Good Morning! Find your seat and take out your homework.

Good Morning! Good Morning! Find your seat and Find your seat and take out your take out your homework. homework.

Transcript of Good Morning! Find your seat and take out your homework.

Good Morning!Good Morning!Find your seat and take Find your seat and take

out your homework.out your homework.

The French and The French and Indian War Indian War

GPS: Students will analyze the role of Georgia in GPS: Students will analyze the role of Georgia in the American Revolutionthe American Revolution

Essential Question: What events during this era led Essential Question: What events during this era led to Georgia and the other colonist declaring their to Georgia and the other colonist declaring their

independence from England? independence from England?

Homework ReviewHomework Review1.1. The French and Indian War was part of what worldwide The French and Indian War was part of what worldwide

conflict? conflict?

Seven Years WarSeven Years War

2.2. The Treaty of Paris ended the Seven Years War. How The Treaty of Paris ended the Seven Years War. How did the Treaty affect British land claims? did the Treaty affect British land claims?

The treaty increased British land claims in North The treaty increased British land claims in North America. Britain took control of all French land east of America. Britain took control of all French land east of the Mississippi River and Spanish Florida.the Mississippi River and Spanish Florida.

3.3. What was the purpose of the Proclamation of 1763?What was the purpose of the Proclamation of 1763?

To avoid conflict with Native Americans who To avoid conflict with Native Americans who lived west of the Appalachian Mountains.lived west of the Appalachian Mountains.

Homework ReviewHomework Review

4.4. How did Georgia change shape after the How did Georgia change shape after the French and Indian War?French and Indian War?

Georgia’s western border was moved inland Georgia’s western border was moved inland from California to the Mississippi River. Georgia’s from California to the Mississippi River. Georgia’s southern border was extended from the Altamaha River southern border was extended from the Altamaha River to St. Mary’s River. to St. Mary’s River.

5.5. Why was the Ohio River Valley important to Why was the Ohio River Valley important to the French and English Governments? the French and English Governments?

The Ohio River Valley had fertile soil The Ohio River Valley had fertile soil which was good for farming.which was good for farming.

Homework ReviewHomework Review

6.6. Who was upset by the Proclamation of 1763 Who was upset by the Proclamation of 1763 and why?and why?

The colonists were upset by the Proclamation The colonists were upset by the Proclamation of 1763, they wanted to settle in the fertile of 1763, they wanted to settle in the fertile Ohio River Valley.Ohio River Valley.

War Breaks OutWar Breaks OutFrance, Britain, and Colonial America

England, France each have Native American allies

Europeans and natives get involved in each other’s wars

In 1700s, two French-English wars had spread to colonies

French and Indian War Beginning in 1754 British, French fight small battles

over territory Called French and Indian War by British

-part of larger French-English “Seven Years’ War”


-Native American allies fight for French Spain sides with France, but Britain wins War mostly fought in North; Georgia calm,

prosperous, during war

The War EndsThe War Ends

Treaty of Paris ends Seven Years’ War (French and Indian War)

Britain claims all land east of Mississippi River France gives Spain land west of Mississippi, New

Orleans England trades Cuba, Philippines to Spain for

Florida Treaty ends French power in North America

Do you think that England made a smart move in trading Cuba and Philippines for Do you think that England made a smart move in trading Cuba and Philippines for Florida? Why?Florida? Why?

Before the Treaty of Paris 1763

After the Treaty of Paris 1763

OverviewOverview GA is still a royal colonyGA is still a royal colony French and English fighting in Europe (French and English fighting in Europe (Seven Years WarSeven Years War) )

and colonies (and colonies (French and Indian WarFrench and Indian War)) Both had Indian alliesBoth had Indian allies Fought mostly in the northern coloniesFought mostly in the northern colonies Ends with the Ends with the Treaty of ParisTreaty of Paris Proclamation of 1763Proclamation of 1763 passed to keep colonist from trying passed to keep colonist from trying

to settle west of the Appalachian Mts. (cost English to settle west of the Appalachian Mts. (cost English money to send troops to protect them)money to send troops to protect them)

Colonist ignored it.Colonist ignored it. GA ‘s size increased with new land gained in warGA ‘s size increased with new land gained in war The The Treaty of AugustaTreaty of Augusta with the Creek Indians tripled the with the Creek Indians tripled the

size of GA.size of GA.

The Proclamation of 1763The Proclamation of 1763 Great Britain faces large war debt; feels colonies

should help pay Colonists settle new land; natives attack, settlers fight

back New territory hard and expensive for England to defend Proclamation of 1763 bans settlements west of

Appalachians Colonists believe they have right to settle west; ignore

ban English cannot enforce Proclamation or taxes on colonists Why do you think the new territory is difficult for England to defend? What do you

think led to England’s loss of control on the colonists? Is it fair that England should expect the colonists to pay for the debt? Why?

Proclamation Line of 1763

Georgia Changes ShapeGeorgia Changes Shape Georgia is youngest, smallest colony, founded by

nonprofit group While other colonies are more able to function

independently from England, Georgia is still

in need of England.

Trade, Taxes and TroopsTrade, Taxes and Troops Facing war debt, Britain tries to raise money

within colonies England creates multiple “acts” (laws) that tax

the colonist Colonists angry, ignore many of these laws; feel

punished by Britain Acts of Trade- tax on trading Sugar Act- tax on foreign molasses (sugar


Trade, Taxes and Troops (cont.)Trade, Taxes and Troops (cont.) Britain sends troops to enforce laws, keep peace with

Native allies Quartering Act- forces colonies to house, feed,

equip soldiers Stamp Act *- a tax all legal, commercial documents Declatory Act-asserts England’s complete control

over colonies Townshend Acts-tax imported goods such as tea,

paper, paint Intolerable Acts*- In response to the Boston Tea


QuizQuiz1.1. What was the name given to the Seven Years War in the What was the name given to the Seven Years War in the

colonies?colonies?2.2. What treaty ended the war?What treaty ended the war?3. England trades Cuba & Philippines to Spain for________4.4. The Proclamation of 1763 forbade colonist from settling The Proclamation of 1763 forbade colonist from settling

west of these.west of these.5.5. This treaty with the Creek Indians triples the size of GA.This treaty with the Creek Indians triples the size of GA.6.6. This Act placed a tax on tea, paper, and paint.This Act placed a tax on tea, paper, and paint.7.7. This Act placed a tax on foreign molasses.This Act placed a tax on foreign molasses.8.8. This Act placed a tax on all legal documents.This Act placed a tax on all legal documents.9.9. This Act declared that England was sovereign.This Act declared that England was sovereign.10.10. This act forced the colonist to house and care for the This act forced the colonist to house and care for the

British soldiers.British soldiers.

The Stamp Act*The Stamp Act* Stamp Act affects almost everyone

-all legal, commercial documents must carry stamp showing tax paid

Colonists object to taxes without having representation in Parliament-“Taxation without representation is tyranny,” they shout-Stamp Act Congress, 1765, nine colonies send delegates to New York-declare Stamp Act illegal, ask King George to repeal

The Stamp Act in GeorgiaThe Stamp Act in Georgia Governor Wright supports England no delegates sent to Stamp Act Congress Georgia only colony to buy a few stamps; Fearing threats to destroy stamps; Wright moves

them to Fort George Parliament fears revolt, repeals Stamp Act in 1766 But passes the Declatory Act asserting complete

control over colonies

Colonist ReactionsColonist Reactions

Sons of Liberty pressure merchants to not sell imported items

Daughters of Liberty rally colonists to use and weave own cloth

Colonists boycott British goods, Georgia imports from other partners

Colonist Reactions (cont.)Colonist Reactions (cont.)

Concerned Georgians suggest pledge to decrease dependence and boycott merchants who don’t sign pledge

Actions do not force Britain to decrease taxes;

conflict escalates

The Boston MassacreThe Boston Massacre

March 5, 1770—crowd and soldiers argue, 50 surround one soldier in Boston

-fire into crowd, five colonists killed

-Sons of Liberty call event “Boston Massacre;” widely publicized

British try soldiers for murder, remove troops from Boston

Why were British soldiers in Boston? What Act made colonists take care of them?

Committees of CorrespondenceCommittees of Correspondence Parliament repeals tax acts; keeps tea tax in place

to show power Committees of Correspondence spread news in


Why is a committee of correspondence better than typing information in a newspaper?

Aiding the British East India Company

Colonists drink smuggled Dutch tea to protest Townshend Act

British East India Tea Company almost bankrupt as result

1773 Tea Act gives British company control of American tea trade

Angry Colonists React

Sons of Liberty organize Boston Tea Party, December 16, 1773

-men disguised as Mohawk Indians dump 342 tea chests into harbor

Charleston—tea unloaded, left on docks; later sold to fund Revolution

Parliament wants to punish Massachusetts, warn other colonies

Parliament Punishes Massachusetts Coercive Acts pass in 1774; named Intolerable

Acts* by colonists1- closes Boston Harbor until tea paid for2- committees of correspondence banned,

town meetings limited3- colonists required to feed, house troops in their homes

Gen. Thomas Gage new Massachusetts governor; enforces Quartering Act

Committees spread word, call for meeting of colonial representatives

Declaration of Resolves First Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia,

September 1774 All colonies but Georgia, Florida send delegates Continental Congress passes “Declaration of

Resolves” that state:

-colonist will boycott all British trade until Intolerable Acts repealed

-urge Massachusetts to form a government to collect, hold taxes

advise civilians in all colonies to form militias

Between Peace and War Most delegates not ready to declare independence

from Britain January 1775—petitions, Declaration of Resolves

reach Parliament Parliament sends tougher bill—allows trade only

with England Both sides are now past compromise

-Henry Ellis-Henry Ellis-land-land-Intolerable -Intolerable -Stamp-Stamp-Boston Massacre-Boston Massacre-James Wright-James Wright-Proclamation of 1763-Proclamation of 1763-Colonist Laws-Colonist Laws-Townshend-Townshend-Daughters of Liberty-Daughters of Liberty-Committees of -Committees of CorrespondenceCorrespondence-Boston Tea Party-Boston Tea Party-family issues-family issues-Sons of Liberty -Sons of Liberty

The Seven Years War was fought mostly over The Seven Years War was fought mostly over ____________.____________.

The ________________forbade the colonist The ________________forbade the colonist from crossing over the Appalachian Mts.from crossing over the Appalachian Mts.

The ________ Act taxed tea, paint and paper. The ________ Act taxed tea, paint and paper. The _____________ ask the merchantsThe _____________ ask the merchants

not to buy imported goods.not to buy imported goods. The_____________________The_____________________

occurred in reaction to the Tea Act.occurred in reaction to the Tea Act. Crispus Attucks was killed during the Crispus Attucks was killed during the

______________________.______________________. Under the ______________ Acts, the Boston Under the ______________ Acts, the Boston

Harbor was closed.Harbor was closed. _________________was the Governor of GA _________________was the Governor of GA

during the Acts of Trade.during the Acts of Trade.

Support for Independence Begins Locally -Georgians divided on supporting Continental

Congress Support grows in parishes; most Darien Scots strong

supporters Provincial Congress held during 1775 Georgia

Assembly Provincial congress selects delegates to Continental

Congress Wright adjourns Assembly before it can approve


Warning Lexington and Concord General Gage learns Massachusetts militia has

arms in Concord John Hancock, Samuel Adams in nearby

Lexington Gage sends 700 troops to arrest Hancock, Adams;

destroy weapons Paul Revere’s lantern signals alert colonists on

troop movements Revere, William Dawes ride to Lexington to warn

citizens Both stopped in Lexington; Samuel Prescott

carries news to Concord

First Battles of American Revolution British reach Lexington at dawn, April 19, find

militia waiting Militia refuses order to drop muskets, 8 killed in

fighting British march to Concord, burn courthouse, destroy

weapons Fighting at North Bridge drives British back,

reinforcements arrive Battles at Lexington and Concord are first of

American Revolution

“The Shot Heard Round the World” Battle at Concord changes life in colonies Colonists must decide if they are Loyalists or


-Loyalists—remain loyal to Britain, also called Tories

-Patriots—rebel against Britain, also called Whigs

Mixed Feelings on Independence Georgians are divided over loyalty to Britain

-colony doing well with British assistance

-hate British taxes, want more colonial representation

Loyalists: Germans at Ebenezer, older Georgians, recent immigrants

Patriots: St. John’s Parish, Scots in Darien, Jews in Savannah

Conflict divides communities, families, friends

Quiz (chapter 6)Quiz (chapter 6)

1.1. The Seven Years War was called the ______ The Seven Years War was called the ______ and _____ War in the colonies.and _____ War in the colonies.

2.2. The __________ __ ____ forbid the colonist The __________ __ ____ forbid the colonist from settling west of the Appalachian Mts.from settling west of the Appalachian Mts.

3.3. All the Acts were placed upon the colonist to All the Acts were placed upon the colonist to raise taxes to repay what?raise taxes to repay what?

4.4. The first Act that affect all the colonist was the The first Act that affect all the colonist was the ______ Act.______ Act.

5.5. The _____ Act was passed to protect a British The _____ Act was passed to protect a British company from going from going bankrupt.

Quiz Chapter 6Quiz Chapter 66.6. The British passed the ________ Acts in response to The British passed the ________ Acts in response to

the Boston Tea Party.the Boston Tea Party.7.7. The Sons of Liberty wanted the colonist to ________ The Sons of Liberty wanted the colonist to ________

imported goods.imported goods.8.8. The ________ _______ occurred because British The ________ _______ occurred because British

troops feared for the life of one of their soldiers.troops feared for the life of one of their soldiers.9.9. People who remained loyal to Britain were called People who remained loyal to Britain were called

_______._______.10.10. One of the requirements of the Intolerable Acts One of the requirements of the Intolerable Acts

involved the closing the ______until the cost of the involved the closing the ______until the cost of the Tea was repaid.Tea was repaid.

Quiz chapter 6Quiz chapter 6

11.11. The first battles of the American Revolution The first battles of the American Revolution occurred in _______ and ______ Mass.occurred in _______ and ______ Mass.

12.12. (True or False) Georgia acted primarily as a (True or False) Georgia acted primarily as a Loyalist colony before the American Loyalist colony before the American Revolution.Revolution.

13.13. What Act forced the colonist to house and What Act forced the colonist to house and feed the British soldiers.feed the British soldiers.

14.14. People who supported the colonist over the People who supported the colonist over the British were referred to as _______.British were referred to as _______.