Goodwill GLAM! Squad Volunteer / Intern Application form...Goodwill Industries of Hawaii, Inc....

Goodwill GLAM! Squad Volunteer / Intern Application form ABOUT GOODWILL INDUSTRIES OF HAWAII Goodwill Industries of Hawaii, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. Our mission is to help people with employment barriers to reach their full potential and become self-sufficient. Since 1959, we have provided job readiness and job placement services for people throughout the state. Over 10,000 Hawaii residents each year have benefitted from Goodwill’s services, and thousands have found employment in our community. More than 90 percent of Goodwill’s revenue supports its educational, employment and training programs in Hawaii that help individuals secure good jobs, build a better future for their families and strengthen their communities. Volunteers and interns help support Goodwill’s non-profit mission and provides a valuable experience. Enrollment and Participation Period and Work Schedule: Each year we enrol and orient volunteers to support programs and projects as a cohort group. Each period provides a time to review the volunteer’s commitment level and ensure roles are well matched. Each participant commits to a customized schedule based on the participant’s school, work and family commitments (in general commitments are 2-4 hours for 1-3 days per week). @goodwillhawaii hawaiigoodwill goodwillhawaii

Transcript of Goodwill GLAM! Squad Volunteer / Intern Application form...Goodwill Industries of Hawaii, Inc....

Goodwill GLAM! SquadVolunteer / InternApplication form


Goodwill Industries of Hawaii, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. Our mission is to help people with employment barriers to reach their full potential and become self-sufficient. Since 1959, we have provided job readiness and job placement services for people throughout the state. Over 10,000 Hawaii residents each year have benefitted from Goodwill’s services, and thousands have found employment in our community.

More than 90 percent of Goodwill’s revenue supports its educational, employment and training programs in Hawaii that help individuals secure good jobs, build a better future for their families and strengthen their communities.

Volunteers and interns help support Goodwill’s non-profit mission and provides a valuable experience.

Enrollment and Participation Period and Work Schedule:Each year we enrol and orient volunteers to support programs and projects as a cohort group.

Each period provides a time to review the volunteer’s commitment level and ensure roles are well matched. Each participant commits to a customized schedule based on the participant’s school, work and family commitments (in general commitments are 2-4 hours for 1-3 days per week). @goodwillhawaii hawaiigoodwill


Goodwill Industries of Hawaii, Inc.Volunteer/Intern Candidate Enrollment form

Three Types of Roles:Each volunteer selects one of the specific roles to focus on during their enrolment period:

Visual Merchandising & Promotional Support •Designpresentationmaterials,displayshowcases,boutiqueracks,andwindowdisplays •Supportconceptdevelopmentandimplementationtimelines •Givepresentationsandtrainingtosupportcommunication •Developandproducepromotionalsignage

Event Development & Marketing Support •Supportsocialmediaandmobileapplicationpromotionaldevelopment •Assistwithprojectmanagementlogisticsdetails,floorplandesign •Assistineventdayimplementationsetupandbreakdown •Oneventdays,actinareasofexpertise:interiordesign,stylesupport,andretaildocentrole

Administrative & General Project Support •Eventdaysupport •Generalofficeduties,call-backandmeetingsupport •Projectdocumentationandarchiving

The Goodwill GLAM! Squad (Volunteer):Tobeapartofthesquadthevolunteerwouldhavetocompletespecifictrainingandhavecommittedtovolunteeringbetween25to100hoursperyear.TheGoodwillGLAM!Squadconsistsofprofessionalsand amateurs who have a particular interest in the following: social media, event planning, fashion design, visual merchandising, styling, hair stylist, make-up artist, model, photographer/videographer, retail operations, general office work, public relations or marketing.

Internship:GoodwillIndustriesHawaii(GIH)welcomesandvaluesrequestsfromourcommunitytovolunteerandintern.Internshavetheuniqueopportunitytolearnaboutthenon-profitindustrybasedontheirareaof interest. Whether it is to complete university service hours, internship credits, or use up some extra hours in retirement to support a worthy cause, GIH is a valued leader in the community helping to train andprovideexperiencesforcandidatesthatmeetqualificationsforavailableopportunities.

Amongthemanythings,theinternwilllearnhowto;workinaprofessionalenvironment,applyskills,work as a team member, and meet deadlines. Interns and volunteers will work closely with the professional staff, attend internal meetings and learn the importance of Goodwill Industries of Hawaii’s non-profit mission in Hawaii to help people with employment barriers to reach their full potential and become self-sufficient

Amonthlymeetingismandatoryforallvolunteersandinternstoattendforupdates. @goodwillhawaii hawaiigoodwill


Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________________


City ST Zip Code ______________________________________________________________________________________________



Contact Information

Person to Notify in Case of Emergency

Special Skills or Qualifications

Previous Volunteer Experience


Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________________


City ST Zip Code ______________________________________________________________________________________________




copying, answering phone, etc

Special Events



Tell us in which areas you are interested in volunteering:

Why are you interested in volunteering with Goodwill Industries of Hawaii?

Summarizespecialskillsandqualificationsyouhaveacquiredfromemployment,previousvolunteerwork,orthroughother activities, including hobbies or sports:

Summarize your previous volunteer experience:

Mailings (creating mailing labels, stuffing

envelopes, stamping envelopes, etc.)

Research assistance

Grant Writing

Volunteer coordination

Goodwill Industries of Hawaii, Inc.Volunteer/Intern Candidate Enrollment form @goodwillhawaii hawaiigoodwill



Pleaselistthreereferencesofpeoplewhoknowyouwell,otherthanrelatives, preferable for whom you have worked in either a paid or volunteer capacity. If you are currently working, either paid or as a volunteer, please include the name of yoursupervisor.Name,Address,ZipCode,PhoneandRelationship

1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Our Policy


Enrollment Period: Fall/Winter 2012 Spring/Summer 2013 Role Title: VisualMerchandising EventSupport Administrative Assignme

In general, I can participate: Mornings8-12pm Afternoons12-4pm OnEventDays

NoPreference MonTuesWedThursFriSatSun

Goodwill Industries of Hawaii, Inc.Volunteer/Intern Candidate Enrollment form

Agreement and SignatureOfficial AcceptanceAllvolunteerswillbenotifiedofacceptanceonceapplications,interviews,andprocessingarecompleted.Untilsuchtimetheparticipantisconsideredacandidate.ThankyoufortakinganinterestinGoodwill!Wewillcontactyouuponreceiptofthis information in consideration of a volunteer or internship role.

By submitting this application, I affirm that the facts set forth in it are true and complete. I understand that if I am accepted as a volunteer, any false statements, omissions, or other misrepresentations made by me on this application may result in my immediate dismissal. Goodwill Industries of Hawaii reserves the right to make any checks deemed appropriate as to the suitabilityofanyonevolunteeringwithourorganization.Allinformationobtainedwillbeheldinthestrictestconfidence.

Thank you for completing this application form and for your interest in volunteering with us.

Name (print) __________________________________________________________________________________________________

Signature _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Date_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ @goodwillhawaii hawaiigoodwill


Itisthepolicyofthisorganizationtoprovideequalopportunitieswithoutregardtorace,color,religion,nationalorigin, gender, sexual preference, age, or disability.

ZERO TOLERANCE POLICYWhile serving as a volunteer, absolutely no alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs shall be consumed during any Goodwill Industries of Hawaii event or meeting. Goodwill has a zero tolerance policy for employee (and volunteer) theft or misuse of donated items. The volunteer/intern must possess a professional demeanor and commitment to work his/her schedule through the duration of the expected period.

I intend to participate in the following manner: (check boxes below)