Good News - Providence Presbyterian Church · Good News September 2008 Rally Day, September 7, will...

Good News September 2008 Rally Day, September 7, will begin with the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper during the 10:00 am worship service and conclude with a Rally Day Celebration at 11:00. This celebration will include fun and informational events for children, youth and adults. On Sunday, September 14, we will begin our fall worship service schedule: 8:45 Traditional, in the sanctuary 10:00 Christian Education for ALL ages 11:15 Traditional, in the sanctuary; Contemporary, in the Fellowship Hall Of course worship is important, but so, too, is Christian Education. Education has always been on center stage throughout the years that have formed and established our Presbyterian heritage. When- ever Presbyterian churches were organized, schools, academies, colleges, and universities were quickly established. PPC’s commitment to Christian Education is confirmation of our Presbyterian heritage. It is an antidote to the Biblical illiteracy and theological ignorance so common in our time and culture. I am impressed with parents who give high priority and careful attention to their daughters’ and sons’ Christian Education with determined efforts at home and church. Those parents know how important it is for their children to have a firm faith foundation if they are to become men and women confident and principled in a world that is too often anxious and treacherous. I am impressed with adults who are engaged in the ministry of Christian Education as teachers, helpers, administrators, caregivers, and students. Their contribution of significant time and talent makes possible PPC’s outstanding ministry that offers extraordinary educational opportunities every Sunday at 10:00 am for persons of every age and circumstance. I invite your participation. If you are willing to help, please call me at the church office. I am convinced that there is a direct relationship between the vitality of our faith and our investment in Christian Education. Our faith grows in depth and breadth as we grow in knowledge and wisdom. I look forward to seeing you this Sunday and every Sunday as together we proclaim the Teacher’s Good News. Grace and Peace, Roger From the Pastor’s Study

Transcript of Good News - Providence Presbyterian Church · Good News September 2008 Rally Day, September 7, will...

Page 1: Good News - Providence Presbyterian Church · Good News September 2008 Rally Day, September 7, will begin with the sacrament of the Lord ˇs Supper during the 10:00 am worship service

Good News September 2008

Rally Day, September 7, will begin with the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper during the 10:00 am worship service and conclude with a Rally Day Celebration at 11:00. This celebration will include fun and informational events for children, youth and adults.

On Sunday, September 14, we will begin our fall worship service schedule: 8:45 Traditional, in the sanctuary 10:00 Christian Education for ALL ages 11:15 Traditional, in the sanctuary; Contemporary, in the Fellowship Hall

Of course worship is important, but so, too, is Christian Education. Education has always been on center stage throughout the years that have formed and established our Presbyterian heritage. When-ever Presbyterian churches were organized, schools, academies, colleges, and universities were quickly established. PPC’s commitment to Christian Education is confirmation of our Presbyterian heritage. It is an antidote to the Biblical illiteracy and theological ignorance so common in our time and culture.

I am impressed with parents who give high priority and careful attention to their daughters’ and sons’ Christian Education with determined efforts at home and church. Those parents know how important it is for their children to have a firm faith foundation if they are to become men and women confident and principled in a world that is too often anxious and treacherous.

I am impressed with adults who are engaged in the ministry of Christian Education as teachers, helpers, administrators, caregivers, and students. Their contribution of significant time and talent makes possible PPC’s outstanding ministry that offers extraordinary educational opportunities every Sunday at 10:00 am for persons of every age and circumstance. I invite your participation. If you are willing to help, please call me at the church office.

I am convinced that there is a direct relationship between the vitality of our faith and our investment in Christian Education. Our faith grows in depth and breadth as we grow in knowledge and wisdom. I look forward to seeing you this Sunday and every Sunday as together we proclaim the Teacher’s Good News.

Grace and Peace, Roger

From the Pastor’s Study

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September 2008 Page 2

SESSION HIGHLIGHTS Session met Sunday, July 20, 2008 at 11:00 am and Tuesday, August 12, 2008 at 7:30 pm where they:

> Approved a three service worship schedule for Fall 2008. Traditional services will be held at 8:45 and 11:15 am, and a Contemporary service at 11:15 am. Discussed what metrics will be recorded about each service and a schedule for review of the information.

> Heard updates on tasks that have started for implementation of an Upward Basketball program, including ordering of uniforms, basket-balls and supplies, and the status of the CORE computer program coming to PPC. Until space can be provided at PPC for the computer program, some members of the congregation have begun teaching CORE classes at the James Lee Community Center in Falls Church. Contact Hank Schlenker for more information.

> Approved a request from the Music and Arts Committee for implementation of a Supporter of the Arts program to provide additional funding for the events. Information about the program will be distributed to the congregation, local businesses, and area homes.

> Heard a report from the Communications Committee with suggestions for distribution of information to the congregation. Both written (such as bulletin inserts, newsletter, mailings) and electronic (such as web site, wiki, e-mails) techniques were suggested.

> Renewed employment contract with Interim Minister Roger Shoup for one year.

Session will meet on Tuesday, September 9, 2008 at 7:30 pm.

Tommie Curtis Clerk of Session

Ongoing Concern of the Church

Members of the Pastor Nominating Committee:

Doris Bates Chris Becker Leigh Burke Rose Clark

Harvey Doerksen Nancy Jones

David Kepley Rob Moss

David Ranowsky Paula Rogers Maralee Syers Robert Porter

(Presby. Liaison)


Are you ready for a game of basketball? How about volleyball? Or perhaps you would like to have an art show, a movie, or a guest lecturer.

The Mission Hall gym is ready for multiple purposes. We expect to have all our inspections completed, except the kitchen health inspection, by the end of August. Soon thereafter we should have an official occupancy permit. In the meantime, plan on coming to Rally Day and the Dedication Ceremony on Sunday, September 7. Activities will begin at 11:00 am.

Badminton anyone?

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RALLY DAY September 7

Worship — 10:00 (NOTE: one service only) Rally Day events (includes a light brunch!) — 11:00

— THEN — New worship schedule beginning

Sunday, September 14th

8:45 Traditional Worship, Sanctuary 10:00 Christian Education for ALL ages 11:15 Traditional, Sanctuary; Contemporary, Fellowship Hall

Contemporary Service

When will it be? Sundays at 11:15 am in the Fellowship Hall.

What will it be like? It will be Presbyterian. (There will be scripture, prayers, music, congregational singing and a sermon.)

It will be Informal (yes, you CAN wear Jeans). There will be a band (with two or three lead singers)! (And, as the Spirit leads, we may be adding a choir!)

Who will be leading the service? Rev. Mary Rodgers will take the lead on worship leadership and preaching,

and Rev. Shoup will preach periodically.

Rick Thiele … WHO IS HE? He is our NEW Music and Technology Coordinator.

He will lead the music and the band, and he’ll be the one who makes sure that all matters relating to sound and visuals (such as graphics, slides and video images)

for the service will be in tip-top shape!

Can a contemporary service really be described with words? NO! You have to experience it! Come and check it out!


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As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to go and make disciples, to teach those younger in the faith, to pass on the truth that lies in God’s Word. We are told to :

“Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.” Deuteronomy 6:5-9

God’s Word also says:

“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6

We are each part of the one body of Christ and are called to invest in each other, to disciple, to teach. The following is a list of volunteer opportunities to disciple, teach, and invest in the young people of Providence. Please contact Holly Marcario at 703-978-3934 to explore how you can impact the children of Providence.

Teachers – With a team of 3-4 teachers, teach and share the love and hope that lies in Christ Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Teachers are provided a Christ centered, user friendly curriculum along with many resources from which to choose depending on what you enjoy doing – arts and crafts, music, story-telling. Opportunities exist for each hour – 8:45, 10:00 & 11:15.

Nursery Workers – Fill in as needed to love and care for the youngest mem-bers of the body of Christ. This might involve rocking an infant, reading a story to a toddler, playing ball with a toddler. Opportunities are for each hour – 8:45, 10:00 & 11:15.

Children’s Music Directors – From 10:00 – 10:10; would direct music. One person for Preschool and one person for Elementary. We will train you.

Sunday School Coordinator – Acts as the principal of our 10:00 Sunday School hour. Collects offering, takes attendance, helps with classroom management as needed, fills in where needed, oversees resource room.

Nursery Coordinator – Ensures the nurseries – infant and toddler - are kept clean, sanitary, and in working order. This could involve laundering sheets as needed, cleaning out toys, stocks and gets reimbursed for diapers, wipes, plastic gloves.

Community Outreach Programs Director – Researches and recommends programs designed to reach out to the neighboring communities of Providence Presbyterian Church. This involves directing leadership teams to implement these programs.

Vacation Bible Camp, usually the last week of July Easter Eggstravaganza, usually held the Saturday before Palm Sunday.

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Christmas Pageant Director – Directs the Christmas Pageant normally held the Sunday before Christ-mas during the 10:00 Sunday School hour. The Christmas Pageant involves all children – 3 years old through 6th grade.

Missions Coordinator – Researches, organizes and implements mission opportunities in which the children may participate. Acts as a resource for Sunday School teachers should they want to include a mission activity with a particular Sunday School lesson.

Sunday School Supply Coordinator – Organizes and stocks arts and crafts supplies for upper and lower Williamson Resource Rooms. This person may purchase items and get reimbursed or work with the Children’s Ministry Coordinator to purchase items. Also stocks snack supply for downstairs.

Children’s Fellowship Coordinator – Organizes and implements children’s fellowship activities for grades 4-6, e.g., movie night, ice skating, bowling…

“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” Hebrews 12:2,3


The adult education program swings into full gear this fall, beginning on September 14th with three exciting classes. All courses will be held at 10:00 am each Sunday at Providence. Please come and join us as we explore exciting topics and engage in lively discussion! Our fall lineup includes:

Disturbing Dialogues: When Science Meets Religion presented by Dr. John MacCarthy, begins 9/14 for 6 weeks

This course will examine how thoughtful people reconcile their faith in God with current scientific knowledge using Dr. Ian Barbour’s book “When Science Meets Religion” as a guide. Dr. Ian Barbour identifies four ways in which Science and Religion can be viewed and respectfully considers how each perspective addresses questions that arise from Creation, Quantum Mechanics, Evolution, and Genetics, Neuroscience and Human Nature.

Bible Study of Isaiah presented by Steve Morse, begins 9/14 for 12 weeks

Isaiah has been called “the Hebrew gospel”, not least because of the suffering servant passages that foreshadow the mystery of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. Weekly handouts will guide the reading and raise important questions for reflection and discussion.

Contemporary Christian Issues presented by Sally Ormsby and Hank Schlenker, begins 9/14 for (at least) 4 weeks

This course will focus on current Christian issues that are either in the news or that class participants bring to the class. The objective is to provide an informal, open forum on topics such as peace among religions, Israel and the Palestinians, U.S. immigration policy, and other areas on which there are a range of viewpoints. We hope to see you there!

What Do Presbyterians Believe?

presented by David Kepley, begins 10/26 for 6 weeks

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It’s September again and the Women’s Bible Study Circles will be meeting each month. We meet the 3rd week of the month and use the Presbyterian Women’s Horizons Bible Study. This year we will study Luke’s Gospel.

Ruth Circle — Tuesday, September 16 at 11:30 am Bring a sandwich; a “goodie” will be provided by the hostess.

Lydia Circle — Wednesday, September 17 at 9:30 am Hostesses will furnish a morning snack.

Please join us for the study and great fellowship!

CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER Monday, August 18, 2008 7:30 — 9:00 p.m. in the Parlor This is a drop-in group composed of different people each month. Give it a try!


Too often we think of prayer as finding words to speak to God. How much time do we allow for the other half of prayer: listening? We will use several different practices to sharpen our willingness to listen to the holy nudges. In the meantime … we might do well to ponder this poem by Louis Evely from Belgium way back in 1964. Human nature hasn't changed. How many times I've gone on retreats packed with many of the same “things”.

A Trappist friend of mine used to say, “It's not enough to apply the brakes on your car; you must also cut the motor that’s racing inside.” The engine of our solicitudes is still whirring at top speed. It has to slacken, decelerate and turn at an easier pace. We have to move in time with another rhythm, gear our will to another will, learn to connect with the slow-paced, quiet, powerful and steady motor of God’s will. As long as we’re in turmoil, taken up with our problems and our interests, we’re safely sheltered from God and out of His reach. We need several days of recollection before we can begin to live in Him and on Him.

We have to stay there in a kind of stupor and let our motor idle till we’ve adjusted to a new tempo we’ve never experienced before. If we’re too intent on our questionings, we can’t hear God’s answers, which are surprising, disconcerting, and never come to us the way we expect. To meet God, we have to get away from ourselves. Retreatants always stuff their suitcase with a pile of things: letters to be answered, a book, three or four chocolate bars, a newspaper and a train schedule in case the whole business becomes intolerable. We all feel the need of a few projects to shield us from God. We imagine [God] can’t nourish us …

Please join this casual drop-in prayer group. Everyone is welcome! Contact Ann Kulp for more information.

from That Man Is You by Louis Evely, Paulist Press, Mahway, NJ, 1964.

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A Really, Really Big THANK YOU! to Jim Dyer

For going on 20 years, Jim has been the one who made sure there were ushers on duty for every Providence worship service to hand us a bulletin as we arrive, pass the offering plates and attendance cards, and generally make sure that all that necessary behind-the-scenes stuff got done. Wow! that is meritorious service!

Jim is ready to hand the reins to someone else now, but is going to continue on the team, so you will still see him at the door regularly and can add your “thanks” for his many years of dedication.

If you are interested in joining the ushering team, please contact Ed Armstrong, Dick Spencer, Clint Hall, or Jim. Spots are available for both the traditional and contemporary services.

Would You Like to Be a PEW?

Or maybe participate in a PEW? PEW stands for Prayer, Evangelism and Walking, and is one of the ways we can get the word out to the community about our new Contemporary Worship Service. Don't be nervous about the "E Word"; you won't have to witness (unless you want to!). We are having several thousand fliers printed with information about our worship offerings and the PEW groups will meet for prayer and then head out walking the neighborhoods to deliver the fliers to doorsteps. The target dates are August 28 - September 12. You can pick your own neighborhood if you like. This is a great way to enjoy some exercise with other Providence folks and do some evangelism at the same time!

Contact Kathy Hermann or Mary Rodgers for more information.


Another exciting year of LOGOS begins on Wednesday, October 1st with the theme “I Love Virginia”. Please visit the LOGOS table located in the Commons Area on Sundays to pick up information on the program and/or to register your child.

The cost for the year is: Child #1 $100; Child #2 $75; Child #3 $75

There is a discount for payment received by September 7, 2008: $10 for the first

child, $5 for each additional child enrolled. The fee includes study books, supplies and meals.

On September 14th, there is a mandatory meeting at 12:30 pm in the Parlor, for parents who have already signed up their youth or child(ren), or to register if you have not already done so. At this time we will also finalize our volunteer base. REMEMBER that LOGOS isn’t just for families with youth and

children; it is an intergenerational program for the whole congregation. There are many ways for adults to volunteer; see page 8 for our LOGOS Gift Inventory to get some ideas on how you can contribute your gifts for a successful program.

We hope to see you on the 14th! Any and all members and friends of the church – adults, children, youth, young adults, seniors, parents, grandparents – are encouraged to attend. If you have any questions, please contact Vicky Hayes Mary Rodgers.

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BIBLE STUDY Teach Bible Study Assist Bible Teacher Make teaching aids Substitute for Bible Teacher Bible story telling Guest speaker Other educational skills:

RECREATION Plan games and other fun activities Lead games and other fun activities Share a hobby (such as computers, sewing, kite-making) Share crafts Other special interests and gifts:

FAMILY TIME Plan family time schedule Be a Table Parent Decorate tables for meals Set tables for dinner Design themed placemats Plan menus and meals Help prepare meals Shop for food Help clean up / wash dishes after dinner Wash tablecloths Make desserts

WORSHIP SKILLS Lead children / youth in music Assist with music Organize / lead dramatic presentations Help with drama / responsive readings Sign language Dance Musical instruments (chimes, guitar, etc.) Make costumes / props Other special interests and gifts:

ORGANIZATION SKILLS Supervise early / late children Supervise preschoolers of volunteers Design / maintain LOGOS bulletin board Write notices for bulletin Write articles for Good News Take pictures Shop for snacks Manage finances Other organization skills:

SUPPORT SKILLS Pray for leaders Pray for specific children / youth Call specific child by name on Sunday Attend child’s/youth’s outside activity Talk about LOGOS to friends/neighbors Contribute financially to LOGOS fund Make phone calls Provide transportation to children Other support ideas:

Name: Address:

Phone: E-mail:


God has given you many gifts — use the following chart to help identify your special gifts that can be used in this nurturing ministry of our church! Mail this form to the church or leave it at the LOGOS table in the Commons Area.

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Well, it looks like our summer checklist is done, so it’s time to start thinking about the school year! Here’s your Beginning of the School Year Checklist: Turn in Medical Release Form Register for LOGOS Get on the e-mail list Go to Rally Day September 7 Go to first PYF September 14!! Easy as pie! In fact, all forms, registrations and sign-ups that you will need will be at Rally Day so you can check everything off at once!

Here are some dates to put on your calendar ahead of the curve: LOGOS Begins: October 1 Jr High Retreat: October 10-12 Sr High Retreat: October 24-26 Confirmation Retreat: January 9-11 Seven Springs Ski Trip: January 25-27 Youth Sunday: March 22 Sr High Juarez Spring Break: April 3-9

Things to do before school starts: Go to the pool Reroof a house Donate canned goods Ride roller coasters at Kings Dominion Feed the hungry Replace all the windows in a house Build benches for a summer reading program Act like Sponge Bob Replace a rotten back porch Hang out with preschoolers Meet new friends Sleep...a lot!

We’re looking forward to a FABULOUS new year with some fun new 7th graders and some exciting new leadership! But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, school hasn’t started just yet, so enjoy the rest of your summer and have fun looking at these summer pictures!

Mary Ellen

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There are two more Blood Drives at Providence scheduled for 2008. They will be held on the following Tuesdays from 2:30 — 7:30 pm: September 9 December 9

Sign-up for the September drive will be in the Commons Area through Sunday, September 7. Or you can contact Elden Wright. Providence has a long history of sup-porting the community with life-saving blood since 1990. We have provided more than 1,500 good units during this period. Please consider this worthwhile outreach.


CORRECTION: The Lydia Circle does indeed continue to use note cards and is grateful for your donations. Please look for a basket to be set out in the Commons Area in the very near future! Thank you!

BRING YOUR PENNIES … FOR PEACE On Rally Day, September 7, Providence launches a Pennies for Peace drive of One Year/One Million pennies collected! A penny in the United States is virtually worthless, but in Pakistan and Afghanistan a penny buys a pencil which can support an education and can transform a life. Pennies for Peace is a program of the Central Asia Institute founded by Greg Mortenson, author of “Three Cups of Tea”. The institute has been building schools and offering children hope for a better future since 1993. Please bring your pennies to Rally Day and look for the Pennies for

Peace display in the Commons Area. Thanks for supporting Pennies for Peace and for making a positive impact on a global scale — one penny at a time!

Dear congregation of PPC,

Thank you for all the many, many prayers that went heavenward asking God to help me through all the recent surgeries and recovery periods. Recovery has been slow this last go-around, but I know God is watching over me and my family. Thank you also for the beautiful flowers, many cards and visits. I hope to be almost completely recovered by September. God’s blessings be upon all of us.

Mrs. Mykell Brewer, Charles and Megan Brewer, and Jonna Love.

[from an e-mail forwarded by Chris and Laurel Becker]

I got a lovely card today from your church group. Thanks so much for letting them know that I am out here. It means a lot to get a note like that, just to feel some support from home, especially after not being able to get any mail delivered out here for over two weeks!

Shoshana Chatfield

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It’s 4:00 on a Sunday afternoon at Providence. Our Korean Presbyterian brothers and sisters have completed their worship and fellowship. In a few moments, the Music and Arts Committee and its legion of helpers will transform this tranquil setting into a whirlwind of activity.

Suddenly it begins. Furniture is arranged for the reception. Supplies are carried in. Risers are retrieved from storage. Flowers are artfully placed. Audio-visual equipment is tested. Ticket sales and Will-Call tables are set up. Performer dressing rooms are readied. Ushers and ticket-takers are organized. The back gate is unlocked, and … Whew! Thus begins the carefully orchestrated chaos that presages a typical Music and Arts at Providence presentation.

Concerts are rather ordinary fare, especially in the Washington area, so why is this program special? First and foremost, it is our very own Providence Music and Arts series. Here we place on our own stage the finest musical talent available, Kennedy Center-class performances at Little River Turnpike prices, with FREE parking and exquisite "Meet The Artist" receptions.

What makes Music And Arts At Providence unique? Providence and her congregation MAKE it unique! The performers we have presented thus far all have requested return engagements. They revel in the graciousness of our audiences, praise the acoustics of our sanctuary, and are delightfully disarmed by the welcoming atmosphere that is the hallmark of our congregation. This is a venue most performers dream of finding, and the word is getting out. Other artists are calling and requesting play dates. The American Guild of Organists, local artists and ensembles, and performers from as far away as Sweden, Cuba and Slovenia wish to play at Providence.

How do we find such superb performers? The M&A Committee is blessed with music professionals who have been involved in music and the arts in the Washington area for many years and have established personal relationships with solo artists, and choral and instrumental groups throughout the country. These connections help us to know and select the best of the best, and committee members devote much personal time in securing these talented performers.

What else goes on behind the Music And Arts At Providence curtain? Typical committee meetings cover a wide range of issues, from design of brochures to signage, catering and traffic control. And of paramount importance is financial management. As our audiences have grown, so has our ability to support our performances with ticket sales, but we still aren’t fully self-sufficient. This is where you can help! To succeed in this undertaking, we must maximize ticket sales and attendance at each performance. To this end, we would ask that you support as many M&A events as you are able, spreading the word as well to friends and neighbors. Also consider an extra “Patron of the Arts” donation, details of which are provided in each Music and Arts concert playbill. This additional funding source also is vital to our success.

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Between September 7th and October 5th, the Men of the Church will be taking orders for the 2008 White House Christmas Ornament.

1-10 Ornaments $18.00 each 11-49 Ornaments $16.95 each 50+ Ornaments $16.00 each

Proceeds will benefit Church activities. Contact Peter McClintock with questions.

A final thought, but indeed, the most important of all: Why do we have such a program, and why is it important? It is because Music And Arts At Providence also serves as a unique Providence outreach initiative. Offering the cherished gifts of musical excellence, we welcome and invite lovers of music in our community to cross our threshold, to meet our wonderful congregation, to learn about our church and its mission, and perhaps to find at Providence the church home they may have been seeking. It is here where they, too, may “Sing unto the Lord a new song”.

Thank you for your support so far, Providence. And watch for details of our fabulous 2008 – 2009 Season! We’ll see you there!

MEN’S GROUP Meeting September 6th

The Men of the Church will begin its fall season with its monthly breakfast meeting on Saturday, September 6th at 8:00 – 9:30a.m. Besides fellowship at breakfast, we will conduct a short business meeting and discuss plans with Pastor Roger Shoup for the study portion of the meeting which follows breakfast. All the men of Providence are welcome.

For those who are not familiar with the MOC, we conduct fellowship, Christian education, and service activities. The group generally meets on the first Saturday of the month at 8:00a.m. for breakfast, immediately followed by a Christian education lesson and discussion. Breakfast costs $5 and excess proceeds go to the MOC treasury. Our past education activities have involved studying a particular book of the Bible, or reading and discussing a relevant book on Christianity.

The Men of the Church participate in various community service activities as well as an annual MOC Golf and Spiritual Retreat. In 2009 we will add a new theme Spiritual Retreat. The MOC pledged $25,000 toward the purchase of a gas powered generator, and conducts various fund-raising activities for that purpose. This year, we plan to: a) sell White House Christmas ornaments, b) conduct our Fall and Spring peanut sale, and c) sell oranges and grapefruit in the Spring, with all proceeds benefiting the church. We also sponsor the annual Easter brunch; participate in the Annandale Christian Community for Action (ACCA) furniture delivery program 5 or 6 times a year; and participate in church’s general clean-up and maintenance activities. In past years, the MOC led five mission trips to Mississippi to help Presbyterian Disaster Assistance with Katrina recovery efforts. A Fall 2008 trip is being planned and these trips are opened to everyone at Providence.

The Men of the Church activities are open to all men. We cordially invite each of you to come to breakfast and join in the fellowship, education and Christian service activities.

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Ready … Pack … Go ---

Being Prepared for Local Emergencies:

In the event of a wide-spread emergency (weather-related; terrorism; pandemic flu; or other event) would you be prepared and able to take care of yourself? Your family? Members of your Church Family? Your neighbors?

Do you have a Home Emergency Kit? Do you have a Family Emergency Plan? Are you receiving information from the Community Emergency Alert Network? Do you know about the Medical Registry? The Social Registry?

If you did not answer “YES” to these questions, plan to attend the Preparedness Workshop at Providence on Sunday, September 21 at 3 pm. Experts from the Office of Emergency Management and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance will help answer these questions. Many of our own members will also help you. The Boy Scouts will show you what items to include in your Emergency Supply Kit.

Be ready for the unexpected! According to an American Red Cross survey, only about 40% of persons living in the U. S. are prepared for an emergency. Are you in the 40% … or the 60%???

September is Disaster Preparedness Month!


Thank you for helping…

Providence members and friends have provided $1,825 and the Mission Committee has matched these dollars. Church World Service will now be able to provide 73 clean up buckets for those who have recently experienced flooding in the mid-west and other parts of our country. We cannot be there personally to help with the clean up but Providence Buckets will be there as your helping hand.


“ADOPT-A-SPOT” Looking for a few good Men, Women & Children

The first impression visitors have of our church are the grounds. Have you taken a good look at the PPC grounds lately? The areas needing care, mulch and weeding has increased considerably due to the new construction. Currently, only a few members, with the occasional help of volunteers on work days, are struggling to keep up with the maintenance and there is no money in the budget to hire a ser-vice to take care of the job. So, we are looking for men, women, children, families, small groups or any other combination to “adopt a spot”.

The map located in the Commons, is numbered for various areas to be adopted. Your job will be to maintain your adopted space at you own pace on a time schedule that fits you. Please, look the prop-erty plan over, select an area that you will take responsibility for and sign up. Please contact Bertha McClintock with the area you would like to adopt.

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Providence Presbyterian Church 9019 Little River Turnpike

Fairfax, VA 22031 703-978-3934 Office

703-978-4306 Fax


Interim Pastor: Roger Shoup Associate Pastor: Mary E. Rodgers

Director of Youth Ministries: Mary Ellen Moss Children’s Ministry Coordinator:

Holly Marcario Director of Music: Terry Stoneberg

Organist: Jane Kaye Music Leader & Technology Coordinator:

Rick Thiele Providence Singers: Gene Kaye

Business Administrator: Joe Moss Executive Secretary: Kathy Knorr

Sexton: Richard Mudd Good News Editor: Kathy Knorr

Providence Presbyterian Church 9019 Little River Turnpike Fairfax, VA 22031 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED

Non Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Merrifield, VA Permit No. 6284

September 2008

WORSHIP Sunday, September 7

Worship, 10:00 am Rally Day events, 11:00 am

(includes a light brunch)

Beginning Sunday, September 14 Traditional Worship, 8:45

Christian Education for All Ages, 10:00 am Traditional Worship, 11:15 am Contemporary Service, 11:15

Monday, September 1

Office closed for Labor Day

Contemplative Prayer Monday, September 15, 7:30 pm