Google to Bing Conversion

Go to and sign in

Transcript of Google to Bing Conversion

Go to and sign in

Click to the “Accounts & Billing” tab

Click on the “Create account” button above the accounts

Click on the “Payment Methods” tab. Enter new billing information and “Save”.

Click on the “Account List” tab and click “Create account” below.

Enter the account details. Choose the correct credit card number.

Once completed you should see the new account in your account list.

Open “Google AdWords Editor”. Click “Add Account” and enter login info.

If the account is already in the list make sure to click “Account” “Get Full Account”

Click “File” “Export Spreadsheet”

Select “Export Selected Campaigns and Ad Groups”

For simplicity only select one campaign. Adcenter will not load files over 1.2mb

Open the file to review the contents

Note the column headers including the “Destination URL” column.

If you have used Analytics tags that say “Google” make sure to find replace them to say “Bing”

Click “Save As” and choose “Excel Workbook”.

Return to MSN Adcenter, select the new account on the “Campaigns” tab and click “Create campaign”

Select the time zone and “Browse” to locate the Excel file.

Click “Upload” and then click “Continue”

The settings from Google should be fine so click “Continue” again

If any errors show simply select “Fix issues and import”. Either way, Click “Continue”

If there are issues, resolve them. Click “Apply”

Click “Continue”

Click “Continue”

Click “Close”

Your campaign is done, but you’ll want to check out the campaign and ad group settings.