafexx sheets,

    plastic wrap and baking

    parchment, and a pull out shel

    below to enable easy fipping;

    a juicing and smoothie zone

    with glasses stored on shelves

    above which is where I house

    my Vitamix blender and Green

    Power masticating juicer; and

    a larger ood prep area which

    contains 2 Blendtecs, twisterjars, a Magimix Food Processor

    and a small Cuisinartmini prep.

    My dry ingredients (cacao,

    nuts, oats, dried ruits, etc.) are in

    clear jars on open shelves above

    the ood prep area. It makes lie

    so much easier to have things

    within reach when Im creating

    recipes, and I can also see at

    a glance when Im running low

    on items. Plates and bowls are

    stored at eye level. I also have all

    the raw desserts pantry powders

    and botanicals within easy reach

    in containers so I can easily

    experiment with making lusciousdesserts.

    My kitchen has three large

    Belast ceramic sinks two at

    one end and one at the other.

    I have one extra-large sink

    that enables me to completely

    submerge and sterilise

    dehydrator sheets and other

    equipment. I chose lever taps

    which are easy to operate with

    elbows when you have sticky

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    hands that are covered in raw


    A corner cupboard with a

    carousel (that many people may

    use or saucepans), is used or

    spiralisers, cup measurements,

    ring moulds, nut milk bags,

    empty bottles or storing nut

    milks and kilner (mason) jars or

    ermentation and preserving. I

    also have a pretty large spice

    condiments cupboard again on

    a carousel so its easy to peruse

    and a cupboard dedicated

    to cake and cheesecake tins in

    assorted sizes well a girls got

    to eat!

    I use a sous vide or thermal

    immersion and have some other

    pretty cool pieces o kit or

    advanced raw ood preparation.

    I like to use them to add variety

    and novelty to ood preparation

    and some va-va-voom to raw

    pop-up dining events. I also use

    this kit when I teach people more

    advanced raw ood techniques.

    I have a Stoves cooker

    which I dont use too oten other

    than to heat up soups, temper

    chocolate and warm chai lattes.

    Consequently it still looks brand

    new, although John, my partner,

    uses it to make his curries. All

    the pulses John uses are stored

    together; I nd this the most

    helpul when sharing a kitchen

    with someone who doesnt

    eat as much raw ood, as it

    doesnt get dry goods conused.

    However, the two reezers and a

    large ridge are very well utilised

    by both o us. I oten wish that

    I had invested in a really large

    ridge, although the one we have

    is huge and should really be

    adequate or our needs.

    Finally, one o my avourite

    places to perch must be the

    large breakast bar which was

    made rom two very large

    pieces o oak. I can oten be

    ound here settled on my lap top

    languishing with a raw chai latte

    and cinnamon roll, typing up a

    recipe or two. It is also where we

    sit to eat when my clients join me

    or one-to-one sessions in the


    Deborah Durrant runs Deliciously Raw,based in Gloucestershire, UK. She

    runs raw che and raw desserts trainingintensives, one day classes, one to onesessions and raw pop up dining events.She trained with Matthew Kenney inCaliornia and is a Qualied Che in

    Advanced Raw and Living Cuisine.More inormation at:www.deliciouslyraw.co.u

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    I once heard Deepak Chopra speak

    about what it would be like i we

    already knew what our lives were

    going to look like. He talked about

    what a nightmare it would be to wake

    up every day knowing what the day

    held in store or us. I understood

    what he was saying, because at one

    point in time this was my lie.

    For years, I woke up already

    knowing that my day was going to

    be predictably stale. My health, my

    relationships, my work, and my home

    lie were nothing special, and I didnt

    see any reason why it was going to

    get any better. Ater all, who was I to

    live an exceptional lie?

    I had resigned mysel to living

    with the same digestive issues, the

    same acne on my ace, the same

    dark circles under my eyes, and the

    same allergies, mood swings, and

    excess weight on my body that Id

    had or years. The people I interacted

    with and my conversations withthem were going to be essentially

    the same. I knew Id talk about how

    dissatised I was with my lie, and

    Id listen to others speak about the

    same. I was living a lie o denial,

    boredom, and repetition, and I didnt

    see any way out o it.

    I was all too amiliar with this

    nightmare that Deepak Chopra

    spoke o. In essence, at the age o

    30, part o me had already given up

    on my dreams, having great health,

    and living a beautiul lie. I was numb

    to what I truly desired, I was deeply

    unhappy, and I knew deep down

    inside I wanted something to change.

    A small, quiet voice inside o me

    asked me to look beyond the lie I

    was living. I remember hearing it say,

    You have to stop what youre doing

    i you want to become who youre

    really here to be, and to do what

    youre really here to do. The truth

    o those words scared me, but they

    also inspired me to begin searching

    or that special something that could

    change everything or me. And so,

    my journey began.

    That small guiding voice inside o

    me reminded me that I am the author

    o my own story, and the creator

    o my destiny. I I wanted my lie tolook dierent, I had to begin doing

    things dierently. Shortly ater this

    inner dialogue, I stumbled upon an

    opportunity to participate in a two-

    week raw ood cleanse. I knew very

    little about raw oods, but I was open

    to the idea o trying something new.

    The timing couldnt have been more


    I thought this raw ood cleanse

    would support my body in

    overcoming the long list o health

    challenges I aced every day. I saw

    this cleanse as a way to get my

    physical body back into balance.

    I didnt expect my experience to

    take me any urther than this. I was

    completely unprepared or the magic

    that was about to be unleashed into

    my lie.I jumped into the raw ood

    experience wholeheartedly, and the

    results were spectacular. My energy

    skyrocketed, and my long list o

    physical complaints dwindled, and

    then disappeared completely. My

    acne-prone skin healed and began

    to glow. My eyes became bright

    and sparkly. The excess weight my

    body had held on to or years simply

    melted away. My thoughts were

    clearer, ocused and more positive.My fuctuating moods stabilized and I

    elt like I was becoming a new person

    rom the inside out. I was amazed.

    I could eel my lie orce increasing

    every day, and I had a new access to

    an inner vitality I had long orgotten

    was possible. As I continued to nourish

    mysel with raw oods, my lie began

    to open up and show me I didnt have

    to keep living a lacklustre lie. The

    possibility o new adventures and an

    exceptional lie was calling me orward.

    alc muxpctd Pblt

    go raw! magazine issue JuLY 20 27




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    Everything I was experiencing

    was antastic, and beyond my wildest

    imagination o what eating raw oods

    could ever do or me. I was eeling the

    best I had elt in decades and it was

    simply extraordinary, but it was also

    terriying. It elt like I had unknowingly

    walked through a doorway I had never

    seen beore, and I now ound mysel

    at a powerul crossroads.

    In one direction was the lie I had

    known. It was amiliar, and it elt sae

    to me. I could eel a magnetic orce

    pulling me back toward this place I

    was accustomed to and comortable

    with. Ater all, its where Id been

    living, thinking, eeling, and operating

    rom or most o my lie.

    However, in the other direction

    was a completely new rontier. I didnt

    know where this new path was going

    to take me, and I didnt know anyone

    else who was walking in this particular

    direction. But I knew I elt amazing,

    and I wanted to keep eeling that way.

    So, I chose to chart a new course and

    explore the next adventures eating

    raw had in store or me.

    The longer I stayed with a

    predominantly raw diet, the more

    my relationship to ood began toshit or the better. Food cravings

    that Id had or years disappeared

    and were replaced by a eeling o

    deep nourishment. My taste buds

    changed, allowing me to taste ood

    like never beore. The guilt I had

    always lived with when it came to

    my appetite, to ood, and to my

    body completely disappeared. My

    punishing behaviours around ood

    melted away, and were replaced by

    ullling acts o enjoyment, sel-careand sel-compassion.

    My creativity and clarity began to

    grow. As I upgraded my body rom a

    cellular level on up, I wanted to do the

    same in other areas o my lie. I realised

    I needed to hold higher standards or

    mysel in order to have what I wanted,

    and I started to put these standards

    into place in every arena o my lie. I let

    go o toxic relationships that no longer

    served me. I gained a clearer sense o

    what I deserved and what I was worth,

    and I began making everyday choices

    that were in alignment with that inner

    knowing. I dared to start living an

    exceptional lie.

    Everything I was experiencing

    was helping my authentic sel to

    emerge. I knew I had to commit to

    honouring my deepest truths in order

    to maniest my dreams. A doorway to

    my potential had been opened wide,

    and I was now deliberately walking

    through it. I was saying yes to me,

    and I committed to honour and

    respect mysel, right then and there.

    There were many opportunities

    or me to return to my ormer ways o

    living and eating. There were people

    who criticised what I was doing, how

    I was eating, and the decisions I was

    making. I heard the concern in whatthey were saying and I questioned

    mysel too, but nothing deterred me

    rom the now strong voice inside o

    me that clearly knew I had to ollow

    this path o sel-discovery. I listened

    to that inner guidance and continued

    to walk in the direction o my truth.

    As my journey with raw oods

    continued, my ability to hear the

    wisdom o my body increased

    dramatically. I realised how much I

    had relied on the seductive opinionso experts, riends, and amily. It

    was time or me to listen to the

    messages rom my body and inner

    knowing rst. I began to allow the

    higher wisdom that lived inside o

    me to guide my lie. I discovered

    a new inner compass that helped

    me navigate my course orward in

    a powerul direction, and I began to

    believe in it more than ever.

    Intuition became my powerul

    ally, and my capacity or sel-love

    and sel-compassion grew to new

    heights. My heart began to open

    in a prooundly courageous and

    vulnerable way. It surprised me with

    its tremendous capacity or aith,

    love, joy and discernment. I elt

    called to support and serve others

    in discovering their beauty, gits and

    truth, and that doing so made me

    eel exhilarated and alive.

    I realised that by shining my light

    and listening to my inner call, I was

    inspiring others to do the same. To be

    a beacon o light or others to see is

    a powerul act o grace, compassion,

    courage and sel-love, but it also

    requires strength, condence and

    trusted support. I realised I could

    expertly and compassionately

    guide and support others to thisempowered place, and as a result, my

    purpose and mission were born.

    Raw oods opened me up to

    my greater potential by pointing my

    lie in a new and powerul direction.

    They gave me the incredible gits o

    exceptional health, vitality, clarity, and

    a connection to my deepest knowing,

    wisdom, and truth. Ive learned that

    lie is a journey, not a destination.

    And as I allow mysel to receive more

    abundance, joy, and splendor, themore magnicent and extraordinary

    my lie becomes. The possibilities are

    absolutely radiant.

    Alicia Morrow is the ounder and creator oRadiant Possibilities. She is a certied Mind-Body Nutrition Coach, Gourmet Raw FoodChe and Instructor, and Dynamic EatingPsychology Coach. She specialises in guidingspiritual entrepreneurs toward their radiantpotential through sacred body and dietarywisdom. For more inormation visit www.RadiantPossibilities.com

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    I rst met Donna in early 2012

    when I accidentally answered

    my phone. Normally I let calls go

    to voicemail when I am working,unless I am expecting a call. Little

    did I know what a transormation that

    accidental event would produce.

    Donna was calling as she was

    eager to get access to a digital video

    o mine called Eating or Hormone

    Health. She was desperately trying to

    nd out why she was still overweight,

    exhausted and oggy, in spite o

    ollowing all sorts o healthy eating

    plans, including raw oods, and being

    chemical-ree or 16 years.Ater talking with Donna, it was

    clear to me that no one had really

    asked her the right questions or

    ordered the tests she needed to

    determine the underlying cause o

    the 3 Fs: oggy, fabby and atigued!

    We discovered that she had an

    autoimmune thyroid condition plus

    insulin resistance each o which

    on its own could contribute to her

    experience. Put these conditions

    together and the experience is a

    ourth F rustration!

    Donna completely ollowed

    everything I recommended in myEnergy Recharge coaching program.

    She ordered tests, began a high-raw,

    low-glycemic diet; and took all the

    herbs, supplements, and superoods

    that I believed would help her. The

    protocols I oered would restore

    balance to her immune system,

    thyroid gland and balance her blood


    Within our months, shed

    dropped 30 lbs. and was

    experiencing a renewal o energy andocus that helped her to grow her

    business, quadruple her income, and

    improve her relationships.

    People with autoimmune thyroid

    conditions are told that they will

    never get well and will need to be on

    medication or the rest o their lives.

    People with insulin resistance are

    generally told to watch their sugar

    intake and lose weight so they dont

    become diabetic.

    Donna was opposed to taking

    drugs. She instead preerred to

    address the underlying cause o

    her imbalances and to change that!While it takes dedication to make

    major diet and liestyle changes,

    Donna is a testament to the changes

    being easily worth the eort. Ater all,

    whats harder giving up processed

    oods and eating delicious whole,

    natural oods that support your body

    or living with exhaustion, brain og

    and an overweight body?

    Given the choice between

    undergoing medical interventions

    involving drugs and surgery andrewriting your lie story using the

    bounty o nature with a little help

    rom modern unctional medicine

    assessment and replenishment o

    nutrients, what would you choose?


    D Kka ey rch Tt sty





    Find out what Donnahad to say about heramazing transormationoerlea

    go raw! magazine issue JuLY 20 29

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    Heres what Donna has to say about her choice:

    Since becoming an Energy Recharge coaching client o

    Dr. Ritamarie, I hae lost 42 lbs. and I loo and eel about

    20 years younger! Howeer, that is only the icing on the cae

    because the real benets are not een isible. Dozens o

    symptoms hae just disappeared.

    I hae struggled with health issues and weight issues

    or 16 years, and nally I hae been able to mae a total

    transormation thans to Dr. Ritamarie and her epert

    guidance and support. All I had to do was complete some

    questionnaires and get a ew simple tests. Dr. Ritamarie then

    new eactly what to do. I ollowed her instructions eactly

    and the results hae been amazing.

    Than you so much, Dr. Ritamarie, or giing me my lie bac!

    Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN, combines theancient healing wisdom o whole resh oods and herbs withmodern scientic research to help people recharge their energyand reclaim their lives. To learn more and get started on 7 SimpleStrategies to Jumpstart Your Energy Practically Overnight, visitwww.DrRitamarie.com.

    go raw! magazine issue JuLY 20 30


    Do you hae atransormation story to share?

    To be considered or uture issues o Go Raw! magazine,

    email your story together with photos to

    [email protected]

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    Friday morning. We looked into

    many blank faces. People didnt

    know what to say. If it happens

    to YOU, how can WE prevent it

    happening to us? It was the rst

    day out o hospital ater hubbys

    heart attac. I was still in shoc

    and probably had ewer answers

    or our riends than anyone. But

    we had one: raw ood, 100%. The

    doctors completely disagreed and sent hubby

    home with instructions to tae pills daily and aoid

    graperuit oreer because theyd interere with

    the medication. Our solution: eep your pills and

    operations; well try graperuit rst.

    Hubbys diet had been nearly all organic and

    mainly egetarian, but obiously that wasnt enough

    to eep him healthy. O course a liestyle change

    less stress was also needed. Our riends had plenty

    o suggestions there rom yoga three times daily,

    and trust me, hubby isnt a yoga type, to moe bac

    to the city, with access to doctors and proper

    jobs. We wanted neither. Admittedly our aourite

    relaation, a daily large ca latte, had to go. In

    echange came lunch in a cherry tree, on a ladder,

    coered in juice, with 25 choos underneath hoping

    or not-so-clean cherry stones.

    Wasnt that what we wanted when we emigratedto New Zealand in 1994? It had taen a heart attac

    to get bac to that goal. From now on, garden would

    come rst, job second (with occasional relapses;

    old habits die hard). I also wanted to implement the

    methods or growing truly nutrient-dense egetables

    I learned rom research Id participated in. I was

    always too busy to try them at home.

    But lets start with breaast (at 9 am een the

    choos got used to getting up later). For a large ruit

    salad we pic whateers in season rom our trees

    and add nuts and cacao nibs or teture, taste and

    isual appeal. The most important ingredients arechopped reshly piced wild greens. The loo taes

    getting used to, but most people dont mind mint

    or lemon balm in their ruit salad. So the greens

    shouldnt be that shocing, and you dont taste the

    bitterness with all the ruit. Were not smoothie ans,

    so green smoothies arent our thing.

    Were lucy to hae abundant wild herbs on our

    organic property. I learned you can also get wild

    herbs by mail order, and een our supermaret

    stocs raw wild herb pesto made o dandelion,

    plantain, nasturtium, calendula etc. a quic solution

    when needed. Despite all the liestyle changes, Im

    still a busy girl hubbys electrical wor, my Raw

    Food Garden Plannerbusiness and a nine-hectare

    arm with orchard, glasshouse, berryruit, eggies,

    geese, ducs, choos and three cats who insist on

    cuddling time. So its ery useul to be able to grab a

    ready-made wild herb mi rom the ridge, een i you

    hae all the resh ingredients by your door.

    Snacing usually happens when Im weeding,

    watering or just waling through the garden. There

    are always ripe strawberries, grapes, gorgeous

    tomatoes, resh caulifower etc. along the way. During

    the post-heart attac diet change we ate plenty o

    bananas. The supermaret ased i I had a money at

    home when I purchased 1520 bananas weely. But

    that urge is long gone.

    Dinner eatures reshly piced daily salad

    instead o daily bread. Yes, picing and maing a

    salad taes time but baing bread taes much longer.

    People dont realise it because they buy the bread.

    O course wild herbs are added to the salad and/

    or the dressing. There hae been days where hubby

    and the geese had a serious tal about who gets the

    last leaes o their aourite greens. Lucily hubby

    lies plantain, the geese dont. We now hae one

    paddoc enced o just or us.

    Admittedly my garden cannot be described as

    immaculate. Thats sometimes dicult to accept

    because I lie beauty and order. But sippingweeding saes wor, and I still eep small corners

    o the garden tidy to satisy my aesthetic need.

    Eating raw ood and growing our own healthy,

    resh, super-delicious ingredients was an eciting

    new beginning. O course eeryone needs a dierent

    approach to t going raw into their personal liestyle,

    and so I address in my writing ia The Raw Food

    Garden Planner.


    Iris Huebler

    Iris Huebler is the Directoro The Raw Food GardenPlannerand has over 18 yearso experience growing a widevariety o resh vegetables,herbs and ruit in Germany andNew Zealand, plus theoreticalbackground rom MasseyUniversity and research intoorganic seed production. Tolearn how Iris can help yougrow your own nutritiousraw ood garden, visit www.RawFoodGardenPlanner.


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    A big hello to eeryone!This is Je Ng, The Asian Raw Che

    and I am honoured to be able to contribute to this magnicent

    magazine. I come rom the sunny tropical island o Singapore

    and am sending everybody warm smiles and a big hug. My

    extRAWdinary journey so ar has been a pilgrimage to my own

    heart. Ater discovering raw ood and its many health benets, it

    became my passion to share and bring it to as many people as

    possible, Asians in particular.

    Back in 2012, I had just graduated rom the National University

    o Singapore majoring in communications, public relations,

    advertising and journalism, but I began to question i what I did

    brought any greater benets or advancements to the world. I had

    travelled extensively and had just undergone my student exchange

    at Seoul National University or eight months, and thereater

    my overseas internship in Taipei. I loved to eat Asian ood and

    travelled everywhere or it, but Taipei changed everything or me.

    Ater spending just our months in Taipei, my weight had shot

    up rom 69kg to 90kg, a 21kg jump. Everything changed, I could

    eel the loss in energy, sel-condence, and overall everything went

    south. That was when I said no more, I had to get mysel back.

    That kick started my extensive research into health, education,

    and ood. Upon graduation, I helped out at a vegetarian education

    school or six months organising classes on the basics o a

    healthy plant based diet, organic living, detoxicationand biogenic

    living, as well as


    I have since led

    numerous holistic

    health tours and

    retreats overseas

    around Asia to

    theAenon Health

    Centre in Malaysia

    and the Borneo

    Highlands Resort.


    J nT Aian Raw Chf

    issue JuLY 20 32

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    In August 2012, a lady riend o mine

    introduced me to raw oods and Russell James

    website. It caught my attention and captivated

    me so much that on the very same day, I bought

    both o his DVD home study courses online.

    I knew then that with raw ood, I could prepare

    ood that was healthy, delicious and absolutely

    gorgeous. From that point on, my raw ood

    journey began and I never looked back.

    It has been a crazy adventure. Just last

    year in August 2012, I had just chanced upon

    Russells website and got into preparing raw

    ood or mysel. Today, as I write, Im all geared

    up in my ches coat and have just nished

    executing a three-course menu at Matthew

    Kenney. For someone without a ches

    background, and in a short timespan

    o nine months since I had my rst sip o

    Mango Spinach Green Smoothie, I am now

    The Asian Raw Chemaking a name or

    mysel and have graduated rom Matthew

    Kenney. I am grateul.

    I can remember in September 2012,

    when I was sitting at the round table with

    Karen Knowler and other raw ood veterans

    in Hanbury Manorin the UK. We had all just

    got onto Karens coaching program ater her

    Prepare or Lit-O! event, and Karen was

    seated just next to me. Now I am writing

    to contribute to her new Go Raw! magazine.Again, I am grateul.

    Preparing delicious ood at home, eating

    out at rawesome raw ood restaurants,

    shooting a raw ood prep video with ellow

    raw ches, and going gardening with

    riends! I have also started teaching and

    doing demos with Whole Foods Market!

    This journey has truly been amazing.

    Lie is rawesome and I am wishing you lie

    in every breath!

    Je Ng is The Asian Raw Che, the leading rawche in Asia. He teaches how to prepare Asian RawFood that is modern, un and sexy. Excellencedriven, he has worked with Karen Knowler, TheRaw Food Coach and trained at the prestigiousMatthew Kenney Academy in Santa Monica. Forree Asian raw ood recipes and inormation visitwww.TheAsianRawChe.com

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    Barbara Fernandez

    Im Barbara Fernandez and Ilove my business. Wat is it? In two

    words, raw ood. In more than two: I teach busy people how to put more raw

    ood on their plate that is

    a) Super tasty: Im aserious ood an, I havent yet met a favour I didnt like.

    b) Super ast: Im rushing around all day so I dont have time to spend more

    than 30 minutes a day making ood.

    c) Super practical: Why go to all the eort o making one dish when the same

    eort with a ew simple additions can yield two or three extra dishes? I I can

    turn my letover raw veggie rice into a delicious soup in two minutes, Ill do it.

    I I can have ruit pudding or breakast and whip up a crust or ruit pie the next,

    Ill do that too. Brilliant!


    how did I get started?About ten years ago I ound Julianos

    bookRAWin a juice bar. Juliano

    promised that I could eat really

    delicious oodandlose weightand

    eel amazing. Having tried loads o

    other diets where the ood didnt

    taste delicious and I elt anything but

    amazing, I thought Id give it a go.

    I made Julianos Fettucine

    Alredo, enjoyed it, and thought I was

    hallucinating. It elt like someone had

    plugged me into an electrical socketand turned up the juice. Wow! I

    thought. I I eel like this ater one raw

    meal, how would I eel i I ate every

    meal raw?

    I started making recipes that I

    ound in books and on the internet.

    And gradually I gained enough

    condence to start creating my own

    recipes. I held a pop up restaurant

    event in Cambridge, England a

    denite highlight, I was so nervous

    and I had people telling me that Ishould open a restaurant.

    While I didnt want a restaurant,

    I had always wanted to work rom

    home so that I could be with my

    children. I also wanted to help people

    by creating something I would be

    proud o that would ll a genuine


    Finding a need to fllI then asked mysel, I I were starting

    over again today with raw ood, what

    would I need most?

    And the answer was easy. Fast

    and tasty raw ood or busy people

    with non-raw eaters in the house!

    I had become an expert at this,

    or the simple reason that I had to

    teach mysel or continue pulling my

    hair out preparing separate raw and

    cooked meals.

    I had ound classes on how to

    make nut milks and smoothies, but

    no classes on how to organise your

    week and make things really ast andsimple.

    And so RawFiesta was born! The

    strategies that took me years to

    gure out are now what I oer people

    in my RawFiestas A Month On Raw!


    Wat I love about mybusinessI love sharing my ood with people.

    I will never orgetthe look on an

    elderly gentlemans ace who tastedmyApple Crumble with Mango

    Vanilla Custard his ace lit up with a

    huge smile. Plus the ood was doing


    I love that I can work rom my

    laptop anywhere. I could go to

    Thailand tomorrow and just take my

    business with me. Hooray!

    I love the people I meet. I tend

    to attract busy people who have a

    lot going on in their lives, and they

    inspire me!

    Any advice or aspiring rawood business owners?

    Yes, get a coach! You need someone

    to hold you accountable. Thats

    one o the best things I did or my

    business and I amalways investing

    in my education and personal


    You also need a very good peer

    group, people who are positive and

    supportive o you and your venture.

    They dont have to understand it,

    they just have to be happy or you toollow your heart.

    And... Dont try to t into a box,

    especially i its someone elses.

    Think hard about whoyou are,

    whatyou enjoy doing, what skills

    you already have you have more

    knowledge than you think you do!